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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2580 on: October 29, 2016, 12:37:15 PM »
That's the gist, yes.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2581 on: October 29, 2016, 05:16:27 PM »
Her fathers reign, the last President Park, resulted in a pretty good movie in The President's Last Bang.

No, this isn't because it's the only thing I know about South Korean politics. :doge


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2582 on: October 29, 2016, 06:47:31 PM »
As I understand it, they are considering impeaching their president because she may have made her executive  decisions by following the advice a spiritual advisor/cult leader? I just heard about this so I don't know the particulars but apparently she's the first female president of SK so that certainly hurts.

The way I read it her influence goes a lot deeper than offering advice. The woman they're talking about is also the daughter of the cult founder, who was a mentor to the current president Park and stole lots of money from the state by using his connections with Park  (he also got married six times, like all good Christians do). Basically every western news story on the subject refers to him as a "Rasputin-like" figure.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2583 on: October 29, 2016, 07:02:09 PM »
Basically every western news story on the subject refers to him as a "Rasputin-like" figure.
So he's unkillable... :ohhh


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2584 on: October 29, 2016, 07:06:20 PM »
Basically every western news story on the subject refers to him as a "Rasputin-like" figure.
So he's unkillable... :ohhh

Yeah if he wasn't dead


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2585 on: October 29, 2016, 07:16:38 PM »
is he? how do we know for sure? especially if he can't be killed :gurl


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2586 on: October 29, 2016, 10:48:44 PM »
They probably have his penis in a mason jar too. That's how we know Rasputin is still dead, because he hasn't shown up to claim it yet.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2587 on: October 30, 2016, 12:48:42 PM »
We all know what self-interest looks like. Even though we would prefer that our politicians are not corrupt, at least we know how corrupt politicians behave. But not with Park Geun-hye. Her corruption was not self-interested at all. If anything, her corruption was self-sacrificing in favor of Choi Soon-sil. Among the numerous revelations, I personally found this the most pathetic: Park Geun-hye gave Choi a sizable budget to purchase the presidential wardrobe, and Choi embezzled most of it. Instead of purchasing the clothes that befitted a head of state, Choi outfitted Park Geun-hye with crappy clothes that she had her cronies made with subpar material. There is a video of Choi's staff smoking and drinking while eating fried chicken, right next to the suit meant for Park Geun-hye. At one point, one of the staffs handled the suit without even wiping chicken grease from his hands, while breathing smoke onto the clothes. Park Geun-hye would wear this suit on her presidential visit with Xi Jinping. For accessories, Choi gave Park the cheap leather purses and clutches that her gigolo designed.

This much sounds like a joke, but it can easily take a terrifying turn. There has been much speculation about the "missing seven hours," where the president's whereabouts were completely unknown for seven hours in 2014 during the Sewol ferry disaster. Rumors are now running rampant that Park Geun-hye was attending a memorial shamanistic ritual for Choi Tae-min, who passed away 20 years ago on the day of the ferry disaster. The more lurid version of the rumor says that Park's government actually sank the Sewol to offer human sacrifice for the dead cult leader. As ridiculous as these rumors are, Park Geun-hye's behavior forces even reasonable people to think, maybe.



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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2588 on: October 30, 2016, 01:05:31 PM »
Iceland didn't turn out to be as dramatic as Lithuania:

Independence Party: 19 seats (26.7%) -> 21 seats (29.0%)
Left-Greens: 7 seats (10.9%) -> 10 seats (15.9%)
Pirate Party: 3 seats (5.1%) -> 10 seats (14.5%)
Progressive Party: 19 seats (24.4%) -> 8 seats (11.5%)
Vioreisn: 7 seats (10.5%)
Bright Future: 6 seats (8.3%) ->  4 seats (7.2%)
Social Democrats: 9 seats (12.9%) -> 3 seats (5.7%)

32 seats is needed for a majority. The Pirates refuse to enter any coalition with the Progressives or Independence but will negotiate with the rest.

Independence+Progressives+SDA = 32 seats exactly.

L-G+Pirates+Vioreisn+BF+SDA = 34 seats.

There's not really another potential coalition unless Independence could convince the pro-European Vioreisn and BF to team up which would also net 32 seats.

With 30 women MPs, Iceland has now also over taken Finland and Sweden to become the parliament with the highest proportion of female members - over 47 percent - in Europe.
Turnout in Saturday's election was 79.2 percent, a historic low.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2589 on: October 31, 2016, 03:27:50 AM »
Morocco in turmoil with several protests in the country and the king expressing condoleances for a fish-seller killed in a garbage disposing truck as a result of a scuffle with public agents trying to seize his fish. Video of thedeath and inanimate body was caught on camera. Morroco had legislative elections recently and the islamist party won the majority, with a more center aligned formation (founded by one of the king's aides...) trailing just behind.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2590 on: October 31, 2016, 02:19:28 PM »
Say what you want about Mark Steyn but he knows how to open an article.
From today's "Occam's Weiner" post:

"Happy Halloweiner, the night when Anthony Weiner's undead penis rises from its grave to bite Hillary's campaign. The stroking dead is apparently impervious to silver bullets or garlic, and unlike vampires it does show up in photographs, on cell phones across the globe."


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2593 on: November 03, 2016, 06:36:47 AM »

They won't have the balls to block it though


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2594 on: November 03, 2016, 07:33:55 AM »

They won't have the balls to block it though

Wouldn't bet on that, remember they brute forced the Lisbon treaty when the referendums for the constitution fell through in France and the Netherlands, and that included asking the Irish to vote a second time less than a year after they rejected the Lisbon backup solution.

It would be a terrible message to send, however, I won't argue with that.

EDIT : The governement is said to try to appeal the decision.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 07:38:09 AM by VomKriege »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2595 on: November 03, 2016, 08:17:24 AM »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2596 on: November 04, 2016, 07:46:07 AM »

Escalate, escalate, escalate. What a bleeding shame.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2597 on: November 06, 2016, 09:58:12 AM »

I have no issue with immigration, that was not my reason for voting leave. I voted for Brexit to escape the bureaucracy of the European Union and I wanted us to regain control over legislation in this country. The latest ruling is yet more evidence for why this was the right decision.



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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2598 on: November 08, 2016, 03:30:37 AM »
Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas got re-elected in Nicaragua with 73% and 66% respectively.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2599 on: November 09, 2016, 05:15:06 AM »
So... It's hard to imagine that US leadership in world affairs will not suffer for this, even if Trump would just be a figurehead and limit himself to diplomatic gaffes.

It's maybe time for European countries to really take a hard look at themselves with regards to defence (among other things). The NATO free ride may be over, at the very least doubts that a President Trump would commit to defend the Balts, Ukraine or Central Europe are certainly warranted. Dissociating from the Trump administration might also be beneficial, depending on the wildness of its foreign policy.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2600 on: November 09, 2016, 06:17:57 AM »
Trump just want the freeloading of Nato to stop which I agree with,only 4/5 countries spend the agreed on 2% of their gdp on defense

Maybe Europeans wouldnt piss their pants over this election if they knew they could defend themselves


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2601 on: November 09, 2016, 07:45:29 AM »
Sarkozy riding hard on that Trump dick now and rebranding himself a protectionist candidate ( :rofl  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ )

As we say in France : Cunts will dare to do anything, that's how you can tell them apart from the rest.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2602 on: November 09, 2016, 12:05:36 PM »
So yeah the French election, as it was brought up in the other thread.
France is very likely to see a presidential election with a "legitimate" right wing candidate facing off the nationalist far right Marine Le Pen.

Reason for that is that the left is in tatters.
First and foremost, incumbent Socialist president François Hollande is abjectly unpopular. Hollande was elected on regulating finance in the wake of the crisis, renegotiating the way the European Union could help Euro members in crisis to avoid austerity politics, unemployment, reducing public deficits, passing gay marriage and bringing some calm and dignity to public life after the excruciating mandate of Sarkozy (whose style can be best summed up : "for every story, a TV appearance and a law").

Of all this, only gay marriage really panned out. Merkel pretty much told him on day one to get the fuck out and that the Eurozone will stay perfectly as it is now and that was that. Reducing public deficits went out the windows with the terrorist attacks. While less loud and obnoxious than Sarkozy, Hollande wasn't exactly a model of rectitude, with the revelation he dumped his then fiancé for an affair with an actress, plus a few others stories I won't detail. He also elevated Manuel Valls as prime minister mid-mandate, and Valls is pretty much a Diet Socialist version of Sarkozy.

This socialist government also fucked it up pretty good after the terrorists attacks : it tried to push through a measure suggested by Sarkozy a few years prior, which consisted in stripping terrorists of their French nationality. You can't make someone an apatrid in international law, so on top of being dumb (dudes blowing themselves up in France probably aren't gonna be impressed) it only could be applied to people with two passports, a miniscule minority. The popular Ministry of Justice, Christine Taubira, which was the main force in pushing gay marriage, resigned over this.

Final nail in the coffin was probably the multiple labour reform laws they tried to pass, first at the behest of the Economy minister (a former bankster... which may now run in the election as a centrist independent !) then of the Labour ministry -as I told in this thread a few months ago- as the last major reform of their mandate. President Hollande was already wildly unpopular by then but he certainly lost a few people for good then (myself included). The current cabinet has also lost most of the support from the Greens & the Communists, its two traditional sidekicks.

It's gotten so bad that the Socialist Party is actually conducting a primary for the next election, a primary in which Hollande may or may not run as he said he would decide in December (How do that shit work if Hollande refuses to comply but the party choose a candidate...?). Current trends are that a more "leftist" candidate will be chosen this time around.

Unfortunately, as per usual, the radical left will probably squander a potential opportunity to compete because of the usual shitshow.
Most prominent figure is former socialist Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who set a radical cohabitation party last election with the French Communist Party... But the cohabitation fell through because partners really don't see eye to eye on some issues. Mélenchon is defending radical left positions, will favor social policies over adherence to the European project as it stands, is a talented populist and had some admiration for Chavez and the like (my biggest turn off).
Communists accused Mélenchon of having a huge ego, while the Reds were too eager to forget the cohabitation to negotiate local deals with the Socialist Party to save their last strongholds.

The cohabitation party has sunk but Mélenchon has set up a new movement "La France Insoumise" ("Rebellious France") which is not a party, and called upon every radical to flock to his banner (and to his terms !). Communists were divised over the question of joining them (option favored by the First Secretary) or choosing their own candidate and a first vote chose the latter, even though it must be debated a second time by all militants.

The Green Party, which managed to be a dark horse in a couple of elections, has pretty much returned to its state of constant upheaval and of choosing obscure unknown candidates to field.

And as said above, Emmanuel Macron, former Minister of Economy, wants to run as centrist appealing to the most shallow Socialists.

Add to that a couple of Trotskyist outliers and you've got 4-5 potential candidates competing for leftist votes and all somewhat capable to 3% to 15% of the vote, 3 of them running on the same key points (A new constitution for a VIth Republic and a move from a presidential regime to a parliamentary one). Mélenchon could maybe have a chance to compete... but as a grassroot organisation only without the support of at least the Communists, color me skeptical.

Opposite them the main right wing party (Les Républicains, formerly known as UMP itself formerly known a RPR, itself formerly known by a variety of names under De Gaulle leadership) is also having its primary, with the two stronger candidates being former President Nicolas Sarkozy and former Chirac Prime Minister Alain Juppé (also maybe worthy of note, former Sarkozy Primer Minister François Fillon).

Juppé is currently in the lead : always the first and the last of the Chirac loyalists -He pretty much took the fall for Chirac for a ton of embezzling and stuff-, Juppé is probably one of the last man to represent a watered down form of the post-war all-powerful Gaullist movement (for you millenials : A conservative yet statist ideology with priorities of keeping France international status & power, being autonomous from US leadership and modernize the country carried by the charismatic De Gaulle), though in actuality he is really a classical liberal. Juppé has a ton of experience, is not as loud as Sarkozy & not as racist as Le Pen and he is clearly banking of being an acceptable choice for the center left should he be facing Le Pen.

So much so, in fact, that the last independent remainder of french Christian Democracy (the rest was absorbed in UMP by Chirac a few years ago. Christian Democrats never were really as major a thing in France compared to Italy or Germany, mostly being strong in selected regions) François Bayrou, has said that he would run against Sarkozy but not Juppé.

Former President Sarkozy, despite leaving terrible memories, reneging on his promise to leave politics and the numerous justice investigations on illegal funding, does still have some sway. For one, the party itself is his thing, he never made the mistake of letting go of the wheel there. As expected, Sarkozy is doubling down on its past victory by pretty much offering a diet far right program to try to pander to Le Pen voters (Much posing on national values, likes to deport illegal immigrants, rail on Romas etc...). In the wake of Brexit and Trump, Sarkozy has toned down his former pro Europe, pro NATO, pro liberalism stance to also court nationalists on the economic front. Back then, Sarkozy boasted he killed the far right by syphoning their votes but as nationalist Le Pen senior said, the FN voters are not dumb and they prefer to vote for the original, real flavor.

Anyway, as usual in France, the right is way more disciplined in offering a united front and whoever is chosen should not have too much issue gathering at least 20% of the vote in the first round, which is the low cutoff point if you really want to advance to the next round.

Lastly of course is the far right FN. It had some up and downs in the past but really it has proven remarkly resilient and consistent at gathering 15% to 20%. I want to believe that Le Pen would still be strongly opposed would she manage to get to the second round, like her father were against Chirac in 2002 (who won 82% of the vote)... But for one it's pretty certain that a lot of leftist voters wouldn't bother this time as many felt they were fucked, especially if the alternative is Sarkozy. If Le Pen passes, I would certainly not be too surprised if she improves on her father with 35-40%.

Since the presidential mandate has been shortened to 5 years, the National Assembly elections are now conducted just after the presidential one and have never failed so far to give a majority to the new president. In the worst case scenario of a far right presidency, it's not clear the FN could actually win most of the seats as it is actually pretty weak as far as competent personnel go.

Senate is elected indirectly by a college of local elected officials (an half being renewed every 3 years), is currently held by the right wing opposition and this is not expected to change.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2016, 12:18:02 PM by VomKriege »

Joe Molotov

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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2603 on: November 09, 2016, 04:01:24 PM »
WTT: One (1) grandma

Looking for an EU passport. Serious offers only.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2604 on: November 09, 2016, 04:13:55 PM »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2606 on: November 12, 2016, 07:27:13 AM »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2608 on: November 12, 2016, 09:29:51 AM »
So... It's hard to imagine that US leadership in world affairs will not suffer for this, even if Trump would just be a figurehead and limit himself to diplomatic gaffes.

It's maybe time for European countries to really take a hard look at themselves with regards to defence (among other things). The NATO free ride may be over, at the very least doubts that a President Trump would commit to defend the Balts, Ukraine or Central Europe are certainly warranted. Dissociating from the Trump administration might also be beneficial, depending on the wildness of its foreign policy.

Replacing the emasculating/de-nutting presence of Yankee troops with the malevolent entity of a "European" army.

Just stop advancing east... It never ends well for you continentals.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2609 on: November 12, 2016, 11:00:21 AM »
It's not so much expanding but being able to have a credible defence to protect nations who joined by their own accord the EU and NATO, including Poland, Baltic states and Greece. Not too much worry to have about an "unified" European army, it's not happening soon. Polling and a modicum of a joint HQ are probably the most we can achieve. My opinion was always that a French-UK coordination was the best, simplest and most complete fit (has a long history, shares the same imperialist roots, same needs to be able to project and protect faraway overseas confettis, same level of technology, both nuclear power) but our longstanding competing perspective with regards to US involvement and the Brexit is making that difficult.

Beyond that Europe (or to be more precise and realist : the major military powers of Western Europe) needs to be able to conduct operations in the Med and adjacent regions (North Africa, Near and Middle East) who directly borders the EU. As of now, UK and France cannot by their own sustain large air campaigns and probably rely on US naval assets to patrol and secure shipping lanes. We can never by ourselves have those numbers but more autonomous efforts are possible, rather without the need for clear Turkish support considering how things are unfolding there.

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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2610 on: November 12, 2016, 02:17:07 PM »
I really want an EU army.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2611 on: November 12, 2016, 02:45:29 PM »
An EU army would be a huge step towards a unified Europe.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2612 on: November 12, 2016, 07:26:01 PM »
You know who else tried to unify Europe?


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2613 on: November 12, 2016, 07:38:47 PM »
You know who else tried to unify Europe?
Napoleon. And he would have done it if it wasn't for those meddling kids!


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2614 on: November 13, 2016, 12:20:59 AM »
You know who else tried to unify Europe?
Napoleon. And he would have done it if it wasn't for those meddling kids!

After the most recent election, I'm willing to sell back the Louisiana Purchase property at its original price.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2615 on: November 13, 2016, 02:29:25 AM »
You know who else tried to unify Europe?

Christianity ?


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2616 on: November 13, 2016, 04:27:12 AM »
You know who else tried to unify Europe?

Christianity ?


But yeah. A few people tried. But it wasn't so much unifying as "I'm gonna take all that shit for myself, thank you very much".
Although Napoleon did work a little bit towards that.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2617 on: November 13, 2016, 09:35:19 AM »
I dunno. Napoleon didn't have the best judgement in appointing his family and friends at the head of puppet states, but it's not like he could scale up on a whim the proto-police state he had in France anyway. Still fairly amazing he managed to export the Napoleonic code such as it is.

EDIT : Trump team is examining how to peddle back on the latest environmental agreement signed in Paris and the NATO head is making a plea to the new US administration to not bail out.

So yeah good times ahead. I don't think the US will revert back to staunch isolationism but I expect an amount of undecisiveness, unwillingness to commit to international efforts (more than the usual) and maybe some sudden fits of unilateralism (Let's not forget Trump believes the US military can conduct large scale unannounced operations in the Near East to sneak on ISIS or whatever the boogeyman du jour is).
« Last Edit: November 13, 2016, 09:46:19 AM by VomKriege »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2618 on: November 13, 2016, 10:30:38 AM »
Paul Vergès is dead. You probably don't know who he is, neither did I. He is the founder of the Communist party in La Réunion, a French island east of Madagascar and was the oldest french Senator in activity (this honor now passes to Serge Dassault, the right wing heir of the famous plane manufacturer). He was the son of the French consul in then French Siam and Pham Thi Khang, a vietnamese teacher... and the brother of the late Jacques Vergès, which you may know through the Barbet Schoeder interview The Terror's Advocate.

Jacques Vergès was a lawyer with a communist bent but shifting allegiances between factions, who throughout his career defended Algerian nationalists fighting colonial France (and married one), the former Gestapo head of Lyon Klaus Barbie, the international terrorist Carlos, a variety of African potentates, Holocaust negationists, Former Red Khmer leader Khieu Samphân and a few other controversial causes célèbres. He also disappeared between 1970 and 1978, it was never found out and Jacques Vergès never told where, how and why (beyond admitting coming back to Paris incognito a few times). Most common speculation is that he was in Red Khmer Cambodgia.

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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2619 on: November 13, 2016, 02:12:25 PM »
Pro russian president elected in Bulgaria, wtf


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2620 on: November 14, 2016, 03:31:53 AM »
iirc, the Bulgarian "left" is really quite pro-Russia, at least in terms of if they have to choose between Russia and EU/US on something, they lean Russia

I'd have to look into it for a better explanation than maybe just preference for the Communist days


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2621 on: November 14, 2016, 07:46:56 PM »

Trump team (via, surprise !, Bannon) reaching out to the french far right maybe before the head of state.
It's gonna be grand, lads. The Moscow-neofascists-Washington axis. European muslims (and jews, for that matter) must be thrilled.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2622 on: November 14, 2016, 07:56:01 PM »
in fairness, that head of state isn't going to be head to state for very long into Trump's term :doge


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2623 on: November 14, 2016, 07:56:32 PM »
in fairness, that head of state isn't going to be head to state for very long into Trump's term :doge



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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2624 on: November 14, 2016, 08:04:57 PM »
Okay alt-right, you can stop now. You've had enough. :doge


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2625 on: November 15, 2016, 05:03:29 AM »
Russian minister of economy arrested by the police for a 2m bribe from an oil company.

France :

Incumbent President Hollande wants to run. As I said above, his party is still doing a primary. They're all in a pickle because Hollande is very unpopular but stepping down cannot fail to reflect badly on the whole Socialist Party.

On the right, the French-Lebanese businessman Ziad Takieddine, one of the shadow broker of former French President Sarkozy has given a video interview to Mediapart where he claims he handed 3 suitcases from Lybian officials to Sarkozy & Claude Guéant (his cabinet director at the time) for their occult campaign financing. In the wake of Kadhafi being accepted back into the international community, Sarkozy conducted a very aggressive diplomatic effort to sell him weapons and other security systems while securing his help to try to put a lid on illegal immigration to the EU. Takieddine and Sarkozy are also suspected to be involved in the "Karachi affair", occult financing via kickbacks on a naval weapon systems deal, which may or may not be linked to the terrorist attack directed at a bus full of French naval engineers (14 dead including 11 Frenchmen) in 2002 : one theory of the French judges investigating is that the order came from disgruntled Pakistani middlemen not getting their bribe.

Nicolas Sarkozy is currently running in the Les Républicains primary. First round of voting is on November 20.

Meanwhile in the UK :

Whitehall is struggling to cope with the scale of work generated by the Brexit vote and the lack of a common strategy among cabinet ministers, according to a report about a leaked Cabinet Office memo.

The note found that departments were working on more than 500 projects related to leaving the EU and may need to hire an extra 30,000 civil servants to deal with the additional work.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 09:17:55 AM by VomKriege »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2626 on: November 15, 2016, 09:17:32 AM »

The [venezualan] president, who seems to have a near-encyclopaedic knowledge of 1970s salsa, sits in the presenter’s chair most Tuesdays and Fridays. At the end of the programme, he likes to reveal some proficient dance moves, spinning his wife, Celia Flores, AKA “the first combatant”, round the studio.

“Our people surely have the right to have some fun,” boomed Maduro to his co-host, the Latin music guru Javier Key, during the opening show.

Aware of at least one sensitivity, the video feed of the programme cut away every time the president helped himself to the plates of charcuterie and cakes that were served to keep him going during the four-hour show.

As well as introducing the songs, and occasionally shaking a couple of maracas, the president takes calls, talks politics, reads supportive messages and even signs government papers.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2627 on: November 16, 2016, 08:08:08 AM »
Russia is withdrawing from the International Court.
We're in for a wild ride.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2628 on: November 16, 2016, 09:56:15 AM »
Russia is withdrawing from the International Court.
We're in for a wild ride.
USA, China and India aren't on board either.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2629 on: November 16, 2016, 10:30:46 AM »
Russia is withdrawing from the International Court.
We're in for a wild ride.
USA, China and India aren't on board either.

Oh the ICC was never a perfect construct, clearly. What's more worrying is three significant powers backpedaling on international cooperation (UK leaving the EU and the US having just elected a man who claims he will renege on NATO, trade deals and the latest environmental agreement) in the space of a year.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2630 on: November 16, 2016, 07:30:40 PM »
Follow up on the path of the French presidential election : an article on the bid of the former Minister of Economy Emmanuel Macron.

Maybe I'll eat crow for this but my assessment is that Macron is way over his head with this and hasn't come down of all the flattery he received for being young and good looking. He's probably dreaming of two former Presidents from the 70's : banker turned modernist Pompidou (Gaullist) or Valery Giscard D'Estaing (Centrist), youngest to be elected in the office (and another Minister of Economy) but he has no party, his popularity was pretty superficial, working class isn't the biggest fan (Macron attached his name to labor reforms, to ease restrictions on Sunday work among others) and pandering to middle class and business owners isn't exactly the most original platform in a crowded field. Centrist and / or gaullist independents have had a rough time in all recent elections and were always stomped by the right wing majority party who keeps a tight leash both on the Gaullist brand and the centrists.

Otherwise, the article points out another key fact : The current socialist Prime Minister fancies his own chances, though he'll maybe decide to groom himself for 2022.

So if you keep count at home :
- The French Socialist Party will conduct a primary with at least 9 prospective candidates.
- Incumbent French President Hollande has not yet said if he will seek a second mandate (really wants to though...) and if so if he accepts to participate in the primary of his own party.
- His prime minister, Socialist Manuel Valls, is considering his chances of running too.

Fucking french socialists man  :trash


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2631 on: November 17, 2016, 02:30:40 AM »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2632 on: November 17, 2016, 10:49:08 AM »
Italy is having a referendum on 4 December, to amend the constitution and reform the legislative institutions and their supposed impotency. Center left Primer Minister Matteo Renzi has vowed to leave office if it doesn't pass (and that's the trend according to polls) and let another one with "a decrepit system".

So that's yet another major European democracy (Italy has the 3rd biggest GDP in the Union, excluding the UK) possibly headed for some political unrest soon. Far right parties might be less of a problem presently, but a populist and civil spontaneous party headed by a comedian has done really well in the last elections and has forced an alliance between the center left and right to mount a viable cabinet.

Spain is going through similar issues (with the Podemos movement) and Belgium is more or less in a state of permanent gridlock with the flemish nationalists paralyzing the delicate balance of a complex system.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 10:57:39 AM by VomKriege »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2633 on: November 18, 2016, 04:23:28 AM »
VW slashing 30k jobs (23k in Germany) by 2021


Promises to offset this by 9000 new jobs in electric cars but still...


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2634 on: November 18, 2016, 10:28:09 AM »
An undisclosed number of Turkish officers serving in NATO defecting ?

A french journalist was also detained for three days, without explanations or motives while the regime cracks down every few day on a new corporation or opposition party, recently the secular/kemalist newspaper Cumhuriyet.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2635 on: November 20, 2016, 02:05:49 AM »
VW slashing 30k jobs (23k in Germany) by 2021


Promises to offset this by 9000 new jobs in electric cars but still...

I have sympathy for all the workers who are paying the price for an insanely arrogant plan. Are any executives looking at jail time?


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2636 on: November 20, 2016, 06:00:38 AM »
I have sympathy for all the workers who are paying the price for an insanely arrogant plan. Are any executives looking at jail time?

So probably not. So far it seems only a single engineer took the fall.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2637 on: November 20, 2016, 06:22:03 AM »
That story is done as far as I can tell. Nothing more will come of it.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2638 on: November 20, 2016, 07:13:41 AM »
I wanted to correct something in my earlier post about the French presidential election.
I said former President Sarkozy, currently running in the right wing primary (first round of voting today), never did let go of the lever of directing the party : that was a mistake and I, incredibly, forgot a major crisis that made the headlines a few years ago. What I wanted to convey is that Sarkozy still had a lot of clout inside the party and a core group of supporters.

When Nicolas Sarkozy was elected President in 2007, he left the post of party chairman and tried during his mandate to keep a collection of loyal people from his circle in charge. As those things tends to happen in France, the epidemic of presidential ambitions among mediocre officials started to manifest as the 2012 election was fast approaching and things soured quite a bit between Sarkozy and the party chairman Jean-François Copé. Sarkozy's defeat in 2012 and subsequent  (short lived...) retirement from public service led to an open crisis when the party renewed its leadership, with funding scandals (both for Sarkozy & Copé) & mutual accusations of fraud in the election between incumbent Copé and Sarkozy's only Prime Minister François Fillon. I'll spare you the details, but in effect this meant the party was directed by a committee of the two factions in a state of constant crisis until Nicolas Sarkozy came back to politics in 2014 and promptly snagged the chairmanship in order to force everyone to tow the line of his new bid at France's highest office.

There's one thing Sarkozy overlooked however : during the interim crisis of 2012-2014, the right wing party (then named UMP, now LR) agreed to the principle of a presidential primary (which are a novel practice in France) and put in place an independant authority to oversee the one currently being held for 2017. One of the biggest supporter of a primary was François Fillon. Sarkozy himself never cared for it, criticized the "election in four rounds" when the Socialists held one in 2012, and always fancied himself one of those forceful political personalities imposing himself on history, destined to rule France (The Bonaparte - De Gaulle mold is still a thing). He only realized quite late that he would have to really contend, with no way to force a simple coronation (he way underestimated how divisive he is and how easy it would be to handwave the several justice cases following him).

As it turns out, polls now say that François Fillon is the dark horse in the Alain Juppé - Nicolas Sarkozy duel.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Will trade grandma for EU passport
« Reply #2639 on: November 20, 2016, 12:37:44 PM »

Merkel to probably run for a fourth term.
2017 is gonna be make or break for the EU. If France and/or Germany end up in a bad place, it is gonna be very rough.