Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2192300 times)

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  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Has the reason why alt-right memes being so good ever discovered? the left can't do shit like this.
I still dont know what the alt-right exactly is so let's forget that for a moment. The pepe stuff is funny because it's a comedy piece by internet trolls, people who get triggered over it makes it even funnier.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I see they still approve them manually... maybe using ‘freenudemacusers1’ was a poor choice in retrospect  :doge
well yeah should be freenudemacusers2 to show it's a sequel


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
or freenudemacusers2thedarkworld to show ur up on all the hot gaf memes


  • Senior Member
Has the reason why alt-right memes being so good ever discovered? the left can't do shit like this.
I still dont know what the alt-right exactly is so let's forget that for a moment. The pepe stuff is funny because it's a comedy piece by internet trolls, people who get triggered over it makes it even funnier.

User was warned for laughing at Nazi insignia


  • Senior Member
do they allow animated gifs in avatars on nugaf?


  • Senior Member
Is Hot Slice Huelen?
Wouldn’t it be the other way around? Anyways, I’ve been here for a while, and have lurked for years.

Are you actually queer or were you trolling Reset?

Hot Slice

  • Junior Member
I am a queer person. I identify as queer. I occasionally tweet about frustrations of being queer and having to deal with the bullshit of others. What kind of horrible person lies about that stuff? At least, that’s how I feel.


  • Senior Member
I am a queer person. I identify as queer. I occasionally tweet about frustrations of being queer and having to deal with the bullshit of others. What kind of horrible person lies about that stuff? At least, that’s how I feel.

Oh ok. Well, you would be shocked. There are lots of trolls who do that kind of stuff. Just asking.

Wario Ware or Rhythm Tengoku? PICK.


  • Senior Member
I think the difficulty of living as Huelen would be worse than that of living as queer.

Hot Slice

  • Junior Member

Oh ok. Well, you would be shocked. There are lots of trolls who do that kind of stuff. Just asking.

Wario Ware or Rhythm Tengoku? PICK.
The former, though I love the latter as well.


  • Senior Member
I wasn't sure about the Damore's suit as being a good idea, but the stuff that is coming out of it is entertaining.

Are cheesy white males like white cheddar cheeze-its?

get it

cuz they're crackers


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I hope his feedback was that anyone not being paid to do so who seriously cares about business/academic/political conferences are not to be trusted.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

If you like writing so much, maybe you should publish a book, you fucking pretentious shit.

Like this post if you guessed correctly who the author of the message at the link was.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
I thought it was benjipwns  :smug

Kurt Russell

  • Senior Member

Like this post if you guessed correctly who the author of the message at the link was.

"Welcome to another Finale Fireworker thread. This thread is a modified repost (or as I like to call it, a remaster) of a thread I originally made in 2015"



  • Senior Member
That lawsuit is full of fun.  This one is very interesting.

Google's own search engine backs the memo. So censor these results?

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
switching to bing now


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I’m no fan of corporations but I hope Google drags this asshole.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
it's funny when people use their deep historical knowledge on GAF/ERA
Quote from: Angelus Errare
It's kinda sad that "conservative views" is synonymous with "racist and sexist views."
*Looks at the conservative viewpoint from 1776 to current day*

Yea, I can't imagine why anyone would think that.

George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson

Were all conservatives

Learn your history before lumping good men of US history with the modern day conservatism
Only being a little glib here, but when someone suggests that conservatives are racist and sexist, Thomas Jefferson is maybe not the ideal counter example.
(Not that the others should be let off the hook)
arguably he would be a better counter example than at minimum two of the others who did not have a long-term and by most accounts consensual relationship with a Negress and spent countless hours theoretically constructing systems of emancipation with social welfare systems attached indicating an acknowledgement of slavery as harming blacks, while both Washington and Lincoln had a written record of describing the negro as inherently lesser creatures than the white man and Washington spent significant funds to track down fugitive slaves and exploited loopholes in Pennsylvania's automatic freedom for slaves act while President (although both of these were not out of malice/racism, it was out of the fact the legal situation of the slaves his wife inherited were such a clusterfuck of property entanglements and his pointed refusal to break up any families, his own runaway slaves he never bothered to try and recover)

Lincoln is arguably the most conservative person mentioned, and he described himself as such, for he sought to preserve the Union first and foremost, he wasn't in the abolitionist wing of the GOP, he wanted to defend the Missouri Compromise it was the Slave Power that was pushing to alter the status quo of the era...Washington and Jefferson were both literal revolutionaries and Washington took up arms against his government

i mean, one might argue


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
First Cernovich and now Sommers? I wonder which other GamerGator will pop up next.

I guess part of me appreciates how obvious you people are being.
Why the hell aren't these trolls just banned on the spot? They're obviously not here in good faith.
Sure, but we keep letting the alt-right fucks right back in with these milquetoast temp bans. It's harming Era's discourse to have to continuously debunk their lies and FUD.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
If he wins, the rest of the PoC from over the world should sue American into bankruptcy.

This is but only a fact.
ResetERA; where talking points the Soviets dropped 50 years ago are today's hot takes


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
god dammit benji you need the pierre mulele treatment so bad


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
I was having a back-and-forth conversation with a friend of mine about not compromising with Republicans anymore. My last message to him was 2,333 words. I wonder if they’ll hire me if I send it to POLITICO. I am a casual wonk in the making and well on my way to becoming a stable genius, if I do say so myself.

That said: no wall.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Are Simpsons "country episodes" perpetuating stereotypes?
After watching the Simpsons episode about China yesterday (where Selma adopts a Chinese baby), I was wondering about that.

Just my observations about the China episode. I spoiler it:

There was another episode in new simpsons where they go to Ireland. At first they arrive there and everyones stuck up. Homer and Abe open a bar and in the end the Irish people still go there to get blackout drunk and they just "repressed" their drunken behaviour.
The UK episodes usually work similar with using The Queen, Posh and bad teeth as stereotypes.

There are a lot more episodes but most of those episodes feel like they are written by someone who took a look at some pictures from a travel magazine and thats it.

A lot of those episodes dont even challenge those stereotypes. The writers roll with it. It really feels like a lot of episodes are just perpetuating those stereotypes.
thank god he spoiler tagged the 12 year old episode


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Does anyone else feel too young for ERA ?
This question is aimed towards the Era users who may be in their late teens (so around 14 - 18), though if you are much older I would still appreciate your input.

It feels weird sometimes posting on Era due to the fact that the posters here tend to lean towards the older side. A lot of the user base is in their late twenties to early thirties, some over forty.

The age disparity between me (18) and a lot of users kind of makes it hard for me to relate to a lot of the experiences that they had, in contrast to something like reddit where a lot of the userbase is made up of millenials.

Im not going to stop using Era because of that, since this is still a great place for discussion about 90's games and obscure games in general, but I guess Im just curious if anyone else felt the same way.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Quote from: LionPride
Remember when black people and Asian people fought for civil rights together, in America of all places?

That was nice
Japanese Americans likely still remember that well.
Quote from: LionPride
Imma tell you this from they do not

isn't he like 19 or something?
Quote from: LionPride
I had just turned two when 9/11 happened

spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Politics is something you really can't truly understand until your mid 20's anyway, unless your education is centered around it.

Can't understand it neither after 20 :yeshrug


  • captain of my capsized ship
  • Senior Member

[Some random dude]The age disparity between me (18) and a lot of users kind of makes it hard for me to relate to a lot of the experiences that they had, in contrast to something like reddit where a lot of the userbase is made up of millenials.

Someone inform that dipshit that millenials are now 30+ years old.


  • brutal deluxe
  • Senior Member
resetera posters don't have experiences. they vicariously imbibe all human experiences through astral collection to provide a uniform and complete world view which is truly objective.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member

[Some random dude]The age disparity between me (18) and a lot of users kind of makes it hard for me to relate to a lot of the experiences that they had, in contrast to something like reddit where a lot of the userbase is made up of millenials.

Someone inform that dipshit that millenials are now 30+ years old.

Plus mid-20's or so. He's part of the next generation that I'm forgetting the buzzy title for.

Kurt Russell

  • Senior Member
Plus mid-20's or so. He's part of the next generation that I'm forgetting the buzzy title for.



  • Senior Member

User warned: arguing in bad faith to belittle sexual harassment victims, making unsubstantiated generalizations about "the left"

The poster tried to actually respond based on the content of the articlle vs. posting an idiotic hot take based on having read only the subject line.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Do we still need Rockstar Games?

some people have argued that Rockstar Games are outdated and that we have grown over their games.. does the game industry still need them, do we still need them?

So many quality threads at GAF lately.  :doge


  • Senior Member

If you like writing so much, maybe you should publish a book, you fucking pretentious shit.

Like this post if you guessed correctly who the author of the message at the link was.

Smell my finger

Smells like cunt doesn't it?

Well, it's my finger after all.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Reset is such a pointless forum. There's no actual discussions there. It's a bunch of distinguished mentally-challenged fellows reaffirming their beliefs with other distinguished mentally-challenged fellows. Mods come in, check any minority opinion with a warning to keep the echo chamber going.

At this point it's there to provide places like the bore, kotaku in action, voat, and kiwi farms pure entertainment.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
Reset is such a pointless forum. There's no actual discussions there. It's a bunch of distinguished mentally-challenged fellows reaffirming their beliefs with other distinguished mentally-challenged fellows. Mods come in, check any minority opinion with a warning, and it continues down that echo chamber.

At this point it's there to provide places like the bore, kotaku in action, voat, and kiwi farms pure entertainment.


  • Senior Member
what great company to be in


  • Senior Member
What's worse? KIA/VOAT/Kiwi Farmers or posting on the same forum with Assimilate and Etoilet?

These come-ons of yours have got to stop

or they got to improve  :-*


  • Senior Member

read post 368 and see the warning

Then read post 361

“Sad little white boy upset he isn’t guaranteed to be at the top of the food chain based purely on said skin color and gender” is what I got out of that. He can get bent.

User was warned for arguing in bad faith.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
lol jk


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
What's worse? KIA/VOAT/Kiwi Farmers or posting on the same thread with Assimilate and Etoilet?

These pasty cucks dare not venture outside their safe space


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
What's worse? KIA/VOAT/Kiwi Farmers or posting on the same thread with Assimilate and Etoilet?

These pasty cucks dare not venture outside their safe space
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Fart on me.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
wow man spoiler alert now i'm fired

Kurt Russell

  • Senior Member
User warned: arguing in bad faith to belittle sexual harassment victims, making unsubstantiated generalizations about "the left"

✔️ making unsubstantiated generalizations about "the right" / literal GamerGate Nazis
❌ making unsubstantiated generalizations about "the left"

How is it possible to lack this much self awareness?

Kurt Russell

  • Senior Member
Uhhh.. one is substantiated?  ;)

Do you actually understand what a nazi is, brah?


  • Senior Member
“Sad little white boy upset he isn’t guaranteed to be at the top of the food chain based purely on said skin color and gender” is what I got out of that. He can get bent.

User was warned for arguing in bad faith.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
lol jk

I love this post because the person seems to have actually read the memo and realised it isn't as bad as it was made out to be. So what was his take away? Well, it was to twist it into a conspiritorial narrative to make Damore into the exact pure embodiment of evil he desperately wanted him to be, of course. (lol)
People defending the memo. Guys, a shitcake is still a shitcake, even if it’s dressed up with whipped cream. The core is still shit.

What I mean is that, James made an attempt to Trojan horse his sexist viewpoint (e.g are biologically not capable of excelling at engineering) with suggestions on Googles hiring practices and having a more open forum for the discussion. The reality is, James knows his viewpoint is not acceptable and discriminatory, but he’s a smart dude, so he thought he bury the core message (the shit in the shitcake) with the dressing (e.g let’s find a way to make googles hiring more effective etc...).

Damore's only sin was to suggest that there are differences between men and women. What makes it so 'evil' is that it doesn't square with the modern leftist notion that gender, and pretty much everything else, is entirely a social construct. That is the only thing wrong with the memo. As I said in my previous post, they're completely insincere about it. They have to keep presenting him as this evil person who wrote the memo entirely for nefarious purposes, when really what is going on is that they subscribe to a certain ideological perspective that has made this subject completely off bounds for purely political reasons. That is what is really going on

The irony is anyone defending Damore in any way will be warned about arguing in 'bad faith' and being ''disingenuous', when it is clearly the other way around. It is the people attacking him who are arguing in bad faith, clearly.

There are two Steven Pinker videos I watched recently that speak to this. They are a really interesting watch.

This one is 40 minutes long but the relevant part is around 8 minutes in
« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 01:50:41 PM by Leadbelly »


  • Senior Member
Are Simpsons "country episodes" perpetuating stereotypes?
After watching the Simpsons episode about China yesterday (where Selma adopts a Chinese baby), I was wondering about that.

Just my observations about the China episode. I spoiler it:

There was another episode in new simpsons where they go to Ireland. At first they arrive there and everyones stuck up. Homer and Abe open a bar and in the end the Irish people still go there to get blackout drunk and they just "repressed" their drunken behaviour.
The UK episodes usually work similar with using The Queen, Posh and bad teeth as stereotypes.

There are a lot more episodes but most of those episodes feel like they are written by someone who took a look at some pictures from a travel magazine and thats it.

A lot of those episodes dont even challenge those stereotypes. The writers roll with it. It really feels like a lot of episodes are just perpetuating those stereotypes.
thank god he spoiler tagged the 12 year old episode
This is like straight GG/4chan rethoric in Simpsons. You think this wouldnt be problematic if it reinforces some views people already have?

You know a person is awful once he makes you want to defend modern Simpsons.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
I just realized I reflexively tune out anyone who unironically uses the term 'redpilling'


  • Senior Member
I just realized I reflexively tune out anyone who unironically uses the term 'redpilling'

Are you talking about that video? Tune out Steven Pinker? LOL

The clip was titled that, but that was a decision by whomever posted the clip from Learn Liberty. It wasn't necessarily Steven Pinker's choice. And the context the term is used isn't in the way you seem to think.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member

User warned: arguing in bad faith to belittle sexual harassment victims, making unsubstantiated generalizations about "the left"

The poster tried to actually respond based on the content of the articlle vs. posting an idiotic hot take based on having read only the subject line.

Here’s a fucking news flash for you: the women who have come out didn’t do so because someone was trying to “get a date” or “figure out if there’s attraction” unless you’re filing things like exposing your dick, groping and asking for a blowjob in those categories, in which case you’re completely demented.

And this French bitch can shove it. The notion that “insistent flirting” isn’t harassment is idiotic.


  • Senior Member
It's a good Doc. I recall that she states how she went over their claims, but perhaps this is in interviews. It's framed around her changing her mind, so that's why it has those shots. She does give the other side a chance to speak, but that other side does all the damage to itself. In fact, her going to those people is for the purpose of challenging the Men's Rights views, but the problem was those people were complete failures in even understanding the topic.


  • Senior Member
Slightly on topic; watched that "The Red Pill" documentary the other day.

Man, it's fucking terrible.  Not even going to comment on the opinions presented by the people interviewed, but the interviewer has to be the dumbest documentary creator in history.  She literally doesn't ask a single question of anyone other than the occasional rhetorical "Really?"; she just sits there and buys every word and then they have all of these scenes of her sitting in her hotel room staring at the wall with her narrator "I was starting to change my mind about feminism."

I was meaning to watch it, but have never got around to it. I may watch it at some point to see what the fuss is about.

Bore Expert

  • Member
Just submitted my application for Resettlement Advisor. I put you all down as references so I should be good to go. Only a matter of time before I’m chilling in the VIP forum with Geoff Keighley and Slayven.



  • Senior Member
This user is banned for this post (3 days): Sexism argumentation.
I'm not the one saying it. I'm just saying that we shouldn't be selective in which women we listen to. Amy Henning, for example, said the game industry was a wonderful place of opportunity where she never experienced harassment or discrimination. She said "I may just be oblivious, and if so that tactic has worked for me" and that the internet was making the industry seem like a more sexist place than it was. It is the internet rhetoric which was keeping young women out of gaming, not the industry itself. I've seen Henning crucified for saying that, but you know, what if she has a point?

When I worked at Treyarch in the early 00's, they employed a handful of women that were all in positions of power. Project lead, lead artist, head of HR, technology lead. They would all have lunch together (which my wife was invited to a few times) and talk about women in the game industry. They complained mostly about a lack of women and not having more women to talk to, and not about harassment or discrimination. But this was about 15 years ago. The dialogue around women in the game industry was very different back then.

I don't think the industry suddenly became more sexist. I really don't. I just think that there has been a shift in the political landscape over the past decade, where before people would look at the lack of women in the game industry and arrive at one conclusion, while now they look at the exact same lack of women in the game industry and arrive at a different one. The problem hasn't changed, just the explanation of it - and the current explanation has a zero percent chance of actually solving the problem. If anything, the prevalence of sexism claims is leading to less women in the industry and fewer women in computer science.



  • Have You Ever
  • Senior Member
I like how they banned an actual game industry insider/worker.  Not that they should have any sort of immunity, but it's a real shit reason for a ban, and someone they ostensibly would want to keep around.

That was basically all GAF had along with its momentum.  Commentary from actual devs and insiders.  Reset is doing its level best to keep them scared off at this point.

Skullfuckers Anonymous

  • Will hunt bullies for fruit baskets. PM for details.
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
I like how they banned an actual game industry insider/worker.  Not that they should have any sort of immunity, but it's a real shit reason for a ban, and someone they ostensibly would want to keep around.

That was basically all GAF had along with its momentum.  Commentary from actual devs and insiders.  Reset is doing its level best to keep them scared off at this point.

Yeah. What gets me though is, I am struggling to see anything in that post that warrants even a warning, let alone a ban for 3 days. There is absolutely nothing there. It is literally just a different perspective.

I don't think GAF was this bad at its worst.

Edit: Actually, by 'warrant' I mean from the perspective of ERA moderators. A lot of the posts they warn or ban I tend not think actually 'warrant' it


  • Senior Member
Do Reset mods actually discuss bans between themselves or just do it when they feel like it?