Author Topic: The Intellectual Wank Dad [ ot ] jordan peterson Jordan Peterson JORDAN PETERSON  (Read 232850 times)

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  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Dogmod doesn't negotiate with terrorists. :american

Fake news:

Here's a story for you all:

Joe and I were eating at Taco Bell when my phone buzzed. It was a Facebook update showing that someone [Wrath] had posted in The Bore Facebook group in the thread about etiolate's shenanigans, stated that it was happening again. I went to The Bore on my phone and noticed that etiolate was at it again with the dead kids. "Well," I sighed, "look like we're gonna have to perma ban etiolet." Joe shrugged. "Go ahead and do it, then," he said, returning to his burrito. So, I permabanned etiolate, cleaned up his dead kid posts, and re-opened the Wank Dad thread. All while eating at Taco Bell.

This is a true story.
I don't see any negotiation, I see trusting in YUM! Brands to provide the answer. As always.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
i typed "taco bell jordan peterson" into youtube and got this:

also this:
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  • Senior Member
i typed "taco bell jordan peterson" into youtube and got this:

Guy could use a better microphone, and there's not nearly enough crying, but pretty good stuff nonetheless.

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Kurt Russell

  • Senior Member

He expands on his belief that women were never more or less opressed than they are today in that one.

Kurt Russell

  • Senior Member
I wonder what JP did for weight loss. I assume a secret pill addiction.

All meat diet apparently. He talked about how it fixed a lot of health issues. He eats pounds and pounds of beef every day.