Author Topic: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu  (Read 26419 times)

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Human Snorenado

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #180 on: August 07, 2019, 05:20:09 PM »
Yes, there is no drawback to telling them no and setting a custom goal from what I've been able to tell. Not even a missed boost in motivation/support or losing out on professor points. Since they're both going to have super high magic stats, they might as well have access to as much magic as they possibly can, and women magic users can master class into Gremory which will DOUBLE all their magic uses per battle. This is why you don't want to just do whatever the game tells you to do sometimes :P

Dorothea once you recruit her, you will have to put effort into getting her faith skill up with lessons, so it will be important to motivate her each week you can. She starts out with a negative modifier on her faith skill, which means she'll learn it slower. BUT, she also has a hidden talent in it, so if you instruct her enough not only can you remove the negative modifier but it will turn into a strength and she'll get a bonus to learning faith.

Without spoiling anything, you also want to raise Dorothea's CHA score up as much as you can via tea parties and any items you get that can do so. There's a special event that will unlock a very useful class for ONE CHARACTER ONLY later in the game, but only if they have a very high CHA stat. (I didn't know the "one character only" part on my first playthrough and had Edelgard do it, and while she won, she was more useful as a tank than as the other class, so I lost out)


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #181 on: August 07, 2019, 06:26:07 PM »
Hanneman and Manuela joined me on a whim.

Just keep talking to people and collect their shit while you level. Occasionally bring everyone some flowers.
99% of the characters like flowers.

Also, the church really needs to work on their hiring practices.

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Even the library dude was 'actually' evil  :lol

Joe Molotov

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #182 on: August 07, 2019, 11:15:12 PM »
Made it to the final battle.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #183 on: August 08, 2019, 04:11:23 AM »
Well tonight the game’s systems clicked and unlocking advanced classes was like oh so this is why focus matters which led to oh so this is how motivation actually works which led to ok you want to explore on the weekends before seminars to build motivation to increase weapon skills to qualify for the classes you want for the unit.

Also getting that authority ties into which battalions you can use.

About to do the end story mission for chapter 3. In the end I probably didn’t fuck up the first month real bad but I definitely wasn’t min/maxing efficiency, but I should be able to do it for the rest of the months. Enjoying the game a lot more now that I get the loop. The support cutscenes are pretty good for developing the cast. I kinda like how just sticking to one house it’s a pretty small cast so you’re starting to get to know them.

I am kinda annoyed that heavy armor class is axe only since my best tank Raphael is a fist fighter so far. Want to do fists and heavy armor but game seems very rigid on classes and so it seems like it’s better to just figure out the end classes for your team units and then just follow the strict skill progression to get there.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #184 on: August 08, 2019, 07:44:18 AM »
Well tonight the game’s systems clicked and unlocking advanced classes was like oh so this is why focus matters which led to oh so this is how motivation actually works which led to ok you want to explore on the weekends before seminars to build motivation to increase weapon skills to qualify for the classes you want for the unit.

Also getting that authority ties into which battalions you can use.

About to do the end story mission for chapter 3. In the end I probably didn’t fuck up the first month real bad but I definitely wasn’t min/maxing efficiency, but I should be able to do it for the rest of the months. Enjoying the game a lot more now that I get the loop. The support cutscenes are pretty good for developing the cast. I kinda like how just sticking to one house it’s a pretty small cast so you’re starting to get to know them.

I am kinda annoyed that heavy armor class is axe only since my best tank Raphael is a fist fighter so far. Want to do fists and heavy armor but game seems very rigid on classes and so it seems like it’s better to just figure out the end classes for your team units and then just follow the strict skill progression to get there.
Yeah, for me it was much the same. It'll click eventually, the game has some great: "Oh that's how that works!" moments, without outright telling you the best approach.

The thing they could've done better is to make it clear how long the school stuff lasts so you know how long you have to recruit and mess around.
I guess it is more of an issue for veteran players, who remember that in Echoes and the likes you had some very small and specific windows to recruit.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #185 on: August 08, 2019, 09:58:03 AM »
Have previous games increased your base stats when you reclass? Was debating needing to drop Marianne from the team because her strength was butt ass but she got +8 from becoming a falcon knight :rejoice

Joe Molotov

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #186 on: August 08, 2019, 10:08:59 AM »
Lysterine got a +9 def buff when I classes her into a warlock, which doesn’t even make sense but I l’m not going to complain because her defense was 4 and she could get killed by a stiff breeze.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #187 on: August 08, 2019, 02:01:22 PM »
Oh dear things are getting serious and just after I recruit Mercedes too....  :'(

make Marianne useful
Make her do the dance thing (I assume most pick Dorothea instead). She has an insane charm score.

chapter 9
Nooo, not Jeralt.

I will bathe in the blood of thine enemies lady Edelgard.
But why did you trust Monica (and who in the monastery isn't actually evil or a treasonous asshole outside of the students  :lol ).


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #188 on: August 08, 2019, 04:20:48 PM »
So I’m way overleveled. I did a lot of battling that first month and was fighting lvl.9 maps, my team lvls range from like 7-12 with the big hitters being 11/12.

Did that story mission at the end of the month and the enemies were lvl...4, with a lvl.6 boss.

So basically are the optional battle missions gonna be higher level than the story missions so if you do then you’re gonna be overleveled for story maps? Was way too easy when 5 levels above the enemy. Barely take any damage so can just rush them.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #189 on: August 08, 2019, 04:43:17 PM »
Usually the optional battles are lower than the story battles, but it varies. Game is pretty easy even when you’re appropriately leveled, though.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #190 on: August 08, 2019, 10:21:32 PM »
Beat it.

Total Time: 47:31

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I married Edie (although I was tempted to pick Sothis just to fully embrace the wokeness of the first game to allow you to romance a headmate  :brain). Hubert and Petra, Ferdinand and Bernadetta, and Sylvain and Dorothea also got married. The epilogue reassured us that Hubie and Petra had tons of sex and popped out like a dozen kids.

Immediately started New Game+ and bought my way back to Professor Level A-tier. :lawd
« Last Edit: August 08, 2019, 10:42:24 PM by Joe Molotov »


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #191 on: August 08, 2019, 10:52:11 PM »
How do you spend renown? Has it just not opened up yet in Ch.4?

If you have 3 weekends in a month, what’s the recommended way to go for efficiency? 1 explore, 1 battle, 1 ???

Joe Molotov

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #192 on: August 08, 2019, 11:00:07 PM »
How do you spend renown? Has it just not opened up yet in Ch.4?

If you have 3 weekends in a month, what’s the recommended way to go for efficiency? 1 explore, 1 battle, 1 ???

I think you're able to spend renown in Chapter 5. There are four statues in the far-right corner of the Cathedral and a guy that improves them for renown.

Explore the first week, battle the second week, then on the third week battle if you have any side-quest battles or paralogue battles left undone, otherwise explore again. I never rested and did a Seminar maybe three times total.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #193 on: August 08, 2019, 11:01:00 PM »
How do you spend renown? Has it just not opened up yet in Ch.4?

If you have 3 weekends in a month, what’s the recommended way to go for efficiency? 1 explore, 1 battle, 1 ???

You can unlock renown spending in a side quest in Ch 5

I would do 1 battle weekend (do it on a Sunday where the calendar shows you won't be having class the next Monday so you don't miss out on motivating anyone via gifts, items, etc) per month and the rest explores. Seminars may make sense early on before you get your professor level up to the point where you can do a bunch of different things (tournaments, dinners, tea times, faculty instruction, etc) during your exploration


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #194 on: August 08, 2019, 11:28:04 PM »
I feel like battles can be pretty motivating. I did a battle for 2nd weekend and the seminar the next day had almost everyone at max motivation (1 person was orange). Plus in battles I feel like you gain a lot of skill xp (maybe as much as a seminar?) by using the skills and gain a lot of support points by keeping people close together so you get a bunch of hearts every attack.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #195 on: August 09, 2019, 12:42:17 AM »
If you obtain a mastered ability or art from a class, are you able to use them on other classes?


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #196 on: August 09, 2019, 12:45:17 AM »
Oh, does using skills generate more skill so than just an attack? I didn’t know that.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #197 on: August 09, 2019, 01:17:20 AM »
No idea, I meant skill xp by like if you attack with a sword you get sword skill xp.

Got to Ch.5, story & characters are pretty good. Seems like there’s a ton of interaction cutscenes for each character which is impressive given that there’s probably 30-40 characters. Decided I’m gonna try to waifu Claude because none of the gals in this are appealing to me. The professor that dresses like she’s clubbing is alright too.

Tea time is fricken hard and wtf is the zoom around shit if you beat it. That was weird.

I guess should go for tea time every birthday for the chance to increase charisma stat. I’m kinda surprised my authority stat sucks, being the teacher and all. Need to get that and Cha up to recruit Dorothea.

My only real complaint is that a couple chapters in and the gameplay loop already feels pretty repetitive. Feels like just running a bunch of chores (including auxiliary battles) over and over between cutscenes and main story bits. Luckily there are lots of character cutscenes scattered between and growing your stats and getting stronger is fun even if it feels kinda same-y.

Also I can see how the game is pretty replayable since half the story are the support cutscenes character stories for your house and each house has it’s own. That being said I doubt I’d replay it since the other half is the same story. But maybe in NG+ just rest every weekend and auto-instruct to blow through the story and watch support cutscenes.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #198 on: August 09, 2019, 01:43:45 AM »
In my 2nd playthrough on ch 7 and I've already recruited 6 of the Golden Deer students to join, lol


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #199 on: August 09, 2019, 06:33:37 AM »
Finished my first play through and feel like I missed half the plot

Joe Molotov

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #200 on: August 09, 2019, 10:37:14 AM »
My understanding of the plot is:


Great Rumbler

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #201 on: August 09, 2019, 01:55:06 PM »
lol dimitri

Joe Molotov

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #202 on: August 09, 2019, 07:29:17 PM »
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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #203 on: August 09, 2019, 08:05:17 PM »
Starting a Golden Deer playthrough. Claude :noah


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #204 on: August 09, 2019, 09:11:48 PM »
Starting a Golden Deer playthrough. Claude :noah

Yeah, I wasn't paying attention to the whole LGBT outrage going on in this, but I read today you can't fuck Claude as a guy and can only fuck an old man or something and that was pretty odd considering out of all the guys I've met so far Claude comes across as the most bi-dude in the school.

Gonna have to settle for my tea times with Claude  :goty2


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #205 on: August 11, 2019, 11:27:23 AM »
I been playing with bae’s house and was going to go off with bae and say fuck the church, but it seems I missed some event and didn’t get the option.

I hope that the other houses have different missions the whole way through... but I half expect that they all end up in the same set of missions after the time skip.

Edit: in some ways this is one of the better fire emblem stories, but man the writing is really flat which brings it down a notch.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2019, 11:33:22 AM by kingv »


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #206 on: August 11, 2019, 02:09:39 PM »
The school chapter is wrapping up now I think because they are mentioning the graduation. I recruited nearly everyone I want except Leonie.
Showered her with flowers and other gifts, hopefully she comes around before this month is over. I don't care much for Raphael, Lorentz and Ashe.

Other than that I recruited pretty much everyone from all the houses.
From the Church set I didn't get Seteth and Catherine yet. Not sure if Catherine is recruitable anymore at this point.
I don't trust these Church people though so I don't care much about missing Seteth. Not spending any time on leveling Flayn either when I have Marianne dancing and healing everyone  :heart.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #207 on: August 12, 2019, 11:03:28 AM »
Fuck yeah I made the right decisions before the time skip  :hyper

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Teaming up with Hubert and Edelgard to destroy the Church of Seiros felt so good.
The only character I regret having to fight is Catheryn. I'm glad Rhea's little slave is dead. Such idiots for sticking with her.

But I could see that what the Church was doing was wrong and in the end she was just some monster pretending to be a person.
Still, it was sort of weird that you would go a school and then declare war on it just before your graduation.

It does make me curious about the other paths. Dimitri is pretty clear cut, you will have to fight for the Kingdom against the Empire.
Claude I'm not so sure about. Maybe he also sticks with the church. In this 'path' he's 'neutral' and there's infighting the Alliance that Edelgard can take advantage of.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #208 on: August 12, 2019, 03:52:58 PM »
The Blue Lions storyline sounds like such a snooze-fest. 

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"I must get revenge for my family! Wait, actually revenge is wrong, let's forgive them instead and be friends." :snore


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #209 on: August 13, 2019, 05:57:38 AM »
Every golden deer is a dumber version of a blue lion


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #210 on: August 13, 2019, 11:12:28 AM »
It stings a bit that...

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The first enemy I had to kill was Leonie. Poor soul didn't understand that I wanted her to join me despite showering her with gifts and now she's dead.
Alas, other students are also wondering about their choice to murder everyone and put Edelgard in power but I motivate them to keep going.

The battles are more tense and difficult now. Next up on the list our queen wants us to slay is Claude.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #211 on: August 13, 2019, 11:30:44 AM »
Betrayal can never be forgiven.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #212 on: August 14, 2019, 11:17:19 AM »
On that note
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I spared Claude, he was merely a Neutral country standing in the way of me and Edie's conquest. You could say he was like Holland, an aquatic capital and literally 2 days of fighting.
He was also sad Hilda and Leonie didn't retreat. It seems like if they survive the battle he tells the remaining Golden Deer that are still alive to join you.
In my case I had already recruited most of his house like Marianne (great as a Dancer btw) and Lysethia during the earlier chapters.

Now we march on the Kingdom to slay King Goth Emo and the deep state.

Hubert is such an evil dude, I wonder how he was even allowed into the officers academy in the first place.  :doge

Joe Molotov

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #213 on: August 14, 2019, 12:46:18 PM »
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I spared Claude, but Leonie still fought me in the last chapter, so I killed her dumb ass. Her dad got enraged and rushed at me, but his pathfinding was shit so he just kept running back and forth through the fire 😂

Great Rumbler

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #214 on: August 14, 2019, 12:59:44 PM »
Hubert is such an evil dude, I wonder how he was even allowed into the officers academy in the first place.  :doge



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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #215 on: August 14, 2019, 05:02:57 PM »
Things are moving fast now
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Flayn and Seteth are dead. Rhea lost her shit and now even the monks are defecting, LMAO

Edie is painting pictures of Byleth locked up in her room. Always a good sign when the leader does that.

Dorothea is way to worried about the war and not as fun to be around anymore.

Ingrid, Shamir etc. are surprisingly psyched to fight their old allies.

I think Hubert pleasures himself when he counts the dead but I haven't caught him doing it yet.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 05:46:58 PM by Nintex »


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #216 on: August 14, 2019, 05:17:05 PM »
Things are moving fast now
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Flayn and Seteth are dead. Rhea lost her shit and now even the monks are defecting, LMAO

Edie is painting pictures of Byleth locked up in her room. Always a good sign when the leader does that.

Dorothea is way to worried about the war and not as fun to be around anymore.

Ingrid, Shamir etc. are surprisingly psyched to fight their old allies.

I think Hubert pleasures himself when he counts the dead but I haven't caught him doing it yet.[/spoilers]
That’s only in “End of Fire Emblem 3.1: You are (not) a Weeb”


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #217 on: August 15, 2019, 04:54:00 AM »
Finished ch.5 with the beast fight, onto ch.6 now. I like the game and the story being interesting w/a solid cast is basically what's gonna get me to stick with this through the end given the fairly lengthy size of the campaign. For me the game is about an 8/10 at this point. It's repetitive in a Persona 3-5 way but story/characters/dungeons/combat isn't as good so the repetition sticks out more. The battles are ok, but feels weaker and less interesting than the battles I remember from the FE games I played on GBA and GC and general srpg tactics games like Matsuno stuff. My MC and Claude are like 2x the levels of all the enemies and the rest of my team is like 1-1.5x the levels so I can pretty much just run around one-shotting everyone on normal/classic. I recruited a few people already like Dorothea and Thunderbird sword professor, the latter which combined with my MC and Claude are all crazy OP.

But the battle maps are fun even if still pretty repetitive. My vague memory of old-school FE was maps were full of interesting things like chests and doors and people to talk regularly to break up the run up to guys and whack them gameplay. Here feels like bigger maps, more enemies, slower pace and they throw in one door or one chest sometimes.

Also I don't like that the map doesn't have a save when you beat it and go to a beast fight since for Ch.5 I think the map took about an hour and I was like what if I fuck up in the beast fight and have to do this again?

The teaching is fine but again it's just repetitive once you get the hang of it and assign goals and up motivation and instruct them. The school exploration bit is fun each month, but the sidequests are incredibly shallow just talk to one person and then talk to another and it's done usually.

There's a lot of complexity to the various jobs and building up your roster in skills and which characters to use in battle, but most of the actual game outside team construction is a bit shallower than I'd like which is why it's feeling more an enjoyable 8/10 than an exciting can't put down great srpg that I'd score higher. Since I skipped Awakenings & Fates, I wonder if I should go back to Awakenings after this (Fates doesn't look my kinda thing). I also skipped the Wii Radiant Dawn and the 3DS Remakes of FE1/2. Like I said I've been out of the FE game for a while now. I tried going back to RD but man that game is slow and ugly these days so I don't think I could do it.

Also the UI for inventory management is kinda bad. Is there seriously no sort button? Going through the item shop, armory, blacksmith, battalion shop all separately is kinda tedious.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #218 on: August 15, 2019, 07:03:05 AM »
They could've streamlined this game for sure. There is no reason to walk around the monastery as many times as we have to. And although fast travel helps a bit it feels like 90% wasted space.
Instead, having just 3 classrooms with the students and a hallway and some doors/objects that start the fishing, shopping, tournaments etc. would've been enough.


Human Snorenado

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #219 on: August 15, 2019, 10:41:41 AM »
Bebpo: "I've played less than 1/3 of the maps in the game, here are my complaints because obviously nothing will be different in the rest of the game"  :doge

Also, remember when you were battling every weekend and I told you that you should be exploring more? Yup, that's why you're overleveled and what's already an easy game is trivial in difficulty right now. BUT LET'S KEEP IGNORING EVERYTHING I TELL YOU BECAUSE IT'S MORE FUN THIS WAY.

I feel like if they'd kept the monastery as small as you're saying, Nintex, people would have bitched about there not being enough exploration. Persona 3 and 5 for sure (haven't played 4 in forever so not sure) have way more areas to go around to. Although, in their defense, it's not all schools in that case- there's town exploration too. Maybe they should have cut the monastery down a bit and given us a town to explore, that's a valid criticism.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #220 on: August 15, 2019, 12:09:03 PM »
Bebpo: "I've played less than 1/3 of the maps in the game, here are my complaints because obviously nothing will be different in the rest of the game"  :doge

To be fair, most games don't change much after the first 1/3rd.

Also, remember when you were battling every weekend and I told you that you should be exploring more? Yup, that's why you're overleveled and what's already an easy game is trivial in difficulty right now. BUT LET'S KEEP IGNORING EVERYTHING I TELL YOU BECAUSE IT'S MORE FUN THIS WAY.

Eh, I only did a couple more battles in the first chapter or two than your average player going by the %s. Like Ch.5 had 2 quests that were battle maps so I did both of those. Also I hardly gain xp in battle maps because they're like lvl.7 and my main MCs are lvl.16. Plus the characters I recruited later like thunderbird sword gal and dorothea are still really good and the former one-shots everything and I haven't done any optional battles with them.

It's easy to be overleveled because when you have a strong character it snowballs because you send them out and they kill everything and keep gaining more xp than the rest of your party. My MC being a standard swordguy + claude being a huge range bow guy is combo that basically takes everyone out, especially with stride cast on them and rally skills and stuff.

But yeah I should've played on hard

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and casual

that way tougher but if I lose someone on a bad roll, no big deal story-wise

I feel like if they'd kept the monastery as small as you're saying, Nintex, people would have bitched about there not being enough exploration. Persona 3 and 5 for sure (haven't played 4 in forever so not sure) have way more areas to go around to. Although, in their defense, it's not all schools in that case- there's town exploration too. Maybe they should have cut the monastery down a bit and given us a town to explore, that's a valid criticism.

I don't mind the size as much as there isn't a ton to do. Not really sure how the exploration days could be improved. They remind me a lot of Trails of Cold Steel 1/3, Tokyo Xanadu where you spend a lot of time just going through the same school hallways/rooms talking to everyone. Persona 3-5 imo is way smaller and more streamlined (hell P3P is menu-based) and you just pick and watch a couple events and it takes like 5-10 mins and then you're back at dungeon/battle/cutscenes which I just prefer for pacing reasons to spending 30-60 mins each school section in FE and Cold Steel/Xanadu.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #221 on: August 15, 2019, 01:25:33 PM »
In my route there's not a lot to do anymore in the monastery except collect vegetables for good boi Hubert.
The only two 'new' quests that popped up over the last 4 months that had any effect on the hub area were finding a lost item for Anna so she could set-up shop and unlocking Hubert's merchant friend.

I still went through the whole thing at least once a month to get all the conversations and shower my waifu's with gifts and drink tea but it feels redundant in this phase of the game.
It sorta feels weird to have all these activity points and no activities except for skill training unlocked on every character. But there is no one to recruit anymore, so there's no benefit in leveling unused skills.

Still really enjoying it but there's plenty of room for improvement and polish in the sequel.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #222 on: August 16, 2019, 12:54:57 PM »
endgame spoilers
Is route 4 made so you feel bad about helping the Church in the other 3 routes? (at least, I assume that's what you do in those routes).
They've just set fire to the capital city before the final battle. With each act Edelgard seems more compassionate and the Church more evil.

Anyhow if I'm reading these conversations right Hubie will end up with Dorothea and Edie with Byleth  :heart


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #223 on: August 16, 2019, 03:39:27 PM »
Completed the Black Eagles route

spoiler (click to show/hide)
In the end
- Bernadetta :heart Hubert (seriously)
- Dorothea :heart Ferdinand (totally forgot this happened)
- Byleth :heart Edelgard

Shamir, Felix etc. all became killers/loners/incels.
Ignatz a painter, Mercedes runs an orphanage.
Petra went to back to Brigid an experienced ruler
Ingrid took over a nice piece of land
Edie made Casper her minister of military affairs

Saddest was Lysethia, she just vanished into obscurity.

Also pretty shitty from Nintendo to not give Koei Tecmo much credit prior to release for developing basically the entire game.  :lol


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #224 on: August 16, 2019, 04:58:24 PM »
endgame spoilers
Is route 4 made so you feel bad about helping the Church in the other 3 routes? (at least, I assume that's what you do in those routes).
They've just set fire to the capital city before the final battle. With each act Edelgard seems more compassionate and the Church more evil.

Anyhow if I'm reading these conversations right Hubie will end up with Dorothea and Edie with Byleth  :heart

I haven’t beaten route 3 yet, but I kind of expect you never play on the bad guy team... or if you do, you reroll obviously tricked into it and change teams near the end.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #225 on: August 16, 2019, 05:33:23 PM »
From what I've gathered there are 4 outcomes and the paths greatly differ in terms of who you fight and what the bosses are.
Each path has about 10 chapters, except Crimson Flower(Edelgard), which has 6.

In Edelgard's path you don't actually get to fight the 'real' bad guys. That happens in the epilogue.
Not sure if they ran out development time or it was difficult to integrate in that path.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #226 on: August 16, 2019, 06:08:07 PM »
Oh wait, it's 10 chapters? Oh, this game is a lot shorter than I thought if you're just doing one path. I googled how many chapters there were in a route and google told me 22 chapters which is why I felt like this gameplay loop was already getting repetitive when there's still another 18 chapters to go from ch.6. 10 sounds good to me.

Also I thought the
spoiler (click to show/hide)

Was gonna happen like midway, but I'm basically midway already, hmmm...

Also I'm only like 12 hours gametime. So is each route only like 25 hours? I thought they said 80 per route pre-release which is why 22 sounded right.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #227 on: August 16, 2019, 06:19:32 PM »
Oh wait, it's 10 chapters? Oh, this game is a lot shorter than I thought if you're just doing one path. I googled how many chapters there were in a route and google told me 22 chapters which is why I felt like this gameplay loop was already getting repetitive when there's still another 18 chapters to go from ch.6. 10 sounds good to me.

Also I thought the
spoiler (click to show/hide)

Was gonna happen like midway, but I'm basically midway already, hmmm...

Also I'm only like 12 hours gametime. So is each route only like 25 hours? I thought they said 80 per route pre-release which is why 22 sounded right.
I only counted the chapters post time-skip.

The school bit is 12 chapters I think, so the 22 chapters is spot on.
I finished the Edelgard route in about 50 hours, including all paralogue battles and sidequests and spending quite some time drinking tea.

If you have yet to experience the time skip than you haven't seen any real battles yet.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2019, 06:23:43 PM by Nintex »

Human Snorenado

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #228 on: August 16, 2019, 06:21:22 PM »
Benji got a shoutout from a youtuber, bless up



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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #229 on: August 16, 2019, 06:44:49 PM »
Oh wait, it's 10 chapters? Oh, this game is a lot shorter than I thought if you're just doing one path. I googled how many chapters there were in a route and google told me 22 chapters which is why I felt like this gameplay loop was already getting repetitive when there's still another 18 chapters to go from ch.6. 10 sounds good to me.

Also I thought the
spoiler (click to show/hide)

Was gonna happen like midway, but I'm basically midway already, hmmm...

Also I'm only like 12 hours gametime. So is each route only like 25 hours? I thought they said 80 per route pre-release which is why 22 sounded right.
I only counted the chapters post time-skip.

The school bit is 12 chapters I think, so the 22 chapters is spot on.
I finished the Edelgard route in about 50 hours, including all paralogue battles and sidequests and spending quite some time drinking tea.

If you have yet to experience the time skip than you haven't seen any real battles yet.

Ok, cool. Sounds good.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #230 on: August 17, 2019, 03:09:48 PM »
So rare monsters give special items if you break all 4 tiles.
But what do you do when you’re too strong and your attacks kill the monster in less than 4 attacks? Did an optional rare monster sighting battle and it died on the 3rd attack since it only had 2 lifebars as opposed to 3 with the Ch.5 boss monster?

Human Snorenado

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #231 on: August 17, 2019, 05:10:34 PM »
So rare monsters give special items if you break all 4 tiles.
But what do you do when you’re too strong and your attacks kill the monster in less than 4 attacks? Did an optional rare monster sighting battle and it died on the 3rd attack since it only had 2 lifebars as opposed to 3 with the Ch.5 boss monster?

Use training weapons and combat arts, which only hit once so you don't double up on attacks. Avoid using characters with high crit chance if they don't have the crit shield thing/abilitly.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #232 on: August 17, 2019, 07:26:04 PM »
Use battalions as well. Most gambits don't do enough damage to kill the monsters but will destroy a tile.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #233 on: August 17, 2019, 08:38:04 PM »
Although if you're that OP, you don't really need the items anyway. They just let your repair/forge your already OP crest weapons.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #234 on: August 17, 2019, 11:10:33 PM »
Although if you're that OP, you don't really need the items anyway. They just let your repair/forge your already OP crest weapons.

You need Mythril to forge dem special rusted weapons tho



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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #235 on: August 18, 2019, 04:38:59 AM »
Dude, I’m 50 hours in, and only on Ch. 9  :doge

How the hell are people beating the whole game in that time :confused

Does the game just fly post time skip?


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #236 on: August 18, 2019, 06:57:46 AM »
I've played a ton of Fire Emblem including Echoes so I could do most battles in 5 - 10 turns and some in 3.
Next up is a hardcore Blue Lion run. The best thing about 3 Houses is that you get 4 Fire Emblem games.  :aah

My strategy was pretty much:
- Bernadette / Shamir with the longbow to take out any horses or flyers
- Dorothea with the meteor on the archers
- Ferdinand / Silvain / Ingrid storming in on horses/pegasus
- Byleth / Petra / Felix / Edelgard on the front lines with axes and swords (feeding Edelgard/Byleth with speed fruit and equipping speed rings so they could cover more distance)
- Hubert / Casper for the clean-up
- Lindhart and later Marianne for healing, and once Marianne was a Dancer Edelgard could kill 5 dudes in 2 turns. (2 attacks with the hand axe and 3 counters of enemies dumb enough to attack her)


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #237 on: August 19, 2019, 05:16:39 PM »
broke: edelgard did nothing wrong

woke: rhea did nothing wrong

bespoke: rhea dummy thicc

Human Snorenado

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #238 on: August 19, 2019, 05:18:33 PM »
Dem thighs make me wanna sin


Joe Molotov

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Hogsona thread of pick your waifu
« Reply #239 on: August 19, 2019, 06:41:24 PM »
I'm going to fash it up for my 2nd playthrough, joining the Blue Lions and s-ranking Rhea.