Author Topic: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|  (Read 23461 times)

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Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #60 on: February 15, 2014, 12:36:32 AM »
PoE's combat feels decent, the problem is that it starts so shitty. They really need to do something about how players are introduced to the game. Your character starts out with low accuracy and a slow-as-fuck weapon, and naturally that colors the views of the game. Combat feels fine once you reach a certain point; while I understand and like the general idea of actually feeling your character slowly become badass, the low point is too low.

I wish combat was like D3, but at the same time when I'm playing my Dominating Blow Marauder, or destroying shit with my Scion...I rarely think "oh man I wish combat felt better."

My problem is with the hit boxes, I guess. It's real easy to mis-click, causing your character to move instead of attack; especially if it's a small enemy.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 12:42:48 AM by Phoenix Dark »


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #61 on: February 15, 2014, 12:49:53 AM »
Haven't had issues with mis-clicking, but rather with monsters becoming de-synced. It'd be nice if it were more obvious why you are not doing damage. Was the strike blocked or did I just miss? Is the monster even in range any more? Sound cues would be enough. A metallic clunck for blocking and a whiff for misssing.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 12:51:48 AM by Rufus »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #62 on: February 15, 2014, 01:10:25 AM »
Another frustrating thing is the presentation, in general. The map is ugly as fuck, the UI could be improved, and while I like the multiplayer bulletin board, I still think it could be greatly improved by allowing people to just jump into other people's games.

and of course the trading is so dumb.


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #63 on: February 15, 2014, 01:48:04 AM »
The minimap? Yeah. I wish it were more like D3's, where you fill it out entirely, not just the walls. Would be really helpful in maps especially. Underground Sea is one where it's really easy to "uncover" entire arms of the cave without actually stepping foot inside. You can't tell if you've been everywhere with the way it is now.

I'm going to try out trading for the first time in the next league. Not going to be haggling much, if at all. I just don't want to end up with another full stash of items I might need on another character, when I could just turn it into currency and then buy whatever. Which of course sounds a lot easier now than it's probably going to be.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2014, 01:50:23 AM by Rufus »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #64 on: March 08, 2014, 11:51:19 AM »

new patch notes

Good lord the Invasion league is crazy. There have always been areas of the early game in which there's a chance you die (the medicine box quest) but this ups the ante.

I also noticed the skill tree has been streamlined a bit. Nice.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #65 on: March 08, 2014, 12:58:16 PM »
I downloaded the patch, will have to give it a spin soon. Dunno if I should start all over again or just do the new content with my auld char.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #66 on: March 08, 2014, 01:34:43 PM »
I decided to delete my characters. Really lost interest in them after my main died in hardcore, plus I want to play around from the beginning again.

I created another Marauder. Cleave and Infernal Blow build so far, dunno what else I'll do. And I created a Scion as well, which will be a Spectral Throw build of some type. My previous Scion was fucking badass.


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #67 on: March 08, 2014, 03:17:29 PM »
The Invasion bosses can be really terrifying. And the are almost all counters to melee. Going Groundslam first might have been a bad idea... Might start up that Ranger early.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #68 on: March 08, 2014, 05:37:37 PM »
Yup. I barely survived against a giant bone dog that had regen health and made all mobs near him invulnerable.


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #69 on: March 08, 2014, 07:42:23 PM »
An he's one of the tamer ones! Wait till you run into the trap throwing sea witch or the beartrap archer or the swarm of camouflaged snakes... They are really scary. 

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #70 on: March 08, 2014, 11:19:29 PM »
Jesus christ the Corrupted areas... :whew

I've been playing this game since the first beta yet I've never gotten a character to map levels. I love these Corrupted areas as it gives me a taste of what's to come, but they're also kinda brutal brehs. Just barely did one with a group. The boss was some type of shadow ranger that put a heavy bleed dot on you; first group disbanded after a few tries. I went back with another group and killed him, but not before almost dying.

So many close calls today...


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #71 on: March 09, 2014, 12:03:33 PM »
If it's the same guy I'm thinking off then I met him in cruel. Tried to kill him and then noped out of there after he nearly killed me with rain of arrows a couple of times...

Maps can get even more difficult than corrupted areas if you alch them. :D


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #72 on: March 09, 2014, 06:26:17 PM »
Killed by Tentacled Miscreation boss. :shaq2

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #73 on: March 13, 2014, 05:50:15 PM »
Killed by Tentacled Miscreation boss. :shaq2

level? I didn't play yesterday because I just had this weird feeling I'd die. I can play most games when I'm tired, but I don't risk it in PoE.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #74 on: March 13, 2014, 06:11:25 PM »
It's not like there's cruddy hit detection and dsync just waiting to kill you or anything! :heh


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #75 on: March 14, 2014, 06:53:44 AM »
Network issues and bullshit burst damage are the only things that will kill you in D3 as well, so pack it. :pacspit It's the price of playing hardcore. :shaq2

ANYWAY, patch 1.1.1:
Substantially rebalanced Invasion bosses, including changing their abilities. Many of the more extreme ones are now easier and some of the weaker ones are harder. We've changed the behaviour of bosses that used to be able to kill you before you saw them. Some Corrupted Secret Area bosses were updated in this process also.
Too late for my character, but oh well...
Rest of the notes:

PD, I was 40-something in Cruel Sins 3, just before Piety.

Started a Lightning Arrrow Ranger after that and got her killed around 30 by stupidly looking at the passive tree thinking I was safe. Hear fireballs, closed the tree, panic, dead. Hadn't been using Chain yet, so I didn't lose anything valuable, but still...

I'm playing a Flameblast Templar now. The patch nerfed its damage somewhat (apparently the recent buff wasn't intended...). Gonna have a look later how it's changed. It's a fun skill, hope it's still strong enough. I'm close to a lot of damage node right now, so I might be fine either way.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #76 on: March 14, 2014, 01:06:17 PM »
Dunno what I want to do with my Marauder. Right now I'm using 1H Cleave/Infernal Blow, dunno what else I want to do. I spent so much time with the traditional 2H mace builds last year that I'm sick of that playstyle. I want to create a high dps/aoe tank. During the previous patch I had an Infernal Blow/multistrike build that was hilarious; seeing 5-10 enemies explode at a time :noah

My Scion is fun as hell and overpowered. 2H sword, Spectral Throw just decimates all mobs. Think I'll make her tanky but still with a 2H because right now she's rather squishy.


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #77 on: March 14, 2014, 02:25:56 PM »
Take Iron Reflexes and run Grace. It'll give you tons of armour. That's what I did with mine on Nemesis and it worked out great. Look at the Armour Evasion nodes near the Duelist start. There's a 24% node. It doesn't double dip the Evasion and Armour if you take IR, but it's still a big boost. You should be close anyway because of all the two-handed damage nodes.

Flameblast is still amazing. Really love that skill. I'm sure I'll kill myself on reflect eventually, if nothing else gets me first. It already hurts in cruel. Single mob, only stage 1 flameblast. Pretty sure I can already kill myself with it if I channeled to ten or attacked a big pack of small enemies with it. :whew
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 02:32:10 PM by Rufus »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #78 on: March 14, 2014, 10:26:26 PM »
welp lost my Marauder at lv17, in that last cave before the Act I boss. Invasion mob: some big ass frog that shot ice bolts, and when you get into melee range it starts emitting fire everywhere. I had it at like 20% but got cocky, figuring I could just dps it down instead of running back to heal. Bad idea.

And me being a dumbass I decided I'd experiment on the mob, so I had my Lightning Strike gem on me. fuck


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #79 on: March 14, 2014, 10:39:25 PM »
Melee sucks with these bosses. Except Spectral Throw, I guess, because it's semi-melee. The bosses do a lot of damage (less now, but still dangerous) and have a lot of HP on top of that. Worst are beartrap and flicker users. They can easily control the fight. 

At least you died early. You can make that up in less than an hour if you haul ass.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #80 on: March 14, 2014, 10:54:35 PM »
Yea it's no biggie. Not comparable to me losing my freezing pulse Templar on Dominus during the last patch.


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #81 on: March 15, 2014, 12:11:24 AM »
I lost a Mara to him last league as well. Thought I'd do the fight real quick and quit for the day, but then I got touched by god and that was that.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #82 on: March 15, 2014, 12:21:07 AM »
I died on his second phase during the blood rain shit. I knew what to expect but didn't get to my portal fast enough :tocry

definitely was my most fun character too. Wand n board


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #83 on: March 15, 2014, 12:38:55 AM »
A decoy totem turns that part into a joke. You'll fear the ads more than him, it's kinda funny. First form is much scarier.

Have you seen Atziri videos? Now that's a fight...  :holeup

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #84 on: March 17, 2014, 09:56:43 AM »
Lost my lv17 Scion yesterday to another bear trap motherfucker :lol

remade on, quickly beat Act I and found two legendary items. Definitely improved my armor this time with some lucky drops.

Also found a +14% quality Spectral Throw. I almost want to just put it in my stash just in case, but I haven't had any close calls so far. Getting a good, somewhat fast 2H weapon pretty much makes you unstoppable in the early game as a Scion.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #85 on: March 22, 2014, 01:59:59 PM »
Got LMP for my Scion last night. Getting closer and closer to dominance brehs




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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #86 on: March 22, 2014, 09:14:33 PM »
Are you going physical or elemental?

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #87 on: March 22, 2014, 11:59:06 PM »
Not sure yet. I'm heavily borrowing from this build


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #88 on: March 23, 2014, 12:13:05 AM »
Yeah, looks solid. I'm leveling a crit trap Shadow at the moment. I have to stop using FIretrap for now until I have enough crit and the right gems to actually do damage with it. LMP Freeze Pulse here I come!

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #89 on: March 29, 2014, 12:56:24 AM »

So yea, I decided to do this with my Marauder. Cyclone cost so way too much mana for me at my level so I had to get a Blood Magic gem; doesn't do a lot of dmg though since I don't have a great 1H weapon. Lv 26 so far, my armor/life are pretty damn good and nothing is really coming close to killing me.


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #90 on: March 29, 2014, 08:26:41 AM »
Spin to win.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #91 on: March 31, 2014, 02:35:27 PM »
Lost my Marauder a couple days ago being a dumbass, farming. I lost Cyclone, Life Gain on Hit, and Blood Magic but at least I was wearing farming gear. Honestly I didn't feel too bad. I'll try again later.

I decided to rebuild my favorite character from the previous patch: a wander n shield Templar. Found a great wand, got Power Siphon, and I'm bossing it up now. Just got LMP but I need better gear to use it.

Meanwhile my lv28 Scion is pretty damn op. Nothing gets close to me thanks to Spectral Throw+LMP. Gonna go with double strike+melee splash too; I got a nice unique pair of gloves, just need 1 damn fusing to set that up.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #92 on: July 31, 2014, 01:04:12 AM »
New expansion coming in about 3 weeks, for those of you who like playing a game where the first 10+ hours is boring and combat sucks, and the main draw is theorycrafting a build, but beware in case you fuck it up, because LIMITED RESPEC IS BADASS or whatever. HURR HURR I'M SO HARDCORE.

Seriously, I think this game is only for people who like catassing or have 8+ hours a day to devote to gaming. Whatever, I'll check this out eventually I guess.


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #93 on: July 31, 2014, 04:42:18 AM »
Thanks for the link.

You hate-boner for this game is getting mighty tiring though. :comeon


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #94 on: July 31, 2014, 08:23:22 AM »
The limited respec is a bit of a screw-up, tho... :yeshrug

I mean you have a FFX-like skill system and let people "explore" but you want them to devote hundreds of hours to builds that may not be viable and then go "LOL TOUGH?" :comeon

Human Snorenado

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #95 on: July 31, 2014, 10:29:34 AM »
I want to like this game. But please, explain how forcing someone to play through the beginning of the game repeatedly (when combat IS clunkier and worse, there's no denying that) is anything other than a sop to the "hardcore" wanker crowd like Kripp, who want games to be hard because it makes their e-peen bigger. I beg you, please someone explain this to me. Because you can't, because it's bullshit and retrograde game design.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #96 on: July 31, 2014, 12:10:21 PM »
I've been waiting for more crafting so the benches really excite me. The current crafting system is exclusively used by hardcore players; if you don't know the recipes you won't get shit. The benches will make it easier for people to gear up without having to use the trading system.

Also the Masters system+new quests in previous acts will breath much needed life into the game's flow. I think Act I is very well paced, but Act II starts a bit annoying before getting very good. I hate the beginning of Act III, mainly because I dislike the desert tile/look. It gets a lot better once you leave Sarn.

Overall this seems like the opposite of the Vaal expansion, which was VERY hardcore based. The entire point was a dungeon and boss that only the best players could defeat.


Cerveza mas fina

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #97 on: July 31, 2014, 12:32:50 PM »
Creepo has a point, replaying Diablo is fun because combat is cool withing minutes.

Thats why I have several chars.

I tried playing POE after finishing it once but uuuuughhh no thanks

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #98 on: July 31, 2014, 01:13:27 PM »
Changing attack speed would fix those early levels imo. I understand the focus on starting out weak before gaining a lot of power later on, but the game turns people off within minutes. That's not a good thing.

Scions, Shadows, and Rangers feel fine early. But when you're a Marauder or Witch with a slow ass weapon to start, you feel like a bum.

Once you get past the first levels and get a decent weapon the game opens up. But that's not good game design imo.


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #99 on: July 31, 2014, 02:03:37 PM »
The limited respec is a bit of a screw-up, tho... :yeshrug

I mean you have a FFX-like skill system and let people "explore" but you want them to devote hundreds of hours to builds that may not be viable and then go "LOL TOUGH?" :comeon
You don't devote hundreds of hours to a failed build. You'll know after 10 or 20 if you're screwed. The worse you fuck up, the earlier you know. That's a ridiculous amount of time as far as video games goes, but I've probably put a hundredfold of hours into the game. It evens out.
Also, you'll only fuck up once or twice, after that you either learn to pay attention, because outside of having no frame of reference for just how much defense or offense is enough, building a character is a sane process; skill descriptions alone give you all you need to know to build a competent character. If all else fails you do some simple research. Or do some light trading for re-spec orbs if you've used up the re-spec points that you can earn through optional quests.

Yes, limited re-spec is pretty backward. Especially because it turns away the more casual players. That said, people who are prepared to play this for a long time will feel that least of all. Which is why it doesn't bother me. Plan the fucking build or follow a guide. It's not the end of the world. If you like the game you'll survive the time where you don't know what the fuck you're doing, as with any other game.

I want to like this game. But please, explain how forcing someone to play through the beginning of the game repeatedly (when combat IS clunkier and worse, there's no denying that) is anything other than a sop to the "hardcore" wanker crowd like Kripp, who want games to be hard because it makes their e-peen bigger. I beg you, please someone explain this to me. Because you can't, because it's bullshit and retrograde game design.
Oh fuck off with that nonsense. Leveling has nothing at all to do with the e-peen mindset and you know it. Doing it extremely quickly and efficiently, yes, hence the races, but the hardcore stuff lies in conceiving of a build that shreds the content. Poopsocking to level 100 is a measure of sadness, not skill.
You're also ignoring league resets and hardcore leagues in general. A lot of people start over and do it all again if their character dies or a new league starts or for the next 1-hour race. Please explain that to me. Could it possibly be because it is fun to them? No way, those people must be fucking imbeciles, because they don't enjoy what you do in exactly the same way. At the end of the day, you're still playing the game and if you enjoy it you will keep going, if you don't then you don't.

Running through the same areas three times to reach end-game (archaic mechanic #2) I could do very well without, for sure, but growing and outfitting a character is the game to me, not plateauing and 'freeing' yourself of the leveling experience. That part of the game slows to an unbearable crawl the better your gear and build gets and with no challenges that require the theoretical max values on anything. it's really fucking pointless, too.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #100 on: August 01, 2014, 12:20:15 PM »
First of all, :umad

Second of all, I am not ignoring leagues and races at all. I enjoyed them a lot when they first came out... until I realized I was running the same boring ass content all over again and again and again with just small wrinkles thrown in. Leagues and races in PoE would be great... if at the beginning of the process you weren't stuck playing an underpowered, slow, clunky combat character every single time. I feel that's ABSOLUTELY a valid criticism of PoE. I too enjoy these games as a process, but you're advocating a method of playing that I feel runs DIRECTLY into one of PoE's glaring weaknesses, in that until about mid-game (lv 40 or so) most builds feel clunky and don't perform very well.

Again though, as you pointed out, either this sort of thing appeals to you or it doesn't. I don't find it rewarding so I choose not to play the game. I really like the skill tree, but find the gameplay less than rewarding. *shrugs*


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #101 on: August 01, 2014, 12:47:35 PM »
First of all, :umad

Second of all, I am not ignoring leagues and races at all. I enjoyed them a lot when they first came out... until I realized I was running the same boring ass content all over again and again and again with just small wrinkles thrown in. Leagues and races in PoE would be great... if at the beginning of the process you weren't stuck playing an underpowered, slow, clunky combat character every single time. I feel that's ABSOLUTELY a valid criticism of PoE. I too enjoy these games as a process, but you're advocating a method of playing that I feel runs DIRECTLY into one of PoE's glaring weaknesses, in that until about mid-game (lv 40 or so) most builds feel clunky and don't perform very well.

Again though, as you pointed out, either this sort of thing appeals to you or it doesn't. I don't find it rewarding so I choose not to play the game. I really like the skill tree, but find the gameplay less than rewarding. *shrugs*
I only respond in kind. :yuck
spoiler (click to show/hide)
I was kinda mad tho. :fbm

I can hardly accept re-running the same content as criticism when we both gladly do it, if for different reasons. :comeon That early combat sucks I won't deny, but there's no way it takes til level 40 to be enjoyable. But that's a matter of opinion (and highly dependent on the build).
But whatever, I'm going to ignore your sniping from now on, if only to stop looking like a fool myself. Part of me wants you to complain about D3 haters though, just so I can be all "oh? :smug" and prove both of us fools. :goty2

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #102 on: August 01, 2014, 08:59:13 PM »
Lv40 is a gross exaggeration. Depending on your class it can great once you get near lv20.

I'd also disagree about racing feeling stale. The leagues almost always make it feel new, simply due to the difficulty. The Nemesis and Invasion leagues threw a lot of interesting wrenches into the game's flow, specifically once you got into less open areas where accidents could lead to death.

My PoE fix would be to simply increase attack speed and accuracy across the board. I'm fine with starting as a weak Marauder, but missing hits while using a 1.1 speed maul isn't a great fucking way to introduce your game to the public.


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #103 on: August 01, 2014, 09:44:31 PM »
You don't devote hundreds of hours to a failed build. You'll know after 10 or 20 if you're screwed. The worse you fuck up, the earlier you know. That's a ridiculous amount of time as far as video games goes, but I've probably put a hundredfold of hours into the game. It evens out.
Also, you'll only fuck up once or twice, after that you either learn to pay attention, because outside of having no frame of reference for just how much defense or offense is enough, building a character is a sane process; skill descriptions alone give you all you need to know to build a competent character. If all else fails you do some simple research. Or do some light trading for re-spec orbs if you've used up the re-spec points that you can earn through optional quests.

Yes, limited re-spec is pretty backward. Especially because it turns away the more casual players. That said, people who are prepared to play this for a long time will feel that least of all. Which is why it doesn't bother me. Plan the fucking build or follow a guide. It's not the end of the world. If you like the game you'll survive the time where you don't know what the fuck you're doing, as with any other game.

That's missing the point, Rufus.

My point is: You give an extensive skilltree that can be "FFX"'d (AKA: go from one end of a starting path to a FAR end from the starting path if you have enough points to do that) to let players "explore builds" and do what they want. Then you don't give them the ability to take those points back and go "yeah, that didn't work, so I want to explore a different area/way/build." How is that not counter-productive?

"So research builds!" Yes, like I've been doing since Diablo 2. That's fine, but then why give a FFX-like skilltree? At that point you might as well lock classes into pre-set "trees" a la Diablo 2 and have people do the math and say "this is the best build for this function for this class for this patch. So far."

Human Snorenado

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #104 on: August 02, 2014, 12:21:29 AM »
Lv40 is a gross exaggeration. Depending on your class it can great once you get near lv20.

I'd also disagree about racing feeling stale. The leagues almost always make it feel new, simply due to the difficulty. The Nemesis and Invasion leagues threw a lot of interesting wrenches into the game's flow, specifically once you got into less open areas where accidents could lead to death.

My PoE fix would be to simply increase attack speed and accuracy across the board. I'm fine with starting as a weak Marauder, but missing hits while using a 1.1 speed maul isn't a great fucking way to introduce your game to the public.

I don't think that's a gross exaggeration. Builds don't really start feeling like they're supposed to feel until you take a signature passive node that makes them work, like eldritch battery or blood magic IMO. Everything up until then just sort of feels same-y. Lots of builds will utilized the full amount of respec points they have compiled to shift things around quite a bit once you hit that signature node.

I was also pretty underwhelmed with the Nemesis and Invasion leagues. Again though, this is because I view everything up until you get to those game altering points in builds as a boring ass slog, no matter how many different shrines you change it up with.

I also imagine I'll be bored quickly with seasons in D3 though.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #105 on: August 02, 2014, 01:28:10 AM »
I simply disagree 100%. I don't know what builds you're doing, but you can do tons of builds that feel fine by the end of Act I, and by Act II's last dungeon you're breezing. Right now I'm playing around with the elemental buzzsaw build, which is more advanced than a typical build but it felt fine early in Act II. I got LMP as a quest reward, pulled out my fastest weapon, and boom. Cooking. Having put in nearly 200 hours in the game, I'm pretty confident in saying that most builds feel fine before Act III. You're suggesting that one has to be near the end of the game's difficulty level to feel fine, it just doesn't add up when nearly all builds are well into their groove after 30 points.

Overall Nemesis was quite well received. Invasion too but it is certainly less challenging early on. The one month league going on right now is pretty damn fun, mixing both leagues plus rogue exiles and turbo speeds.

IMO non-hardcore leagues should allow at least 3 full respecs; that way it wouldn't interfere with the competitive nature of the hardcore ladders. I'm fine with not having unlimited respecs. Give people three chances and move on.


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #106 on: August 02, 2014, 04:55:59 AM »
"So research builds!" Yes, like I've been doing since Diablo 2. That's fine, but then why give a FFX-like skilltree? At that point you might as well lock classes into pre-set "trees" a la Diablo 2 and have people do the math and say "this is the best build for this function for this class for this patch. So far."
No. Fuck, no. I get your issue on some level which I will get to, but it's largely pedantism at this point. Sorry.

If you had played this for any considerable amount of time you'd know that you have a LOT more flexibility than you would in D2, as well as foresight into what works and doesn't, based on sane rules that are a LOT more intuitive and consistent than they were in D2.
If you made a sword build, you can se any skill that uses swords, simply swap the gems out. If you made a weapon agnostic one-handed or two-handed build, you can use any melee skill. If you specialized in fire spells, chances are you can swap in any fire spell, or respec for a handfull of points into another build because the elemental damage nodes tend to cluster. Or if you've only invested in general spell power, you can use any spell. If you made a bow user you can use damn near every bow skill, immediately.
You'll have to level the gems you changed, but if you've progressed to any degree into the game they can be leveled up very quickly because they don't suffer XP penalties based upon the zone level (they way your character does). So a level 1 gem gets 100% XP even if a level 70 zone. This doesn't obviate the issue entirely, but it makes leveling them up much much easier.

Changing paradigms completely is what's difficult, yes, but how is that different from D2, D3, and most other class based ARPGs, where it's actually impossible to do that with the same character? At least in PoE you CAN turn a bow user into a sword and board dodge tank, because every class uses the same tree.

You'll reach a point where you can draw an entire skill tree using the copy on their site to plan your build and know reasonably well how it's going to perform, too. The process is the same no matter what you choose to do. It's not like Diablo 2, where you fuck yourself with your stats AND skills incedibly easily unless you know 100% how the values work out and what you'll be up against, how to counter weaknesses with specific items and how to get those, etc. You also never completely screw yourself in PoE, unlike D2, when you mistakenly assume that a Skelly Necro needs to invest a single point into additional mana and waste a bunch of points better invested into life or dexterity. This counterintuitive shit just doesn't exist in PoE.

So you want to completely change how your character works at the drop of a hat. OK. THAT I get and that you can't do, but don't act like Skilldrasil needs it to make sense from a game design standpoint.

Lots of builds will utilized the full amount of respec points they have compiled to shift things around quite a bit once you hit that signature node.
The fuck are you talking about? :what I have never once done that across the two dozen or so characters I've played. That's min-max shit for people who play a completely different build just to level. The only thing that comes close was when I re-specced my Spectral Throw Scion out of ranged damage nodes into additional sword damage nodes, because I noticed that I could get a couple percent more damage (and life) that way.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 05:21:08 AM by Rufus »

Human Snorenado

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #107 on: August 02, 2014, 01:44:12 PM »
So you've never played a CI build I guess? Never took life nodes that were useful/borderline necessary for staying alive while leveling but are suddenly useless? I have and respecced out of 8 of them when I finally took CI.

Look, my main problem with the game is that combat is comparatively clunky in the early going, and that's a fairly undeniable point. I feel that is compounded by having limited respec- I've got one lv. 60 or whatever witch, don't make me fucking level another one through the shitty part of the game.

And PD, you don't get to talk shit about comparing arpgs, because you haven't played RoS and thus have no basis for comparison.



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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #108 on: August 02, 2014, 02:47:59 PM »
Once on a Sporker way back. I just chanced it and didn't take any life nodes until CI. Miraculously I survived. Definitely a dumb idea though.

There's a way to solve your re-spec problem, but you seem allergic to trading, so... :shaq2

Human Snorenado

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #109 on: August 02, 2014, 03:10:05 PM »
Not allergic to it, just don't care enough to play the game to deal with it.


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #110 on: August 02, 2014, 04:34:10 PM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #111 on: August 02, 2014, 06:49:46 PM »
I'll get RoS after a few more patches from Blizzard; everything I've heard suggests it's currently more of the same. In the meantime PoE has the superior customization, stats, and end game - ie the stuff I care about.

You're basing your entire argument off one build. Worse yet, an end game build which means you'd no doubt have enough stuff to trade for respec points, yet don't don't like the trading system. I don't really like it much either, but best believe I use it when I need to.

In terms of early game: given how quickly you can level up, it's very easy to get where you want/avoid the clunky periods after a bit. I've admitted this is NOT good game design but at the same time...I have created nearly two dozen characters and it never takes long to feel badass. One of the great things about the game is the excitement of getting a skill gem drop and fucking around with it while you decide where you want your build to go.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #112 on: August 06, 2014, 01:20:40 PM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #113 on: August 14, 2014, 08:39:36 PM »
Beyond League (HC) explanation
Players in the Beyond League will have to deal with a race of extradimensional demons invading Wraeclast. When you kill monsters in close proximity to one another, small portals start to open; get enough of those open together, and a larger portal opens up, spawning more powerful monsters. If those happen close together, an even larger portal opens up, complete with a unique boss that's designed to be extremely difficult to kill.

Sounds like a better version of Invasion. The initial problem with Invasion was that some of the invaders simply weren't worth risking your life to kill; some were overpowered, some were nigh impossible for melee to kill. I want more info on Beyond but so far it sounds good. you get higher rewards from the bigger portals? How far can you go? Could you presumably keep spawning bigger and bigger portals until you get a Vaal boss for instance?

More portals=high % chance of a rare drop perhaps?


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #114 on: August 14, 2014, 08:47:29 PM »
That sounds very interesting. ...Gotta remeber to pick up smoke mine again.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #115 on: August 14, 2014, 08:57:31 PM »
Also they've removed most of the life nodes from the new passive tree, and instead you get 12 life after each level. Good way to avoid people feeling like they have to take boring life nodes on the tree in order to survive, and instead allows them to focus on DPS. Obviously I'm a life guy though so fuck dps :p

There's a rumor that attack speeds have been increased for early game weapons, and also mana costs have been reduced. Should make the early game feel a lot better.


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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #116 on: August 14, 2014, 09:09:18 PM »
The life node change is very good. My idea was to make life nodes unavoidable travel nodes, but simply upping the life gained from levels accomplishes just that in a smarter way.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #117 on: August 14, 2014, 09:11:28 PM »
Most of the masters revealed thus far look interesting. I wonder if there will be a cartographer master or something, with new maps/more variety.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #118 on: August 20, 2014, 02:29:52 AM »
new patch goes live in 15 hours

The end game master

Patch notes:

Sounds like first and second tier weapons have received a sizable attack speed buff, which has long been my suggestion on how to make the early game feel better for new players.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Path of Exile |Loot 3.0|
« Reply #119 on: August 21, 2014, 12:07:12 PM »
played up until Brutus last night, some impressions

I like the Beyond concept, specifically the difficulty; I've had a couple fun close calls, some due to my own decisions (I decided to pull a demon from the third tier of portals out of curiosity) and some due to my environment (accidentally opened a portal in a small corridor). I'd imagine they'll tinker with it over the next few weeks or months, for instance maybe increase the portal requirement from four to 5-6, especially in later difficulties/denser mob populations. So far I'm having fun with them, and I like increasing the difficulty by opening portals right after opening a strong box, or vice versa.

The problem is the risk/reward issue. So far I haven't seen much of any difference in the drops between portal mobs and regular ones. Lots of white and weak blue items, no currency outside of armor scraps/wisdom scrolls/portal scrolls, etc. Maybe it was just the RNG gods screwing last night, but overall drops were REALLY bad. I think we can all agree Rogue Exiles drop good loot, and I'd like to see portal bosses drop similar to a degree. Maybe they do already and I just haven't gone far enough, we'll see. Once I get more health I'll risk opening a 4 tier portal.

-The Forsaken Masters are a great addition, and have some tough missions. Some are completely bugged or imbalanced apparently but I haven't run across those. I feel like this concept would have been perfect for the game's first expansion instead of the Vaal stuff. It really adds a lot of stuff that will attract casual players, from housing to the easier crafting.