Author Topic: Corona Thread |OT| Nu variant, who dis?  (Read 1089651 times)

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8100 on: May 16, 2020, 09:40:37 PM »
So, so, you know, a lot of the concerns were about that, the uncertainty bounds... but that's a separate issue from getting somewhere close to the, you know, the inaccuracy.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8101 on: May 16, 2020, 09:40:45 PM »
Someone in this thread quoted Ioannidis a while back but I'm not going to say who it was cause Leadbelly would get defensive about it.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8103 on: May 16, 2020, 09:53:49 PM »
Feels like we're headed towards some weird middle of the road response, where enough people start going out that we can't get control of the virus, but enough people stay careful that the economy (especially restaurants/hospitality/airlines) doesn't rebound, and the semi-reopening makes the political leadership complacent about the money printer going brrrrr.

So we get to have a half-assed public health response AND a half-assed fiscal response.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8104 on: May 16, 2020, 09:58:05 PM »
I don't think we're going to have even a half-assed fiscal response. I think we're going to going to let state coffers generally dry up and slash important services, with state entitlement programs being the most vulnerable, and the huge gridlock factor in american politics will make any meaningful response at least half a year late. I expect another year of intense (and unnecessary) human misery against the backdrop of nearly two hundred thousand dead americans.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8105 on: May 16, 2020, 10:00:53 PM »
thoughts and prayers tho

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8106 on: May 16, 2020, 10:01:05 PM »
the tales of apocalypse throughout human history were only wishful thinking  :doge


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8107 on: May 16, 2020, 10:07:02 PM »

Patio bars are open in Ohio. All are packed tonight.

Coffee Dog

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8108 on: May 16, 2020, 10:12:13 PM »
The vulnerable are protecting themselves, but out here the rest of them aren't concerned for just too many different reasons; repub brainworms, dont think its worse than flu, got antsy staying home, resistance to big govmint, and just a generally stupid out of sight out of mind. If there was more of a response federally I think this could be contained somewhat, but in absence of that we simply have many different americans with many different truths, the only throughline being that it's a neighbor's problem but never your own. People are dying at the altar of Truthiness.  :-\


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8109 on: May 16, 2020, 10:13:34 PM »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8110 on: May 16, 2020, 10:15:02 PM »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8111 on: May 16, 2020, 10:21:32 PM »
US is now at 1.5 mil cases and 90k reported deaths. 


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8112 on: May 16, 2020, 10:37:20 PM »
not great, not terrible

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8113 on: May 16, 2020, 10:44:08 PM »
It also basically guarantees at least 200k deaths before this is over.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| Money-printer goes BRRRR
« Reply #8114 on: May 16, 2020, 10:45:36 PM »
China still faces the "big challenge" of a potential second wave of Covid-19 infections, the country's top respiratory authority has warned, with the lack of immunity among the community a serious concern as the race to develop a vaccine continues.

Dr. Zhong Nanshan, the Chinese government's senior medical adviser and the public face of the country's fight against Covid-19, also confirmed in an exclusive interview with CNN on Saturday that local authorities in Wuhan, the city where the novel coronavirus was first reported in December, had suppressed key details about the magnitude of the initial outbreak.
China has reported more than 82,000 coronavirus cases, with at least 4,633 deaths, according to data from the country's National Health Commission (NHC). The number of new infections surged quickly in late January, prompting city lockdowns and nationwide travel bans.

By early February, China was reporting as many as 3,887 fresh cases a day. A month later, however, daily cases had dropped into the double digits -- while in the US, the number of daily infections skyrocketed, from 47 new cases on March 6 to 22,562 by the end of the month.

Having now largely contained the virus, life in China is slowly returning to normal. Lockdowns have eased and some schools and factories have reopened across the country.

Zhong is known as the "SARS hero" in China for combating the severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic in 2003. This time around, he has led the country's coronavirus response -- especially in the critical early stages of the outbreak.
On January 20, it was Zhong who confirmed on state broadcaster CCTV that the coronavirus can be transmitted between people, after Wuhan health authorities had maintained for weeks that there was no clear evidence for human-to-human transmission, and that the outbreak was "preventable and controllable."
Heading a team of experts dispatched by the NHC to investigate the initial outbreak, Zhong visited Wuhan on January 18. He said that upon his arrival, he received many calls from doctors and former students, warning him that the situation was much worse than the official reports had claimed.

"The local authorities, they didn't like to tell the truth at that time," Zhong said.
"At the very beginning they kept silent, and then I said probably we have (a larger) number of people being infected."

Zhong said he became suspicious when the number of officially reported cases in Wuhan remained at 41 for more than 10 days -- despite infections emerging overseas.
"I didn't believe that result, so I (kept) asking and then, you have to give me the real number," he said. "I suppose they are very reluctant to answer my question."

Great Rumbler

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8115 on: May 16, 2020, 10:51:15 PM »
-Russia will pass Spain tomorrow for 2nd most cases worldwide, they also had their worst day for deaths today.
-Brazil jumped into 4th place and had the most daily cases outside of the US, deaths have averaged 800 per day for the past 5 days.
-India and Peru are both ramping up in terms of new cases and are likely next up to be global hotspots.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8116 on: May 16, 2020, 10:53:22 PM »

All 120 COVID-19 cases in New Brunswick have now recovered

Positive Touch

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8117 on: May 16, 2020, 11:31:47 PM »
completely shocked to see that the worst-hit countries are all run by fascist morons who promote doing whatever the fuck you want at the expense of society


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8118 on: May 17, 2020, 02:23:01 AM »
What's with the title? More than 300,000 have died worldwide.

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8120 on: May 17, 2020, 06:41:32 AM »
Charlie Brooker breaks it all down in Antiviral Wipe


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8122 on: May 17, 2020, 11:57:31 AM »

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many observant Jews have found themselves forced to confront the theological implications of a plague that has subverted popular assumptions regarding reward and punishment.

Ultra-Orthodox communities in Israel have seen the lion’s share of infections and deaths from COVID-19, at the same time as Jewish communities abroad have been disproportionately affected, with high infection rates in Hasidic neighborhoods from New York to London.

The high rate of infection in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods was all the more shocking to some in the wake of early assurances by community leaders that their religious observance would provide divine protection.

As the virus began to spread in Israel, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, the foremost leader of Lithuanian ultra-Orthodoxy, announced through a spokesman that study halls should remain open, as “canceling Torah study is more dangerous than coronavirus.”

Taking their cue from Kanievsky, some members of the community at first assumed that not only did they not have to take drastic steps to staunch the spread of the virus, but that they were essentially immune.

“The Torah protects us. We don’t need to do anything,” one yeshiva student said at the time.

On Sunday, reflecting the zeitgeist in his community, Interior Minister Aryeh Deri called on Israel’s ultra-Orthodox to take stock of their actions in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We need to do very deep soul-searching,” the ultra-Orthodox politician said, asserting that God was “telling us something.”

Several days earlier, Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, one of the leaders of the Lithuanian branch of non-Hasidic ultra-Orthodoxy, told followers that their community was bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic because secular Jews weren’t as prone to divine retribution as the religious, whose sins are judged more harshly by God.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8123 on: May 17, 2020, 11:59:05 AM »
Man, I just can't even anymore.
I used to be surprised that Trump was elected president and we have so many idiots running government positions.

But seeing people and communities reactions to Covid-19, crowded bars, protests to open up and die,
the lack of people giving a shit about voting and electing competent people makes sense,

Americans just, as a whole, don't give a shit about anything besides themselves.

When this whole pandemic is done, if I make it through this, even if Biden wins and is trying to fix some stuff with the dems, I think I'm gonna really look into the requirements to make the move to Canada and become a citizen.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8124 on: May 17, 2020, 12:01:17 PM »
Americans just, as a whole, don't give a shit about anything besides themselves.

When this whole pandemic is done, if I make it through this, even if Biden wins and is trying to fix some stuff with the dems, I think I'm gonna really look into the requirements to make the move to Canada and become a citizen.

People being stupid and only giving a shit about themselves is not just an American thing.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8125 on: May 17, 2020, 12:05:53 PM »
americans that don't care are just getting more news coverage is how i see it, people that stay home don't make for good headlines.

at least here its a minority of overall people that are being dicks and the majority seem to be following the guidelines and wearing masks, social distancing, etc.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8126 on: May 17, 2020, 12:09:10 PM »
What this pandemic has done is further cement the idea to get the hell away from a big city and go live further out, away from the crowds and general idiocy.  When I was younger, I wanted to live in the city.  Now, at almost 40, it's the exact opposite- just give me some fast enough Internets and I'm good.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8127 on: May 17, 2020, 12:24:01 PM »
What this pandemic has done is further cement the idea to get the hell away from a big city and go live further out, away from the crowds and general idiocy.  When I was younger, I wanted to live in the city.  Now, at almost 40, it's the exact opposite- just give me some fast enough Internets and I'm good.

I think that's going to be one of the bigger takeaways here, is that yeah, maybe people should start living in their own plot of land that isn't shared instead of in the city in large apartment/condo complexes.



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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8128 on: May 17, 2020, 12:28:09 PM »
America basically:

hahahahahaha How The Fuck is Corona Real Hahahaha, Nicca Just Walk Outside, Just Close Your Mouth Hahahahaha


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8129 on: May 17, 2020, 12:40:45 PM »
To me it seems like a lot of people want to do the right thing but find it very difficult as this drags on longer. There's no 'feedback' so to speak that shows you that staying home is a good thing. I don't at all find it strange that people want to go out again.
Especially the more social, outgoing types. And once you're out the door and you distance, well what is all the fuss about?

Scientists and doctors are also not great at giving 'straight' answers because this is a new virus and they simply don't know how long it takes to develop a vaccine, what sort of cure will work, who is vulnerable and/or how exactly it is and isn't transmitted etc. .
In a consumer based society that is based on 'instant gratification' their methods and explanations simply don't give the answers people expect. And as they learn more about the virus at the same time their recommendations, projections and answers change. Which makes them 'unreliable'.

Most governments try to 'fix' this by doing visible things like order masks, increase the number of tests, set-up emergency hospitals etc. because those are practical things that people can see.
In a way this reminds me of McNamara reporting on the Vietnam war. He would have all these statistics and numbers to show that 'yes', the US was winning the war.
From the number of enemies KIA to the amount of sorties and bombs used etc. . And even though 'on paper' they were winning it, the sentiment was very different. Both in the US itself as well as among the Vietcong.

Trump and other heads of state are saying that they're winning. But are they though? We don't really know until we start to open up.
Some people indeed agree that we won and things should re-open (or they didn't believe the virus was a big deal anyway), others think governments the world over are just 'out of options' and simply have no choice but to open up their economies again as this will drag on for years. And finally there's a group that feels that if we open up now it will be disaster and we should at least wait another 2 - 3 months.

I'm confident that the measures like social distancing, not shaking-hands etc. on a global scale will reduce the spread.
But keeping everyone inside for much longer will likely make matters worse for the health and welfare of many people in the long run.

It's a difficult situation and I don't think you can just call people 'stupid' for wanting to go back to work or back to their lives.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2020, 12:48:14 PM by Nintex »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8130 on: May 17, 2020, 12:47:57 PM »
What this pandemic has done is further cement the idea to get the hell away from a big city and go live further out, away from the crowds and general idiocy.  When I was younger, I wanted to live in the city.  Now, at almost 40, it's the exact opposite- just give me some fast enough Internets and I'm good.

I don't know man, I hear you and I've always felt like I could retire a bit further out since outside social friends I just mail order everything anyhow.

But if you're in some rural area, you're still going to interact with your community when you're in town doing things and if you think people there are gonna be better about things like covid than in a city...I just feel that's an unrealistic expectation.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8131 on: May 17, 2020, 12:54:40 PM »
To me it seems like a lot of people want to do the right thing but find it very difficult as this drags on longer. There's no 'feedback' so to speak that shows you that staying home is a good thing. I don't at all find it strange that people want to go out again.
Especially the more social, outgoing types. And once you're out the door and you distance, well what is all the fuss about?


I'm confident that the measures like social distancing, not shaking-hands etc. on a global scale will reduce the spread.
But keeping everyone inside for much longer will likely make matters worse for the health and welfare of many people in the long run.

It's a difficult situation and I don't think you can just call people 'stupid' for wanting to go back to work or back to their lives.

They're stupid- they're not social distancing and are acting like this situation is over with. 


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8132 on: May 17, 2020, 12:56:40 PM »
What this pandemic has done is further cement the idea to get the hell away from a big city and go live further out, away from the crowds and general idiocy.  When I was younger, I wanted to live in the city.  Now, at almost 40, it's the exact opposite- just give me some fast enough Internets and I'm good.

I don't know man, I hear you and I've always felt like I could retire a bit further out since outside social friends I just mail order everything anyhow.

But if you're in some rural area, you're still going to interact with your community when you're in town doing things and if you think people there are gonna be better about things like covid than in a city...I just feel that's an unrealistic expectation.

This is true, but there would still be generally less people out and about.  Am not thinking just COVID here, either- I want to get away from crowds and especially the awful traffic and crazy highways where I live.  I'm kind of stuck where I am for now, however, and am making the best of it.  At least where I live is generally pretty quiet.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8133 on: May 17, 2020, 01:01:27 PM »
What this pandemic has done is further cement the idea to get the hell away from a big city and go live further out, away from the crowds and general idiocy.  When I was younger, I wanted to live in the city.  Now, at almost 40, it's the exact opposite- just give me some fast enough Internets and I'm good.

I don't know man, I hear you and I've always felt like I could retire a bit further out since outside social friends I just mail order everything anyhow.

But if you're in some rural area, you're still going to interact with your community when you're in town doing things and if you think people there are gonna be better about things like covid than in a city...I just feel that's an unrealistic expectation.

This is true, but there would still be generally less people out and about.  Am not thinking just COVID here, either- I want to get away from crowds and especially the awful traffic and crazy highways where I live.  I'm kind of stuck where I am for now, however, and am making the best of it.  At least where I live is generally pretty quiet.

Yeah, I'm just thinking about Covid right now.

But still, I live in a fairly old boomers red small city and there's Obama hitler signs everywhere and neighbors complaining about "those damned asians bringing their virus" and all kinds of bullshit. I'd imagine a small midwest town would be pretty similar. Every time you're in town and try to have a conversation with someone, you just gotta nod and get away as soon as you can.

I like that in cities when I talk to people often they're pretty reasonable, liberal and and easier to get along with.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8134 on: May 17, 2020, 01:01:38 PM »
What this pandemic has done is further cement the idea to get the hell away from a big city and go live further out, away from the crowds and general idiocy.  When I was younger, I wanted to live in the city.  Now, at almost 40, it's the exact opposite- just give me some fast enough Internets and I'm good.

i'm the opposite. i wanted to move far away into rural parts when i was younger but warmed up to city life once i realized that driving 20 miles to the nearest grocery store might be a pain in the ass. of course, i grew up in a grungy, dirty neighborhood which initially colored my perceptions of city life.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8135 on: May 17, 2020, 01:07:38 PM »
One thing that sucks about Covid-19 is I'm probably going to lose another group of irl friends because of it. I had a friend group for 3-5 years that fell apart because relationship drama stuff and then I went a couple years with no social friend group outside online and it was depressing. I made a new friend group about 3 years ago and we've been really good and tight, but the last couple months has been rough and I'm getting more and more distanced from my friends.

The problem is my friends are mostly being dumb about covid-19 and since they won't listen to reason I've basically been not talking much with them. Once things open up a bit more soon, they'll be out and about at bars, restaurants, doing social stuff like nothing changed, etc... and I'm going to be not going to any of that and all their chat is gonna be about planning outtings and stuff and I'm gonna ignore all that since no point anymore in me trying to bring reason in. So basically I'm gonna get left behind and in a year or whatever if hopefully there is a vaccine and we're all past this and I get back to going out again, it'll be like "hey there kids" and haven't seen them for a year and will be an outsider now.

Like they all went out and did a 30th birthday taco party last night playing games outdoors and things and I was the only one in our friend group that didn't go.

I guess this is the down side that I usually hang irl with people about 5-10 years younger and people under 35 just aren't taking this seriously.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8136 on: May 17, 2020, 01:08:53 PM »
What this pandemic has done is further cement the idea to get the hell away from a big city and go live further out, away from the crowds and general idiocy.  When I was younger, I wanted to live in the city.  Now, at almost 40, it's the exact opposite- just give me some fast enough Internets and I'm good.

i'm the opposite. i wanted to move far away into rural parts when i was younger but warmed up to city life once i realized that driving 20 miles to the nearest grocery store might be a pain in the ass. of course, i grew up in a grungy, dirty neighborhood which initially colored my perceptions of city life.

I wouldn't want to live that far out, either.  I'm OK with a smaller city.  For reference I live in ATL and moving even to a neighboring city in Georgia would probably work for me.  Or just further out.  As much I like the convenience of being close enough to where I work, I'd be up for a longer drive to live out in a less crowded area. 

I actually like where I am until I have to get on the highway, lol.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8137 on: May 17, 2020, 01:15:39 PM »
One thing that sucks about Covid-19 is I'm probably going to lose another group of irl friends because of it. I had a friend group for 3-5 years that fell apart because relationship drama stuff and then I went a couple years with no social friend group outside online and it was depressing. I made a new friend group about 3 years ago and we've been really good and tight, but the last couple months has been rough and I'm getting more and more distanced from my friends.

The problem is my friends are mostly being dumb about covid-19 and since they won't listen to reason I've basically been not talking much with them. Once things open up a bit more soon, they'll be out and about at bars, restaurants, doing social stuff like nothing changed, etc... and I'm going to be not going to any of that and all their chat is gonna be about planning outtings and stuff and I'm gonna ignore all that since no point anymore in me trying to bring reason in. So basically I'm gonna get left behind and in a year or whatever if hopefully there is a vaccine and we're all past this and I get back to going out again, it'll be like "hey there kids" and haven't seen them for a year and will be an outsider now.

Like they all went out and did a 30th birthday taco party last night playing games outdoors and things and I was the only one in our friend group that didn't go.

I guess this is the down side that I usually hang irl with people about 5-10 years younger and people under 35 just aren't taking this seriously.


Things are very different for me.  I'm a social hermit and don't see friends very often anymore, either due to people having moved away, had kids, or both.  And now with a kid on the way in a few months I'm not going to have time for socializing anyway.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8138 on: May 17, 2020, 01:17:03 PM »
What this pandemic has done is further cement the idea to get the hell away from a big city and go live further out, away from the crowds and general idiocy.  When I was younger, I wanted to live in the city.  Now, at almost 40, it's the exact opposite- just give me some fast enough Internets and I'm good.

I don't know man, I hear you and I've always felt like I could retire a bit further out since outside social friends I just mail order everything anyhow.

But if you're in some rural area, you're still going to interact with your community when you're in town doing things and if you think people there are gonna be better about things like covid than in a city...I just feel that's an unrealistic expectation.

This is true, but there would still be generally less people out and about.  Am not thinking just COVID here, either- I want to get away from crowds and especially the awful traffic and crazy highways where I live.  I'm kind of stuck where I am for now, however, and am making the best of it.  At least where I live is generally pretty quiet.

Yeah, I'm just thinking about Covid right now.

But still, I live in a fairly old boomers red small city and there's Obama hitler signs everywhere and neighbors complaining about "those damned asians bringing their virus" and all kinds of bullshit. I'd imagine a small midwest town would be pretty similar. Every time you're in town and try to have a conversation with someone, you just gotta nod and get away as soon as you can.

I like that in cities when I talk to people often they're pretty reasonable, liberal and and easier to get along with.

How is it that I live in the south and don't have that kind of dumb shit going on with my neighbors?  Guess I'm closer to the city than I thought.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8139 on: May 17, 2020, 01:35:26 PM »
One thing that sucks about Covid-19 is I'm probably going to lose another group of irl friends because of it. I had a friend group for 3-5 years that fell apart because relationship drama stuff and then I went a couple years with no social friend group outside online and it was depressing. I made a new friend group about 3 years ago and we've been really good and tight, but the last couple months has been rough and I'm getting more and more distanced from my friends.

The problem is my friends are mostly being dumb about covid-19 and since they won't listen to reason I've basically been not talking much with them. Once things open up a bit more soon, they'll be out and about at bars, restaurants, doing social stuff like nothing changed, etc... and I'm going to be not going to any of that and all their chat is gonna be about planning outtings and stuff and I'm gonna ignore all that since no point anymore in me trying to bring reason in. So basically I'm gonna get left behind and in a year or whatever if hopefully there is a vaccine and we're all past this and I get back to going out again, it'll be like "hey there kids" and haven't seen them for a year and will be an outsider now.

Like they all went out and did a 30th birthday taco party last night playing games outdoors and things and I was the only one in our friend group that didn't go.

I guess this is the down side that I usually hang irl with people about 5-10 years younger and people under 35 just aren't taking this seriously.


Things are very different for me.  I'm a social hermit and don't see friends very often anymore, either due to people having moved away, had kids, or both.  And now with a kid on the way in a few months I'm not going to have time for socializing anyway.

Yeah, that's normal. If I was married and/or had kids I probably wouldn't have much of a social irl friend group outside some drinking/movie buddies.

For me having an active social life and friends is great for expanding interests, having support group, getting introduced to new single people and improving social skills, so it's an important part of my life that I'll need to get back on track when this is all over. I mean it especially comes up when I'm dating and it gives me lots of things to talk about because I'm organizing all these horror events and social stuff in addition to my hobbies/work/self-care.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8141 on: May 17, 2020, 01:46:28 PM »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8142 on: May 17, 2020, 01:50:03 PM »
What this pandemic has done is further cement the idea to get the hell away from a big city and go live further out, away from the crowds and general idiocy.  When I was younger, I wanted to live in the city.  Now, at almost 40, it's the exact opposite- just give me some fast enough Internets and I'm good.

i'm the opposite. i wanted to move far away into rural parts when i was younger but warmed up to city life once i realized that driving 20 miles to the nearest grocery store might be a pain in the ass. of course, i grew up in a grungy, dirty neighborhood which initially colored my perceptions of city life.

I wouldn't want to live that far out, either.  I'm OK with a smaller city.  For reference I live in ATL and moving even to a neighboring city in Georgia would probably work for me.  Or just further out.  As much I like the convenience of being close enough to where I work, I'd be up for a longer drive to live out in a less crowded area. 

I actually like where I am until I have to get on the highway, lol.

Yeah, it's a bit different in L.A. since most of the smaller cities in the area are still interconnected where the boundaries are literally different streets. You'll have to go to the outskirts of the county in order to find areas that aren't developed yet, and the other issue is that there's no cheap area for people with the suburb cities costing just as much or even more than living in L.A. proper. to move to even if they wanted to.  We'll see in 6 months if house bubble pops and thousands of households can't pay their mortgages or renters can't pay their rent, which means landlords can't pay their mortgages, etc.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona [in the US]
« Reply #8144 on: May 17, 2020, 03:17:58 PM »

We’re going to scale up commercial manufacturing and produce hundreds of millions of doses at risk. They may not pan out, they may not prove to be safe and effective but we’ll have it so we can begin administration right away.”

The fuck is wrong with this country :goty

I'll just continue to stay home, thank you very much.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona [in the US]
« Reply #8145 on: May 17, 2020, 03:57:45 PM »


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8147 on: May 17, 2020, 04:58:13 PM »
There's no 'feedback' so to speak that shows you that staying home is a good thing.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona [in the US]
« Reply #8148 on: May 17, 2020, 05:12:17 PM »
I literally never see Nintex posts until they're quoted. If people would just put him on ignore like I do he'd basically disappear.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8149 on: May 17, 2020, 05:21:47 PM »
Trump and other heads of state are saying that they're winning. But are they though? We don't really know until we start to open up.

Nintex, Dutch scientist who discovered the Copenhagen interpretation of Coronavirus, 2020, Colorized

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona [in the US]
« Reply #8150 on: May 17, 2020, 05:34:12 PM »
went by a park that had previously blocked off all benches and tables to keep people from gathering. all the yellow tape has been taken down and people were gathered sitting around like normal again  :doge

at the center of empire we are not used to being inconvenienced and certainly not for an extended period of time. we're fucked, brehs  :neogaf


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona [in the US]
« Reply #8151 on: May 17, 2020, 06:32:48 PM »
The Texas Department of Health reported Saturday there are more than 47,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the state, with over 1,800 new cases reported Saturday. It is the largest single-day increase in confirmed cases in Texas since the pandemic began.

There were 33 additional deaths reported Saturday, bringing the total number of fatalities in the Lone Star State to 1,305.

Meanwhile, Texas is moving forward with plans to reopen. On Monday, gyms can open with 25% capacity, and they must space equipment and provide cleaning products throughout the gym, CBS Houston affiliate KHOU-TV reports. Nonessential manufacturing and work offices can reopen with 25% capacity as well.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona
« Reply #8152 on: May 17, 2020, 06:44:15 PM »
Wave 2 is gonna hit kids and Trump will still be on TV talking about how schools need to be open immediately

"I don't want people to think this is all dependent on a vaccine," he said. "Vaccine or no vaccine, we're back. And we're starting the process."

"In many cases they don't have vaccines and a virus or a flu comes and you fight through it," he added. "Other things have never had a vaccine and they go away."

"I think the schools should be back in the fall [autumn]," Mr Trump continued.

He doesn't explicitly say it, but I interpret this to mean there isn't going to be another lockdown. But then Trump says a lot of things, and then forgets he said it at a later date. lol


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona [in the US]
« Reply #8153 on: May 17, 2020, 06:46:28 PM »
He's not in charge of closing or opening schools anyway.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona [in the US]
« Reply #8154 on: May 17, 2020, 06:47:00 PM »
He is when the states are slashing their education budgets :hitler


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona [in the US]
« Reply #8155 on: May 17, 2020, 06:47:27 PM »
Yeah. I guess that is done at the state level.


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona [in the US]
« Reply #8156 on: May 17, 2020, 06:50:29 PM »
There probably won’t be a second lockdown in a lot of states. Most of the reopen initiative’s purpose is kicking people back off of unemployment and we already gave away trillions to corporations so things will just get very bleak instead.

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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona [in the US]
« Reply #8158 on: May 17, 2020, 06:53:39 PM »
chomskies looking rough these day  :-\


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Re: Corona Thread |OT| 90k lost to the 'rona [in the US]
« Reply #8159 on: May 17, 2020, 06:56:04 PM »
G-d: It's 5780, time to die from corona
Jews: yes yhwh