Author Topic: Snyder Cut of benji/toku Never Getting Over It Snyder Cut Bless Up Thread  (Read 38237 times)

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Madrun Badrun

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'He's harvested the radiation to build his base'  :dead

Madrun Badrun

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Jesus, there is still an hour to go and Superman is fingering butterflies in a field

Madrun Badrun

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Why does the Flash have exterior bungee cords all over his suit? 

Madrun Badrun

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'Its nature is to fly' in reference to the airplane shaped like a whale shark. 

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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How does old Pixar eyes know who Wonder Woman's mom is in order to bait her?

Madrun Badrun

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Superman entrance was cool

Madrun Badrun

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The dialog is so so bad.  Like it literally tells the exact shit that is going to happen all the time.  'An Amazonian. But not like your sisters.  Stronger.  like just let her kick your ass a bit and the audience will pick that up.  'Artimesis arrow.  It will fly to the land of men' ~ stupid poem about magic arrow being a beacon.  Then it just shows the magic arrow being a beacon.  Cyborgs dad narrating how powerful cyborg is then just showing cyborg doing it.  Also the constant references without saying the person's name.  Like batman going 'I promised HIM' or Amazon Queen going 'She will know'.  It's such a lazy way to be dramatic and do world building.   

The Flash talking to himself 'barry you got to break the rule and go faster than the speed of light and you got to do it now' - after 1) already establishing that he can go back in time with an earlier scene and 2) already breaking the rule.  Like just show us the thing and show us consequences of breaking the rule.  We will get it. 

Madrun Badrun

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Darkseid walks slow

Madrun Badrun

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The 30-minute epilogue is a Marvelesque mid-credit scene  :dead

G The Resurrected

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I want a sequel to this movie. I need more movies to watch while my insides are being destroyed by IBS.

Madrun Badrun

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Finished.  It was better than the theatrical version but it also had an extra hour and a half.  It's a complete slog most of the time.   All the characters still feel very unearned, maybe with the exception of Cyborg, who they do a good job with.  Had they first done Flash and Aquaman movies this would have been a lot better and could have cut an hour.  The epilogue was so dumb and completely unnecessary.  It also made The Martian Manhunter seem dumb, which is not cool in my books.  The story was more coherent than the theatrical version. Until the end fight, everyone's super-power seems to be slow-mo which really devalues the effect, and the Flash in particular, who is just slow-mo with lightning.   The theatrical version did have two major things going for it.  First, the references to future DCEU stuff actually work and feel exciting because it was still possible that those would be things.  Now it's like a Green Lantern?  Zeus?  fuck off.  Second, it feels really poorly done after Infinity War and Endgame. 

Shazam is like ten times the movie this was. 


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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Powerful. Thank you Zack Snyder. Bless up.

team filler

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think I'll blaze up and watch tonight during demon hours  :pimp

might have to drink some matcha to stay up for the whole 4 hours  :kermit

Great Rumbler

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I bet when Steppenwolf was a kid people bullied him for having the eyes of a Pixar character. 

They should have given him the butt of a Pixar mom instead.

That's what Granny Goodness is there for :jeb

The best Granny Goodness was Ed Asner:



  • Senior Member
I bet when Steppenwolf was a kid people bullied him for having the eyes of a Pixar character. 

They should have given him the butt of a Pixar mom instead.

That's what Granny Goodness is there for :jeb

The best Granny Goodness was Ed Asner:

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Darkseid walks slow

My first thought was, dude get a walkway.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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It's like 'Ready the armada! We will do it the old way.'  * slowly shuffles offscreen  Maybe he was being polite so Granny could keep up  :heart :heart


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I'm really starting to turn against R-rated violence in superhero films, unless you're Deadpool it feels unnecessarily gratuitous.

Bruce Timm and WB Animation started leaning this way with their animated films, you got decapitations of normal ass human characters in JL Gods & Monsters, and then Flashpoint Paradox has Billy Batson straight up gutted by Wonder Woman. Is any of this really necessary to tell a good story?


Madrun Badrun

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Here it was gratuitous just because of how inconsistent it was.  Half the time a push would make someone take a little tumble and the other half they would be splattered across a wall.  I really enjoyed most DCAMU movies and I think being darker and having an edge to them let them be distinct from the earlier DCAU.  That said, I don't really need it, but it also doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth either.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 09:48:49 AM by Madrun Badrun »


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Just listened to Mark Kermode's review.

"It is now uniformly boring, as opposed to before when it was fractured and disjointed boring."



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Loved it. 4 hours flew by. I wanted more when it ended. Bless the fuck up, motherfuckers.

Pissy F Benny

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I watched half of this and its objectively terrible and Snyder is a total hack, but its still enjoyable :thinking

I'll watch the second half tomorrow


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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You can do anything you want Tasty. No one believed in Benji and I’s fever dream, look at earlier in the thread. Love you guys, shit kinda sucks for me rn but we still here. I believe in you Tasty, you’re beautiful and talented and brave. Do what you want, don’t let anybody stop you. Bless up.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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"Not Impressed":

Speed Force:
« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 09:43:17 PM by benjipwns »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Was the "shocking cameo" really just Leto :doge
Nah, pretty sure that's supposed to be J'onzz.

The first appearance of which arguably ruins a scene with Lois and Martha.

The dialog is so so bad.  Like it literally tells the exact shit that is going to happen all the time.  'An Amazonian. But not like your sisters.  Stronger.  like just let her kick your ass a bit and the audience will pick that up.  'Artimesis arrow.  It will fly to the land of men' ~ stupid poem about magic arrow being a beacon.  Then it just shows the magic arrow being a beacon.  Cyborgs dad narrating how powerful cyborg is then just showing cyborg doing it.  Also the constant references without saying the person's name.  Like batman going 'I promised HIM' or Amazon Queen going 'She will know'.  It's such a lazy way to be dramatic and do world building.   

The arrow is maybe one thing done better in the theatrical cut. There it's only like two lines: "It's been five thousand years, will man know what it means?" "Man won't know, she will." Then they fire it.

Wait the Anti-Life Equation is just some ruins on earth, that Darkseid saw and then somehow forgot where the earth was? 
It's funny that despite four hours they left this plot hole in when a line of dialogue could have fixed it. (Or, they could have just left it out.)

They also should have known once they found one Mother Box, but they still wait until Steppenwolf gets all three to "confirm" it's Earth.

Everything around "The Unity" is unnecessary. It should have just been that he had to neutralize the Mother Boxes so Darkseid could come easier or something. Anti-Life was adding two MacGuffins too many even if it's a more canon hook to bait Darkseid around.

Of course, the Mother Boxes do lead to one of my favorite scenes: "Okay, each of us has to guard a Mother Box" Amazons: build a giant temple on their secret island and stand guard 24/7. Atlanteans: bury it deep in the sea guarded 24/7. Humans: bury in the ground like two feet deep in Italy somewhere, leave it with no records/warnings about it. (Then Vic goes to hide it himself and does the same exact thing.)
« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 09:37:02 PM by benjipwns »


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They really should have had Billy Crudup at Doc Manhatthen in the post-credits. Imagine the implications of establishing the Snyderverse as a separate canon from the DCEU, but still getting it by the execs because Doomsday Clock already kinda-sorta tied the universes together.

The biggest unrealized opportunity of this whole affair.


  • Senior Member
The arrow is maybe one thing done better in the theatrical cut. There it's only like two lines: "It's been five thousand years, will man know what it means?" "Man won't know, she will." Then they fire it.

GL actually doing shit with his ring instead of pew pew energy beams is yet another, and I'm sure I will come up with more as time goes on.


  • Senior Member
Also theatrical Steppenwolf being smarter/more savvy than Snyder Darkseid.

"Herp derp a Lantern ring, surely I will be able to just claim this for myself!"

While theatrical cut shows Steppenwolf smart enough to realize the ring has already located its new owner and will only bow to them.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Humans: bury in the ground like two feet deep in Italy somewhere, leave it with no records/warnings about it. (Then Vic goes to hide it himself and does the same exact thing.)

This shit was so hilarious.

Also did his dad have it in the back of the closet?


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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that wasn’t darkseid that was uxas  ::)


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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The Jared Leto/Amber Heard reshoots money should have been spent on more power ring antics I agree.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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ZSJL shows the superheroes’ dynamic, physicalized anxieties that, in the grand scheme, are sometimes confusedly political but go back to primordial conditions and foundational myths. The opening scenes linking different eras and characters in parallel situations and life instances are fantastically designed and with the most emotionally intense facial portraits since Joseph von Sternberg. This is a modern epic about worry and longing.

The passion behind #ReleaseTheSnyderCut was inspired by Snyder’s fans (a minority in today’s dumb-downed film culture), who favor his aesthetically rich D.C. comic-book storytelling over the juvenile mechanisms of Marvel’s Avengers films. Snyder’s characters don’t wink at the audience but call on personal recognition. These Superheroes — like gods on earth — personify human exertion. They represent myths for an age of disbelief, and their idealized traits derive from more than teenage wish fulfillment. At the close of Aquaman’s introduction, an Icelandic woman inhales the scent of his discarded sweater (like the wife illicitly recalling the aroma of a soldier’s jacket in The Searchers). This throwback to film history can also be scarily sensual, especially for an eroto-phobic age in which mainstream media pursue the dissolution of sexual differences. (Flash’s brief meet-cute with a girl in a sportscar extends into a slo-mo existential romance, to “Song of the Siren” — a divertimento out of Snyder’s underrated Sucker Punch.)

Our social reality has become so absurd — political gaslighting has reversed right and wrong, demeaned truth and faith — that Snyder’s reliance on the verities, summoning social unity through myth, goes against the grain. And yet, ZSJL demonstrates the most irrefutable, assuredly flamboyant filmmaking in years. ZSJL gives comic-book myth a classical look that formulaic Marvel movies and Peter Jackson’s unfocussed Lord of the Rings series lacked. Snyder pushes typically flimsy video-game extravagance toward Homer and Malory’s romantic depth. Each of ZSJL’s battle scenes move ingeniously with stunning details: a zigzag bolt of lightning; a cut-off hand still glowing with life force; Cyborg’s intuitive vision of a Russian bear charging a Wall Street bull; plus Flash and Wonder Woman converging at sword point, a moment so rousing that not even Whedon could resist it, now an oldie but goodie.


  • Junior Member
Dope film. Loved every bit of the 4 hour runtime. Provided all the worldbuilding and character background needed to cook the STEAKS that are sorely lacking in other superteam movies. This was a proper epic. Snyder and co's eye for visuals, attentional to detail, and cinematography shine in many of the quieter scenes.

Props to Junkie XL on a banger score. Also Snyder with impeccable taste in song choices and timing, Iris West scene really stands out here. Hallelujah, RIP Autumn.

Action delivered as per usual with a Snyder joint. Varied, violent, and readable. Wonder Woman is a boss. The Flash ups the ante for super speed on film. A whole bag of content restored from Whedon's hackjob.

Additional Knightmare scene is brilliant, fuck what you heard. A Batman and Joker exchange for the ages. BRUH  :batman :joker

I want more.

Madrun Badrun

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  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Randomly stumbled on ZS being on a Twitch stream with Joe Manganiello in case anyone cares


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Just finished this.

Was pretty solid outside some of the epilogue scenes. It's fairly nice looking, has actual character development for the characters and some good action (though not all action in it is good), but Affleck is still a pretty crummy Batman and at best the story is still just a "first movie of getting the team together baseline to setup the next movies"

Old Justice League was like 2/4 stars, new JL is like 3/4 stars. Would like a Justice League 2 going from this, but not expecting that to happen. I do like the little music videos he does for each character's introduction. His slow-mo music videos have always been some of his best stuff.

team filler

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36 mins in, steppy wolf annihilating the thotties  :whew


  • Junior Member
Steppy Wolf, horse and thot Slayer.


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36 mins in, steppy wolf annihilating the thotties  :whew


Human Snorenado

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I watched it.

It was trash.



  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
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team filler

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best cape shit on film, felt like I was watching comics for once  :lawd only wish I could experience in imax  :tocry

if you don't like it, you can stick to your disney. you are a trash person and you deserve nothing but the worst in film and life  :lol

Joe Molotov

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Male feminists in shambles. :(

Pissy F Benny

  • Is down with the sickness
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sounds like the one thing the soygawd got right tbh :shaq


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WarnerMedia’s Ann Sarnoff on ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’ and DC’s Future

Will there be more of these director’s cuts? Will we see David Ayer’s cut of “Suicide Squad”?

We won’t be developing David Ayer’s cut.

Just immediate flat rejection :dead

Ray Fisher has previously stated that because of a non-disclosure agreement he can’t share specifics about the abusive behavior he endured on the set of “Justice League.” Is there an NDA that would prevent him from publicly sharing all the details of what transpired on “Justice League”?

Not that I know of. No.


You talked about enlisting a broad range of voices when it comes to charting the future of DC. Is there one person calling the shots?

The connective tissue in the middle is Jim Lee, who oversees DC Comics. Jim lives and breathes the canon of DC and he works with all of the divisions to make sure the storylines are true to the canon.

So it's his fault!


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Researching these sexist butt shots because I didn't remember them...

Thankfully, the one article has them:

Also this:
The angles are exactly the same in both versions of the film. But there is something that is 100% different about these shots as they appear in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. They are color corrected.

What that means is while in Whedon’s color-saturated version of the shot directly above we get a clear view of Wonder Woman’s “Wonderoos,” it’s just shadow in “The Snyder Cut.” The composition of the shot no longer feels like the POV of a little perv boy tossing coins on the ground to get a chance to peek up a lady’s skirt. Instead it’s meant to evoke a sense of oddness and literal wonder. Not only that, but the sequence ends with a scene where Diana stoops down to a little girl’s level and gives her an inspirational speech. It all feels decidedly less creepy.

Similarly, the lighting in the sequence where the newly formed Justice League leap down, ready for action, doesn’t make it look like someone’s shining a flashlight on Diana’s ass. She’s just one member of a team, charging into action.

Indeed, one of the most striking things about Wonder Woman in Zack Snyder’s Justice League versus the theatrical version is how Diana Prince is used. Snyder gives Wonder Woman several more scenes to show off her detective skills, bond with Alfred (Jeremy Irons), and just be a normal person sitting in a chair or hanging out. Maybe that sounds weird, but what that means is we get to know her as a formidable personality. She is allowed to exist outside the perspective of a horned up dude looking at her bodacious bod. Wonder Woman gets to be a person.

In a recent interview, Deborah Snyder told Decider’s Anna Menta that the choice to make Wonder Woman “multi-dimensional” was intentional. “She can be vulnerable and sensitive, but she’s also super strong and she’s a fierce warrior. This is how we always intended on showing her,” Snyder said. “I love some of the lines that weren’t in the theatrical cut—like with the little girl asking, ‘Can I be you someday?’ ‘You can be anything you want to be.’ Because that’s who Wonder Woman is. She’s empowering.”

You’re going to see Wonder Woman’s butt in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, but you’re also going to see her tenacity, her grace, her courage, her wit, and her approach to tea brewing. That is the great difference between Snyder and Whedon’s approaches. Snyder’s color correction, approach to plotting, and overall approach definitely mitigated the problem, but what really makes the shots of Wonder Woman in The Snyder Cut less creepy is the fact that she gets to be more than one part of her body.

So thanks HBO Max for releasing The Snyder Cut. You also showed the world Wonder Woman is way more than a great ass.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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And Whedon-gate continues to this day: Fisher claimed in a March 12 interview with Vanity Fair that Whedon pulled scenes, like Ezra Miller’s The Flash falling on Wonder Woman’s chest, directly from Ultron and often referred to Diana as “Natasha.”


  • Senior Member
Yeah, sucks that DC/WB still has no idea what to do with these movies.

Madrun Badrun

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Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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Yeah, sucks that DC/WB still has no idea what to do with these movies.

Ya, all I want is good DC movies.  It would been nice if they were in the same universe, with a consistent canon, but I'm not super picky at this point.  I'm super easy to please when it comes to movies, and yet DC still misses the mark about half the time. 


  • Senior Member
Yeah, sucks that DC/WB still has no idea what to do with these movies.

They literally said "we're spreading our tentacles everywhere we can" :dead

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Not every fan has to love every piece of what we’re doing, but we’re putting out more tentacles to be able to reach people with different stories on different platforms, so there isn’t fatigue.

so there isn’t fatigue.

isn’t fatigue.


Joe Molotov

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putting out more tentacles



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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The Ayers Cut thing doesn't sound like it'd be as dramatically different as this was, it was less reshooting and more done with standard editing of a traditional directors cut. I can see why they aren't as interested in it with already having committed to just having Gunn reboot the thing.

Joe Molotov

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David Ayer, seemingly without being compelled by any outside forces, made a buddy cop movie with Will Smith and an orc.