Author Topic: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned  (Read 12167 times)

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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #60 on: November 09, 2018, 04:02:31 PM »
I like FFXIV but it’s an mmo.
and it's still the most traditional numbered ff game in over a decade (almost two) and probably the most traditional it will ever get again

Honestly, I just want a FF12-2. Lean in hard on that offline MMO gameplay. It was perfect when it released and replaying the HD release just reminded me it was the direction FF should've went instead of "smash X for awesome (vs 13/15), or dive-bomb your HP to 5-star (13 series)."

Seriously, just keep 12 as a template, go from there.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #61 on: November 09, 2018, 04:26:37 PM »
All these ideas are terrible. Just make whatever you want Square with cutting edge graphics.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #62 on: November 09, 2018, 04:46:16 PM »
All these ideas are terrible. Just make whatever you want Square with cutting edge graphics.

This is why SE is in the predicament it's in. :snob

"We had an unhealthy obsession with graphical quality."

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #63 on: November 09, 2018, 05:36:17 PM »
They should've just done 15-2, with some Dark World adventures during the period before Noctis came back. Throw in the DLC chapters as side-stories to it, instead of separately released chapters for the base game.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #64 on: November 09, 2018, 05:39:06 PM »
No they should just make Final Fantasy VIII prequel starring Laguna, Kiros, and Ward. :snob

But yeah they should have made an FFXV-2 I have no interest in side story dlc in a jrpg.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #65 on: November 09, 2018, 07:26:52 PM »
All these ideas are terrible. Just make whatever you want Square with cutting edge graphics.

This is why SE is in the predicament it's in. :snob

"We had an unhealthy obsession with graphical quality."
ok and?

Final Fantasy is the only high budget jrpg. I don’t need it to stop being a top of the line AAA.

But everyone here’s ideas are creatively bankrupt.

Oh make prequels and sequels!

Fuck that.

Oh just reuse the same battle systems and mechanics.

I’m good if I wanted FF to turn into Tales and Dragon Quest is just pick up those games. I rather each FF be its own thing which Yes is probably a problem as easy FF is basicly a new ip and those are usually the hardest to make.

But some of us actually like the cgi and graphics that make the worlds come to live. FF with low budgets and reuse or those sequels and yes those feel cheap.

Also that quote is about XIV. Not the single player jrpgs. And it clearly does not reflect the series sense Luminous and Unreal 4 are still in use.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #66 on: November 09, 2018, 11:21:19 PM »
How about they stop with the sequels and prequels and just make FF pure again and they’re really, truly Final Fantasy (in name) in that there’s only one shot. As much as I love X-2 it truly opened the flood gates of FF being milked and let’s be honest, splitting the franchise into multiple teams to produce multiple sequels has resulted in what exactly? Know how the Bible says you shall know them from their fruit? What is a necessary FF sequel? Would any of you say any of the sequels have given FF good fruit? Has splitting the franchise into multiple teams EVER paid off beyond VIII/IX/X? And even then, having multiple teams forced the Itou off FFVIII so he could go direct IX in Hawaii and the result was a rushed game in its systems. This is the earliest sign that FF splitting harms the franchise. Just go to the basics: no sequels, no milking, concentrate on one game at a time and make it as amazing as possible with a full team without splitting the talent in various places of concentration and projects.

Honor Gooch’s motto and FF will be good again. One team, one shot, one game.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2018, 11:27:36 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #67 on: November 10, 2018, 01:16:42 AM »
SE and FF are the OGs at pushing the barrier with every iteration.

I think it’s natural, but you can see their growing pains.

In the HD gen:
XIII was a linear hallway that had too much CG, didn’t know how to pace into their openworlds.

XIII-2 was a good game, but relied too much on asset reuse. Bit confusing and non-traditional

XIII-LR was chasing their thirst to make an Assassin’s Creed game + time mechanics. No polish & rushed

XV: Over developed, focused on too many things outside of the game and cost a pretty rough game

XIV episodes: Short bits of good gameplay with XV

I think 7R will feel good and that the next FF will feel more complete with their experiences on XV, but you just have to wait it out

SE has been putting out a lot of classic style FF games w/o the “FF” name for a while now, just have to patient.


Feel good? They are making it an action rpg to appeal to people who never played the original. They outright admit that they're trying to gain a new audience for a remake of one of the most iconic games of all time. A new audience? Fuck you, SE. Fuck you Nomura. It's been in development for three years and they've had to start from scratch, and will be split into multiple parts. Fuck them. All they had to do was take the original and give it the REmake treatment: the original game but with better graphics, new features, hard difficulty and we just gotta wait? Nah. Whatever you want to say about FFVIIR, it's not a "classic style" FF. Then compare it to what Capcom is doing with REmake2. Night and fucking day in terms of priorities. Capcom is making REmake2 to please the fans of that game, and sure as shit aren't "trying to gain a new generation of players" (you know, something that should be the job of a main series game and not a remake?).

End FF.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 01:20:52 AM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #68 on: November 10, 2018, 07:27:14 AM »
RE2 and FF7 remakes are the same, as in they are making completely new/different games with only the same story foundation. The actual significant difference is that Capcom finished the remake from scratch within literally 3 years and delivered a return-to-form mainline game in the meantime on top of it.


  • Senior Member
Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #69 on: November 10, 2018, 09:17:45 AM »
I don't even think you know what you're talking about Cindi.

RE2 Remake is a completely brand new game. It dosen't play like the original. It is not the old game with "new graphics". It is a completely new game that features the story and characters of RE2. It's an actual  remake. Probably made with the same idea of hopefully getting new people. Or why else would it you know be a third person shooter and not have tank controls?

It's just you know making a non open world third person shooter probably is'nt the same scale of an actual HD RPG.

"All they had to do was take the original and give it the REmake treatment: the original game but with better graphics, new features, hard difficulty and we just gotta wait?"

Like what does this mean? It dosen't even make sense invoking Remake as again thats a whole new game.

When you say all they had to do was take the original what do you even mean? Put the PS1 game in fancy HD assests? Like Jesus are your FF posts dumb.

They are making an HD JRPG. Thats an expensive thing to do. HD assets, geometry, character models, audio, and so on just don't pop themselves out. Like what do you want here?  Just the PS1 game in high res? Like that dosen't even make sense. If it was getting the REmake treatment as you said then they'd have to make a game to fit modern times. They'd have to make a game world that competes with the detail, interaction, and so on of at least a Bioware rpg. They'd like REmake 2 have to design gameplay that fits the trends of modern gamers in order to sell thier just like Remake 2 AAA Blockbuster. They like Remake 2 would have to make sure the presentation and graphics are worthy of a AAA game. Or did you want Cloud to have the detail of an 3DS model and explore a one screen Midgar? No, no one wants that. They want a FFVII as if it was made today. They want AAA HD JRPG with FFVII characters, story, and style.

I don't even understand this "for the fans crying" as if you really think Capcom dosen't want RE2 Remake to sell to new audiences or if the original REMAKE which is on the fucking gamecube an entirely new audience was also only for the fans. This is not how the world of gaming works. You don't make big AAA games just for the fans.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 09:28:46 AM by Rahxephon91 »


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #70 on: November 10, 2018, 01:52:28 PM »
You’re being too dramatic.

Final Fantasy 7 came out nearly 22 years ago, but its legacy has kids nowadays coming back to it.

It’s a very “important” game, and SE has always said that they’d return to it once they were confident. This game is made so that the next generation can experience the game and so that the world is “fully realized”.

Let this take as long as it needs to not be FFXV, take it from the perspective that it’s being made, not as some product on the horizon to anticipate.

Also, they’re not just remaking FF7, they’re expanding upon it too. Midgar deserves to be a bigger than it was in the original, and there’s a lot they can work with.

REmaking FF7 would be ill advised, and it’s very narrow-sighted to want just the same shit, including some really dated designs, with some better assets in.

Same with RE2, fans like Leon+RE4+Classic Survival Horror, so they revisited that for later on.

There’s so much shit out there, that it’s hard to get caught up on these things. Like HL3 is 10/10 dream game material, but I’m satiated with all this good shit that I barely keep up with.

Apologies for the ramble, ipad

I disagree entirely. REmake is a totally different game than the original. It also expands upon the original. It adds new locations, new boss fights, remixes the entire game, plays with the original players’ expectations. It is THE video game remake. Calling REmake “just the same shit” is foolish to me. Designs? Have you PLAYED REmake or the original Resident Evil? They changed visuals entirely. It makes it really hard to take you seriously here, and I doubt you have played both the original RE and REmake.

And I’m sorry but no. Making a remake to “create new fans is entirely illogical” and only SE fans could ever defend SE in this manner. Please name me a single game remake that was meant for getting new fans specifically? Generally remakes are for older fans, it’s why FFIV ds had all of those new features like augments and different boss fights, it’s to make the old game new again but not foreign.

REmaking FF7 would be ill advised, and it’s very narrow-sighted to want just the same shit, including some really dated designs, with some better assets in.

You have never played REmake.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 02:01:21 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


  • Senior Member
Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #71 on: November 10, 2018, 02:03:41 PM »
RE2 and FF7 remakes are the same, as in they are making completely new/different games with only the same story foundation. The actual significant difference is that Capcom finished the remake from scratch within literally 3 years and delivered a return-to-form mainline game in the meantime on top of it.

REmake 2 also has RE survival horror fundamentals in it. It isn’t ashamed of what it is. Again, fuck SE and fuck Nomura.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #72 on: November 10, 2018, 02:06:17 PM »
This is fucking stupid.

Literally every remake ever is for new people. Literally every commercial remake hopes to appease old fans while also expanding to new people. Literally every commercial product hopes to expand it's audience. You right now are losing your shit because a producer talked marketing.

Yes, they are so ashamed of whatever the fuck your talking about that they are spending millions of dollars and tons of development time on FFVII. They are so ashamed because I guess Nomura is making it an action rpg. The guy who created an action jrpg series and who has worked an a rpg series that consistently flirts with more real time battle systems including the original FFVII.

Like Jesus Christ is this dumb. Do you think because they are changing the battle system that FFVII is'nt also going to try appease old fans? Or do you just mean you won't be appeased.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 02:17:15 PM by Rahxephon91 »


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #73 on: November 10, 2018, 02:44:40 PM »
I'm not saying remakes aren't made to get new people, but specifically new people? Aren't remakes usually meant to please older fans AND get new ones? Older fans clearly are the target for the vast, vast majority (99.9%) of all game remakes. I don't see how this can be disputed. If that were the case, every remake of a niche genre would be like FF7R and change the genre.

You say it's stupid but you haven't provided ANY EVIDENCE that there are game remakes out there specifically made to make new fans first and please old fans second. Please name an rpg remake that changes the battle system from turn based to action rpg based like FF7R. I'm waiting.

And yes they're ashamed. If they weren't, they would have embrace the ATB of the original and upgraded it to at least X-2 style and added visible encounters. But nope. They've made it into Kingdom Hearts.

Changing genres shows a sign of shame. That they don't think a command based rpg remake of FFVII will do well. Or they find such battle systems outdated. Either way, they're making a remake and changing the battle system to literally a different genre. For a remake. Please list me other remakes that do similarly.

I'm waiting.

Only a Final Fantasy fan could ever defend FF7R. The entire fanbase is a bunch of whipped yes men. If any other major, influential, popular game was remade and it switched genres it would be considered completely unacceptable. But for some reason FF gets a pass.

Instead, they're remaking my first RPG and turning it into a completely different genre than how I originally experienced it. Why should I get it? I won't be getting it.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #74 on: November 10, 2018, 02:48:29 PM »
Resident Evil Remake 2.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #75 on: November 10, 2018, 02:51:29 PM »
REmake 2 is Resident Evil 2 but it in no way caters to new fans. It's very much survival horror, the franchises origins, and EMBRACES that fact. If FF7R were the equivalent of REmake 2, it would have ATB, turn based, menu-based combat. REmake 2 is in no way a complete departure from the original. It adds shit, but so did REmake.

These aren't examples of what I'm talking about at all. Almost all notable and good remakes enhance the gameplay and add in new features. We are talking about a shift of going from turn based menu based combat to an ACTION RPG. All MGS Twin Snakes added was MGS2's first person shooting (to its detriment), but to say that's comparable to what FF7R is doing? :lol


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #76 on: November 10, 2018, 02:55:30 PM »
Resident Evil Remake 2 dosen't play like the original game. It dosent have the zapping system. It is a third person shooter. It is a modern AAA game.

According to your logic(which your no changing to suit your stupid argument). Remake 2 should be a tank game because the original was and if it is'nt then they are ashamed of it and not yknow just making a modern game.

If FF7R was the equivalent of Remake 2 it would have a modern battle system. Oh wait it does.

FF7R is not a departure because it's an action rpg.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #77 on: November 10, 2018, 02:55:55 PM »
Only an FF fan could defend this and say that "the goal of a remake is to make new fans" in what world? :lol

An ACTION game.

Kiss my ass, Nomura.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #79 on: November 10, 2018, 02:57:13 PM »
Resident Evil Remake 2 dosen't play like the original game. It dosent have the zapping system. It is a third person shooter. It is a modern AAA game.

According to your logic(which your no changing to suit your stupid argument). Remake 2 should be a tank game because the original was and if it is'nt then they are ashamed of it and not yknow just making a modern game.

If FF7R was the equivalent of Remake 2 it would have a modern battle system. Oh wait it does.

FF7R is not a departure because it's an action rpg.


You mean the third person action style that Resident Evil 4 created? :lol The camera angle is different but the RE fundamentals are clearly there. You are focusing on aesthetics and not actual gameplay systems.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #80 on: November 10, 2018, 02:57:56 PM »
Only an FF fan could defend this and say that "the goal of a remake is to make new fans" in what world? :lol

The real world of commercial products...

You're an idiot if you think remakes aren't made to expand the audience.


  • Senior Member
Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #81 on: November 10, 2018, 02:58:36 PM »
Resident Evil Remake 2 dosen't play like the original game. It dosent have the zapping system. It is a third person shooter. It is a modern AAA game.

According to your logic(which your no changing to suit your stupid argument). Remake 2 should be a tank game because the original was and if it is'nt then they are ashamed of it and not yknow just making a modern game.

If FF7R was the equivalent of Remake 2 it would have a modern battle system. Oh wait it does.

FF7R is not a departure because it's an action rpg.


You mean the third person action style that Resident Evil 4 created? :lol The camera angle is different but the RE fundamentals are clearly there. You are focusing on aesthetics and not actual gameplay systems.
Oh you mean the action rpgs like the director works on. The input method's are different, but there's no way of knowing if the actual rpg part, the character progression, and what not is going to be very different. You are just focusing on being a whinny lunatic.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #82 on: November 10, 2018, 02:58:41 PM »
In the same article.

A new creation. How is this defensible? Is REmake 2 a "new creation?" Nah. Is REmake 1? Nah. Is Wonder Boy: Dragon's Trap? Nope.

But SE and Nomura have to be the special snowflake mother fucker and make it a "new creation".

Again, only an FF fan could ever defend such a move of a remake of one of the most iconic, popular games of all time.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #83 on: November 10, 2018, 03:01:36 PM »
Only an FF fan could defend this and say that "the goal of a remake is to make new fans" in what world? :lol

The real world of commercial products...

You're an idiot if you think remakes aren't made to expand the audience.

I never disputed that remakes aren't made to expand the audience, as that is the goal of any commercial product, but the goal is made solely to expand the audience? I cleared this before but clearly you didn't get it.

SE's logic is, FF7 sold 10 million therefore we must find a way to make FF7R sell 10 million as well, when it's a fucking remake which shouldn't use that much time or labor. The main series is what you use to get that 10 million, not a remake of a 21 year old game. You don't find them needing to harp on the chances of a 20 year old game for money to be pathetic? I do. That's pathetic and tells you everything you need to know about the current state of FF. Where a remake of a 20 year old is so damn important they need it to be as successful as the original.

And this is why SE is ran by clowns. If they had the sense to do it like REmake, this thing would be coming out this year maybe and not in three distinct parts (:lol remember that?). SE is a joke of a joke and you have to be *in* on the joke not see them as the clowns they are.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #84 on: November 10, 2018, 03:01:59 PM »
It's defensible because they are making a new game and I'm not an idiot to the realities of making a modern game.

Whatever I'm done talking to you. You are the most annoying person to talk about video games with. All you do is cry and be dramatic about how things aren't going your way.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #85 on: November 10, 2018, 03:04:57 PM »
Oh, you're done? So it's bad to want an ATB battle system from a remake of a Final Fantasy game now? Apparently so! That's being dramatic? :lol That's a basic expectation.

This is the thing about modern gamers. You seem to be willing to defend anything and everything. When a remake of a jrpg is justified into being turned into an action game and you're called dramatic for thinking that's completely unacceptable.


  • Senior Member
Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #86 on: November 10, 2018, 03:13:00 PM »
Only an FF fan could defend this and say that "the goal of a remake is to make new fans" in what world? :lol

The real world of commercial products...

You're an idiot if you think remakes aren't made to expand the audience.

I never disputed that remakes aren't made to expand the audience, as that is the goal of any commercial product, but the goal is made solely to expand the audience? I cleared this before but clearly you didn't get it.

SE's logic is, FF7 sold 10 million therefore we must find a way to make FF7R sell 10 million as well, when it's a fucking remake which shouldn't use that much time or labor. The main series is what you use to get that 10 million, not a remake of a 21 year old game. You don't find them needing to harp on the chances of a 20 year old game for money to be pathetic? I do. That's pathetic and tells you everything you need to know about the current state of FF. Where a remake of a 20 year old is so damn important they need it to be as successful as the original.

And this is why SE is ran by clowns. If they had the sense to do it like REmake, this thing would be coming out this year maybe and not in three distinct parts (:lol remember that?). SE is a joke of a joke and you have to be *in* on the joke not see them as the clowns they are.
Nowhere in that article does it say anything about it the goal being soley to expand the audience. Nowhere. You can't fucking read. And if it did. I'm not going to take the marketing wording of a job listing as the end all be all intention of the fucking game directors. Even if the producers said it I doubt it was 100% the turth or does no one remember Kitase's "Oh it's CoD" comment for FFXIII. Oh no I frogot people like you probably took the dudes attempt at saving face literately and proclaimed FF is dead or some shit because the guy attempted to hitch his mistakes on popular trends.

And if that is the goal? So fucking what? Go ahead make a brand new FF with VII's story and style. I look forward to it, because if I wanted to I can always replay the original.

You are a moron when it comes to game development. RE2 Remake is nowhere near the scale of a big budget AAA jrpg. Do you not fucking get that? Do you not get the diffrence between a linear shooter and an explorable rpg? Or do you think "oh they should just put the PS1 in HD assets or some other moronic BS? IS that how you think games are made.

SE's logic is the same as Capcoms. We are making a AAA entry in are big series. We are making a new FF game. That's it. Thats the entire logic. But you don't seem to fucking be able to grasp that.


Yeah when they remake movies I guess the production time and money spent should be sliced in half because oh they are just remaking something.


God you're a fucking moron.


  • Senior Member
Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #87 on: November 10, 2018, 03:14:25 PM »
Oh, you're done? So it's bad to want an ATB battle system from a remake of a Final Fantasy game now? Apparently so! That's being dramatic? :lol That's a basic expectation.
The basic expectation for any FF should be to not have expectations because the series changes it up.

There has'nt been a AAA FF that's used the ATB battle system in over a decade.

This is the thing about modern gamers. You seem to be willing to defend anything and everything. When a remake of a jrpg is justified into being turned into an action game and you're called dramatic for thinking that's completely unacceptable.
No you're dramatic because you cry and whine "EVERYTHING IS DEAD" because things aren't 100% going your way.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #88 on: November 10, 2018, 03:19:08 PM »
There's nothing you can do to make me change my mind, Rah. I am a gaming traditionalist. FFVII was my first rpg. I will not change my mind.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #89 on: November 10, 2018, 03:53:22 PM »
Also your REremake examples also ignore context and the fact that they themselves are products of thier time.

If REremake 1 was made now, it wouldn't be a tank controls game, it would be a third person shooter. Which sure you can argue that "oh it's just following RE4's template and that it's just asthetics". But thats wrong, it's not "just aesthetics". Making it a third person shooter is not only a commercial decision, but also one that fundamentally impacts every aspect of the game. Shooting and action now have a greator focus. Where as ignoring enemies and running from them is an actual choice and good idea in pre-RE4 games, I don't think it's even a choice in anything after RE4. It impacts level design, encounter design, weapon design, ever single aspect. Thematic aspects of the gameplay may carry over, but hardcore RE fans would probably argue otherwise as plenty of people think Re4's changes are bad and go aginst the series. I.E. Changing it into an action series.

But Remake 1 was allowed to be a tank control game, because they were still making those games and that type of game was still acceptable.

REmake 2 was probably allowed to be made because of the postive feedback from the new ports of Remake and 0, but they chose to make it accessible to modern trends and gamers. I wonder why?

If FFVII was remadee back in the PS2 days. I wonder what it would be? Oh probably the type of jrpgs that were in vouge then.

And you want to say "oh you'll just defend anything".

No, I like to call it being open to new ideas and not complaining that games aren't the same like when I was a teenager.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 04:10:17 PM by Rahxephon91 »


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #90 on: November 10, 2018, 04:38:32 PM »
I think remakes can be good sometimes.


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #91 on: November 10, 2018, 04:58:14 PM »
These are frankly strawmen.

You are ignoring glaring holes in your argument: you mention REmake was a product of its time but fail to apply that same logic to FFVIIR which was announced in 2015, a time when menu based jrpg battle systems still exist many of which made by SE themselves  such as Bravely Default, I Am Setsuna, and even Final Fantasy games like World of Final Fantasy. They've even re-released the original FFVII as well as VIII (pc) IX, X, and XII. All of which have menu based combat. Are those games not products of their time if SE think they're good enough to re-release for modern systems? VIIR therefore is not a "product of its time".

You are just making excuses for the fact that SE does not have confidence a turn based FFVII remake would sell like an action-based one. Hence, they are ashamed of their origins and/or need to turn a profit. And if you can't remake a game without it needing to sell 10 million units or change the gameplay to the point where it's an entirely different game altogether - unrecognizable to the original in everything besides in story - then I think it's fair to concede the remake shouldn't exist to begin with.

The symptoms here are nothing but greed, director oversight (thinking there's something vastly wrong with the original in a George Lucas, Walter Hill sort of way to the point where you feel you have to meddle with what makes it works), poor management, and over ambition that exceeds the necessary requirements needed for a remake.

If I were to remake FFVII, I would give it the REmake treatment. Insert visible enemies, voice acting, have combat be a combination of FFX-2 and XII but taken to 100, cinematic camera angles to mimic the original pre-rendered bgs but they're actually with 3d models, expanded locations, updated art direction (one of the very few things I like about the current VII remake), bigger dungeons, remix it so that you can sequence break certain segments or do things in your own order, change things to fuck with players, upgraded difficulty. With UE4 this remake could be made in two or three years. Instead, Nomura and co. want to innovate and break barriers. With a bloody remake.

I'm sorry but it's very obvious to me which approach is better.

Remakes are not for barrier breaking and innovating.  They're for taking formulas and making them better. That's it. I don't see how that's controversial to say and the fact SE thinks a remake should be ground breaking shows how stupid the company is.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 05:06:03 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #92 on: November 10, 2018, 05:06:18 PM »
An actually good FF remake:

Another point against your "it was a product of its time" argument: let's say SE remakes FFV and VI. Will they also be action-based too because they're "products of their time?" If they were turn based like they are in the original games, what would you say? You can't have both. From here on, every FF should have an action-based battle system, no? Including remakes? I mean, I'm just following your logic.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 05:12:20 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


  • Senior Member
Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #93 on: November 10, 2018, 05:21:12 PM »
You’re argument now Cindi has become extremely obnoxious and can be summed up as “I want things my way!!!”. Because that’s all this is. You’re just making up this idiotic rationale of square being ashamed or whatever bullshit to make yourself feel better and make your argument some self righteous bullshit.

You don’t even know what your talking about.

Look at the list of those games. Bravely Defualt. I am Setusna. And you want to compare these to fucking FFVII? No these games are not the same. All of them are either low budget games and/or intentionally throwback.

Again you don’t seem to understand that FFVII Remake is a brand new AAA game or rather refuse to acknowledge the reality of that so that you can keep whining. No I don’t expect brand new AAA FF games to be turn based unless all of a sudden that’s proven to make millions. Because again VII Remake is a big budget game. And guess what action rpg by Square.  Oh that would be FFXV which probably hit 8 million because it probably appealed to new people inthanks to it being an action rpg.

And for some reason you also don’t want to acknowledge that again Remake 2 plays differently because it’s a modern game made to appeal to modern times.


  • Senior Member
Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #94 on: November 10, 2018, 05:24:09 PM »
And no my logic Cindi which you don’t seem to get is a big budget AAA game is probably going to have a more mainstream gameplay system.

But sure I guess cheap games like Bravley defualt and I am Setusna negate that. Oh and ps1 ports.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 05:47:32 PM by Rahxephon91 »


  • Senior Member
Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #95 on: November 10, 2018, 06:12:01 PM »
And no my logic Cindi which you don’t seem to get is a big budget AAA game is probably going to have a more mainstream gameplay system.

But sure I guess cheap games like Bravley defualt and I am Setusna negate that. Oh and ps1 ports.

No, my argument is that an FFVII remake doesn’t need to be AAA to begin with. It’s a bloody remake. Again, this ties back to....

All these ideas are terrible. Just make whatever you want Square with cutting edge graphics.

This is why SE is in the predicament it's in. :snob

"We had an unhealthy obsession with graphical quality."

It’s a remake. Why does it even need to be AAA? Why can’t you understand this? I’m not calling for a small up port but it doesn’t need to have so many resources put into it either. There is a medium between “lets dump 100 million on a remake” and “lets just release a lazy, quick, port job” and the fact that neither you nor SE can understand that is exactly what’s wrong with both the company and fanbase.

Again, the fact they think a REMAKE should be innovative and ground breaking and AAA is problem enough. Remakes aren’t for innovation and breaking ground. They’re for taking established formulas and perfecting them.


  • Senior Member
Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #96 on: November 10, 2018, 06:21:24 PM »
ou are ignoring glaring holes in your argument: you mention REmake was a product of its time but fail to apply that same logic to FFVIIR which was announced in 2015, a time when menu based jrpg battle systems still exist many of which made by SE themselves  such as Bravely Default, I Am Setsuna, and even Final Fantasy games like World of Final Fantasy. They've even re-released the original FFVII as well as VIII (pc) IX, X, and XII. All of which have menu based combat. Are those games not products of their time if SE think they're good enough to re-release for modern systems? VIIR therefore is not a "product of its time".
Quite frankly wtf is this?

How does this refute my point.

It’s 2015, clearly Square thinks a modern aaa game needs to have a more action oriented battle system, hence FFXV has one.

Just because menu based battle systems exist doesn’t mean the idea that to be a mainstream AAA rpg means you need an action based system.

I mean your examples are BD, I Am Setusna. World of FF.

None of these games are big budget AAA games. All of them are throwbacks. Well gee for turn based to a be a throwback wouldn’t that mean action based systems are the current trend? Well yes.

Why would you compare these to FFVII Remake? Why would even compare rereleases to these games? Do you even know what the phrase produc of thier time means? Clearly not as according to your logic it doesn’t exist because you can releas Citizen Kane on blu Ray just like a Marvel Movie.

Look you can’t seem to understand that Square decided that FFVII Remake is a large scale production. But it is. Deal with it. And understand the realities of that.


  • Senior Member
Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #97 on: November 10, 2018, 06:26:17 PM »
No Cindi the problem is you.

You can’t seem to understand that things aren’t catered to you.

A remake can be whatever the hell it wants. It can be a large scale game or a small scale. It can be a remimagining or a shot by shot Remake.

Films do this why can’t games?

And there are few actual full on game remakes.

Square decided FFVII Remake was going to be a AAA game. Just like Capcim did with RE2 which you can’t seem to understand and thus feel the need to make excuses for.

And that’s all there is to it. It’s a full AAA game and thank god, because that’s what people want. They want FFVII a super if it was a modern PS4 FF game.


  • Senior Member
Re: All upcoming FFXV DLC cancelled except for Ardyn, Tabata resigned
« Reply #98 on: November 10, 2018, 06:32:54 PM »

The problem is me? :lol

So if they remade Tactics Ogre or FFT and made it a an rts the problem would be me? If they remade Starcraft 2 and made it a turn based strategy the problem would be me? What if they took GTAIII, remade it, and made a turn based rpg.

You don’t mind it because because you’re a diehard. It could be anything and you’d like it.

Film can do this why can’t games? Because they’re games. :lol


  • Senior Member
Film can do this why can’t games? Because they’re games.

Yeah so basicly a remake of a game can’t do anything new, can’t up the production games, play differently, or simply be something new.

I guess game remakes should be crap like The Twin snakes which is a terrible game that does nothing new and leaves the question of why not play the original.

Remakes can only be 1 to 1 copies of the original and there’s no room for anything else.

Cindi. You’re an idiot.


  • Senior Member
I never said they can only ever be 1:1 copies. I’ve used REmake as an example multiple times which isn’t 1:1. The fact you’re continuing this after Wrath closed his thread is pathetic.

Relevant quotes:

It’s a remake. Why does it even need to be AAA? Why can’t you understand this? I’m not calling for a small up port but it doesn’t need to have so many resources put into it either. There is a medium between “lets dump 100 million on a remake” and “lets just release a lazy, quick, port job” and the fact that neither you nor SE can understand that is exactly what’s wrong with both the company and fanbase.

Again, the fact they think a REMAKE should be innovative and ground breaking and AAA is problem enough. Remakes aren’t for innovation and breaking ground. They’re for taking established formulas and perfecting them.

After you said the problem was me for not accepting that an FF7 remake is an action game and not a turn based rpg:


The problem is me? :lol

So if they remade Tactics Ogre or FFT and made it a an rts the problem would be me? If they remade Starcraft 2 and made it a turn based strategy the problem would be me? What if they took GTAIII, remade it, and made a turn based rpg.

You don’t mind it because because you’re a diehard. It could be anything and you’d like it.

Film can do this why can’t games? Because they’re games. :lol

And since you decided to get a little text bite that obscures my original point rather than quote the entirety, I will do myself the service of doing so and bow out. If you don’t understand FFVII remake doesn’t need to be a 100 million dollar monstrosity that panders itself to new players by making it an action game then you are lost.

That’s all I have to say, good day.


  • Senior Member
So basicly your mad that it doesn’t pander to you.

Because there is nothing inherently wrong with it being a big budget game.

That’s all you have to say because the problem is you. You don’t want it to be something you don’t like. You’re pathetic.


  • Senior Member
FFVII was my first rpg. It was my first Final Fantasy. I was of the generation that loved FFVII so much it made me an rpg fan for life and there’s a problem with me wanting to be pandered to when it’s remade? What the fuck. Isn’t the entire point of remakes to pander to original fans?

You haven’t managed to name a single game remake that isn’t made to pander to old fans.


  • Senior Member
I can’t think of any fanbase for any other game that would say the arguments that RahX is making.

“Phantasy Star IV is being remade into an action game? So what, you just want to be pandered to.” :mindblown

“Half Life 3 is going to be a visual novel? So the fuck what, you just want to be pandered to you selfish bitch!” :mindblown


The audacity


  • Senior Member
You are being pandered to by the fact that they aren’t making a lazy remake, but an entirely new game. That is pandering of the highest order. You just don’t like the fact that the reality of that move means things will be different.

It’s also funny because that gameplay mock up they had did not make the game look like Sevil May Cry, but instead a more action FFXII complete with an ATB bar.

Every single remake panders to old fans, but also hopes to capture new audiences. That is a fact. You think those DS remakes were put there hoping they would just sell to old fans? No they were put there because the ds has an incredible market full of new and old people. The existence of things that play on old fans ideas dosent change that. And you act like just because it was a different battle system it won’t be able to play on old fan’s expectations. Like it really comes down to you and just you. You are the problem. You don’t green light new productions hoping you can sell to the same people. Certainly not productions that cost actual money. You think Capcom dosent hope they reach a newer audience that maybe has grown up on 4? Of course they do hence the gameplay chance. You didn’t think they bought Remake would gain a new audience when it was made? That was probably one of the assurances when it switched to a Platform it’s fans were not on. Same with TTS. That shitty Langressior Remake has awful modern anime character designs. Ys remakes have modern visuals and the three party system because that’s what the modern fans like. Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate was made just for new fans honestly. And so on. Remakes can do whatever the fuck they want.

And I really doubt when people ask for a remake of an old jrpg they don’t want basicly that rpg as if it was made today.


  • Senior Member
My fucking god you are losing your shit over the fact that a job listing said action. You don’t even know what that means.

You’re acting like they are making God of War or something.

When it really will if anything be like FFXV. An action rpg that people liked because it was an action rpg.

Making a turn based game into something where you can move your character around is not a big jump and unlike all your examples, it’s not a change in genre. It just becomes a different type of rpg.

Oh and Phantasy Star fans would love if Sega made an actual single player rpg regardless of it was action. It’s the only reason anyone was interested in that Vita game by Tri ace.


  • Senior Member
You’d be pissed off if they made something like FFXII but oh no you have to press X now to attack.

Oh boy this is a series that has flirted with real time action combat forever.


  • Senior Member
I actually wanted them to upgrade the battle system to be a mix of some X-2 and XII but ok. You acting like I wanted it look and play like FFVII psx which is something I’ve never claimed. In fact, I’ve said the opposite. There many RPGs with movement that retain turn based gameplay like FFXII, Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter, and Valkyrie Profile 2. Even games like FFXIV. If FFVIIR had XIV’s battle system I’d be fine. I’m fine with hybrid battle systems and actually love hybrid systems a lot. FFVIIr is a full on action game and saying,”the series has messed with real action gameplay for the longest” is incorrect. Besides XV you’re making a hard case. Anyone who has played XII for instance knows the movement doesn’t play a sizable amount in battle and that it’s a full on rpg with menus and systems.

You are a fan tard and they could put shit in a box and you’d still defend it. :idont

You aren’t worth discussing this with and the fact you’re surprised when SE decides to remake a classic game people asked a remake for over a decade only to make it into an action game and people have a problem with it makes you look more than a little distinguished mentally-challenged.

Go suck Nomura’s cock please.


  • Senior Member
You couldn’t stop it because Rah is pathetic and couldn’t let it go because he’s a butthurt dick sucker for a franchise past its prime that should probably die already.


  • Senior Member
First of all himu. Fuck you. 

2nd of all. You are a little bitch who cries whenever a video game of all things dosent go your way.

I’m a fantard? Well only one of us is crying that a game they like may not be remade the way they want. And it’s not me who doesn’t give a shit what direction they go because I don’t care. Also I only play the main games, never spin offs so how I’m a fantard I have no idea.

2nd of all anyone who’s not a moron knows that the ATB flirts with real time combat by applying pressure with its timing. The series flirts with real time action combat and has since 4. 7 and 8 have the atb. X is the only recent one that is actually 100% turn based. XIII and it’s sequels put a huge emphasis on timing. XII is just the ATB. Yes XV is the only one that actually is a action game and even then cool times and what not are in place. That’s what flirting means. So you’re an idiot it’s not incorrect. The series has played with battle systems not being 100% turn based forever.

Also you don’t even know what VII remake’s battle system is. Also who fucking  made you decide what people want and don’t want.

And actually I don’t see most people having a problem with the remake. They are happy it’s getting an actual high budget remake. I assume most sane people will actually judge the battle system when they play at and won’t be fucktards who lost thier shit because a job listing used the word action.


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
this is the road that gaming leads to


  • Senior Member
Nar olf!

*howls in solidarity*


  • Senior Member
You couldn’t stop it because Rah is pathetic and couldn’t let it go because he’s a butthurt dick sucker for a franchise past its prime that should probably die already.
Well actually the only one here who sucks dick is you.

But yeah you couldn’t stop this because Himu is a whinny bitch who loves to be dramatic and cry when games don’t do what they want.


Why Himu??


What’s wrong with that?


But yeah there’s the “oh this series is past it’s prime should die comment”

Even though the last game is near 9 million sales, tons of people like it, and the online game before that is also a success. And the remake you keep crying about is well hyped.

Yeah past it’s prime.

Maybe you’re just past your prime.


  • Senior Member
I already am in the livestream. I just met Zack and he whispered in my ear,”fuck Cloud”




  • Senior Member
Here comes the typical “try to be funny posts” to offset that you can’t stop crying about shit.

Can’t wait for the next Japanese series to dare to do something, anything and for you to cry about how it’s not for the old fans or some other bullshit.


  • Senior Member
This is because Himu is a fucktard with limited vision that can’t see beyond what her narrow minded ass wants.


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
  • Senior Member
no reason to misgender bless up


  • Senior Member
:lol Poor oppressed Final Fantasy. They're so brave, turning a turn based rpg into an action game. :lol


Remember when FF was GOOD?

I do. BTW, my favorite (I think?) FF is FFVIII. You know, the game that really did something different. Throw your weak accusations towards someone who cares. :snob



  • Senior Member
The Ff series has never stoped being good.

Then again I’m not a loser who cries that the series doesn’t make me feel like a teenager anymore or wants it to pander specifically to me.


  • Senior Member
And you keep saying action but you have no idea what that means you fucking idiot.

Oh no you have to press X to attack the horror of playing like KH and XV.