Author Topic: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa  (Read 466375 times)

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1680 on: September 26, 2008, 12:28:04 PM »
Its unpopular, but he's not only part of the process to make it happen, but hes part of whats making it worse.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1681 on: September 26, 2008, 12:29:24 PM »
Statement By McCain Campaign On Negotiations

John McCain’s decision to suspend his campaign was made in the hopes that politics could be set aside to address our economic crisis.
In response, Americans saw a familiar spectacle in Washington.  At a moment of crisis that threatened the economic security of American families, Washington played the blame game rather than work together to find a solution that would avert a collapse of financial markets without squandering hundreds of billions of taxpayers’ money to bailout bankers and brokers who bet their fortunes on unsafe lending practices

Both parties in both houses of Congress and the administration needed to come together to find a solution that would deserve the trust of the American people.  And while there were attempts to do that, much of yesterday was spent fighting over who would get the credit for a deal and who would get the blame for failure.  There was no deal or offer yesterday that had a majority of support in Congress.  There was no deal yesterday that included adequate protections for the taxpayers.  It is not enough to cut deals behind closed doors and then try to force it on the rest of Congress — especially when it amounts to thousands of dollars for every American family.

The difference between Barack Obama and John McCain was apparent during the White House meeting yesterday where Barack Obama’s priority was political posturing in his opening monologue defending the package as it stands. John McCain listened to all sides so he could help focus the debate on finding a bipartisan resolution that is in the interest of taxpayers and homeowners.  The Democratic interests stood together in opposition to an agreement that would accommodate additional taxpayer protections.
Senator McCain has spent the morning talking to members of the Administration, members of the Senate, and members of the House. He is optimistic that there has been significant progress toward a bipartisan agreement now that there is a framework for all parties to be represented in negotiations, including Representative Blunt as a designated negotiator for House Republicans. The McCain campaign is resuming all activities and the Senator will travel to the debate this afternoon.  Following the debate, he will return to Washington to ensure that all voices and interests are represented in the final agreement, especially those of taxpayers and homeowners.

Wow, that's a load of shit haha.

Van Cruncheon

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1682 on: September 26, 2008, 12:32:18 PM »
hahaha, he totally ran squealing into the night

Howard Alan Treesong

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1683 on: September 26, 2008, 12:33:41 PM »
Obama with his "talking" - what kind of a solution is that??

John McCain activated his super listening powers for 42 minutes, giving his mega brain time to digest all sides and CAINIAC to spit out a punch card containing the answer.*

*More tax cuts, less regulation.


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« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 12:36:58 PM by MrAngryFace »


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1685 on: September 26, 2008, 12:48:11 PM » -- argument that palin should bow out -- clip from daily show - bush bailout speech = bush iraq speech

Read the first article.  :rofl   

 :o @ speeches that Daily Show put side by side.   :maf 
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 12:53:20 PM by Tauntaun »


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1686 on: September 26, 2008, 12:49:14 PM » -- haha McCain wins debate that hasnt happened yet!


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Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1688 on: September 26, 2008, 12:54:17 PM »
I knew McCain would show.  That way he can spin it, "McCain, out of his rigorous resolve to solve this crisis, has actually taken time from this pressing issue to go debate.  What a hard worker!"

Plus it covers his ass if people see him leaving the debate as a copout.

Even better, if he fucks up at the debate, it can be spun that McCain was so busy working to solve the issue that his mind wasn't on the debate, which is a waste of time but he had no choice because that talker Obama wanted a debate so badly.  See, McCain is capable of cooperating with the "other" party.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1689 on: September 26, 2008, 12:57:53 PM »
I think Letterman did the nation a service by showing that feed.

This whole economic meltdown is blowing up in McCain's face.

From the article:
"They were pretty aggravated," a CBS News source told The Post.
"But they were not about to start a fight with Letterman," the source said. "We're in the middle of a heavy, heavy news cycle and Letterman is Letterman.

...and, oddly enough, anything that leaves a politician's mouth is viable news. Especially if they say it in a news studio.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1690 on: September 26, 2008, 01:13:20 PM »
I don't believe this meltdown will harm McCain.

His proposals might be insane but all the public is going to know is that McCain is against the bailout.  That is all people are primarily concerned with.  Tonight, he will pressure Obama into admitting that he is in favor of the bailout (only 30% of Americans support it at this time) where McCain, even if he were to explain his crappy ass proposal, the public wouldn't understand.  Most Americans have no clue what a capital gains tax is.  All they know is taxes = bad and if McCain wants to get rid of a tax, then that is good.

McCain has done nothing but Hail Mary passes, which usually work out well, at least for a little while.  All he is going to do is ride the "I'm against the bailout because I'm against taxes" standpoint.  McCain is a little better at speaking than Palin so I can expect him to deliver variants of this stance without tripping up too bad.

The crisis point for McCain now is the VP debate.  By trying to escape that debate, he was hoping to push the VP debate back or try to eliminate it entirely.  They know Palin is fucking worthless and they are trying to make sure that they minimize her speaking impact as much as possible.  Palin now will probably only go to Fox News or just not talk at all anymore.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1691 on: September 26, 2008, 01:16:42 PM »

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1692 on: September 26, 2008, 01:18:17 PM »
Gallup confirms what everyone else has been saying- the McCain stunt was viewed as a stunt.  After being up 3 on Wednesday, Obama slid back into a tie with McCain yesterday and is now back up 3 again.  Since the poll is a 3 day rolling average, that means the polling on Wednesday probably initially really favored McCain's stunt but now people have figured it out and are not buying it.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1693 on: September 26, 2008, 01:21:27 PM »
Better be.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1694 on: September 26, 2008, 01:25:05 PM »
It'll go back to a tie.  I now have no faith in American people anymore.  CNN's iReporters bitching about OMG TAXES BU BU BU made me terrified.  McCain's gonna emerge from this as the hero.  Fuck me in the ass.

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1695 on: September 26, 2008, 01:29:52 PM »



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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1696 on: September 26, 2008, 01:31:54 PM »
Beaten by four posts  :'(

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1697 on: September 26, 2008, 01:32:30 PM »
It'll go back to a tie.  I now have no faith in American people anymore.  CNN's iReporters bitching about OMG TAXES BU BU BU made me terrified.  McCain's gonna emerge from this as the hero.  Fuck me in the ass.

McCain is going to the debate because he has the upper hand, debate wise.  He will corner Obama and make him admit he is in favor of the pro-regulation, pro-tax, pro-Wall Street, anti-Main Street bailout bill.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1698 on: September 26, 2008, 01:33:52 PM »
It'll go back to a tie.  I now have no faith in American people anymore.  CNN's iReporters bitching about OMG TAXES BU BU BU made me terrified.  McCain's gonna emerge from this as the hero.  Fuck me in the ass.

McCain is going to the debate because he has the upper hand, debate wise.  He will corner Obama and make him admit he is in favor of the pro-regulation, pro-tax, pro-Wall Street, anti-Main Street bailout bill.

Yup.  This is horrible.

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1699 on: September 26, 2008, 01:35:09 PM »
Beaten by four posts  :'(

That's ok. We still need to photoshop the hell out of it!!!

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1700 on: September 26, 2008, 01:35:40 PM »
It'll go back to a tie.  I now have no faith in American people anymore.  CNN's iReporters bitching about OMG TAXES BU BU BU made me terrified.  McCain's gonna emerge from this as the hero.  Fuck me in the ass.

McCain is going to the debate because he has the upper hand, debate wise.  He will corner Obama and make him admit he is in favor of the pro-regulation, pro-tax, pro-Wall Street, anti-Main Street bailout bill.

Obama needs to counter with "Ok, what is YOUR pro-Main Street plan?"


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1701 on: September 26, 2008, 01:35:59 PM »
but we NEED more regulation and more taxation of the rich :(


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1702 on: September 26, 2008, 01:36:39 PM »
It'll go back to a tie.  I now have no faith in American people anymore.  CNN's iReporters bitching about OMG TAXES BU BU BU made me terrified.  McCain's gonna emerge from this as the hero.  Fuck me in the ass.

McCain is going to the debate because he has the upper hand, debate wise.  He will corner Obama and make him admit he is in favor of the pro-regulation, pro-tax, pro-Wall Street, anti-Main Street bailout bill.

Obama needs to counter with "Ok, what is YOUR pro-Main Street plan?"

"We need to grow the economy, cut spending, lower taxes, blah blah insert talking points here"

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1703 on: September 26, 2008, 01:38:19 PM »
but we NEED more regulation and more taxation of the rich :(

Yes we do.

I can't stand my friends who are so against Obama mainly due to the taxation issue. My wife and I make more than they and their spouses make combined. NONE OF US MAKE ENOUGH TO BE FAVORED BY MCCAIN'S INANE PLAN!!!


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1704 on: September 26, 2008, 01:39:33 PM »
I think what makes me mad is how scared people are of tax increases. What we do as a nation costs money. Think about that the next time you go YAY WAR

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1705 on: September 26, 2008, 01:40:41 PM »
I hate taxes, but we pay them TO GET SHIT DONE.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1706 on: September 26, 2008, 01:41:42 PM »
but we NEED more regulation and more taxation of the rich :(

Yes we do.

I can't stand my friends who are so against Obama mainly due to the taxation issue. My wife and I make more than they and their spouses make combined. NONE OF US MAKE ENOUGH TO BE FAVORED BY MCCAIN'S INANE PLAN!!!

It doesn't matter.  Since the late 1970s, Americans have had the concept drilled into their head that taxes and regulation are evil.  It doesn't matter if they don't make shit.  McCain's plan is less taxes and less regulation.  He will then make Obama seem like he is for taxes (Socialism!) and for regulation (Communism!).  Obama can say things were fine before in a more taxed and regulated finance industry but America's memory span doesn't go back that far and they don't give a fuck.  They care about now.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1707 on: September 26, 2008, 01:42:23 PM »
but deregulation is why we have to do this bailout :( bubububububu :( *sigh*

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1708 on: September 26, 2008, 01:44:30 PM »
Welcome to America


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« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 01:48:36 PM by MrAngryFace »

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1710 on: September 26, 2008, 01:47:33 PM »
I really wish 80% of the links you post weren't blocked at work.  :(

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1711 on: September 26, 2008, 01:51:42 PM »
McCain Camp insiders say Palin "clueless"
Capitol Hill sources are telling me that senior McCain people are more than concerned about Palin. The campaign has held a mock debate and a mock press conference; both are being described as "disastrous." One senior McCain aide was quoted as saying, "What are we going to do?" The McCain people want to move this first debate to some later, undetermined date, possibly never. People on the inside are saying the Alaska Governor is "clueless."

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1712 on: September 26, 2008, 01:53:26 PM »
It'll go back to a tie.  I now have no faith in American people anymore.  CNN's iReporters bitching about OMG TAXES BU BU BU made me terrified.  McCain's gonna emerge from this as the hero.  Fuck me in the ass.

McCain is going to the debate because he has the upper hand, debate wise.  He will corner Obama and make him admit he is in favor of the pro-regulation, pro-tax, pro-Wall Street, anti-Main Street bailout bill.

I don't think things are going to play out like that.  All Obama has to do is point out that what McCain and the house GOP want is more of what got us in this mess in the first place.  "You don't cure an alcoholic by taking him back to the bar."

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1713 on: September 26, 2008, 01:55:52 PM »
McCain Camp insiders say Palin "clueless"
Capitol Hill sources are telling me that senior McCain people are more than concerned about Palin. The campaign has held a mock debate and a mock press conference; both are being described as "disastrous." One senior McCain aide was quoted as saying, "What are we going to do?" The McCain people want to move this first debate to some later, undetermined date, possibly never. People on the inside are saying the Alaska Governor is "clueless."

The GOP will be trying desperately to get the Dems to cancel the VP debate.  They will try to push it back, water the content down, and make it seem like a huge nuisance to get Palin to debate.

Howard Alan Treesong

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1714 on: September 26, 2008, 01:56:19 PM »
It'll go back to a tie.  I now have no faith in American people anymore.  CNN's iReporters bitching about OMG TAXES BU BU BU made me terrified.  McCain's gonna emerge from this as the hero.  Fuck me in the ass.

McCain is going to the debate because he has the upper hand, debate wise.  He will corner Obama and make him admit he is in favor of the pro-regulation, pro-tax, pro-Wall Street, anti-Main Street bailout bill.

I don't think things are going to play out like that.  All Obama has to do is point out that what McCain and the house GOP want is more of what got us in this mess in the first place.  "You don't cure an alcoholic by taking him back to the bar."

"what America needs, more than ever, is the hair of the dog that bit us."

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1715 on: September 26, 2008, 01:57:07 PM »
It'll go back to a tie.  I now have no faith in American people anymore.  CNN's iReporters bitching about OMG TAXES BU BU BU made me terrified.  McCain's gonna emerge from this as the hero.  Fuck me in the ass.

McCain is going to the debate because he has the upper hand, debate wise.  He will corner Obama and make him admit he is in favor of the pro-regulation, pro-tax, pro-Wall Street, anti-Main Street bailout bill.

I don't think things are going to play out like that.  All Obama has to do is point out that what McCain and the house GOP want is more of what got us in this mess in the first place.  "You don't cure an alcoholic by taking him back to the bar."

That will be a tough sell.  McCain could say, "Well, it wasn't until the Democrats controlled Congress when all this happened."  That during the GOP led Congresses, the economy did well.  During the Democrat's time, economic difficulty.

Eric P

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1716 on: September 26, 2008, 01:58:14 PM »
i just hope the Bluths are OK

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1717 on: September 26, 2008, 01:59:43 PM »
McCain Camp insiders say Palin "clueless"
Capitol Hill sources are telling me that senior McCain people are more than concerned about Palin. The campaign has held a mock debate and a mock press conference; both are being described as "disastrous." One senior McCain aide was quoted as saying, "What are we going to do?" The McCain people want to move this first debate to some later, undetermined date, possibly never. People on the inside are saying the Alaska Governor is "clueless."

The GOP will be trying desperately to get the Dems to cancel the VP debate.  They will try to push it back, water the content down, and make it seem like a huge nuisance to get Palin to debate.

That ship has sailed.  We're less than a week away from that, which as long as Obama looks competent tonight imo will really finally nail this thing shut.  The "fundamentals" gaffe was the first major nail, McCain's stunt was the next, hopefully the debate tonight will help and then Gov. McMooseburger's almost certainly disastrous debate performance.  The only thing to be nervous about is if Biden comes off as a bigger dipshit than Palin, which will be really, really tough to do but is not out of the realm of possibility.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1718 on: September 26, 2008, 02:01:05 PM »
McCain's campaign since August has been nothing but Hail Mary after Hail Mary.  I could easily see them try to throw a wrench in the VP debate in the last minute.  I don't see how they could fuck it up but McCain didn't pull his act until just a couple days before the debate tonight.  Honestly, a Palin no-show would pan out better than Palin attending it.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1719 on: September 26, 2008, 02:01:31 PM »
It'll go back to a tie.  I now have no faith in American people anymore.  CNN's iReporters bitching about OMG TAXES BU BU BU made me terrified.  McCain's gonna emerge from this as the hero.  Fuck me in the ass.

McCain is going to the debate because he has the upper hand, debate wise.  He will corner Obama and make him admit he is in favor of the pro-regulation, pro-tax, pro-Wall Street, anti-Main Street bailout bill.

I don't think things are going to play out like that.  All Obama has to do is point out that what McCain and the house GOP want is more of what got us in this mess in the first place.  "You don't cure an alcoholic by taking him back to the bar."

That will be a tough sell.  McCain could say, "Well, it wasn't until the Democrats controlled Congress when all this happened."  That during the GOP led Congresses, the economy did well.  During the Democrat's time, economic difficulty.

People aren't going to buy that, though.  When people think about the past eight years, they think about Bush, Republican corruption and general dumbness.  The dem congress has low approval ratings in general but that's because they didn't end the war magically in January of 2007.

Remember that you thought Obama was finished two weeks ago.  I think you're prone to overreaction.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1720 on: September 26, 2008, 02:03:41 PM »
I really wish 80% of the links you post weren't blocked at work.  :(

Get a new job anihomo!  :maf  u mad?

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1721 on: September 26, 2008, 02:05:03 PM »
I play the cynical role for Obama because everyone tends to underestimate the stupidity of Americans.  How McCain even has much of any support is baffling.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1722 on: September 26, 2008, 02:07:52 PM »
McCain's campaign since August has been nothing but Hail Mary after Hail Mary.  I could easily see them try to throw a wrench in the VP debate in the last minute.  I don't see how they could fuck it up but McCain didn't pull his act until just a couple days before the debate tonight.  Honestly, a Palin no-show would pan out better than Palin attending it.

I suppose Bristol could miscarry or the First Dude could be involved in a tragic snow machine accident.


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Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1724 on: September 26, 2008, 02:15:30 PM »
Funny tidbit for the Seattle Shat-pack:  apparently your Republican candidate for Gov. (I think his name is Rossi or something) is trying to get on the ballot without an "R" or "Republican" next to his name, but the amusingly titled "GOP Party" next to him instead.  Since "GOP" stands for "Grand Old Party" I guess he wants people to know that he's TOTALLY ready to throw down.  It couldn't possibly be that he wants you to think he's not a "Republican" in a year they're about as popular as pedos, no sir!


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1725 on: September 26, 2008, 02:28:25 PM »
I think at this point, the Republicans should just concentrate on 2012.  The next US president is likely to be a one termer, since in 2012 it will be very easy to convince America that Obama fumbled, since no amount of decent policy doling is going to make the next several years look very shiny.  Since the Republicans have a hard-on for war heroes, maybe they can convince, say, Petreaus to run.  Petreaus is kinda cute in an awkward way.  I'd fuck/vote for him.

Howard Alan Treesong

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1726 on: September 26, 2008, 02:45:53 PM »
God's candidate drops some mad science:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Thursday that Sen. John McCain made a "huge mistake" by even discussing canceling the presidential debate with Sen. Barack Obama.

Huckabee said Thursday in Mobile that the people need to hear both candidates. He said that’s "far better than heading to Washington" to huddle with senators.

Huckabee said he still backs McCain’s candidacy, but said the Arizona senator should not have put his campaign on hold to deal with the financial crisis on Wall Street. He said a president must be prepared to "deal with the unexpected." 

"You can’t just say, ‘World stop for a moment. I’m going to cancel everything,"‘ Huckabee said.


McCain's gambit has set off the Republican Civil War


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1727 on: September 26, 2008, 03:14:04 PM »
You know, disregarding Huck's batshit insane religious opinions, he's not that bad of a guy.  I hate him less.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1728 on: September 26, 2008, 03:28:08 PM »
MSNBC confirms that McCain will attend the debate. Don't know if it was posted here.

WASHINGTON - Republican John McCain agreed to attend the first presidential debate Friday night even though Congress doesn't have a bailout deal, reversing an earlier decision to delay the event until Washington had taken action to address the crisis.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1729 on: September 26, 2008, 03:38:30 PM »
You know, disregarding Huck's batshit insane religious opinions, he's not that bad of a guy.  I hate him less.

This is a very common sentiment towards the Huckster.  Very genuine guy who seems to play politics pretty straight and honest.  Too bad about him being kinda batshit insane with his religious views.

Hes genuinely funny too, whenever he's on Daily Show/Colbert, he's a riot.  And he plays bass, I admire that.

I think if I didn't know him in a political sense, I'd like him as a guy.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1730 on: September 26, 2008, 03:42:32 PM »
Well, I work in a super Republican industry and plenty of people around here have been talking about McCain's economic plan being a disaster, Bush being a completely inept president, all the way up to people expressing outright support for Obama. Then again, this *IS* New York (albeit a slightly more mixed Dem-Repub area than the city).

I'm just a bit worried that Obama won't perform as well as expected in tonight's debate, since from what I've heard, Obama isn't nearly as eloquent when it comes to debating and answering questions on the fly, and has a tendency to shun soundbytes in favor of long-winded explanations. But he can't be as bad as Kerry was with that.

I made my map today on, of what I think the final will be:
Obama getting all of the Kerry states + IA + NV + NM + OH + VA
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 03:44:39 PM by tiesto »


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba b
« Reply #1731 on: September 26, 2008, 03:46:22 PM »
Funny tidbit for the Seattle Shat-pack:  apparently your Republican candidate for Gov. (I think his name is Rossi or something) is trying to get on the ballot without an "R" or "Republican" next to his name, but the amusingly titled "GOP Party" next to him instead.  Since "GOP" stands for "Grand Old Party" I guess he wants people to know that he's TOTALLY ready to throw down.  It couldn't possibly be that he wants you to think he's not a "Republican" in a year they're about as popular as pedos, no sir!

Too bad it's not Roissy running.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1733 on: September 26, 2008, 03:49:49 PM »
I think that Obama will end up carrying all the Kerry states plus IA, NM, CO, NV, VA and NC with an outside shot at taking FL.  OH is, as always, worthless.


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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1734 on: September 26, 2008, 03:50:54 PM »
WASHINGTON— In a blatant show of disgust and indifference toward her senatorial duties, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) repeatedly yelled "boring" from her seat Wednesday, interrupting New Mexico senator Jeff Bingaman's speech in support of S. 3125, a bill that would extend certain expiring provisions of the Internal Tax Revenue Code of 1986.

Clinton's declaration of boredom and the various iterations that followed—including shouts of "Bored," "I'm bored," "This is stupid," "This is boring," and "Oh my God, I'm so bored"—were not reportedly targeted at one person in particular but at the entire assembly. According to those senators present, Clinton delivered her unprompted remarks while she slouched in her chair, rested her head atop the back of her seat, and fixed her eyes on the Senate Chamber's ceiling.

"Shut up," a visibly exasperated Clinton said in a forceful monotone when Sen. Bingaman attempted to resume his speech. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up."

"Stop being boring," Clinton added. "Why can't we do something fun for a change, like run for president?"

Despite suggestions from nearby legislators that she keep her voice down, Clinton once again interrupted Bingaman before the conclusion of his speech when she began a slow, exaggerated clap for her colleague in an apparent attempt to get him to leave the podium. When Bingaman tried to speak above the clapping, Clinton addressed him with pointed sarcasm, saying, "Great speech, Jeff. Just great. Really brought the house down."

Clinton then reportedly asked the senator seated next to her, "How long do these things go?" and spent the next 45 minutes slowly rubbing her temples.

Although her fellow lawmakers admitted they were startled by Clinton's most recent outburst, they were not surprised. The disruption, one senator said, follows a pattern of rude behavior that began in June, when Clinton returned to the Senate after a narrow loss in the Democratic primaries.

During the first meeting she attended following her crushing defeat, Clinton greeted the 99 other senators by loudly declaring, "Ugh, kill me now." She then made what could be described as a "Yap, yap, yap" gesture with her right hand during the entirety of Sen. Harry Reid's (D-NV) introduction of bill S. 3268, an amendment to the Commodity Exchange Act.

Perhaps the most egregious example of Clinton's misbehavior, according to congressional records, came in July when the former presidential contender twirled her right index finger and stated "Whoop-de-doo" when Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) appeared on the Senate floor for the first time since undergoing surgery for brain cancer.

"We understand that Sen. Clinton is going through a difficult adjustment right now," Reid told reporters. "But at some point she is going to have to stop blurting out 'sucks' after each person's name is called during roll."

Reid went on to confirm reports that Clinton has taken to arriving an hour late to all meetings, most often wearing pajama bottoms and an oversized Late Show With David Letterman T-shirt.

However, many of Clinton's fellow senators said they do not mind her tardiness, noting that she is actually more of a disturbance when she arrives on time. One anonymous Wisconsin senator told reporters that Clinton has been known to deliver a sustained, audible sigh while President Pro Tempore Robert Byrd calls the meeting to order; frequently votes by letting out an extended belch; repeats the title of every bill in a high-pitched, mocking tone; and, once, after her disruptions caused the former first lady to be escorted out of the Capitol, raised both middle fingers in the air and proposed that the entire Senate go fuck itself.

"Yesterday I spoke to [Clinton] about the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, a bill she used to be very passionate about," Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) said. "She pretended to fall asleep while I was speaking, started fake snoring, woke up, and said, 'I'm sorry, Tom, were you saying something?'"

"She's worse than Kerry was in 2004," added Harkin, referring to Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), who, after his loss in the presidential election, spent the remainder of the congressional year seated in the back of the chamber, trying to master "Rocky Raccoon" on his guitar.

Despite receiving several verbal warnings, Clinton has shown no signs of amending her behavior. As chair of the Subcommittee on Superfund and Environmental Health, the senator is expected to resume her duties tomorrow by banging a gavel in front of a silent audience for approximately 10 straight minutes and leaving for lunch. -- haha point counter point with palin
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 03:53:53 PM by MrAngryFace »

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1735 on: September 26, 2008, 03:53:26 PM »
Obama will be winning Iowa for sure.  McCain barely has a presence here.  Plus it is the same election as a popular Senator.

I think Obama will find himself cornered in the debate tonight.  McCain is visiting not because he has legitimate points (lol) but because he wants to try to neutralize Obama's gains as well as hoping to start up enough momentum for the campaign to handle the VP debate, which will cost the GOP several points in the polls.  McCain will pretty much be making snippy comments and just general passive aggressiveness.  On the other hand, I expect Obama to try to be polite but neutral towards the GOP.  Depending on the mood of the public, that could go either way.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1736 on: September 26, 2008, 03:55:25 PM »
Oh hell naw.  Footage from the 1984 Miss Alaska competition.  Specifically the swimsuit portion of the competition.



Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1737 on: September 26, 2008, 03:58:58 PM »
What the fuck?  I get my cock out and the first 50 seconds of the video is some dude.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1738 on: September 26, 2008, 04:00:49 PM »
What the fuck?  I get my cock out and the first 50 seconds of the video is some dude.

Haha yeah kind of lame.  Supposedly for the talent portion she plays the flute!

Re: Evilbore's Presidential Election Thread --Its the Final COUNTDOWN Ba da ba baaaa
« Reply #1739 on: September 26, 2008, 04:12:58 PM »
The skin flute?