Author Topic: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...  (Read 2243656 times)

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Pills Here

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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9300 on: October 23, 2017, 02:35:26 PM »
There are like 30 new pages since I went to bed last night. Any new developments?

NeoGAF is now just "PopGAF"  :clap

Swollen Bowels

  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9301 on: October 23, 2017, 02:35:36 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

You're witnessing the rumblings of a violent uprising. Best believe that. What we're seeing in the NFL is essentially a modern day slave rebellion. It's only going to get uglier as the people (black people, principally) become more defiant of Trump, supporters, and the cowards on the left who want to compromise with these fascists.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9302 on: October 23, 2017, 02:35:53 PM »
Now if Malka deletes all the posts on GAF i'll at least be rid of that embarrassing part of my life.

I'm salivating. Please purge my sins.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9303 on: October 23, 2017, 02:36:29 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

You're witnessing the rumblings of a violent uprising. Best believe that. What we're seeing in the NFL is essentially a modern day slave rebellion. It's only going to get uglier as the people (black people, principally) become more defiant of Trump, supporters, and the cowards on the left who want to compromise with these fascists.

Can those slaves give me some cash?
I'm kinda broke right now.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9304 on: October 23, 2017, 02:36:43 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

You're witnessing the rumblings of a violent uprising. Best believe that. What we're seeing in the NFL is essentially a modern day slave rebellion. It's only going to get uglier as the people (black people, principally) become more defiant of Trump, supporters, and the cowards on the left who want to compromise with these fascists.



  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9305 on: October 23, 2017, 02:36:58 PM »
ResetEra is carrying over bans? Not much of a reset if it's not a fresh start.

More like people clinging to former glory.

Do the mods have a spreadsheet of all their good deeds or something?

My weak guess is related to how Stump did things and how far back his IRC channel is saved. Like a food fetishising fat man licking his lips as he carefully examines each morsel in his box of chocolates Stump lorded over each ban for the day.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9306 on: October 23, 2017, 02:37:36 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

You're witnessing the rumblings of a violent uprising. Best believe that. What we're seeing in the NFL is essentially a modern day slave rebellion. It's only going to get uglier as the people (black people, principally) become more defiant of Trump, supporters, and the cowards on the left who want to compromise with these fascists.



Also: Players being paid tens of millions of dollars per year are slaves?



  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9307 on: October 23, 2017, 02:37:38 PM »
OK, the thread's full on jumped the shark now. Lore better get done doing whatever the fuck it is he's doing so we can have something fun to talk about.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9308 on: October 23, 2017, 02:37:39 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

You're witnessing the rumblings of a violent uprising. Best believe that. What we're seeing in the NFL is essentially a modern day slave rebellion. It's only going to get uglier as the people (black people, principally) become more defiant of Trump, supporters, and the cowards on the left who want to compromise with these fascists.

Ok, now I'm convinced you're just pulling our legs.


  • Do the moron
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9309 on: October 23, 2017, 02:37:46 PM »
Emily Rogers is going to be admin, along with SweetNicole/Patticakes who is a trans bi woman with a lesbian partner.

That Polygon article did work

Why are there so many trans video game “personalities”?

What is the intersectionality between being picky about pronouns and seeking out the sickest switch rumors or to make indie games?

Always wanted to ask on GAF but knew I’d catch a ban.

Its not a popular opinion by any stretch but..I still think being trans is a mental health problem.
And, as we can all really know, gaming does in fact collect the largest contingency of autist/special fellow types. Shut-ins, self loathing etc..
I think its has a 'fetish' quality to it also..and..we can see the odd fetish types also drawn to gaming. Furries, guys WAY to sexually deep into cartoon characters.

Its the one thing I just gonna not get past on GAF. Sorry, its a mental illness.
Give it time and old GAF would have had you banned for being a CIS male not willing to plow a Fur suit that labeled its self a 'female-fur' even tho the guy inside had a massive dong.

Please keep in mind we have at least one trans member so please be considerate on how you adress this issue.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9310 on: October 23, 2017, 02:37:55 PM »
Emily Rogers is going to be admin, along with SweetNicole/Patticakes who is a trans bi woman with a lesbian partner.

That Polygon article did work

Why are there so many trans video game “personalities”?

What is the intersectionality between being picky about pronouns and seeking out the sickest switch rumors or to make indie games?

Always wanted to ask on GAF but knew I’d catch a ban.

Its not a popular opinion by any stretch but..I still think being trans is a mental health problem.
And, as we can all really know, gaming does in fact collect the largest contingency of autist/special fellow types. Shut-ins, self loathing etc..
I think its has a 'fetish' quality to it also..and..we can see the odd fetish types also drawn to gaming. Furries, guys WAY to sexually deep into cartoon characters.

Its the one thing I just gonna not get past on GAF. Sorry, its a mental illness.
Give it time and old GAF would have had you banned for being a CIS male not willing to plow a Fur suit that labeled its self a 'female-fur' even tho the guy inside had a massive dong.

I mean, it’s absolutely a mental illness. How can thininginv that your dick is not supposed to be there be anything other than a mental illness? It is not really all that different than those people that want a doctor to cut off their perfectly functioning leg, or other types of body dysmorphia.

Now, we can argue that as mental illnesses go, it’s innoccuous, and sort of whatever, and people shouldn’t be ostracized for it, and their not really hurting people, etc. but to say they are 100% completely sane, I think is incorrect.

Of course... who of us is completely 100% sane anyway.

Edit: and for any trans people reading this, I don’t really give a shit what you do with your life and am perfectly fine pooping in the same room as you.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9311 on: October 23, 2017, 02:38:03 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

You're witnessing the rumblings of a violent uprising. Best believe that. What we're seeing in the NFL is essentially a modern day slave rebellion. It's only going to get uglier as the people (black people, principally) become more defiant of Trump, supporters, and the cowards on the left who want to compromise with these fascists.

Can those slaves give me some cash?
I'm kinda broke right now.

Slaves making millions a year to run a ball 5 yards and then chill on the sidelines during one of 1000 commercial breaks. lol


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9312 on: October 23, 2017, 02:38:05 PM »
meanwhile some of GAF starts visiting other forums:
(Image removed from quote.)
(Image removed from quote.)

What's that from, waypoint?
something called easy allies


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9313 on: October 23, 2017, 02:38:49 PM »
First, is there something inherently wrong with an "echo chamber"? Is there a problem fostering a community where rank bigotry was deem unacceptable and forbidden? Also, can you give me some examples of valid opinions that GAF refused the expression of? Or, what opinions on GAF were deemed above reproach and undeserving of challenge?

That antifa shouldn't go around beating the shit out of people, for starters. Gaf did not like neutrality, either you want to beat the shit out of nazis, or you are one. I felt like if I ever posted in a thread and extolled passive resistance over violence in any of the threads over the last few months, I would be banned. You used to be able to have an argument with someone and not have have to worry about it. So why speak your mind when the odds of being banned are so high.

Even Ghandi didn't succeed through passive resistance. Passive resistance was shuttled to the ovens in Hiter's Germany, and even more recent instances in the past half century show just how ineffective passively resisting oppression is. The people being beaten by antifa are screaming "Jews will not replace us" and "blood and soil." Do you honestly think people like that are interested in sitting down and talking it over?

Everywhere AntiFa went in Europe, the facists took power because AntiFa's tactics and approach help fuel fascism. Just like they help the alt-right recruit here in America.

BTW, the people AntiFa are attacking are journalists and limo businesses owned by minorities. The kid they cracked the skull open with a bike lock was trying to call for peace. Not blood and soil.

Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9314 on: October 23, 2017, 02:39:00 PM »
OK, the thread's full on jumped the shark now. Lore better get done doing whatever the fuck it is he's doing so we can have something fun to talk about.
No we need to witness when the first posts for resetgaf begin and the civil war begins


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9315 on: October 23, 2017, 02:39:20 PM »
Honestly very confused by what the tone of the site is. Seems exactly like GAF 2.0 at this point.

More like GAF˛

They don't seem to be aiming for more of the same but instead something much much worse.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9316 on: October 23, 2017, 02:39:44 PM »
I'm sorry your feelings were hurt by GAF's response to Trump and what he symbolizes, but maybe you should feel more concerned for the actual victims of these Nazis and how their violence is being slowly and methodically normalized thanks to gutless moderates crying over infringements on speech.

My feelings weren't hurt, a lot of Gafs were.

I know what Trump symbolizes and I'm as anti Trump as any sane person should be, Also many of the big mouths on gaf were just as gutless, armchair protesting won't do shit. Which is what many of them specialized in.

Ask them when will they'll be going out to get shit done, suddenly people are 'busy' or have other priorities. 
« Last Edit: October 23, 2017, 02:46:42 PM by Vertigo »


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9317 on: October 23, 2017, 02:39:56 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech,

No, they really don't. I'm sure you would love to support their "right" and see that it's enforced, if even with force, but they absolutely do not have a right to advocate for my extermination. And, let's be honest, the white supremacists who support Donald Trump are ethno-terrorists who envision a future where genocide of non-whites is accepted. Thankfully, we are still quite a few years from that point, though Trump is certainly doing all he can to accelerate the process.


There's a staggering lack of self awareness regarding this talking point and it's something a lot of people in your make assume. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) they do have a right to free speech so long as they aren't saying violent rhetoric (which constitutes as hate speech). What's funny is that this was often said on gaf, a site that regularly allowed users to say things like,"I think all white peoole are racist and I don't trust them" among other things, many of which were said by yours truly. But here's the thing, the same right that allows them to do their right wing shit is the same thing that allowed us to go ham on cacs at ye ol' neogaf: freedom of speech. And when I said freedom of speech, I do not mean within the confines of neogaf (which clearly didn't value free speech) but within the greater scope of the American freedom map. Essentially, unless you're willing to give up both, you shouldn't want one to be taken away. And for that reason, neither should be taken away. The only reasonable recourse is then to do battle, with words, as to why they are wrong and ignoring that, empathizing and trying to understand and what you can do to help.

The way this generation does not value freedom of speech is both shocking and frightening.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9318 on: October 23, 2017, 02:40:05 PM »
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 09:27:02 AM by joe_zazen »

Hobies cat

  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9319 on: October 23, 2017, 02:40:08 PM »
First, is there something inherently wrong with an "echo chamber"? Is there a problem fostering a community where rank bigotry was deem unacceptable and forbidden? Also, can you give me some examples of valid opinions that GAF refused the expression of? Or, what opinions on GAF were deemed above reproach and undeserving of challenge?

That antifa shouldn't go around beating the shit out of people, for starters. Gaf did not like neutrality, either you want to beat the shit out of nazis, or you are one. I felt like if I ever posted in a thread and extolled passive resistance over violence in any of the threads over the last few months, I would be banned. You used to be able to have an argument with someone and not have have to worry about it. So why speak your mind when the odds of being banned are so high.

Even Ghandi didn't succeed through passive resistance. Passive resistance was shuttled to the ovens in Hiter's Germany, and even more recent instances in the past half century show just how ineffective passively resisting oppression is. The people being beaten by antifa are screaming "Jews will not replace us" and "blood and soil." Do you honestly think people like that are interested in sitting down and talking it over?

Utterly delusional. You are equating the passive resistance of Jewish people in WWII who were being exterminated with a movement built in large part upon "I didn't get what I wanted" and "I need something to scream about today so I feel like I matter..and I will do so by being completely uninformed about the world."

When I think of AF, I am so reminded of Diane Keaton at 39:37, except AF never winds up doing anything that actually effects matters for the better.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9320 on: October 23, 2017, 02:40:25 PM »
No we need to witness when the first posts for resetgaf begin and the civil war begins
That'll do, as well, but I have a feeling it will be boring as people will just settle back into the tired old groove.

Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9321 on: October 23, 2017, 02:40:37 PM »
Honestly very confused by what the tone of the site is. Seems exactly like GAF 2.0 at this point.

More like GAF˛

They don't seem to be aiming for more of the same but instead something much much worse.

GAF 2: Triggered Harder


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9322 on: October 23, 2017, 02:40:57 PM »
You're witnessing the rumblings of a violent uprising. Best believe that. What we're seeing in the NFL is essentially a modern day slave rebellion. It's only going to get uglier as the people (black people, principally) become more defiant of Trump, supporters, and the cowards on the left who want to compromise with these fascists.
I still got Giovanni here, but he's gotta go soon, are we going to get those tenets of fascism or not?

Dude's got a book to ghostwrite.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9323 on: October 23, 2017, 02:40:59 PM »
they should've called it resist era


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9324 on: October 23, 2017, 02:41:02 PM »
\What we're seeing in the NFL is essentially a modern day slave rebellion.

Equality can only come from voluntary acceptance of each other, like in sports.


  • The Bore's Like Bot
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9325 on: October 23, 2017, 02:41:07 PM »
Incidentally, Antifa IS a bunch of violent crazies.

White supremanationawhatevers do have a right to free speech,

No, they really don't. I'm sure you would love to support their "right" and see that it's enforced, if even with force, but they absolutely do not have a right to advocate for my extermination. And, let's be honest, the white supremacists who support Donald Trump are ethno-terrorists who envision a future where genocide of non-whites is accepted. Thankfully, we are still quite a few years from that point, though Trump is certainly doing all he can to accelerate the process.

Does the trash that wants white people to die off deserve free speech? I think they do, even though they want to "exterminate" me. You're a crazy person.

I mean I could make an argument that perhaps we should ban hate speech; if only because nothing good ever came out of ideologies built on hate.

Call me crazy but I think that experiment has failed.

Hate speech is subjective, and I personally don't want people like Trump deciding what is or isn't hateful.
We could decide to make it less subjective.

We already have hate crimes. Apply that to what defines hate speech and bingo.

If you want that shit move to canada or europe and fuck off.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9326 on: October 23, 2017, 02:41:13 PM »
GAF had some vocal antifa supporters

Apparently IrishNinja is in AntiFa, so he likely bailed when I posted Tim Pool.

He sounded like an Antifa nutjob.


He is an Antifa nutjob.

Shit is falling into place nicely

Max edge to /v/
Near-max edge to RPG Codex and kotakuinaction
Slight edge here
Normies to Giantbomb
Slight SJW to slaent and Kotaku
Massive SJW to Resetbuttons(?) and Polygon
Full SJW to tumblr and Discord

Near-perfect Balkanization. The Ottoman empire couldn't have done a better job.


  • Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9327 on: October 23, 2017, 02:41:33 PM »
If resetera is carrying over bans then you know for sure that what triggered them before will trigger them again . It will still not value centrism and will not allow all games to be talked about. I know because I confronted evilore multiple times that he was a pure out and out Dawkins level islamophobe and xenophobe (if you were religious). I want to know with evilore not in the picture if they were just following orders with being islamophobic or they are.

Religious ppl are morons  :-\


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9328 on: October 23, 2017, 02:41:34 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

You're witnessing the rumblings of a violent uprising. Best believe that. What we're seeing in the NFL is essentially a modern day slave rebellion. It's only going to get uglier as the people (black people, principally) become more defiant of Trump, supporters, and the cowards on the left who want to compromise with these fascists.

Taking a knee is now the same as a rebellion, oh my god what am I reading.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9329 on: October 23, 2017, 02:42:12 PM »
meanwhile some of GAF starts visiting other forums:
(Image removed from quote.)
(Image removed from quote.)

What's that from, waypoint?
something called easy allies

But Senran Kagura was allowed to be talked about in GAF, that a ton of concerned users were always trying to dogpile in the threads outside OT was not exactly like the outright Ban of Criminal Girls or Hatred.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9330 on: October 23, 2017, 02:42:36 PM »

The way this generation does not value freedom of speech is both shocking and frightening.
It's because this generation was the first to be born and live through something like Fox, CNN, MSNBC and now fake news and all else. No one knows what's up or down.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9331 on: October 23, 2017, 02:43:33 PM »
I don't blame the Antifa supporters tbh, that country (United States) is such a joke that I'm surprised there isn't a total violent uprising.

No shade.

You're witnessing the rumblings of a violent uprising. Best believe that. What we're seeing in the NFL is essentially a modern day slave rebellion. It's only going to get uglier as the people (black people, principally) become more defiant of Trump, supporters, and the cowards on the left who want to compromise with these fascists.

If you're not trolling I feel really bad for you.  So much vocabulary, yet no rational thought to articulate with it.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9332 on: October 23, 2017, 02:43:42 PM »
I thought we talked about longposting on political topics in here. I’m trying to marinate in trash.

Swollen Bowels

  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9333 on: October 23, 2017, 02:44:04 PM »
Looks like GAF is coming back up, so if you could all form a que to the left (get it?) and exit in a safe manner. Nice seeing y'all.

As it should. The furor over what EL was accused is ridiculously overblown, so much so that I'm shocked he took the site down. Most GAF members are either indifferent to the accusation or felt it was an innoccously untoward act committed by someone naively unclear on how to conduct themselves in that kind of sexually charged situation. They just want their forum back.

You mean they want their echo-chamber back where they don't want their opinions challenged.

First, is there something inherently wrong with an "echo chamber"? Is there a problem fostering a community where rank bigotry was deem unacceptable and forbidden? Also, can you give me some examples of valid opinions that GAF refused the expression of? Or, what opinions on GAF were deemed above reproach and undeserving of challenge?

An echo chamber is wrong in the case of Gaf as actual real discussion was frowned upon unless you were on the 'right' page with the loudest voices in those threads.

While there were clear and necessary lines drawn on what was tolerable opinion on GAF, there were also differences between the likeminded. You had many more left wing members of GAF who took exception, as even I did, against the feckless liberals that sought to excuse the normalization of fascism under the guise of "free speech."

Look many of us are open minded fair people but here's the difference we don't thrown our toys out the pram if someone challenges our world or political thinking.

Fascism isn't just a challenge to my political thinking; it's an existential threat against me and my loved ones. Acting as if this is innocent forum squabbles over ideas, is dangerously naive and does a true disservice to combating the growing threat.

There used to be a time on Gaf where people of different political persuasions could actually discuss back and forth their thoughts and ideas in POLIgaf and leave maybe a bit more changed and knowledgeable on their worldview.

There also used to be a time when we wrongly believed that a fascist couldn't be elected to the highest office in the world.

Gaf became a place where some very strange people gathered who wanted any reality to be crushed and refocused to only how they saw the world.

I'm sorry your feelings were hurt by GAF's response to Trump and what he symbolizes, but maybe you should feel more concerned for the actual victims of these Nazis and how their violence is being slowly and methodically normalized thanks to gutless moderates crying over infringements on speech.

Admit it, "normalized" wasn't in your vocabulary until you picked it up from GAF. Are any of these talking points your own or just something you picked up elsewhere and rehash as your own?

100% my own. I've been a long time visitor and participant on GAF, but my views are independently arrived at and the product of living in this vile nation for three decades and coming to the realization that I'm a minority suffering under a system of apartheid that is now transforming into the Fourth Reich.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9334 on: October 23, 2017, 02:44:08 PM »
nfl is a slave rebellion? :lol

okay I feel bad for taking them seriously now


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9335 on: October 23, 2017, 02:44:45 PM »
Emily Rogers is going to be admin, along with SweetNicole/Patticakes who is a trans bi woman with a lesbian partner.

That Polygon article did work

Why are there so many trans video game “personalities”?

What is the intersectionality between being picky about pronouns and seeking out the sickest switch rumors or to make indie games?

Always wanted to ask on GAF but knew I’d catch a ban.

Its not a popular opinion by any stretch but..I still think being trans is a mental health problem.
And, as we can all really know, gaming does in fact collect the largest contingency of autist/special fellow types. Shut-ins, self loathing etc..
I think its has a 'fetish' quality to it also..and..we can see the odd fetish types also drawn to gaming. Furries, guys WAY to sexually deep into cartoon characters.

Its the one thing I just gonna not get past on GAF. Sorry, its a mental illness.
Give it time and old GAF would have had you banned for being a CIS male not willing to plow a Fur suit that labeled its self a 'female-fur' even tho the guy inside had a massive dong.


You're both jokes.


  • Senior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9336 on: October 23, 2017, 02:45:13 PM »
It sounds like Lime.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9337 on: October 23, 2017, 02:45:35 PM »
Honestly very confused by what the tone of the site is. Seems exactly like GAF 2.0 at this point.

More like GAF˛

They don't seem to be aiming for more of the same but instead something much much worse.

No no no, you see... we've fixed... "the glitch". Everything else will work itself out naturally.


  • Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9338 on: October 23, 2017, 02:46:02 PM »
His posts are raw unfiltered GAF. It's great!

Hobies cat

  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9339 on: October 23, 2017, 02:46:31 PM »

100% my own. I've been a long time visitor and participant on GAF, but my views are independently arrived at and the product of living in this vile nation for three decades and coming to the realization that I'm a minority suffering under a system of apartheid that is now transforming into the Fourth Reich.

Brainwashing only truly succeeds when the candidate is unaware the process has occurred.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9340 on: October 23, 2017, 02:46:46 PM »
After all these stuff, can you finally agree Undertale was a poor-man shitty game ?


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9341 on: October 23, 2017, 02:46:47 PM »
Free speech is garbage, stop letting morons ruin everything


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9342 on: October 23, 2017, 02:46:58 PM »

The way this generation does not value freedom of speech is both shocking and frightening.
It's because this generation was the first to be born and live through something like Fox, CNN, MSNBC and now fake news and all else. No one knows what's up or down.
What makes you think the dissemination of information was ever better than it is now? From a purely mechanical standpoint, we live in the promised land. We still have to deal with million year old instincts though, so I guess you have a point there.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9343 on: October 23, 2017, 02:48:01 PM »

The way this generation does not value freedom of speech is both shocking and frightening.
It's because this generation was the first to be born and live through something like Fox, CNN, MSNBC and now fake news and all else. No one knows what's up or down.
What makes you think the dissemination of information was ever better than it is now?

"What is mass media?"

Swollen Bowels

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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9344 on: October 23, 2017, 02:48:10 PM »
Fascism isn't just a challenge to my political thinking; it's an existential threat against me and my loved ones.
Could you please define the core tenants of fascism please. With no longer waging its lonely fight I was able to resurrect Giovanni and we can compare notes.

I believe "fascism" is a popular nationalist movement funded by the ruling capitalist class, enforced by the military and police (between whom there is little distinction at this point), and led by a fiery and charismatic populist.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2017, 03:38:05 PM by Swollen Bowels »


  • Do the moron
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9345 on: October 23, 2017, 02:48:23 PM »
Guess it figures Swollen Bowels have verbal diarrhea.
Being dumb is a flaw, being boring is a crime.



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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9346 on: October 23, 2017, 02:48:28 PM »
Kaepernick does remind me of that one time Nat Turner overthrew his receiver by 10 yards and then collected a 7 million dollar paycheck before doing a commercial shoot.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9347 on: October 23, 2017, 02:48:30 PM »
Cerium spinoff update

He added my alias to the LLC filing  :doge


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9348 on: October 23, 2017, 02:49:38 PM »

The way this generation does not value freedom of speech is both shocking and frightening.
It's because this generation was the first to be born and live through something like Fox, CNN, MSNBC and now fake news and all else. No one knows what's up or down.
What makes you think the dissemination of information was ever better than it is now?

"What is mass media?"
The very first stop. I understand that many people will stop there, but as I have amended above...
« Last Edit: October 23, 2017, 03:16:49 PM by Rufus »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9349 on: October 23, 2017, 02:49:42 PM »
I thought we talked about longposting on political topics in here. I’m trying to marinate in trash.
Don't worry I'm sure he'll move to the politics thread after he finishes his fascism definition for me and Giovanni. I'll quote it there so we can start turning that thread into an echo chamber in support of Trump cracking down on the slave rebellions hateful speech towards their masters.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9350 on: October 23, 2017, 02:49:46 PM »
Cerium spinoff update

(Image removed from quote.)

He added my alias to the LLC filing  :doge

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Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9351 on: October 23, 2017, 02:50:00 PM »

Admit it, "normalized" wasn't in your vocabulary until you picked it up from GAF. Are any of these talking points your own or just something you picked up elsewhere and rehash as your own?

100% my own. I've been a long time visitor and participant on GAF, but my views are independently arrived at and the product of living in this vile nation for three decades and coming to the realization that I'm a minority suffering under a system of apartheid that is now transforming into the Fourth Reich.

How's the weather in Denmark, Ohio this time of year?


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9352 on: October 23, 2017, 02:50:11 PM »
Emily Rogers is going to be admin, along with SweetNicole/Patticakes who is a trans bi woman with a lesbian partner.

That Polygon article did work

Why are there so many trans video game “personalities”?

What is the intersectionality between being picky about pronouns and seeking out the sickest switch rumors or to make indie games?

Always wanted to ask on GAF but knew I’d catch a ban.

Its not a popular opinion by any stretch but..I still think being trans is a mental health problem.
And, as we can all really know, gaming does in fact collect the largest contingency of autist/special fellow types. Shut-ins, self loathing etc..
I think its has a 'fetish' quality to it also..and..we can see the odd fetish types also drawn to gaming. Furries, guys WAY to sexually deep into cartoon characters.

Its the one thing I just gonna not get past on GAF. Sorry, its a mental illness.
Give it time and old GAF would have had you banned for being a CIS male not willing to plow a Fur suit that labeled its self a 'female-fur' even tho the guy inside had a massive dong.


You're both jokes.

I just like futunari (or however the fuck you spell it).

On a side note, my brother in law just got married and almost chose his furry friend to be in his wedding party instead of his own brother. I had to intervene and remind him that he needs to have his brother in his wedding and not the guy who might show up in a blue fox suit.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9353 on: October 23, 2017, 02:50:22 PM »
Fascism isn't just a challenge to my political thinking; it's an existential threat against me and my loved ones.
Could you please define the core tenants of fascism please. With no longer waging its lonely fight I was able to resurrect Giovanni and we can compare notes.

I believe "fascism" is a popular nationalist movement funded by the ruling capitalist class, enforced by the military and policy (between whom there is little distinction at this point), and led by a fiery and charismatic populist.

Yes because the Koch brothers were funding Trump instead of Ted Cruz.  :putin


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9354 on: October 23, 2017, 02:51:53 PM »

The way this generation does not value freedom of speech is both shocking and frightening.
It's because this generation was the first to be born and live through something like Fox, CNN, MSNBC and now fake news and all else. No one knows what's up or down.
What makes you think the dissemination of information was ever better than it is now? From a purely mechanical standpoint, we live in the promised land. We still have to deal with million year old instincts though, so I guess you have a point there.

We are headed towards some really scary times. The internet was supposed to liberate people, and for a time it did, it gave people all the knowledge in the world at your fingertips and those of us that came into the internet as it was starting took full advantage of that.

It's flipped. The level of sophistication in manipulating people has never reached this level before. This is a propagandist's wet dream. We are having an ever increasing population less informed while the tools to target people for thought control is increasing exponentially.

Free speech is in trouble, on both ends and i don't know how they'll fix it.


  • Junior Member
Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9355 on: October 23, 2017, 02:52:50 PM »
i've realized how empty my browsing is without gaf though. it was a nice one stop shop
« Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 02:40:07 PM by Stormhammer »


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9356 on: October 23, 2017, 02:53:05 PM »
So do you not care about racism towards blacks in the US, since it doesn't really impact you?

Well to be more specific:

I don't think racism is a big deal for white people in the US in general; in general institutional racism in America is practiced by white people.  Angry black people online saying blanket statements about white people isn't reflective of some greater problem in our society. 

I do think racism against minorities is a big deal and care a lot about that issue.

I think all racism is a big deal, fuck me, right?


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9357 on: October 23, 2017, 02:53:20 PM »

The way this generation does not value freedom of speech is both shocking and frightening.
It's because this generation was the first to be born and live through something like Fox, CNN, MSNBC and now fake news and all else. No one knows what's up or down.
What makes you think the dissemination of information was ever better than it is now?

"What is mass media?"
The very first stop. I understand that many people will stop there, but as I have amendet above...

You are confusing dissemination of information with people being critical about this information (or that information being good to begin with)


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9358 on: October 23, 2017, 02:53:28 PM »
Hai guyz I think the bowels need a lavage.


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Re: TheBore Safe Haven from GAF Alt-Right Mods - Evilore? I don't know her.
« Reply #9359 on: October 23, 2017, 02:53:41 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)
A large amount of OT posts near the end of GAF were just "alt-right gonna be so mad about this". That thread about a Viking being buried with clothing that had Allah on it was full of "alt-right gonna be so mad!" and when it was debunked it became "well I wish it was true because the alt-right would be so mad!"

Or hell, that thread that posted the study citing that ancient Egyptians had little sub-Saharan ancestry and there were still people coming in that didn't read it and just went "white people gonna be so mad".