Author Topic: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads  (Read 961218 times)

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  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6420 on: August 10, 2023, 05:31:22 AM »


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6421 on: August 10, 2023, 05:34:20 AM »
Marvel just seemingly killed off nearly all the mutants (again).


They're just gonna shunt them all off to their own alternate universe where the only supes are mutants as the finale to the krakatoa stuff, aren't they?
Which conveniently also sidesteps the issue of how come no mutants in the MCU


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6422 on: August 10, 2023, 11:17:20 AM »
Marvel just seemingly killed off nearly all the mutants (again).


They're just gonna shunt them all off to their own alternate universe where the only supes are mutants as the finale to the krakatoa stuff, aren't they?
Which conveniently also sidesteps the issue of how come no mutants in the MCU

Turns out we only had to wait a little over a week to find out. :lol

Immortal X-Men #14 shows that all those mutants were
spoiler (click to show/hide)
not killed and instead teleported into some kind of desert world outside time and space, where telepaths can't detect them.  Exodus pops up to lead them out of the desert and back to the promised land
.  X-Men getting biblical now.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6423 on: August 11, 2023, 12:34:15 PM »
Please root for the gay and trans villains and terrorists.

Watched Shazam: Fury of the Gods. Pretty good stuff. Here's hoping they keep the Shazam family in the new DCU. Of course there was a gay character who has to come out and it adds nothing to anything. Other niggles include Mary Marvel being kind of useless and having a storyline that didn't go anywhere.  Still real good movie.

Picked up an incredible Supes pull which included the entirety of Secret Identity in floppy form and The Last Family of Krypton.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2023, 12:38:45 PM by Himu »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6424 on: August 12, 2023, 12:33:10 AM »
Tefe was originally introduced as the daughter of Swamp Thing in Swamp Thing Vol 2 #90 in 1989.

Ortiz is best known for their role as Jim, the fan-favorite non-binary pirate in Our Flag Means Death, so it's no surprise Tefe is non-binary in Harley Quinn. While Tefe uses she/her pronouns in the comics, the character is confirmed to be bisexual.
This is hilarious, they don't mention at all that she became the titular Swamp Thing later on. Tefe's only relationship ever in the comics was with a woman. And making her non-binary is a complete rejection of the only story she ever had, why would Pamela work with someone choosing to murder all plant life for humans if this is Tefe's choice now? :lol

This also seems like retrograde "queer" direction for anything Swamp Thing considering it was 1987 or whatever when acid-trip human-plant sex led to Tefe, who isn't fully human, in the first place. :dead


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6425 on: August 12, 2023, 10:10:42 AM »
Let's not forget Harlequin is gay now despite decades of relationships with men from Joker to Dick Grayson.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6426 on: August 19, 2023, 03:56:56 PM »
Let's not forget Harlequin is gay now despite decades of relationships with men from Joker to Dick Grayson.

OK, so she's bi.  None of this really matters.  It's just a way for them to get attention and drum up sales.  Whether or not this is actually doing any of that, I have no idea.  I also don't give a shit about 'muh romance' in superhero comics no matter what the characters' sexual orientations are- the wedding issue with Cyclops and Jean Grey was just as boring as the wedding issue with Northstar and his boyfriend.



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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6427 on: August 19, 2023, 05:22:27 PM »
Let's not forget Harlequin is gay now despite decades of relationships with men from Joker to Dick Grayson.

OK, so she's bi.  None of this really matters.  It's just a way for them to get attention and drum up sales.  Whether or not this is actually doing any of that, I have no idea.  I also don't give a shit about 'muh romance' in superhero comics no matter what the characters' sexual orientations are- the wedding issue with Cyclops and Jean Grey was just as boring as the wedding issue with Northstar and his boyfriend.

Notice they always make characters bi. It's a convenient way to backtrack if the move isn't popular. Few are truly gay. They're bi so that eventually they can be switched back. It's a cynical move done to get sales towards LGBT audiences.

I also disagree. Romance can be done right. The romance between Lois and Clark is top tier adds so much emotion during moments like Superman dying. Seeing such a strong woman like Lois utterly broken and devastated was really sad.

Finally, despite my rantings I'm not even against lgbt characters. I'm against artistically bad gay characters.

My go to here would be The Wire.

In The Wire there are MULTIPLE gay characters and yet their being gay is the least interesting thing about them. Characters like Omar.

People call Omar cigarillo and he just says,"you come at the king, best not miss" and we cheer for him. People call him a cigarillo and act homophobic towards him and he dusts it off his shoulder like it's nothing. Traits like this only reinforce Omar's character because now we are forced to imagine what it was like to grow up in such a harsh and hard environment while being gay. It makes us empathize with Omar even more despite his homosexuality not being at the forefront.

There's the police detective captain. He's a hard ass in the office and then one scene some characters go into a gay bar and Rawls (the captain) is there.

It doesn't linger. It's never brought up again. He never admits it. And yet it puts him into focus.

DC already has multiple legit gay characters and they have been written in far more compelling ways than the modern "MOM I'M GAY LET'S KISS" shit. Take the aforementioned gay characters in DC where they're shoving how gay they are every panel versus Maggie, who exists in the same universe and is canonically lesbian (not bisexual like how most modern hacks write lgbt characters). Look how Maggie's story is written.

It is tastefully done AND well written. I think censors lead to better comic book art. It's the Seinfeld Phenomenon. Seinfeld is more funny than Curb despite being from one half of the original Seinfeld writing team because in Seinfeld you couldn't cuss, in Curb you can. This leads to Seinfeld using clever terminology like "master of my domain" or "I was I will never do...THAT, again!" It's like the best art needs a censor of some type.

Modern relationships in comics has two lgbt characters making out every issue. Even Lois and Clark aren't that mushy and they've got a kid together.

I guess my point is that I'm allergic to bad art. There's a worlds difference between Maggie, a character worth admiration, and Galaxy, a character that should make you want to puke. One is a written like a human. The other like an agenda.

This adds fuel to the fire that most millennials are bad artists.



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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6428 on: August 19, 2023, 07:14:25 PM »
Versus the stuff I mentioned from Hawkgirl.

Notice how it pushes agenda in your face (protesting, BLM, I'm a lesbo, look at my tattoos and side shave, let's make out because we're gay and apparently that's all being gay is about - sex). Side shave girl and Maggie have near identical stories and yet Maggie is actually a good character rather than something comes across like a chessboard piece. The distinction? Good writing.

One - the previous Maggie panels - is good art. The other simply isn't.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2023, 07:19:24 PM by Himu »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6429 on: August 20, 2023, 04:01:36 AM »
It's because Maggie is a person, this character is a persona. When Maggie moved to Gotham, she interacted with other lesbians in the stories but other than the dumb interrupted storyline in Batwoman she and the other characters remained themselves first, and also, they're gay. It was not their essence, it was another fact about them and it only came up when appropriate. Maggie, like Renee, faced as much if not more issues from simply being women in the police force. Your entire introduction to the character above is how she's gay and how this should tell you everything thing you need to know about her (rebel/protestor for faux-radical causes, hairstyle, piercings and tattoos, etc., overthrew her previous allegedly false persona for the most dramatic opposite, the "real her" just like she claimed the former persona was) and it does, it means she's a vapid stereotype who will offer nothing to the story because she will never be able to escape the bounds the writer put her in from the start.

The trans character in Batgirl was just another character, who happened to be trans, but this wasn't good enough because you weren't constantly being told they were trans so the next writer made them TRANS and all they ever did was stereotypical insane shit peaking with what I posted in this thread where everyone acted like a "fertility doctor" misgendering them was murderous behavior that justified weeks of being insane to everyone including the wife. When Barbara moved to Burnside, guess which character was left behind because they were now completely useless. (I think they came back later in Batgirls, and obviously they were in the cancelled movie of course.)

I personally argue that they cannot construct these "diversity" characters in any other way because the audience who wants these characters will not allow them to be anything but their superficial demographics. You can't portray them as anything but good and pure, you can't make them complex, you can't have tragedies and other certain plots happen to them, they can't make mistakes, they're required to adopt an entire, often political, persona that shifts to match the audience, etc. The attack on people complaining about these characters proves this is what the claimed audience wants because they always go for "you just don't like seeing gay/Black/trans/etc. people" as if these narrow, useless and annoying character types are the only type of people who exist in those demographics.

The entire point is praise for merely existing so why develop any character, or even worse, realistic humanity.


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6430 on: August 20, 2023, 07:35:57 AM »
I think many leftists think of art as solely a platform to push left politics rather than an exploration in the human condition. Basically. "Art is political" "Superhero comics have always been political." Yeah, and they weren't written by hacks either. I saw some tweet on Twitter the other week saying superheroes have always been political and especially Captain America. They use some page where he rants like a crazy person because he read America is attacking some foreign nation in a newspaper and then act like just because something is political that makes it good or well written inherently.

Left art was once avant garde. Now it's just often boring dog shit.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2023, 08:04:20 AM by Himu »


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6431 on: August 24, 2023, 12:25:58 PM »
Penguin #1



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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6432 on: February 14, 2024, 03:37:59 PM »

Joe Molotov

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6433 on: February 20, 2024, 02:29:30 PM »

Bought the Dark Nights: Death Metal Omnibus. I'm looking forward to seeing what shenanigans the gang gets up to this time.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6434 on: March 01, 2024, 02:03:30 AM »
Was at the local used videogame store/pawnshop for nerd crap and I ended up buying the first 5 volumes of Geoff John’s New 52 Justice League for $2 each, so I guess I’m reading that next, after I finish Death Metal. Also bought several volumes of the Bat Family Court of Owls related stuff, but I’ve already read most of that back when it was releasing. I was still pretty invested in Batman then, coming off Grant Morrison’s Batman run and also Scott Snyder’s Black Mirror storyline in Detective Comics, although I dipped out pretty early into the New 52.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6435 on: March 06, 2024, 03:42:24 PM »
Accidentally bought another omnibus.



  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6436 on: March 13, 2024, 01:34:32 AM »
I actually kind of like Zero Hour but I will admit there's tons of stupidity in it and maybe way too much for most people.


  • relapsed dev
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6437 on: March 13, 2024, 02:00:41 AM »
Does part of the stupidity include how Batman's face is lit?

Joe Molotov

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6438 on: March 13, 2024, 10:39:42 AM »
I read it back in the 90's but the only thing I remember from Zero Hour is Hal Jordan being evil and DC spending the next 10 years trying to rehabilitate him. First he sacrifices himself by flying into the sun to restart it, then he was Spectre for a while, then finally they were just like "fuck it, he's alive and he's Green Lantern again and Kyle Rayner is a bitch."


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6439 on: March 13, 2024, 02:31:40 PM »
The best part about zero hour is that Damage (gotg-who.gif) is the primary protagonist.

Also it brought the JSA back, which paid off big time.

Joe Molotov

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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6440 on: March 14, 2024, 01:18:08 PM »
I should probably point out that I love dumb comic stuff. Batman randomly being revealed to have died off-panel and coming back to life with the Black Lantern Ring in Death Metal was awesome. Then Robin King cuts off his ring hand to try to rekill him, and he's like "Psych bitch, I embedded the real ring in my chest."  :lol Overall I didn't think it was as good as Metal, but I still enjoyed it.

Also enjoyed reading Trinity War and Forever Evil. Lex Luthor being an absolute psychopath but still having to save the day with his bootleg Bizarro Superman.  :rejoice


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Re: Bore Comics Thread: Crisis On Infinite Megathreads
« Reply #6441 on: December 14, 2024, 01:39:52 PM »