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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37620 on: September 05, 2020, 01:58:18 PM »
Mulan is safe, boring, humorless, and heavy-handed. Basically, like pretty much every new live-action Disney film.
yeah i was 100% not interested in watching this but i'm surrounded by children who are consoomer trash persons so i capitulated... movie is just not good and completely bland in every dimension.

also like the aladdin remake & the lion king one, something is weird about the way they are filmbled that makes them feel  oddly small scale and cheap. probably a net result of tiny shoebox green screen sets and the most boring direction possible.

this is technically a spoiler but if you care you need to not be 10 years old, seriously how can you release this and think it's badasss :lol

that looked amazing tbh  :juche


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37622 on: September 05, 2020, 02:20:09 PM »

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37623 on: September 05, 2020, 05:31:15 PM »
The only thing worse than a movie about a movie is a book about a book.  'I'm a writer, I'll just write about what I know'.   :trash


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37624 on: September 05, 2020, 11:11:29 PM »
The only thing worse than a movie about a movie is a book about a book.  'I'm a writer, I'll just write about what I know'.   :trash
Jorge Luis Borges, denied :goty


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37625 on: September 05, 2020, 11:14:54 PM »
I saw Tenet and my opinion is that it's an overambitious failure with (potential) plot holes. I agree with everything Vom said
« Last Edit: September 05, 2020, 11:32:20 PM by shosta »


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37626 on: September 05, 2020, 11:23:33 PM »
It was a piece of shit. I'm starting to think his brother is the talented one

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37627 on: September 05, 2020, 11:47:45 PM »


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37628 on: September 06, 2020, 02:58:29 AM »
Saw Tenet. Didn’t really care for it that much. Plot felt like nonsense and all of those Nolan moments felt meaningless to me. Such a cold and uninteresting movie. Felt no humanity or motivation for anyone in the movie. It 100% failed to make me care for the characters. So when the movie does those emotional twists, I feel nothing. Beyond I guess a simple nod of "that's kind of neat".
« Last Edit: September 06, 2020, 04:26:37 AM by Rahxephon91 »


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37629 on: September 06, 2020, 10:24:35 AM »
Rahx, I think you nailed it... all of Nolan's characters are shallow and wooden. None of the development was convincing. Why would the protagonist develop feelings for Kat? Why does the lead's relationship with Neil completely lack any chemistry at all? Why am I not terrified of Sator?


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37630 on: September 06, 2020, 11:01:44 AM »
Rahx, I think you nailed it... all of Nolan's characters are shallow and wooden. None of the development was convincing. Why would the protagonist develop feelings for Kat? Why does the lead's relationship with Neil completely lack any chemistry at all? Why am I not terrified of Sator?

I don't think it's the same roots for all of them... I didn't really mind hero guy being shallow but that's because the actor can pull it off just on his charisma. Pattinson is a bit of the same and I think they have good chemistry together, but the whole thing about them by the end felt empty to me. I'd rather have the script gave us a bit more meat as to why he's so ride or die (a thrill seeker or something) without the convoluted retroactive explanation.
I can buy Debicky's character and the protagonist being infatuated with her plight up to a point but she definitely overstayed her welcome fiercely (BUTMAHSON !?), as for the antagonist I thought it's too much of a tired trope to start with and he gets worse and worse as things go along, he's thinner than actual Bond villains. That's pretty much my whole impression of the film, it really unravels to a mess the more and more it tries to elaborate.

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It's like the Indian arms dealer character : starts as a clever twist, gets dragged along in the plot to fill story cog duty.

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Movie should probably have ended sometime after the Tallinn heist in a much more intimate climax involving forward / backward or something.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37631 on: September 06, 2020, 11:10:00 AM »
I'm glad that nolan is finally being seen for the hack he is.

Stoney Mason

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37632 on: September 06, 2020, 01:47:40 PM »
Watched Dolemite is my name

Very good. Very funny. Makes you root for and like the character and I wasn't even a big fan of the original dolemite movies but this movie makes you like the character. I wish in an alternate universe Eddie had never stopped making these kind of movies instead of trying for the hollywood crossover stuff. This film fits in with his earlier work.

Tuckers Law

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37633 on: September 06, 2020, 02:29:07 PM »
Finally watched Death of Stalin.. Michael Palin and Steve Buscemi play off great against each other, I loved it.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37634 on: September 06, 2020, 04:50:23 PM »
I watched the Jack Ryan with Chris Pine (Shadow Recruit ?) and Kenneth Branagh is playing a shady Russian businessman.

Oh shut he directed it too. :dead :dead

Tuckers Law

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37635 on: September 06, 2020, 08:56:04 PM »
I watched the Jack Ryan with Chris Pine (Shadow Recruit ?) and Kenneth Branagh is playing a shady Russian businessman.

Oh shut he directed it too. :dead :dead
That movie is a guilty pleasure of mine  :yeshrug

I liked it more than the Jack Ryan TV show, anyways.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37636 on: September 06, 2020, 11:28:05 PM »
Rahx, I think you nailed it... all of Nolan's characters are shallow and wooden. None of the development was convincing. Why would the protagonist develop feelings for Kat? Why does the lead's relationship with Neil completely lack any chemistry at all? Why am I not terrified of Sator?

debickis shallow, singularly focused role was very disappointing, and the chemistry with washington was null. washington and pattinson though  :drake


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37637 on: September 06, 2020, 11:32:36 PM »
I liked Sator's vibe. A quiet, calculating, Tarkovskian kind of evil. Like he came from the universe of Stalker, having found this artifact in The Zone.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37638 on: September 07, 2020, 07:39:48 AM »
Don't know if I ever need to say it but Jack Ryan : Shadow Recruit was average & serviceable. Didn't really care for the whole couple angle, neither for the disgustingly stale Tom Clancy trappings. The middle bit in Moscow is OK if only for the mood and setting.

Decided to give The Arrival a rewatch, I honestly had almost no memory of it when the critics I read considered hit a bit of a sleeper it. It's a bit dated in camera and editing work but in a sort of charming way (makes a good job with middling VFX and SFX and a small budget) but the writing & pacing is really, really tight. The narrow focus on Charlie Sheen's character works wonders at balancing the film as a whole and there's even a bit of meaning to it all. It's not David Twohy's fault that it scrapes the ceiling to greatness but I thought the movie would maybe have been elevated even farther with someone like Carpenter behind the lens.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2020, 05:34:37 PM by VomKriege »


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37639 on: September 07, 2020, 05:20:19 PM »
The Arrival is a great movie, a bit underrated it my book.

I watched Die Hard

My man Hans Gruber, when international terrorists were still well dressed and well read.

But even the greatest terrorists can't beat a true hero

Wonderful 4k remaster from Fox. Which Disney has now cancelled and discontinued.  :gun


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37640 on: September 07, 2020, 11:35:12 PM »
I think calling Nolan a hack is a little ridiculous. The man still creates really interesting movies that on a technical level are amazing and filled with an actual director's touch. In a world where it continuously feels like media is safe and the same, he still creates very unique and challenging movies. I know internet tough guys will balk at that and try to undermine that, but I've always though it's intellectually lazy and regressive to go "oh but see it's really just a copy if you simplify the work to just a brief description". Whatever I don't care.

But just because I'm not hot on Tenet dosen't mean I think Nolan is done. Every creator is going to have a dud or a work where they go too far. A work that kind of sums up a lot of thier excess. I think Tenet is just that. I did'nt care for it. Mostly because yeah the character's lacked humanity to me. Maybe that was the point? I also thought the plot was too much. Maybe I'm an idiot.

My bias in fiction is that I care about themes and clear storytelling with those themes. I've never been someone who cares about plotholes or if the characters are super deep. As long as characters have motivation, a role in the storytelling, and some sort of presence I'm good.

With Tenet I just don't quite understand what Nolan wanted to do. The man has a clear fascination with time. How we perceive it and relate to it. Interstellar has time effect a father and daughter relationship and plays into the story completely. It deals a lot with how humanity as conscious relates to time. Inception has time perceived on a dreamlike level. The Prestige tells the story out of order so that you can get a feeling for the two leads. Dunkirk is probably his best use of time as he plays with time and perspective almost to a point that it dosent matter. As you watch Dunkirk you lose track of time only realizing that all the events have lead to a specific moment. Nolan loves those moments in his movies, where the audience catches up to what he's been saying. He loves twists where you go "oh it all makes sense now". He loves clever moments that sometimes subvert your expectaions but feel real to you. Sometimes they work. Sometimes they are stupid. He really wanted that Talia reveal in Dark Knight Rises for whatever reason. Tenet feels like it has those moments, but that are really telegraphed to me. Mostly because a lot of them I felt "well yeah this is what has to happen in a time travel story". But none of them feel "human" to me because the characters are whatever.

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Robert Pattison being the protag's friend all a long. Yeah that gives you the Prestige like feeling where you go back and watch the scene where knows how the Protag takes his drink. Ok? But at the end of the day despite thier chemistry I'm not sure why i should care. It dosen't feel like a real friendship. These don't feel like characters that had real motivation to be friends.

Yeah it's great that Kate was the actual diver, but again you see it a mile away because of course she is. It's time travel though the movie works its ass off to not be time travel. I also feel nothing, because the character is so one note

But I also feel nothing because I'll be honest, I never understood what was really going on. Though even if I did, would I really care? See in Inception I somewhat care about whats going on, because Cob has such a real reason to do what he is doing. He wants to see his kids. He needs a builder because he can't do it anymore because of the lingering trauma of his wife. He needs to let go of the past, the time with his wife. He needs to live for the future. You can complain that the supporting cast is whatever, but I always felt that they all have presence. They also all have innate roles in the story, because the movies is a heist movie.

Tenet is a spy movie, but unlike Inception I don't think its as well executed. Both use a far out there premise, but ground it in the structure of another genre. I guess I just don't think the "gimmick" was as well explained in Tenet. In Inception it feels pretty well thought out and the explanation for why it exists is also very simple(military designed it for training whatever). Here it's tied to some future algorithm that's from the future, but we have machines to reverse it, and some Russian guy found it, but if he dies it's all over. The explanation for the inverse stuff reminded me of Interstellar where the black hole with the device to send messages through time is made also by future people. It was ok in Interstellar because one of the themes is communication through time, but also because space whatever. 

Here honestly, I would have been fine with a simple Russian dude discovered new weapon because of nuclear disaster in Russia and is dangerous. It would be very James Bond. I don't understand why the villain dying will end the world. but all the stakes in the movie are tied to it. Since I don't understand it, I lost.

I almost feel like Nolan wanted to create a story where the begining and end meet and thats the big moment. The time travel is I guess basically one flows up river the other flows down river and I guess you are able to turn around at certain junctions. Ok, but I don't really know how this really plays out for the benefit of the storytelling and character work. So I'm just left with a movie that I don't really care about.

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37641 on: September 07, 2020, 11:38:53 PM »
I think calling Nolan a hack is a little ridiculous. The man still creates really interesting movies that on a technical level are amazing and filled with an actual director's touch. In a world where it continuously feels like media is safe and the same, he still creates very unique and challenging movies. I know internet tough guys will balk at that and try to undermine that, but I've always though it's intellectually lazy and regressive to go "oh but see it's really just a copy if you simplify the work to just a brief description". Whatever I don't care.

But just because I'm not hot on Tenet dosen't mean I think Nolan is done. Every creator is going to have a dud or a work where they go too far. A work that kind of sums up a lot of thier excess. I think Tenet is just that. I did'nt care for it. Mostly because yeah the character's lacked humanity to me. Maybe that was the point? I also thought the plot was too much. Maybe I'm an idiot.

My bias in fiction is that I care about themes and clear storytelling with those themes. I've never been someone who cares about plotholes or if the characters are super deep. As long as characters have motivation, a role in the storytelling, and some sort of presence I'm good.

With Tenet I just don't quite understand what Nolan wanted to do. The man has a clear fascination with time. How we perceive it and relate to it. Interstellar has time effect a father and daughter relationship and plays into the story completely. It deals a lot with how humanity as conscious relates to time. Inception has time perceived on a dreamlike level. The Prestige tells the story out of order so that you can get a feeling for the two leads. Dunkirk is probably his best use of time as he plays with time and perspective almost to a point that it dosent matter. As you watch Dunkirk you lose track of time only realizing that all the events have lead to a specific moment. Nolan loves those moments in his movies, where the audience catches up to what he's been saying. He loves twists where you go "oh it all makes sense now". He loves clever moments that sometimes subvert your expectaions but feel real to you. Sometimes they work. Sometimes they are stupid. He really wanted that Talia reveal in Dark Knight Rises for whatever reason. Tenet feels like it has those moments, but that are really telegraphed to me. Mostly because a lot of them I felt "well yeah this is what has to happen in a time travel story". But none of them feel "human" to me because the characters are whatever.

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Robert Pattison being the protag's friend all a long. Yeah that gives you the Prestige like feeling where you go back and watch the scene where knows how the Protag takes his drink. Ok? But at the end of the day despite thier chemistry I'm not sure why i should care. It dosen't feel like a real friendship. These don't feel like characters that had real motivation to be friends.

Yeah it's great that Kate was the actual diver, but again you see it a mile away because of course she is. It's time travel though the movie works its ass off to not be time travel. I also feel nothing, because the character is so one note

But I also feel nothing because I'll be honest, I never understood what was really going on. Though even if I did, would I really care? See in Inception I somewhat care about whats going on, because Cob has such a real reason to do what he is doing. He wants to see his kids. He needs a builder because he can't do it anymore because of the lingering trauma of his wife. He needs to let go of the past, the time with his wife. He needs to live for the future. You can complain that the supporting cast is whatever, but I always felt that they all have presence. They also all have innate roles in the story, because the movies is a heist movie.

Tenet is a spy movie, but unlike Inception I don't think its as well executed. Both use a far out there premise, but ground it in the structure of another genre. I guess I just don't think the "gimmick" was as well explained in Tenet. In Inception it feels pretty well thought out and the explanation for why it exists is also very simple(military designed it for training whatever). Here it's tied to some future algorithm that's from the future, but we have machines to reverse it, and some Russian guy found it, but if he dies it's all over. The explanation for the inverse stuff reminded me of Interstellar where the black hole with the device to send messages through time is made also by future people. It was ok in Interstellar because one of the themes is communication through time, but also because space whatever. 

Here honestly, I would have been fine with a simple Russian dude discovered new weapon because of nuclear disaster in Russia and is dangerous. It would be very James Bond. I don't understand why the villain dying will end the world. but all the stakes in the movie are tied to it. Since I don't understand it, I lost.

I almost feel like Nolan wanted to create a story where the begining and end meet and thats the big moment. The time travel is I guess basically one flows up river the other flows down river and I guess you are able to turn around at certain junctions. Ok, but I don't really know how this really plays out for the benefit of the storytelling and character work. So I'm just left with a movie that I don't really care about.

Imagine caring this much about nolan.



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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37642 on: September 07, 2020, 11:43:11 PM »


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37643 on: September 08, 2020, 01:27:39 AM »
Don't know if I ever need to say it but Jack Ryan : Shadow Recruit was average & serviceable. Didn't really care for the whole couple angle, neither for the disgustingly stale Tom Clancy trappings. The middle bit in Moscow is OK if only for the mood and setting.

Decided to give The Arrival a rewatch, I honestly had almost no memory of it when the critics I read considered hit a bit of a sleeper it. It's a bit dated in camera and editing work but in a sort of charming way (makes a good job with middling VFX and SFX and a small budget) but the writing & pacing is really, really tight. The narrow focus on Charlie Sheen's character works wonders at balancing the film as a whole and there's even a bit of meaning to it all. It's not David Twohy's fault that it scrapes the ceiling to greatness but I thought the movie would maybe have been elevated even farther with someone like Carpenter behind the lens.

Those backwards leg ass aliens are p mean

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37644 on: September 08, 2020, 01:30:16 AM »
when the lil black kid turned into one, I was legit shook  :titus


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37645 on: September 08, 2020, 12:39:07 PM »

Wonderful 4k remaster from Fox. Which Disney has now cancelled and discontinued.  :gun

I'm not sure that the Fox divisions that Disney now owns have been shut down. I thought they were renaming those divisions. Phasing out the Fox name, but otherwise still existing. Not that I know when this Die Hard 4K remaster came out or if whatever division was in charge of such remasters is still intact.

stealth edit: Or are you saying that that Die Hard 4K remaster is no longer available?


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37646 on: September 08, 2020, 02:10:26 PM »
There was a rumor or maybe it's been proven true now, that Disney has halted plans and production of 4k blu releases of the Fox back catalogue. Which would really suck as yeah that includes stuff like Die Hard and the movie I really want a new release of.....Aliens.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37647 on: September 08, 2020, 02:22:51 PM »
Most of those films are gradually going out of stock and are already going up in price on Ebay.

The last comment from Disney

“There are no plans to discontinue releases in a particular format. We evaluate each release on a case by case basis and pursue the best strategy to bring our content into consumer homes across platforms that meet a variety of demands.”

But no new releases have been announced except for Disney junk  :fbm

Tuckers Law

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37648 on: September 08, 2020, 06:08:45 PM »
Fuck Disney trash.

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37649 on: September 08, 2020, 06:24:05 PM »
legit shook about what they're going to do to alien franchise  :-\

Madrun Badrun

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37650 on: September 08, 2020, 06:27:26 PM »
Can't be worse than what has already happened. 

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37651 on: September 08, 2020, 06:33:06 PM »
I've mostly enjoyed it all  :doge

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37652 on: September 08, 2020, 06:49:43 PM »
you think disney has no say in that  :bobby

Don Rumata

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37653 on: September 08, 2020, 10:50:46 PM »
I've mostly enjoyed it all  :doge
Few of us upper echelon cinema gurus left.  :tophat

Disney will probably pump color and Marvel trash h*mor into it.
They did so well saving the Star Wars brand after all.  :lol

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37654 on: September 08, 2020, 11:08:00 PM »
"they fly now?"
"they fly now?!"
"they fly now" :karen


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37655 on: September 09, 2020, 10:01:40 AM »
lttp: but what's worse, ridley isn't returning to prometheus/covenant, but he is still banging on about whether the xenomorph is scary anymore, and who made them... blah blah

ridley, they were the worst part of your prequels, and now you are going back to this thought process... somebody, anybody take over... bring back Paul W.S. Anderson even! (but not those brothers strause, unless they've discovered lights)

Joe Molotov

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37656 on: September 09, 2020, 12:58:44 PM »
What if the aliens we saw in Covenant were actually androids and one of those goes on to create another android that creates the inbetween monster than finally creates the xenomorph seen in Alien

I'm emailing this to Ridley Scott right now.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37657 on: September 09, 2020, 01:22:02 PM »


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37658 on: September 09, 2020, 02:21:07 PM »
I'm Thinking of Ending Things was an actual masterpiece.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37659 on: September 09, 2020, 02:30:23 PM »
I'm Thinking of Ending Things was an actual masterpiece.
I know that I really liked it, but I'll maybe give it a second viewing alone to let some of my thoughts settle or become more clear before doing a small write up here. I've already had a small discussion with the friend I viewed it with and he also played me a Filmspotting episode where they discussed the movie (I think it was that podcast), so I have a few perspectives that I may not have considered at first that are flying around my head now that seem pretty reasonable. I mean I still see the movie as a sort of open ended thing, but after hearing more about it does seem more like one specific theory does make lots of sense in a movie that is more like a kaleidoscope rather than a puzzle piece. 

Great Rumbler

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Don Rumata

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37661 on: September 09, 2020, 02:57:02 PM »

Jesus, this looks utterly uninspired.  :-\
Basically have very little hype left for it, but i'll repeat the mantra, hopefully in the context of the movie it'll all come together.

To clarify my thoughts: This looks like BR2049's brutalist art direction reshuffled over a very pedestrian sci fi movie, i was expecting something much more oniric and bold/experimental.
I kind of see the point of people calling out a YA vibe, even if it's a bit of a hot take.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2020, 03:02:46 PM by Don Rumata »


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37662 on: September 09, 2020, 05:32:29 PM »
What if the aliens we saw in Covenant were actually androids and one of those goes on to create another android that creates the inbetween monster than finally creates the xenomorph seen in Alien

The mad libs biology of Prometheus was one of the most  :rage things about it.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37663 on: September 09, 2020, 06:18:43 PM »

looks ok and will make no more than $100 WW


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37664 on: September 09, 2020, 07:13:20 PM »
To me Dune looks good because I get the vibe it is less about clashing CGI armies and more about story telling, character development and world building.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37665 on: September 09, 2020, 07:40:51 PM »
I must not fear... fear is the mindkiller..

I fear I'm going to prefer David lynch's version of dune... who could defy the brilliance of this?


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37666 on: September 09, 2020, 07:41:35 PM »
When I hear fear in the mind killer all I think of is Rez stage 5.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37667 on: September 09, 2020, 09:13:52 PM »
Villanueve clearly really gets Dune. That trailer is perfect. It's a cold, brooding, gruelling political drama set in a barren desert wasteland. The YA critique is a silly hot take, but the first book does have that angle following a genetically engineered lord to their enlightenment and ultimate domination of the universe carried out against their will by an intergalactic jihad.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37668 on: September 09, 2020, 10:35:06 PM »

Arrow had some of their Blu-Rays on sale, so I decided to stock up my warchest for Halloween 2020. (Critters was Shout Factory, but it was also on sale, so whatev.)

Don Rumata

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37669 on: September 09, 2020, 11:41:03 PM »
Villanueve clearly really gets Dune. That trailer is perfect. It's a cold, brooding, gruelling political drama set in a barren desert wasteland. The YA critique is a silly hot take, but the first book does have that angle following a genetically engineered lord to their enlightenment and ultimate domination of the universe carried out against their will by an intergalactic jihad.
maybe it's closer to the books (an aspect I completely disregard, personally) but visually im finding it it completely bland, from set design, to costume design, to cinematography.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37670 on: September 09, 2020, 11:51:33 PM »
I simply can't understand that at all. It looks good. It looks very good.

Don Rumata

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37671 on: September 10, 2020, 02:28:29 AM »
I simply can't understand that at all. It looks good. It looks very good.
To each their own, i've seen no shot that  impressed me so far, i think the cinematography is looking pretty muddy and not very interesting (compositionally) even compared to BR2049 (which lifts some design elements from, as i said) with some shots in the trailer i'd even call outright ugly.
Costumes as well, look made out of cosplay parts at points, even compared to campy shit like Lynch's.
As for the set design, i didn't see that same synergy between the clean stark geometry of brutalism, and the composition of shots and light cuts. Something, like i said, that BR2049 did quite well. :thinking

Now before you say: "Lmao it's a 2 minutes trailer, how do you know?!", I don't, these are just my impressions from the trailer, which i'm finding underwhelming, as i said i still have faith in Villeneuve's abilities to pull everything together and am confident i'll change my mind when looking at things in context, in the actual movie.

But yeah, so far i'm finding it very by the numbers and not (visually) interesting in the slightest, and was expecting him to go way more experimental and bold on that front.

team filler

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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37672 on: September 10, 2020, 02:30:40 AM »
I simply can't understand that at all. It looks good. It looks very good.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37673 on: September 10, 2020, 03:45:35 AM »
(Image removed from quote.)

Arrow had some of their Blu-Rays on sale, so I decided to stock up my warchest for Halloween 2020. (Critters was Shout Factory, but it was also on sale, so whatev.)

Society! love it.. yuzna da gawd


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37674 on: September 10, 2020, 04:58:22 AM »
I liked the Dune books as a kid. I think I read most of them. I read them when I was really young, maybe Jr. High and don't remember them at all at this point, so mostly just hyped for the films because DV is a great director. Will be cool to watch and see if I remember anything at all from the books.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37675 on: September 10, 2020, 09:06:54 AM »

To clarify my thoughts: This looks like BR2049's brutalist art direction reshuffled over a very pedestrian sci fi movie, i was expecting something much more oniric and bold/experimental.
I kind of see the point of people calling out a YA vibe, even if it's a bit of a hot take.

You can't get bold and experimental with properties like this. You can get away with some stunt casting or omitting/changing things on the edges, but the fans are expecting a 95% faithful recreation and if you give them less then they will kill the word of the mouth.

There's a reason why everyone thought this movie would never get made, the balancing act you need to pull off was too high for something that is unlikely to get a huge return.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37676 on: September 10, 2020, 07:52:24 PM »

To clarify my thoughts: This looks like BR2049's brutalist art direction reshuffled over a very pedestrian sci fi movie, i was expecting something much more oniric and bold/experimental.
I kind of see the point of people calling out a YA vibe, even if it's a bit of a hot take.

You can't get bold and experimental with properties like this. You can get away with some stunt casting or omitting/changing things on the edges, but the fans are expecting a 95% faithful recreation and if you give them less then they will kill the word of the mouth.

There's a reason why everyone thought this movie would never get made, the balancing act you need to pull off was too high for something that is unlikely to get a huge return.

Is Dune really a property with a clear visual heritage you have to pay dues to ? There's been plenty of adaptations including visuals but I doubt any really got the success or devotion the books generated. I would chalk it up more on the relative paucity of the setting in general (A sand planet... Is a sand planet.).


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37677 on: September 10, 2020, 10:26:59 PM »
To be honest I think the Dune trailer was great at trying to sell the movie. You can ding it for feeling YAish, but there’s no real mystery here about what the story is. A sci fo epic about a young man coming to terms with his power or role in life. Like it was so clear and obvious. I’m sure Dune is a hard thing to sell. Someone reads the wiki summary or remembers the old movie and it seems so out there. This trailer grounded it and made it seem like an easy to grasp sci-fi epic.

And I like the aesthetic and visuals. Looks like dirty medieval sci-fi with a clear Middle East as way of the British vibe. Lawrence of Arabia meets Alien. Which fits Dune to me.

I showed my mother who remembers the Lynch Dune as a bad sci-fi movie and it sure interested her.

Don Rumata

  • Hard To Be A John
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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37678 on: September 11, 2020, 01:30:45 AM »

To clarify my thoughts: This looks like BR2049's brutalist art direction reshuffled over a very pedestrian sci fi movie, i was expecting something much more oniric and bold/experimental.
I kind of see the point of people calling out a YA vibe, even if it's a bit of a hot take.

You can't get bold and experimental with properties like this. You can get away with some stunt casting or omitting/changing things on the edges, but the fans are expecting a 95% faithful recreation and if you give them less then they will kill the word of the mouth.

There's a reason why everyone thought this movie would never get made, the balancing act you need to pull off was too high for something that is unlikely to get a huge return.
Everyone seems to rave about the could've been of Jodorowsky's and that certainly wasn't concerned with being "faithful".
Besides, i think BR2049 was able to provide more visual interest while remaining palatable for a large audience and relatively grounded.
And think of something as cookie cutter as a Marvel movie: Dr. Strange and Spiderman Multiverse are visually striking movies (even though aside from that, Dr. Strange is another hyper mediocre Marvel flick) and audiences didn't really reject them on that basis.
When i say more bold, i'm not really thinking "Hausu", just something that stands out a bit more.


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Re: Movie News, Reviews, and Discussion Super-Thread
« Reply #37679 on: September 11, 2020, 06:14:23 AM »
watching the shitty movie that is Mulan get raked across the coals for being the empty corporate woke nonsense it is in record time due to Disney's own streaming greed
