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Author Topic: Should Assy McGee be banned for a week to give him time to read a Daddy P book?  (Read 52827 times)

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  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
I was saying I ate them for the taste without consideration for their healthiness, not that they were comparable.

Regardleas, that's not even a third of your daily recommended sodium intake. So you can safely have three servings of your garden meatballs a day.
if he's having bread, or spaghetti with that, and god forbid some soda i'm pretty sure he'd be almost already there.


  • Senior Member
What kind of salty ass soda have you been drinking  :crazy

Anyhow, I am glad you agree that the Peterson family is promoting a harmful diet to their ignorant, cult-like followers.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
You do realize that most Asian cultures have long been more favorable to vegetarian-leaning meals as a larger share of their diet than Yurop, as they increase their wealth and the West continues to explode past food scarcity as a daily dietary concern that it's not unreasonable to see an increase in both the vegetarian and meat markets at the same time right? Neither inherently suppresses the other purely by existing or growing.
Most of those Asian cultures eat fish, and a lot of it. Vegans don't eat fish.

Question: have any of you actually met a healthy vegan? i haven't. They either look horribly depleted and tired, or bloated like a balloon from the extra carbs they shove in their faces to compensate.
I didn't say they were entirely hardcore vegan cultures or never ate meat. I said they eat vegetarian or vegetarian-leaning meals for a much larger percentage of their diet than the "West" does. Most cusine cultures descended from Yurop have meat as a dominant part of every meal, Asian cultures often have meatless meals or more accurately far more dishes at a meal with no or almost no meat in them.

If you consider that much of American cusine culture's carb increase is due to a history of meat/vegetable substitution then it's hardly surprising to see an American dietary week of mostly meat and carbs versus Asian/Islamic ones comparatively low despite rice/noodles/bread being comparatively high in nearly every meal.

I was pointing this out as a way to show how your links of the vegetarian or vegan markets can be increasing at the same time as Mandark's chart of the increase in per capita meat consumption in the U.S. And this is even discounting that at least in the rich part of the West, many people can be responsible for both trends. Even if the people never cook themselves, higher end cusine has long been a domain of low-carb meals compared to us proles. Carb substitution is a lower class trend that we're somewhat growing out of as we become richer.

Of course, that can always change in terms of "fads" obviously. To bring it back to Jordan Peterson, lobsters were once considered garbage pests thrown to the low class dock workers and bottom of the ship human garbage. But it's rare that these fads can affect the whole population quickly and strongly like you're positing with vegans, especially considering that Americans really love meat. (The better counterpoint for your argument might be Prohibition.)


  • Senior Member
Ahh, the delicious sea cockroaches.


  • Icon
What kind of salty ass soda have you been drinking

I also want to know this.


  • Senior Member
Why would they call it soda if it didn't have a lot of sodium in it?

check mate autistys :rollsafe


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
its called pop austys



  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
What kind of salty ass soda have you been drinking  :crazy

Anyhow, I am glad you agree that the Peterson family is promoting a harmful diet to their ignorant, cult-like followers.
I wasn't referring to the sodium by itself, coke is generally just the worst thing for you, period.

You do realize that most Asian cultures have long been more favorable to vegetarian-leaning meals as a larger share of their diet than Yurop, as they increase their wealth and the West continues to explode past food scarcity as a daily dietary concern that it's not unreasonable to see an increase in both the vegetarian and meat markets at the same time right? Neither inherently suppresses the other purely by existing or growing.
Most of those Asian cultures eat fish, and a lot of it. Vegans don't eat fish.

Question: have any of you actually met a healthy vegan? i haven't. They either look horribly depleted and tired, or bloated like a balloon from the extra carbs they shove in their faces to compensate.
I didn't say they were entirely hardcore vegan cultures or never ate meat. I said they eat vegetarian or vegetarian-leaning meals for a much larger percentage of their diet than the "West" does. Most cusine cultures descended from Yurop have meat as a dominant part of every meal, Asian cultures often have meatless meals or more accurately far more dishes at a meal with no or almost no meat in them.

If you consider that much of American cusine culture's carb increase is due to a history of meat/vegetable substitution then it's hardly surprising to see an American dietary week of mostly meat and carbs versus Asian/Islamic ones comparatively low despite rice/noodles/bread being comparatively high in nearly every meal.

I was pointing this out as a way to show how your links of the vegetarian or vegan markets can be increasing at the same time as Mandark's chart of the increase in per capita meat consumption in the U.S. And this is even discounting that at least in the rich part of the West, many people can be responsible for both trends. Even if the people never cook themselves, higher end cusine has long been a domain of low-carb meals compared to us proles. Carb substitution is a lower class trend that we're somewhat growing out of as we become richer.

Of course, that can always change in terms of "fads" obviously. To bring it back to Jordan Peterson, lobsters were once considered garbage pests thrown to the low class dock workers and bottom of the ship human garbage. But it's rare that these fads can affect the whole population quickly and strongly like you're positing with vegans, especially considering that Americans really love meat. (The better counterpoint for your argument might be Prohibition.)
I mean, yeah?

You guys take what i say and run with it in the most extreme direction. I'm simply stating that there is a movement, and this movement is based on an ideology above everything else. I personally know people that fall for it. I have friends that have been vegan/vegetarnian for over 10 years and none of them are doing well healthwise and some of them even mentally and it is obvious that it is direclty associated with their diet.

Look, americans eat bad in general and so now you have this alternative thing coming out saying "all plant based diets are the healthiest diets for you and you help save the planet and are nice to animals". It's enticing but a lie and will actually cause you harm in the long run.


  • Icon
You guys take what i say and run with it in the most extreme direction.




  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
I was saying I ate them for the taste without consideration for their healthiness, not that they were comparable.

Regardleas, that's not even a third of your daily recommended sodium intake. So you can safely have three servings of your garden meatballs a day.

But the container has 4 servings in it. :'(


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
I was saying I ate them for the taste without consideration for their healthiness, not that they were comparable.

Regardleas, that's not even a third of your daily recommended sodium intake. So you can safely have three servings of your garden meatballs a day.

But the container has 4 servings in it. :'(
And you're paying what for that? 5 bucks?  :lol

Poor health+shit taste+higher cost

Everyone should go vegan y'all!


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
  • Senior Member
Am I supposed to feel bad about spending $5 on junk food?

Funions get old after awhile.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Look, americans eat bad in general and so now you have this alternative thing coming out saying "all plant based diets are the healthiest diets for you and you help save the planet and are nice to animals". It's enticing but a lie and will actually cause you harm in the long run.
Look, the government has for forty plus years been pushing a diet partly extrapolated from a fad diet of the period the McGovern's were on. And one factor, aside from the fact that it also was a pretty profitable shift,  that helped to keep it in place is because of the power of incredible subsidy to the industries (both direct, but also in terms of trade policy and indirect things like what food stamps will buy, etc.) which then reflect it back onto the interests of the government.

And it still needed heavy "buy in" from the American people to reach the point it did to become a sort of self-sustaining loop of policy and business interest.

A few people pushing fad vegan diets are comparatively nothing to a combined industry/government propaganda war of decades. People destroy themselves healthwise both physically and mentally on what are on paper "good diets" all the time. Especially in situations like diabetics which took decades to "figure out" because of the dominant paradigms in thinking about diets. Too many people like meat, they aren't from their perspective being offered something that "tastes just as good" to them like easy carbs were/are with a vegan diet.

To go anecdotally, most people I know who try whatever diet comes along, and this includes many people who tried going vegan, try practically every fad diet they come across. One guy I know just online has gone from no-carbs to like 85% meat to the caveman stuff to vegetarian to vegan to an obsession with eggs to who knows what shit he's on now it's been a while since he's asked how to cook something like how to cook a steak or an egg. :lol


  • Senior Member
lol Assy is such a Chicke Little. He's like the reverse Anita Sarkeesian. Everything is an assault on his masculinity, his eating habits, orientation, etc.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
lol Assy is such a Chicke Little. He's like the reverse Anita Sarkeesian. Everything is an assault on his masculinity, his eating habits, orientation, etc.
Why do you think it's about me? I'm fine with my diet.

I'm looking out for other people  because i'm a nice guy like that  :doge


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Assy Autisty lost the popular vote and yet is still not banned.

I blame Joe Molotov, that name just sounds Russian.

This must be what it sounded like... when Jack Remington cried. *guitar synth riff?*

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Assy Autisty lost the popular vote and yet is still not banned.

I blame Joe Molotov, that name just sounds Russian.

He did kind of read a few pages of one book, allegedly.


  • Senior Member
Assy Autisty lost the popular vote and yet is still not banned.

I blame Joe Molotov, that name just sounds Russian.

He did kind of read a few pages of one book, allegedly.

You mean he listened to a few pages of the audiobook and fell asleep every time.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Assy Autisty lost the popular vote and yet is still not banned.

I blame Joe Molotov, that name just sounds Russian.

He did kind of read a few pages of one book, allegedly.

You mean he listened to a few pages of the audiobook and fell asleep every time.

I was hesitant to bring up his illiteracy again, it seemed like a low blow.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Assy Autisty lost the popular vote and yet is still not banned.

I blame Joe Molotov, that name just sounds Russian.

He did kind of read a few pages of one book, allegedly.

You mean he listened to a few pages of the audiobook and fell asleep every time.

I was hesitant to bring up his illiteracy again, it seemed like a low blow.

i wish i was illiterate so i didn't have to read your posts.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
boom this time i did mandark! *skips away eating ice cream*  :doge

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
So, this thread has gone from Assy McGee refuses to read a book to Assy McGee refuses to eat his vegetables.


  • Senior Member
The best part of that tweet is that you just know that to Jorp, the most unrealistic part of that story is that the giraffes would be gay.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
The best part of that tweet is that you just know that to Jorp, the most unrealistic part of that story is that the giraffes would be gay.
well sweden has been a bit crazy lately.


  • Senior Member
The best part of that tweet is that you just know that to Jorp, the most unrealistic part of that story is that the giraffes would be gay.
well sweden has been a bit crazy lately.

The article he linked to was from 7 years ago.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
The best part of that tweet is that you just know that to Jorp, the most unrealistic part of that story is that the giraffes would be gay.
well sweden has been a bit crazy lately.

The article he linked to was from 7 years ago.
and you think social experiments are what? 2 years long? lol


  • Senior Member
The best part of that tweet is that you just know that to Jorp, the most unrealistic part of that story is that the giraffes would be gay.
well sweden has been a bit crazy lately.

The article he linked to was from 7 years ago.
and you think social experiments are what? 2 years long? lol



  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
He hasn't read the article and assumed it's about a particular study.