Author Topic: Nintendo Switch Thread  (Read 980765 times)

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  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1260 on: January 15, 2017, 03:00:39 AM »
Nah. People like Sunblade have addressed their concerns in a mature manner and not like this.

I just really hate Nintendo and Nintendo's fans. Too bad Xenblade is a Nintendo property.

And I have treated them with respect. It's the people who just can't understand why someone is excited for this system and tries to pass off legitimate criticism as OMG END OF THE WORLD SHIT SYSTEM CAN'T WAIT FOR NINTENDO TO DIE hyperbole. I'm sorry but I don't like it, and find the absolute negativity around the system in enthusiast circles to be really draining.

Your accusation makes no sense when Rah has literally said he wants it to fail.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1261 on: January 15, 2017, 03:01:20 AM »
Himu and Rahx had to turn this thread into console wars  :goty2
It was always going to happen, but I'm surprised by how invested everyone is.

Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1262 on: January 15, 2017, 03:04:07 AM »
Personally, I want Nintendo to succeed. We have enough game companies taking major Ls these days to have them go away. I used to be a huge Nintendo fan as a kid, and wish I could continue to support them. But I got disillusioned with the Wii, I only own a 3DS because it was a present, and the WiiU was the first piece of hardware from them that I didn't pick up because I could see it was a waste of my time beforehand. Hell, it was the Wii's drought of substantial games that made me seek greener pastures on other ecosystems and expanded my genre horizon. I've now played more types of games than I would have if I'd only ever bought Nintendo consoles.

With the Switch, I'm just seeing Nintendo continue its vain attempts to re-capture the lightning in a bottle that was the Wii. Like the WiiU before it, they've taken an appealing concept and saddled it with tons of baggage that will not appeal to the mass market, nor even a lot of their base. The WiiU marketing was saddled with a lot of confusing messaging, but the Switch's messaging is downright boneheaded. There was an article the other day that said that this is Nintendo aiming not at the #1 spot, but settling for being the companion device to another system. And that's kind of sad.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1263 on: January 15, 2017, 03:05:27 AM »
I'm not talking about myself.

I take it back...Rahx is right.  :doge

You're underestimating children if you expect that they see Mario Run and Odyssey as equivalent.

Yes, you can now play Nintendo games on an iPad.

Are they games people actually want to play?

Or are Nintendo's games on the Switch going to be more appealing?

The question was "why would kids want a Switch when they already have a smart device."

The answer is Nintendo games... that they want to play. Obviously.

Pokemon alone guarantees a huge captive audience - and despite repeated insistence by Nintendo doomsayers this past gen, it's actually grown its base gen-over-gen. XY sold 15.64 million compared to Black/White's 15.6 million. Sun and Moon alone have already sold over 10 million copies in just three months - they're the fastest-selling games in the series, in fact.

Why would a kid want a Switch over a tablet, even though it's missing "standard" features no kid actually gives a fuck about? Quality Nintendo experiences such as Pokemon, as has always been the case for Nintendo's systems.

Will it be enough? Who knows. But that is the answer to that particular question.

That said, I wouldn't mind it if these apps were made available on the eShop. Either way I will never use them and I'd rather not ever see them on my home screen. I had to create three folders on Wii U just to hide all the crapware garbage such as Amazon Video, Hulu, TVii, etc. Chromecast blows all these preinstalled solutions away by a mile.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1264 on: January 15, 2017, 03:06:46 AM »
Not everyone here is like Rahx.
Please, even with my Nintendo hate, I've had the same valid criticism of the system. They've shown nothing that makes someone not indoctrinated with Nintendo be interested in the system.

Maybe it's because MS and Sony I guess have no brand identity(?), that they don't have this problem? But Nitendo in the end only caters to people who I guess like Nintendo. That may be stupid, but it's the truth.

They refuse to offer a solid online system.

They refuse to offer a comparable level of technology.

They offer the same old properties.

If Hium's point is that this is the console that mergers Handheld and Console, then well they've done a terrible job with that by basically offering the same stuff that was on the Wii U. You know what really would have shut up this point. Pokemon, but they couldn't even teaser that. What I'm left with is another Nintendo console. I've had the last two, you know what happen on them?

The same Nintendo ips coming out like clock work and a few little other titles for people like me(though most of them got handled like shit). What else happen? 3rd parties dried up.

What did they show with the Switch. The same thing, except with an even weaker showing for third parties.

A console should have games for everyone. You don't have to like just what Sony or MS puts out to enjoy their systems.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1265 on: January 15, 2017, 03:11:00 AM »
Personally, I want Nintendo to succeed. We have enough game companies taking major Ls these days to have them go away. I used to be a huge Nintendo fan as a kid, and wish I could continue to support them. But I got disillusioned with the Wii, I only own a 3DS because it was a present, and the WiiU was the first piece of hardware from them that I didn't pick up because I could see it was a waste of my time beforehand. Hell, it was the Wii's drought of substantial games that made me seek greener pastures on other ecosystems and expanded my genre horizon. I've now played more types of games than I would have if I'd only ever bought Nintendo consoles.

With the Switch, I'm just seeing Nintendo continue its vain attempts to re-capture the lightning in a bottle that was the Wii. Like the WiiU before it, they've taken an appealing concept and saddled it with tons of baggage that will not appeal to the mass market, nor even a lot of their base. The WiiU marketing was saddled with a lot of confusing messaging, but the Switch's messaging is downright boneheaded. There was an article the other day that said that this is Nintendo aiming not at the #1 spot, but settling for being the companion device to another system. And that's kind of sad.

Personally, as someone who grew up on Sega and not necessarily Nintendo, I like Nintendo more the older I get for whatever reason, but mostly because the games they provide on their system are the quality I crave.

Most people I know who are mad about Nintendo are disgruntled Nintendo fans. As someone who didn't grow up on Nintendo I couldn't give an ounce of fuck I guess.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 03:16:58 AM by Queen of Ice »


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1266 on: January 15, 2017, 03:11:30 AM »
Kinda am, kinda not. Rahx has a hate boner for Nintendo, not like our old premier trolls such as Drinky and Snorenado, more like Iwata must have anally raped his mother while pouring sugar in his gas tank type of hate. Nobody gets why.

Himu is flighty and will jump on whatever ship she feels like for the week and ride that shit hard. Andy-kun actively avoids gaming that isn't Nintendo and gets very defensive about Nintendo being criticized. It is what is.

Defensive is an interesting word. It's probably accurate, but only to an extent.

Like I mentioned last night, I'll defend Nintendo from what I feel are unfair criticisms - or explain why certain decisions were made from Nintendo's point of view. For the record, I feel like people often confuse my doing the latter for the former. As a Nintendo fan, their modus operandi comes more intuitively to me and I try to convey that to others who are confused or angry about it. Note that this does not imply that I agree with the decisions, but I feel like it's often seen as such.

On the other hand, I also tend to call Nintendo out over a ton of stuff no one else actually cares about. UI decisions. Going with Type-A on the dock. Hardware decisions not related to specs. Traditional gamers care about having a standard controller and insane specs and full-featured online and they'll chastise Nintendo endlessly for missing the mark on these, despite Nintendo making no promises about them or even having a historical record to support having hope for them. In these cases my expectations are actually more realistic.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1267 on: January 15, 2017, 03:11:41 AM »
Nah. People like Sunblade have addressed their concerns in a mature manner and not like this.

I just really hate Nintendo and Nintendo's fans. Too bad Xenblade is a Nintendo property.

And I have treated them with respect. It's the people who just can't understand why someone is excited for this system and tries to pass off legitimate criticism as OMG END OF THE WORLD SHIT SYSTEM CAN'T WAIT FOR NINTENDO TO DIE hyperbole. I'm sorry but I don't like it, and find the absolute negativity around the system in enthusiast circles to be really draining.

Your accusation makes no sense when Rah has literally said he wants it to fail.

Much respects.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1268 on: January 15, 2017, 03:14:15 AM »
Himu is flighty and will jump on whatever ship she feels like for the week and ride that shit hard.

Fucking bullshit. Look at the date. In this very thread. I've been riding Nintendo dick for years. I have been anticipating this system for the fucking longest.

I'm hopeful. Haven't been excited for a system like this since wii60. This generation is starting to get great. 2016 I haven't been this interested in games in a long time.

People bitching about Nintendo's marketing for a system people were salivating to see revealed is pretty cute especially given that the original reveal trailer is now at 17m views in less than a week, which while not fantastic is pretty great.

Say what you will about the system itself but its marketing isn't one of its issues


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1269 on: January 15, 2017, 03:18:14 AM »
Like the WiiU before it, they've taken an appealing concept and saddled it with tons of baggage that will not appeal to the mass market, nor even a lot of their base. The WiiU marketing was saddled with a lot of confusing messaging, but the Switch's messaging is downright boneheaded.

Actually, despite the fact that I think the Switch will only sell slightly better than the Wii U, the marketing is one key area where I think Nintendo nailed it better than any system since the Wii.

The system name, logo, and logo animation each individually convey the entire concept of the Switch. The marketing has been straightforward. "Switch" is one syllable, easy to say, and easy to convey to others ("What's that you're gaming on?" "Oh, it's Nintendo's new Switch console.") The system "lifestyle/concept" trailer from October has over 24 million views. And there's only one (real) SKU.

If there's one thing I do think Nintendo's completely nailed here that they utterly fumbled with the Wii U, it's the brand messaging. It also helps that going forward this is their only system and thus their sole point of marketing focus.

Whether this makes a material difference is the question.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1270 on: January 15, 2017, 03:19:54 AM »
I'm not talking about myself.

I take it back...Rahx is right.  :doge

You're underestimating children if you expect that they see Mario Run and Odyssey as equivalent.

Yes, you can now play Nintendo games on an iPad.

Are they games people actually want to play?

Or are Nintendo's games on the Switch going to be more appealing?

The question was "why would kids want a Switch when they already have a smart device."

The answer is Nintendo games... that they want to play. Obviously.

Pokemon alone guarantees a huge captive audience - and despite repeated insistence by Nintendo doomsayers this past gen, it's actually grown its base gen-over-gen. XY sold 15.64 million compared to Black/White's 15.6 million. Sun and Moon alone have already sold over 10 million copies in just three months - they're the fastest-selling games in the series, in fact.

Why would a kid want a Switch over a tablet, even though it's missing "standard" features no kid actually gives a fuck about? Quality Nintendo experiences such as Pokemon, as has always been the case for Nintendo's systems.

Will it be enough? Who knows. But that is the answer to that particular question.

That said, I wouldn't mind it if these apps were made available on the eShop. Either way I will never use them and I'd rather not ever see them on my home screen. I had to create three folders on Wii U just to hide all the crapware garbage such as Amazon Video, Hulu, TVii, etc. Chromecast blows all these preinstalled solutions away by a mile.

Animal Crossing New Leaf sold 10 million units too. Derp. Those people aren't going to come back. Derp.

Also I'm not sure why Sunblade thinks Nintendo messaging for Switch is bad. I think it's amazing.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1271 on: January 15, 2017, 03:20:11 AM »
Himu and Rahx had to turn this thread into console wars  :goty2
It was always going to happen, but I'm surprised by how invested everyone is.

Kinda am, kinda not. Rahx has a hate boner for Nintendo. Not like our old premier trolls such as Drinky and Snorenado, more like Iwata must have anally raped his mother while pouring sugar in his gas tank type of hate. Nobody gets why.

Himu is flighty and will jump on whatever ship she feels like for the week and ride that shit hard. Andy-kun actively avoids gaming that isn't Nintendo and gets very defensive about Nintendo being criticized. It is what is.
I hate Nintendo because they don't make any games I like and are terrible at supporting their consoles. They actively take gaming in a direction I don't agree with as well. Of course if you think this you get criticized and crucified by their fans who think anything they make, are involved with, employee or whatever is God's Gift to man.  They think Nintendo is gaming and no Nintendo fan I've ever met has been anything but the most annoying person ever, decreeing anything that's not Nintendo just isn't as good as Nintendo regardless if they play anything else. Nintendo feels like a cult.

I also did'nt grow up with Nintendo, so I'm not auto-indoctrinated.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1272 on: January 15, 2017, 03:39:25 AM »
Kinda am, kinda not. Rahx has a hate boner for Nintendo, not like our old premier trolls such as Drinky and Snorenado, more like Iwata must have anally raped his mother while pouring sugar in his gas tank type of hate. Nobody gets why.

Himu is flighty and will jump on whatever ship she feels like for the week and ride that shit hard. Andy-kun actively avoids gaming that isn't Nintendo and gets very defensive about Nintendo being criticized. It is what is.

Defensive is an interesting word. It's probably accurate, but only to an extent.

Like I mentioned last night, I'll defend Nintendo from what I feel are unfair criticisms - or explain why certain decisions were made from Nintendo's point of view. For the record, I feel like people often confuse my doing the latter for the former. As a Nintendo fan, their modus operandi comes more intuitively to me and I try to convey that to others who are confused or angry about it. Note that this does not imply that I agree with the decisions, but I feel like it's often seen as such.

On the other hand, I also tend to call Nintendo out over a ton of stuff no one else actually cares about. UI decisions. Going with Type-A on the dock. Hardware decisions not related to specs. Traditional gamers care about having a standard controller and insane specs and full-featured online and they'll chastise Nintendo endlessly for missing the mark on these, despite Nintendo making no promises about them or even having a historical record to support having hope for them. In these cases my expectations are actually more realistic.

OK, glad you explained yourself a bit. Because I don't know if it's your wording or my expectation but I did see a lot of your posts earlier as damage control. I do agree with you that your expectations are better in check. Anybody expecting Live like online, high end specs, 3rd party support out of a Nintendo console or even handheld now aside from a few franchises is setting themselves up for disappointment.

But I don't think most people here expected that. They're more shocked at the smart phone app for online chat, controller pricing, pricing of the hardware itself, and lack of launch titles. Which I think are very valid in spite of what we knew going in.

Tbh I've only become cognizant of it recently and am going to try being more explicit about my rationality going forward. That said, I do understand there's still a fine line between explaining a corporations motives and defending them, but that's more on a case-by-case basis I think.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1273 on: January 15, 2017, 03:42:55 AM »

Tbh I've only become cognizant of it recently and am going to try being more explicit about my rationality going forward. That said, I do understand there's still a fine line between explaining a corporations motives and defending them, but that's more on a case-by-case basis I think.

My thing is: yeah, there's some issues and concerns. But mostly it's just a bunch of people who don't even like Nintendo and weren't going to buy it in the first place (rah) getting their boxers in a bunch and being absolutely incapable of understanding the good parts of the system. People act like everything we have seen is absolute balls and it's completely frustrating. I get not feeling it, but people take it too far, to the point where you feel like you need to defend it by proxy.

Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1274 on: January 15, 2017, 03:43:32 AM »
The forest stage in Super Mario Odyssey is a reference to Silent Running:

My brain twitched when I saw the watering can robots in the trailer, but I only just realised why now.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1275 on: January 15, 2017, 03:48:18 AM »
There's a precedence, sure. What are we supposed to do? What does fucking you for your money have to do with anything? Every corporation is like this. That is what corporations do. But what matters most is the product. And the product shows great promise. I mean, what promise are you even referring to?


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1276 on: January 15, 2017, 03:51:15 AM »

Tbh I've only become cognizant of it recently and am going to try being more explicit about my rationality going forward. That said, I do understand there's still a fine line between explaining a corporations motives and defending them, but that's more on a case-by-case basis I think.

My thing is: yeah, there's some issues and concerns. But mostly it's just a bunch of people who don't even like Nintendo and weren't going to buy it in the first place (rah) getting their boxers in a bunch and being absolutely incapable of understanding the good parts of the system. People act like everything we have seen is absolute balls and it's completely frustrating. I get not feeling it, but people take it too far, to the point where you feel like you need to defend it by proxy.
Eh...See the thing is I've owned a Wii and unlike you seemingly I own a Wii U so at least with Nintendo I'm speaking with some actual experince. I'm going to buy a Switch. I said so already because I like Xenoblade.

What are the good parts? The launch is pretty bad. The supposed best game can be bought on the Wii U, and quite honestly it doesn't seem like the Switch version is going to be all that better.  Cracks in third party support are hilariously already apparent. If you weren't thrilled with the Wii U support, what here would make you excited? As a home console it seems kind of weak.  Maybe as a handheld it's cool, but I'm not convinced that is their next handheld. A lot of what we've seen is pretty balls seriously. A weak home console with a handheld aspect, is what I'm seeing.

I wonder if I can find Himu's posts a few years back when they did nothing but trash the Xbox One, but praise the PS4.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 03:57:31 AM by Rahxephon91 »


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1277 on: January 15, 2017, 04:02:00 AM »
Eh...See the thing is I've owned a Wii and unlike you seemingly I own a Wii U so at least with Nintendo I'm speaking with some actual experince. I'm going to buy a Switch. I said so already because I like Xenoblade.

Wrong. Again, you only take this from the console experience as if the handheld experience literally accounts for nothing. Again, I have played hundreds of hours on my 3ds and take it everywhere with me. You have a one-sided experience. You have continously shat on Nintendo hardware even when you own them. I remember you saying 3ds had bad graphics compared to the ps2 was it? It's been years. Just troll-level shit. And you've never pacified your opinion on that.

What are the good parts? The launch is pretty bad. The supposed best game can be bought on the Wii U, and quite honestly it doesn't seem like the Switch version is going to be all that better.  Cracks in third party support are hilariously already apparent. If you weren't thrilled with the Wii U support, what here would make you excited? As a home console it seems kind of weak.  Maybe as a handheld it's cool, but I'm not convinced that is their next handheld. A lot of what we've seen is pretty balls seriously. A weak home console with a handheld aspect, is what I'm seeing.

Best game on the Switch has noticeably better graphics, apparently a more comfortable controller for play, and is handheld.

Cracks are not apparent. The 2017 schedule is pretty good so far and E3 isn't even here yet. To say that there are cracks in third party support before E3 is erroneous and you jumping to conclusions.

What here am I excited about? The concept. The GAMES. Full fledged 3d Mario, sweet baby Jesus in heaven.

What would be Nintendo's next handheld? This is Nintendo's next handheld. There's no way they'd want any handheld to compete with this.

A weak console with a handheld aspect is what you're seeing, and that's what appeals to me which you don't get. You clearly don't like handhelds, and you clearly don't like Nintendo hardware. If you consider it having a "handheld aspect" why do you only compare it to Nintendo consoles? You are contradicting yourself.

I wonder if I can find Himu's posts a few years back when they did nothing but trash the Xbox One, but praise the PS4.

You mean the system I own now?  :) That I happen to really like?


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1278 on: January 15, 2017, 04:20:30 AM »
Wrong. Again, you only take this from the console experience as if the handheld experience literally accounts for nothing.
Yes it's very wrong that I use my console experince and apply it to this new console. Yes so very wrong to look at this console through console fan eyes.

As far as I'm concerned the handheld experince doesn't matter. Again, how many times do I hate to say it. They haven't sold this as also being a handheld. They even refer to it as a home console.

You have a one-sided experience.
You mean I have a console Nintendo experince and am well applying that to their next console that looks like one, is marketed as one, and is priced like one. jesus, I must be stupid.

You have continously shat on Nintendo hardware even when you own them.
Well yeah, because I don't like Nintendo. Don't think I'm denying that.

I remember you saying 3ds had bad graphics compared to the ps2 was it? It's been years. Just troll-level shit. And you've never pacified your opinion on that.
Well it does. 3DS games are ugly and I eventually traded that system in because the games were ugly and other then BD I did'nt give a damn. Why would I change my mind and please you are hardly above your own fanboy level troll rants.
Best game on the Switch has noticeably better graphics, apparently a more comfortable controller for play, and is handheld.
Zelda looks pretty much the same on the Switch as it does the Wii U. Even if it doesn't it's not making a huge case of needing it over the Wii U version. Again yeah I get it, being a handheld is a thing for you. I won't care about that and will play my console at home.

Cracks are not apparent. The 2017 schedule is pretty good so far and E3 isn't even here yet. To say that there are cracks in third party support before E3 is erroneous and you jumping to conclusions.
There's little major 3rd party support.  PS3 level ports do not signify good support. In fact that signify a typical power gap problem that 3rd parties may run into again. Also you did'nt get announcements of upcoming 3rd party games like say Mass Effect. You got the typical bone throwing of ports of already widely available games. Yeah thats worked out before. You also did'nt get many 3rd party exclusives. If these aren't cracks then I don't know what are. Yes I'm so excited that I can play Dragon Ball Xenoeverse 2 almost half a year after I could on my PS4 and it may be slightly downgraded!

What would be Nintendo's next handheld? This is Nintendo's next handheld. There's no way they'd want any handheld to compete with this.
Have they actually clearly said this? I don't think so. Again, where was Pokemon? Monster Hunter. Clearly handheld focused games. Pretty much everything you used as examples was you stretching it.
If you consider it having a "handheld aspect" why do you only compare it to Nintendo consoles? You are contradicting yourself.
Oh thats not a contradiction. Thats me seeing this as a console with a gimmick.

Why would a kid want a Switch over a tablet, even though it's missing "standard" features no kid actually gives a fuck about?
You are dead wrong if you think kids don't actually want Youtube, Netflix and a browser on a tablet. If the Switch doesn't have those it is an automatic failure as a tablet.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 05:03:20 AM by Rahxephon91 »

Sho Nuff

  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1279 on: January 15, 2017, 05:22:11 AM »

Hey chumps, I built my own Switch two years ago, and you can too

-- OLED screen personally powered by Jesus himself
-- 4x the resolution of the Switch display at 2560x1600 FUCKING PIXELS
-- Baller 8BitDo controller
-- Expandable MicroSD storage
-- Plays pretty much everything up to Dreamcast
-- 6 hour battery life
-- Less than $200
-- TV out through a normal USB cable you can get for like a fucking dollar

Also, this is exactly how Papa Nuff balls on international flights, I played Policenauts in its entirety on my last trip to Japan and the stewardesses were impressed (flexes)


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1280 on: January 15, 2017, 05:30:41 AM »
I just realized whatever platform the next Monster Hunter lands on, it will have pay to play online.  :fbm

Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1281 on: January 15, 2017, 05:37:59 AM »
(Image removed from quote.)

Hey chumps, I built my own Switch two years ago, and you can too

-- OLED screen personally powered by Jesus himself
-- 4x the resolution of the Switch display at 2560x1600 FUCKING PIXELS
-- Baller 8BitDo controller
-- Expandable MicroSD storage
-- Plays pretty much everything up to Dreamcast
-- 6 hour battery life
-- Less than $200
-- TV out through a normal USB cable you can get for like a fucking dollar

Also, this is exactly how Papa Nuff balls on international flights, I played Policenauts in its entirety on my last trip to Japan and the stewardesses were impressed (flexes)

make me one pls


  • Do the moron
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1282 on: January 15, 2017, 06:34:31 AM »
*Insert yawning japanese woman with Bore sweatshirt here*


  • stronger ties you have, more power you gain
  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1283 on: January 15, 2017, 09:33:25 AM »
rax vs himu

kinda like watching midget wrestling - super cringy but lulzy at the same time


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1284 on: January 15, 2017, 09:41:40 AM »
(Image removed from quote.)

Hey chumps, I built my own Switch two years ago, and you can too

-- OLED screen personally powered by Jesus himself
-- 4x the resolution of the Switch display at 2560x1600 FUCKING PIXELS
-- Baller 8BitDo controller
-- Expandable MicroSD storage
-- Plays pretty much everything up to Dreamcast
-- 6 hour battery life
-- Less than $200
-- TV out through a normal USB cable you can get for like a fucking dollar

Also, this is exactly how Papa Nuff balls on international flights, I played Policenauts in its entirety on my last trip to Japan and the stewardesses were impressed (flexes)

This is just an emulation machine. Switch is not an emulation machine. I'm sorry but this is just as silly as bork's shit with that Chinese machine. The whole "just get a tablet guys and you can emulate old games!" is absolutely disengenous. Like anyone here excited for switch is excited for emulating roms.

Fucking gamers. Even in their 30's and 40's still play console warrior pap shit.


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1285 on: January 15, 2017, 11:04:24 AM »
kinda tired of arguing tbh. I think it looks great and has a lot of potential. Nothing will change our minds. Just have to see it play out. Getting it day one with Zelda and Bombaman.

Arms looks great via the Treehouse stream.
this is me, pretty much. i'm ready to play some open world zelda on a portable, bomberman with friends, and eventually some mario and xeno 2 :aah

the zelda fiending is real though, i'm actually thinking of picking up hyrule warriors since it's cheap in some places for a used copy


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1286 on: January 15, 2017, 11:11:41 AM »

20 hour battery life on each Joycon. Not too shabby.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1287 on: January 15, 2017, 11:12:44 AM »
I just realized whatever platform the next Monster Hunter lands on, it will have pay to play online.  :fbm

Hopefully it'll have 8-player lobbies AND voice chat this time. :lol

The MH3U 3DS+Wii U experience without having to buy a separate version of the game or do save syncing :mouf :mouf


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1288 on: January 15, 2017, 11:16:28 AM »
I don't like binding of Isaac. Then again I've only played the original game on PC.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1289 on: January 15, 2017, 11:19:46 AM »
I'm still unreasonably thrilled at how awesome the system UI looks.

:donot :donot :donot

:rejoice :jawalrus :whoo


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1290 on: January 15, 2017, 11:31:03 AM »


Looks fine, I guess. Anything is better than the shit on Wii U and 3DS, shit was too quirky for it's own good.

Agreed. I think the original Wii interface, despite lacking in some areas, was more consistent and approachable. They jumped off the deepend on the Wii U for sure.

Also, considering how popular 3DS system themes seem to be, I wonder if that's part of the reason the Switch UI is simple - easier to skin later. Just slap a background on there and tweak the highlight color to match. Boom, done.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1291 on: January 15, 2017, 11:39:47 AM »

Imagine the next Animal Crossing on this.

And THEN imagine how much easier it's going to be to share screenshots! Dedicated capture button and none of that "jumping through hoops" to share them. Not gonna lie I used the screenshot feature SO MUCH in New Leaf - I basically made my Twitter/the ACNL thread here my personal journal, lol. And it's going to get so much easier and work for every game.

This is one aspect of "modern gaming" I'm really glad Nintendo incorporated.


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1292 on: January 15, 2017, 11:44:47 AM »
Late to this front, but I would imagine (i.e. hope) that applications like Netflix or a web browser would be downloaded via the eShop (I think the Wii Shop let you install applications that way), and they would appear amongst the game icons in the middle of the UI.  Similar to the PS4's UI, with the last launched app appearing first.


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1293 on: January 15, 2017, 11:53:50 AM »
I wonder how they'll try to top ACNL. I loved it but then your friends stop playing and it's harder/less fun to get things done so you stop playing too. If I could play with random people and make new friends that way I would have racked 500 hours in ACNL easy.


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1294 on: January 15, 2017, 11:55:33 AM »
I think the NL best friends list was a great step in the right direction. Hopefully there's a system-level API for that now, like with screenshots, and it'll ping you when friends go on and offline.


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1295 on: January 15, 2017, 12:00:08 PM »
I'm mixed on that because relying only on a system wide friends list means you can only play with people on your friends list. Which is the problem. You should be able to make a unique AC username (like your town name I guess?) and add people through a friend list available through the game. I added so many people to my 3ds friend list just so we can play ACNL.


  • cultural maoist
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1296 on: January 15, 2017, 12:03:37 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

Hey chumps, I built my own Switch two years ago, and you can too

-- OLED screen personally powered by Jesus himself
-- 4x the resolution of the Switch display at 2560x1600 FUCKING PIXELS
-- Baller 8BitDo controller
-- Expandable MicroSD storage
-- Plays pretty much everything up to Dreamcast
-- 6 hour battery life
-- Less than $200
-- TV out through a normal USB cable you can get for like a fucking dollar

Also, this is exactly how Papa Nuff balls on international flights, I played Policenauts in its entirety on my last trip to Japan and the stewardesses were impressed (flexes)

This is just an emulation machine. Switch is not an emulation machine. I'm sorry but this is just as silly as bork's shit with that Chinese machine. The whole "just get a tablet guys and you can emulate old games!" is absolutely disengenous. Like anyone here excited for switch is excited for emulating roms.

Fucking gamers. Even in their 30's and 40's still play console warrior pap shit.

Holy shit stfu you're even more insufferable than rahx which I didn't think was possible and have made this thread unreadable with your dumb fanshit ranting. Get some self perspective for once in your life (and I'm looking forward to the switch before you play that card)


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1297 on: January 15, 2017, 12:05:40 PM »
Uh. Ok.


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1298 on: January 15, 2017, 12:17:33 PM »
I'm mixed on that because relying only on a system wide friends list means you can only play with people on your friends list. Which is the problem. You should be able to make a unique AC username (like your town name I guess?) and add people through a friend list available through the game. I added so many people to my 3ds friend list just so we can play ACNL.

Expanded Dream Suite stuff maybe?

The problem with allowing randos in your town is that they can just as easily wreck up the place. It's not something I'd like to be a big focus for the series, personally.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1299 on: January 15, 2017, 12:19:32 PM »



  • Banana Grabber
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1300 on: January 15, 2017, 12:20:43 PM »
Wii U Zelda edition + 3D World, DKCTF, Mario Maker, TP HD, Star Fox, and Splatoon gives me around 400 credit at Gamestop with the Pro values and the fact that I have 50 bucks of credit on my account anyway.  DOING THIS


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1301 on: January 15, 2017, 12:25:10 PM »
Mario Odyssey is my most anticipated game currently. Did you hear the Gusty Gardens esque theme rendition? DID YOU?! :lawd


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1302 on: January 15, 2017, 12:25:55 PM »
Mario Odyssey is my most anticipated game currently. Did you hear the Gusty Gardens esque theme rendition? DID YOU?! :lawd



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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1303 on: January 15, 2017, 12:27:25 PM »
I swear I heard gusty gardens theme in there somewhere. I NEED THIS GAME NOW. If I could trade Mario launch and Zelda during the holidays I would in a heartbeat.


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1304 on: January 15, 2017, 12:40:11 PM »
Thinking I'll pick up USFII if it's $40 or less. Should be fun in the office.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1305 on: January 15, 2017, 12:49:37 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

Hey chumps, I built my own Switch two years ago, and you can too

-- OLED screen personally powered by Jesus himself
-- 4x the resolution of the Switch display at 2560x1600 FUCKING PIXELS
-- Baller 8BitDo controller
-- Expandable MicroSD storage
-- Plays pretty much everything up to Dreamcast
-- 6 hour battery life
-- Less than $200
-- TV out through a normal USB cable you can get for like a fucking dollar

Also, this is exactly how Papa Nuff balls on international flights, I played Policenauts in its entirety on my last trip to Japan and the stewardesses were impressed (flexes)

This is just an emulation machine. Switch is not an emulation machine. I'm sorry but this is just as silly as bork's shit with that Chinese machine. The whole "just get a tablet guys and you can emulate old games!" is absolutely disengenous. Like anyone here excited for switch is excited for emulating roms.

Haha yeah it's just an emulation machine!  It's just for emulating old roms and shit lol.  It totally can't play modern games and--

-Oh wait, it can.

But it's not like it's gonna run Resident Evil 7 or anything and-


Fucking gamers. Even in their 30's and 40's still play console warrior pap shit.

That's exactly what you're doing!  :lol :rofl
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 12:56:45 PM by bork pls »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1306 on: January 15, 2017, 12:53:24 PM »
You're underestimating children if you expect that they see Mario Run and Odyssey as equivalent.

Yes, you can now play Nintendo games on an iPad.

Are they games people actually want to play?

Let me know when 90 million people download Super Mario Odyssey to their Switches like they did with Super Mario Run onto their iOS devices.  :doge


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1307 on: January 15, 2017, 12:55:06 PM »
That's a completely different tablet. Shonuff literally parsed the post that all you need to do is emulate and you've got a Switch box. Holy shit. I'm done.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1308 on: January 15, 2017, 12:59:40 PM »
That's a completely different tablet. Shonuff literally parsed the post that all you need to do is emulate and you've got a Switch box. Holy shit. I'm done.

This is just an emulation machine. Switch is not an emulation machine. I'm sorry but this is just as silly as bork's shit with that Chinese machine. The whole "just get a tablet guys and you can emulate old games!" is absolutely disengenous.

Yeah.  You are done.

Oh, and-
Like anyone here excited for switch is excited for emulating roms.

Uh, yeah, they do seem to be excited for emulating roms.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 01:06:29 PM by bork pls »


  • Senior Member
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1309 on: January 15, 2017, 01:12:51 PM »
You're underestimating children if you expect that they see Mario Run and Odyssey as equivalent.

Yes, you can now play Nintendo games on an iPad.

Are they games people actually want to play?

Let me know when 90 million people download Super Mario Odyssey to their Switches like they did with Super Mario Run onto their iOS devices.  :doge

This is like comparing iPhone sales to PS4 sales. I can't tell if you're being deliberately or unintentionally obtuse, but either way I think I'm done discussing the Switch with you.

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1310 on: January 15, 2017, 01:19:31 PM »
Ps4 is not competing with iphone as much as switch is competing with a random android tablet though

Tastu and himuro it shows you guys are not parents


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1311 on: January 15, 2017, 01:19:35 PM »
You're underestimating children if you expect that they see Mario Run and Odyssey as equivalent.

Yes, you can now play Nintendo games on an iPad.

Are they games people actually want to play?

Let me know when 90 million people download Super Mario Odyssey to their Switches like they did with Super Mario Run onto their iOS devices.  :doge

This is like comparing iPhone sales to PS4 sales.

Nope, it's not.

You said "Are they games people actually want to play?"  Obviously based on the amount of people who downloaded Pokemon GO and Super Mario Run...the answer is yes.

I can't tell if you're being deliberately or unintentionally obtuse, but either way I think I'm done discussing the Switch with you.

Because you've been backed into a corner you can't get out of.  Yup.  You're done.
:crybaby  :trumps :playa


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1312 on: January 15, 2017, 01:24:01 PM »
Nintendo stuff is trading in for a ton right now at Gamestop. Got rid of some Wii U games I don't play much or are being replaced with better versions (XCX, Splatoon, MK8, and NSMBU) and got $125! So I grabbed a copy of Hyrule Warriors and an extra set of Joycons. :D

Dude was hassling me to trade in my Wii U for a Switch preorder so I asked how many preorders were left and he replied "None". So wtf would I be trading in for then? :lol


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1313 on: January 15, 2017, 01:25:19 PM »
Nintendo stuff is trading in for a ton right now. Got rid of some Wii U games I don't play much or are being replaced with better versions (XCX, Splatoon, MK8, and NSMBU) and got $125! So I grabbed a copy of Hyrule Warriors and an extra set of Joycons. :D

Nice!  I'm hoping that means I can maybe end up getting those last few Wii U games I want cheaper.  I'm still looking to get Yoshi's Wooly World, Mario Tennis, and both Zeldas (I don't want the Nintendo Selects WW) whenever they go down enough in price.  Maybe Kirby too.


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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1314 on: January 15, 2017, 01:27:03 PM »
with as much as they are giving for all nintendo stuff (dude said even 3ds trade in prices are inflated right now), they are going to be overstocked with all kinds of shit


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1315 on: January 15, 2017, 01:32:56 PM »
I still have yet to play Galaxy 2.  :-[

Do you have to have the Wii sensor bar hooked up to play it? 


  • Live Más
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1316 on: January 15, 2017, 01:35:12 PM »
I still have yet to play Galaxy 2.  :-[

Do you have to have the Wii sensor bar hooked up to play it?
yep, cause you need to point at the star bits to collect them


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1317 on: January 15, 2017, 01:52:15 PM »
Oh, and-
Like anyone here excited for switch is excited for emulating roms.

Uh, yeah, they do seem to be excited for emulating roms.

That's one helluva list of games though. :bow Waku Waku 7 :bow2

Sho Nuff

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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1318 on: January 15, 2017, 01:53:11 PM »
But it's not like it's gonna run Resident Evil 7 or anything and-



I'm going to buy one of these once I get my tax refund and turn this into the NuffSwitch MK.II  :playa


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Nintendo Switch Thread
« Reply #1319 on: January 15, 2017, 02:01:24 PM »



I'm going to buy one of these once I get my tax refund and turn this into the NuffSwitch MK.II  :playa

And you'll be getting one of the revised units with better quality components, too.  :) 