Author Topic: Sales Bore | Media Create And Other Sale Numbers |OT|  (Read 1202475 times)

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cool breeze

  • Senior Member
Hopefully Retro is now working on a first person Zelda.


They should either do something new (finally), or DKCR3.

3D Kirby platformer

or Kirby's Air Ride 2: This time it takes 120 hours to get good


  • Senior Member

SMT4 did well for itself and it came out in summer. The time period doesn't matter. The jrpg fanbase just wants quality jrpgs; we are starved.

What did SMT4 do?


  • Senior Member
Hopefully Retro is now working on a first person Zelda.


They should either do something new (finally), or DKCR3.

Retro won't do anything new because Wii U is losing money and Nintendo needs safe - yet new - bets that will pay off. Not really sell gangbusters - because Wii U won't - but something to cause some interest. First person Zelda by Retro would be a great place to start.


  • Senior Member
check new post
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 09:32:18 PM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


  • Senior Member
I can't think of every fairly successful new JRPG IP off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure Bravely Default is the best opening month NPD for a new IP in that genre since Kingdom Hearts 1.

Check these games' numbers for me:

Infinite Undiscovery
White Knight Chronicles
Baten Kaitos
Resonance of Fate
The Last Remnant
The World Ends With You


  • Senior Member
no, i want a vanilla shake

don't spit in it


  • Senior Member
I doubt they'll be doing another DKCR again for a while after these sales.  Not their fault, mind you, but this was a fledgling series, so getting shit sales on the second installment is probably enough for Nintendo to write it off for a while.  I also can't see them commissioning another Metroid game, though.  Who knows where they go from here?  That question applies to Nintendo about as well as poor ol' Retro.

I could see them doing F-Zero. The series kind of demands high production values after GX and Retro is just about the only dev I imagine up to the task.

Although it'd be funny to see Retro's take on Star Fox, considering that's where Rare went after DK too.


  • Senior Member
:lol nintendo is never making another F-zero again!

Let's make an avatar bet.


  • Senior Member
That's kind of a silly thing to say.  A relatively low-budget, handheld, new JRPG IP selling 200k is in no sales terms the same thing as a mid-budget, console, established IP that's following a multi-million seller selling 130k.  I mean, even cutting the fluff, there's a big difference sales-wise between 200k+ and 130k.  I can conjure up a hundred scenarios where a game of BD's description is a success while a game of DKR2's description is a bomb.  That one of those scenarios happens to be reality only sweetens the pot.

Eh, DKCR was on the wii and 3ds.  I dotn think that DKCR was ever a system seller either.  So doing 130k out of like 5 million in the first month in the US is the same as doing 5 mill LTD across like 100 million worldwide.   200k on the 3ds which is at what 40 million?  Seems neither a success or failure.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 09:48:41 PM by Damian79 »


  • Senior Member
i don't have time to search for release dates and then look up each of their opening months, so here's what you get:

infinite undiscovery LTD: ~150k
white knight chronicles first month: ~90k
baten kaitos first month: ~20k
xenoblade first month: i don't have exact data on this, but i know it was under 100k first month and probably closer to 50k.
resonance of fate first month: ~25k
the last remnant LTD: ~150k
TWEWY LTD: ~200k

Those are pretty good. I'm curious about Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey but Bravely has outsold the most common jrpg Ltd (200k) in its first month. I imagine it having an Ltd of 300-400k. Which is great for a jrpg.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
Cracking the top 10 NPD is a bomba now? Huh.

Cracking the top 10 of NPD doesn't mean shit anymore.

I still need more convincing BD is bomba.

BD is not a bomba. It sold what jrpgs usually sell the first month. However, cracking the top 10 doesn't mean you sold WELL. Software sales are down. Recently iirc, a game that sold 50k made it to the top 10, Andrex.

Ah, I don't really keep up with NPDs anymore. What game was that?

Seems like February is the time to release Japanesey RPGesey games on 3DS. Last year I (and I presume most others) picked up FE because it was a solid handheld title with nothing surrounding it. I think timing has a ton to do with BD's success.

Makes sense, long ass single player RPGs are good for the dead of winter, and this year's winter has been particularly bad.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
Final Fantasy games are better than ever, its not Square's fault that FF "spergtards" (or whatever nomenclature this board is obsessed with) are stubborn manbabies with no function for progressive thought.



  • Senior Member
Final Fantasy games are better than ever, its not Square's fault that FF "spergtards" (or whatever nomenclature this board is obsessed with) are stubborn manbabies with no function for progressive thought.



Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
My :hans1 guess: based off of the success of Wind Waker HD, Retro will be used for HD remakes of Gamecube and Wii games.  They will also be available on hand when Nintendo wants to get a HD game out in time.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
those RoF and BK figures  :tocry


  • QUIT
  • Ebola Carrier
if i dont like uguu  save the princess rpgs would i like bravely default

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
Yeah, what sells is what sells I guess :tocry


  • Senior Member
Final Fantasy games are better than ever, its not Square's fault that FF "spergtards" (or whatever nomenclature this board is obsessed with) are stubborn manbabies with no function for progressive thought.



  • Senior Member
those RoF and BK figures  :tocry
Yep it's a shame. RoF was a pretty good game. One of the best jrpgs recently. Such a shitty fandom. For being so "starved" they sure do ignore pretty much every console game.

if i dont like uguu  save the princess rpgs would i like bravely default
Nope, don't believe the hype. Besides while she's not uguu cute, the princess character in the game is the most annoying character in the game.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 10:04:04 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • QUIT
  • Ebola Carrier
if i dont like uguu  save the princess rpgs would i like bravely default

probably not.  it's not a sony (tm).

i played 360 the most last gen :huh

i still need to play inazuma elenven that ib ought a while ago


  • Senior Member
Hmm.  I guess we are looking at this differently.  I mean to me SSBM in the GCN in Japan was phenomenal sales wise.  It almost reached parity with the console itself there at its peak.  NoA is please with the sales it seems:
Wii U software sales were driven by the Feb. 21 launch of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, which sold more than 130,000 combined physical and digital units in its first eight days on the market. This helped sales of Wii U hardware increase by nearly 25 percent over the same month last year.

Profit wise however, yes you are right though.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
like, real talk, stubborn fanbases can be a pain in the ass, but i can't say square wouldn't have been more successful building *new* brands with the ideas they've used in the last bunch of FF games while taking a slightly more conservative approach for named/numbered sequels.  not saying they should remake FF7 or make another sequel to it, but maybe sit down and figure out why the general public loved ff7-10 and serve that group with your numbered FF games.  square could have easily made a successful new IP with the ideas they put into FF13's games.

Completely agree


  • Senior Member
those RoF and BK figures  :tocry
Yep it's a shame. RoF was a pretty good game. One of the best jrpgs recently. Such a shitty fandom. For being so "starved" they sure do ignore pretty much every console game.

if i dont like uguu  save the princess rpgs would i like bravely default
Nope, don't believe the hype. Besides while she's not uguu cute, the princess character in the game is the most annoying character in the game.

RoF came out like 5 years ago and jrpgs were far more common. Why are you comparing a game made in 2009 (?) to the market in 2014? Do you realize how dumb that is?


  • Senior Member
Seriously your hateathon for handheld is hilarious.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
those RoF and BK figures  :tocry
Yep it's a shame. RoF was a pretty good game. One of the best jrpgs recently. Such a shitty fandom. For being so "starved" they sure do ignore pretty much every console game.

if i dont like uguu  save the princess rpgs would i like bravely default
Nope, don't believe the hype. Besides while she's not uguu cute, the princess character in the game is the most annoying character in the game.

I think the problem is the majority of "JRPG" fandom like FF and thats it. The amount of jrpg fans left has to be miniscule in reality, it probably just the messageboard echo chamber y'know


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
if i dont like uguu  save the princess rpgs would i like bravely default

If you quit after chapter 4 and also turn voices off you will.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
those RoF and BK figures  :tocry
Yep it's a shame. RoF was a pretty good game. One of the best jrpgs recently. Such a shitty fandom. For being so "starved" they sure do ignore pretty much every console game.

if i dont like uguu  save the princess rpgs would i like bravely default
Nope, don't believe the hype. Besides while she's not uguu cute, the princess character in the game is the most annoying character in the game.

I think the problem is the majority of "JRPG" fandom like FF and thats it. The amount of jrpg fans left has to be miniscule in reality, it probably just the messageboard echo chamber y'know

And the majority of RPG haters only hate because they don't know anything outside of FF.


  • Senior Member
Jrpg fans have always been small. FF does not a jrpg fan make. You can be an FF fan but that doesn't mean you play other jrpgs. We were just talking about how most successful jrpgs in the US sell around 200k or more. The genre has limited appeal and is incredibly niche and always has been. The only jrpgs cracking huge numbers are FF, KH, and Pokemon.


  • Senior Member
You mean a market that had Ni No Kuni, Tales of Xilla, Tales of Graces F, The Last Story, Xenoblade, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Dragon's Crown, All that Gust stuff, Final Fantasy XIV, Dark Souls, KH 1.5 and so on over the past 3 years.

A market that this year well get Tales of Shit(I mean Symphonia) HD, Xilla 2, A new Gust game , FFXHD, Lightning Returns, Persona 5(in Japan), Dark Souls 2 and so on.

If you weren't starved back then, how could you be starved now?

Oh it wouldn't be because like I said, jrpg fans just like to complain and ignore these games.


  • Senior Member
How many of those are actually good games, Rah? Tales of Vesperia is widely regarded as the best traditional jrpg of the last console Gen. A tales game. That should tell you everything.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
All of them?


  • Senior Member
Uh huh.

Wait, Rah thinks jrpg fans ignored stuff like Dark Souls and KH1.5?


  • Senior Member
You mean a market that had Ni No Kuni, Tales of Xilla, Tales of Graces F, The Last Story, Xenoblade, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Dragon's Crown, All that Gust stuff, Final Fantasy XIV, Dark Souls, KH 1.5 and so on over the past 3 years.

A market that this year well get Tales of Shit(I mean Symphonia) HD, Xilla 2, A new Gust game , FFXHD, Lightning Returns, Persona 5(in Japan), Dark Souls 2 and so on.

If you weren't starved back then, how could you be starved now?

Oh it wouldn't be because like I said, jrpg fans just like to complain and ignore these games.

I only liked Last Story Xenoblade and will probably like Dark Soul 2 out of that list.


  • Senior Member
There's a reason I didn't list NIS games, because I don't care for them.

People like the GUST jrpgs so I'll just leave it at that.

People like Tales of Symphionia. I don't, but that's me.

People love Souls.

So yes basically every game I listed is arguably good. If you played them you'd know that.

But you'd rather complain and "boycott" Lightning Returns then actually play it and not be "starved".
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 10:18:30 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • Senior Member
Almost all the jrpgs I've bought in recent years have been on handheld. Almost all the console jrpgs now are uguu shit. Even FF is uguu shit and I WANT LR.


  • Senior Member
I'm not boycotting LR at all. :lol I'm waiting for a price drop. :lol


  • Senior Member
jrpgs I bought in the last year: EO4, Fire Emblem 3ds, MH3U, SMT4, Bravely Deault.

No time for uguu shit.

I will play an Atelier game when I'm dead.

And yes, Demi is the best jrpg fan ever.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
the issue seems to be that the audience that buys JRPGs isn't a homogenous unit.  i would say the types of people buying stuff like bravely default, smt4, and etrian odyssey are a very, very different audience from the people buying disgaea, atelier lolita, and curry god, and all of them are very different from the people buying FF games.  i look at like, rahx, magoose, himu, myself, scene, and tiesto, and in spite of all of us ostensibly being JRPG fans, i don't think you could get us to agree on any of them.

real talk: the truest jrpg fan around here is demi, because he plays it all and keeps his bitching to a minimum.  demi :bow2

I'd play SMT4 if it came to the Vita or Nintendo finally got their heads out of their asses and made a unified account system. :tocry I'd even try EO.

I play between the two:

FF1-12 (skipping 11 and haven't completed 9, my secret shame)
Disgaea 1-3 (waiting on 4's portable port and the same for D2)
Demon/Dark Souls/2/Kings Field
Need to get into Xenoblade
Need to play Front Missions

My major problem with the genre now a days is the amount of battles needed to get decent experience for your characters/random battles. Some JRPGs fix this by giving higher exp rates for the sake of lesser battles (good), some dumb down the battles but make the grind worse (terrible). That and I don't really have the time for most of them anymore. I think I'd rather shootbang than grind after work.  :'(
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 10:30:31 PM by thisismyusername »


  • Senior Member
Almost all the jrpgs I've bought in recent years have been on handheld. Almost all the console jrpgs now are uguu shit. Even FF is uguu shit and I WANT LR.

TBH i think they think that is what sells.  I mean look at the uguu shit that is conception 2.  Why cant we have mature rpg games that has children at some point which grow up and end the game ala Phantasy Star(i think thats the game)?.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 10:28:56 PM by Damian79 »


  • Senior Member
Disgaea :yuck
Nippon Ichi :kobeyuck
Gust :kobeyuck
Tales (for the most part) :beli


  • Senior Member
I mentioned plenty of jrpgs that are'nt uggu shit. (Not sure how FF is uguu shit)

Then you say almost all console jrpgs are uguu shit, proving that you haven't played them. You're the one choosing to be "starved" here not me.

I'm not boycotting LR at all. :lol I'm waiting for a price drop. :lol
Oh my mistake, you wanted to send a message by not buying it at full price or used. Yeah I'm sure that will mean something.

How many of those are actually good games, Rah? Tales of Vesperia is widely regarded as the best traditional jrpg of the last console Gen. A tales game. That should tell you everything.
It tells me they made a good Tales game. Oh no.

What is it supposed to tell me? that FF has fallen because it's not seen as the best one? The people who argue about this crap hardly ever put FF as the top JRPG anyway so why would that matter.

Seriously your hateathon for handheld is hilarious.
Nope, just Nintendo one's because they are awful.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 10:49:37 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Disgaea :yuck

:yeshrug I like the grind treadmill, I come for Diablo and lootwhore RPGs like that!

(Disgaea 1's cast is still the best)

And yes I am contradicting myself there.  Disgaea's "grind" is a part of the time and raising characters in power-leveling and reincarnation/systems that support that grind. JRPG's random battles/grind in general for most games that don't make the grind a system of improvement with power-leveling is my major problem with JRPGs.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 10:32:15 PM by thisismyusername »


  • Senior Member
Um you completed FF:LR right?  You have seen the ending right?  May aswell have been a Naruto episode.


  • Senior Member
Jesus Rah. Why are you so angry about fucking video games? :lol

FF13LR is uguu as fuck dude.

Have you seen that intro, where it has Sara wearing goth loli gear and she has this evil laugh and shit as magic explodes and the game takes itself seriously while all of this is happening? :lol

As for sending a message. Yeah, I did. :yeshrug It sold 150k in its first month, mission accomplished. Now I'll buy it used when it hits 30 dollah.


  • Senior Member
Hahahaha and FF13 has all this terminology and shit and it's like :what And then the games ending :rofl :heh :sabu



  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
the issue seems to be that the audience that buys JRPGs isn't a homogenous unit.  i would say the types of people buying stuff like bravely default, smt4, and etrian odyssey are a very, very different audience from the people buying disgaea, atelier lolita, and curry god, and all of them are very different from the people buying FF games.  i look at like, rahx, magoose, himu, myself, scene, and tiesto, and in spite of all of us ostensibly being JRPG fans, i don't think you could get us to agree on any of them.

real talk: the truest jrpg fan around here is demi, because he plays it all and keeps his bitching to a minimum.  demi :bow2

I actually own all of the games mentioned above :P Yes, even the Curry God game... but that is because I love Indian food even more than I do the :uguu


  • Senior Member


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
I think its great that BD and LR charted. Even if they werent mega blockbusters.


  • Senior Member
Jesus Rah. Why are you so angry about fucking video games? :lol
I'm not sure how this is me bing angry. I've been laughing at how you've just been proving everything I said.

Have you seen that intro, where it has Sara wearing goth loli gear and she has this evil laugh and shit as magic explodes and the game takes itself seriously while all of this is happening? :lol
You mean this scene is in a series where a dude has a space alien for a mother and is mad because people didn't like her and wants to summon a giant space rock to kill everybody and a flower girl uses the Earth's life force to stop it?

Or the series with evil time watches and lapses of orphanage memories.

Or the one where a dead city has it's citizens keep dreaming and then elements of thier dreams come to life.

or the series with moon people.

You're supposed to take all these seriously.

FF is dumb. It's always been dumb. That doesn't make it uguu. It's not a idea factory game.


  • Junior Member
It's true, never really ever thought there was a general RPG fanbase until I started noticing certain names repeat in different threads, it's pretty fractured when you think about it. I do think there are people who become fans of companies though. Like a whole bunch of people who would basically buy anything Squaresoft put out, which was a real wide variety of stuff if you look back, but nothing else (this was me). I only ever needed to look at RPGs from Square, Atlus and Nintendo (with a healthy respect for Sega RPGs that I didn't have the systems for) until the big collapse last gen forced me out of my comfort zone. Any "RPG fanbase" that exists nowadays probably wouldn't be able to agree on much.

Also can someone explain why Etrian Odyssey isn't uguu cuz I would actually play those games if it wasn't for the questionable art.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
if i dont like uguu  save the princess rpgs would i like bravely default

Yes. Lots of thick white women to look at.


  • Senior Member
To be fair, most FF's have text and no voice acting. It's the voice acting and direction that makes 13 series uguu. The ones pre-X leave a lot more to the imagination.


  • Senior Member
It's true, never really ever thought there was a general RPG fanbase until I started noticing certain names repeat in different threads, it's pretty fractured when you think about it. I do think there are people who become fans of companies though. Like a whole bunch of people who would basically buy anything Squaresoft put out, which was a real wide variety of stuff if you look back, but nothing else (this was me). I only ever needed to look at RPGs from Square, Atlus and Nintendo (with a healthy respect for Sega RPGs that I didn't have the systems for) until the big collapse last gen forced me out of my comfort zone. Any "RPG fanbase" that exists nowadays probably wouldn't be able to agree on much.

Also can someone explain why Etrian Odyssey isn't uguu cuz I would actually play those games if it wasn't for the questionable art.

Being cute isn't uguu in itself. I just think the art in those games are cute. Plus, you don't actually SEE the characters and you certainly don't interact with them. It's entirely first person and has a gameplay focus, which is totally different than say, a Gust game, where it makes the story the central focal point.

Trent Dole

  • the sharpest tool in the shed
  • Senior Member
If you like Japanese gaming, you should probably focus on the platform most Japanese developers are: mobile


spoiler (click to show/hide)
Yeah I'ma get me a 3DS and Vita someday maybe. :tocry


  • Senior Member
Jesus Rah. Why are you so angry about fucking video games? :lol
I'm not sure how this is me bing angry. I've been laughing at how you've just been proving everything I said.

Really? You seem pretty mad to me that not everyone likes or plays the same games you do. :umad


  • Senior Member
neogaf ps4 stans are unbearable acting as though infamous and mgs prologue cancel out titanfall


  • Senior Member
Jesus Rah. Why are you so angry about fucking video games? :lol
I'm not sure how this is me bing angry. I've been laughing at how you've just been proving everything I said.

Really? You seem pretty mad to me that not everyone likes or plays the same games you do. :umad
Well I guess this ignorance is what also allowed you to miss the fact that there were plenty of jrpgs out there and you didn't have to be starved.


  • Senior Member
It isn't ignorance. I know exactly what's out there. I'm so sorry not everyone wants to spend 50 dollars on a fucking Vanillaware beat em up (and I love beat em ups), Gust games, Tales games that AREN'T as good as Vesperia, and more FF13 drek. I bought Dark Souls, I'm getting Dark Souls 2 albeit on pc. This isn't about ignorance. This is about me have far more select taste you. I don't buy everything; I never have bought everything. I buy what I like and I've supported every single bit of the jrpgs that hit that I do like. I even bought Dragon Quest Vi and Radiant Historia when my ds broke and I was ds-less! You can check your mollycoddling tone at the door.


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
  • Senior Member
Sony also used it's own metrics in a meeting with EA last week and showed them what they would have sold on the ps3 and ps4. The money EA took from MS doesn't even begin to cover it. The EA guys went over the math and agreed. EA is in full "We're so fucking sorry, Sony" mode currently."

lol mort


  • Junior Member
Being cute isn't uguu in itself. I just think the art in those games are cute. Plus, you don't actually SEE the characters and you certainly don't interact with them. It's entirely first person and has a gameplay focus, which is totally different than say, a Gust game, where it makes the story the central focal point.

I know, I wanna hear some Koshiro and make some maps but that dancer ...

Really glad Bravely Default is censored though! I'm still worried about the Tales shit but I'm gonna try hard to tune it out.

NPD thread says that BD had abnormally high digital sales that seems kinda weird.