The furry cat guy? 
Yes, Talon. He was awful but it was fine. But then they made him worse by turning him first into Dr. Strange BUT MORE POWERFUL, then revealing he's the "last" Inhuman and then making him push to become the leader of the group. (Even though for most of the series the group never had a leader but operated by consensus.)
I just remember it drawing back to so many 20th century things that it was ridiculous- Sure, they could only go with what they had to work with at the time, but even the writers had to realize how dumb it was for so much of the 31st century 'culture' they were creating to be drawing from one point in the 1980s/1990s, lol.
Oh, yes, this. Time froze for a thousand years around 1989 apparently. Most of this problem was because they kept going back to Earth. Earth was the least interesting place in the galaxy, but they kept going back to it. It was cool to go the first time, just to find out what it was like, but after that they practically lived there for 20 issues or so before going back out to the galaxy before then coming BACK to Earth for another long period.
I remember there being a spin-off book that didn't last too long- The Galactic Guardians or some shit? With an aged Wonder Man (Hollywood!), Ghost Rider, Phoenix, and some other characters.
Yeah, just four issues, and all the ongoing plots came from and then continued on in the regular book. I actually liked the idea of them setting up multiple teams. It would have been cool to bounce back and forth among the teams and you could easily explain it away as the other teams having down and travel time to get to the next adventure worth popping in on.
The GotG at one point were the obvious loser and weak team, that barely had any actual powers, with "Major Victory" running around with a mullet and Cap's shield. Meanwhile the Galactic Guardians had a specced up Vision, Martinex (the brains of the Guardians to where the first team couldn't even operate most of the ship once he left to the second team), Wonder Man, Ghost Rider, Phoenix, Firelord, etc. But the book spent all its time on the first team and treated them as these well known galactic badasses, with a bunch of that legacy having been established by the characters in the second team!