Author Topic: FitnessBore - 2018 edition  (Read 816895 times)

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  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7080 on: January 05, 2017, 08:21:44 PM »
You are my savior.

Cut with me.

Not looking forward to going to the gym with the crowds.

That's where I have it good.  We have a pretty good gym setup right in my office.  I'm the only one in there more often than not right after work, and especially when I go in on the weekend.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7081 on: January 05, 2017, 10:06:51 PM »
Started dieting for reals.  GOD.

Human Snorenado

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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7082 on: January 05, 2017, 10:31:41 PM »
Started dieting for reals.  GOD.



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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7083 on: January 06, 2017, 01:28:55 AM »
good luck to all starting your diets/gym regimens.

Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7084 on: January 06, 2017, 08:50:57 AM »
lol i eat bread everyday and I'm slim as fuck

stay losing anti-carbs folks

You piece of shit, he has diabetes. Good luck, Snorenado. I’m currently on the Amy Meyers diet because the girl I’m seeing has a couple autoimmune disorders. Right now we’re doing an elimination diet as well to find out what specifically worsens her symptoms. No grains, no sugar, no nightshades (this is tough), no soy, no alcohol, no fun. Carb withdrawals are real. The only good thing is that feeling of smug superiority over people who (at least we imagine) are destroying their bodies silently and slowly like Dufus.

Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7085 on: January 06, 2017, 11:12:46 AM »
No grains, Dufus.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7086 on: January 06, 2017, 04:38:25 PM »
A lot of diabetes diets involve carb reductions

Purrp Skirrp

  • Mr. Paté
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7087 on: January 06, 2017, 06:10:41 PM »
My dad has diabetes and they want him eating at least 150 carbs a day. That's considered low compared to what, 300+ the average American is recommended to eat?

I'm going for 30 carbs or less a day, eating omelettes, spinach salads, cheese, protein shakes :-*, cooking with butter. Trying to lose 20 lbs so I'll be around 180 at 6 foot.

My therapist and nurse practitioner keep fighting me thinking I'm fucking crazy trying to lose that amount of weight, which is kind of a complement b/c they think I carry my flab well? They finally shut up after giving them printouts of my BMI and then watching them plug in the numbers themselves just to verify that yes, I'm overweight. It's also a huge pain in the ass dealing with psych meds in general, and I'm "only" dealing with depression, anxiety disorders, and ADHD. It's really common for doctors to push atypical antipsychotics as an adjunct for depression treatment (like Abilify being the #1 selling drug in the US in 2014), and those meds can really fuck with your metabolism, blood sugar, cholesterol, all while carrying a risk for inducing diabetes. No thanks.

I know BMI's not a perfect measure though, and I worked out and had good muscle mass before putting on weight and been able to maintain some of it through the shitty menial labor jobs I've worked, but I don't think my goal is anywhere near unhealthy. I do have like actual clinical body dysmorphia going on along with OCD which plays into their concerns, like this being borderline an eating disorder, but you gotta be strict when eating this way and for me it's not all about weight or how I look. Low carb has consistently improved lots of facets of my health: weight, a1c, cholesterol (more HDL), mentally I feel better after a few weeks too with less anxiety and more energy, better sleep, and my skin completely clears up and stays clear even in regards to persistent shit like keratosis pilaris which is otherwise considered "untreatable."

Sorry for sperging out at the mention of low carb, but for me it's helped a lot and could probably help others.

I also mentioned both nutrition and mental health in the "topics you special fellow out to" thread :trumps


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7088 on: January 06, 2017, 06:18:22 PM »
They finally shut up after giving them printouts of my BMI and then watching them plug in the numbers themselves just to verify that yes, I'm overweight.

My BMI is 30.41.

BMI thinks I am obese.

Peak-Lean Boogie, the one shredded on page 157, has a BMI of 27.37.  Overweight.

For me to get a "normal" BMI, I would have to be 164lbs.  I have never been 164lbs in my entire adult life, even when I was running 20 miles a week, training martial arts, and before ever having picked up a barbell in my life.

BMI is trash.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7089 on: January 06, 2017, 06:26:46 PM »
That's what all fatties say, fatty. 

Purrp Skirrp

  • Mr. Paté
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7090 on: January 06, 2017, 07:21:47 PM »
They finally shut up after giving them printouts of my BMI and then watching them plug in the numbers themselves just to verify that yes, I'm overweight.

My BMI is 30.41.

BMI thinks I am obese.

Peak-Lean Boogie, the one shredded on page 157, has a BMI of 27.37.  Overweight.

For me to get a "normal" BMI, I would have to be 164lbs.  I have never been 164lbs in my entire adult life, even when I was running 20 miles a week, training martial arts, and before ever having picked up a barbell in my life.

BMI is trash.

Yeah but you're a beast and BMI's shit at accounting for body composition, like how a lot athletes are considered obese by it since it mistakes all that muscle for fat.

The weight I'm shooting for, 185 at 6 foot, is still considered overweight btw which again shows how BMI is flawed; I was in way better shape lifting weights regularly at that weight versus looking like some anorexic boy band motherfucker in the 150s.

I know BMI has its limitations, but I'm not sure how else to prove to them that I got some weight to lose. I'm not in beast mode like you, haven't lifted weights in a gym in 3 years, so this isn't like 20 lbs of pure muscle mass.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7091 on: January 06, 2017, 09:21:23 PM »
No, I get that, which is why I mentioned the last bit.  That even before I got into strength training, at age 23, I'd have to eat stupidly lean and cardio myself to exhaustion to still just hit the upper limit of "normal" BMI.

I take very little stock in it, serious athlete or otherwise.

Not saying that your own goal of losing a bit more weight at your height can't be a good thing, or a healthy goal.   I just can't stand that BMI measure regardless.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2016 edition
« Reply #7092 on: January 06, 2017, 10:06:44 PM »

Workout schedule:

Sunday: Morning cardio and HITT, BJJ open mat in the afternoon.
Monday: strength training, all body.
Tuesday: Evening BJJ.
Wednesday: strength training, all body. Cardio and HITT.
Thursday: morning BJJ.
Friday - rest.

QoI, after thinking on your goals, I wanted to return to this post of yours with some thoughts and soft suggestions that you can take or leave.  Especially as we sort of have similar goals right now for 2017 (lean out/cut, prioritise BJJ, maintain strength).

My first thought is that the above is a very full schedule.  I think that you may be at risk of overtraining here, and hindering your performance.  Especially if (and shit, but I can't remember if we're the same age) you are past the big 3-0.

Now, your mileage may vary.  If you are feeling good running this schedule, so be it.  But it seems tough.

You definitely want to keep BJJ to three days a week.  That's solid.  And properly spaced out, good.

Like you, my strength training sessions are full-body workouts.   What I would recommend, however (and it is what I will be doing myself), is dropping that full-body strength workout to one day a week.  And what I had been doing, and will continue to do, is schedule my rest day to be the day before my hardest, most intense (or only) strength workout.  If you drop to one strength workout a week, or are concerned with overtraining and ease up on the strength training, you want that strength workout to count, and so you give yourself the rest day before you hit that strength day with everything you've got.

So for me, I expect my 2017 regime to look like this:

Sunday:  All out full-body strength day.
Monday: light cardio
Tuesday: evening hockey game
Wednesday: evening BJJ
Thursday: Morning pickup hockey, maybe evening light cardio, or HIIT if I have the energy.  Or an evening full-body strength workout at less intensity than the sunday session.
Friday: evening open-mat BJJ
Saturday: rest

So for me, hockey takes the place of your HIIT sessions.  Before BJJ days or hockey days, I have cardio-focused activity, because a heavy strength session the day before will kill me for hockey or BJJ the next day.

Just some "back-of-the-napkin" thoughts. :)

« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 10:15:20 PM by Boogie »


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7093 on: January 06, 2017, 10:15:22 PM »
It's for the tournament so it's only temporary but yeah. It's very full. Also that's bjj four times a week. I find three times too little in a week on retaining info and learning. I used to do bjj three times a week and strength training three times a week. But I wanted more bjj to be my focus so I switched to four times a week for bjj and twice for strength training. Bjj is my priority but I also have body goals too. Thanks for the suggestions. I don't want to overtrain or get injured. That's terrifying.

Looked at the schedule I wrote and apparently left out Saturday. That's a bjj day too.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7094 on: January 06, 2017, 10:25:13 PM »
My body goal is this but I'm not sure how to pull it off while balancing weights and bjj

It'd be easier to achieve the body goal if I could dedicate time to it. But since strength training isn't my focus...
« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 10:29:26 PM by Queen of Ice »


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7095 on: January 06, 2017, 10:29:40 PM »
Haha, yeah, I wondered what happened to Saturday.  :P

Also that's bjj four times a week. I find three times too little in a week on retaining info and learning.

 :lol Holy shit, you are nothing if not passionate when you get into it!  :)

I'm the tortoise in comparison.  Been doing jits for 13 years now, and I don't think I've ever surpassed twice a week for any length of time.  When I might have had the ambition to do so (in university), I didn't have the free time because I was so stressed about my studies.

And now, as good of shape that I'm in, I don't know if my body can handle it.  Or at least, as much as I love jits, twice a week is enough to scratch that itch.

Just don't burn out, my friend.  I've seen many people take to it with a quick passion for a year or two, and then fade away with it.  I encourage the passion for the sport, but make sure you can be in it for the long haul.  :)


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7096 on: January 06, 2017, 10:57:55 PM »
3 is too little for me but five is too much. Four is pretty good to me. I was worried I'd burn out but I really haven't. Two is too little for me and I can't remember shit between classes. As a white belt learning the abc's is tedious and annoying when you can't learn or remember between classes. But going to too many classes isn't good either. So I found 4 to be the perfect number. Might drop it to three once I'm blue but white belt is too frustrating to keep it at three for me lol

I've listened to my body and it's completely fine. Took two weeks to get used to but once I did I was gravy.

The problem is combining it with weights. Arghhhh I want that body!

If you can, give three times a week a shot once your weight lifting schedule is settled. Three is a great number per week. But as I wanted to get better I felt like it wasn't enough. I was tired of certain people  (all white belts) avoiding training with me because I was new/not good. So I realized I had to step it up.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 11:07:55 PM by Queen of Ice »


  • Good Christian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7097 on: January 06, 2017, 11:04:20 PM »
I've been wanting to exercise when I have time, but then I look at photos of others, and immediately get demotivated by my white girl's ass and the effort I'd have to put into it.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7098 on: January 06, 2017, 11:17:44 PM »
 Go for it.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7099 on: January 07, 2017, 12:54:54 AM »
Comparing yourself to others is a sure fire way to demotivated and quit. There's a thin line between comparison and inspiration. Go do your thing and turn yourself into a better you. That's all.


  • Good Christian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7100 on: January 07, 2017, 05:39:20 AM »

Take My Breh Away

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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7101 on: January 07, 2017, 06:01:12 AM »
Comparing yourself to others is a sure fire way to demotivated and quit. There's a thin line between comparison and inspiration. Go do your thing and turn yourself into a better you. That's all.

This is true but It's also OK to look at someone and say, "I wanna look like that some day" (Frank Zane da Asthetic gawd :bow2 ) but you should always remember it's benefiting you in the end. In fact, one of the best things you can do for motivation is instead of comparing yourself to others is go learn how they did it and learn along the way what works for you and what doesn't because no one body is the same.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7102 on: January 07, 2017, 12:44:24 PM »

Start lifting weights and you'll have an ass in 90 days probably.


  • Good Christian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7103 on: January 07, 2017, 06:56:04 PM »

Start lifting weights and you'll have an ass in 90 days probably.
I do have an ass, it just needs to be plumped up, but I guess enlarged too. I want an ass. lol

Got some dumb questions though.. Bear with me.
Can this be done from home? I have a kid, no babysitter, and my only chance of exercising is in my own living room when she's asleep. :/ At least for now.
Is it "easier/faster" to build muscle since I'm skinny and wouldn't have to really lose weight first?
What are some tips to avoid losing weight when exercising, when I just wanna build some muscle? I guess just avoid cardio stuff? And.. What are good chest exercises to lift my boobies/get more mass on there?

And last one.. How do I make sure my ass gets more exercise than my thighs? I heard it can cause lower backpain. Less squats, more deadlift?

(Any decent resources with photos/instructions to share, like YouTube channels?)


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7104 on: January 07, 2017, 07:22:25 PM »
Squats are the best and most complete exercise. The trick to an ass is firing up the glutes. You need to activate them. You do this doing something simple like putting an exercise band around your feet and trying to walK. These are called monster walks. It will make your butt burn. Then you take it off and do an exercise. A lot of people think they using their glutes when they aren't. You must activate them. Also any exercise that targets glutes will most likely also target your thighs and hips. As well as core.

With boobs, push ups and bench pressing has helped me the most.

As for resources I suggest getting Starting Strength. It will teach you perfect form and how to do the exercises properly.

I'm not sure about weights at home. Maybe Mupepe can help with that. I remember him suggesting free weights at the home once.

In order for you to gain muscle you'll need to eat a lot more. I'd say it's easier but I have never been in the position of being skinny and going for muscle gain. I have only been in a situation where I lost weight and gained muscle at the same time or when I was already fit (though not skinny) and gained muscle. someone more experienced can answer that question. But ultimately, it also depends on your goals. Some people like having a slim yet muscular look. Others like a thick but muscular look. It depends on your goals, but typically you want to eat a lot of protein and lift a lot of weights. Whether or not you want to bulk and go on caloric surplus depends on your goal at the time. But you'll gain muscle just by lifting. Lifting by itself will require you to eat more just to keep up, so I wouldn't worry about it.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2017, 07:37:35 PM by Queen of Ice »


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7105 on: January 07, 2017, 07:45:32 PM »
Since you are a woman (OMG hi) I highly suggest reading these. But since you're considering lifting that's good and you might not need them. Ignore the tacky nerd toy stuff.

Another thing is that fit sex is best sex. I hope you enjoy your journey. It is worth it.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2017, 08:10:43 PM by Queen of Ice »


  • Good Christian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7106 on: January 08, 2017, 05:02:32 AM »
Squats are the best and most complete exercise. The trick to an ass is firing up the glutes. You need to activate them. You do this doing something simple like putting an exercise band around your feet and trying to walK. These are called monster walks. It will make your butt burn. Then you take it off and do an exercise. A lot of people think they using their glutes when they aren't. You must activate them. Also any exercise that targets glutes will most likely also target your thighs and hips. As well as core.

With boobs, push ups and bench pressing has helped me the most.

As for resources I suggest getting Starting Strength. It will teach you perfect form and how to do the exercises properly.

I'm not sure about weights at home. Maybe Mupepe can help with that. I remember him suggesting free weights at the home once.

In order for you to gain muscle you'll need to eat a lot more. I'd say it's easier but I have never been in the position of being skinny and going for muscle gain. I have only been in a situation where I lost weight and gained muscle at the same time or when I was already fit (though not skinny) and gained muscle. someone more experienced can answer that question. But ultimately, it also depends on your goals. Some people like having a slim yet muscular look. Others like a thick but muscular look. It depends on your goals, but typically you want to eat a lot of protein and lift a lot of weights. Whether or not you want to bulk and go on caloric surplus depends on your goal at the time. But you'll gain muscle just by lifting. Lifting by itself will require you to eat more just to keep up, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Damn, I knew this was the right place to ask. You seem to know what you're talking about, so I'm just gonna take your word for it.

Read through the links you sent me, and it seems like I gotta eeeeeeeat. lol I probably won't go hardcore/all in at first since doing it from home seems a bit difficult (in terms of motivation and discipline), so I should probably be a bit careful with everything first, right? Anyway, your posts were extremely helpful, so thank you for replying. I'll probably be posting here more, there's actually a gym quite nearby with equipment so I might be able to sneak out/arrange something instead of always doing stuff at home.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7107 on: January 08, 2017, 11:13:44 AM »
Even if they have the equipment you should ask if you can deadlift before signing up. Good luck. Get Starting Strength, read it, go to the gym and ask for some help while using SS as a guide. Start light (as in, nothing on the bar) so you can get accustomed to form and safety. Really glad you're doing this. More and more women are lifting. I have taught and trained a lady friend at the gym. We train together and it's great.

Rippetoe, the author of SS had a good series on The Art of Manliness (sigh) on good weight form. It's a good place to start because the guy knows his shit and it's easy to digest.

Here's the intro to it that's not in the playlist for whatever reason.

And Here's the playlist
« Last Edit: January 08, 2017, 11:20:37 AM by Queen of Ice »


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7108 on: January 08, 2017, 11:46:23 AM »
In addition Starting Strength has a robust dedicated youtube channel with resources to help you get started.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7109 on: January 12, 2017, 01:08:36 PM »
Isn't the suggested number of calories for every day eating 1800-2000? For sedentary men your age the number is 1800.

I have never heard of someone suggest eating 2000 calories for weight loss. Usually for weight loss recommendations are in the ballpark of 1200 (crazy) to 1700. Personally, I suggest 1500.

Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7110 on: January 12, 2017, 01:10:47 PM »
If calorie deficit diets worked people wouldn't be fat. Obviously they make logical sense, but as you discovered our body doesn't like to be starved and attempt to correct it with cravings. Long term they are linked to extreme psychological problems. You've already voiced your displeasure for low carb diets, so maybe intermittent fasting is for you. It works for me.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7111 on: January 12, 2017, 02:11:54 PM »
I can lose weight on 2,500 calories *shrug*

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'm also super fat at 261 lbs as of this morning.  And calorie counting sucks.  Low carb works best for me


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7112 on: January 12, 2017, 02:40:28 PM »
I don't count calories. Low carb, heavy in greens works for me. I tend to eat till I get 80% full.

What is your diet like? What are you eating?

Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7113 on: January 12, 2017, 02:42:10 PM »
spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'm also super fat at 261 lbs as of this morning.  And calorie counting sucks.  Low carb works best for me

> Calorie counting sucks
> Low carb works
> I'm super fat

(Image removed from quote.)

I.E. when he does it, it works. If you want to be a cock in this thread, traditionally you need to have the body of a Greek god and pics to back it up.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7114 on: January 12, 2017, 03:08:39 PM »
I don't count calories. Low carb, heavy in greens works for me. I tend to eat till I get 80% full.

What is your diet like? What are you eating?

Bread, wheat crackers, cheese, milk, oatmeal, fruit (mostly apples, oranges, bananas, blueberries), nuts (peanuts, cashews), meat (some days poultry, some days red meat, 50% split), vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, bell peppers but I try to change it up often). As for vegetables I try to eat some raw as well. Carrots and cherry/plum tomatoes.

As for drinks, water, milk and tea. I rarely drink more than two glasses of milk a day but I might bump that up if I start lifting.

FYI I'm 5'9" 143 pounds. When I ate 2500-2300 calories a day I was 139 pounds.

My suggestions:

Drop the milk.

Limit bread to once a week. (How much of it do you eat?)

Try to make your meals only meat and vegetables with considerably more vegetables than meat.

Drink plenty of water between meals.

Weights will help you lose even more weight.

Why do you want to lose weight by the way? 5'9 and 143 pounds does not sound overweight or fat. What is this fuckery? You'd be fine if you just started lifting right now.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7115 on: January 12, 2017, 03:15:03 PM »
I don't count calories. Low carb, heavy in greens works for me. I tend to eat till I get 80% full.

What is your diet like? What are you eating?

Bread, wheat crackers, cheese, milk, oatmeal, fruit (mostly apples, oranges, bananas, blueberries), nuts (peanuts, cashews), meat (some days poultry, some days red meat, 50% split), vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, bell peppers but I try to change it up often). As for vegetables I try to eat some raw as well. Carrots and cherry/plum tomatoes.

As for drinks, water, milk and tea. I rarely drink more than two glasses of milk a day but I might bump that up if I start lifting.

FYI I'm 5'9" 143 pounds. When I ate 2500-2300 calories a day I was 139 pounds.
That sounds fine, what are you stressing out about? :doge


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7116 on: January 12, 2017, 03:20:33 PM »
Lifting weights will make you lose that "stomach flab" by filling in your body with muscle. Why are you waiting to start lifting exactly?

Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7117 on: January 12, 2017, 03:21:15 PM »
The world isn't ready for another Bruce Lee yet.

Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7118 on: January 12, 2017, 03:24:20 PM »
Lifting weights will make you lose that "stomach flab" by filling in your body with muscle.

Also, this is not science.  :doge


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7119 on: January 12, 2017, 03:25:25 PM »
I'm not stressing. :doge I'm just saying. I wanted to lose my stomach flab by dropping down to 2000 calories. At the time I knew it was risky. It backfired (gained four pounds through binge eating candy), now I'm back to eating more.
Ah. Carry on then.

Whatever happened to cycling?


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7120 on: January 12, 2017, 03:32:43 PM »
Btw Himu counting calories isn't hard after you've done it for a while. You tend to memorize things. For example you said you like to eat greens. Does that mean greens exclusively? I used to do the same thing, but now I understand a meal with just greens is far too low in calories to be a proper meal. Vegetables are absurdly low in calories. That's great because it means you can stuff yourself with them which is necessary to get all the vitamins and minerals and stuff. But it doesn't offer enough energy.

The great thing though is that vegetables go amazingly well with meat. Low calorie greens + fatty meats is makes for an excellent meal. :rejoice

I tend to eat collard greens, mustard greens, or spinach when it comes to technical "greens". I can buy a bag of collard greens for like 2 bucks. The great thing about vegetables is that you can eat a lot of them and fill up. I don't only eat greens. When I said greens, I meant vegetables. Anyways, the trick is to eat more calorie rich foods. A cup of chickpeas is 729 calories. A cup of raisins is 500.

Getting calories on a vegetarian diet is pretty easy. I don't calorie count, but I do research what best foods to get for calories.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7121 on: January 12, 2017, 03:34:00 PM »
Lifting weights will make you lose that "stomach flab" by filling in your body with muscle.

Also, this is not science.  :doge

Depends on the definition of "stomach flab" in that statement. If Himu-chan mean fat, that's false. If Himu-chan meant the unattractive shape around the waste, then that could be true.

I'm definitely talking about the latter.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7122 on: January 12, 2017, 03:48:22 PM »
My opinion:

fuck cardio.

HIIT :rejoice


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7123 on: January 12, 2017, 03:56:09 PM »
spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'm also super fat at 261 lbs as of this morning.  And calorie counting sucks.  Low carb works best for me

> Calorie counting sucks
> Low carb works
> I'm super fat

(Image removed from quote.)

I.E. when he does it, it works. If you want to be a cock in this thread, traditionally you need to have the body of a Greek god and pics to back it up.

Greek gods tend to be too swole for my tastes, see: Boogie. I'm more a Bruce Lee kind of person. And you better fucking believe I'll have a body like that once I start lifting. :bolo

But I probably won't post pics because I'm not comfortable with that. Besides I don't want to show off. :playa
I could post my pics from a couple of years ago where I went from 284 to 193 and bench pressing 315 all while going low carb but they're still probably in this thread somewhere.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7124 on: January 12, 2017, 04:14:16 PM »
I could post my pics from a couple of years ago where I went from 284 to 193 and bench pressing 315 all while going low carb but they're still probably in this thread somewhere.

So what do you eat specifically when you're on "low carb" ?

No bread. No dairy. Just meats and vegetables. Food cooked in butter and/or olive/coconut oil. Emphasizes fats (specifically natural fats in aforementioned oils as well as animals and high fat vegetables/fruit like avocado).
« Last Edit: January 12, 2017, 04:19:31 PM by Queen of Ice »


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7125 on: January 12, 2017, 04:30:29 PM »

During morning you'd do something like make some bacon. Then put the liquified bacon fat into a saucer, turn on heat, fry some eggs. Then eat two fried eggs with some bacon and a cup of blue berries. Takes all of 20 minutes.

Then for lunch, have some left overs.

Have a small bag of nuts or seeds for a snack.

For dinner, I'd do something simple like chicken thighs. Marinate that shit and leave it in the fridge for 30 minutes if I was lazy, or leave it in there overnight. Then simply put it in the oven. Cut some onions and sweet potatoes, cook em in olive oil. Get bag of spinach and sautee with onions and sweet potatoes.

Very easy and that's just a typical day when I was low carb.

And limited starches of course. Don't want to eat potatoes for example because they'll make you fat. Sweet potatoes are a better alternative.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2017, 04:40:17 PM by Queen of Ice »


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7126 on: January 12, 2017, 05:27:09 PM »
A lot of what QOI posted is verging onto Paleo. For example, I don't give a shit what oil is used. I'll go get some bread less fried chicken wings and I'm sure they use shit oil but it's still zero carb.

My typical day is 4 eggs and 3 pieces of bacon for breakfast, 3 chicken thighs and a spinach salad for lunch and a fatty meat like pork or beef for dinner with a spinach salad. For snacks I eat almonds or deli meats wrapped in cheese. Cheese, hot sauce and mustard make lots of bland things more bearable.

One day a week I go absolutely batshit nuts with food and consume everything in sight. Generally Saturday when I wake up until I go to bed. Sunday morning I'll be so sick of carbs it will feel good to go back.

I cook enough meats generally for the entire week Sunday night. I usually grill it but will occasionally bake my chicken.

I've lost 33 lbs since August doing this. I lost 91 lbs in 2012 doing it. I fell off the wagon in 2015 so here I am.

Edit: also, my blood pressure and cholesterol are also excellent. For being overweight at this point all my tests and vitals show me healthy as fuck. Either way I'm losing weight again. Mid year I'll be around 220 which is my goal.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7127 on: January 12, 2017, 08:21:27 PM »
How do you have time to cook if it's exclusively meat and vegetables. :doge



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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7128 on: January 12, 2017, 08:46:30 PM »
Lol vegetables are the easiest things to cook for lazy people since you can just steam them for a few minutes or just toss them in an oven with some seasoning, set it and forget it. Sure there's a lot more you can do with them, but it's baby easy to keep it simple and not fuck up.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7129 on: January 12, 2017, 09:24:33 PM »
I started an internsip recently and they pay for lunches, so I get a free awesome lunch and then eat a salad with dorito chips in it at night.  Been losing weight.  Feels good man. 

Lifting weights will make you lose that "stomach flab" by filling in your body with muscle.

Also, this is not science.  :doge

Just doing a little bit of stomach excersizes really pulls in the gut and then doesnt look so bad with flab though. 


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7130 on: January 13, 2017, 05:21:43 AM »
When you cook, you only make enough for one serving? :comeon


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7131 on: January 13, 2017, 05:51:28 AM »

Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7132 on: January 13, 2017, 07:21:52 AM »
You cook five meals a day? Do you have a job?


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7133 on: January 13, 2017, 07:44:24 AM »
How would you like it if you went to a restaurant and what you ordered is something that was cooked a few hours before and all they did was heat it up? Would you like that?

Nah, breh. I eat fresh. :jared
This is basically how most Mexican restaurants/taquerias work.  The fajita and beans and rice and whatever else is cooked that morning and kept warm all day as they serve it.  I like it just fine. 

You're weird.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7134 on: January 13, 2017, 08:57:01 AM »
How do you have time to cook if it's exclusively meat and vegetables. :doge


I eat five meals a day. Exclusively meat and vegetables would mean cooking five times a damn day. Thanks but no thanks.

....Now I know how Cormac felt for all those years. 

Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7135 on: January 13, 2017, 09:02:28 AM »
Incredibly frustrated at this thread? Let's make a new thread where you can't post unless you can DL BWx2.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7136 on: January 13, 2017, 04:34:07 PM »
This thread makes shit too work intensive. Literally just hard boil some eggs the night before or eat oatmeal to start, throw frozen veggies with some random ass meat an seasoning to cook and it's not THAT hard. The only thing you get out of putting in more time is less boring food, the monotony is normally what fucks with most people imo.


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7137 on: January 13, 2017, 04:43:50 PM »
Omg complains vegetables aren't filling

Eats 5 meals a day


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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7138 on: January 13, 2017, 04:49:33 PM »
"Only eating meat and vegetables? :doge How do you have time for that?"

"I eat five meals a day"


Anyways, Dufus. I'll let you in on a secret. I make a soup of the week and a salad of the week. Every week for the past two years. I make them so that I can get full off of them. I interchange them daily. So one day I'll have soup and the next day I'll have salad. Then I make a new soup/salad the next week. Cooking in bulk is the best and saves time. The reason you complain about time is because you are not cooking efficicently. When I ate meat, I'd do things like buy cheaper meat like pork shoulder, put it in a slow cooker with some veggies and cook that shit. Then I'd slice it up and have enough meat for that week and put the rest in the freezer. Then the next week take out the already cooked pork shoulder and cut some more and put it back. Shit is easy. You're doing it wrong.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2017, 08:41:34 PM by Queen of Ice »


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Re: FitnessBore - 2017 edition
« Reply #7139 on: January 13, 2017, 09:34:54 PM »
An hour and a half of open mat on a Friday night.  :rejoice

Getting back into a proper BJJ regimen at a club of hungry beasts, and having a target on your back as a brown belt in a room full of blues and purples.   :whew

Knowing that you're going to be so gawdamned sore in the morning.   :dizzy