Author Topic: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.  (Read 3336441 times)

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27780 on: September 25, 2016, 12:30:33 PM »
Luckey supporting Trump aside, do people actually think that this is going to hurt chances that VR is going to go mainstream?

 *Disclaimer: I don't know the specifics about the organization that Luckey is allegedly funding, nor do I actually want to read 8 wall-of-text posts that attempt to describe the situation. I know that the organization is pretty bad and that Milo is scum, beyond that I don't want to dive deeper into this shit-pile of a mess. *

 Just got an email of one of Jason's tweets that links to an article that claims Valve and Facebook need to quadruple their investments into "diversity".

 The article doesn't offer a solution to promote diversity and it seems like a confusing proposition.

 First, because I'm not sure how they'd exactly promote diversity with VR that would call for a dedicated budget. I'd imagine if they wanted to be seen as diverse they'd just use a non-White male set of actors in presentations/videos/billboards which, due to the unfortunate realities of minority actors, might actually cost less.

 Second, because I'm not exactly sure why this is needed. I mean, it would be cool and effective to see a diverse group of people using VR, but not exactly as a PR stunt to cover a feigned backlash against the VR industry. People don't really know Luckey, Oculus, or about this entire situation. So essentially they're calling for companies, even those not involved in this situation, to take money out of dev costs out of their own volition and into a nebulous "diversity w/ VR" fund for a nontroversy about a techie libertarian funding an anti-Hillary organization.

Oh Cody BRown? Fuck him. He one of those woke white guys that offers diversity not in actual diversity but as a blackmail tactic to grab money for their own projects.

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27781 on: September 25, 2016, 01:09:57 PM »

On paper, sure. But in practice it means your most likely a smelly, entitled, paper-thin skinned, outrage monger. /AiA


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27782 on: September 25, 2016, 01:35:42 PM »

On paper, sure. But in practice it means your most likely a smelly, entitled, paper-thin skinned, outrage monger. /AiA

GenX is better cause we did all that and created it as well.  eat it millenials!


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27783 on: September 25, 2016, 01:55:14 PM »

On paper, sure. But in practice it means your most likely a smelly, entitled, paper-thin skinned, outrage monger. /AiA

GenX is better cause we did all that and created it as well.  eat it millenials!
if y'all are so smart why are you going to die first?

checkmate old man

GenX based Thiel has it covered..


  • Estado Homo
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27784 on: September 25, 2016, 02:13:25 PM »
Enzom has a chip the size of a caddy on his shoulder. Dude is convinced EVERY white person is just dying to call him and other black people distinguished black fellow. He has a bizarre worldview IMO.

That's the BCT on GAF in general though. :confused

Nah.  Nobody else but Enzom21 accuses you of calling him a distinguished black fellow for asking for clarification.  Any weakness in Enzom's personal view is defended by him declaring that you want to call him a distinguished black fellow.  Or he says "Blah Blah, us distinguished black fellows's deserve that don't we?"

If there were a way to search the use of the word "distinguished black fellow" on GAF it would reveal that 95% of the time it was Enzom21 demanding that Whites to call him that.  Such an odd wish that people call you the most demeaning ethnophaulism possible.  I thought people like him only existed in parody movies made by black people. Prior to that I assumed the idea of a dumb, militant, stupid person who hates whites and sees conspiraces on every level was just a archetype made up by the media.

It turns out they do exist and that's why comedy and parody movies made by black people include them.



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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27785 on: September 25, 2016, 02:35:56 PM »

If she is anything like the women I know, 95% of the photos will just be pictures of her dog.

Well, maybe the other 5% will be of her pussy.

spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27786 on: September 25, 2016, 02:42:23 PM »
Well, clicking that spoiler was disappointing.


  • Do the moron
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27787 on: September 25, 2016, 02:54:54 PM »

Precisely. I would even call this a form of bigotry or prejudice in a way. The rabid, ignorant hatred for this game and its fans must at least share a few of the same neurons as bigotry.



  • brutal deluxe
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27788 on: September 25, 2016, 03:08:14 PM »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27790 on: September 25, 2016, 03:19:01 PM »
The great cleansing of everyone with an actual distinct personality and opinions continues.

Pretty sad to be honest.

Do the mods really want only an echo chamber of people with the exact same opinions and voices?


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27791 on: September 25, 2016, 03:25:45 PM »
He can always come back here.



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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27792 on: September 25, 2016, 03:26:17 PM »
I am guessing the events on this page did him in.

The way to get rid of the old GAF posters with independent thought is to give them lots of small bullshit bans, a perm warning, and then at your leisure some tiny little transgression is followed by the final permanent ban.

Rinse repeat until only the meek remains.

How many users think GAF is a better forum now than 5 years ago?

Probably not many but you can't have a discussion about the tone or policy of GAF without getting banned.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27793 on: September 25, 2016, 03:32:54 PM »
I'm on watch apparently :doge

5 bans in 10 years. That's probably 1/30th of the count for people like the MK bros, Angelus etc.


  • brutal deluxe
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27794 on: September 25, 2016, 03:33:49 PM »
has the closeness of the election riled everyone to the point where GAF is now in a state of martial law? like /pol/ they see it as their chance to make a difference in the world and see rounding up dissenting posters into ban gulags as a necessity of the war effort.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 03:38:59 PM by headwalk »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27796 on: September 25, 2016, 04:01:10 PM »

Precisely. I would even call this a form of bigotry or prejudice in a way. The rabid, ignorant hatred for this game and its fans must at least share a few of the same neurons as bigotry.


Posts like this make me feel really old, like I don't even understand what's going on in the world anymore and I just feel scared and helpless.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27797 on: September 25, 2016, 04:19:22 PM »
Neogaf has been abandoned by the industry a longtime ago.

Even gaming journos don't even bother with it. It has become the laughing stock of the internet, and has no weight at all anymore like it used to back in 2000-2005.

Moderation has neutered discussion and personality. The mods have turned moderation into a show, creating a culture where getting other people banned is celebrated and rewarded. Every thread can end up a graveyard now because of the climate and specifically protected posters (either mod alts, or irc friends of mods)

Gaming journos left the site and are now on twitter. Sales Threads and JPN mag scans being banned led to NeoGAF to stop being a major source of news. Users that could speak japanese and cared enough left, so there went all the coverate from foreign sources. Ridiculous policies about proving your credentials to mods before revealing anonymous infos killed any chance of actual leaks happening anymore. Who would want the risk of getting exposed by self-doxing yourself to a bunch of no-names anonymous forum admins? Especially after some Sony VIP got exposed by Evilore, nobody serious is ever gonna leak serious shit.

Let's not forget the spectacles that were made of the forum gangbangs inflicted on that Silicon Knight guy and that creator of Twisted Metal Black when they went on the forums. Why would you want to risk it?

All the old-school, knowledgeable folks were banned, or left the forums.  Now the users left are nameless drones who are too afraid of losing their accounts and will simply post neutered content, or copy paste shit from wikipedia and specialities forums.

Evillore seems to be having problems with ads, why is he getting such low quality ads content? Whats going on? I remember a time where Ubisoft and other big companies would rent-out the front page and it would be all SplinterCell themed or whatever. What happened to that? why are the ads now all related to super shit pseudo anime girls games for cell phones and shady looking sites?

The new generation of gamers dont give  a crap about forums, its all about youtube, twitter and reddit.

It's lame because it used to be THE source for hardcore gaming infos, breaking news. I remember joining during the dreamcast era and being amazed by the knowledge being shared. It's never going recover.

It also doesn't help that the forum feels like a political platform due to the elections. No wonder that they ended up being the 5th biggest referral source for hillary's site!

« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 04:25:52 PM by Shuri »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27798 on: September 25, 2016, 04:30:56 PM »
Work and menial tasks being relegated to machines, offering untold flexibility and freedom to explore my mind's desires? A utopian dream.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27800 on: September 25, 2016, 05:15:43 PM »
A bad writer attempts to co-opt a larger argument to deflect from the fact that his book is bad and somewhat racist. (And it somewhat works because people don't look too deeply into anything.)

I love these millenials articles. Taken en masse, they project this world were millenials have somewhat destroyed everything we love and hope for by either being too soft, too angry, too lazy, too hard-working, too closed off, or too open.

Such a deep and thorough thinker that he didn't even find out that he is a she before declaring as a fact her motivations and racism.

A deep thinker that had he not just tried to delegitimize the author's character, had another bullet in the chamber of "deep" intellectualism lined up afterwards in the form of hand waving generalizations to avoid ever having to speak on the actual content of the criticisms.

Let's Cyber

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27801 on: September 25, 2016, 05:37:07 PM »
How many users think GAF is a better forum now than 5 years ago?
It wasn't necessarily good 5 years ago but it wasn't this actively awful either.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27802 on: September 25, 2016, 05:48:19 PM »

1:14: Time to ban Terry Crews!  :doge


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27803 on: September 25, 2016, 05:50:33 PM »
1:14: Time to ban Terry Crews!  :doge

Not a good fit for GAF.


  • The Bore's Like Bot
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27804 on: September 25, 2016, 05:54:11 PM »


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27805 on: September 25, 2016, 05:55:02 PM »
The great cleansing of everyone with an actual distinct personality and opinions continues.

Pretty sad to be honest.

Do the mods really want only an echo chamber of people with the exact same opinions and voices?

Surround yourself with idiots and you become the smartest person in any room.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27806 on: September 25, 2016, 05:58:02 PM »
Moderation has neutered discussion and personality. The mods have turned moderation into a show, creating a culture where getting other people banned is celebrated and rewarded. Every thread can end up a graveyard now because of the climate and specifically protected posters (either mod alts, or irc friends of mods)

All the old-school, knowledgeable folks were banned, or left the forums.  Now the users left are nameless drones who are too afraid of losing their accounts and will simply post neutered content, or copy paste shit from wikipedia and specialities forums.

It's lame because it used to be THE source for hardcore gaming infos, breaking news. I remember joining during the dreamcast era and being amazed by the knowledge being shared. It's never going recover.

Strongly agree with these points.

Even the Gaming side has started to feel more like a Virtue Signaling competition than a nexus of hardcore gamers.

Most of the posters are now a blend of bland conformity and zero personality.

The one point I disagree with is that I do think it can recover in the future.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27807 on: September 25, 2016, 06:02:53 PM »
Evillore seems to be having problems with ads, why is he getting such low quality ads content? Whats going on? I remember a time where Ubisoft and other big companies would rent-out the front page and it would be all SplinterCell themed or whatever. What happened to that? why are the ads now all related to super shit pseudo anime girls games for cell phones and shady looking sites?

My guess is, with so many bans and people just bailing in the last couple of years, he ended up opening the floodgates on a whole bunch of shitty ad networks to compensate for the loss of traffic. Anyone else noticed that the home page hasn't been displaying # of people online for a while anymore?


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27808 on: September 25, 2016, 06:04:17 PM »
Surround yourself with idiots and you become the smartest person in any room.

That is why I am here.


  • 🧘‍♂️
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27809 on: September 25, 2016, 06:05:09 PM »
Yep, to make all of us look smart. Thanks, Dennis. :smug   :snob


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27810 on: September 25, 2016, 06:06:35 PM »
Evillore seems to be having problems with ads, why is he getting such low quality ads content? Whats going on? I remember a time where Ubisoft and other big companies would rent-out the front page and it would be all SplinterCell themed or whatever. What happened to that? why are the ads now all related to super shit pseudo anime girls games for cell phones and shady looking sites?

My guess is, with so many bans and people just bailing in the last couple of years, he ended up opening the floodgates on a whole bunch of shitty ad networks to compensate for the loss of traffic. Anyone else noticed that the home page hasn't been displaying # of people online for a while anymore?

I don't get that impression. He is the owner of the site so he could tell his moderators to chill with the ban hammer if he wanted to.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27811 on: September 25, 2016, 06:07:10 PM »
Yep, to make all of us look smart. Thanks, Dennis. :smug   :snob



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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27812 on: September 25, 2016, 06:09:18 PM »
Evillore seems to be having problems with ads, why is he getting such low quality ads content? Whats going on? I remember a time where Ubisoft and other big companies would rent-out the front page and it would be all SplinterCell themed or whatever. What happened to that? why are the ads now all related to super shit pseudo anime girls games for cell phones and shady looking sites?

My guess is, with so many bans and people just bailing in the last couple of years, he ended up opening the floodgates on a whole bunch of shitty ad networks to compensate for the loss of traffic. Anyone else noticed that the home page hasn't been displaying # of people online for a while anymore?

I don't get that impression. He is the owner of the site so he could tell his moderators to chill with the ban hammer if he wanted to.

Maybe. But I think he played himself, and now he's stuck.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27813 on: September 25, 2016, 06:14:06 PM »
I am less pessimistic in the sense that I think there are a lot of people who like the basic idea of NeoGAF - a hardcore discussion forum for video games with less tolerance for shitposting and therefore better space for actual debate.

So I think there is definitely an audience. But getting the moderation balance right is obviously tricky.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27814 on: September 25, 2016, 06:18:27 PM »
Moderation has neutered discussion and personality. The mods have turned moderation into a show, creating a culture where getting other people banned is celebrated and rewarded. Every thread can end up a graveyard now because of the climate and specifically protected posters (either mod alts, or irc friends of mods)

All the old-school, knowledgeable folks were banned, or left the forums.  Now the users left are nameless drones who are too afraid of losing their accounts and will simply post neutered content, or copy paste shit from wikipedia and specialities forums.

It's lame because it used to be THE source for hardcore gaming infos, breaking news. I remember joining during the dreamcast era and being amazed by the knowledge being shared. It's never going recover.

Strongly agree with these points.

Even the Gaming side has started to feel more like a Virtue Signaling competition than a nexus of hardcore gamers.

Most of the posters are now a blend of bland conformity and zero personality.

The one point I disagree with is that I do think it can recover in the future.

It really wouldn't be that hard to turn it around if they really wanted to. Thing is I don't think many of them think anything is wrong...and Evilore doesn't give a shit anymore lol.

Cracking down on virtue signaling, taking a similar hard line against left leaning shit posts to shake up the culture and shaking up the moderation could easily do much of that.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27815 on: September 25, 2016, 06:19:05 PM »
NeoGAF is just one big virtue signaling clusterfuck. The community has become far too political and ideological. This goes for both the Gaming and OT sides.

The number one concern these people have is to make sure they show others they're on the "right side" of any controversial issue. Anyone who aren't are quickly snuffed out either through bans or dog-piling. There's a reason why political threads and any threads dealing with controversial topics eventually become circle-jerks for the usual crowd there.

And EviLore doesn't care as long as the ads (malware/virus ridden as they are) keeps supporting his wannabe baller lifestyle.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27816 on: September 25, 2016, 06:30:32 PM »
I'm convinced that NeoGAF is the way that is, simply due to greed on Evilore's part.

SJW's, et al, are the most profitable users, with the least amount of work to moderate them. They are probably a tad less likely to ad block, sympathize more when Lore plays the pity card (re: ad blocking) and, most importantly, MAKE A HUGE DEAL ABOUT THE SMALLEST OF FUCKING THINGS AND SPAM AND REFRESH AND COMPLAIN UNTIL THEY ARE BLUE IN THE FACE.

Still, EviLore is not making the bank he once did, and the low-tier ads on the site are further proof of this (apart from him straight up admitting everyone ad blocks the site on desktop).

Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity greed.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27817 on: September 25, 2016, 06:35:23 PM »
Fun fact: I never used AdBlock on desktop and not on mobile either.

The ads just never seemed intrusive to me so I couldn't be bothered to block them.

I was one of the good ones.

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27818 on: September 25, 2016, 06:44:32 PM »
Never mistake incompetence for malfeasance.

Seriously I think GAF wants to be considered a "safe" place. But truth is, adults are complex. You don't get a poster like PD without some talk about BBC. You don't get a Mupepe or (((Mary Tyler Whore))) without some boobs. That's the way people are. Only kids have this idea that people are always 100% inoffensive and "safe place-y" So you get what you have. A humorless/funless/sterile place for "discussion". I don't think there was any thinking behind this other than a priority on non-offensive "space places" than entertainment. 


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27819 on: September 25, 2016, 06:47:08 PM »
Never mistake incompetence for malfeasance.

Seriously I think GAF wants to be considered a "safe" place. But truth is, adults are complex. You don't get a poster like PD without some talk about BBC.

I don't think you need a poster like PD to talk about the BBC. I like their Sherlock show.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27820 on: September 25, 2016, 07:21:01 PM »
Evillore seems to be having problems with ads, why is he getting such low quality ads content? Whats going on? I remember a time where Ubisoft and other big companies would rent-out the front page and it would be all SplinterCell themed or whatever. What happened to that? why are the ads now all related to super shit pseudo anime girls games for cell phones and shady looking sites?

My guess is, with so many bans and people just bailing in the last couple of years, he ended up opening the floodgates on a whole bunch of shitty ad networks to compensate for the loss of traffic. Anyone else noticed that the home page hasn't been displaying # of people online for a while anymore?

I don't get that impression. He is the owner of the site so he could tell his moderators to chill with the ban hammer if he wanted to.

Maybe. But I think he played himself, and now he's stuck.

The problem is that if he didn't placate them, the virtue signaling brigade would leave in droves. So he's stuck between a rock and a hard place, either way he loses revenue. And I think railGUN hit the nail on the head by saying that the members he currently has are less likely to use adblock and more likely to feel sorry for them. After all, they were the ones who funded amirox's drug habbit. They're suckers. In that sense, evilore made the right choice for his bottom line.

Great Rumbler

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27821 on: September 25, 2016, 07:21:50 PM »
1:14: Time to ban Terry Crews!  :doge

Toxicly disgusting!


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27822 on: September 25, 2016, 07:41:16 PM »
Neogaf has been abandoned by the industry a longtime ago.

Even gaming journos don't even bother with it. It has become the laughing stock of the internet, and has no weight at all anymore like it used to back in 2000-2005.

Moderation has neutered discussion and personality. The mods have turned moderation into a show, creating a culture where getting other people banned is celebrated and rewarded. Every thread can end up a graveyard now because of the climate and specifically protected posters (either mod alts, or irc friends of mods)

Gaming journos left the site and are now on twitter. Sales Threads and JPN mag scans being banned led to NeoGAF to stop being a major source of news. Users that could speak japanese and cared enough left, so there went all the coverate from foreign sources. Ridiculous policies about proving your credentials to mods before revealing anonymous infos killed any chance of actual leaks happening anymore. Who would want the risk of getting exposed by self-doxing yourself to a bunch of no-names anonymous forum admins? Especially after some Sony VIP got exposed by Evilore, nobody serious is ever gonna leak serious shit.

Let's not forget the spectacles that were made of the forum gangbangs inflicted on that Silicon Knight guy and that creator of Twisted Metal Black when they went on the forums. Why would you want to risk it?

All the old-school, knowledgeable folks were banned, or left the forums.  Now the users left are nameless drones who are too afraid of losing their accounts and will simply post neutered content, or copy paste shit from wikipedia and specialities forums.

Evillore seems to be having problems with ads, why is he getting such low quality ads content? Whats going on? I remember a time where Ubisoft and other big companies would rent-out the front page and it would be all SplinterCell themed or whatever. What happened to that? why are the ads now all related to super shit pseudo anime girls games for cell phones and shady looking sites?

The new generation of gamers dont give  a crap about forums, its all about youtube, twitter and reddit.

It's lame because it used to be THE source for hardcore gaming infos, breaking news. I remember joining during the dreamcast era and being amazed by the knowledge being shared. It's never going recover.

It also doesn't help that the forum feels like a political platform due to the elections. No wonder that they ended up being the 5th biggest referral source for hillary's site!

Preach it, Shuri.

In other words...The Gaming-Age Forums were awesome.  That place is long dead.  It got replaced by that shitty NeoGAF forum.

I've been waiting for it get replaced by another gaming forum, and I think that has been my problem-- it already has been replaced by the likes of Reddit and Twitter.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27823 on: September 25, 2016, 07:52:08 PM »
Evillore seems to be having problems with ads, why is he getting such low quality ads content? Whats going on? I remember a time where Ubisoft and other big companies would rent-out the front page and it would be all SplinterCell themed or whatever. What happened to that? why are the ads now all related to super shit pseudo anime girls games for cell phones and shady looking sites?

To be fair, this isnt only a Neogaf problem.

The internet is in a dangerous cycle right now.

People started blocking ads, which in turn led to websites having to ok shittier and more obtrusive ads, which in turn leads to more people blocking ads.

I didnt install an ad blocker on my home PC until about 2 years ago. And then I white-listed all my favorite sites. That is, until they fuck up. One single redirect and youre being blocked.

My work installed ublock on all computers by defaul earlier this year.

This is a trend observed internet-wide. Remember blogs? Remember when blogs could bring home some revenue? Not anymore.

Worse, 5 years ago, many website tried to go the subscription route and that failed too.

Remember when IGN pay-walled all their reviews?

Gamespot Complete?

They all had to drop those systems because it was even worse than ads. And then they came back to ad-supported but ads are paying less because less people see them. They know they cant go back.

Which leads to a new crappy area of sponsorship and "affiliates".

AKA: Companies paying for content. Also, companies controlling content running by their content.

You no longer get quality internet content that's not secretly underwritten by some marketing budget in the background.

This post, for example, is riddled with corporate sponsors. You think I post for free? Its 2016 motherfucker.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27824 on: September 25, 2016, 07:53:26 PM »
I keep repeating this, but large forums are just awful to read. You have to scroll past so much dross just to keep up with the conversation. Makes it that much more of a waste of time than it already is.


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27825 on: September 25, 2016, 08:01:17 PM »
Neogaf has been abandoned by the industry a longtime ago.

Even gaming journos don't even bother with it. It has become the laughing stock of the internet, and has no weight at all anymore like it used to back in 2000-2005.

Moderation has neutered discussion and personality. The mods have turned moderation into a show, creating a culture where getting other people banned is celebrated and rewarded. Every thread can end up a graveyard now because of the climate and specifically protected posters (either mod alts, or irc friends of mods)

Gaming journos left the site and are now on twitter. Sales Threads and JPN mag scans being banned led to NeoGAF to stop being a major source of news. Users that could speak japanese and cared enough left, so there went all the coverate from foreign sources. Ridiculous policies about proving your credentials to mods before revealing anonymous infos killed any chance of actual leaks happening anymore. Who would want the risk of getting exposed by self-doxing yourself to a bunch of no-names anonymous forum admins? Especially after some Sony VIP got exposed by Evilore, nobody serious is ever gonna leak serious shit.

Let's not forget the spectacles that were made of the forum gangbangs inflicted on that Silicon Knight guy and that creator of Twisted Metal Black when they went on the forums. Why would you want to risk it?

All the old-school, knowledgeable folks were banned, or left the forums.  Now the users left are nameless drones who are too afraid of losing their accounts and will simply post neutered content, or copy paste shit from wikipedia and specialities forums.

Evillore seems to be having problems with ads, why is he getting such low quality ads content? Whats going on? I remember a time where Ubisoft and other big companies would rent-out the front page and it would be all SplinterCell themed or whatever. What happened to that? why are the ads now all related to super shit pseudo anime girls games for cell phones and shady looking sites?

The new generation of gamers dont give  a crap about forums, its all about youtube, twitter and reddit.

It's lame because it used to be THE source for hardcore gaming infos, breaking news. I remember joining during the dreamcast era and being amazed by the knowledge being shared. It's never going recover.

It also doesn't help that the forum feels like a political platform due to the elections. No wonder that they ended up being the 5th biggest referral source for hillary's site!

Preach it, Shuri.

In other words...The Gaming-Age Forums were awesome.  That place is long dead.  It got replaced by that shitty NeoGAF forum.

I've been waiting for it get replaced by another gaming forum, and I think that has been my problem-- it already has been replaced by the likes of Reddit and Twitter.

Yeah I think one of the most telling things too is how a lot of the "big" personalities on GAF managed to roll that into big twitter personalities as well.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27826 on: September 25, 2016, 08:04:21 PM »
Evilore just wants NeoGAF to be considered _the_ place people go for industry discussion.  So he thinks that if he turns it into a safe space, that it's more inclusive and therefore more people will join up.  Except most people don't see it that way, they see it as a place where you have to walk on eggshells if you have opinions that go against the consensus of the board.

The reason why there are so many issues with ads is that he picked whatever option gives him the most money.  Unsurprisingly they end up being the scummiest types of ads.  Evilore has no idea how to do any long term planning, maybe because he thinks there will be someone to buy him out for $10 million or something, I don't know.  If he is, I hope he realized that ship has long since sailed and is probably lucky to even get a million dollars from that dump at this point.


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27827 on: September 25, 2016, 08:12:14 PM »
Are we heading back to the AOL and Netscape days of the Internet? I need to start working on my Geocities webpage again.  :doge


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27828 on: September 25, 2016, 08:14:16 PM »
Yeah I think one of the most telling things too is how a lot of the "big" personalities on GAF managed to roll that into big twitter personalities as well.

Lets put all our eggs into a platform that has no idea how to make money!

What could go wrong.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27829 on: September 25, 2016, 08:16:12 PM »
Neogaf has been abandoned by the industry a longtime ago.

Even gaming journos don't even bother with it. It has become the laughing stock of the internet, and has no weight at all anymore like it used to back in 2000-2005.

Moderation has neutered discussion and personality. The mods have turned moderation into a show, creating a culture where getting other people banned is celebrated and rewarded. Every thread can end up a graveyard now because of the climate and specifically protected posters (either mod alts, or irc friends of mods)

Gaming journos left the site and are now on twitter. Sales Threads and JPN mag scans being banned led to NeoGAF to stop being a major source of news. Users that could speak japanese and cared enough left, so there went all the coverate from foreign sources. Ridiculous policies about proving your credentials to mods before revealing anonymous infos killed any chance of actual leaks happening anymore. Who would want the risk of getting exposed by self-doxing yourself to a bunch of no-names anonymous forum admins? Especially after some Sony VIP got exposed by Evilore, nobody serious is ever gonna leak serious shit.

Let's not forget the spectacles that were made of the forum gangbangs inflicted on that Silicon Knight guy and that creator of Twisted Metal Black when they went on the forums. Why would you want to risk it?

All the old-school, knowledgeable folks were banned, or left the forums.  Now the users left are nameless drones who are too afraid of losing their accounts and will simply post neutered content, or copy paste shit from wikipedia and specialities forums.

Evillore seems to be having problems with ads, why is he getting such low quality ads content? Whats going on? I remember a time where Ubisoft and other big companies would rent-out the front page and it would be all SplinterCell themed or whatever. What happened to that? why are the ads now all related to super shit pseudo anime girls games for cell phones and shady looking sites?

The new generation of gamers dont give  a crap about forums, its all about youtube, twitter and reddit.

It's lame because it used to be THE source for hardcore gaming infos, breaking news. I remember joining during the dreamcast era and being amazed by the knowledge being shared. It's never going recover.

It also doesn't help that the forum feels like a political platform due to the elections. No wonder that they ended up being the 5th biggest referral source for hillary's site!

Preach it, Shuri.

In other words...The Gaming-Age Forums were awesome.  That place is long dead.  It got replaced by that shitty NeoGAF forum.

I've been waiting for it get replaced by another gaming forum, and I think that has been my problem-- it already has been replaced by the likes of Reddit and Twitter.

Yeah I think one of the most telling things too is how a lot of the "big" personalities on GAF managed to roll that into big twitter personalities as well.

But I was never on twitter....?



  • If my bones are breaking would you tell me that I'm weak?
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27830 on: September 25, 2016, 08:50:42 PM »
Quote from: Dreams-Visions
Then they should cut ties with Palmer Luckey. Pretty simple process here.

White supremacy, bigotry and misogyny. These are the views behind which this man decided to put his money. Not to mention his GF who is a GGer. If you can't take a stand against that because you love you some Oculus just that much, perhaps a reevaluation of your priorities is in order? Or a re-evaluation of your empathy levels with communities and people that don't look like you? People are worrying about their rights and their future and you're like, "...but think about this poor, innocent gaming peripheral!" Like, come on.

On a similar note, I'll never fucking understand people who are willing to die on a hill for a product made by a corporation with whom they have no ties, are not gainfully employed by, and who don't give a single fuck about them. Or to a celebrity personality whom they have never met, will never meet, and will never call friends. It seems so...juvenile. So very 1st world problems.

Oculus is owned by Facebook, so get off your fucking high-horse, put your money where your mouth is and delete your Facebook account.

Seriously, cut the sanctimonious horse shit you fucking twat.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27831 on: September 25, 2016, 08:57:55 PM »
WOW. "Die on a hill," "1st world problems" and gator reference all in one post. He's going for the hat trick!

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27832 on: September 25, 2016, 09:03:29 PM »
Luckey supporting Trump aside, do people actually think that this is going to hurt chances that VR is going to go mainstream?

Maybe, but that'd be like saying my chances of winning the Superbowl got hurt because I sprained my ankle.


  • If my bones are breaking would you tell me that I'm weak?
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27833 on: September 25, 2016, 09:04:09 PM »
"And then two black guys..."

What purpose did that detail serve?

 :lol :lol :lol

it.never.fucking.ends.  :lol


  • If my bones are breaking would you tell me that I'm weak?
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27834 on: September 25, 2016, 09:11:16 PM »
You can't throw a stone on GAF anymore and not hit a stupid fucking post... my lord.

Quote from: Maiden Voyage
People aren't upset because of the connection to Trump, we're upset because the group Palmer funded are white supremacists.

Who, by declaration of GAF (and maybe it's true, I'm not entirely convinced either way), is a...

wait for it....

wait for it...

white supremacist.

Riposte  :lol watch your back homie.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27835 on: September 25, 2016, 09:18:53 PM »
I am less pessimistic in the sense that I think there are a lot of people who like the basic idea of NeoGAF - a hardcore discussion forum for video games with less tolerance for shitposting and therefore better space for actual debate.

So I think there is definitely an audience. But getting the moderation balance right is obviously tricky.

I also think this, but find and mantain a good mod team seems to be difficult as hell. Evilore doesnt seem to want to deal with moderation issues and Bish seems happy with the moderation, but I doubt they started that way or the forum would had died way before all this election nonsense. 


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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27836 on: September 25, 2016, 09:26:47 PM »
Quote from: Alucrid
 Is it me or do people sound like they get off on posting?

Thought I think he touched a nerve than anything else.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27837 on: September 25, 2016, 09:28:03 PM »
Quote from: Roshin
Quote from:  habithipster
Edit: If I buy Oculus Touch anyone knows how big a cut goes to white supremacy?
What's your limit? How much would be okay to you?



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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27838 on: September 25, 2016, 09:34:59 PM »

stealth iPhone7 brag thread? congrats on the iphone breh


  • If my bones are breaking would you tell me that I'm weak?
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Re: The Bore does what NeoGAF doesn't.
« Reply #27839 on: September 25, 2016, 09:37:38 PM »
He did get you, you fucking hypocrites.

 :lol :lol :lol
