The Sandra Bland thing is just another bullet point to an already damning mountain of evidence. cams alone won't do shit.
The problem lies in the very structure of American policing. Historically, the original American police were originally started as escaped slave hunters. When you don't combat or even address that historical racial element, things will never change.
In order to change anything we must:
- have stricter requirements for police
- end the war on drugs, and focus on community policing
- cams
- federal inquiry of all american police stations
- hold police accountable for their actions
- decrease police union strength
- focus on trying to alter the behavior and mentality of American policing in general
In other words, nothing will be done.

The American Way.

Actually, scratch that, things will get done, but only when American police accidentally do this to an ambassador of a foreign country visiting the country. This is why American politicians were pushed into ending segregation: politics. Politicians and visitors from foreign countries, right when America was gaining global power and traction and influence, were told to ride in the back of buses and segregated from the general public. It was an embarrassment for America. Never think that America actually cares about black people. But if it somehows sullies America's honor THEN they'll do something about it.