Honestly, I don't get the 'obsession' with unions solving workers rights issues.
Unions haven't accomplished much in decades.
The left is reheating ideas and doing it poorly.
Unions have given away all their leverage, demands and influence and negotiated the worst possible deals.
At this point they're nearly extinct and people think something as ineffective as a union is going to help them?
They haven't done shit.
"We needs Unions"
Also Nathan is poorly defending the values of Kickstarter workers. He has a campaign on there, llke a Call of Duty boycotter.
His shitty blog probably can't make ends meet without Kickstarter.
Maybe not give up all your brand recognition, virtue signaling and 'values' to some platform with nice colors and stock images.
I'm sure that in the plan of hauling in loads of cash Kickstarter didn't think about it's own bottom line you dumbfuck.