Author Topic: It's 20XX and people are mad online about Star War!  (Read 569871 times)

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #600 on: December 17, 2015, 10:18:17 AM »
But the fact that he achieves such breathless velocity so quickly is not just a testament to his hardcore fandom (having seen the original "Star Wars" at the age of 11) but his well-deserved reputation as Hollywood's reboot master

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #601 on: December 17, 2015, 11:26:03 AM »
Also wat at this review:
Frankly, there's no stand-out signature set piece in Episode VII to compare, say, to the trench dive in the original, the asteroid chase in The Empire Strikes Back (1980),  or the brilliant Yoda vs Dooku duel in Attack of the Clones (2002). (Just to name a few.)
That's the duel in the series you're going to pick breh?

I didn't know anyone actually liked that duel. It was dumb back then, and it's still dumb now.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #602 on: December 17, 2015, 11:30:49 AM »
The only interesting thing about that duel was the concept - ie seeing how such a small character could duel a larger character. Everything else (fight choreography especially) was trash.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #603 on: December 17, 2015, 11:34:12 AM »
I always liked the idea that Yoda didn't need to use a lightsaber.


Trent Dole

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #604 on: December 17, 2015, 12:24:53 PM »
Also wat at this review:
Frankly, there's no stand-out signature set piece in Episode VII to compare, say, to the trench dive in the original, the asteroid chase in The Empire Strikes Back (1980),  or the brilliant Yoda vs Dooku duel in Attack of the Clones (2002). (Just to name a few.)
That's the duel in the series you're going to pick breh?

I didn't know anyone actually liked that duel. It was dumb back then, and it's still dumb now.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #605 on: December 17, 2015, 01:51:30 PM »
His devotion has only grown since, to the point that, when he was in college, he bought a used copy of Star Wars: Battlefront at Blockbuster, which he played numerous times on his Playstation 2.

Do you know a bigger Star Wars fanboy than Mark Weesen? We’re not saying it’s impossible, but you’d probably only find one in a galaxy far, far away!
that ending :dead

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #606 on: December 17, 2015, 03:08:32 PM »
Just heard that episode nine is going to be split into two parts 

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #607 on: December 17, 2015, 07:41:10 PM »


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #608 on: December 17, 2015, 07:54:49 PM »
I love how completely annoyed Tarkin looks. :lol


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #609 on: December 17, 2015, 11:59:27 PM »
Also wat at this review:
Frankly, there's no stand-out signature set piece in Episode VII to compare, say, to the trench dive in the original, the asteroid chase in The Empire Strikes Back (1980),  or the brilliant Yoda vs Dooku duel in Attack of the Clones (2002). (Just to name a few.)
That's the duel in the series you're going to pick breh?

I didn't know anyone actually liked that duel. It was dumb back then, and it's still dumb now.

Agreed but I did enjoy the five seconds of Anakin dual wielding those lightsabers beforehand.


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #610 on: December 18, 2015, 12:38:11 AM »
Movie was fantastic.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #611 on: December 18, 2015, 01:29:45 AM »
Saw that this hasn't cracked $200 million yet. What a complete box office bomba.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #612 on: December 18, 2015, 02:15:07 AM »
The more I think about it the more and more I start loving this movie, flaws and all. I now think it's definitely up there with the OT and while it's not better than Empire, it's definitely up there with A New Hope and Jedi and is maybe better. Fuck whatever haters come up with(justifiably in some cases), I loved it.

I think I'm with you.  It wasn't perfect but it was fuckin' fun[.   

And still heartbreaking, in that scene.

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-agreed with first half > second half.  The new superweapon was just like "oh, hmm, the bad guys have a new mega weapon.  Where's it's weak spot, Let's go destroy it, lolz"
-agreed with stilted Leia delivery, but it worked for what they gave her to do.
-Lovvved the new characters.  Finn and Rey had great chemistry.  Poe is my main man, a Wedge for the next generation.  I even really liked Kylo Ren.  He's not Vader.  He's a scared kid living in the shadow of the galaxy's greatest villain, wanting to measure up to that legacy, but he just can't.    Until he kills Han. :(
-I am both frustrated and impressed with how they handled Luke.  I wanted to see him show up and have more to do, but as a story I liked that they had "where is Luke Skywalker, and what happened to him" set up as a mystery for the characters themselves.  Though he could have been hanging in a cooler locale than just some ocean cliffs.
-At first, I was really put off by Rey being able to kick so much ass with a lightsaber the first time she touches one, even if she is strong in the Force.  But then I remembered at the start of the film they set her up as having some ass kicking skills with her bo staff thingy, so I'm more willing to give that a bit of leeway, especially as Kylo had just taken a Chewbacca blast to the gut.

-Han was great, though I think they towed the line of him being too goofy at times, such as when the pirate gangs board his ship, or he's quipping when they are planning their big attack on the base.  But overall, Han was great.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2015, 02:19:26 AM by Boogie »

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #613 on: December 18, 2015, 02:57:07 AM »
i don't even like star wars like that but that was a fun ass movie. almost makes me wanna start being a star wars geek. almost.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #614 on: December 18, 2015, 03:12:04 AM »
I really liked it. Fun movie that reminded me why I like Star Wars.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #615 on: December 18, 2015, 03:17:13 AM »
And I love how

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Rey wrecked Kylo's shit. Hardcore. I also liked how her fighting style was just clumsy lunges. Nice that she didn't really know what she was doing but managed to hold her own.

I knew Han was gonna die, but damn. That still sucked. :-(

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #616 on: December 18, 2015, 05:40:32 AM »
Time to stop clicking on this thread till I see this masterpiece

Human Snorenado

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #617 on: December 18, 2015, 11:50:46 AM »

This was a good movie. This was, even, a good Star Wars movie. I'd rank them: ESB, ANH=TFA, ROTJ. Prequel trash need not apply.

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I felt that the movie was a little TOO copy and paste for it's own good. However, it was basically what the franchise needed after those shitty fucking prequels. At first, I was confused when I heard that Abrams wasn't going to direct the other two movies in this trilogy, but it honestly makes perfect sense now. His job was to re-establish the franchise, hit all the notes and get people excited about it again. He succeeded. I'm pretty excited with the possibilities of the new characters and hopefully new storylines going forward.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #618 on: December 18, 2015, 12:23:06 PM »
And I love how

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Rey wrecked Kylo's shit. Hardcore. I also liked how her fighting style was just clumsy lunges. Nice that she didn't really know what she was doing but managed to hold her own.

I knew Han was gonna die, but damn. That still sucked. :-(

I was talking about this with my gf afterwards. Both thought it didn't seem quite realistic. Best explanation we could come up with:
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Kylo had been shot in the leg like 5 minutes prior. Otherwise, it was a complete shit showing for him. Barely beat a guy who was a stormtrooper two days ago and straight lose to a girl who didn't know she had the Force until yesterday. Had to be the leg.

I could nitpick this movie to death, but I don't want to, because I spite of all the things I wish had been done a little better I still loved the hell out of it.

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He's also got some serious anger/personality issues and isn't always acting rationally. And I think Rey knows how to use a lightsaber but just doesn't remember. Kinda like how she started using the force earlier on with the Stormtrooper.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #619 on: December 18, 2015, 12:45:43 PM »
After seeing it, damn glad I caught it opening night.  I can't imagine trying to live on the Internet and waiting to see it second weekend or something without getting spoiled.  That shit is going to be EVERYEHERE soon.


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #620 on: December 18, 2015, 12:47:39 PM »
Empire > TFA/ANH > Jedi


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #621 on: December 18, 2015, 01:16:47 PM »
I can't put TFA above any of the OT.  It's great, but it's still behind them.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #622 on: December 18, 2015, 01:18:54 PM »
Okay but when was the last time you saw ROTJ? That movie is kinda shit bro

Human Snorenado

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #623 on: December 18, 2015, 01:20:50 PM »
It's better than Jedi. I feel like I can say that with 100% assurance.


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #624 on: December 18, 2015, 01:33:10 PM »
God I'm still giddy.  I had a smile on my face the entire time.  Love All the new characters.

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my guess is that the driving force of the series will be Rey's struggles with the dark side.  You can already see her struggle with it.  It's gonna end up coming down to Luke and Finn saving her I think

Human Snorenado

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #625 on: December 18, 2015, 01:40:32 PM »
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Rey is Luke's daughter. I'm pretty confident about that. She mentions something about an island from before she came to Jakku, seems like she was on that world with papa Skywalker as an infant. Also ties into the whole family theme that runs through all the movies.

I think that Luke will pull an Obi-Wan and die in episode VIII and then be a Force ghost in episode IX. Kylo/Ben or Severus Snoke will kill him, then episode IX will be about Rey trying to redeem Kylo/Ben.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #626 on: December 18, 2015, 02:00:54 PM »
Yep. Ewoks and Jabba drags RotJ down, but the battle of Endor and all the emperor scenes make up for it later.

Joe Molotov

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #627 on: December 18, 2015, 03:36:52 PM »
It was fine.

I wasn't jizzing my pants or nothing, but I think it was good enough to knock some of the stink off the franchise and laid a solid foundation for the sequels.

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I was a little LOL @ how much of a Star Wars-ass Star Wars movie they made this. JJ Abrams be like, you guys liked the Battle of Endor? We got it. Death Star trench run? We got it. Saving the Princess from the Death Star? We got it. Han Solo? We got him. Darth Vader? We got him, and he's Han Solo's son too. The Emperor? We got him 20 feet tall! Mos Eisley Cantina and Jabba's Palace? We got this place that's like both of them smushed together. We got the droids you're looking, baby.

Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #628 on: December 18, 2015, 03:52:39 PM »
After the soulless prequels I was totally fine with a Star Wars-ass Star Wars movie.

Human Snorenado

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #629 on: December 18, 2015, 04:14:09 PM »

Joe Molotov

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #630 on: December 18, 2015, 04:18:56 PM »
After the soulless prequels I was totally fine with a Star Wars-ass Star Wars movie.

Totally, I'm not complaining.  :)

Joe Molotov

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #631 on: December 18, 2015, 04:20:22 PM »
Dat epic Armond White troll review


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Rey “leans in” when she grips the Skywalker light saber, so that feminists can rejoice at the Disney Corporation’s calculated political correctness (although Rey’s competence with weaponry contradicts liberals’ convenient attitudes toward gun control.)


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #632 on: December 18, 2015, 07:22:16 PM »
Best Star Wars movie since Empire. Second best Star Wars movie period. Better than Jedi and New Hope. Hollllly fuck.

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #633 on: December 18, 2015, 07:43:28 PM »
(Apparent) spoilers if you're like me and don't give a shit:
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Seriously, spoilers. 
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-There's another deathstar.  It's all new.  Except it still has a weak point. :lol ::)
-Kylo Ren is Darth Vader's grandson.  He serves an evil master and holy shit we've seen all this before.
-Luke is in the film for like a minute.
-Han Solo dies.
-This movie is a total Star Wars rehash. 

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just now reading this.

It's pretty obvious the film is a reset.  Reset in the sense that it's reestablishing what makes Star Wars Star Wars. Technically, the original is pretty unoriginal. It's the sequels that padded it and gave the universe texture. The original is a rehash of Hidden Fortress. Almost to the point where Kurosawa could sue if he wanted to. So the next step, after the shit prequels, is obviously to remake the original film but within a new context to re-establish the stakes, pay tribute to the series, and pave the way for the future.

Since we all know that it's the sequels in Star Wars trilogies where the real meat is, VII is a great way to build the trilogy up for more capable storytellers than JJ. The masterful set up for VIII is extraordinary and that film is going to be incredible.

The great thing about the "rehash" is how it subverts your expectations. Anyone with sense would realize Han stands as this movies Obi Wan. Anyone following knows he was going to die, alone, as everyone else watches. Just like Obi Wan. What's important is the reveal that he's his grandson.

Another part that's fun is during the duel in the snow and the planet starts to crumble and you think our heroine is going to fall and have her hand cut off Luke style. Instead, she turns the force around force fucks Ren.

So yeah. VII is a "rehash". And there's actually nothing wrong with that within the context of this film or this franchise. It's a tribute to a series whose fans haven't had anything awesome on the big screen and milk after milk after milk for nearly thirty years, twenty if you're like me and started with the Special Editions. If anyone needed a tribute film it's fucking Star Wars. Thank fuck Star Wars is back. Now we gotta fix Star Trek and :rejoice niccas

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #634 on: December 18, 2015, 07:44:54 PM »
Can't wait for the butthurt Mra's and racists to come out of the wood work. This films greatest blessing :rejoice

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #635 on: December 18, 2015, 07:59:37 PM »
And I love how

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Rey wrecked Kylo's shit. Hardcore. I also liked how her fighting style was just clumsy lunges. Nice that she didn't really know what she was doing but managed to hold her own.

I knew Han was gonna die, but damn. That still sucked. :-(

I was talking about this with my gf afterwards. Both thought it didn't seem quite realistic. Best explanation we could come up with:
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Kylo had been shot in the leg like 5 minutes prior. Otherwise, it was a complete shit showing for him. Barely beat a guy who was a stormtrooper two days ago and straight lose to a girl who didn't know she had the Force until yesterday. Had to be the leg.

I could nitpick this movie to death, but I don't want to, because I spite of all the things I wish had been done a little better I still loved the hell out of it.

Here's the thing.

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people want Ren to be that guy. But at least in this film, HE ISN'T THAT GUY. The film builds him up as a badass but ultimately, he's a scared child. The entire point I felt was that they try to build up this guy as the stuff of legends, an equal to Vader. But he's not. Which is the entire point of his character, even as far as the fight goes. Whether or not he grows and becomes a monster in VIII? Who knows? Maybe we even have a new Sithlord as the main villain? I'm not so sure why everyone is so willing to make Ren equal to Vader. He isn't. There isn't going to be one. Let it go.

There's also an interesting parralel in Ren chasing Vader's legacy and the film being a tribute to A New Hope,  and in some ways attempting to do that very thing. :obama The Force Awakens is a movie about legacies. Han and his grandson. The legacy of Luke and Anankin's lightsaber. Ren's obsession with replicating Vader's legacy. The Death Star. Some legacies perish and are doomed to fail. Others are worth pursuing.

The more I think about this film the more I like it. :bow

If you wanna bitch about a character, Phasma seems more apt than Ren honestly.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2015, 08:33:18 PM by Mods Help »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #636 on: December 18, 2015, 08:12:09 PM »
Snorenado and Gundam liking it means I'll see it earlier than expected. I assumed both might dislike it due to the nostalgia attempts/JJ Abrams being a boob/etc. But most people I know are saying it's good and while it does pay homage to Star Wars in very Abrams ways, it's not over the top.

I'll probably go next week.

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #637 on: December 18, 2015, 08:23:19 PM »
Oh, the film is a total nostalgia fest and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. But being a nostalgia fest doesn't make it a bad movie. On the contrary, I think it adds a dimension to the film that most nostalgia addled revivals lack. I could be alone in that.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #639 on: December 18, 2015, 10:29:40 PM »
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star wars by committee. JJ is a company man who knows his business, and in this case it was making a disney star wars branded moneyspinner. enjoyable enough, but completely lacking in the organic mythology of the originals. it all feels small and a bit cheap. that's before dissecting the contrived plot and duff notes. 6.5/10


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #640 on: December 19, 2015, 03:47:17 AM »
I enjoyed the Star War.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #641 on: December 19, 2015, 06:37:53 AM »
Someone spoiled SW in the Neogaf thread

Really hope Demi comes through with IP and mail address

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #642 on: December 19, 2015, 08:40:35 AM »
The morning after and I'm thinking about its place in the series and I think it's probably either on par with Jedi or slightly below it. What brings it down is the editing in the second half, but JJ has said there's 10-20 minutes of unused footage. If the Blu Ray version is an extended cut and fills it in more, it could be better as good or better. Another thing that puts Jedi ahead of it is the fight in the chamber. It's my favorite scene in Star Wars trilogy, and while I feel the The Force Awakens almost gets to the emotional level and visuals of that fight, it's not there yet.

But I definitely think it's better than A New Hope, which I rewatched last night after Force Awakens.

So right now I'm thinking ESB > ROTJ > TFA >>> ANH

Also, again, interesting. Parallels!

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Darth Vader chooses the light rather than kill his son; Kyler Ren chooses the dark side over his father. Things are going to go much, much worse for him now.

The biggest issue in this film is the misuse of Lupita. Her character sucked. You don't make Lupita CG.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 08:44:44 AM by Mods Help »

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #643 on: December 19, 2015, 10:00:35 AM »
Great acting, great chemistry between the various actors.  Clever dialogue for the most part.

Great special effects, they did emphasize the practical effects.  The two major cg characters were not particularly impressive.

If there was new John Williams music here, I don't recall it.  Was hoping for something new and exciting but the score felt very retread.

The trouble I have is that the story and plot was arguably the dumbest in the series to date and all the fan service in the world can't cover up that much dumb. 

Very little world galaxy building to explain how the hell the galaxy got this way... This movie apes ANH so very hard, at least it could have done was to cut or reduce a lengthy action scene or two and have someone offer some basic exposition.  Instead we just get contrivance after contrivance to keep action scenes going.  ANH had strong pacing and great action but the plot was very well designed and every element logically fit and flowed together. 

It can't be the equal of a movie it's an echo of, so it's sub ANH.  Even with all the dumb plot choices - and they are doozies - I guess it's ROTJ / ROTS level, in kind of an inverse way, switching out wooden acting with good acting but jettisoning entirely anything original or creative (or even competent) in terms of plot / writing (other than amusing banter, I mean).

I think all the exposition you're craving was already in the crawl:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Luke Skywalker has vanished.
In his absence, the sinister
FIRST ORDER has risen
from the ashes of the Empire
and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi,
has been destroyed.

With the support of the REPUBLIC,
General Leia Organa leads a brave RESISTANCE.
She is desperate to find her
brother Luke and gain his
help in restoring peace and
justice to the galaxy.

Leia has sent her most daring
pilot on a secret mission
to Jakku, where an old ally
has discovered a clue to
Luke’s whereabouts . . . .

What more world building do you want?

Also, I thought that the film does a fantastic job with mysteries:

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Mysteries: Where's Luke? Who's Kylo Ren? Who are Rey's parents? WHERE'S LUKE?

There's a lot of questions that invade the film and wrap it nicely. In fact, it handles this in almost the exact same way as ANH: throwing out hints, some side trails for you to wander into to think is true but it really isn't (like Luke's dad being dead;etc). ANH is mostly full of action with very, very little actual galaxy exposition compared to Empire or Jedi. I highly suggest you watch the original again. It's not the exposition masterpiece you think it is and is almost as mysterious than TFA.

I also said this with Wrath privately, but I truly think a lot of people are trying to FIND negatives by bringing up the callbacks. It's like they're TRYING to not like it.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #644 on: December 19, 2015, 11:08:08 AM »

If there was new John Williams music here, I don't recall it.  Was hoping for something new and exciting but the score felt very retread.

Agreed on the score.   Disappointed.

Each of the shitty prequels nonetheless got some pretty kickass themes to call their own.

Here, well, I really liked Rey's theme, but don't think it comes close to anything like the standout themes from the previous movies.

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #645 on: December 19, 2015, 11:19:18 AM »
The score is pretty weak. But it has good points too.

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #646 on: December 19, 2015, 11:24:38 AM »

If there was new John Williams music here, I don't recall it.  Was hoping for something new and exciting but the score felt very retread.

Agreed on the score.   Disappointed.

Each of the shitty prequels nonetheless got some pretty kickass themes to call their own.

Here, well, I really liked Rey's theme, but don't think it comes close to anything like the standout themes from the previous movies.

Honestly, I'm going to have to re-listen to it to figure out what Rey's unique theme even is. 

Maybe it's just a more subtle score and it'll grow on me.  I dunno.

I think it's one of the best theme's in the movie.

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #647 on: December 19, 2015, 11:39:13 AM »
Because the rebels won in the original trilogy. In the new one, the sith aren't a full on empire. it said remnants of the empire in the screen crawl. Essentially, there's a resistance because there's a mini empire forming. It's a resistance to stopping them from growing further. Essentially, the first order don't have the reach or might of the old empire, so they fear the republic. At least, that's how I read it.

Human Snorenado

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #648 on: December 19, 2015, 11:50:45 AM »
I think (and yes, it wasn't explained well, and yes, I have similar complaints to JD re: the plot of this movie) that the Republic is the official government, but due to cobbling together a working alliance they're weak and ineffectual so the Resistance are sort of like the unofficial cleaners who can come in and get shit done while Senators bicker or something.

My bigger complaint is that basically 3 out of 4 of the SW movies (we shall not count the prequels) have had basically the same OMG THE EMPIRE/FIRST ORDER HAS A GIANT BASE THAT CAN BLOW UP PLANETS plot. I also don't think it's a coincidence that the movie that DOESN'T have that as a plot is pretty universally regarded as the best of the lot.

I also kind of felt that the movie relied on a frenetic pace of the heroes just reacting to bad situations and moving from one action sequence to the next for the first half, which resulted in a lot of cool action sequences and "hell yeah!" moments, but not a lot of character development.

At the end of the day, though, I really liked TFA, but probably more accurate to say I think it's a better "Star Wars Experience" than it is a movie.

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #649 on: December 19, 2015, 11:58:47 AM »
I felt there was a lot of character development. I mean, between Finn, Rey, Han, hell...even BB, I'm not sure how there's not much character development. From my ANH watch last night, I observed that only really Luke, Vader, Leia, Han, and Obi Wan have noticeable character development. So, the main characters.

I see a lot of people complaining about the "coincidences" in the movie but fail to ignore the fact that in ANH, the droids just happen to land on the same planet as Obi Wan, they just happen to both be captured by Jawa's, and both just happen to taken in by Luke, to which Luke just happens upon Obi Wan, and the crew just happen upon the Death Star. There's a lot of coincidences in ANH. It ties a lot into THe Hidden Fortress which has similar coincidences.

I do find the use of the Death Star overkill.

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #650 on: December 19, 2015, 12:02:17 PM »
I honestly don't think the storytelling is as bad as you say it is.


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #651 on: December 19, 2015, 12:15:19 PM »
Star Wars is inspired by serials like Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon. It was good guy, bad guy, damsel in distress, saving the world/universe with the back drop of cool tech.  It wasn't a hard sci-fi, deep-think wank.

The series (for some) has become a victim of ESB, where they now expect it to reach this other level for which it was never intended.

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #652 on: December 19, 2015, 12:26:56 PM »
I think a lot of people have over estimations on what this series is about and I'm not exactly sure why, but ESB is a pretty good scapegoat, Toxic.

but that's kind of like being the least creepy Etrian Odyssey fan.



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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #653 on: December 19, 2015, 12:42:06 PM »
Yes I did'nt quite understand the Republic and the First Order, especially since the First Order is going around killing billions of people and it's not the Republic that responds(which seemingly has a huge fleet), but rather the Resistance who are rebels to what? Why is there a military force against a government that is attacking the official Body of Government, but not the sole dominator like in ANH. Also what does the First Order do? Are they just a military force?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 12:48:14 PM by Rahxephon91 »

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #654 on: December 19, 2015, 12:50:01 PM »
The First Order are essentially what the Rebels were in ANH: a mobilized force of men and women with (comparatively) small numbers. Don't be swooned by their Death Star and think they have nearly the same amount of reach or influence as the old Empire. I don't see how this is so confusing.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #655 on: December 19, 2015, 12:56:54 PM »
The rebels were a very small operation, having to move from a single base to a single base.

The New Order is able to build a gigantic super weapon, conduct brutal military operations at a whim, and have spies everywhere.

I don't know if they are just like the Rebels.

Unlike the Rebels, they don't seem like they are all scrapping together to survive.

They also have an actual presence. Several times in the movie people were willing to sell out to them. Plenty of people did'nt want anything to do with the Rebels in New Hope.


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #656 on: December 19, 2015, 01:18:04 PM »
Rey's theme sounds like something I've heard in Beauty and the Beast and Harry Potter.  Still love it.

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #657 on: December 19, 2015, 01:20:33 PM »
You forget that the Rebels had a lot of spies on their own, including many in the senate to the point where the emperor had to dissolve it because it was a serious security threat that leaked Empire secrets, such as the Death Star weak point.

The New Order built a super weapon, but they're the bad guys. Bad guys always manage to make super weapons even if they're weak. They conduct brutal military operations because they're arrogant and cocky.

I guess comparing the First Order to the Rebels in ANH was a bad comparison, but they're definitely not as strong as the Empire - which is the conclusion many have made. I also don't think too much of people willing to spy for them either, given the locations where we saw people spying for them were scummy dens and bars and marketplaces, which is exactly the type of location which would house people willing to sell out the Republic.

Maybe the movie could extrapolate a little bit more, but again, the screen crawl hints at a lot. This is a war but it's not exactly as lop-sided a war as the previous Rebel-Empire War:

Luke Skywalker has vanished.
In his absence, the sinister
FIRST ORDER has risen
from the ashes of the Empire
and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi,
has been destroyed.

With the support of the REPUBLIC,
General Leia Organa leads a brave RESISTANCE.
She is desperate to find her
brother Luke and gain his
help in restoring peace and
justice to the galaxy.

Leia has sent her most daring
pilot on a secret mission
to Jakku, where an old ally
has discovered a clue to
Luke’s whereabouts . . . .

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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #658 on: December 19, 2015, 02:46:47 PM »
Watched Empire and yup. ANH is extremely barebones compared to the galaxy building of Empire. I have hope that the next film will go further into galaxy building. In fact, I quite know it will as a necessity due to Rey and Ren's character arcs and the training they'll be under going.


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Re: How bout that Star War huh?
« Reply #659 on: December 19, 2015, 04:11:30 PM »
Because the rebels won in the original trilogy. In the new one, the sith aren't a full on empire. it said remnants of the empire in the screen crawl. Essentially, there's a resistance because there's a mini empire forming. It's a resistance to stopping them from growing further. Essentially, the first order don't have the reach or might of the old empire, so they fear the republic. At least, that's how I read it.

This sounds dumb as fuck tbh