Now, let's get personal.
I know that over the past 7 years, I've kept what I do close to the chest.
But I had a close hand in this. Now, let's all agree, that whatever we think of "big picture drug policy", that illicit synthetic drug labs a la meth, ecstacy, and their analogues, in residential areas, are bad, mmkay?
Then I present to you this: was one of the biggest-fuck-off-drug-labs I've yet seen. And it was half a block from a primary school. Dozens upon dozens of six year olds walked past this place twice a day. And like any drug lab, it had the potential of going "BOOM" at any point. But it didn't get to that point. Because we did what we do, and we fucking ruined these guys' day. this country's capital, the RCMP in 2015 has already arrested and charged three people with terrorism offences, related to ISIS. this week, the RCMP was alerted to a former US military chemical weapons expert, living in Nova Scotia, who snapped. He had been stockpiling chemicals for both explosives, and illicit drug production, purposes. And he drove to Ottawa with some vague intention of killing police officers. And due to extreme diligence and cooperation, we were able to stop and arrest this person.
I love you guys, but I guaran-fucking-tee I can fill this thread with positive (and lamentable) cop stories quicker than you guys can fill it with negative ones. I don't make that claim with the reckless youthful boast I might have years ago. I say it with the quiet(ish) confidence of someone who has done this for 7 years, and has worked with others for 7 years. But I still don't want to butt heads here. This can be a place for both positive and negative police stories. But y'all know how I'm going to play this.