Tortured myself and watched The Marvels yesterday.
I saw an ad spot for it this week letting people know its NOW STREAMING ON DISNEYPLUS! and I think I can see where they went wrong with it, because its all
#girlboss #relatable #girlsgetitdone
and pretty famously women didn't go and watch it at all - they all went and watched shirtless Jason Momoa emerging from the ocean in slow motion instead, to the internets surprise.
[I wonder if this movie is going to be what "fixes" things and leads to the X-Men characters joining the MCU? 
It looks like a smashed 20th century fox physical logo in the limbo type area, so they're ramping up the fourth wall breaking to 11, which hopefully doesn't go too over the top in just being reference humour.
Like, GOTG3 could have easily been terrible and just all lol so random wacky goofiness (like the christmas special veered dangerously close to).
It'd be pretty fucking weird to have one of the biggest impacts to the MCU yet happen in a deadpool sequel though.