Author Topic: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...  (Read 2249681 times)

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  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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I've swapped HDD in MBP several times. Took 10mins. :yeshrug

Why the fuck would you not DIY

Apart from the Mac Pro line their products are not DIY repair friendly down to the engineering (at the very least of the shell), probably in part to funnel casual users back to their repair shops and squeeze them. Honestly I would have second thoughts fiddling with this type of device myself as a casual. But I'm sure there is plenty of tutorials to do so and it's perfectly feasible.


These folks pay $1000 for "it just works." Do you expect them to understand stuff an IT service person does? :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge :doge

Also I remember that to open the original Mac Mini, you needed a paint-scraper to slide into the case to "pop" the case off. You expect folks that pay $1,000+ to do something like that to their vanity item? :lol


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Anyway, fuck Apple.

Yes indeed.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
  • Senior Member
May be lttp on this, but have you guys discussed the new Evilore sexual assault accusation?


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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I don't get why anyone browses with avatars on.
Makes it easier to identify people at a glance.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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  • We've *all*
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"We've already had a thread on this where we beat it into the ground and got all offended, but now that the game is out, I feel like stirring up shit in order to feel smug: LOOK AT THIS RACISM AND LOOK HOW MEAN THEY ARE TO KANYE!"

i'm sorry, what?

Skullfuckers Anonymous

  • Will hunt bullies for fruit baskets. PM for details.
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it's happening

Six minutes, that's gotta be a new record.

Gotta love the posters getting upset at dragging Evilore's name through the mud.

New One:


  • Senior Member

it's happening

umm, the dude says it's Evilore that did it late in the thread and then I refresh and the thread is gone.


  • Senior Member
Quote from: scissorfight;252514122
GAF I'm absolutely beside myself right now
I'm sad and mad and I feel totally helpless

I don't get on Facebook much, but my sister texted me and asked me to go look at what she posted.  I don't think she had the heart to say this in person.  She asked me to share it since she knows I'm into gaming

I'm 80% sure I know who the guy is, but I won't say it until she is ready to say it.
What do I do?  How do I handle this as her brother?  She is finally ready to share her story but I know she doesn't want me fighting her battles.  She's smart and strong and an amazing girl.  I'm just mad and sad.


the nuked op


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Kim Jong Lore nuking threads like they're Seoul.


  • Senior Member
Wasn't that just some shit posted to voat


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Wasn't that just some shit posted to voat

It's the story posted on Facebook a few days ago, picked on voat, apparently smuggled on GAF as a random story to pass it off the radar for a few hours...

The archive link


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
Wasn't that just some shit posted to voat

It was, but there are many things pointing towards it not being a fake. If the person in question didn't make it up, at least.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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The person who posted that on FB definitely had contacts with him, let's put it this way. So if some 3rd party 'shopped that post, it's fairly elaborate and kinda comes out of nowhere.


  • Senior Member
What the hell is up with that science and social constructs thread?  GAF used to be clinical robots and now it’s a bunch of off-brand Jaden Smiths?


  • Senior Member
Re: Evi-chan drama



  • Junior Member
Kind of feels like a Voat fake. They remind me of 4chan. It wouldn't surprise me that they placed it on Facebook to feign legitimacy before bringing it elsewhere. I'm no fan of EvilLore or his throne on turd mountain, though.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
What the hell is up with that science and social constructs thread?  GAF used to be clinical robots and now it’s a bunch of off-brand Jaden Smiths?

A bunch of gender studies students posting about what they think science is.


  • Junior Member
What the hell is up with that science and social constructs thread?  GAF used to be clinical robots and now it’s a bunch of off-brand Jaden Smiths?

A bunch of gender studies students posting about what they think science is.

Science isn't even real. Think about it. What is science, even? Sexit bullshit. *presses post on his male dominated Pixel smartphone*


  • Senior Member
Guys, gender isn't real. Science isn't real. It's. All. A. Spectrum.


  • Senior Member
Also, we are all living in a Matrix-like simulation. Even life isn't real.



  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
What the hell is up with that science and social constructs thread?  GAF used to be clinical robots and now it’s a bunch of off-brand Jaden Smiths?
Gamergate and Russia used science to elect Trump.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
It's just this war and these damn silicon valley milkshake ducks and their rampant fetishism of science.


  • Senior Member
Where are you on the spectrum of xcience, Benji?


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
Wasn't that just some shit posted to voat

It's the story posted on Facebook a few days ago, picked on voat, apparently smuggled on GAF as a random story to pass it off the radar for a few hours...

The archive link

Here's a longer version. Seems like a couple of people were already aware of the FB post.


  • Senior Member
I'd be careful w/ that EL stuff because if it's false then who knows if he might try to take action against sites or individuals reposting it for perceived damage to his business and reputation. 

I'd be careful w/ that EL stuff because if it's false then who knows if he might try to take action against sites or individuals reposting it for perceived damage to his business and reputation.

Plus, I know some of y'all got a hate boner for the guy, but that's just a shitty thing to pass around for the lulz. Grow the fuck up.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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I don't think anyone here claimed it's likely to be true.

It could still be an "elaborate" fake, or from that actual person but she made it up :yeshrug.

It looks like the next few weeks / months on twitter etc are going to be a shitstorm of accusations like "so and so grabbed my boob in 1993". It's ramping up fast, and I doubt it's going to do any good in the long term.


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
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I'd be careful w/ that EL stuff because if it's false then who knows if he might try to take action against sites or individuals reposting it for perceived damage to his business and reputation.

That’d actually be hilarious since NeoGAF basically tries to pin sexual assault on anyone, even in cases with less evidence. Louis CK is condemned over there even though the supposed victim came out and said she wasn’t talking about Louis.


  • oops
  • Member
Im more annoyed with that science thread than Evilore being a milkshake duck.


  • Senior Member
Slayven takes a body blow.  :lol

Slayven is a poor man's Bobby Robert's Asian sidekick?


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Meanwhile, historians and philosophers of science could laugh at the knowledge most scientists have of their own actions and thoughts if we were a meaner bunch.

 :ego :expert


  • Live Más
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I'd be careful w/ that EL stuff because if it's false then who knows if he might try to take action against sites or individuals reposting it for perceived damage to his business and reputation.
wouldn't want to harm the business of outrage posting and malware ad farming ::)


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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Speaking of avatar, this one is exactly how the OP will look like in about 3mins.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
I'd be careful w/ that EL stuff because if it's false then who knows if he might try to take action against sites or individuals reposting it for perceived damage to his business and reputation.

No, he won't. Again, Lore will not spend a dime that he absolutely doesn't have to on this website, let alone pursue a completely fruitless libel lawsuit. On the rare occasions anyone actually brings shit like this up, the posts will be nuked and completely forgotten by anyone outside of this thread.


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
If the source of the facebook image is polyhedron, as speculated pages back, I doubt it’s an actual fake.  Poly has always seemed like good people.



  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Where are you on the spectrum of xcience, Benji?
What consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom is of no business of mine, be it "science" or whipping up a new fighting game's characters entire animation and voicework over the weekend.


  • Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior
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Idiots on the right have hated science for years, now it seems the idiots on the left want a piece of that pie.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Inside academia that's kinda been a thing for decades.

Though I've always thought some of it has roots in department funding allocations. :doge


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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It sure is a great week for science on GAF.

I’ve always put it as the hormones decide the gender and not the genitals.


  • Senior Member
That Playboy transgender thread is interesting.


  • Senior Member
These South Park threads are so dumb. I can't believe everyone shouting racist honestly believe they are having a "discussion".


  • captain of my capsized ship
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“Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication,” Bush warned in remarks at the Bush Institute’s Spirit of Liberty event in New York.

"Bigotry in any form is blasphemy against the American creed and it means the very identity of our nation depends on the passing of civic ideals to the next generation. We need a renewed emphasis on civic learning in schools," Bush said. "And our young people need positive role models. Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone, provides permission for cruelty and bigotry, and compromises the moral education of children."

(nobody on the far right will care)


  • We've *all*
  • Senior Member
It sure is a great week for science on GAF.

I’ve always put it as the hormones decide the gender and not the genitals.

Science makes Maeby feel Elvis


  • Junior Member
If the source of the facebook image is polyhedron, as speculated pages back, I doubt it’s an actual fake.  Poly has always seemed like good people.
Guess I should chime in since I'm being named.

In a private group convo, one of my fellow participants brought up the fact that EL got #MeToo'd on FB. I saw someone on my feed telling a story an hour prior that could've fit but I didn't read it too closely, was skeptical and posted a shot in our convo.. I was then directed toward the comments and lo and behold, there was the name. Was a holy shit moment for me, and something of a letdown too, having met both the accuser and the accused IRL. Posted that shot in our convo as well. Came to the realization that this should only really go public if the accuser wants it to because it's her story to tell, and the rest of the participants in the convo reached the same consensus, or so it seemed. I deleted the shots from our group chat. Turned out one of the people in there saved the shots, and gave them to another person who then posted it on Voat, and did a godawful job at concealing the identity of the accuser and myself before doing so. She doesn't deserve to get doxxed and harassed by the internet mob if she's not ready for it, and it's solely for that reason that I didn't want this getting out there, which is why I regret sharing that shot in that group convo.

But yes, it's real.


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Evilbore sclusi!!!!!


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Well shit man. Thanks for coming forward.


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
Hmm, that’s unfortunate that someone broke the trust of your group’s decision that discretion was the wiser course for the sake of the victim, poly.  :-\

Didn’t mean to put you on the spot with my post, you had been mentioned earlier, and I didn’t want to have people get carried away with the idea that you’d be the sort of person to fabricate this shit.


  • Senior Member
That means don't go rushing to post it on GAF as it will get the girl a gajillion messages. It's up to her.


  • Junior Member
Hmm, that’s unfortunate that someone broke the trust of your group’s decision that discretion was the wiser course for the sake of the victim, poly.  :-\

Didn’t mean to put you on the spot with my post, you had been mentioned earlier, and I didn’t want to have people get carried away with the idea that you’d be the sort of person to fabricate this shit.
What's done is done, the proverbial toothpaste is out of the tube. I just got hit with this, which was to be expected.



  • Senior Member
gj to the person who didn't edit the name out.


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
gj to the person who didn't edit the name out.

The name was edited out.  Backtracking into the person via other sources and matching the fabeook profile picture is how she was found.

Hmm, that’s unfortunate that someone broke the trust of your group’s decision that discretion was the wiser course for the sake of the victim, poly.  :-\

Didn’t mean to put you on the spot with my post, you had been mentioned earlier, and I didn’t want to have people get carried away with the idea that you’d be the sort of person to fabricate this shit.
What's done is done, the proverbial toothpaste is out of the tube. I just got hit with this, which was to be expected.

(Image removed from quote.)


Well, that’s some bullshit.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 04:16:57 PM by Boogie »


  • Senior Member
Welcome to the perma side, Poly. :rejoice

Along with people like Dennis and convicted pedophile yet still protected former gaf user Amirox.

Better to be banned than be attached to the site at this point.

gj to the person who didn't edit the name out.

The name was edited out.  Backtracking into the person via other sources and matching the fabeook profile picture is how she could be found.

Ahhh. I don't remember the specifics of the pic.


  • Senior Member
NeoGAF is just one giant milkshake duck