Author Topic: FFXIV  (Read 223778 times)

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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #480 on: January 20, 2017, 03:18:16 AM »
Example of the AH issues.  My daily GC turn in for CUL was a Dodo Omelette.  One ingredient was Highland Parsley.  FC doesn't sell it.  I got to AH and the cheapest listing is 950 per item...for 99 items for almost 100k gil.  Uh, I just need 1 for my damn turn in.  So I said fuck it and checked where they grow, got out my Botanist and went and picked a bunch myself.  Used one for the recipe and sold the rest in a set of 8 for 1k each for 8k total which is still way cheaper than 100k for anyone who needs it for an ingredient.  This is why I'm not a big fan of 99 blocks of everything on the AH.

Also did Copperbell Mines (hard), was fun.  I liked the boss battles.

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #481 on: January 20, 2017, 12:12:44 PM »
Stormblood pre-order details:

North American cover art:

$40 standard edition (physical/digital), $60 Digital Collector's Edition, $200 Physical Collector's Edition

Physical CE Contents: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]

In-game Physical/Digital CE Items: [1], [2], [3]

Preorder bonus: Wind-up Red Mage Minion!

So long as you have a level 50 DoW/DoM Job, you can play as Red Mage even if you are not caught up with the HW MSQ.

You need to be caught up with the MSQ (or use a jump potion, i guess) to head to Ala Mihgo and the SB content.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #482 on: January 20, 2017, 12:34:44 PM »
Is that a judge samurai

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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #483 on: January 20, 2017, 12:39:42 PM »
squeenix collectors editions keep getting more expensive bc suckers like me keep buying them

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #484 on: January 20, 2017, 12:40:55 PM »
That is indeed Stormblood's apparent main antagonist, the totallynotasamurai XIIth Legion Legatus and de facto ruler of Ala Mhigo, Zenos Yae Galvus. Looking forward to smash his face in.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #485 on: January 20, 2017, 12:50:37 PM »
Ok yeah so samurai judge to go with samurai class (which I assume will be a tank), got it.

Looking forward to having a Ninja/Samurai weaboo character.

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #486 on: January 20, 2017, 11:11:38 PM »
Beat Zurvan and Dun Scaith today.

I can honestly say that, entirely on its own merits, Heavensward is one of my favorite Final Fantasies. I'm gonna miss this expansion, despite looking forward to what Stormblood will bring. A little sentimental that all the HW-centric plot threads and sidequests came to a close.

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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #487 on: January 20, 2017, 11:32:37 PM »
dun scaith might be one of my favorite levels in the game. the main reason I don't play dungeons that much is because fighting regular monsters is booooooring as hell. so here come this map where they're like "fuck it, bosses everywhere!" and it's fun as hell. took us nearly all of the two fucking hours allowed, but we pulled thru at the very end and damn it was so satisfying.

hs was fantastic but I'm not sad to see it go because I feel like the game as a whole is still on the rise. I'll be real surprised is Stormblood doesn't top it. just a ton of really creative people working on the game right now.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #488 on: January 20, 2017, 11:34:33 PM »
So excited for HW!
/keeps on fishing

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #489 on: January 20, 2017, 11:46:31 PM »
hs was fantastic but I'm not sad to see it go because I feel like the game as a whole is still on the rise. I'll be real surprised is Stormblood doesn't top it. just a ton of really creative people working on the game right now.

im just a dumb nostalgic baby that had a smile as he saw npcs like the redbills get sent off for the last time. stuff we've gotten used to being the new normal for the past year and a half really.

no more alexander, no more void arc, no more Dragonsong, no more idylshire, etc. I didn't feel as nostalgic for ARR stuff because Coil was p much off limits until i could undersize it, and the Crystal Tower raids were glorified ff3 fanservice ft. some still relevant npcs. HW introduces a lot more unique characters that we prob won't see again for a while, if ever.

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  • Woo Papa
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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #490 on: January 21, 2017, 12:28:43 AM »
aw damn, i didn't even think of that :( no more gobbiekin ;_;

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #491 on: January 21, 2017, 12:40:13 AM »

see u again silly bird ppl ;__;7
« Last Edit: January 21, 2017, 12:44:34 AM by The Legend of Sunblade »


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #492 on: January 21, 2017, 04:51:41 AM »
So I spent my entire free Friday night crafting & gathering.  I got like 5 levels for every single sub-class, so maybe 50 levels total gained tonight.  Crafting classes are all ~17-20, Mining/Botany/Fishing is 20/20/40 now.
I spent a lot of time making clothes for all my classes so I can gear out all of my crafters/gathers (outside my lvl.40 fisher).  Spent sooooo much time and effort doing that.  Had to buy some ingredients off the AH along the way.  Went from 180k gil to 120k gil so -60k gil after all that.  Also built my first housing furniture items.

But it...doesn't seem worth it.

Like I spend hours crafting a full set of crafting/gathering gear between lvl.15->25, some of items which the FC doesn't sell the base items and I spent $ at the AH and time crafting basic items.
..whereas I could just go to a lvl.15, lvl.20 and lvl.25 warp node and buy all the crafting/gathering equipment for probably half the price and in 10 mins vs. 3 hours.

I spent like 10 mins and some money working hard to craft a furniture ink & quill.  Then I go to the NPC at the entrance of my FC and they sell housing items and I could have just bought the ink & quill for 700 gil.

Like while it was fun crafting clothes for all my classes and crafting furniture and stuff, my end result was:

-hours spent/whole night kind wasted
-60k in the hole when I probably could've bought all these same items for like 10-15k total

Even fishing feels like the prices on the AH are so cheap, instead of spending 30 mins fishing for my daily GC turn in, I can just buy it.  Same with levequests for leveling.  I dunno, I'm starting to feel burnt out on all this and like it makes more sense to just find 1 way of making some money and then just use the money to buy everything you need off the AH rather than all these hours gathering/crafting stuff yourself.

I'm guessing at some point you can make really cool unique stuff that would otherwise be REALLY expensive on the AH or maybe stuff that would be market prohibited.  But until then hmmmmmmm...
Think I'm gonna take a crafting/gathering break and just do my daily turn-ins (maybe just buy them of the AH) and get back to the MSQ and dungeons and all that.
My goal was getting all my crafters/gathers to lvl.50 around the same time, but that is a good way to burn out really fast.

I think I just want crafting to be more worthwhile.  Like if the game didn't have NPCs that sold the latest gear/items/food for pretty cheap and you had to either make it yourself or buy it off the AH that'd be a totally different thing where it'd be worthwhile to make stuff yourself so you don't have to buy all your equip off the option house or from drops.  But NPCs and all the stuff being cheap to buy just seems to make it irrelevant at these lower levels.  Even repairing, it's like I can just pay a mender to repair everything for dirt cheap, why bother repairing your own gear? 
« Last Edit: January 21, 2017, 05:00:49 AM by Bebpo »

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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #493 on: January 21, 2017, 09:03:17 AM »
once you get into the 30s, you can start making cool unique stuff. but it takes a LOT of time to get there. also keep in mind the cool gear you can make LOOKS cool, but it's useless in combat. gotta use glamour prisims.

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #494 on: January 21, 2017, 12:25:31 PM »
Not everything on the crafting list is worth crafting, really. Some things are always in demand and worth crafting, but others arent worth the time spent. You just gotta figure out if the amount of time it takes to gather the mats/ craft things yourself is worth more than the money it takes to buy them. Though your particular example of the ink and quill is just poor timing; those were added to that npc in the patch that just came out.  :lol Crafted HQ gear/food/items will always be better than anything NPCs sell.

The biggest perk to self-repair is that you can fix gear up to 199% condition rather than 100%, and you can also repair your gear in the middle of dungeons.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #495 on: January 21, 2017, 01:43:20 PM »
Yeah but is anything sub-30 worth crafting?  Because other than a few cool pairs of glasses I don't really see anything that isn't just cheap equip I can buy from an NPC vendor.

Also crafting post-20 is getting expensive.  Even just GC turn-ins or leeves are starting to require materials beyond what the FC/housing sells and I can burn through several thousand gil just to make an item.  Down to 100k gil by the end of last night from 180k at the start.  There's no way I can sell enough (like I said I make maybe 5k gil a day) to counter the cost of leveling these crafters in the long term which is a little concerning.

Do any of the crafting job lines even have interesting stories?  I've done through 20 of Carpenter and it's just been about "hey this is what this item you made is used for" and 25 of Fishing and there's not a plot yet.  Was hoping the crafting/gathering jobs would have questline stories like the battle job quests.  Would be a motivating perk to leveling the classes.

I thought about being able to repair gear in dungeons, but if you repair your stuff at a mendor before any dungeon, are any dungeons long enough that you can actually go from 100%->0% condition in one dungeon/raid?  Because I haven't seen anything do more than like -30% condition and that's with multiple wipes.

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #496 on: January 21, 2017, 02:44:42 PM »
It depends on the battle content. I've definitely been in raids that wiped often and long enough for equipment to break, or seen people have to leave instances because of it (they forgot to mend beforehand, etc)

And honestly, sub 30 crafting is mostly a wash. Other than selling basic HQ gear for low level people, there's not much worth anything, outside of crafting the compounded materials that tons of people use (ingots, rivets, etc). Hell, even stuff that npcs sell, because it's quicker to buy that stuff from the market board than make the trek to whatever npc is selling the thing you're looking for.

An alternative for leveling crafters is to do the Icall beast men quests. They provide all the materials you need to craft things and give good exp.

And yes, the crafting jobs do eventually have stories beyond "this is the thing you crafted".


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #497 on: January 21, 2017, 05:32:29 PM »
Alright, just got back from Sat morning stuff.  Read your post and been thinking about it and get ready for long, hopefully coherent rant on crafting in FFXIV.

Ok, so as they keep introducing more and more NPCs doing the stuff of crafters (Melders, FC NPCs selling furniture, FC selling materials, Menders) they make crafters more and more pointless.  Like, what is the crafting endgame?  What am I working towards leveling up my crafters for?  I can make HQ equipment...but the extra 1-2 points of stats don't matter when you can just buy the next level of equipment that's better anyhow and nothing requires that 1-2 max stat until you're at end game.  Even now with my lvl.120 equipment, I wouldn't care about HQ i120 equipment because I'll just be changing it all to i130 equipment anyhow.  The only HQ set that would matter would be HQ i130 since that's the absolute max for stuff like Odin and Coil, likewise the highest ilevel in HW at HQ would be useful for the lvl.60 highest difficulty stuff. 

But that's like 2 sets of armor where the ability to make your own HQ vs buying NQ would be useful out of 60 levels of crafting and tons of hours and money invested.

So endgame.  What can I do with my crafter?
1)  I can make items to sell - Well, if all I cared about was money, there is probably 1 efficient way to make the most money and I'd just do that (like mining or soemthing) instead of the time/effort/money for crating & selling.

2)  I can make equipment for myself - Say I start a new Lancer, at lvl.10 or lvl.15 I can either jump to Brentbarch Meadows / Hawthorn Hut, go up to the NPC and buy a lvl.10/lvl.15 full armor set for like 1,000 gil in 3 minutes, or I can look through my recipes, find out who makes each piece, get the materials, and craft each piece of armor.  This probably would take like 15-25 mins of work and cost like 200-500 gil.  Aka, there's no point.  And even at high level, assuming the costs/time involved in making i120/i130 type stuff, it's probably faster to just run a trial roullete a few times to get the poetics and trade them.  Again, I don't think this is actually useful.  While I've had some fun continually outfitting all my crafters/mining/botany with the top equipment for their levels since they're all in the same level range, the fact I can just jump to Quarrymill at lvl.25 or something like that and in 3 mins buy a full top level set just makes me think I'm wasting my time and I should just buy all the crafting/gathering equipment.  Since I only keep 1 combat job in my armory, the entire rest is just a 10-20 level range of crafting/gathering equipment.

3) I can make furniture - well I can just buy it from NPCs

4) I can meld/repair - NPCs (although I see your point about 199% condition for long raids/dungeons)

5) I can make cool pieces of equipment that I can then use for glamor - If I can't just buy these items from NPCs, this is the first actual worthwhile thing I can do with my crafters.

6) I can make glamor prisms for way cheaper than the 5k a piece they sell on the AH - this is useful because glamor/fashion is fun.

7) I get to experience the job quest storylines - ok, hopefully these are good and add something worthwhile.

8 ) I get the satisfaction of crafting items from scratch and seeing if I can do something and doing it - This is enjoyable although can get expensive to craft everything

So the bold are the only pros I see in leveling crafters at the moment and of those I'm only getting satisfaction out of 7&8 because I'm not high enough level to do much glamor stuff or make glamor prisms.  Now what would be nice, is if there are other items besides glamor prisms where they are useful things I will want to have, but they're expensive on the AH so it'll be great being able to craft them myself for much cheaper?  Also are there any other positives you can think of for crafters?

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  • Woo Papa
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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #498 on: January 21, 2017, 06:27:07 PM »
there is tons of clothes and furniture that is only available from high-level crafters, and that stuff can go from 60k to 3 million. easy more than that, actually, if it's new. so that's the real endgame for crafters: having the ability to make that stuff for yourself and your friends, or to sell it for shitloads of cash.

as far as the "why bother" aspect, well a lot of that is just Brescia this is an always-updating online game. the cool, powerful, exclusive stuff is dated now, replaced by easily-obtainable alternatives. the devs left all the unnecessary equipment in bc why not, but that doesn't mean it's worth chasing. and if it was a grind to get old gear and a grind to get new gear then everyone would get entirely burnt the fuck out.

so crafters end up being kind of redundant before 30, but they're pretty easy to level as a tradeoff.

also there's one simple way to cut down drastically on material costs: level your gatherers so you can get it yourself lol.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #499 on: January 21, 2017, 06:44:03 PM »
yeah, like I said I have my crafters & gathers all at about lvl.20 right now.  I'm leveling them all equally so I can gather/make whatever is needed.  Still I'm lazy so if I can buy 5-10 of an item off the AH outside the FC for a couple thousand gil I'll do that over putting on my miner/botany, going out to the area and chopping/axe-ing it all myself.  If it's more expensive than a thousand gil or two I'll go out and gather the materials myself.  Otoh, leveling like 10 jobs at a time equally takes a while even if individual these jobs level pretty quickly compared to battle jobs.  I can usually casually get about 1 level a day across the board in an hour, but if I wanna get like 3-5 levels across the board in a night, like last night it's a 5-6 hours project.

Glad to hear there's some cool unique stuff to craft later on. 

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #500 on: January 21, 2017, 07:14:04 PM »
I'll try to answer what Jumbo didn't, but you have some fair concerns. And try keep myself coherent as well.  :goty2

1)  I can make items to sell - Well, if all I cared about was money, there is probably 1 efficient way to make the most money and I'd just do that (like mining or soemthing) instead of the time/effort/money for crating & selling.

While you can make "free" money with gathering, the money that craters can make is significantly higher. Because there's so little barrier to entry for gatherers, gathering mats that aren't time gated generally sell for very little unless sold in high quantities. The very simple act of turning a raw stone into an ingot raises its price by a lot, and in some cases, there's niche markets to profit from with people having moved on to the 50-60 range and ignoring the low level market.

Which isn't to say that gathering isn't a profitable venture too. Just be prepared to sink in the time and effort needed to gather the mats that don't sell for less than 1k gil each.

2)  I can make equipment for myself - Say I start a new Lancer, at lvl.10 or lvl.15 I can either jump to Brentbarch Meadows / Hawthorn Hut, go up to the NPC and buy a lvl.10/lvl.15 full armor set for like 1,000 gil in 3 minutes, or I can look through my recipes, find out who makes each piece, get the materials, and craft each piece of armor.  This probably would take like 15-25 mins of work and cost like 200-500 gil.  Aka, there's no point.  And even at high level, assuming the costs/time involved in making i120/i130 type stuff, it's probably faster to just run a trial roullete a few times to get the poetics and trade them.  Again, I don't think this is actually useful.  While I've had some fun continually outfitting all my crafters/mining/botany with the top equipment for their levels since they're all in the same level range, the fact I can just jump to Quarrymill at lvl.25 or something like that and in 3 mins buy a full top level set just makes me think I'm wasting my time and I should just buy all the crafting/gathering equipment.  Since I only keep 1 combat job in my armory, the entire rest is just a 10-20 level range of crafting/gathering equipment.

There's probably a bit of clearing up on how item levels work for crafted gear. If you decide to outfit yourself in HQ gear, you don't actually need to gear up at every new level tier while leveling up, saving yourself some money in the process. I'll take this level 15 HQ iron hatchet as an example, and compare it to the NQ level 19 Initiate's Hatchet.

Even though its a lower item level, the HQ level 15 hatchet has the same stats as the NQ level 19 hatchet. So unless you go out of your way to craft HQ gear for every new leveling tier, you wouldn't need to replace your gear until all the way to level 23. This is the biggest perk to crafting your own gear while leveling, the freedom to just completely ignore some of the new gear coming because the old shit you made is just as good.

Heavensward introduced crafted endgame gear that serves as good filler equipment to get an early lead on raids when you still don't have your blue tomestone/raid drop gear, and even then some crafted pieces remain the best you can equip on that slot for a long time. For reference, blue gear has the equivalent to HQ stats for that item level.

3) I can make furniture - well I can just buy it from NPCs

There is a LOT of cool housing furniture you can't buy from NPCs. A LOT.

5) I can make cool pieces of equipment that I can then use for glamor - If I can't just buy these items from NPCs, this is the first actual worthwhile thing I can do with my crafters.

They actually keep adding more and more crafted glamour pieces with each patch. If you look at the Market board for any of the left side gear, you'll see a fuckton of level 1 pieces at the very bottom of the list that don't have any stats: They're all glamour pieces only obtainable through crafting (some get added as rewards for side content, but the vast majority are still craft only). As well as the blue glowing primal weapons you can find at the level 50 area in the market board.

6) I can make glamor prisms for way cheaper than the 5k a piece they sell on the AH - this is useful because glamor/fashion is fun.

 :itagaki :dice

7) I get to experience the job quest storylines - ok, hopefully these are good and add something worthwhile.

More or less the last few quests for 1-50 all introduce an actual plot besides "ur getting more skilled at the craft", then HW added some actual straight up story to ALL the crafting and gathering jobs. There's a reason why we keep saying the expansion is fantastic.

8 ) I get the satisfaction of crafting items from scratch and seeing if I can do something and doing it - This is enjoyable although can get expensive to craft everything[/b]

This will naturally come with time as you learn what is and isnt worth crafting. There's a lot of gear and items that have been added to NPCS purely to make it easier for newcomers to get into the whole ordeal rather than chase them off, but believe me, crafting is easier than ever right now. Between the massive exp boosts in the manuals they give out for free, the Ixal dailies and the cheap gear they hand out, it takes way less time to do now at 1-50 than it used to take before.

But you know what? If you end up thinking you shouldn't bother with crafting anymore, its completely ok to just set it aside and stick to battle content. Tons of people do that and are just as happy playing the game as suckers like me who invest millions of gear into crafting and barely break even.  :shaq2

I actually make most of my money fleecing people on the market board by reselling items like orchestrion rolls for 100x the npc price because people don't know you can get them for way cheaper there. 
« Last Edit: January 21, 2017, 07:21:37 PM by The Legend of Sunblade »


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #501 on: January 21, 2017, 07:53:14 PM »
Does that stuff actually sell?  I always figure people can just google where to get it and buy it from an NPC rather than paying 2-3x the price.  I guess I should try buying 99 of some stuff and reselling it for 2x the price.

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #502 on: January 21, 2017, 07:56:16 PM »
I mean, it doesn't sell super fast, but you'd be surprised at how many people will pay for it anyway without googling it.  :lol

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  • Woo Papa
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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #503 on: January 21, 2017, 08:08:50 PM »
i can't find glamour prisims in my log ; is there a quest I need to do first?

also omg i love how short the frontline queue is now


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #504 on: January 21, 2017, 08:27:18 PM »
I'm not huge into crafting, but the level 60 Culinarian final quest cutscenes may be the second best cutscene in the game.*

*Best cutscene is still the T12 cutscenes.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #505 on: January 22, 2017, 04:21:02 AM »
Was great playing with you Sunblade and PT!  Thornmarch (extreme) when you have the hang of it is pretty cool strategic Japanese boss design imo.  If I was doing it with parties who knew what to do I'd definitely have fun running it a bunch of times.  Like I'd rather replay Thornmarch (extreme) than do Odin trial ever again haha ^^;

Unlocked Garuda (extreme), 3rd part of Crystal Tower and started the first part of Coil quest, also started 2.2's MSQ and the next Hildebrand.  I think at this point before going into HW content I've got:

~10 hard mode & new lvl.50 dungeons left to check out
+3 extreme mode trials of the Ifrit/Garuda/Titan fights
+Last part of Crystal Tower Raid
+The entire Coil raid with all its parts regular & then Savage
+The rest of the Hildebrand quests
+The entire 2.2/2.3/2.4/2.5 MSQ & all the additional trials included in them

So...yeah I'm still good for a while.  At this point I think my goal is to finish all that stuff and be caught up right to the start of HW by this time next month when Nier Automata comes out.  Then I can take a break since that'll be a good stopping point and play Nier and maybe Super Robot Wars V and then come back and start Heavensward fresh.

At the end of the day I'm really happy with the amount of content 2.0->2.5 has.  I haven't even done half of the smaller "!" quests or class quests and by the time and done with all that stuff, before I've even touched any HW content, I'm definitely going to be over 200+ hours.  I know HW will be a lot smaller in 3.0->3.5 because it's an expansion, but I'm sure there's still a good amount of content and by the time I finish HW through 3.5 Stormblood will probably be about to come out and that'll be another 60+ hours right there.

Oh and I did Haukke Manor hard mode today.  Was fun though pretty straightforward, but the music there is always good. 

i can't find glamour prisims in my log ; is there a quest I need to do first?

also omg i love how short the frontline queue is now

When I googled what's in the 2.2 update, it explained glamors and said you needed a master recipe lvl.50 book to craft prisms.  Not sure if it's changed since then?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 04:25:07 AM by Bebpo »

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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #506 on: January 22, 2017, 09:00:58 AM »
yeah they used to be way more annoying because they were divided into levels 1-5 and you had to use stronger ones for higher level gear. took up a ton of inventory space. i hope I don't need to wait until 50 though ugh. still haven't rebuilt all my crafter outfits and hotbars since I lost them all.

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #507 on: January 22, 2017, 12:14:05 PM »
Ok yeah, I looked it up. Once you get a single crafter to 50, you unlock a quest in Mor Dhona that lets you talk to Tataroga, who sells you the books to make glsmour prisms. Unsure if you need to be 50 to use said scrolls, but I doubt that part cause otherwise they wouldn't be a level 30 synthesis.

Two things to bebps. Scratch Coil Savage off your list  because it's literally dead content no one does (because there was zero reward to doing it even when it came out, and its only a thing for one of the three coil tiers).

Two is that ya prioritize the MSQ (and Hildibrand), since it'll allow you to unlock the later trials sooner (so we can then help you beat them up if needed).
« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 12:20:47 PM by The Legend of Sunblade »


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #508 on: January 22, 2017, 09:57:36 PM »
I was listening to the FFXIV 2.0 OST while working today and when I got to the song that plays during:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
The part where everyone in the walking sands is horribly murdered and you have to put their bodies on the grave truck.  And it made me realize that while it had zero emotional effect on me at the time because none of the characters had been development much at all at that point, if that had taken place like where I am in the story now at 2.2 or something, where you come back to Revnant Toll base after a mission and everyone is dead and you've gotta clear the'd actually be pretty shocking and an emotional moment now that I kinda like these characters.  I think they played their hand with that "twist" too early in the story. 

Ok yeah, I looked it up. Once you get a single crafter to 50, you unlock a quest in Mor Dhona that lets you talk to Tataroga, who sells you the books to make glsmour prisms. Unsure if you need to be 50 to use said scrolls, but I doubt that part cause otherwise they wouldn't be a level 30 synthesis.

Two things to bebps. Scratch Coil Savage off your list  because it's literally dead content no one does (because there was zero reward to doing it even when it came out, and its only a thing for one of the three coil tiers).

Two is that ya prioritize the MSQ (and Hildibrand), since it'll allow you to unlock the later trials sooner (so we can then help you beat them up if needed).

Is the same thing gonna happen to Alexander (savage)?  I was looking forward to Coil (savage) because I wanna check out the toughest fights since they're fun.

I'm hoping and looking forward to finishing HW before Stormblood comes out because it'll be nice to play some endgame stuff that hasn't been nerfed yet, since all this 2.0 stuff is nerfed.  I can imagine a lot of these fights were more intense and fun when they originally came out.  Although I think one reason Odin trial is still fricken hard is that it hasn't been nerfed with Echo.  Was surprised Thornmarch (Extreme) had the echo when Odin didn't.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #509 on: January 23, 2017, 01:45:36 AM »
Just finished The World of Darkness, that was greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.  All it needed was a credits roll with images of the storyline at the end and it would been perfect.  It was such a good FF, like that is what I want out of an expansion storyline.

By the time we beat the last boss I really felt like I'd earned it.  It was just so intense and unbelievably epic like that last hour of a great game where you feel amazed & exhausted when you get the last hit on the boss right when you were about to die and get to watch the ending. 

The music was gorgeous!  And the look of the area was very final dungeon like.  The first boss was TOUGH.  We wiped.  Even when not wiping his HP bar went down so slow it was just a really long epic fight.  The second boss was good too.  Cerberus was kinda easy in comparion but still fun and then Cloud of Darkness was a cool fight.  We wiped once there as well, but got it on the second time.

Also first place out of the lvl.50 stuff where there is actually good loot for the first time since I hit 50 and got my i120 gear.  Carbontwines and stuff.  I got a Cloud of Darkness Minion and a fancy magicians hat I can't wear lol

But yeah, I was gonna play a bunch tonight but after the 60-70 min epic stage that was I finished the storyline and then went to an inn and logged out.  I'm good for the night.

Good stuff!


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #510 on: January 23, 2017, 02:01:42 AM »
Oh yeah, the 2nd boss was the five-headed dragon.  We wiped once on that too.

I think WoD is one of my favorite final dungeon stages ever. 
That music while 24 people are running up the stairs to the unknown challenge ahead  :aah


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #511 on: January 23, 2017, 03:37:06 AM »
Savage Coil was more of an experiment and is not comparable to Savage Alexander.

Coil came out in three tiers.  Binding Coil of Bahamut (BCoB), Second Coil of Bahamut (SCoB), and Final Coil of Bahamut (FCoB).  Only SCoB has a Savage mode.  It was basically the raw first version the developers made before fine tuning it.  It drops the same loot as regular SCoB.  The only thing you got were character titles, which were cool at the time.  Nobody runs Savage SCoB level-synced anymore.  They might run it unsynced just to get the character titles, which don't mean anything now that everyone has out geared the fights.  Savage SCoB wasn't popular.  And the developers didn't bring it back for FCoB.

Regular Coil is more comparable to Savage Alexander.  Alexander has a "Normal Mode" which is basically the super easy mode that you can beat in one or a few tries with total strangers and no voice chat.  Normal Mode lets you see the story without having to treat the game like a second job.  Normal Mode drops items you can exchange for ok gear, but Savage Alexander drops the really good gear that you can dye.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #512 on: January 23, 2017, 03:38:33 AM »
Crystal Tower was fun.  I think you'll really enjoy the HW 24-man raid series which just wrapped up with last week's patch.  I enjoyed the story and characters more than those of the Alexander raid story.

Coil still has the better storyline.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #513 on: January 23, 2017, 02:42:47 PM »
so probably by the weekend I'll have this game and hopefully since I loved the crap out of XI I'll get into this one. 

Is this one like XI where if you didn't jump in at the beginning it'll be lonely and difficult for a long, long time?? Or can I solo the beginner areas?

Any suggestion on a server to jump onto?  Suggestions in general for beginning - like what I should farm, etc?

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  • Woo Papa
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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #514 on: January 23, 2017, 02:58:36 PM »
it's very easy early on. try to get into hyperion bc that's where we are. might have to wait till night to get in.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #515 on: January 23, 2017, 04:31:31 PM »
Levels 1-15 are almost entirely single player.  After that you'll do a couple hours of single player and then a dungeon with others in a cycle for the rest of the main launch ARR story.  Golden Saucer opens at lvl 15 and has fun stuff. 

After lvl 10 you can switch jobs freely by talking to a person with a "+" in each respective guild.  You get your chocobo at lvl.20 which makes things go quicker, until then talk to each chocobo porter at each spot to unlock paid chocobo travel between spots.

Main story quests have a flame around them, major quests have a "+", small quests have a "!"

All the good stuff in the game outside golden saucer starts at lvl 50, so I'd recommend sticking to one job and blowing through the MSQs to lvl 50, doing just enough side content to keep from burning out and then slowing down and enjoying everything at 50.

It took me 130 hours to get to the end of the 2.0 ARR lvl.50 story.  I'd imagine if you just focused on the MSQ with one job and a little side stuff you can probably get there in 60-80 hours.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 05:27:21 PM by Bebpo »

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #516 on: January 23, 2017, 05:20:35 PM »
There's six different data centers with multiple servers in each, three for Japan, two for North America and one for Europe. Generally any server is fine so long as it has active players and isn't low pop, since you want to have people to play with. Took these from the census page:

NA Datacenter
Japan Datacenter
Euro Datacenter

Of course, the best answer is always "play on a datacenter with either people you know", cause its always more fun to have someone to talk to.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #517 on: January 23, 2017, 05:26:31 PM »
Yeah, so play on Hyperion since that's where we are :)


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #518 on: January 23, 2017, 06:46:06 PM »
Thanks guys! It seems like the basics from XI hasn't changed regarding job switching, chocobos, etc. I'll jump on Hyperion so that at least I can socialize! I'll be jumping on Friday! I'm excited! I spent many countless nights neglecting high school homework and playing XI. I can't wait to neglect my job this time. J/k  I hope.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #519 on: January 23, 2017, 07:05:59 PM »
Yeah, the best way to socialize is joining a linkshell (chat room for groups, aka The Bore; we have one) or a FC community.  The FC PT invited me too is pretty nice and usually has about 5-10 people on the chat at anytime.
Once you get to lvl.50 you get to socialize way more with all the dungeons/raids/bosses you do with others.  But 1-50 outside of a handful of dungeons there's not much social interaction imo.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #520 on: January 23, 2017, 08:32:18 PM »
So continuing on with my gushing about World of Darkness, I've been thinking about it and listening to the OST and I think this & Thornmarch with you guys was the stage that made me "get" MMOs.  Like there's this idea that sandbox games are sandbox because no two experiences are same and there can be dynamic gameplay that the players create rather than a scripted piece the developer creates.

I think MMO's are social sandbox games.  My run through the World of Darkness was probably the most memorable gaming experience of 2017 so far and I think a huge part of that was the team I did it with.  It was a really positive team, no angry comments, no jerks, we'd wipe and people would say "wipe and learn, best way to figure things out" and "yep, FFXIV experience in a nutshell; let's wipe this boss!" and no one was overly serious, with comments like "Tip on the 5 headed dragon:  it has 1 fewer head than a 6-headed dragon would"; there was just this great camaraderie team spirit as 24 of us marched on through this challenging final dungeon, constantly dying and overcoming and making it to the very end.  I'd often look at the other alliances and see all these dead bodies.  I have a screenshot I took when the first boss does it's death roullete thing of myself and like 8 other players all getting zapped at the same time, all bodies just laying on the ground  :lol

I can't help but think if I went through that with a different group, and people didn't talk or they were overly serious that it would have left a different impression on me.  I think MMO's are a social sandbox and it's all about those moments you have where you think back and remember that time where "X happened when you were with _______".

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  • Woo Papa
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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #521 on: January 23, 2017, 09:05:35 PM »
i totally get what you're saying. the social experience in the game almost feels as important as the dungeon design. a good team will give you some of the most memorable experiences in the game; likewise a team of jerks will have you considering unsubbing. probably my best memory of ff14 was playing thru the crystal tower quest with a Japanese-American dude who's first and favorite ff game was ff3. he was losing his shit the whole time and it was just wonderful to see. the latest alliance raid map (which is probably my favorite map in the game) played out like you're experience in WoD, with us wiping over and over but getting back up, telling some jokes, and starting again. it was extremely fun and made an amazing level a thousand times better.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #522 on: January 24, 2017, 12:52:53 AM »
My Free Company's slogan is "Victory without your friends is no victory at all, and gear is only as important as the memories that come with it."


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #523 on: January 24, 2017, 01:46:26 AM »
Did Garuda Extreme with randoms.  Was a lot of fun.  We died a bunch of times and each time got a little further.  There were a couple of new people and everyone else was nice.  The fight was great!  I love all the parts and strategy to it.  It's pretty easy/doable once you figure out how to survive all the parts, but yeah it's like the perfect amount of complexity so it doesn't get boring.  My favorite version of the fight so far.

Considering how fun extreme fights are and how they aren't in the roulettes, duty finder can kinda take a while unfortunately for DPS.  They really should just make a separate roulette for "Lvl.50 Extreme Trials Roulette / Lvl.60 Extreme Trials Roulette" that has some nice rewards and adds incentive for anyone who enjoys doing extreme fights with new players to jump in regularly.  I haven't even done a dungeon in a few days because I'm having way more fun doing extreme boss battles and the WoD raid.  It's a lot more fun and challenging; no trash mobs yay.

Spent the rest of the time doing my daily crafting and fishing.  I'm up to lvl.48 in fishing.  Probably will hit lvl.50 and do the lvl.50 job quest next time I play if I spend an hour or 90 mins on fishing.  Hey, when you hit lvl.50 with a crafter/harvester do they have the same kind of ilevel upgrading from 50 onwards?  Or not really and you just keep them there until you start HW and get post lvl.50 field gear?  And when they hit lvl.60 in HW they're pretty much done?  I looked at the poetics trading person and there's no field gear....

Also did the first Moogle Postman Carrier mission.  Fun stuff.  Looking forward to playing this questline along with the beast tribes questlines (I've only been leveling Ixali since I use it for my crafters to level; I find doing the same quests over and over again super boring so I only do each set of quests once and otherwise just using the daily turn-ins to slowly level [I've got time; no rush]).

Grabbed my third Thavarian Mist, so next time I play I'll go make my Relic Zenith, yay.

Also I saw my Iron Ingots and Iron Plates I put up sold pretty quick, so I tried the whole buy 99 from the FC and sell them for lower than whatever the lowest 99 price was.  In like 3 hours I sold 2 sets of 99 each for like 5x profits ($6k->36k; 16k -> 70k).  Now I have like 300k gil.  Ok, I think I'm gonna do this every day I play if I can make 100k a day.

Another interesting observation is for a while on my daily mining/botany GC turn-in I was just buying 10 of the items from my FC because it was all sub-lvl.20 stuff I could buy.  Once I got past that and had to actually go out and gathering with mining & botany it!  There's something about actually going out and seeing all the different types of material you can harvest at different spots.  Also really useful for when crafting stuff and you know where you can harvest the materials housing district merchant doesn't sell.

Oh and finally after like a week or 10 days or something of working on my adventurer squadron every day, I FINALLY got the stats right to get them through the lvl.20 mission and unlock the next tier.  Man, I looked at the lvl.20-40 tier of missions though and the rewards are all just squad XP.  When the hell is my squad going to actually start getting mission rewards that I can use?

Other stuff is one of my retainers hit lvl.30.  It's my Rogue retainer so apparently I need to get a job book from somewhere to change them to a ninja?  Do I buy it from the stand in the city where I first got my retainers?

Finally, I fished my first couple of time-worn maps!  I've got two of them now, looking forward to checking out the treasure hunt questing one of these days when I decipher them.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:50:53 AM by Bebpo »


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #524 on: January 24, 2017, 07:52:55 AM »
i totally get what you're saying. the social experience in the game almost feels as important as the dungeon design. a good team will give you some of the most memorable experiences in the game; likewise a team of jerks will have you considering unsubbing. probably my best memory of ff14 was playing thru the crystal tower quest with a Japanese-American dude who's first and favorite ff game was ff3. he was losing his shit the whole time and it was just wonderful to see. the latest alliance raid map (which is probably my favorite map in the game) played out like you're experience in WoD, with us wiping over and over but getting back up, telling some jokes, and starting again. it was extremely fun and made an amazing level a thousand times better.
Yeah the social aspects makes or breaks these games for me.  FF XI I played for a few years and I had a great Linkshell that was very fun and supportive.  I had to quite for a year or so and when I got back I was put on a different server.  I couldn't find a good LS and it was an absolute slog. 


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #525 on: January 24, 2017, 10:37:15 AM »
Extreme Trials (at least the 2.XX ones) are part of the Mentor Roulette.

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #526 on: January 24, 2017, 12:54:22 PM »
Well, less that its part of those raids and more that it'll queue you into any non-coil, HW EX Primal and Savage content that has people doing it for the first time.

You can keep leveling crafters past 50. While there's a lot of crafter gear available there, its best to just move ahead and keep getting the npc gear/whatever for your crafters, cause its all a pain in the ass to get and just getting that white gear is way easier. There's no freebie artifact equipment like there is for combat classes.

HW added a different type of currency for Crafters/Gatherers called scrips, but that's not relevant until levlel 55.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #527 on: January 25, 2017, 01:38:06 AM »
Well, after 45 mins with a duty finder party, everyone abandoned on Titan Extreme.  The fight wasn't that bad, but it seems like if there's a little bit of lag everyone is fucked.

I mean the strategy is straight-forward:

Phase 1 - Run up and hit him, dodge the single line smash zzz
Phase 2 - Jumps down, run up and hit him, dodge the multi-line smash, when 2 people get LOCKED and will be become rocks, send one next to him & one further away because he's gonna lift his leg and everyone needs to get under his leg and smash the person whose a rock then after the foot comes down and knocks everyone a little, go and take out the other guy while dodging the multi-smash
Phase 3 - Same deal smaller arena, take out Titan heart, 2 people turn to rocks, stand under the leg in the direction with the most ground since you're still gonna get pushed a bit, etc...
Phase 4 - Adds come in...I dunno, I never lived long enough to experience this part ^^;  But the 1-3 people still alive a few times took out the add first then went back to normal strategy

Like it doesn't seem particularly complex or difficult, but the little bit of lag and all the various pushing around just seems to lead to a lot of death.  I think by the end if we kept at it we would've one, but one of our DPS dropped around the 30 min mark and we gave it a couple of tries 1 DPS short but then everyone else bailed.  Everyone said just run it unsynced to beat the quest and unlock Ifrit Extreme.

Also we had a Bard and 2 Casters for DPS besides me the melee DPS.  I feel like this trial is probably a lot easier with melee DPS since you have to keep moving.

So uhhhh, Sunblade, PT?  When's a good night we can run Titan extreme unsynced and help me pass it :P  I'm booked tomorrow (Wed) night, but otherwise should be available whenever you are free.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 01:42:30 AM by Bebpo »


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #528 on: January 25, 2017, 01:48:26 AM »
Titan Ex is what made me finally upgrade my internet service at my last house.  You are correct, that lag will one shot you.

Also, I'd be up for running Titan Ex unsynced with you guys Thursday evening.  With cross-server PF, we could easily set this up (I'm on Behemoth which is on the same data center as Hyperion).  I can go tank (any three) or DRG.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #529 on: January 25, 2017, 02:00:39 AM »
So I tried party finder for the first time just out of curiousity to see if this is the kind of situation where it would be helpful.  Made a party cross-world asking for help beating it for the quest and unsync = ok.  Surprisingly got a party FAST.  Like < 5 mins; waaaaay faster than the 30 min duty finder before.  Was a group of lvl.60 players from the Lamia server.  They were nice about it and we started the fight and he literally died in like 20 seconds at unsynced.  He jumped up after the first phase, came down and then jumped back up and went straight into the 3rd phase skipping the second phase.  It's was such a total joke, but in under 5 mins I beat the quest lol

So yeah, besides learning Titan extreme is a pain in the butt, I've also learned that 1) Party finder is fucking USEFUL for specific objectives and 2) lvl.60 max players running lvl.50 stuff un-sync is loooool.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #530 on: January 25, 2017, 02:10:40 AM »
Also, another question.  When you're in a raid and you want to talk beyond your 8 person party but to the whole 24 person group, what chat type do you use?  "Yell?"

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #531 on: January 25, 2017, 02:46:39 AM »
That'd be alliance, which I think only shows up in content that can use it but I'm not sure.

Still need the Titan party?  :lol


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #532 on: January 25, 2017, 04:12:28 AM »
Sometimes the players in dungeons that just speedrun when there's a new player or two and don't even say hi annoy me.  Like I was doing Blayfax Longstep or whatever it's called Hard mode dungeon.  I got to the end and the boss intro cutscene played, I watched it because usually these things are 5 seconds.  This one was about 15 seconds long and when the cutscene ended, myself and our tank were both locked out of the boss fight because the healer + DPS decided to just run straight into the boss area not giving a shit two of the four party members were still watching the boss intro cutscene.  So me and the tank just sat outside and lol'd

And the DPS + Healer still beat the boss, and this is sync'd on a hard mode dungeon.  Must've been a real easy boss!
Still, was kinda annoying.  Seriously, what will happen if you lose 20 seconds out of your speed running life?  I get it when it's 4 people who've done the dungeon before, but when you have new people it's just kinda dick.  Like this Blayflax stage normal & hard is one of my least favorite stages because I've never actually taken my time to see how the stage plays out since each time I've done it the group has just rushed ahead at 200% speed.

I guess at this point I could probably go back and solo the normal mode version to see how the stage actually works.  Maybe someday.

Did Hatali (Hard) as well.  Was kinda fun in that it was a coliseum thing, but it was pretty easy outside the second boss where you had to eat the orb so you don't wipe.
I got my retainer to Ninja job, job book cost 40 damn ventures.  I had to buy them from the GC ><

So I got my fisher to lvl.50 and started the lvl.50 job quest where I need a Mazlaya Marlin through double mooching.  Checked the AH boards and a single Marlin goes for 350,000 gil  :o  If I can catch one I might as well try to get a few and sell them.  That's more than all the gil I have total.  I'm at like 250k gil now.

So I guess next time I'll do Ifrit Extreme and then start on Coil.  I've unlocked the first set of turns on my Duty finder. 
Got my fisher to


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #533 on: January 25, 2017, 05:09:53 AM »
Well, I wait to the AH and spent like 140k gil on lvl.50 fishing gear, then after about 30 mins I caught my first Mazlaya Marlin.  Then the next line I threw out I caught a second one  :lol
Finished the lvl.50 ARR fishing questline.  Got my lvl.50 unique rod.  Basically if I spent another 100k on gathering/perception materia and right side equip w/materia slots I could probably up my gathering/perception another 25% (right now it's about 210/210; could probably get it to 250/250 before food).

So I put the other Marlin I caught on the auction house.  There's like 10+ on the market at 375k each, so I put one up at 350k and I'll see if it sells.  I'm fine if it eventually sells for like 100-150k because that would at least pay back all the money I just spent on gear to catch it, but if it sells for 350k that'll give me some nice money and I could use some of that to buy a bunch of materia and right side equip and kinda max out of my fisher until I hit HW.  Then again a lot of the time the prices on the AH are bullshit and there will be a ton of listings at crazy prices and no one will buy any.  But I probably would've spent up to like 100k to buy one myself, so I can see it going for 100k range at least.

Well, since fishing is done for now, that'll give me some time back in my daily routines of stuff to do in FFXIV.  Can spend more time leveling my Crafters now.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #534 on: January 25, 2017, 05:27:27 AM »
Question about HW, so I'm reading about the lvl.50 endgame for fishing (and assuming Mining/Botany is the same) and basically you put in a lot of money to get HQ ilevel melded gear to get the stats to catch fish like the Sovereign fish and make Forager's Hat and then uses that high gear to catch some other stuff...etc..etc...

But since HW is out, and so is level.50-60.  If I just walk into the first city in HW, go up to an NPC merchant, will I be able to simply buy fishing/gathering gear at say lvl.52 that's better than the above that takes 20-30 hours of grinding to get?  Basically, once I hit lvl.50 with my gather/crafting classes should I just bail out and wait until I start HW and figure on buying from HW NPCs as the way to upgrade my crafting/gathering gear further until I hit 60?

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  • Woo Papa
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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #535 on: January 25, 2017, 09:48:28 AM »
I really hate when people rush with newbies like that. "well I don't want to spend forever in the level!" well then you shouldn't have queued for it then! sucks that they were still able to win.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #536 on: January 25, 2017, 01:45:13 PM »
"/a" to chat with your 24-man alliance.


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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #537 on: January 25, 2017, 05:09:00 PM »
Thanks, yeah that'll come in useful for the next 24 person raid. 

I was looking up some google threads and I guess the market place has inflated A LOT over the last couple of years?  That would explain the NPC prices.  There was a thread on the lvl.50 fishing job quest saying instead of spending 30 mins -> 1 hour, you can just buy it on the market for 1,000 gil with a screenshot of one being sold for 1,000 gil and another for 15,000 gil.  Then there's a whole discussion of "1,000 gil is a decent amount of money, but it's not a ton so it's definitely worth it"

These days I'll spend like 3,000 gil on a piece of bread or something  :lol

So it sounds like there was a time when things were a lot cheaper!  I wonder what my Marlin will sell for.  I've got 3 now.  PT, I saw your fisher is at lvl.46, so I'll give you one if you want so you can finish the lvl.50 job quest once you get it.

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
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Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #538 on: January 25, 2017, 05:18:07 PM »
woooo thanks! my fisher kind of fell by the wayside since ffxv fishing has completely taken over my gaming time.

Re: I got FFXIV
« Reply #539 on: January 25, 2017, 05:27:34 PM »
That's cause there used to be way less sources of cash back during 2.0. Challenge log didn't exist, dungeons didn't give gil rewards, duty roulettes didn't exist, etc. Meanwhile there were tons of gil sinks, so you in general lost more money than you made while playing. Content that's been added since then, plus QoL improvements like increasing the gil reward from roulettes, have natually made the value of stuff gone up since then.

But since HW is out, and so is level.50-60.  If I just walk into the first city in HW, go up to an NPC merchant, will I be able to simply buy fishing/gathering gear at say lvl.52 that's better than the above that takes 20-30 hours of grinding to get?  Basically, once I hit lvl.50 with my gather/crafting classes should I just bail out and wait until I start HW and figure on buying from HW NPCs as the way to upgrade my crafting/gathering gear further until I hit 60?

Yes. You can already do that even without stepping into HW through the market board. HW basically made the 50 crafter endgame redundant, which is how it usually goes.