Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2194287 times)

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11640 on: January 22, 2018, 01:03:28 PM »

Evi gives his shower thoughts

Yeah. I've always thought Evilore was actually more rational and reasonable than the way the moderators policing GAF would suggest. Previous comments before the madness suggested that. And his removing of Bishop kind of suggested that he hadn't really changed. His mistake was not being brave enough to assert that position more aggessively to his staff.

I mean it may just have been clumsiness but qualifying it as "white Swedes" is weird and potentially charged. Using "Swedes" (or the more precise "Swedish citizens") was as meaningful and served the exact same purpose without any racial tones. The whole "native X" (for instance over here it's often "Français de souche", "souche" being a tree strain and to be understood if translated as "roots") is, without any doubt, used as an euphemism in xenophobic rhetoric in Europe and it muddies the water of a perfectly fine legal & simple definition of whether you hold citizenship or not. AFAIK, for most European countries, the vast majority of legal citizens will have been born and raised there.

It was clumsy language, but the problem I have is the way some people read the worst possible intentions into what people say. The person who said it may not be from Europe. It is very easy looking in from outside to think of these countries as largely homogeneous societies. Ironically I find a number of Americans seem to do that. I say ironically because of the 'melting pot' aspect of American culture and demographics. Although, perhaps it shouldn't be surprising to view the outside world as being more homongenous. Europe is the place of 'Europeans'. In fact in terms of scandinavia that is actually relatively true until fairly recent times anyway. These countries have seen some immigration over a number of years, but until fairly recently, not nearly at the same level as other European countries.

Someone pointed this out in the thread too:
I'd assume he means the 88% ethnic swedes or ethnic swedes + "white" minorities such as the Sweden-Finns under 6.)

It is poorly worded, but I personally interpreted it as him simply asking whether it was native swedes or immigrants causing the violence. In any case, there is a way to voice your concerns about the way he framed the question without accusing the person of being pratically a nazi.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 01:09:45 PM by Leadbelly »


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11641 on: January 22, 2018, 01:04:39 PM »

Evi gives his shower thoughts
At any rate, after I watched a couple of his lectures my youtube recommendation feed was full of MRA Red Pill stuff and I went "oh god, so he's being co-opted by the us vs them internet gender wars by ridiculous internet people" and bailed out without ever commenting on it on GAF or whatever because of how hostile and polarized and reductive everything had become and how many people would account suicide at me any time I made an appeal to civility and reason and moderation. Seems like maybe we can have a conversation about this sort of thing here now though


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11642 on: January 22, 2018, 01:13:51 PM »
Well, he's had debates with Harris on the nature of truth.

You could have a discussion with him on his observance of young men seeing no road or path to follow. A debate on return to tradition versus finding a new path or just e debate on how we got to this point.

However, the topics they choose to debate him on are not topics that they'll win. It often seems that they have never heard the arguments before and have no response to them. You can't keep putting up people to debate him who say there's no such thing as biological sex.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11643 on: January 22, 2018, 01:14:47 PM »

Define "white Swedes" please.


His other posts in that exchange:

Lol what the hell. "Nordic blood"? What am I even reading.

And here it comes...

We all know what he's actually trying to ask. Come on. Please teach me how I'm not a white Swede even though I'm white and a Swedish citizen. Talking about "blood" is straight up nazi shit and I'm not having it.

The guy was simply asking whether the increase in violence was due to immigrants or native swedes. Yet, it seems even asking the question gets greeted by huge suspicion.

"He said 'white swedes'. What he really means is the pure Aryan race and that everyone else are sub-humans".

The best thing to do is to not even respond to people like that.

I mean it may just have been clumsiness but qualifying it as "white Swedes" is weird and potentially charged. Using "Swedes" (or the more precise "Swedish citizens") was as meaningful and served the exact same purpose without any racial tones. The whole "native X" (for instance over here it's often "Français de souche", "souche" being a tree strain and to be understood if translated as "roots") is, without any doubt, used as an euphemism in xenophobic rhetoric in Europe and it muddies the water of a perfectly fine legal & simple definition of whether you hold citizenship or not. AFAIK, for most European countries, the vast majority of legal citizens will have been born and raised there.

"Swedes" is a legit ethnic group.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11644 on: January 22, 2018, 01:50:44 PM »
Well, he's had debates with Harris on the nature of truth.

You could have a discussion with him on his observance of young men seeing no road or path to follow. A debate on return to tradition versus finding a new path or just e debate on how we got to this point.

However, the topics they choose to debate him on are not topics that they'll win. It often seems that they have never heard the arguments before and have no response to them. You can't keep putting up people to debate him who say there's no such thing as biological sex.

Yeah but Peterson and Harris both share that callous "biology supersedes all" mentality that doesn't always gel with me.

Also, Peterson has a lot of other opinions and theories besides the whole biological sex angle.

I know I'm not smart enough to dispute anything he says, they guy REALLY knows his shit. But, the things he talks about are still his interpretation of the data he researched.

Do they though? It is very easy to overemphasise the biological component of human nature when pushing back against a view that biology is completely irrelevant. I suspect if you questioned Peterson on it, he would give a more nuanced answer.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11645 on: January 22, 2018, 01:55:26 PM »
One of the reasons why the modern left is so weak right now is that it's full of people who argue emotional, bad arguments against professional bullshitters. These people always go in to a "debate" assuming they're naturally correct rather than trying to discuss the topic at hand and destroying every bit of argumentation of the opposing force. The result is a bunch of incompetents who cannot defend their own positions even if they're in the right. When you begin to realize that most of these people, like Ben Shapiro and Milo Yian...Yianna....I give up on spelling that mostly argue their points like New Atheists such as Dawkins and Harris, who tend to argue with the most extreme, fundamentalist of believers to prove that there is no God then all the dominoes in their arguments start to fall apart. But then you read that we shouldn't let them have a platform or debate, which makes the people on the left even more inexperienced deflecting their arguments, making them even further prone to deflection and emotional outbursts.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 02:06:16 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11646 on: January 22, 2018, 02:00:26 PM »
It isn't any surprise that Dawkins and Harris tend to struggle when they can't debate the fundamentalist Evangelical from Bumfuck, Ohio. I'm pretty sure the same is true for the likes of Peterson.

Then you've got the "I'm so weak I gave up before it even started" brand of distinguished mentally-challenged in "you can't debate people like that!!!" What a bunch of weak ass mother fuckers. I can't believe we are remotely even on the same team.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11647 on: January 22, 2018, 02:04:52 PM »
Lindsay Ellis defends Twilight and Gaf celebrates. That is depressing.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11648 on: January 22, 2018, 02:11:49 PM »
One of the reasons why the modern left is so weak right now is that it's full of people who argue emotional, bad arguments against professional bullshitters. These people always go in to a "debate" assuming they're naturally correct rather than trying to discuss the topic at hand and destroying every bit of argumentation of the opposing force. The result is a bunch of incompetents who cannot defend their own positions even if they're in the right. When you begin to realize that most of these people, like Ben Shapiro and Milo Yian...Yianna....I give up on spelling that mostly argue their points like New Atheists such as Dawkins and Harris, who tend to argue with the most extreme, fundamentalist of believers to prove that there is no God then all the dominoes in their arguments start to fall apart. But then you read that we should let them have a platform, which makes the people on the left even more inexperienced deflecting their arguments, making them even further prone to deflection and emotional outbursts.

I think it is an outcrop of people forgetting that every new generation and every new political participant does not come up intrinsically with the same knowledge you currently have. Sure we figured out calculus, that doesn't mean we can stop teaching it.

That and the long-term consequence of internet sheltering. People that seek out only like-minded communities and information feeds that unknowingly deliver information that doesn't challenge you and only confirms biases. From Facebook, to cable tv, to websites, to message boards like Resetera(and depending on the discussion, here)....And the fact that now more than ever, everyone has a platform to offer an opinion. So naturally you are going to get a lot more stupid bubbling to the surface, since while not perfect, in past ages, you aren't usually hearing from those elements unless it is at a dinner party with family, or Jay Leno was doing a weekly skit about dumb citizens. Since there wasn't a whole lot of incentive to give morons platforms to amplify and transmit their opinions to a mass of people.

People have always been fucking moronic, you just didn't hear from most of them, well, ever.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11649 on: January 22, 2018, 02:23:50 PM »
Zelda is as overhyped as any big franchise open world game in its launch year (Arkham City, GTA4,...), but the rest isn't bad. At least if you ignore Creepoblade 2 on the list. :yeshrug
Nintenyearolds still are insufferable in that thread though. Blatant console wartards act like sitting on a high horse, yuck.

I find the most insufferable people in that thread are those that wonder why their niche eastern eurojank CRPG didn't rank high and why more people would prefer the much more accessible and less-generic-looking Persona or Nier.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11650 on: January 22, 2018, 02:35:44 PM »
Ok, mom, firstly, you need to understand that this isn't porn, all right? It's called "hentai". Yes, that's a Japanese phrase, I'm learning Japanese from these videos. Before I get to the part about learning Japanese, though, let me first comment on the cultural implications of hentai. After the second world war, which Japan lost after the nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the entire country underwent a period of self-reflection and soul-searching. They wanted to understand how events led to the rest of the world responding with such devastating atomic attacks. This led to a strong antipathy towards war-mongering and international aggression. You may have heard about how the Japanese constitution doesn't allow the country to have an active military. Same idea. A lot of post-war Japanese culture is a reflection of such attitudes. For example, the Godzilla movies are not just about giant monsters fighting each other. They're about the horrors of unbridled atomic technology (Godzilla's always depicted as being powered by or healed by nuclear power), and how such a terrifying force can never be allowed to be unleashed on humanity again. On a similar note, Japanese animation enjoyed a resurgence of popularity after the war, due to the populace choosing to turn towards the comforting images of their youth. Japanese kids, much like kids in our country, like to watch cartoons. As a result, psychologically speaking, cartoons represent a reminder of a simpler and more innocent age. This upsurge in popularity resulted in animated images pervading almost all of Japanese culture: from movies, to television, to advertising, to music videos, and so on and so forth. And because animated images were so widely accepted throughout Japan, they were used for almost every type of source material, or to tell any type of story. Animation was no longer the sole domain of children. You got animated movies that told very mature stories, like Ghost in the Machine or Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Sometimes you get stories that involve very mature topics, like war, or murder, or rape, or torture. The Japanese have generally become quite accustomed seeing depictions of such things in their animations. So yeah, that's why I was watching this movie. It's an epic tale about a space crew exploring a distant planet (the crew's all female, because Japan's very into gender equality), and they run into a hostile alien, with a bunch of tentacles... and... well... I don't want to spoil the story for you, but let's just say the crew eventually figure out how to get along with the alien. It's a story about bridging cultural gaps and finding common ground. Seriously, it's worth watching. Ok, next, you remember how I talked about knowing Japanese words and phrases now? It's because these movies are subtitled in English, so I can learn Japanese while watching them. I mean, I know words like yamete, and iie, and iigu, and lots of others. Much better than just knowing konichiwa, isn't it? I mean, I'm developing such an interest in hentai that I might just major in Japanese when I'm in college. Who knows, I might be the one writing the subtitles in the future. Oh, and one last thing, you should know that hentai's considered pretty mainstream in Japan now, and it's also quite common in the western world too now. Everyone's watching it. I mean, if I don't watch it, I'll be seen as some sort of freak at school. You don't want your son to be some kind of pariah because he doesn't watch hentai, do you?



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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11651 on: January 22, 2018, 02:44:08 PM »
Well, he's had debates with Harris on the nature of truth.

You could have a discussion with him on his observance of young men seeing no road or path to follow. A debate on return to tradition versus finding a new path or just e debate on how we got to this point.

However, the topics they choose to debate him on are not topics that they'll win. It often seems that they have never heard the arguments before and have no response to them. You can't keep putting up people to debate him who say there's no such thing as biological sex.

Yeah but Peterson and Harris both share that callous "biology supersedes all" mentality that doesn't always gel with me.

Also, Peterson has a lot of other opinions and theories besides the whole biological sex angle.

I know I'm not smart enough to dispute anything he says, they guy REALLY knows his shit. But, the things he talks about are still his interpretation of the data he researched.

Do they though? It is very easy to overemphasise the biological component of human nature when pushing back against a view that biology is completely irrelevant. I suspect if you questioned Peterson on it, he would give a more nuanced answer.

I mean, full disclosure, I'm not super familiar with Harris. I've seen him on TYT a few times, heard him on Rogan's podcast here and there. But even though he makes some salient points, its hard to align my views with his when he falls back on "Well this is how humans are. They find a religion that teaches them to be sick people and they continue being sick people" . I'm not really educated in psychology or Anthropology, but I know a good handful of muslims, and they're all pretty wonderful people who don't hate women or gays or jews.

So Its hard for me to bite sweeping generalities based on Lobsters when what I see in my day to day is different.

But who knows, I could be wrong.

Which is why I want to see both sides of the issue.

Even Cenk, who was a lawyer and should have some sort of gift of gab, gets flustered when talking to Harris and loses all credibility.

To be fair, Harris doesn't make sweeping generalisations about Muslims. I think people hear him criticising 'Islam' and take it to mean he is criticising 'Muslims'. Islam is a religion, Muslims are the followers of that religion. Based on what you said, I think the argument you a referring to is something along the lines of, if a religion says the punishment for theft is to chop off their hands, it isn't surprising that there are people out there that believe you should chop off the hands of a thief. Of course that doesn't mean all Muslims do that, or believe that, only that it comes from the religion. And that is the problem.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11652 on: January 22, 2018, 02:44:13 PM »
Then mom bent low so you could see her massive cleavage, giggled in that motherly way with her eyes half shut and said, “I’m glad you are learning Japanese, son-Chan, but now it’s time for your lessons with me.”

And she sucked your dick til you had a thunderous orgasm that only an experienced milf can give.

Kurt Russell

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11653 on: January 22, 2018, 02:48:02 PM »
I know I'm not smart enough to dispute anything he says, they guy REALLY knows his shit. But, the things he talks about are still his interpretation of the data he researched.

....which is entirely the same argument that the flat earthers use.

The reason Peterson is so Teflon in sociology debates is because if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11654 on: January 22, 2018, 03:16:15 PM »
Is always fun go to political threads to read how the most vocal social progressive are the first to say “I dunno about DACA. Don’t blame my party but Republicans, we did the best but the kids...”


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11655 on: January 22, 2018, 03:16:33 PM »
The likelihood of Kevin Spacey and John Travolta being gay was an acceptable thing to discuss for years (and was confirmed true for the former). There's nothing wrong with being gay ofc. The shocked responses at implying Wu is trans really give offs a weird signal. Don't they *want* more trans people with power? Is there controversy about things like that because it implies Wu isn't a very convincing looking trans woman?

It's a form of browbeating.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11656 on: January 22, 2018, 03:17:02 PM »
Zelda is as overhyped as any big franchise open world game in its launch year (Arkham City, GTA4,...), but the rest isn't bad. At least if you ignore Creepoblade 2 on the list. :yeshrug
Nintenyearolds still are insufferable in that thread though. Blatant console wartards act like sitting on a high horse, yuck.

I find the most insufferable people in that thread are those that wonder why their niche eastern eurojank CRPG didn't rank high and why more people would prefer the much more accessible and less-generic-looking Persona or Nier.

of course a hardcore lifelong weeaboo like yourself would feel that way. just like how your dumbass thought mass effect Andromeda was going to win goty awards.


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« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 03:39:31 PM by Jansen »


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11658 on: January 22, 2018, 03:48:50 PM »


OPs alt account in same thread? Fucking weird

That...seems like someone potentially suicidal that Reset just banned and gave up on?

I remember a couple times Gaf actually did some good and kept a thread open and kept talking with people, and years later they'd come back and say how some nice people talked them back from the brink.

This is how Reset is going to deal with depression?


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11659 on: January 22, 2018, 04:06:41 PM »
don't assume ethnicity bro


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11660 on: January 22, 2018, 04:07:06 PM »


OPs alt account in same thread? Fucking weird

That...seems like someone potentially suicidal that Reset just banned and gave up on?

I remember a couple times Gaf actually did some good and kept a thread open and kept talking with people, and years later they'd come back and say how some nice people talked them back from the brink.

This is how Reset is going to deal with depression?

It was at the OPs request.
I think I'm done with Resetera.

Cya guys.

That said, I remember it being a matter of policy to close a thread of someone suicidal on Steam Forums. I think they banned them as well. It was a while ago so not enitrely sure now. They certainly closed the thread though and just told them to seek medical help.

There was probably a number of reasons for that. 1. A potential legal issue that may occur if Valve are found liable in any way. 2. Not good publicity if someone ends up committing suicide as a direct or partial result of something said on the forums. 3. No one is really qualified to deal with them therefore it would be better to advice them to look for professional help.

Skullfuckers Anonymous

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11661 on: January 22, 2018, 04:08:45 PM »
The Brianna Wu thing is so weird; if you google her you get a lot of articles just outright referring to her as trans (gaming sites, political sites) casually.  Sites that aren't using it against her or anything... does she really deny it and has it really been "proven"?

edit:  Also, never followed any of this crap.. other than hearing about GamerGate here and there.. always assumed Brianna Wu was an asian woman.  WTF is with the name?  lol

I think she just refuses to comment on the issue. The evidence that she is comes from people who looked up her records from college and noticed the name and gender change. Her current last name comes from her husband.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11662 on: January 22, 2018, 04:16:46 PM »
I believe Brianna Wu is married to a rich Asian guy, hence the last name. Who in their right mind marries that sort of crazy is beyond me though.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11663 on: January 22, 2018, 04:22:24 PM »
I believe Brianna Wu is married to a rich Asian guy, hence the last name. Who in their right mind marries that sort of crazy is beyond me though.

A similar sort of crazy.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11664 on: January 22, 2018, 04:28:02 PM »
Ironically it's Brianna Wu who wrote that "Samus is trans" article. Maybe that was her attempt of getting back at GG
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 04:32:10 PM by HaughtyFrank »


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11667 on: January 22, 2018, 04:55:24 PM »
Well, he's had debates with Harris on the nature of truth.

You could have a discussion with him on his observance of young men seeing no road or path to follow. A debate on return to tradition versus finding a new path or just e debate on how we got to this point.

However, the topics they choose to debate him on are not topics that they'll win. It often seems that they have never heard the arguments before and have no response to them. You can't keep putting up people to debate him who say there's no such thing as biological sex.

Yeah but Peterson and Harris both share that callous "biology supersedes all" mentality that doesn't always gel with me.

Also, Peterson has a lot of other opinions and theories besides the whole biological sex angle.

I know I'm not smart enough to dispute anything he says, they guy REALLY knows his shit. But, the things he talks about are still his interpretation of the data he researched.

Do they though? It is very easy to overemphasise the biological component of human nature when pushing back against a view that biology is completely irrelevant. I suspect if you questioned Peterson on it, he would give a more nuanced answer.

I mean, full disclosure, I'm not super familiar with Harris. I've seen him on TYT a few times, heard him on Rogan's podcast here and there. But even though he makes some salient points, its hard to align my views with his when he falls back on "Well this is how humans are. They find a religion that teaches them to be sick people and they continue being sick people" . I'm not really educated in psychology or Anthropology, but I know a good handful of muslims, and they're all pretty wonderful people who don't hate women or gays or jews.

So Its hard for me to bite sweeping generalities based on Lobsters when what I see in my day to day is different.

But who knows, I could be wrong.

Which is why I want to see both sides of the issue.

Even Cenk, who was a lawyer and should have some sort of gift of gab, gets flustered when talking to Harris and loses all credibility.

They all believe in nature and nurture, biological and environmental factors. You just have to be very persuasive and loud with the science end of the discussion because the social part of the discussion is so overexposed. At this point, I think the average person goes into those discussions assuming the social factors are paramount when that's not the case. It may be that social factors have been a control mechanism versus biological factors that have been around for thousands of years.

That's the point of the lobster example, that hierarchies aren't a social invention. They exist at a deep level. I was watching a TV series on Monkey World and two different monkey species had hierarchies established within their groups. When they introduced a new male to the spider monkeys, the females eventually pushed the older male out and let the new male into the dominant position. It's a pattern that shows up across nature. He uses lobsters because of their response to anti-depressants and the chemical similarity between us and lobsters

The tough questions come from the comforts of modernity. Does lack of survival needs change what is best for human happiness and functionality?

As for the religious stuff, I think that gets over simplified in the media. Harris posits a lot of thought experiments that people take int he worst possible manner. . You need to employ a certain level of intellectual and emotional maturity when joining that sort of discussion. You can't fly off at the first scary thought.

What is more potentially controversial is Harris not believing in free will. That certainly sets him apart from a Shapiro and Peterson, who have argued with him over such things. I don't understand how you function as a society without free will myself, because if you remove free will as a believed concept then you really cannot have any sense of accountability. You can't blame, punish or separate anyone for their actions if they have no choice in the matter.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 05:07:09 PM by etiolate »


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11668 on: January 22, 2018, 05:13:35 PM »

Don't insult furries by calling them furries


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11669 on: January 22, 2018, 05:23:10 PM »

Quote from: Audioboxer, post: 3626476, member: 888
FOR SCIENCE I decided to go check PSN communities

At least in positive news the Gay Furry communities are here too

That escalated quickly *request to join*

Nazi isn't blocked on a word filter, but the groups with Nazi in the title are "COD Nazi" related.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11670 on: January 22, 2018, 06:06:46 PM »


OP - I would seriously try to get some game news media attention for this - Kotaku or something - because I think it’s necessary for MS to address this publicly with an apology and assurance that they’ll fix this and do better. You won’t get their attention through normal means, so it’s necessary to publicize this.

Why does everything have to be so dramatic. Just report that shit and be done with it


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11671 on: January 22, 2018, 06:23:16 PM »

Quote from: shira
2D waifu origins r srs bsns

Quote from: malyse
Dice, you are one of my top three favorite Canadians.

Piss the fuck off.



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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11672 on: January 22, 2018, 06:30:23 PM »


OP - I would seriously try to get some game news media attention for this - Kotaku or something - because I think it’s necessary for MS to address this publicly with an apology and assurance that they’ll fix this and do better. You won’t get their attention through normal means, so it’s necessary to publicize this.

Why does everything have to be so dramatic. Just report that shit and be done with it

We need to sign a petition.
We need to protest in the streets.
We need to block all traffic.
We need to turn bins over and set them alight.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11673 on: January 22, 2018, 06:51:28 PM »
burning dumpsters is carbon neutral because it's usually paired with blocking traffic


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11674 on: January 22, 2018, 06:56:59 PM »
Save the planet by protesting nazi xbone communities. Do your bit for the planet.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11675 on: January 22, 2018, 06:58:42 PM »
I don't see how MS in the wrong.

"nazu furry forum" is probably closer to the truth than "videogame forum" is for Reset era


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11676 on: January 22, 2018, 07:06:02 PM »
The algorithms are usually not wrong. It's usually based on your search history and such so getting furries and Nazi's says more about you than it does about Xbox.

It's always fun when people logon to YouTube and you see their recommendations.  :doge


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11677 on: January 22, 2018, 07:22:41 PM »
The algorithms are usually not wrong.
On Pornhub they are.

Just because i click on a nice looking vid doesn't mean i want to see mom fucking son porn.



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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11678 on: January 22, 2018, 07:23:46 PM »
what's up with server timeouts.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11679 on: January 22, 2018, 07:30:05 PM »
Incest porn is also tagged with other aspects hence why you get it recommended to you.

i don't read any of the descriptions, i go by the vid clip when you click over it. i also rarely search for anything unless it's PAWGs, big asses, or POV doggystyle or something like that.

god i love the PAWGs



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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11680 on: January 22, 2018, 07:37:11 PM »
Granny zoo porn I think is entirely down to me.

Just kidding. :p


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11681 on: January 22, 2018, 08:04:55 PM »
What is more potentially controversial is Harris not believing in free will. That certainly sets him apart from a Shapiro and Peterson, who have argued with him over such things. I don't understand how you function as a society without free will myself, because if you remove free will as a believed concept then you really cannot have any sense of accountability. You can't blame, punish or separate anyone for their actions if they have no choice in the matter.

I don't see the problem.  You still blame, punish and separate people for bad behavior because you have no choice in the matter either.  They will do bad, and you will punish them for it.

If the ultimate goal is the success of the human race, knowing that some people will inevitably do bad things doesn't mean you simply allow them to do it and not try to stop it.  Believing that everything is predestined doesn't come with baggage of apathy - even if we're all deterministic robots, we're still wired to attempt to better our situations.  The future still isn't knowable.  Maybe I'm predestined to become a millionaire, and that's because of some amazing software I create, which is because of a computer class I'm taking now.  It doesn't mean you still become a millionaire without that effort.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11682 on: January 22, 2018, 08:05:39 PM »
I know what kind of porn Amir0x likes...


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11683 on: January 22, 2018, 08:14:51 PM »
and I know what kind of porn Ami is going to experience


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11684 on: January 22, 2018, 08:17:15 PM »
Zelda is as overhyped as any big franchise open world game in its launch year (Arkham City, GTA4,...), but the rest isn't bad. At least if you ignore Creepoblade 2 on the list. :yeshrug
Nintenyearolds still are insufferable in that thread though. Blatant console wartards act like sitting on a high horse, yuck.

I find the most insufferable people in that thread are those that wonder why their niche eastern eurojank CRPG didn't rank high and why more people would prefer the much more accessible and less-generic-looking Persona or Nier.

of course a hardcore lifelong weeaboo like yourself would feel that way. just like how your dumbass thought mass effect Andromeda was going to win goty awards.

I love you too Jansen  :heart


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11685 on: January 22, 2018, 08:25:23 PM »
Scat porn is best porn.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11686 on: January 22, 2018, 08:27:03 PM »
:donot German, please leave.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11687 on: January 22, 2018, 08:31:47 PM »
How someone can crack one off to a girl shitting is beyond me. Just looking at the thumbnail makes me want to puke.

I kind of get the pissing thing. There is something kind of cute about it. That's about as far as I can go though.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11688 on: January 22, 2018, 08:45:30 PM »

I kind of get the pissing thing. There is something kind of cute about it. That's about as far as I can go though.

What is cute about getting peed on?


Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11689 on: January 22, 2018, 08:50:05 PM »
The algorithms are usually not wrong. It's usually based on your search history and such so getting furries and Nazi's says more about you than it does about Xbox.

It's always fun when people logon to YouTube and you see their recommendations.  :doge
There actually is a bizarre and amusing commie vs nazi furry subculture schism that has formed in the bizarre depths of the internet the past few months. I’m not exactly sure why this is happening, but it bleeding over into Xbox communities makes sense since politics of the fringe variety are everywhere now.

As for how and why I know this, I love to read up on and follow internet drama. It drew me into watching the craziness at NeoGAF over the years and then to lurk and sign up here when resetera was being set up.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11690 on: January 22, 2018, 08:50:59 PM »

I kind of get the pissing thing. There is something kind of cute about it. That's about as far as I can go though.

What is cute about getting peed on?


I don't mean getting peed on. I mean a girl pissing. :p

And I think we should change the subject. lol


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11691 on: January 22, 2018, 08:58:28 PM »
Lead Kelly


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11692 on: January 22, 2018, 09:05:43 PM »
Scat porn is best porn.
I kind of get the pissing thing. There is something kind of cute about it. That's about as far as I can go though.

Make a seperate thread perverts


  • Cereal mispeller
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11693 on: January 22, 2018, 09:14:09 PM »

I kind of get the pissing thing. There is something kind of cute about it. That's about as far as I can go though.

What is cute about getting peed on?


I don't mean getting peed on. I mean a girl pissing. :p

And I think we should change the subject. lol

No no — let’s get to the bottom of this. How is a girl pissing cute?
Do you mean pissing in a toilet? Getting caught on the can, like ENF porn?
Or do you mean like a girl pissing on another person? If so where? Face?
Or do you prefer girls pissing on things, like dogs, fire hydrants or possibly in something like a litter box?

Tell us more about your fetish.



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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11694 on: January 22, 2018, 09:14:41 PM »
Jordan Peterson has responded to the controversy around the channel 4 interview.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11695 on: January 22, 2018, 09:15:47 PM »

I kind of get the pissing thing. There is something kind of cute about it. That's about as far as I can go though.

What is cute about getting peed on?


I don't mean getting peed on. I mean a girl pissing. :p

And I think we should change the subject. lol

No no — let’s get to the bottom of this. How is a girl pissing cute?
Do you mean pissing in a toilet? Getting caught on the can, like ENF porn?
Or do you mean like a girl pissing on another person? If so where? Face?
Or do you prefer girls pissing on things, like dogs, fire hydrants or possibly in something like a litter box?

Tell us more about your fetish.


Well... pissing outdoors. >.>

Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11696 on: January 22, 2018, 09:18:07 PM »
No no — let’s get to the bottom of this. How is a girl pissing cute?
Do you mean pissing in a toilet? Getting caught on the can, like ENF porn?
Or do you mean like a girl pissing on another person? If so where? Face?
Or do you prefer girls pissing on things, like dogs, fire hydrants or possibly in something like a litter box?

Tell us more about your fetish.


spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11697 on: January 22, 2018, 09:20:34 PM »
It's not really a fetish anyway, it's just that I can at least understand it to some degree. The shitting thing I just can't get my head around.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #11699 on: January 22, 2018, 09:38:58 PM »
I have an old story that might help clear some things up.

Friday night I went to a bar near Fort Dix. It's far more interesting than the "gay" bars and is usually 95% male. In a "gay" bar you know everyone's a cocksucker but at this bar there is the mystery that only some might be. It's the difference between hunting in a game preserve and hunting in a wild forest.
Around one a.m. I see a nice face at the end of the U-shaped bar. In civvies and alone. Knowing the barkeep I tell her to give him a drink. Six beers later he still doesn't know where the beer's coming from. Near last call bell I tell her to tell him.

He comments on the convenient camper I'm driving: "Nice for picking up girls." I say yes if you like them; I don't. He says nothing to this but as we leave he wants to see the inside of it. He got in and no sooner was turned around to look it over than my clamps went on his leg and I got a feel of it. He just grinned and said want to do something about it?

He wanted to take his car but I said no, let's use this-I know a great place. As though I'd go off with a stranger in the night in his car. I soon had him in a clearing in the woods. He said he had to take a piss. He was quite surprised to find a mouth ready to swallow it. He said he couldn't piss if I didn't stop. I let him get started and then guzzled away. He said, O.K., if that's what you like it's your funeral. I drained that stud dry-he was a 24-year-old Military Police-and started some tongue licking that really turned him on.

Though he had changed into civvies he had left his G.I. boots and sox on and underwear he'd worn all day. Sitting in the patrol car all day had sure got a nice smell in his groin and ass. I licked and sniffed here and there and he really seemed to like the attention. I said I wish you were dressed in your M.P. outfit. He just laughed and said, you like that stuff huh? Maybe next time. His body was fairly hairless but he had quite a bit of cock and asshole and armpit hair. Little elsewhere. I got down between his legs and he pulled them up to show he wanted his asshole licked too. It was sweaty and dirty and I told him so and he said, Shut up and clean it with your mouth, you know you want to. If you drink piss you eat dirty ass.

I wanted to, as he said. In fact I wanted to get his pants off so I could really spread his legs and get at him, so the boots had to come off. I started to lick his boots as I unlaced them and he sat up and watched- I was blowing his mind by now but when I started sniffing his sox and boots and licking his feet and sucking on his toes he really flipped out.

Finally getting him flat on his ass with his legs up, I worked on his hole again. I got it wide open and blew my hot breath into it, really relaxing it. He'd fart the wind out and I'd blow it up again until his hole was loose and ready for anything.

He said he had to piss again so I drained him again. He was able to piss with a hard on-unusual. His tool wasn't all that big but it was hard as a fucking rock.
I stuffed my tongue up his asshole again until I began to taste shit. I had never eaten shit but I'd sucked plenty of dirty assholes. This guy was straining so hard to get more tongue up his hole he was starting to crap. I sucked a mouthful of shit out of his hole and gulped it down. I looked up at him and yelled, "Shit, you fucking bastard, go ahead give it to me." He was really turned on and started giving orders like you never heard. He held his legs back and I stuffed my tongue up his asshole and he really crapped. I swallowed it so fast I really don't know what it tasted like, except that it tasted strange, but he was yelling, Eat my fuckin' shit you cocksucker, over and over, and when he was done crapping I licked his balls up to the head of his dick and discovered he had started to come. I took him and he just lay there out of breath.

We lay down awhile. My nose was nuzzled in his armpit and I was getting high on the sweat smell. Finally he asked if I was O.K. I said why not. He said he didn't believe anyone could be a human latrine. I didn't either and said I never ate shit before. Finally he said he had had his cock sucked but usually got paid. I said I guessed he'd have to consider the beers the fee. He said he didn't want anything.

When I got ready to move out he said he wanted to fuck some more. He said to bend over and he climbed on and started to fuck and really was good at it. He said he had to piss and did I want to wash his load down. I said to piss up my ass. He finally managed and instead of letting me unload it he continued to fuck. I warned him not to but he insisted and soon the piss and shit were running down our legs. He got mad as hell and started to get nasty mouthed again. I wiped up on some old towels I have with me at all times and then he threw me on the ground and really laid me. We fucked for half an hour and finally he blasted off. I was sniffing his T-shirt all the time and got off right after he did.