we've been carrying on as a zombie nation for god knows how long. tories defaulting to a majority, labour becoming the butt of every joke even from their base. the sovereign cash cow of the london financial district being protected at all costs while its trickle down wealth fails to reach former industrial communities that have become dumping zones for new arrivals lined with poundlands and betting shops.
leaving the EU is not and was never the answer to any of this, despite what the tabloids bleated on about. what was required was a party in touch with the working class and solid plan to wean the country off london's teat.
it looks grim now, but there is an opportunity here. the one thing i agree with that bald scouse eddie hitler from bottom alike on question time last night is that all the jigsaw pieces have been chucked on the floor and if there is a half decent leader with an ounce of inspiration locked away somewhere in the halls of westminster, now is the time for them to make themselves known. how the pieces get put back together is up for grabs.
the most depressing thing about this isn't the turkeys voting for christmas, or even the boots and braces racists who are using the occasion to escalate their closet phobias into violence, it's the utter pant wetting, finger pointing, hair on fire hysterical one upmanship i've seen from both our politicians and the average divvy on my facebook timeline. not a single spitfire pilot amongst them.
i suppose we living in a time when an iffy batman costume is a cause for a public outcry, so the reaction to a genuine crisis is to be expected, but to see people call this "a living hell" as they sit eating their cornflakes watching some numbers go down is a bit much for me to stomach.
probably my single most patriotic moment was being in london for the 7/7 bombings. people all came together to complain about the entire tube being shut even though most of it hadn't been blown up and it would take ages to get home so they'll probably miss eastenders.
- Spend the profits on high end British escorts
sadly all our high end munters have been unfairly undercut and usurped by their superior eastern european counterparts, who fancied gnoshing off a banker from essex once a week over working full time in KFC.