Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums  (Read 663615 times)

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  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3180 on: March 18, 2018, 03:48:26 PM »
I’m slowly drifting into the ‘no russian interference’ camp too. I mean, I don’t consider buying Facebook ads and shit to be interference, considering this entire board could come together and do the same thing to a country like Vanuatu.

Which we should do.

Just sayin’.

That’s absolutely interference. It’s a crime in the US actually.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3181 on: March 18, 2018, 03:49:55 PM »
I’m slowly drifting into the ‘no russian interference’ camp too. I mean, I don’t consider buying Facebook ads and shit to be interference, considering this entire board could come together and do the same thing to a country like Vanuatu.

Which we should do.

Just sayin’.

That’s absolutely interference. It’s a crime in the US actually.

Is a crime in a lot of democratic countries.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3182 on: March 18, 2018, 03:50:14 PM »
Meh, he clearly has a soft spot for Trump to the point of irrationality. His example of " media hypocrisy" for criticizing Trump, for saying on the campaign trail that if he loses the election is rigged is borderline distinguished mentally-challenged, at best he is distorting facts.

He has a "soft spot" for Trump the same way I have a soft spot fot Trump, as in he's sick and tired of the liberal hysteria and pathetic jokes oozing bitterness. Not even The Daily show or The Colbert Report had such contempt for their political opponents, this isn't humor, it's just angry and pathetic.

I have contempt for SJWs but at least I have the self-awareness to understand that I'm not being some comedic genius when I make fun of them because my feelings against them are transparent. I'm just being an asshole and I'm fine with that. The "lol I'm just kidding" schtick convinces no one and it's pathetic.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3183 on: March 18, 2018, 03:52:30 PM »
I’m slowly drifting into the ‘no russian interference’ camp too. I mean, I don’t consider buying Facebook ads and shit to be interference, considering this entire board could come together and do the same thing to a country like Vanuatu.

Which we should do.

Just sayin’.

That’s absolutely interference. It’s a crime in the US actually.

It's interference and everyone does it. Israel has been interfering in US elections for decades in far worse ways than troll farms and fake news.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3184 on: March 18, 2018, 03:52:59 PM »
Yo did you literally just say the daily show and the Colbert report didn’t have this much contempt for their political opponents?

 Have you ever seen Jon Stewart talk about FOXNews literally ever


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3185 on: March 18, 2018, 03:56:58 PM »
Yo did you literally just say the daily show and the Colbert report didn’t have this much contempt for their political opponents?

 Have you ever seen Jon Stewart talk about FOXNews literally ever

I've probably watched most episodes of both shows. They were being dickish, they constantly made fun of them, they were frustrated but there's a pretty obvious line between that and today's liberal Trump hysteria. SNL's Trump is some of the most cringeworthy bad comedy I've watched in quite a while.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3186 on: March 18, 2018, 03:57:46 PM »
I’m slowly drifting into the ‘no russian interference’ camp too. I mean, I don’t consider buying Facebook ads and shit to be interference, considering this entire board could come together and do the same thing to a country like Vanuatu.

Which we should do.

Just sayin’.

That’s absolutely interference. It’s a crime in the US actually.

It's interference and everyone does it. Israel has been interfering in US elections for decades in far worse ways than troll farms and fake news.

Is this a Jews with Russian citizenship reference? :beetlejuice :putin

Also, if you think that most people are primarily upset about troll farms and dumb RT articles, then I believe  you are mistaken. Putin being a cunt is nothing new. What is new is having people that are part of an American political campaign overtly cooperating with Putin to subvert election laws and win elections.

Troll farms and fake news are one thing, but hacking a presidential candidate and releasing the emails in coordination with their opponent is something else. Now maybe someone could argue that Trump HIMSELF didn’t coordinate, but you can’t really say that his campaign didn’t.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 04:09:28 PM by kingv »


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3187 on: March 18, 2018, 04:01:07 PM »
Can we send all the Russian apologists in this thread to live in some Russian ghetto? Y'all are some fucking weird dumdums.

Wasn't long ago in the US when conservatives hated Russia as much as brown or gay people. Feels like conservatives that were alive during the Cold War have mentally deteriorated. It wasn't that long ago when tension was high.

Like, Russia government consists of rich gangsters and military that are carry overs from the Cold War. Any influence from Russia is disgusting and hurts our own country.

But whatever, dont worry about getting fucked in the butt with a 12 inch cock if there's also 4 inch peckers being thrusted in our mouths.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3188 on: March 18, 2018, 04:09:01 PM »
Israel, an Apartheid state the US protects, literally has a humongous lobby whose actual purpose is to influence American politicians and the liberal distinguished mentally-challenged fellows worry about Russian troll farms. I mean, does it get any dumber than this?

Can we send all the Russian apologists in this thread to live in some Russian ghetto? Y'all are some fucking weird dumdums.

Wasn't long ago in the US when conservatives hated Russia as much as brown or gay people. Feels like conservatives that were alive during the Cold War have mentally deteriorated. It wasn't that long ago when tension was high.

Like, Russia government consists of rich gangsters and military that are carry overs from the Cold War. Any influence from Russia is disgusting and hurts our own country.

But whatever, dont worry about getting fucked in the butt with a 12 inch cock if there's also 4 inch peckers being thrusted in our mouths.

So by your own admission you agree that this is an(other) issue where modern liberals agree on with 90's and 00's conservatives. Congrats.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3189 on: March 18, 2018, 04:10:29 PM »
we have a politics containment thread


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3190 on: March 18, 2018, 04:10:38 PM »
Yo did you literally just say the daily show and the Colbert report didn’t have this much contempt for their political opponents?

 Have you ever seen Jon Stewart talk about FOXNews literally ever

I've probably watched most episodes of both shows. They were being dickish, they constantly made fun of them, they were frustrated but there's a pretty obvious line between that and today's liberal Trump hysteria. SNL's Trump is some of the most cringeworthy bad comedy I've watched in quite a while.

I won’t pretend SNL is any good. You got me there.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3191 on: March 18, 2018, 04:10:39 PM »
Can we shut the fuck up and talk about what's really important

A tip thread:


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3192 on: March 18, 2018, 04:10:56 PM »
There’s a lot of liberals that don’t think that highly of Israel, too.

I’m not sure what one has to do with the other. Both Russia and Israel suck, and both countries we’d be better off to just cut diplomatic ties with and wish them a blessed day.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3193 on: March 18, 2018, 04:12:13 PM »
There’s a lot of liberals that don’t think that highly of Israel, too.

I’m not sure what one has to do with the other. Both Russia and Israel suck, and both countries we’d be better off to just cut diplomatic ties with and wish them a blessed day.

Also aren’t the people running the investigation Republicans? Am I wrong about that?


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3194 on: March 18, 2018, 04:13:02 PM »
Kevin O'Leary is a turd. Like the restaurant owner is

A) always at the restaurant
B) wants to have a relationship with every joe blow that comes through the door

And also, all the restaurant staff probably hates that pompous prick, but tolerates him because he tips ok.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3195 on: March 18, 2018, 04:13:19 PM »
we have a politics containment thread

Ew. The Cream thread is more classy and intellectual than it.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3196 on: March 18, 2018, 04:15:48 PM »


  • Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3197 on: March 18, 2018, 04:16:19 PM »
Can we send all the Russian apologists in this thread to live in some Russian ghetto? Y'all are some fucking weird dumdums.

Wasn't long ago in the US when conservatives hated Russia as much as brown or gay people. Feels like conservatives that were alive during the Cold War have mentally deteriorated. It wasn't that long ago when tension was high.

Like, Russia government consists of rich gangsters and military that are carry overs from the Cold War. Any influence from Russia is disgusting and hurts our own country.

But whatever, dont worry about getting fucked in the butt with a 12 inch cock if there's also 4 inch peckers being thrusted in our mouths.

Karma's a bitch ain't it?


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3198 on: March 18, 2018, 04:17:24 PM »
Kevin O'Leary is a turd. Like the restaurant owner is

A) always at the restaurant
B) wants to have a relationship with every joe blow that comes through the door

And also, all the restaurant staff probably hates that pompous prick, but tolerates him because he tips ok.

Outside of the manager thing, I think his tip advice is fine.  I usually do around 20% and if I really enjoy a place I'll throw down a really good tip.  If I go to a place a lot I usually end up befriending the bar staff and I usually get a few things for free because of how I've tipped in the past.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3199 on: March 18, 2018, 04:19:33 PM »

Norm  :rejoice

I am expecting some Reeeeeee threads on this

Can't wait for his Netflix show.  His Youtube show was so good.

Pretty sure Eget is going to be his sidekick on the Netflix show, too.

What it makes me think of is when he had Letterman on his show and Dave tried to convince him to do a talk show. Norm told Dave he should do another talk show but without the audience.

Now they're both doing it on Netflix.


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3200 on: March 18, 2018, 04:19:47 PM »
Can we shut the fuck up and talk about what's really important

A tip thread:

I can't afford to eat out anymore, let alone tip.

It seems that REEEEE'ing on Era increases the chances of going broke significantly.

Because every time someone tells them: *Korg voice* "Hey man, don't just wait for hand-outs try to do something productive by yourself" all you get back is autistic screaming.

At least they're living up to their communist dreams. Equally poor and miserable.  :idont

As far as tipping goes I usually just round the number. So if I have to pay say 47, I make it 50. If the food or service was great I make it 55. 


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3201 on: March 18, 2018, 04:22:02 PM »
There’s a lot of liberals that don’t think that highly of Israel, too.

I’m not sure what one has to do with the other. Both Russia and Israel suck, and both countries we’d be better off to just cut diplomatic ties with and wish them a blessed day.

So let me get this straight. You don't see the huge hypocrisy when liberals and corporate media are spreading non-stop fear-mongering about Russia with mostly unproven allegations when at the same time there's another state which is mostly ignored, literally has a far-right government that is engaging in ethnic cleansing and that we know for a fact that is influencing US elections?

You don't see how people like me who heavily dislike US media would think liberals are gullible morons just parroting the status quo's narrative, right?

team filler

  • filler
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3202 on: March 18, 2018, 04:22:25 PM »

But whatever, dont worry about getting fucked in the butt with a 12 inch cock if there's also 4 inch peckers being thrusted in our mouths.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3203 on: March 18, 2018, 04:24:17 PM »
we have a politics containment thread

Ew. The Cream thread is more classy and intellectual than it.

Nothing to do with you posting as much as Cream.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3204 on: March 18, 2018, 04:25:55 PM »
Kevin O'Leary is a turd. Like the restaurant owner is

A) always at the restaurant
B) wants to have a relationship with every joe blow that comes through the door

And also, all the restaurant staff probably hates that pompous prick, but tolerates him because he tips ok.

Outside of the manager thing, I think his tip advice is fine.  I usually do around 20% and if I really enjoy a place I'll throw down a really good tip.  If I go to a place a lot I usually end up befriending the bar staff and I usually get a few things for free because of how I've tipped in the past.

I do 20% almost always unless it’s a really high bill, once I start going over like $120, 20% starts seeming a little high.

But I used to wait tables at a cheap ass restaurant and have a lot of sympathy for Th wait staff at those types of places. Mad people cheap out on tips, and you make like $5 on a $60 bill


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3205 on: March 18, 2018, 04:27:48 PM »
So by your own admission you agree that this is an(other) issue where modern liberals agree on with 90's and 00's conservatives. Congrats.

So youre speaking for all the democrats and liberals alive during the Cold War?

God help us!


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3206 on: March 18, 2018, 04:32:25 PM »
Kevin O'Leary is a turd. Like the restaurant owner is

A) always at the restaurant
B) wants to have a relationship with every joe blow that comes through the door

And also, all the restaurant staff probably hates that pompous prick, but tolerates him because he tips ok.

Outside of the manager thing, I think his tip advice is fine.  I usually do around 20% and if I really enjoy a place I'll throw down a really good tip.  If I go to a place a lot I usually end up befriending the bar staff and I usually get a few things for free because of how I've tipped in the past.

I do 20% almost always unless it’s a really high bill, once I start going over like $120, 20% starts seeming a little high.

But I used to wait tables at a cheap ass restaurant and have a lot of sympathy for Th wait staff at those types of places. Mad people cheap out on tips, and you make like $5 on a $60 bill
In my country there's a fairly high minimum wage so tipping is less of an issue and more like a 'bonus'.
At most places they throw it in a jar and divide it between all the staff.
However that also means that not everyone is willing to tip and sometimes the richer types just hand out bills to the staff that they like.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3207 on: March 18, 2018, 04:35:55 PM »
I’m slowly drifting into the ‘no russian interference’ camp too. I mean, I don’t consider buying Facebook ads and shit to be interference, considering this entire board could come together and do the same thing to a country like Vanuatu.

Which we should do.

Just sayin’.

That’s absolutely interference. It’s a crime in the US actually.

It's interference and everyone does it. Israel has been interfering in US elections for decades in far worse ways than troll farms and fake news.

And people bitch about Israel all the time, meanwhile Russia is killing people in the UK soil. Harmless trolls you guys.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3208 on: March 18, 2018, 04:37:55 PM »
So by your own admission you agree that this is an(other) issue where modern liberals agree on with 90's and 00's conservatives. Congrats.

So youre speaking for all the democrats and liberals alive during the Cold War?

God help us!

I'm speaking about the prevailing liberal narrative that is hypocritical, toxic and just like 90's conservatives it is based on fear-mongering and blindly adheres to the status quo's narrative.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3209 on: March 18, 2018, 04:42:29 PM »
I’m slowly drifting into the ‘no russian interference’ camp too. I mean, I don’t consider buying Facebook ads and shit to be interference, considering this entire board could come together and do the same thing to a country like Vanuatu.

Which we should do.

Just sayin’.

That’s absolutely interference. It’s a crime in the US actually.

It's interference and everyone does it. Israel has been interfering in US elections for decades in far worse ways than troll farms and fake news.

And people bitch about Israel all the time, meanwhile Russia is killing people in the UK soil. Harmless trolls you guys.

Oh fuck off with that intellectually dishonest bullshit, are you seriously comparing the liberal hysteria against Russia with the way some liberals sheepishly sometimes criticize Israel? And it's not like Mossad has assassinated people on foreign soil right? Oh wait, these were "our enemies", it doesn't count.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3210 on: March 18, 2018, 04:44:17 PM »
Man, damn this status quo narrative that is against Trump Team getting away from doing ilegal meetings with representatives of other countries, or the Justice attorney outright lying and still keeping his job, or Kushner being a more obvious conman than Trump.

Oh fuck off with that intellectually dishonest bullshit, are you seriously comparing the liberal hysteria against Russia with the way some liberals sheepishly sometimes criticize Israel? And it's not like Mossad has assassinated people on foreign soil right? Oh wait, these were "our enemies", it doesn't count.

lol Last time I checked Russia was one of the biggest nuclear powers with a sordid history of destabilise governments (just like the US by the way) with a leader than is as petty and assholish as Trump (but competent).

« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 04:50:15 PM by Boredfrom »


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3211 on: March 18, 2018, 04:44:37 PM »
liberal hysteria against Russia



  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3212 on: March 18, 2018, 04:48:09 PM »
I’m slowly drifting into the ‘no russian interference’ camp too. I mean, I don’t consider buying Facebook ads and shit to be interference, considering this entire board could come together and do the same thing to a country like Vanuatu.

Which we should do.

Just sayin’.

That’s absolutely interference. It’s a crime in the US actually.

It's interference and everyone does it. Israel has been interfering in US elections for decades in far worse ways than troll farms and fake news.

And people bitch about Israel all the time, meanwhile Russia is killing people in the UK soil. Harmless trolls you guys.

Oh fuck off with that intellectually dishonest bullshit, are you seriously comparing the liberal hysteria against Russia with the way some liberals sheepishly sometimes criticize Israel? And it's not like Mossad has assassinated people on foreign soil right? Oh wait, these were "our enemies", it doesn't count.
The problem is though, that Russia keeps moving the bar because the weak ass position of NATO allows them to do that.

Had the NATO members all spend the 2% on defense like they were supposed to do Putin wouldn't dare to move beyond his own borders.
But when half of them sold their tanks, blew their cruise missile load on a shithole like Libya, waited to replace the F16's until they had 0 air-worthy planes and Obama did nothing to counter the propaganda or election meddling...

Sure, he can move that border up bit by bit.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3213 on: March 18, 2018, 04:52:02 PM »
I’m slowly drifting into the ‘no russian interference’ camp too. I mean, I don’t consider buying Facebook ads and shit to be interference, considering this entire board could come together and do the same thing to a country like Vanuatu.

Which we should do.

Just sayin’.

That’s absolutely interference. It’s a crime in the US actually.

It's interference and everyone does it. Israel has been interfering in US elections for decades in far worse ways than troll farms and fake news.

And people bitch about Israel all the time, meanwhile Russia is killing people in the UK soil. Harmless trolls you guys.

Oh fuck off with that intellectually dishonest bullshit, are you seriously comparing the liberal hysteria against Russia with the way some liberals sheepishly sometimes criticize Israel? And it's not like Mossad has assassinated people on foreign soil right? Oh wait, these were "our enemies", it doesn't count.
The problem is though, that Russia keeps moving the bar because the weak ass position of NATO allows them to do that.

Had the NATO members all spend the 2% on defense like they were supposed to do Putin wouldn't dare to move beyond his own borders.
But when half of them sold their tanks, blew their cruise missile load on a shithole like Libya, waited to replace the F16's until they had 0 air-worthy planes and Obama did nothing to counter the propaganda or election meddling...

Sure, he can move that border up bit by bit.

We should get rid of NATO and not enforce Obama’s sanctions. That will tell them.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3214 on: March 18, 2018, 04:56:22 PM »
And people bitch about Israel all the time, meanwhile Russia is killing people in the UK soil. Harmless trolls you guys.

[citation needed]


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3215 on: March 18, 2018, 04:57:13 PM »
And people bitch about Israel all the time, meanwhile Russia is killing people in the UK soil. Harmless trolls you guys.

[citation needed]

Trump confirmed it days ago.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3216 on: March 18, 2018, 04:59:46 PM »
Man, damn this status quo narrative that is against Trump Team getting away from doing ilegal meetings with representatives of other countries, or the Justice attorney outright lying and still keeping his job, or Kushner being a more obvious conman than Trump.

Well, thank God we have liberals to freak out about these things (many of which not yet proved or being hyperbolic bullshit) while at the same time ignoring facts like Hillary's Uranium deal that brought millions from Russian oligarchs to her Foundation that suspiciously closed down right after she lost the election. Yeah no hypocrisy there either.

You people are definitely not being manipulated by a corrupt to the core system that only focuses on one side to smear and distract. Even if every allegation against Trump is true you're still hypocrites because you'd never freak out about Clinton's obvious corruption like that, not in a million years.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3217 on: March 18, 2018, 05:01:02 PM »
And people bitch about Israel all the time, meanwhile Russia is killing people in the UK soil. Harmless trolls you guys.

[citation needed]

Trump confirmed it days ago.

wow was he there?


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3218 on: March 18, 2018, 05:03:20 PM »
Man, damn this status quo narrative that is against Trump Team getting away from doing ilegal meetings with representatives of other countries, or the Justice attorney outright lying and still keeping his job, or Kushner being a more obvious conman than Trump.

Well, thank God we have liberals to freak out about these things (many of which not yet proved or being hyperbolic bullshit) while at the same time ignoring facts like Hillary's Uranium deal that brought millions from Russian oligarchs to her Foundation that suspiciously closed down right after she lost the election. Yeah no hypocrisy there either.

You people are definitely not being manipulated by a corrupt to the core system that only focuses on one side to smear and distract. Even if every allegation against Trump is true you're still hypocrites because you'd never freak out about Clinton like that, not in a million years.

Im not from the US dipshit. My political party is not the Democratic Party.


  • oops
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3219 on: March 18, 2018, 05:03:57 PM »
All this planning towards the Russian threat while Putin could have a heart attack tomorrow and the country will be back in 91 again.  :doge


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3220 on: March 18, 2018, 05:04:21 PM »
Also, this forum is constantly worried about NOT getting fucked in the butt by a 12 inch cock, so that was a strange analogy.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3221 on: March 18, 2018, 05:10:41 PM »
Man, damn this status quo narrative that is against Trump Team getting away from doing ilegal meetings with representatives of other countries, or the Justice attorney outright lying and still keeping his job, or Kushner being a more obvious conman than Trump.

Well, thank God we have liberals to freak out about these things (many of which not yet proved or being hyperbolic bullshit) while at the same time ignoring facts like Hillary's Uranium deal that brought millions from Russian oligarchs to her Foundation that suspiciously closed down right after she lost the election. Yeah no hypocrisy there either.

You people are definitely not being manipulated by a corrupt to the core system that only focuses on one side to smear and distract. Even if every allegation against Trump is true you're still hypocrites because you'd never freak out about Clinton like that, not in a million years.

Im not from the US dipshit. My political party is not the Democratic Party.

I don't give a shit, my problem always has been with ideas not people. Like I said, you're parroting the prevailing (neo)liberal narrative, to me you're just another hypocrite whether you're an American or a fucking Indonesian. It doesn't matter and I don't care.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3222 on: March 18, 2018, 05:11:44 PM »
What about Hillary guys


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3223 on: March 18, 2018, 05:14:37 PM »
Kevin O'Leary is a turd. Like the restaurant owner is

A) always at the restaurant
B) wants to have a relationship with every joe blow that comes through the door

And also, all the restaurant staff probably hates that pompous prick, but tolerates him because he tips ok.

Outside of the manager thing, I think his tip advice is fine.  I usually do around 20% and if I really enjoy a place I'll throw down a really good tip.  If I go to a place a lot I usually end up befriending the bar staff and I usually get a few things for free because of how I've tipped in the past.

Just don't ask to meet the owner or a tour of the kitchen please, that shit is annoying as fuck.

I tip 20% also, even though I despise servers.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3224 on: March 18, 2018, 05:16:14 PM »
Man, damn this status quo narrative that is against Trump Team getting away from doing ilegal meetings with representatives of other countries, or the Justice attorney outright lying and still keeping his job, or Kushner being a more obvious conman than Trump.

Well, thank God we have liberals to freak out about these things (many of which not yet proved or being hyperbolic bullshit) while at the same time ignoring facts like Hillary's Uranium deal that brought millions from Russian oligarchs to her Foundation that suspiciously closed down right after she lost the election. Yeah no hypocrisy there either.

You people are definitely not being manipulated by a corrupt to the core system that only focuses on one side to smear and distract. Even if every allegation against Trump is true you're still hypocrites because you'd never freak out about Clinton like that, not in a million years.

Im not from the US dipshit. My political party is not the Democratic Party.

I don't give a shit, my problem always has been with ideas not people. Like I said, you're parroting the prevailing (neo)liberal narrative, to me you're just another hypocrite whether you're an American or a fucking Indonesian. It doesn't matter and I don't care.

I can go to sleep happily knowing youll have very little influence on this world, just like the majority of people, including myself. :)

Ill be rooting for people that aren't subhuman at least tho.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3225 on: March 18, 2018, 05:17:29 PM »
What about Hilary guys

Forget Hillary guys, it's not like we shilled for her. Let's freak out about Russians that bribed both Trump and Hillary but let's focus on Trump because he's now the President and we totally would have done the same if Hillary was the President. We swear. Also, ignore all other countries that are doing the exact same thing or far worse because Russia is bad and those other countries are good. Saudi Arabia is murdering gays for the good of humanity, or something.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3226 on: March 18, 2018, 05:18:50 PM »
What about Hilary guys

Forget Hillary guys, it's not like we shilled for her. Let's freak out about Russians that bribed both Trump and Hillary but let's focus on Trump because he's now the President and we totally would have done the same if Hillary was the President. We swear. Also, ignore all other countries that are doing the exact same thing or far worse because Russia is bad and those other countries are good.

I’m just saying. Hilary is over. Trump IS the president. If Hilary did 10% of what Trump has done or possibly may have done, she’d be impeached already.


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3227 on: March 18, 2018, 05:21:19 PM »

I can go to sleep happily knowing youll have very little influence on this world, just like the majority of people, including myself. :)

Ill be rooting for people that aren't subhuman at least tho.

Without getting into your shitty discussion. I think a moment of self-reflection is warranted for Cream where he liked a post that calls someone a subhuman. It's like the ultimate do as i say not as i do.


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3228 on: March 18, 2018, 05:22:58 PM »
I’m slowly drifting into the ‘no russian interference’ camp too. I mean, I don’t consider buying Facebook ads and shit to be interference, considering this entire board could come together and do the same thing to a country like Vanuatu.

Which we should do.

Just sayin’.

That’s absolutely interference. It’s a crime in the US actually.

It's interference and everyone does it. Israel has been interfering in US elections for decades in far worse ways than troll farms and fake news.

And people bitch about Israel all the time, meanwhile Russia is killing people in the UK soil. Harmless trolls you guys.

Oh fuck off with that intellectually dishonest bullshit, are you seriously comparing the liberal hysteria against Russia with the way some liberals sheepishly sometimes criticize Israel? And it's not like Mossad has assassinated people on foreign soil right? Oh wait, these were "our enemies", it doesn't count.
The problem is though, that Russia keeps moving the bar because the weak ass position of NATO allows them to do that.

Had the NATO members all spend the 2% on defense like they were supposed to do Putin wouldn't dare to move beyond his own borders.
But when half of them sold their tanks, blew their cruise missile load on a shithole like Libya, waited to replace the F16's until they had 0 air-worthy planes and Obama did nothing to counter the propaganda or election meddling...

Sure, he can move that border up bit by bit.

NATO could pack Putin’s shit in if it chose to.

Any sheepishness to confront Russia is purely political will and not a sense of military power.


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3229 on: March 18, 2018, 05:25:57 PM »
Wouldn't be so sure about NATO. The US could, sure. But the other countries?


Why would you want to start WWIII anyway?


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3230 on: March 18, 2018, 05:26:24 PM »

I can go to sleep happily knowing youll have very little influence on this world, just like the majority of people, including myself. :)

Ill be rooting for people that aren't subhuman at least tho.

Without getting into your shitty discussion. I think a moment of self-reflection is warranted for Cream where he liked a post that calls someone a subhuman. It's like the ultimate do as i say not as i do.

how disingenuous. I liked it for the spirit of what the poster was obviously saying. Bad people like Trump. I’ve also called people “pieces of shit” on here, but you never said anything about that. Just because I liked the post doesn’t mean I think people SHOULD be called subhuman. If they had said “evil” I would have liked it then too.

I just want to make sure, is that how it works? If you like a post, that poster’s words become your words?


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3231 on: March 18, 2018, 05:30:24 PM »
Can we send all the Russian apologists in this thread to live in some Russian ghetto? Y'all are some fucking weird dumdums.

Wasn't long ago in the US when conservatives hated Russia as much as brown or gay people. Feels like conservatives that were alive during the Cold War have mentally deteriorated. It wasn't that long ago when tension was high.

Like, Russia government consists of rich gangsters and military that are carry overs from the Cold War. Any influence from Russia is disgusting and hurts our own country.

But whatever, dont worry about getting fucked in the butt with a 12 inch cock if there's also 4 inch peckers being thrusted in our mouths.

Karma's a bitch ain't it?
at least karma only changes 100 an hour and gives me a massage after she fucks me in the ass


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3232 on: March 18, 2018, 05:43:16 PM »

I can go to sleep happily knowing youll have very little influence on this world, just like the majority of people, including myself. :)

Ill be rooting for people that aren't subhuman at least tho.

Without getting into your shitty discussion. I think a moment of self-reflection is warranted for Cream where he liked a post that calls someone a subhuman. It's like the ultimate do as i say not as i do.

how disingenuous. I liked it for the spirit of what the poster was obviously saying. Bad people like Trump. I’ve also called people “pieces of shit” on here, but you never said anything about that. Just because I liked the post doesn’t mean I think people SHOULD be called subhuman. If they had said “evil” I would have liked it then too.

I just want to make sure, is that how it works? If you like a post, that poster’s words become your words?

For a dude so intimate and passionate about gender issues you do seem to have rather lacking principles towards hateful mirrored rhetoric. Like, i would assume some moral rigidity if you want to shit up two threads with your stuff.


  • Bigender Hypersexual SJW Scum - She/He
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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3233 on: March 18, 2018, 05:46:38 PM »

I can go to sleep happily knowing youll have very little influence on this world, just like the majority of people, including myself. :)

Ill be rooting for people that aren't subhuman at least tho.

Without getting into your shitty discussion. I think a moment of self-reflection is warranted for Cream where he liked a post that calls someone a subhuman. It's like the ultimate do as i say not as i do.

how disingenuous. I liked it for the spirit of what the poster was obviously saying. Bad people like Trump. I’ve also called people “pieces of shit” on here, but you never said anything about that. Just because I liked the post doesn’t mean I think people SHOULD be called subhuman. If they had said “evil” I would have liked it then too.

I just want to make sure, is that how it works? If you like a post, that poster’s words become your words?

For a dude so intimate and passionate about gender issues you do seem to have rather lacking principles towards hateful mirrored rhetoric. Like, i would assume some moral rigidity if you want to shit up two threads with your stuff.

Yeah wow  I insults and great people that make really horrible choices and make the entire planet a much worse place for everyone with their own selfishness greed and pride.  That’s totally exactly the same as somebody who disrespects and abused transgender people. You got me.

I’m intolerant of intolerance.

Anyway, this thread isn’t supposed to be about me when all I did was like a post yet you made about me. Even said you didn’t want to join the conversation. Just wanted to shit on me specifically. so who’s really shitting it up?


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3234 on: March 18, 2018, 05:48:56 PM »
Mods decide to create a Cream containment thread and the results are now multiple threads dedicated to arguing transgender issues. :snoop

This is why centralized policy making doesn't work :snob


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3235 on: March 18, 2018, 05:50:37 PM »
Speaking of shitting up something:

I had some Thai food today and that was not fun at all :goty2


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3236 on: March 18, 2018, 05:51:05 PM »

team filler

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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3237 on: March 18, 2018, 05:53:21 PM »
I'm not saving because I'm poor, but hopefully capitalism falls too!

tired of using the shift key  :doge


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3238 on: March 18, 2018, 05:54:19 PM »
Speaking of shitting up something:

I had some Thai food today and that was not fun at all :goty2

I never get thai food spicy, I was gonna get sum after work. Im going to ask for a lil more spice and see how it all comes out.


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Re: The Other Forums Thread for Other Forums
« Reply #3239 on: March 18, 2018, 05:55:58 PM »
It's getting boring. Same shit, n1curs.

Here's a thread about an article about Ree's.

This is boring, same Ree whining, n1currs.