Author Topic: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible  (Read 3893401 times)

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52980 on: November 05, 2019, 03:46:50 PM »
Ever since Obama idiotically called out nonexistent cancel culture, we have an influx of so called "progressive" clowns showing their true colors.

Can't you guys just admit that you don't care about minority issues and spare us the trouble?

“Fuck we got called out by Obama. Move them goal posts folx, cancel culture DOES NOT exist*

*We reserve the right to say it exists when it fits our agenda for the day.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52981 on: November 05, 2019, 03:51:49 PM »
I love how Scorsese is saying/writing everything in the most polite and concise way possible but they can't help but get mad :lol

Personally, I'm pretty sure he's just being put on that pedestal because he satisfies the Anti-MCU crowd's need for validation.

I've never heard of the guy before, now all of a sudden he's being called a great director because he said Marvel sucks. These GamerGate-style tactics couldn't be more obvious.

The crowd that gets triggered as all fuck because anyone dare criticize MAHVEL BAYBAY!! talking about a need for validation. A look in a mirror is so badly needed for that entire site but will never happen.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52982 on: November 05, 2019, 04:32:54 PM »
Quote from: Alice
I genuinely wonder if FilmSnob Era (TM) just can't think of a more prolific director to rally behind, or if they actually, genuinely believe that Scorcese films are high art.

Personally, I'm pretty sure he's just being put on that pedestal because he satisfies the Anti-MCU crowd's need for validation.



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52983 on: November 05, 2019, 04:46:22 PM »
That Martin Scorsese is quite the young up and comer in Hollywood. Can’t these FilmSnobs (TM) rally behind...uh, wait who the fuck directed Captain Marvel? Anyways, these FilmSnobs need to get behind the true auteurs in the movie industry, not this Scorsese fellow.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52984 on: November 05, 2019, 04:49:22 PM »
spells his name wrong and calls him not prolific. either real dumb or real solid troll.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52985 on: November 05, 2019, 04:55:52 PM »
<shrug> When it comes to art, I think of other people before I ever get to Marty. He makes fairly Mainstream films. He's a Warhol, but not a Picasso.

i'll go with troll just to preserve my sanity


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52986 on: November 05, 2019, 04:56:40 PM »
spells his name wrong and calls him not prolific. either real dumb or real solid troll.

I would say troll but it is ERA so they no doubt truly believe Scorsese is some random guy who hasn't made anything worthwhile.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52987 on: November 05, 2019, 05:01:53 PM »
it's literally been over a month, no one remembers or cares what you said about the super hero movie industrial complex

Posted in a thread fourteen pages long and counting. After a previous thread that had well over 1,000 comments in it. "No one remembers or cares" typed through tears of rage.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52988 on: November 05, 2019, 05:09:05 PM »
Disney legit has brainwashed these people. It's terrifying. That future from Idiocracy is slowly coming to fruition.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52990 on: November 05, 2019, 05:13:30 PM »
dunno why y'all folx defending morty scorcese, I watched the godfather pt 3 and there was like, zero fucking giant blue lasers blowing up buildings :snob


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52991 on: November 05, 2019, 05:20:21 PM »
AEDub cancelled.

Uh oh. The future of wrestling was supposed to be the chosen one and save us, not join them!


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52992 on: November 05, 2019, 05:28:40 PM »
How is this endless butt hurt about Martin Scorsese's opinion about the MCU any different from how the terrible "gamer" that is too invested in the hobby that Reee loves to trot out to act smug and superior to others in the hobby, as if they themselves don't regularly engage in video games as well? They love to lecture people about how not to let your hobbies define you, yet they are just as guilty with that when it comes to the MCU.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52993 on: November 05, 2019, 06:00:47 PM »
no fuckin duh, did these people not realize the the khans donated a bunch of dough to trump? wrestling is never not gonna be a carnival act based around tricking people, just this time aew tricked the internet dunces into thinking they were a progressive company :lol


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52994 on: November 05, 2019, 06:23:57 PM »
no fuckin duh, did these people not realize the the khans donated a bunch of dough to trump? wrestling is never not gonna be a carnival act based around tricking people, just this time aew tricked the internet dunces into thinking they were a progressive company :lol

they realize wrestling fans not exactly hipsters hanging out at a coffee shop..right?


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52995 on: November 05, 2019, 07:00:02 PM »

Bottom line, trans folk should not have to be worried to defend their opinions by those who are not trans
Quote from: RedMercury
I'm not trans but I appreciate you taking the time to write this out and I think it's awesome you consulted with trans individuals to make the thread. I lack the perspective to offer much of substance but I just wanted to say I hear you, and I hope if there ever came a time that I'm ignorant on something or hurt any feelings that I'm held accountable for it and can take the time to learn why I was wrong and apologize. I think this thread is a great message to send and I hope lots of people read it!
Quote from: Professsor Beef
this is pretty dope, gj Xas

me not knowing a whole bunch about trans issues kept me from posting in the lindsay ellis thread that popped up today, so hopefully i can learn more in this thread
Quote from: Deepwater
Too many on this forum like to give opinions on things that doesn’t actually affect them, with little to no education about the things, and when given a contrary opinion from people who are educated and are affected...whine about how people are so hostile.
It's been disheartening to see very recently how many threads have ended up with trans poster's being spoken over or derided. I've been trying not to post in such threads, and instead just listen and learn, because there are too many posters speaking over them and don't want to join them. I feel like I've learnt more by just listening and I appreciate the trans community in this forum who keeping on speaking even when they are met with such shittiness. You are all awesome.
i would like to say that if you see me saying something wrong please correct me, because honestly there are people who want to learn about these topics.

i remember when this forum opened and the trans thread was opened i was attacked for asking if a straight man liking a trans woman was homosexual in nature, but i honestly didnt know back in the day.

I think it's really important when someone from a marginalized group tells you that a certain behavior is harmful, it comes from a place of very real pain. People are eager to join in the conversation, but sometimes the most productive thing you can do is listen. Outright dismissal and invalidation of feelings seen in so-called progressive spaces like this one can often be more hurtful than the words bigots say.
Era's trans community is one of the smallest on the site, judging from the size of the TransEra thread, and its members should have the right to express their concerns without having to deal with dismissive nonsense.

If you are a cis person and think that some threads are the result of "other people becoming too sensitive", then you should take a seat and listen. Yielding your half baked opinion to give more trans people an opportunity to speak up is not your undoing.
It sucks that this thread was needed but it was. Thanks for doing this OP. I'm still upset over that one person in a thread a month ago who was complaining that trans identity shouldn't be on birth certificates due to potentially "misinforming medical specialists" or some stupid BS like that. Even though that thread is old now, I'm still upset about it. I'm tired of having to defend my existence on a daily basis in life.
I wonder if the clowns who whine about cancel culture ever had their friends or their fucking parents/caregivers call them out whenever they did something wrong.

Because holy shit some people literally can't take benign criticism.
This is absolutely a major issue that doesn't ever seem to really get addressed within the moderation. Throughout the entirety of that last thread and the amount of dismissive and insulting takes that we had towards the trans community here, there were 2 warnings and a 1 day ban given out.

Someone saying "This is a ridiculous and stupid thing to get mad about." is someone that doesn't see action. When someone says something blatantly transphobic they'll get a small ban for sure, but these people that are insulting and dismissive towards us never see action. They continue to act this way while seeing the trans community here as the real problem because that's what's allowed to happen time and time again.

Not all of the fault falls on Era moderation, but we're not really able to talk about these issues that exist or question them without fear of being hit worse than the people that are insulting us for criticizing bigotry.

Literally the most threatened and abused community on earth and still some people want to make it worst for them.
Yeah, many people are unaware of how horrifying things are for trans folk. From discrimination in nearly every work and public service, to violence and murder towards trans folk simply for being trans.

Can this be sticked? I see this happen far too many times and i think it's important everyone see it.
Maybe this thread should be stickied? It’s important, but I don’t know how it’s going to stay on the current pages.

Nice OP. As a black man, I rarely post in trans threads because my goal is to read and learn.

Ketkat and Kyuuji especially have insightful posts and I’m happy to read them.
Also wanna let Kyuuji and Ketkat know that I greatly appreciate your posts.
They really do and I always sit up and pay attention when I see their usernames
i want off


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52996 on: November 05, 2019, 07:08:39 PM »
I assume every white guy supports Trump until I’m given a reason not to.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52997 on: November 05, 2019, 07:08:54 PM »
And just like that I want this forum to stay down.

Why? For trying to get Rah to stop being an incel but he's too fucking dumb to take advice?

I mean the blood from the eventual Chicago shooting he does isn't on our hands because #wetried bro.
Seriously fucking Christ I’m not an incel and I’m not fucking trying to shoot anyone. Seriously go fuck yourself. Like I don’t know why you are such a mean spirited fuck who keeps saying this. I fucking hate you and I fucking hate posting here because you are such a huge asshole for no fucking reason. I don’t fucking espouse these views at all and you and pieces of shit like you keep bringing this up. Like get a fucking life. I don’t even fucking constantly attack you or so much about you. Like who the fuck wants to be constantly told they are going to shoot people. How can you be such a vile person? My life may not great but at least I’m not an obsessive creep like you who constantly makes it a point to like every negative post and constantly bring up this incel shit. You must be an even more miserable person then your super aggressive posts imply. The only person I’d want to kill is you.
i know what you want, not slick at all. no likes for you


  • Senior Member
Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52998 on: November 05, 2019, 07:23:58 PM »
I assume every white guy supports Trump until I’m given a reason not to.

ERA fucking annihilated


  • <<SALVATION!>>
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #52999 on: November 05, 2019, 07:34:17 PM »
And just like that I want this forum to stay down.

Why? For trying to get Rah to stop being an incel but he's too fucking dumb to take advice?

I mean the blood from the eventual Chicago shooting he does isn't on our hands because #wetried bro.
Seriously fucking Christ I’m not an incel and I’m not fucking trying to shoot anyone. Seriously go fuck yourself. Like I don’t know why you are such a mean spirited fuck who keeps saying this. I fucking hate you and I fucking hate posting here because you are such a huge asshole for no fucking reason. I don’t fucking espouse these views at all and you and pieces of shit like you keep bringing this up. Like get a fucking life. I don’t even fucking constantly attack you or so much about you. Like who the fuck wants to be constantly told they are going to shoot people. How can you be such a vile person? My life may not great but at least I’m not an obsessive creep like you who constantly makes it a point to like every negative post and constantly bring up this incel shit. You must be an even more miserable person then your super aggressive posts imply. The only person I’d want to kill is you.

that's his plan


  • Senior Member
Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53000 on: November 05, 2019, 07:43:37 PM »
And just like that I want this forum to stay down.

Why? For trying to get Rah to stop being an incel but he's too fucking dumb to take advice?

I mean the blood from the eventual Chicago shooting he does isn't on our hands because #wetried bro.
Seriously fucking Christ I’m not an incel and I’m not fucking trying to shoot anyone. Seriously go fuck yourself. Like I don’t know why you are such a mean spirited fuck who keeps saying this. I fucking hate you and I fucking hate posting here because you are such a huge asshole for no fucking reason. I don’t fucking espouse these views at all and you and pieces of shit like you keep bringing this up. Like get a fucking life. I don’t even fucking constantly attack you or so much about you. Like who the fuck wants to be constantly told they are going to shoot people. How can you be such a vile person? My life may not great but at least I’m not an obsessive creep like you who constantly makes it a point to like every negative post and constantly bring up this incel shit. You must be an even more miserable person then your super aggressive posts imply. The only person I’d want to kill is you.

that's his plan

(Image removed from quote.)



  • Finish the Fight
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53001 on: November 05, 2019, 08:02:47 PM »
Disney legit has brainwashed these people. It's terrifying. That future from Idiocracy is slowly coming to fruition.
Disney has used forbidden powers.

Somewhere on an undisclosed Trump golf course in 2013

"Another hole in one! Go get the ball kid!"

"You cheating fat fuck"

"Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump there's something beneath the sand"

"Help me out here Isaac"

"Wow Donald, a golden box, did you bury that here or is it another one of your cheating tactics you fat asshole?"

"Nope, can't said that I did. Maybe Jared... JARED? Did you bury your Israeli bribes on our golf course?"

"No Mr. Trump... that looks like the Arc of the Covenant"

"The what now?"

"Oh, I know this thing Donald. It is said to have great powers and there's old pictures of millions of people following it. Let me open it up to see"



"So uh, I've bet the farm on these Marvel movies. I want people to love them like they've never loved anything in cinema before"


"HEY!!! My property my box Isaac. What is this bullshit you loser"


"Well, I want to be become President of the United States"







  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53002 on: November 05, 2019, 08:35:14 PM »
User warned: Platform warring

Or the ones who've not been lenient have not been so because it's a Kojima game. Bla bla bla bullshit bullshit console wars. Just go away with this crap.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53003 on: November 05, 2019, 08:36:49 PM »
Given this hasn't gone anywhere positive, and is technically a reaction thread to another thread that was locked, this thread is also locked.
But, but, but:
Quote from: Kyuuji
Pinged a report a few hours ago suggesting it for a sticky, will see.
Quote from: Cherry artania
I hope this thread does get it we need to just address these issues.

Anyway, back in the climate change thread:
Quote from: ItWasMeantToBe19
User warned: post-count shaming

Also, you seem like an alt account.
Quote from: ItWasMeantToBe19
Could you switch back to your main account.
Quote from: ItWasMeantToBe19
Also, this is an incredibly sad meltdown. Switch back to your main account please.
Quote from: ItWasMeantToBe19
He switched to an alt account to argue people are dumb to have kids and is randomly screaming at me.

I feel like... that's pretty sad?
Quote from: ItWasMeantToBe19
And switch to your main account?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53004 on: November 05, 2019, 09:00:50 PM »
And into this masterpiece we go:
Quote from: BDS
They know who made the videos. They just don't care. Their hatred of a movie is more important than giving clicks to the worst dredges of humanity.
I mean, let's be honest, a lot of the time they know what they're doing. It's a dog whistle plain and simple. They post the video to try and get more people to their side and when they're called out on it can simply say they had no idea the video was alt-right.
These people here don’t give a shit. Look at gamin side.
Whenever I see a new channel on my recommendations, I make it a habit of going into the channel page of the user and see if they’re affiliated with any alt-right channels.
Quote from: Kirblar
Someone's probably going to get very famous with a book/paper linking modern political behavior to toxic internet fan behavior.
Quote from: PlanetSmasher
I’ve seen SJW way before alt right became a thing tbh
The word existed before the alt right. I was making jokes about being a social justice bard in like 2011.

But it became weaponized as a conservative talking point when Gamergate happened. After that the only people using the term unironically are the people who hate diversity and anyone who stands for it.
You guys dont really care, just act like it when its convenient. Gaming side is even worse than off topic
I give the alt-right tubers wide berth. If anyone I know brings them up as a point of conversation, I'm quick to follow with, "Yeah but aren't they Alt-Right sympathizers?" Normally they stop talking to me about it right there, and I'm have then begun that thought process in their head.
It’s generally people who drop a video, say something like “he makes some really good points about this” and more or less disappear. It’s always a huge red flag that this is going to be some bullshit that you shouldn’t click.
They know what they’re doing, and so do we.

Cheebo is REALLY invested, also what does it mean to "put words in ones mouth" when there's telepaths?
Quote from: Cheebo
No one has been up in arms about a harmless video. Name one video that people called out for pushing alt-right content that *didn't* complain about SJWS/forced diversity/PC culture/etc.

You are claiming the videos being called out are mostly harmless, that is a blatant lie.
Quote from: Cheebo, within five minutes with no responses
Hey everyone, it doesn't matter that TheQuartering has used racist and sexist slurs and said extremely hateful things about women...because hey, he makes some good points as Aries Zeigald says.

Jesus Christ.
Quote from: Cheebo, within five minutes with no responses
The idea that we can just "ignore" the sexist and racist dog whistles and focus on the "good" parts of the videos is the issue I am trying to address here.

The point is you can't just handwave racist and sexist comments and support the rest of the video.
Quote from: BDS
Oh my god of course there's somebody in here defending the Quartering lmao

That dude and the G&G guy have been the principle actors behind every hate mob directed at actresses like Brie Larson and Kelly Marie Tran. They're truly vile people.
Quote from: Cheebo
We have someone in this thread defending this content below. I hope we can accept this is proof we as a forum have an issue that needs to be addressed.

Mod Edit: Removed to prevent signal boosting
Quote from: muteKi
Hah, of course they are. Garbage content only vaguely more palatable than that Carl Benjamin fellow because at least they admit they're attempting to arbitrate fiction they have a stake in.
Quote from: muteKi
Yeah this is why I support having objectionable sources banned here, so that people don't have to worry as hard that they're going to give views to some shitbag they don't really know much about beyond agreeing on this one point.
Quote from: Cheebo
The point is...people need to stop posting this content in the first place and pay attention to what they are consuming. It isn't harmless, it is dangerous as it helps spread racist and sexist dog whistles in seemingly "innocent" content.

People need to pay attention to the content they are sharing and understand videos that contain complaints about SJWs or feminism are not acceptable content to share.
Maybe we should, as a forum, encourage the sharing of well written opinions by forum posters and long-form written opinions by journalists, rather than 20 min videos by internet comedians with questionable social media affiliations?
Quote from: thefit
I think op is way over invested in this series and its starting to feel like an unhealthy obsession defending it from all criticism. Even if those videos didn't exist the movie (TLJ, I like Capt Marvel) is still very flawed and deserves criticism and I would hope you can understand that.
Quote from: Icemonk191
Quote from: thefit
The Last Jedi deserves all these racist and sexist videos
So what you're saying is that Kelly Marie Tran deserves to be called a "dumb bitch" and "dumb Asian," which happens in one of the TLJ "criticism" videos that gets shared here frequently?

That's what I'm hearing.
Quote from: thefit
Wow, you guys just straight up putting words in my mouth.
Quote from: Icemonk191
Quote from: thefit
Wow, you guys just straight up putting words in my mouth.
"How dare you hold me accountable for my words"
Hey guys, y'all should take a look at that New Zealand boomer thread
You’re right OP. I’m going to start calling out and reporting posts that support/ signal boost shitty oppressive beliefs.
Quote from: muteKi
People who are laughing at us for saying "SJW" is a term of the alt-right aren't worth considering because they're treating basic human dignity like a punchline.
And the real funny thing is, treating human dignity like a punchline is the main organizing principle of the alt-right
Quote from: Messofanego
ThousandEyes was posting suspect and dismissive shit in the boomer thread but wasn't expecting the mask to slip off into showing his full extent of racism.
yep. we have a lot of posters on ERA that aren't just getting exposed to this shit for the first time-- they know what they're doing.
Quote from: muteKi
I take just the tiniest little bit of pride in the fact that I managed to argue him into slipping the mask. But then I owe a lot of my current opinions to reading the blogs of folks like DrugMonkey who are very, very vocal about racism in science, and I'm glad I don't have to worry about speaking from ignorance.
This community needs to be better about falling for the alt right talking points in general.

When we still have people believing that Hillary has a kill squad and backs Trump's phony investigation if it takes down down Biden, liberals are not as smart as they think they are.
User Banned (Permanent): Posting Bigoted Content and Trolling Over Multiple Posts; Prior Severe Ban for Excusing Racism
Quote from: Cheebo
Provide examples of what ideas of inclusiveness on the left meet this criteria to you please.

Here, two videos on which you would be banned for posting the content in them.
It's been fun guys.
Mod Edit: Inappropriate Content Removed
Quote from: muteKi
I don't know what the most impressive part of that was but it might be completely falling into the exact behavior the OP is complaining about. Or maybe it's the "prior severe ban" for racism. But these people just can't help themselves can they

Bonus alt-right adjacent content:
To be fair, red letter media and others are a little alt right adjacent at times. So it can be hard to lean too hard on posters who don't keep up.
Should take a look at the RedLetterMedia thread in the OT community section every time they have a racist or sexist take on something. People don't like when a thing they like is called out as being problematic when highlighting racist, sexist and transphobic ideas in all forms of media is a fundamental staple of online discourse and how society learns and gets better.

Learning that the people you watch have flaws is a fundamental part of this process. The antics of channels like RedLetterMedia led me to stop watching them.

It's okay to acknowledge that content creators that you like are either a product of ignorance, a product of their time or do not reflect well in 2019. I love the Cthulhu mythos and everything that it has spawned, but I'm not going to bat for one second for HP Lovecraft because of how problematic he was. Modern creators have taken that mythos and also reflected the racism it was born out of, which makes me happy!

Every time I see a post along the lines of "Brie Larson is a bad actress" there is almost always some underpinning of sexism (or racism in other cases), and it has become so transparent that the only people being fooled are the people making those posts, who deny their own sexist views
« Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 09:05:01 PM by benjipwns »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53005 on: November 05, 2019, 09:23:46 PM »
AEDub cancelled.
This country is going to be looked down on like Nazi Germany in the history books. We’re complete fucking trash.
IdiotEra: "Oh So We CaNcElInG cHrIs JeRiChO nOw?"
Quote from: RedMercury
People should tweet to Cody and Tony Khan about this, this is a terrible look.
I mean dude it's pretty clear that he is a trump supporter.
Don't misgender me by calling me "dude".
Giving Bigots a platform to speak is exactly the kind of thing that is hugely damaging especially when there are tons of impressionable young kids/teens who follow Jericho.
This is one of the very reasons why I stopped watching wrestling altogether.

It's full of Trump cultists/Conservatives. And it's all fake anyway.
All that CTE and normalizing independent contractor bullshit totally makes sense wrestlers think like heehaws politically.
It would take a lot for me to drop Chris Jericho, and this is exactly a lot. Fuck you, Jericho and your weird hair-plugs.

Edit: Just unfollowed on Twitter, Insta, and unsubscribed from his podcast.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53006 on: November 05, 2019, 09:25:25 PM »
Rah continuing to be buttflustered about nearly everything, but more accurately: Being called the spade he is: An incel. :trumps

Cue another 5+ posts from Rah while I skip over them because they aren't worth a damn. Maybe he should take this advice (<-----) to heart and skip over Nacho and I if he's so bootyblasted about comments about himself.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53007 on: November 05, 2019, 09:31:09 PM »
This thread title hurt me. This right here is why I actively try to not to have heroes.

How do you guys think Roddy Piper would have leaned when it comes to Trump? Guy was one of my favorite entertainers growing up, and I really respected him even now.


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53008 on: November 05, 2019, 09:32:49 PM »
Jesus, lay off Rahx already. Even I'm tired of it. :boring


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53009 on: November 05, 2019, 09:35:52 PM »
Just wanna say I got a pogijones like and it made me feel a certain kind of way.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 09:39:55 PM by Clockwork5 »


  • Senior Member
Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53010 on: November 05, 2019, 09:49:05 PM »
How am I an incel? Why will not drop this? What is your problem.

I am so tired of this fucking forum. Miserable fucktards like you username have made it unbearable. I may be an annoying special fellow, but at least I’m not a bitter cunt who gets off on riding a random forum users ass. I also admit my problems and flaws and am not a bitch that won’t drop things. I hope you enjoy your obsessive baiting, it’s clearly all you offer as I’ve never seen anyone here give a shit about your aggressively desperately placed opinions.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53011 on: November 05, 2019, 09:50:06 PM »
Use the 'ignore' feature you fucking idiot


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53012 on: November 05, 2019, 09:54:37 PM »
How am I an incel? Why will not drop this? What is your problem.

I am so tired of this fucking forum. Miserable fucktards like you username have made it unbearable. I may be an annoying special fellow, but at least I’m not a bitter cunt who gets off on riding a random forum users ass. I also admit my problems and flaws and am not a bitch that won’t drop things. I hope you enjoy your obsessive baiting, it’s clearly all you offer as I’ve never seen anyone here give a shit about your aggressively desperately placed opinions.
For what it’s worth, I think you’re chill. Maybe a bit over sensitive but you seem like a good person based on your posts. Most of us on here come across as complete fucking psychopaths based on our posts.

It’s all good homie.


  • Former Unofficial Ambassador to ResetEra
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53013 on: November 05, 2019, 09:57:55 PM »
How am I an incel? Why will not drop this? What is your problem.

I am so tired of this fucking forum. Miserable fucktards like you username have made it unbearable. I may be an annoying special fellow, but at least I’m not a bitter cunt who gets off on riding a random forum users ass. I also admit my problems and flaws and am not a bitch that won’t drop things. I hope you enjoy your obsessive baiting, it’s clearly all you offer as I’ve never seen anyone here give a shit about your aggressively desperately placed opinions.
For what it’s worth, I think you’re chill. Maybe a bit over sensitive but you seem like a good person based on your posts. Most of us on here come across as complete fucking psychopaths based on our posts.

It’s all good homie.

I’ll have you know I’m only a partial fucking psychopath  :snob


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53014 on: November 05, 2019, 10:03:14 PM »
AEDub cancelled.
This country is going to be looked down on like Nazi Germany in the history books. We’re complete fucking trash.
IdiotEra: "Oh So We CaNcElInG cHrIs JeRiChO nOw?"
Quote from: RedMercury
People should tweet to Cody and Tony Khan about this, this is a terrible look.
I mean dude it's pretty clear that he is a trump supporter.
Don't misgender me by calling me "dude".
Giving Bigots a platform to speak is exactly the kind of thing that is hugely damaging especially when there are tons of impressionable young kids/teens who follow Jericho.
This is one of the very reasons why I stopped watching wrestling altogether.

It's full of Trump cultists/Conservatives. And it's all fake anyway.
All that CTE and normalizing independent contractor bullshit totally makes sense wrestlers think like heehaws politically.
It would take a lot for me to drop Chris Jericho, and this is exactly a lot. Fuck you, Jericho and your weird hair-plugs.

Edit: Just unfollowed on Twitter, Insta, and unsubscribed from his podcast.

Quote from: Boy, post: 26172501, member: 42580
He's a heel, and keeping kayfabe alive, guys.


  • Senior Member
Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53015 on: November 05, 2019, 10:06:16 PM »
most of us on here come across as complete fucking psychopaths based on our posts.


  • I don’t wanna be horny anymore, I wanna be happy
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53016 on: November 05, 2019, 10:14:13 PM »
Why does timu fight so hard for the title of sassiest forum bitch? No ones fighting you for it cuh


  • Senior's Member
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53017 on: November 05, 2019, 10:28:31 PM »
most of us on here come across as complete fucking psychopaths based on our posts.

(Image removed from quote.)
I don't understand the drama, but I just want to know why you've stolen my avatar agrajag?



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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53018 on: November 05, 2019, 10:47:42 PM »
Man this place ain't what it used to be


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53019 on: November 05, 2019, 11:27:00 PM »
Just wanna say I got a pogijones like and it made me feel a certain kind of way.

The feeling's called "happiness." You'll get used to it if you get off forums.


  • Member
Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53020 on: November 05, 2019, 11:33:16 PM »
Just wanna say I got a pogijones like and it made me feel a certain kind of way.

The feeling's called "happiness." You'll get used to it if you get off forums.

And it’s gone :-\


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53021 on: November 05, 2019, 11:33:23 PM »
name some of these "get off" forums can you


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53022 on: November 05, 2019, 11:43:14 PM »


  • Senior Member
Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53023 on: November 05, 2019, 11:43:18 PM »
Just wanna say I got a pogijones like and it made me feel a certain kind of way.

The feeling's called "happiness." You'll get used to it if you get off forums.

And it’s gone :-\

Well yeah, you read another forum post.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53024 on: November 05, 2019, 11:43:52 PM »
part of me just thinks that the comforts that make me happy don’t really cost that much, and I really don’t need more than like $40,000 a year for the rest of my life.
But another part of me wants to Be successful etc.
I’ve always dreamed of having an apartment with a view of the city, any major city, and with growing rent/ownership costs, that might be impossible on $40,000 a year, so I guess I have to hustle

but damn
The anxiety of the grind to get to the grind just kills me.
can’t I just skip to the part where I have THE JOB, THE PARTNER, and THE HOUSE?

idk my quarter life crisis continues.

How do y’all deal with similar emotions?

I have the mental abilities, and the financial support to reach good places, but damn, I feel like my laziness is gonna squander it
good talk


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53025 on: November 05, 2019, 11:45:31 PM »
Do what makes you happy op.


  • Former Unofficial Ambassador to ResetEra
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53026 on: November 05, 2019, 11:46:41 PM »
More like Fuck Offfffffoffffff forums


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53027 on: November 05, 2019, 11:54:06 PM »
I was told by a founder of the environmental movement that much of the Earth will no longer be livable for humans in my lifetime. Said person also happens to be head of the biology department at a top university in the US, and the other scientists and engineers present had similarly dire predictions. The people saying that things are going to be okay have no fucking clue what's just on the horizon.
Aren't parts of the US literally on fire at the moment?
I've long suspected that many conservative elites want global warming because it will kill more people of color than every prior war and colonization combined.
Californians need to start thinking about moving to the Great Lake States. They're probably the best positioned for climate change.

Or we're all going to die from lung cancer from our season-long fires.

I'm going to buy a condo there and rent it out so when the time comes, I have a place to live just in case.
Were extinct right? Like absolutley fucked, there is no coming back from this. So all we can do is just sit here and wait to be wiped out by a major weather anomaly? Im honestly fucking terrified.
I frankly feel like we’re just beyond the point of no return. My wife and I are basically talking about not having kids because this shit is going to be unrelentingly brutal.
Quote from: Totally not a Bronx-Man alt
It only gets worse until there's nobody left.
It's going to be an absolute bloodbath with the way that population is rising so much and so many places in the world will be unable to be inhabited
We're not extinct fucked. Just much closer to post-apocalypse fucked than anyone's comfortable with.
Sounds dire, I feel sad for my children, I wish there was something we could do.
So good start to the week then?


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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53028 on: November 05, 2019, 11:56:05 PM »
part of me just thinks that the comforts that make me happy don’t really cost that much, and I really don’t need more than like $40,000 a year for the rest of my life.
But another part of me wants to Be successful etc.
I’ve always dreamed of having an apartment with a view of the city, any major city, and with growing rent/ownership costs, that might be impossible on $40,000 a year, so I guess I have to hustle

but damn
The anxiety of the grind to get to the grind just kills me.
can’t I just skip to the part where I have THE JOB, THE PARTNER, and THE HOUSE?

idk my quarter life crisis continues.

How do y’all deal with similar emotions?

I have the mental abilities, and the financial support to reach good places, but damn, I feel like my laziness is gonna squander it
good talk

What is inflation...

who is ted danson?

  • ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✋💎✋🤬
  • Senior Member
Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53029 on: November 06, 2019, 12:44:54 AM »
Do what makes you happy op.

Time to fill up that apartment with the worlds largest amiibo & funko pop collection  8)


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53030 on: November 06, 2019, 12:58:22 AM »
Why does timu fight so hard for the title of sassiest forum bitch? No ones fighting you for it cuh

Is it Sassy that I legitimately wanted Rah to stop being "FUCK WOMEN, THEY'RE ALL BITCHES AND WHORES" incel-dom to the point I (granted, yelling, yes) tried to drill it into his head that his problems were all mental and attitude? Andy-kun would've done him if Rah was gay but Rah is all "EWWWWWWWWW I'M NOT A HOMO"/missing the point to the point of :jeanluc "You're a fucking idiot, dude, way to miss the point" that it's not worth my fucking while to do anything but call him an incel and see him post 5 posts telling me to kill myself, sensible chuckle because he's still a pathetic incel that probably still can't get laid despite the relationship thread attempting (and failing becuase he's a fucking clueless idiot that still won't get context [see: Andy-kun reference, again] ) and attempt to improve.

So while I'm thankful he wanted my suicide attempt(s) to be untrue: Frankly, I don't give a fuck what he thinks because I've gotten tired of him flipping out over someone having a disagreement with him because he can't fucking process shit (Himu/Cindy and FF7 and Rah sperging out becuase they disagree on shit). Just like me attempting to help him get out of that incel-mindset of hating women because they won't fucking touch his penis because he's a shitdick that will murder one of them eventually just to have sex with one.

Because if that's sassy, by god and country I guess I am sassy.

But anyway, like I said:l I gave up on Rah trying to improve so I just say he's an "incel" because I know it'll rile him up (just like Nacho knows poking at him will rile him up) and oh what do you know like clockwork it does. I see 5 posts from him, :no1curr scoll past them while laughing because I know he put in the time to fucking write shit that I don't give a fuck about saying I should kill myself or whatever and move to other better posters.

:yeshrug It is what is is.

But if you're serious about me being "sassy" beyond Rah: Well, that's just how I am. :trumps


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53031 on: November 06, 2019, 01:25:31 AM »
Can we please stop all this mean spirited bullying and focus it on the truly vile people that deserve it like shosta?

We’re supposed to be a family :juicy


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53032 on: November 06, 2019, 01:32:03 AM »
The real treasure was the friends we made along the way


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53033 on: November 06, 2019, 01:32:57 AM »
Pass that shit and force McConnell to complain
Would our honorable SCOTUS be the ones deciding this?
No, in fact they would have to enforce it if it gets added to the constitution
McConnell will just say a number of states voted to revoke their ratification (whether or not they can actually do that be damned) and then that'll be that.
Would our honorable SCOTUS be the ones deciding this?
They have no say, they'll have to enforce it if we actually get it ratified.
good job, good effort


  • <<SALVATION!>>
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53034 on: November 06, 2019, 01:34:29 AM »
Can we please stop all this mean spirited bullying and focus it on the truly vile people that deserve it like shosta?

We’re supposed to be a family :juicy

bless this post  :heart


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53035 on: November 06, 2019, 01:35:19 AM »
The real treasure was the friends we made along the way
The "real" Treasure made Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy and Guardian Heroes then never made another game after 2003. :ufup


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53036 on: November 06, 2019, 01:36:43 AM »
The real treasure was the friends we made along the way
The "real" Treasure made Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy and Guardian Heroes then never made another game after 2003. :ufup
get your curry and rice loving ass outta here :maf


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53037 on: November 06, 2019, 01:52:53 AM »
Can we please stop all this mean spirited bullying and focus it on the truly vile people that deserve it like shosta?
Is shosta a dangerous threat to world peace who needs to be eliminated?
August 20, 2017 - The New York Times, Adam Minter, The New York Times Magazine, Nicholas Confessore, Rebecca Dana, William D. Cohan, Elizabeth C. Beatty, Brian Heyman, Anatole Kaletsky, Nicholas Kristof
Is shosta a dangerous threat to world peace who needs to be eliminated?

In “The New Expats,” Adam Minter writes,

In Russia and China, the fringe phenomenon of studying and hyping to the extreme the idea of negotiating with the Taliban is now producing far-right leaders — and it could herald the collapse of the fragile process of stabilizing Afghanistan’s nascent democracy.

There is a fascinating name for it, shosta. This term is the bizarre amalgam of the honorific honorific “shirod” in Russian and “shoga,” the proud, militant name of people who make up Afghanistan’s Taliban insurgency.

The Kremlin and its fellow travelers also practice another peculiar system for arranging its insurgency; they call it “shopepty,” shango, or shopper. Often parroted by Russia’s media, those peculiarities were also explained by Ramzan Kadyrov, the president of Chechnya, to Andrew Korybko, a Russian political analyst.

“Is Shosta a dangerous threat to world peace who needs to be eliminated?” is the title of a column by Nicholas Confessore in The New York Times Magazine. To find out, we’ve sought out Reshma Saujani, the creator of Girls for Girls International and Policy for Women, to find out who is behind this cult of shosta and where we can find people following their tactics.

We found a guy calling himself Peshwari . Some think that is a variant of Montani, Montani being slang for defectors and old stories about Russian exiles in Afghanistan. Others thought it’s Montani as in machine gun or Nagli, or what you might call a mouthful in the Hindi language used in Afghanistan. Whatever the case, he is a flunky in Russia’s “Shoop Shat” (“low intelligence”) brigades — that is, military units built especially for the fight against international jihadism. Here’s why Peshwari, rather than the more common Nagli, might be part of a virtual clique of shopping boys.

Peshwari and his fellow shopping boys have been building up support for the Taliban with drugs, their duds and forged documents from Pakistan. He charges between $2,500 and $5,000 for a fake ID.

Read the full column


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53038 on: November 06, 2019, 01:59:59 AM »
Quote is the largest independent video game forum on the internet as measured by traffic.
December 31, 2014 - David Nakamura, John F. Harris
Twenty years ago, Reddit launched the internet era with its elite “front page of the internet.” Today, a nearly identical video-game forum now dominates it.

ResetERA is the largest independent video game forum on the internet, according to various metrics, and for the past two years it has surpassed Reddit and other leading forums as the most-visited site on the internet.

ResetERA got a boost this year when a Russian hacker launched the biggest cyberattack ever against it, he says, a case prosecutors allege was perpetrated for the purpose of embarrassing ResetERA for supporting a now-banned Russian troll farm.

The forum has a strategy of not engaging in escalating war between feuding factions on its forums, which is analogous to his team not engaging in conflict with his fellow members of an academic discussion group.

That allows ResetERA to survive despite competitors, which sometimes inject spambots into other forums and threaten to ban ResetERA in retaliation for its positions.

“It’s counter-productive,” said Lewis, now the senior editor at the Unofficial Xbox Magazine. “They don’t want to be at the center of the community when the community is fighting.”

Still, ResetERA has been subjected to several industry-wide shutdowns over the years. And earlier this year, Slate ended its relationship with ResetERA after its writer Jason Pankoke criticized ResetERA for its policy against discussing gaming quality. ResetERA went from providing a large swath of the Unofficial Xbox Magazine’s free content to paying for it in order to maintain its flexibility, Lewis said.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Quote is the largest independent video game forum on the internet as measured by traffic.
August 20, 2018 - Benjamin Nicolussi, Kathryn Bowers, Ap, Tijana Martin
TORONTO -- Beginning with a game of "Pokemon Go" and posing questions like "What are the rules for throwing a, like, actual Pokeball in the real world?" is the top-ranking "outside, non-Google owned" video game forum.

Chris Giordano, co-founder of ResetERA, says the site's long history of hosting users' questions on a variety of topics has enabled its users to ask the kinds of questions game developers want to answer.

What are the rules for throwing a, like, actual Pokeball in the real world? — ResetERA (@restartaretra) August 17, 2018

"The whole thing is so embedded in our culture, people are coming to us with questions," Giordano told The Washington Post. "We see ourselves as a kind of a purveyor of thought.", founded in 2014 and recently acquired by The Washington Post, is a leader in the growing video game community - both the gaming giants, like Nintendo and Microsoft, as well as smaller communities like that for "Pokemon Go" players. It is also the largest independently owned video game forum on the internet, according to data from analytics firm ComScore.

The site is composed of nearly 500 communities, with a focus on virtual reality and video games.

About 80 percent of the forum's traffic comes from online downloads, such as for "Pokemon Go," but the remaining traffic is streaming video.

The site is also growing quickly in the United States and is popular in other countries, as well. It hit a peak of about 3.2 million daily unique visitors in August, up from 2.5 million at the beginning of the year, according to ComScore.

RestartERA was the creation of Giordano and Cameron Cavanagh, who initially launched the website in honor of the Xbox One. They let players request a virtual version of their PlayStation 4 from participating locales around the world. When asked, and accepting the offer, users could send an invitation code to Xbox. In August 2014, Cavanagh launched ResetERA with only five communities, he said.

When the Xbox One launched in 2013, Giordano and Cavanagh wanted to create a gaming community for it. Rather than pitch his idea to Microsoft, as the gaming giant did when they sought an outlet for the console, Giordano proposed it to friends he knew in the gaming community, he said.

Since then, the game industry has undergone a dramatic shift. Though the Nintendo Switch recently sold more than 17 million units in a year, four years after launch, and 16 years after the introduction of the original Nintendo, the evolution of video games has come largely outside of traditional console models.

And the online communities that originated on game forums are being extended to Snapchat, Instagram and other platforms, giving thousands of new potential users the ability to engage with games and industry figures that might have otherwise been inaccessible to them.

"People with a wide variety of interests are coming to us," Giordano said. "We've doubled our traffic in the last 12 months."

RestartERA, a blog that focuses on virtual reality and gaming, will be part of The Washington Post.

Tuckers Law

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Re: River Of Slime |OT| Mission: Impossible
« Reply #53039 on: November 06, 2019, 02:30:04 AM »
The real treasure was the friends we made along the way
The "real" Treasure made Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy and Guardian Heroes then never made another game after 2003. :ufup
Either forgot about or didn’t care for Bangai-O Spirits.   :juicy