mfw people talk about catalonia independence without knowing what we've been through the past 7 years.
Tbh I don't know enough about it to even opine on whether it's a good or bad decision, but you have people in that thread talking about how Madrid should "crush them economically" or shit like that. Just where does that animosity come from?
beats me. wafflecakes is a moron saying too many moronic things.
We're talking of a region that:
voted for a better pact called "estatut" only to be taken down by the remnants of our past dictatorship.
tried to do stuff like co-paying for medicine because some pharmacies had been without payment for 6 months due to spain not actually giving the money back (our actual money plus the solidarity deductions). Got outlawed by the central gov.
tried to get a better pact but just got laughed at by the central gov.
they also deemed a law we pushed against eviction to shift the balance towards the people and they somehow deemed it unconstitutional, despite the fact we saved corrupt banks with our tax money.
We're the biggest contributor to Spain no matter what the numbers say. Madrid is essentially contributing by handing better deals that no region can match. Somehow, Catalonia still manages to get many. And that happens because we're the underdog who keeps punching up.
However, my reason for independence is essentially this one:
Central goverment is touching the retirement and health money (seguridad social) to pay other stuff, and selling debt at a very dangerous rate. In about 10 years it will essentially collapse because they hollowed the pillars of the economy. Catalunya doesn't want that, we want to shape our future. And the fun thing is that our region would become so great with that surplus of money that we'd essentially have better social politics and much better infrastructure, which would as a side effect create an exponential growth. Then the other communities would be like: wtf, maybe we should do that too. And Madrid, which is actually a very poor region in its own merits would be essentially fucked.
Example: There's this electricity company called endesa. Since politicians have interests and vice-versa, the promotion of solar energy has been halted to a stop. Now imagine Andalucia went independent. They'd have control over those issues and would be able to be essentially the biggest EU solar park, thanks to having such a sun-driven region. Yeah, politicians could be corrupt and still do it, but by changing them in Andalucia, you'd fix the issue. You can't overpower in votes when you're just a region.
If you think about independence as a way to have better control of the needs of the region, playing it's strengths and weaknesses... it just makes a lot of sense. That, or having a federal type of goverment.