GAF makes me wonder about certain users' friend groups (if they exist
My friend and I to this day still laugh about FFX, just because we played some of it together back in the day and the mix of Wackanese influences and anime fixings was new to us. The awesome CGI made up for the embarrassment we felt.
My point is that a lot of people outside the little hugbox that is GAF would be put off by Japanese cartoons and everything
that entails (which use to be dope animation, gore, violence, but is now mostly moe creepy pandering shit).
I have to assume these people have no friends to call them out on their weird shit, or perhaps they found like minded companionship in their high school Anime Club.
If friends, or lack of friends failed them, so too did their parents and communities
GAF just reinforces these people's fucked up interests and views.
Ban all anime avatars. Burn all the manga.