Author Topic: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads  (Read 884656 times)

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Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« on: December 22, 2009, 02:27:28 PM »
Anyone still read weekly/monthly comics? Use this thread to post what you're reading or recommend something that's worth reading. 
« Last Edit: May 08, 2015, 02:00:14 PM by bork laser »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2009, 02:28:49 PM »
Batman RIP kind of soured me to Batman for a while. Been reading Supes with the latest "New Krypton" storyline, and it's pretty good. Bainiac breaks open Kandor and there are now 100,000 Kryptonians on Earth...and they kill off Pa Kent again too.

Also the artists are drawing Supes to look like Christopher Reeve now, which is pretty cool:

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2009, 02:37:18 PM »
I've bailed out. Brubaker aside, most of the spandex stuff blows, and Marvel and DC have done a complete turnaround from their "no crossover, limited continuity" mandates that drew back readers in the early aughts. It's all events and crossovers and it's totally ridiculous. I can't wait for one of them to go belly up.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2009, 02:42:21 PM »
I REALLY can't stand Marvel. Their comics are just $5 ads for the latest Marvel movie or DVD.

"Spidey is in a black suit in the new movie, what do we do?"

"Um. Change him into the black suit in the comics during the run of the film, then change it back! It'll push ticket sales!"

"But how do we explain it?"

"Shoot Aunt May again and say he's in mourning!"

Like I said, Batman RIP was just stupid. It was as dumb as killing off Captain America to make a statement.

But New Krypton and Blackest Night are both great. They're storylines (and crossovers) that really fit well in the mythos of the core books they spring from. That's what people want to see, not stupid zombie/skrull crossovers just for the fun of seeing Spidey fight Wolverine.

Maybe because with DC being linked to Warner they feel more stable and safer to do standard stuff and not rely as much on gimmicks. Marvel is just sad and it's only a matter of time before they return to holofoiljizz covers.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2009, 06:45:28 PM »
I really can't tell any difference between Marvel and DC; the point at which you care is the point past which you become "fanboy", I'm afraid (where you start liking/disliking books because of who publishes them). They both have practically identical strategies, as far as I can see.

I haven't much to recommend, recently. Terry Moore's Echo is good stuff, but not "buttonhole strangers on the street" level. It's about a woman who randomly becomes fused to part of a super-suit and has no idea why. The vibe is similar to Paul Chadwick's "Concrete", I guess. Quite low-key, with occasional bouts of action (which means when something happens, it actually has some impact).


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2009, 07:07:00 PM »
I read The Walking Dead, Chew and Invincible from Image and from Marvel/DC: Morrison's Batman and Robin, Blackest Night, Green Lantern/Corps, Detective Comics, Spiderman, all The Avengers books, The Unwritten, Greek Street, Daytripper, X-Factor and all the Deadpool series.

I also follow the Dr.Who monthly and Rucka's Stumptown.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2009, 08:08:22 PM »
I read Powergirl because I love Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner's stuff, and also Empowered from Adam Warren, which is always entertaining as hell, but the books come out like once or twice a year and that's it.

Also been getting Gotham City Sirens, which Paul Dini is writing, but the book is kinda going nowhere so I may drop it.  My favorite issue wasn't even written by him, and was a Scott Lobdell fill-in that focused on a reformed Edward Nigma (The Riddler).  And instead of even trying to keep up with Blackest Night, I've been buying Marvel's X-Men rip-off version, Necrosha, which only runs through a few books, and the Psylocke mini series, which promises to to end the storyline with her going back to the early 90's when they changed the character into a maybe-Japanese ninja.  If there's any particular series of comics I may get back into, it's the X books.  The Avengers/Dark Avengers stuff is all over the place, but I did like reading the Sinister Spider-Man mini.  I used to love Spider-Man, but I've hated what they've done with the character since the clone saga stuff.  And One More Day's premise sucks.

Usually I just head to the comic store once or twice a month and go for whatever covers look interesting, but don't end up getting much.  I'd really like to get back to The Savage Dragon, which was my favorite superhero book, but after I went to Japan, I stopped reading comics and would need to get around 30 or so back issues to catch up.  It's just too much.

Would really like to read The Walking Dead.  Blackest Night I will probably see about downloading at some point.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 08:10:10 PM by the lyte edge™ »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2009, 08:09:47 PM »
The only Marvel book I looked at in the last year was X-Men Forever simply because it continued the early 90s storyline as if none of the shit after that ever happened.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2009, 08:13:27 PM »
Oh yeah, forgot about Marvel Zombies.  Those were fun reads, although the last mini series was kinda "eh."

The only Marvel book I looked at in the last year was X-Men Forever simply because it continued the early 90s storyline as if none of the shit after that ever happened.

I looked at that and just went  :lol :yuck.  Plus then it went off into the land of the stupid.  Didn't they kill off Wolverine in like the second issue, then make Kitty Pryde a "badass" using one of his claws or something?  Yuck.

One book I found myself surprised with was Exiles.  I bought a few of the trades and enjoyed the stories quite a bit.  It's fun when the writers can just go nuts with characters and not have to worry about continuity since everything takes place in alternate universes.  But then they ended the series, restarted it with a new cast, the book failed, and they killed it off.  I have yet to read the new series and don't know if I want to.

With the X-Men, I miss the days when they had finally come back together and there were two teams in two books.  That was more than enough.  The roster changes and new characters all pretty much suck.  I also don't like Cyclops and Emma Frost leading all the mutants and all that crap.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 08:15:08 PM by the lyte edge™ »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2009, 08:16:19 PM »
I gotta give it to Empowered once again.  Everybody needs to check it out...don't let the manga look fool you; animu it is NOT.

Junpei the Tracer!

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2009, 08:21:47 PM »



I'm surprised some of you BUY comics, I just pirate everything. When I read something I really like or I would rather read it in hand then I'd buy it, like Nextwave or the numerous Batman books.

I gotta give it to Empowered once again.  Everybody needs to check it out...don't let the manga look fool you; animu it is NOT.

I don't like this at all, the art is great but besides that :x


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2009, 08:38:00 PM »
read this and be cool instantly


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2009, 08:59:00 PM »
I read The Walking Dead, Chew and Invincible from Image and from Marvel/DC: Morrison's Batman and Robin, Blackest Night, Green Lantern/Corps, Detective Comics, Spiderman, all The Avengers books, The Unwritten, Greek Street, Daytripper, X-Factor and all the Deadpool series.

I also follow the Dr.Who monthly and Rucka's Stumptown.

Chew has been really good, although I have no idea where they are going with it. I'm letting the Unwritten build up for a while before diving in; I REALLY enjoyed reading their Lucifer in one shot once it was all done.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2009, 09:02:15 PM »



I'm surprised some of you BUY comics, I just pirate everything. When I read something I really like or I would rather read it in hand then I'd buy it, like Nextwave or the numerous Batman books.

I gotta give it to Empowered once again.  Everybody needs to check it out...don't let the manga look fool you; animu it is NOT.

I don't like this at all, the art is great but besides that :x


PM me some good spots to get stuff from.  The main one I use doesn't have anything Marvel.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2009, 09:17:02 PM »
Empowered from Adam Warren, which is always entertaining as hell, but the books come out like once or twice a year and that's it.


Purple Filth

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2009, 12:27:13 AM »
So Im reading that Punisher got beheaded, resurrected as some Frankenstein like creature and now has superpowers?



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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2009, 12:29:07 AM »
Isn't that the second (possibly third) time they've offed him? Didn't he come back as an angel or something at some point?


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2009, 12:29:48 AM »
I just got into comics and i'm starting to get out of them again. I currently read walking dead and that's about it. Trying to finish Y: The Last Man but it's boring, and almost finished with Box Office Poison, then I can move onto Marvel 1602, but I fucking hate hardcovers.

What's the Joss Whedom Xmen comics? Good?

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2009, 12:32:05 AM »
I just got into comics and i'm starting to get out of them again. I currently read walking dead and that's about it. Trying to finish Y: The Last Man but it's boring, and almost finished with Box Office Poison, then I can move onto Marvel 1602, but I fucking hate hardcovers.

What's the Joss Whedom Xmen comics? Good?

Astonishing Xmen, it was ok IMO


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2009, 12:35:44 AM »
Just ok, eh? I might skip it then. My attention span is sparse for comics.

Oh, I also started reading fables and thought it was shit. Scott Pilgrim kinda sucks too. I guess I just like RL comics more than others, but i'm looking forward to Marvel 1602, and I hate hardcovers but damn does it look nice.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2009, 12:47:47 AM »
Read 100 bullets and Criminal Methodis.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2009, 12:54:09 AM »
I've been meaning to check out Criminal so bad, I forgot about 100 Bullets, thanks for the recc's.

The Fake Shemp

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2009, 12:57:37 AM »
I recommended Criminal to everyone a year ago. It's like Sin City, except it doesn't suck.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2009, 02:20:04 AM »
So Im reading that Punisher got beheaded, resurrected as some Frankenstein like creature and now has superpowers?



Isn't that the second (possibly third) time they've offed him? Didn't he come back as an angel or something at some point?

Yeah.  I never read those books, but IIRC he had guns that shot unlimited "holy bullets" or something.  The Punisher is one of those characters that should either never interact with 99% of the rest of the Marvel universe, or be put into a universe of his own. 

Remember THE PUNISHER VS. ARCHIE?   :lol
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 02:21:54 AM by the lyte edge™ »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2009, 03:02:59 AM »
I want to see Punisher vs Batman just to see who is more fucked in the head.

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2009, 03:42:16 AM »
So Im reading that Punisher got beheaded, resurrected as some Frankenstein like creature and now has superpowers?



Isn't that the second (possibly third) time they've offed him? Didn't he come back as an angel or something at some point?

Yeah.  I never read those books, but IIRC he had guns that shot unlimited "holy bullets" or something.  The Punisher is one of those characters that should either never interact with 99% of the rest of the Marvel universe, or be put into a universe of his own. 

Remember THE PUNISHER VS. ARCHIE?   :lol

@ the pic: oh good lord.

Well there was the "Punisher kills the Marvel Universe" comic and he is in his own Universe where there are no superheroes (MAX imprint)

I want to see Punisher vs Batman just to see who is more fucked in the head.

Would be interesting but Punisher would an advantage since he's willing to kill IMO
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 03:45:52 AM by Purple Filth »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2009, 04:36:07 AM »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2009, 09:44:48 AM »
Frankencastle has some very kick ass art.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #29 on: December 23, 2009, 09:52:03 AM »
So Im reading that Punisher got beheaded, resurrected as some Frankenstein like creature and now has superpowers?


Wasn't he beheaded by wolverine's emo son too?  :lol

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2009, 11:02:33 AM »
So Im reading that Punisher got beheaded, resurrected as some Frankenstein like creature and now has superpowers?


Wasn't he beheaded by wolverine's emo son too?  :lol

Yea and dismembered


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #31 on: December 23, 2009, 12:20:17 PM »
Which is why Marvel sucks and is beyond saving.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #32 on: December 23, 2009, 12:55:00 PM »
Marvel >>>>>>>>>>> dc

The Fake Shemp

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #33 on: December 23, 2009, 12:57:58 PM »
You're both wrong - both Marvel and DC suck. As Cormacaroni so eloquently put it:

I really can't tell any difference between Marvel and DC; the point at which you care is the point past which you become "fanboy", I'm afraid (where you start liking/disliking books because of who publishes them). They both have practically identical strategies, as far as I can see.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #34 on: December 23, 2009, 12:58:06 PM »
The last Crisis set DCU back to a sort of Pre-Crisis setting (especially Supes) so it's all good right now.

The Fake Shemp

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #35 on: December 23, 2009, 01:00:36 PM »
All I read was, "The last stupid mega-crossover event series changed convoluted continuity back to a pre-existing set of convoluted continuity, that will no doubt lead to another event series that crosses over into all monthly published titles - perhaps even with multiple, collector's edition covers!"


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #36 on: December 23, 2009, 01:17:43 PM »

I've never really kept up with comics as they're being released, but I got the impression over the last few years that the two big labels have been going nuts with the big, world-threatening crossovers.  Every time I went to the local comic shop there'd be promotional stuff for Secret Invasion, Civil War, World War Hulk, Crisis and all the affiliated stuff.

I can see the appeal of doing these now and again, but if your universe is always in turmoil then it's not really an event, is it?


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #37 on: December 23, 2009, 01:50:01 PM »
Marvel does a big crossover every summer when kids are out of school to milk as much cash as possible.

With the exception of the last Crisis and Blackest Night right now, most of the DC crossovers mostly stay within the "family" books. Like the Batman one only touches Batman books, the Supes one Supes books, etc. Even Blackest Night is mostly confined to the Green Lantern books, but others are involved but not required reading to get the most out of it.

With the Marvel shit you need a long checklist and to buy/read/download like 10 different comics every week to know what the hell is going on. And with Marvel publishing stuff like Amazing Spidey THREE TIMES A MONTH it gets way out of hand.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #38 on: December 23, 2009, 01:55:12 PM »
Manabyte, Marvel is ALWAYS doing a "big crossover" at this point.


I've never really kept up with comics as they're being released, but I got the impression over the last few years that the two big labels have been going nuts with the big, world-threatening crossovers.  Every time I went to the local comic shop there'd be promotional stuff for Secret Invasion, Civil War, World War Hulk, Crisis and all the affiliated stuff.

I can see the appeal of doing these now and again, but if your universe is always in turmoil then it's not really an event, is it?

Yes, this is definitely the biggest problem both companies have.  It also feels like the same five writers are going back and forth between the two companies doing everything.  I guess these big event series must be profitable for them.  On the Marvel side, Dark Reign is coming to an end, but they're ready for the follow-up with Siege!  

At least the Marvel events are relatively easy to follow.  DC is dipping back in the well and pulling out obscure characters and referencing events that nobody remembers for their crossover events, which is ironic given that the purpose of Crisis On Infinite Earths was to clean all that shit up.

That's why I tend to go with the books that have little or nothing to do with these crossovers, or wait for a TPB that collects it all.  The only event I am buying every issue of is Necrosha X, but that's because it's only running in a few of the X books.  It's easy to follow, although it does bring back deceased characters from the 80s and 90s.  You could even cut out some of the books (it's mostly taking place in X-Force and The New Mutants) and still be able to follow the story.

I just find the creative teams I like and follow their stuff.  Like I said, I like Powergirl.  The character without Palmiotti and Conner behind her is just some big-tittied boring bimbo, though.  Whenever they leave the book, I'm done with it.  I don't buy it out of some fanboy loyalty to the character.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 02:00:03 PM by the lyte edge™ »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #39 on: December 23, 2009, 02:07:42 PM »
Who keeps hiring this idiot?


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #40 on: December 23, 2009, 03:18:42 PM »
Whats the best comic ereader?


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #41 on: December 23, 2009, 03:36:25 PM »
fourplay?  :lol :yuck :(


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #42 on: December 23, 2009, 04:47:47 PM »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #43 on: December 23, 2009, 04:57:14 PM »
Will check it out, i've been using Comical so far and it's decent, just wondered if there was a better alternative. I'll be sure to check out Comic Zine though :D. Thanks mana.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #44 on: December 23, 2009, 11:55:30 PM »
Blackest Night 6 leaked! :rock

Howard Alan Treesong

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2009, 12:10:46 AM »

Amazing read. Comics are so terrible. He said, loving comics.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #46 on: December 24, 2009, 12:29:26 AM »
Man, countdown was such an horrible piece of shit and I think it didn't even ended up being cannon to FC, I don't know wtf dc was thinking.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #47 on: December 27, 2009, 06:45:05 PM »
Whats the best comic ereader?
The Mac comic reader landscape is pretty barren. Windows is well-served by this app, which is luscious in its simplicity and competence. I would LOVE if this was available for Mac:


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #48 on: December 27, 2009, 06:50:23 PM »
Not sure if this has been posted on EB before, but I didn't see it in this thread:

So. Good. (Because he's so bad.) Liefield is like the Michael Bay of comics, except I can watch Michael Bay for what it is and Rob Liefield-drawn comics make me throw up in my mouth a little. OK, a lot.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #49 on: December 27, 2009, 06:51:28 PM »
thanks for the program chronovore

Eric P

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #50 on: December 27, 2009, 07:04:39 PM »

Amazing read. Comics are so terrible. He said, loving comics.

omg bill jemas

i totally forgot that dude existed

fucking comics

Great Rumbler

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #51 on: December 27, 2009, 07:07:09 PM »

Amazing read. Comics are so terrible. He said, loving comics.

"Samantha Brown! You have to get out of here! Your vagina is haunted!"

Never gets old :rofl


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #52 on: December 27, 2009, 07:15:41 PM »

How does he get paid to draw that?


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #53 on: December 29, 2009, 02:17:37 AM »

Amazing read. Comics are so terrible. He said, loving comics.

About the X-Men, in particular:
Plots seem random and slapped-up. Weird justifications are given artlessly: Juggernaut's just a big, angry kid in a suit, there was a real Xorn who was not Magneto and oh yeah there's a brother, because fans really liked Xorn and were really shocked and heart-broken and Morrison's twist and why not just biopsy the impact completely? Then there's the legendary "Draco" storyline, which goes something like this: The Devil has been on Earth, impregnating women for years, so that he can go to Earth. And he's Nightcrawler's father! And he's The Devil!

FFFFFFUUUUUUU!  The Morrison run was godlike. I've read it 4 or 5 times. It's one of the comics that I don't give away, because I know I'll keep coming back to it. Put a comics-industry permaban on whomever made the call to retcon Xorn.

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #54 on: December 29, 2009, 02:36:30 AM »

Amazing read. Comics are so terrible. He said, loving comics.

About the X-Men, in particular:
Plots seem random and slapped-up. Weird justifications are given artlessly: Juggernaut's just a big, angry kid in a suit, there was a real Xorn who was not Magneto and oh yeah there's a brother, because fans really liked Xorn and were really shocked and heart-broken and Morrison's twist and why not just biopsy the impact completely? Then there's the legendary "Draco" storyline, which goes something like this: The Devil has been on Earth, impregnating women for years, so that he can go to Earth. And he's Nightcrawler's father! And he's The Devil!

FFFFFFUUUUUUU!  The Morrison run was godlike. I've read it 4 or 5 times. It's one of the comics that I don't give away, because I know I'll keep coming back to it. Put a comics-industry permaban on whomever made the call to retcon Xorn.

was that the run which had that mass genocide at the mutant island (Genosha) that was instigated by Professor X's evil twin sister whom he devoured while in the womb?

if so that one was crazy.

Howard Alan Treesong

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #55 on: December 29, 2009, 02:41:14 AM »
:bow Cassandra Nova :bow2


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #56 on: December 29, 2009, 03:04:52 AM »
Morrison wants to be Alan Moore so bad his stories are becoming jokes. DC is going to need to do REALLY FINAL CRISIS once he's done fucking with Batman.

Purple Filth

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #57 on: December 29, 2009, 03:14:44 AM »
I cant believe what they did with Superboy Prime

WTF?  :lol


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #58 on: December 29, 2009, 03:27:20 PM »

They had me at Batgirl chasing Catwoman through a nudist club. :hyper


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Avengers gender and race changes for everyone!
« Reply #59 on: December 29, 2009, 08:55:39 PM »
Put me in with the "Morrison (and especially Morrison/Quietly) =  :yuck :yuck :yuck" crowd.  I did like it when they did the Authority though, go figure.