Author Topic: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads  (Read 856316 times)

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Joe Molotov

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3540 on: April 21, 2015, 01:43:38 PM »
And hey, guess what happens in regards to the death of Peter Parker in the Mile Morales Ultimate Spider-Man comics?
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Peter just shows back up again!  SURPRISE, HE'S NOT DEAD!  How?  Who knows, who cares!  He's back, helps Miles beat SURPRISE I'M NOT DEAD EITHER Green Goblin, then says Miles can be Spider-Man since he just wants to go off and fuck Mary Jane or whatever.


Remember when Gwen Stacy had Green Goblin's babies? Or when Spider-Man and MJ got divorced by Satan? :bow Spider-Man :bow2


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3541 on: April 21, 2015, 07:55:12 PM »
i dont think this is going to stick. this isnt the first time theyve tried making one of the original xmen gay, and that went over like a wet fart. then theres the fact that the current line xmen cant remember anything thats happened to the O5. that seems like a backdoor way to explain away anything that will happen to them for better or worse

Joe Molotov

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Shaka Khan

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3543 on: April 21, 2015, 09:28:10 PM »
Excited for the announcement of Doctor Strange, I started reading his stories starting with the very beginning... It's been awhile since I read silver age comics but... the Stan Lee's writing :lol

Was it a demographic thing? a 60's things? Stan's writing skills, or lack thereof?


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3544 on: April 22, 2015, 10:35:33 AM »
i dont think this is going to stick. this isnt the first time theyve tried making one of the original xmen gay, and that went over like a wet fart. then theres the fact that the current line xmen cant remember anything thats happened to the O5. that seems like a backdoor way to explain away anything that will happen to them for better or worse

I don't see why they're bothering with this with Secret Wars right around the corner.  All this shit's probably going to get changed up.  Maybe that's why Bendis did it.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3545 on: April 22, 2015, 01:07:20 PM »
i dont think this is going to stick. this isnt the first time theyve tried making one of the original xmen gay, and that went over like a wet fart. then theres the fact that the current line xmen cant remember anything thats happened to the O5. that seems like a backdoor way to explain away anything that will happen to them for better or worse

I don't see why they're bothering with this with Secret Wars right around the corner.  All this shit's probably going to get changed up.  Maybe that's why Bendis did it.

bendis flips other shit around. noone flips his shit. thats probably gonna stay. but apparently both ice men being different is a bad idea for some reason.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3546 on: April 22, 2015, 02:27:05 PM »
but apparently both ice men being different is a bad idea for some reason.

Well, it makes no sense whatsoever, for one thing. 


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3547 on: April 22, 2015, 02:45:50 PM »
but apparently both ice men being different is a bad idea for some reason.

Well, it makes no sense whatsoever, for one thing.

it does if their from different universes. theres a few inconsistencies that would make sense if this were true


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3548 on: April 22, 2015, 02:52:17 PM »
but apparently both ice men being different is a bad idea for some reason.

Well, it makes no sense whatsoever, for one thing.

it does if their from different universes. theres a few inconsistencies that would make sense if this were true

But the whole point of All-New X-Men is that these are the original 616 X-Men from the past!   :lol  Easy way to end the series, going into Battleworld, if they change this, though.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3549 on: April 22, 2015, 03:04:14 PM »
but apparently both ice men being different is a bad idea for some reason.

Well, it makes no sense whatsoever, for one thing.

it does if their from different universes. theres a few inconsistencies that would make sense if this were true

But the whole point of All-New X-Men is that these are the original 616 X-Men from the past!   :lol  Easy way to end the series, going into Battleworld, if they change this, though.

marvel time travel is tricky. every divergent travel creates a different timeline as to not effect the main timeline


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3550 on: April 22, 2015, 03:12:02 PM »
You don't have to tell me that...but the point still stands.  And since Age Of Ultron, the whole point has been that space/time is broken.

Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3551 on: April 22, 2015, 03:56:28 PM »
Black Vortex finished today. Was a fun ride that went on for a bit too long and had a bit too many side characters. Didn't need to crossover with Ms. Marvel, Nova, Star Lord or Guardians Team-up. Ending was interesting:

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Kitty Pryde became an all powerful cosmic entity and saved the day. The only people who changed back to normal were Cyclops, Iceman, Beast and Groot. And finally at the end, Kitty and Star Lord got engaged. Storm asked Rocket Raccoon to be her date :yuck


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3552 on: April 23, 2015, 12:09:51 PM »
Meant to post about that.  So it's Angel and Nebula who stayed transformed, right?

The epilogue issues were kind of pointless.  All-New X-Men is one of them and it makes me wonder if Iceman being gay is a result of the Black Vortex.  Seriously.    :lol  They did say that everyone who used the mirror would be permanently changed in some way.

But it continues to feel like nothing matters in the Marvel universe with Secret Wars coming.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3553 on: April 28, 2015, 02:44:02 PM »
Finished all 62 issues of 1998-2003 Black Panther by Christopher Priest.  Well I definitely know who Black Panther is now.  Like I said before I'm not fond of the first half of this run, but the 2nd half is generally a good read.  My problem is more of a problem I have with Marvel comics in general, that sometimes they have to rush through these arcs in only an issue or two or three and it feels like you're reading the cliff notes version of the actual plot.  It's just scene after scene after scene with no build up and no impact.  Like when when major events happen it's like "wait, was that a major thing?  I didn't even realize it and thought it was just another 2 issue arc"; this happened at issue 49 especially when the finale had no impact and then suddenly it's about a new character.  In the end it was good, but it doesn't feel like Priest really had a start/finish overall plot across the series and that it was mainly a series used to reboot the old character into a more legit modern superhero.  There was no really conclusion, just like "ok, time for the next issue by the next author in a year or two".  Anyhow, I liked it and I'm looking forward to what Marvel does with Black Panther post Priest.  One of the best parts for sure was goofy classic costume Black Panther; he was awesome.

Also read the 15 issue run of Marvel Knights around 2001 era where Daredevil/Black Widow/Moon Knight/Some Other Dude form a team and The Punisher is hilarious.  Was a fun popcorn read.  I like how the team was like "we suck and can't really fight anything beyond street level thugs".  The street level Netflix stuff makes a lot more sense now as that group's "power level" is pretty low compared to other superheroes.

Now reading Sentry, Marvel Boy and some Doctor Doom as I continue to make my way through the 1998-2004 Marvel Knights Era Marvel before I move into Modern event era Marvel.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3554 on: April 28, 2015, 05:19:09 PM »
Has anyone read Deadly Class? The art is very cool as is some of the paneling, but man does the story and writing feel so lame. it all feels very forced gritty. "look at us, we're doing drugs and being violent"! "Hey we gotta hot edgy girl with a katana and she's Japanese!". Then it likes to intersect all this grittyness with really uninteresting teen angst. This kind of material could work if the writing was hyper stylized like the art, but it's not having enough fun yet and is trying way too hard to be intense.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3555 on: April 29, 2015, 03:16:30 AM »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3556 on: April 29, 2015, 05:22:24 AM »
Oh man, The Sentry mini-series from 2001 was pretty good!  Liked the story and the way it was presented creating the lore of the character through re-integrating him in pseudo-golden age 40s comics along with the other superheroes.  Was a really well done story that was straight to the point, interesting and compelling.  Would make a great Marvel movie.  Too bad it's too obscure.  Sometimes I don't get comic fans though because on the comic book herald website I'm using as a directory on what to read it listed Sentry along with some other stuff as "almost made me quit my marvel unlimited sub" bad, but uh wtf, it was legit good and better than 90% of the stuff I read on Marvel Unlimited.   ???


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3557 on: April 29, 2015, 12:32:28 PM »
Batman #40
Endgame: Part 6

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The Joker "retcon" everyone was up in arms over last month was just a red herring, Joker isn't some immortal being and this issue points to him being the original Red Hood more than any other in the New 52.

Joker explicitly knew that Batman was Bruce Wayne (as well about Dick Grayson, who stands-in for Batman in the first half of the comic as a diversion.)

Batman and Joker both "die" in a cave-in after beating each other senseless. Alfred has lost his right hand.

TBH after both Damian and Dick "dying" in the last two years it's hard to get worked up over Bruce's "death" since we all know it won't last. What's somewhat surprising is this is his first "real" death ever. In the 90's they knew they couldn't kill Bruce, so they crippled him and hence Knightfall. During Final Crisis they knew they couldn't kill Bruce so they sent him back in time and hence R.I.P./The Return of Bruce Wayne.

I was hoping Snyder would be able to similarly rise above killing Bruce because at this point in comics, that's the easy way out. The interesting stories come from trying different things like the previous two examples. We all know it won't last (Damian's certainly didn't, he was gone what, like two years? If that.) Killing the Joker is more interesting in theory, but it's even cheaper and easier for him to come back than Bruce.

Endgame was an interesting experiment and a good coda to Snyder and Capullo's run, bringing some things full-circle and in general finalizing some of the themes in his writing.

But yeah, Bruce will be back in two years, tops. Does anyone believe any different? And if they try the whole "Is he back? Could he be back? Oh my gosh, he's coming back!" stunt when it happens, DC can fuck right off, lol.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3558 on: April 29, 2015, 03:44:30 PM »
The Joker "retcon" everyone was up in arms over last month was just a red herring

I've seen people saying that they changed the story due to the overwhelming negative response, and I would agree with that.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3559 on: April 29, 2015, 04:42:35 PM »
The Joker "retcon" everyone was up in arms over last month was just a red herring

I've seen people saying that they changed the story due to the overwhelming negative response, and I would agree with that.

Lol I wouldn't. It was a classic Snyder ploy and it was pretty obvious the story was being cagey about whether it was the case or not.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3560 on: April 29, 2015, 05:43:12 PM »
I've been going through this Marvel Unlimited shit trying to keep up with current comics but only realized I was 6 months behind recently since that's their timeframe for dropping new shit.

I caught up to I guess some part of AXIS.

Anyway I tried going back and reading some of the origin stories for some of the big names and a lot of it is just too corny for me to deal with before a certain year...

Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3561 on: April 29, 2015, 06:29:00 PM »
Silk is so fucking good. Best comic out right now, imo


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3563 on: May 02, 2015, 03:58:34 AM »
Batman #40
Endgame: Part 6
It'll be sooner. After Convergence they're talking about jumping ahead a year like after Infinite Crisis.

I liked how the one overhead shot showed the blood in the shape of a heart. Found an odd art error too. The Joker's scar on his face is seemingly there from Alfred shooting him, but he has another one beforehand when he comes up in the Cave, but if you go back an issue he doesn't have it and inbetween they don't indicate where he got it from. Or how half his head got shaved. Unless he did it while swimming underwater.

Totally stupid but distracted me for a bit.

Actually I take that back, it's sworn me off of DC forever, how could editorial have missed this?!? Doesn't bode well for Batman v. Superman either.

Also, Convergence is fucking stupid so far. And The Multiversity's bookends were totally phoned in. Reminded me in a way of Seven Soldiers.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Though the endgame reveal of there being multiple multiverses was awesome and hilarious.

Future's End and World's End both led to nowhere. DC's really been botching the endings of their BIG EVENTS since New 52 started.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 04:02:55 AM by benjipwns »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3564 on: May 02, 2015, 07:32:59 AM »
Read Grant Morrison's Marvel Boy aka Noh-Varr.  Was kind of dumb but ok I guess on popcorn entertainment level.  I liked the character in the 2013 Young Avengers, so it was alright seeing his origin even if he's a totally different character here.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3565 on: May 02, 2015, 11:42:38 AM »
I liked how the one overhead shot showed the blood in the shape of a heart. Found an odd art error too. The Joker's scar on his face is seemingly there from Alfred shooting him, but he has another one beforehand when he comes up in the Cave, but if you go back an issue he doesn't have it and inbetween they don't indicate where he got it from. Or how half his head got shaved. Unless he did it while swimming underwater.

Apparently he got that wound when breaking into the cave. Off-panel. Yeah, annoyed me too.

Future's End and World's End both led to nowhere. DC's really been botching the endings of their BIG EVENTS since New 52 started.

I thought Forever Evil was great.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3566 on: May 04, 2015, 09:33:31 AM »
Caught up on Fables finally for the big finale.

Looked back at early issues to confirm this book once made sense and seemed to have direction.

And this is a series that had The Literals in it. I enjoyed them.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3567 on: May 04, 2015, 10:27:48 AM »
Future's End and World's End both led to nowhere.

Future's End appears to be continuing in the new Batman Beyond series that's coming soon.  World's End is continuing on in Convergence, which will be leading into a new Earth 2 series.  SPOILER EARTH 2 IS THE NEW PLANET LOLZ


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3568 on: May 04, 2015, 10:55:02 AM »
Thoughts on the last New Avengers and Avengers issues from last week?  The big "reveal" in Avengers was kind of underwhelming to me, but I did like the beat down that followed.  Glad it's finally time for Secret Wars.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3569 on: May 05, 2015, 02:26:09 PM »
Which reveal was that?

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Tony knowing what was going to happen and the effort to try to stop the world from ending being "pointless," which led to old man Steve Rogers beating his ass.   :lol

I didn't read the whole series.  Read maybe the first year or so of New Avengers and Avengers, dropped them, then came back last year and found it really interesting.  Maybe I'll go back and read it all again later on.

I really hate what they've done with Tony. Kind of wish Superior Iron Man had never happened, or that Hickman could just ignore it.

He pretty much has.  The way that the characters acted in Avengers/New Avengers is nothing like how they act in other comics.  Especially Iron Man, post-Superior.  In Hickman's books, he got the new armor but has acted the same.

In the Superior Iron Man book, Tony is a straight-up asshole/villain type character.  I expect him to get straightened out (or replaced!) in Secret Wars.  At least he's being an asshole in Superior-- Havok is supposed to still be inverted but that's been pretty much forgotten about, even though he kidnapped Wasp and hid her somewhere.  There's pretty much no mention of it after Axis ended. 


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3570 on: May 05, 2015, 03:04:54 PM »
Tony's new armor is Iron Man 3 junk-tier. Dude gets his arm, chest-plate and helmet ripped off by Steve in a powersuit? Makes no sense how he's ever fought a supervillain.

Have you read Superior?  His armor (the same armor!  :lol) is much more effective and has a T1000 liquid-metal thing going on at times. 

The main thing I've hated is what a self-righteous prick Steve Rogers has been for many months now.

I keep thinking all of this isn't going to matter after Secret Wars.  Marvel refuses to say it, but they're totally hitting the reset button.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3571 on: May 05, 2015, 03:57:47 PM »
Yes but my favorite part is that everyone else thinks Rogers is being a prick as well and he may or may not yet be wrong. It's part of what I've loved about this run. Everyone really is grey in the most un-forced way possible.

I'm really excited to pick up my issues and Secret Wars this Friday.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3572 on: May 05, 2015, 05:23:18 PM »
Tony's new armor is Iron Man 3 junk-tier. Dude gets his arm, chest-plate and helmet ripped off by Steve in a powersuit? Makes no sense how he's ever fought a supervillain.

Have you read Superior?  His armor (the same armor!  :lol) is much more effective and has a T1000 liquid-metal thing going on at times. 

The main thing I've hated is what a self-righteous prick Steve Rogers has been for many months now.

I keep thinking all of this isn't going to matter after Secret Wars.  Marvel refuses to say it, but they're totally hitting the reset button.

i think tony and steve will be dead. but theres no reset button.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3573 on: May 05, 2015, 05:54:22 PM »
Steve is'nt dying. He's going to do something that may piss off Falcon though if that Free Comic Book day Avenger's thing is anything to go by.

Tony though is a different story.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3574 on: May 05, 2015, 06:13:20 PM »
Daredevil: Yellow - Ok, but kind of pointless little mini-series reflecting on past early events of Daredevil.

Now reading Elektra by Bendis that went along with his Daredevil run, don't really have any interest in the character, but I'll see where this goes.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3575 on: May 06, 2015, 03:01:46 AM »
Read The Unwritten, started off so well and then just fell into the gutter and I think 80% of the plot threads were just ignored and made laughable. The ending stabbed me in the gut more because of where the series went instead of what happened in it.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3576 on: May 06, 2015, 02:57:50 PM »
Secret Wars #1

 :whoo :whew :badass :lawd


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Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Spider-Woman, and Black Widow!  :o  I mean, pretty much everyone else who didn't escape in a high-tech "life raft," too, but DAYUM!

Good setup for what's coming.  The Ultimate universe people, Reed Richards aside, were total scrubs.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3577 on: May 06, 2015, 03:00:49 PM »
Secret Wars #1

 :whoo :whew :badass :lawd


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Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Spider-Woman, and Black Widow!  :o  I mean, pretty much everyone else who didn't escape in a high-tech "life raft," too, but DAYUM!

Good setup for what's coming.  The Ultimate universe people, Reed Richards aside, were total scrubs.

i thought the helicarrier drop idea would have evened things out a bit, but nope. there were only hit by that and everyone else blew right through them.

the ultimate universe was fucking wasted.

like i said on the other site, they should have saved the deadpool finale for this week

Shaka Khan

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3578 on: May 06, 2015, 03:04:27 PM »
I'm still going through the classic Doctor Strange comics. These things are so corny I'm starting to enjoy it, but for the sake of clarity, does anyone in the know... know when his stories/arcs became more enticing? i.e. when did Stan Lee stop writing him?


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3579 on: May 06, 2015, 03:08:55 PM »
i should try reading old strange comics. i never got a chance to since noone i knew was into his shit


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3580 on: May 06, 2015, 03:11:22 PM »
like i said on the other site, they should have saved the deadpool finale for this week

Saw that and googled the end of Deadpool #250. 

Yup...why didn't they delay it?   :lol

For those wondering, Deapool #250 was hyped as the "death of Deadpool." 
spoiler (click to show/hide)
He "dies" when the incursion happens in Secret Wars #1, erasing 616 from existence.
So basically it spoiled Secret Wars #1, in a sense, one month ago.  Not that we didn't already know what was going to happen.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3581 on: May 06, 2015, 03:15:14 PM »
I'm still going through the classic Doctor Strange comics. These things are so corny I'm starting to enjoy it, but for the sake of clarity, does anyone in the know... know when his stories/arcs became more enticing? i.e. when did Stan Lee stop writing him?

There is a particular issue that Marvel heralds as one of their best, but I can't remember what number it is.  Apart from that...uh...dunno.  Never was a character I really cared for.

You should see what they tried to do to make him "cool" in the 90s.  Not once...but twice.


Shaka Khan

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3582 on: May 06, 2015, 03:26:58 PM »

As Wrath said, I always enjoyed the faux lovecraftian twist. And I've always been receptive to Marvel works that veer away from usual superhero/superpowers material. Stuff like Ironfist (martial arts), any cosmic adventure, and in this case mystical dimensions. Not that Marvel have consistently written good stories for them, but I still hold them in higher regard.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 03:37:28 PM by Shaka Khan »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3583 on: May 06, 2015, 04:26:37 PM »
Found the Marvel's own recommended Dr. Strange story.  They put in "The Very Best Of Marvel Comics" TPB that came out in the early 90s.  It's Doctor Strange (Vol. 1) #55, from 1982, written by Roger Stern with art by Michael Golden.  I remember being impressed with how it looked.  Like something that would have come out at the end of the 80s, not at the beginning.

Mr. Nobody

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3584 on: May 07, 2015, 12:22:50 PM »
Secret Wars #1

 :whoo :whew :badass :lawd


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Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Spider-Woman, and Black Widow!  :o  I mean, pretty much everyone else who didn't escape in a high-tech "life raft," too, but DAYUM!

Good setup for what's coming.  The Ultimate universe people, Reed Richards aside, were total scrubs.

It won't last but still

Mr. Nobody

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3585 on: May 07, 2015, 12:24:15 PM »
Read The Unwritten, started off so well and then just fell into the gutter and I think 80% of the plot threads were just ignored and made laughable. The ending stabbed me in the gut more because of where the series went instead of what happened in it.

I dropped it around the time it crossed over with Fables because I wasn't reading that. What a shame


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3586 on: May 07, 2015, 01:58:11 PM »
Seems like it will be pretty fun to me.  Looking forward to seeing how it plays out.  Way too early to be getting all negative about it.  Still, this is already 10000000000 times better than DC's Convergence.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3587 on: May 07, 2015, 02:34:46 PM »
Seems like it will be pretty fun to me.  Looking forward to seeing how it plays out.  Way too early to be getting all negative about it.  Still, this is already 10000000000 times better than DC's Convergence.

Convergence was a bandaid to cover their move from NY to CA. It'd be better to compare it to an actual event like a Crisis or Forever Evil, etc.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3588 on: May 07, 2015, 02:48:20 PM »
That doesn't matter.  Convergence is still their big event for the year.  And it's really nothing more than a continuation of Earth 2. 

I have never been big on any of DC's event storylines.  Forever Evil dragged on for way, way too long.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3589 on: May 07, 2015, 02:56:29 PM »
Might be because I got the collected version but I though Forever Evil was amazingly paced and just as long as it needed to be.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3590 on: May 07, 2015, 03:01:05 PM »
Might be because I got the collected version but I though Forever Evil was amazingly paced and just as long as it needed to be.

I read the entire thing as it released.  That includes the tie-ins.  It went on for fucking ever and the payoff sucked.

Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3591 on: May 07, 2015, 04:34:39 PM »
I read Secret Wars #1. The script was godawful. Captain America saying "Are they friend or foe?" Cyclops starting a sentence with "For..." was this book actually written in the 60s? Felt so off putting.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
As for the plot, I haven't followed New Avengers/Avengers since Infinity so I have no idea what's going on. I know the general gist of it, but why the hell does Cyclops have Sentinels and a Phoenix Egg???


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3592 on: May 07, 2015, 05:21:43 PM »
The scheduling is kind of fucked, because I don't think they have gotten around to showing how Cyclops got those Sentinals yet!  :lol 


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3593 on: May 07, 2015, 05:23:36 PM »
I belive it's because Time runs out took that time jump. So current X-men among other things is set before Time Runs out.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3594 on: May 07, 2015, 05:26:38 PM »
My problem with that now is that I don't care about the pre-SW books coming out.  I want SW and want to see how they handle the aftermath.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3595 on: May 07, 2015, 06:52:10 PM »
Thunderbolts (1997-2001 era) - In my on-going cruise through Marvel history post year 2000 I kept hearing about Thunderbolts and they sounded interesting being a team of BADGUYS like DC's Suicide Squad and so I wanted to learn about them.  Marvel Unlimited unfortunately (or fortunately for saving my time) only has the first few issues opening arc and the final arc of this run, so I read those and used wikipedia to fill out everything that happened in between.  Obviously not actually reading the issues, I don't have much attachment to them, although I got to see Baron Zemo for the first time and he seems cool so it should be neat seeing him in Cap 3 movie.  But I think most Thunderbolt talk comes from 2003+ years so I'm looking forward to seeing where they go.

Also, I hit my first sudden cancellation of a comic experience with the end of the Thunderbolts run featuring a retired out of prison Spiderman Villian, The Battler/Axium, who gets pulled into an underground boxing ring that's made up of former C-tier marvel villians.  It was predictable and a little generic, but it was also neat because it was down to earth and explored the everyday life, trying to get by post-prison and reforming while on parole life of a minor super villians.  As it went on I was enjoying it more and more and then it just SUDDENLY ENDS and there's like 3 pages where all the characters give up on their bad ideas and have one panel of being happy THE END.  This was really weird so I looked it up and apparently the sales were awful for this arc so it just got cancelled after 6 issues.  >_<  I'm actually surprised in the 500+ comic issues I've read so far in the last 6 months on Marvel Unlimited that this was the first sudden cancellation I've encountered.  I mean I've read stuff where it didn't get picked up for another season/run like Nextwave, but at least those are fairly self-conclusive whereas this Thunderbolts arc just STOPPED lol

So next I'm going to read Avengers/Thunderbolts which is the next Thunderbolts story and and takes place right before Avengers Dissembled.   Also, still reading Elektra and I'm reading regular good old 2000-2004 era Avengers because I haven't read many normal Avengers runs and watching Age of Ultron got me in the mood to read some Avengers comics and the 2000-2004 run leading up to and ending with Avengers Dissembled fits into my "read everything Marvel 2000 (with some stuff starting in 1997/1998)-2004 leading up to Avengers Dissembled before moving on to post Dissambled" current reading. 

It's actually been pretty cool reading the entire Marvel catalog from 2000 on because it's half for entertainment and half like taking a college course on Marvel comics and learning about all the characters that inhabit the Marvel Comic Universe which has just a gigantic amount of lore and scope at this point.  I dig learning, so that aspect really appeals to me.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3596 on: May 07, 2015, 10:23:45 PM »
they dont have all of the thunderbolts run up on unlimited? the fuck?


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3597 on: May 07, 2015, 11:18:24 PM »
I dropped it around the time it crossed over with Fables because I wasn't reading that. What a shame
The end of that Fables crossover (actually an alternate Fables universe lol) was actually the ending of the series, then they did a 12 issue wrap-up called "The Unwritten: Apocalypse." That didn't wrap anything up, made everything more convoluted and could have been done in six issues.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3598 on: May 08, 2015, 08:48:42 AM »
Never read that version of Thunderbolts.  Sucks that Marvel Unlimited doesn't have everything...WTF is the point of that service if you can't get full runs?  Seems like they tried to make Baron Zemo a good guy for a while, then the series ended and he faded into obscurity.  Guess he'll be back if he's gonna be in the Cap Civil War movie.

I only read the later Thunderbolts runs.  Both were short-lived.  The first one might have been part of the original series (can't remember), but there was a huge roster shift and Luke Cage was the leader.  A bunch of the characters ended up in an alternate reality and the story was pretty interesting...and then it ended.  The last Thunderbolts series had absolutely nothing to do with the original one, apart from the name.  This was a team run by the Red Hulk (General "Thunderbolt" that had Punisher, Deadpool, Elektra, The Leader (now Red Leader), Agent Venom, and later on (Johnny Blaze) Ghost Rider.  Started off OK enough and ended on a rather "meh" note.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3599 on: May 08, 2015, 10:51:04 AM »
Also it's not like you can't read things like Daredevil, Ms Marvel, Captian Marvel, plenty of X-men(though why would you they all suck), and what not that stand on thier own.

Yup.  It may be an interconnected universe, but plenty of books are generally pretty self-contained.  Especially X-Men nowadays. 

I can't stand Japan so I don't read any manga. Just Gundam The Origin. The Incal and Peresepolis are the only French Comics I've read with Peresepolis being pretty fantastic.
shonen and shoujo series have the same basic tropes for their given categories. with shonen its often main characters with something special about them that fall into worlds larger than anything theyve imagined, and and they rise, fail, and eventually overcome obstacles to meet their goals. theres training arcs, tournament arcs, vacation chapters, misunderstandings over inane shit, getting completely blown away by an enemy/rival to learn character limitations. shoujo has weak/clumsy female protagonists, prince charming like male romance leads, male harems with men of all types that all desire the main female. and internal growth. seinen and josei are more diverse than those categories true, but im not gonna pretend like manga is some comic sect that favors originality.

It's pretty ridiculous to put down manga as a whole.  There are plenty of Japanese comics that don't follow the shonen and shoujo norms.  Manga has a lot of diversity, although to be fair you typically will get just the shonen crap translated into English.

I just want to read the fucking X-men, why is it so hard for Marvel to understand that their baggage is the problem and making these world-shattering events, even for a reboot is what drives casual readers away?

...So just read the X-Men.  In fact, it looks like after Secret Wars is over, the X-Men will be put onto their own world and will be self-contained away from the rest of the Marvel Universe, because you know, fuck Fox for owning the movie rights and all that.

Also it's not like you can't read things like Daredevil, Ms Marvel, Captian Marvel, plenty of X-men(though why would you they all suck), and what not that stand on thier own.

Not ENTIRELY true!

(Image removed from quote.)

Entirely true.  The "last days" branding is just being used for comics with settings that take place before Secret Wars, I.E. what happens to these characters right before the event starts.