Author Topic: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW  (Read 191214 times)

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #720 on: March 07, 2007, 06:18:35 PM »
You don't get any really cool build choices until 60+ anyway, so you might as well pick up TM, get 5/5 Cruelty and put the rest into Arms.

A nice trick I have learned is if their pet is near them when charging hit challenging shout to force the pet to break the ice trap.

That's pretty slick advice btw lol
« Last Edit: March 07, 2007, 06:20:32 PM by Disposable White Guy »


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #721 on: March 07, 2007, 06:37:37 PM »
Haha I was in the warrior forum, some guy was bitching cause a mage cast detect magic on him when he used spell reflect so he could see all their buffs as they destroyed him with magic.

Im actually going to opt out on Tact Mast and just do my Arms/Fury build. I REALLY want piercing howl for pvp, and maybe enrage to boot. Ill climb up the Arms tree for MS and stop there probably.

A lot of warrior builds I see poo poo BOTH Rampage and Endless Rage. After the latest rage buff for warriors I pretty almost got a 25% increase in rage generation for free anyway.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2007, 06:39:35 PM by MrAngryFace »

Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #722 on: March 07, 2007, 10:03:57 PM »
So I made a new mage on one of those fresh new PVP servers, The Underbog (lulz ran out of names I guess) and I've found out that, literally, all of the best PVPers from Skullcrusher transferred to this server when the free transfer was made available.  CORPSE CAMPED ALL THE TIEM OMG


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #723 on: March 10, 2007, 06:28:59 PM »
Started a pally for kicks. My warrior is 37 right now but I wanted an alt while the warrior is generating rest exp ;)

Ive never made a pallywinbutton class but im finding there's actually a lot of work to being a pally :(


Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #724 on: March 10, 2007, 07:02:40 PM »
Made lots of progress today. I need to get my blacksmithing skills up, so I worked on that and now I'm almost to 100 (lol). But mainly I did a LOT of mining and put a bunch of stuff on auction.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #725 on: March 10, 2007, 08:52:50 PM »
I hadn't been playing much cause I need RAM, but right now I can't buy it; have more important things to buy right now :(

Plus I got real bored. I'm in Southshore/Arathi/Alterac reigons, and I didn't really know where I should go next. I was told that horde territory is the next place to go, but I don't want to go there until I get more RAM. Basically my screen starts going hella slow and freezing whenever lots of horde are in the area.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #726 on: March 10, 2007, 09:05:21 PM »
I got owned by a level 33 blood elf paladin today; I'm lv36. That pissed me off so much that I went and bought a good 2H axe which I'll now using for solo'ing; I'll use the shield/weak ass 1H axe for groups.



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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #727 on: March 10, 2007, 10:00:44 PM »
I got owned by a level 33 blood elf paladin today; I'm lv36. That pissed me off so much that I went and bought a good 2H axe which I'll now using for solo'ing; I'll use the shield/weak ass 1H axe for groups.

Dude, just do your warrior quest for that hurricane axe!

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #728 on: March 10, 2007, 11:06:50 PM »
I got owned by a level 33 blood elf paladin today; I'm lv36. That pissed me off so much that I went and bought a good 2H axe which I'll now using for solo'ing; I'll use the shield/weak ass 1H axe for groups.

Dude, just do your warrior quest for that hurricane axe!

It's too hard.  :lol


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #729 on: March 10, 2007, 11:15:30 PM »
Hurricane axe sux, I beat up a bunch of people using that weird looking thing all the time. They am lose total.

Combatant Claymore was my 2-H weapon of choice from levels 28-35. Its high speed for a 2h couldnt be beat and the stam boost was decent. I mainly liked it for the lubly dps.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2007, 11:19:14 PM by MrAngryFace »


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #730 on: March 11, 2007, 09:03:59 PM »
ruzbeh, they aren't dolls

Some pics

Yes, I am a tree now. Level 64 treeing it up. I'm not sure if I will keep this spec or respec and stay heal.  Tree is just so GIMPED. The healing 41 point talents seem to suck for Druid and Priest. I have a mana reduction cost and some bonus healing, but I can only cast HoTs and have a speed reduction.

I was racing lowbies in Goldshire for 20 silver if they beat me in tree form. After losing to a level 6 Paladin, I realized I would never win such a race. So I switched it to dueling me in tree form as a I wielded a fishing pole.  That I could win.

My lvl19 Shaman.  So far the name hasn't been reported.

This was weird. in my defense, all I had killed that day was a 55 Tauren in Eastern Plaguelands while I was trying to take one of the towers.  He was only 4 levels below me, but I guess it really pissed him off.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #731 on: March 12, 2007, 10:06:09 AM »
So stop playing jesus fuck. It doesn't matter what your warrior looks like, if you ever actually get a character past lvl 40 you'll get gear that covers up their features anyways.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #732 on: March 12, 2007, 01:21:03 PM »

Ok so I was in SW minding my own business when I noticed someone was offering enchants on armor. Approached him and asked what the prices were, and he said he'd enchant my cloak and shield for 3g. I figured cool, I have 7g and a bunch of stuff on the AH, so this will be fine.

So he asks me to pay him the 3g, and I did. THEN he's like "oh, I need to go get the propers mats brb" so he runs to the AH. He procedes to continuing coming back to me than running back to the AH, over and over. Finally he has his mats and asks me to give him my cloak. I do, and he enchants it. Then when I say "ok, now for the shield" he asks for 3g. Being a complete DUMBASS I give him the gold, utterly forgetting I already paid him half an hour ago. He enchants it and runs off.

Only later do I realize shit, I'm out of 6 gold! Now I'm poor as fuck, and almost lv37. To make matters worse my stuff on the AH hasn't sold lol omg. 

Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #733 on: March 12, 2007, 06:43:39 PM »
My paladin is level 41, miss negative nancy. And it's boring total.

I can't stand little things in games that are just plain WRONG. When I had a long hair night elf, and I have a 2H sword, the sword would go right into my hair. That's just fucking wrong, man. It's almost like a bug.

You certainly seem a bit agitated over the fact that I deleted my character... but whatever. I canceled my WoW subscription because I'm bored by it. I'm gonna play some Guild Wars. I don't think I'll ever get back in WoW because I've already seen so much of the world already.

You're essentially playing the same fucking game now, with a shittier world environment :-\


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #734 on: March 12, 2007, 08:37:01 PM »
My paladin is level 41, miss negative nancy. And it's boring total.

I can't stand little things in games that are just plain WRONG. When I had a long hair night elf, and I have a 2H sword, the sword would go right into my hair. That's just fucking wrong, man. It's almost like a bug.

You certainly seem a bit agitated over the fact that I deleted my character... but whatever. I canceled my WoW subscription because I'm bored by it. I'm gonna play some Guild Wars. I don't think I'll ever get back in WoW because I've already seen so much of the world already.

You're essentially playing the same fucking game now, with a shittier world environment :-\

Nah Guild Wars is better and rather different from WoW.

Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #735 on: March 13, 2007, 12:21:38 AM »
I guess there have been drastic changes to Guild Wars since I left it.  The whole Ender's Game thing where groups run at each other and "PVP" not only got boring extremely fast (CTF oh I mean Capture the Relic thing was poorly designed with horrible maps) but it's also what the PVP system in WoW has become; Duels.  Duels with groups!  JAWESOME!

Considering that the Arena system wasn't implemented back then, I'll agree that GW was slightly different from WoW, otherwise I saw little difference.  Oh, it was prettier.  And really Asian.  And the default UI sucked.



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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #736 on: March 13, 2007, 02:40:15 AM »
I can't stand little things in games that are just plain WRONG. When I had a long hair night elf, and I have a 2H sword, the sword would go right into my hair. That's just fucking wrong, man. It's almost like a bug.

Kill yourself.  Or at the very least don't breed.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #737 on: March 13, 2007, 09:23:50 AM »
I guess there have been drastic changes to Guild Wars since I left it.  The whole Ender's Game thing where groups run at each other and "PVP" not only got boring extremely fast (CTF oh I mean Capture the Relic thing was poorly designed with horrible maps) but it's also what the PVP system in WoW has become; Duels.  Duels with groups!  JAWESOME!

Considering that the Arena system wasn't implemented back then, I'll agree that GW was slightly different from WoW, otherwise I saw little difference.  Oh, it was prettier.  And really Asian.  And the default UI sucked.


I don't know how to show you as you seem to have missed it all.  The pvp is miles beyond WoW.  At this point I'm ready to declare WSG the only worthwhile and real wow pvp to partake in.  Guild Wars has Guild vs Guild, which gets to be so intense that I actually quit it, then theres the tournament/tombs/heroes ascent(keeps changing name) that is a 6v6/8v8(keeps changing too =/) ladder tournament with different maps and victory scenarios, then theres random, team and challenge arena. There's Hero Battles that allow you to bring Heroes(self customized and controllable AI bots) and control tiny nodes for points and kills for points.  There's also alliance battle which is 12 v 12 node control battle with the nodes granting defense or attack boost, and the middle node granting the holder a dragon.

But outside of the variations of pvp, its just that the gameplay and battle system is so much better it makes any form of the pvp better. And there's balance, quick fixes and constant tweaking.  Everything has a counter and you can't 'one shot' anyone.

As for how it's different than WoW, well it's a just totally different idea from WoW.  You build your WoW character through a long leveling process and then through gear and stats, but in the end you play the character pretty much like everyone else does and you hope for big crits.  GW is a short leveling process, everyone can easily get the same armor and armor stats, but you really build your character through attributes, skill selection and how you play. Imagine WoW if pvp rewards were easy to get and there were far more talent trees and your talent selection meant everything. Now speed up WoW by about 1000%. One of the differences I always saw between the games is that in WoW a lot of characters look different from each other, but they play the same.  In Guild Wars all the characters look the same, every necro looks like the next necro, but they play so diferently.  There's four Necromancer attribute lines. You can play the blood attribute line in four different ways at least.  You can be a blood spiker, a degen siphoner, an 'Order' Necro that buffs everyone,  or a self sacrificing energy battery for your teammates. That is just one of the attribute lines for one class. You then also have the two class system which adds even more combinations. In comparison, the wow Warlock class which is similiar to a Necro has about 3 ways to play it and they all mostly use the same skills.


My healbitch Druid is coming around with some nicer gear now.  I got the Cloak of Healing Rays, and a blue 3 socket chestpiece. I can also still crit for 3k in feral gear in catform.  Tree form seems to benefit best by having more than one healer.  It really lacks in emergency heals, or save heals, with no bubble and no natures swiftness+healing touch boom heal.  It does a lot of tank healing with the HoTs and boosts your other healers healing as well. Right now my tree form spirit boost is about +75 to heals. I also conserve more mana. It just gets tricky when I have switch out to decurse, depoison or use a healing touch and then waste mana switching back into tree form.  There's no game balance reason for the form to be so restricted/gimped. I think it's just a dumb lore based gameplay idea, like no entangling roots inside(though mobs can do such).
« Last Edit: March 13, 2007, 09:26:31 AM by etiolate »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #738 on: March 13, 2007, 04:21:51 PM »
Ok later tonight I definitely need to go to Thelgan Rock. I've been searching for good places to mine, and this area sounds VERY good. The WoW forum is pretty helpful lolz.

It's pretty easy to find tin, and this helps with my blacksmithing now that I can make bronze stuff. Much easier than copper because with copper it might take 10 bars to make one thing. With bronze you might need 6 or less bars. :bow

Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #739 on: March 13, 2007, 05:23:22 PM »
I guess there have been drastic changes to Guild Wars since I left it.  The whole Ender's Game thing where groups run at each other and "PVP" not only got boring extremely fast (CTF oh I mean Capture the Relic thing was poorly designed with horrible maps) but it's also what the PVP system in WoW has become; Duels.  Duels with groups!  JAWESOME!

Considering that the Arena system wasn't implemented back then, I'll agree that GW was slightly different from WoW, otherwise I saw little difference.  Oh, it was prettier.  And really Asian.  And the default UI sucked.


I don't know how to show you as you seem to have missed it all.  The pvp is miles beyond WoW.  At this point I'm ready to declare WSG the only worthwhile and real wow pvp to partake in.  Guild Wars has Guild vs Guild, which gets to be so intense that I actually quit it, then theres the tournament/tombs/heroes ascent(keeps changing name) that is a 6v6/8v8(keeps changing too =/) ladder tournament with different maps and victory scenarios, then theres random, team and challenge arena. There's Hero Battles that allow you to bring Heroes(self customized and controllable AI bots) and control tiny nodes for points and kills for points.  There's also alliance battle which is 12 v 12 node control battle with the nodes granting defense or attack boost, and the middle node granting the holder a dragon.

But outside of the variations of pvp, its just that the gameplay and battle system is so much better it makes any form of the pvp better. And there's balance, quick fixes and constant tweaking.  Everything has a counter and you can't 'one shot' anyone.

As for how it's different than WoW, well it's a just totally different idea from WoW.  You build your WoW character through a long leveling process and then through gear and stats, but in the end you play the character pretty much like everyone else does and you hope for big crits.  GW is a short leveling process, everyone can easily get the same armor and armor stats, but you really build your character through attributes, skill selection and how you play. Imagine WoW if pvp rewards were easy to get and there were far more talent trees and your talent selection meant everything. Now speed up WoW by about 1000%. One of the differences I always saw between the games is that in WoW a lot of characters look different from each other, but they play the same.  In Guild Wars all the characters look the same, every necro looks like the next necro, but they play so diferently.  There's four Necromancer attribute lines. You can play the blood attribute line in four different ways at least.  You can be a blood spiker, a degen siphoner, an 'Order' Necro that buffs everyone,  or a self sacrificing energy battery for your teammates. That is just one of the attribute lines for one class. You then also have the two class system which adds even more combinations. In comparison, the wow Warlock class which is similiar to a Necro has about 3 ways to play it and they all mostly use the same skills.

I'll give you this, since I obviously lack the amount of Guild Wars experience that you have, but in all fairness, I still see no difference between either game, other than the time in which data is updated in GW over WoW.  Class customization seems more detailed, as opposed to class and character customization.  PVP is entirely objective-based, as opposed to objective PVP and 'survival' PVP in a more interactive world environment.  As for playstyle, come on.  Nobody forces a mage to spend his points in Fire, or a warrior in Arms, or a priest in Shadow, it's just what people are fed to go for based on the successes of others.  Additionally, with the inclusion of Resilience and gear that's way overboard on stamina, it's becoming increasingly more difficult to 'one shot' anything, which is forcing the entire playerbase to come up with new strategies, new gear choices, new talent specs, and new class desires in team environments.  There are problems with with the Resilience stat vs. critical chance (which GW definitely has over WoW with faster updates and bug fixes) and there are still various talents that are virtually useless in any PVP environment, which mostly stems from the more dungeon-crawling....y aspect of the game (which I suppose one could say GW wins over, as it doesn't even bother with such things outside of a leveling experience), but what I find interesting is that you don't point out how much of an incessant grind WoW becomes at higher levels.  Does GW not do this?  Is it the equivalent of an RPG Battlefield in which you just put a little time into it and then pick it up whenever you feel like messing around?  If so, then yeah I'll shut up about it forever and praise the game to anyone who asks.  If not, then they'll both be the same game with very minor differences between them.

Oh, you can find lots of tin in Redridge too, PD :P


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #740 on: March 13, 2007, 05:43:51 PM »
but what I find interesting is that you don't point out how much of an incessant grind WoW becomes at higher levels.  Does GW not do this?  Is it the equivalent of an RPG Battlefield in which you just put a little time into it and then pick it up whenever you feel like messing around?

I didn't mention the difference in grind for I thought it was obvious.  GW is pick up at anytime and play sort of pvp.  I can go into GW and make any character class combo I want and instantly pvp with all the things I need.  Doing that does take some faction grinding, but you can skip that by making a pve character and getting the skills through that.  It's more about unlocking skills than getting gear, and theres two ways to unlock skillls.  Get them through a pve character or buy them with faction pvp.  Either way unlocks the skills globally. YOu can also skip all of that if you want and just pay a fee to unlock all skills immediatly.

Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #741 on: March 13, 2007, 07:22:13 PM »
I guess it is different enough to be better than WoW :-\


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #742 on: March 13, 2007, 08:50:39 PM »
And PD if you ever need anything you can always ask me. And if you want a more trushworthy enchanter next time, the guy Lucif in our guild should be able to help you.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #743 on: March 13, 2007, 09:24:33 PM »

I've finally found the ultamite mining run, which will guarentee I'll never have to waste money buying copper/tin ores at the AH. I found Thelgan Rock today, and just as the WoW guide said there were a bunch of veins in there. I got almost 30 pieces of tin in about 30min or less. Next I traveled to Redridge Mountains. It's a very good place to find copper, and after I was done searching the orc cave I had around 20-25 copper. But my most successful area was easily Loch Modan. Hot damn there's a lot of copper there. There's a bunch in the trogg caves, and also along the various mountains.

By the time I was finished mining I had around 60+ copper and 47 tin. I could have sold all of that on the AH, but I've been working on increasing my blacksmith rating. Today it rose from lv115 to lv134 :bow

But the real sucky thing is that no one is buying my stuff. I made a lot of these very nice bronze leggings (defense of around 149, +5 agility and +3 spirit) too. I have so much shit on the AH right now it's not funny. I played for at least 2hrs today, and in that span only 3 of my items sold: a moonstone, jade, and a copper belt.

I doubt this will be a problem once I get my blacksmithing skill up some more. Once I get to around 150 I should start making the big bucks on the AH.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #744 on: March 14, 2007, 12:34:55 AM »
It will be hard for you to sell the stuff with spirit. Pay attention to what sells fast and what doesn't and make those.  If nothign sells, just vendor it.  Selling the minerals will make you money, but then you aren't upping your blacksmithing.

Anyways, a 66 rogue ganking in Southshore and I bring you a moment of zen.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #745 on: March 14, 2007, 12:58:23 AM »
you people need to stop playing gay ass alliance.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #746 on: March 14, 2007, 02:28:56 AM »
Got my blacksmithing up to 150! So today I gained a total of 35 blacksmithing levels :bow

Most of my stuff isn't selling on AH, which is fine: I can get 10-15s from vendors. And now that I'm lv150 I can make blue letter armor like this:

That should sell lol. I've been looking at that site, and apparently the pearls needed to make that armor cost a lot on the AH, but can be found on the murlocs in Wetlands. Or in Gnomer apparently.

Tomorrow I need to head to Booty Bay to get the higher blacksmithing ability and then start looking for the pearls.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #747 on: March 14, 2007, 05:12:07 AM »
you people need to stop playing gay ass alliance.

How else am I going to kill belfs?


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #748 on: March 14, 2007, 11:21:27 AM »
you people need to stop playing gay ass alliance.
honestly... whoever has the patience to do the barrens deserves the use as much war stomp as he wants.  I could level 7 alliance guys to 60, but after just my 2nd horde char i was just too bored.  tauren bluff owns though, even if it's for 5 levels


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #749 on: March 14, 2007, 11:17:21 PM »
Nagrand is like the Barrens + STV.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #750 on: March 15, 2007, 11:36:08 AM »
How much does a mount usually cost? Like, what's the cheapest?

I'm lv37 and I've been doing a lot of running around for minerals. Late last night I wound up getting more than 60+ copper and 45+ tin, but I haven't turned it into anything yet. I've been's pretty clear most of my blacksmith stuff doesn't sell on AH, but there's always a market for selling minerals. I can get around 50s-80s off bronze, and even more for silver. Should I just stop blacksmithing for a bit, and instead work on making money to get my mount? Right now I have more than 7g, and once my stuff on AH expires and I vendor it I'll have around 8g.

I'm at lv160 with my blacksmithing. Right now I really want to make this:

The sucky thing is that it's hard as hell to find those pearls. I plan on going to Gnomer to search for some; I'd hate to buy them on AH because they cost so much. I have all the other mats


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #751 on: March 15, 2007, 11:52:37 AM »
The 75 riding skill (level 40) costs 90g and the mounts themselves cost 10g.  I have no idea why you're so poor.

edit: I'm never going to play my alliance paladin again so I might log on and send what I have.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #752 on: March 15, 2007, 11:55:23 AM »
FUCK :lol

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #753 on: March 15, 2007, 04:21:01 PM »
What's the easiest way to get to the Swamp of Sorrows? Meier on GAF said it's a good place to look for pearls. Are the mobs too strong for me (lv37)?


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #754 on: March 16, 2007, 10:26:49 PM »
I can't decide between two quest items from The Ring of Blood chain.  I am a resto druid, but the feral staff is so goooood.
Healiing Mace

Staff Of Beasts

The mace is better than what i have now

But the staff is a LOT better than the feral staff I have now, which makes the choice hard.  The staff would make my soloing and the occasional tanking much better, but I am resto and the Mace is maybe the best healing item till 70.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #755 on: March 16, 2007, 10:29:11 PM »
Phoenix, I can send you those pearls and some gold for mount. You need to up your gold though.  You won't even be abel tobuy all your skills in awhile.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #756 on: March 17, 2007, 02:42:04 AM »
Get the staff to level with.  There are plenty of good healing staves and maces to choose from in level 70 instances.  I think the mace from Shattered Halls (227 healing, 12 sta, 11 int, 8mp5) dropped 3x in a row when we were grinding for rep with Thrallmar a few days ago.

I ran Heroic Mechanar and Ramparts tonight.  Hopefully Kara tomorrow but it depends on people logging in.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #757 on: March 17, 2007, 07:23:47 AM »

So that quest is bugged if you don't turn in the quest right away, it will say failed when you log back in and you have to repeat it.  It's not an easy quest. At all. Fuckin Blizzard.  Also Bogorrok bugged in Furnace and the trampoline quest bugged in Nagrand.  All in one day. 

See I was thinking that there would be better maces, but I couldn't find any better ones until level 70. I know theres a better feral staff in heroic colfang, but I don't know how long that will take to get to and do. Is the +60 more healing worth forgoing one of the better feral staves to get? I need to decide by tomorrow when we do it again.

Tonight I did Halaa, or the pvp stuff with Halaa, sort of spontaneously. Was grinding Kurenai rep with a 69 Shaman when some horde killed off the last alliance guards and we decided to jump the party. It turned out to be a 70 Shaman and 70 Warrior who were bombing.  Anyways, we capped the wyvern stands, they landed, we kicked their ass.  First time they ignored me and went after the Shaman. I was basically tree form all fight. Heal heal heal, Shammy took them down.  Second time the two Shamans battled and the Warrior went after me.  Could not kill me.  HoT and Kite and he barely scratched me. The routine was basically me kiting so slowly in Tree and hoting the two of us until the shaman gunned down both. Then they brought a third and that was too much for us.  So we came back with more later, kicked their ass again.  We were farming them until they finally got about 8-9 to take us out. They'd send a ton after me and I'd just tree tank and the rest would just kill them.  My tree of life + wraith of air = so much bonus healzomg.

Oh and I hit 66 and the sound effect for Lacerate is lame. It doesn't sound like your ripping anything, it sounds like your pushing the air out of a pillowcase.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #758 on: March 19, 2007, 08:56:42 PM »

Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #759 on: March 19, 2007, 09:04:26 PM »

From the PVP server I've been messing around on lately.  The guy's pretty entertaining when he trolls general chat.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #760 on: March 19, 2007, 09:16:39 PM »
Get the staff to level with.  There are plenty of good healing staves and maces to choose from in level 70 instances.  I think the mace from Shattered Halls (227 healing, 12 sta, 11 int, 8mp5) dropped 3x in a row when we were grinding for rep with Thrallmar a few days ago.

I ran Heroic Mechanar and Ramparts tonight.  Hopefully Kara tomorrow but it depends on people logging in.

Thanks for the money dude!

I haven't spend much of it, except for 1 gold on this total steal: these bracers with 201 armor


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #761 on: March 21, 2007, 11:16:06 PM »
Well anyways I took the Mace and I kind of regret it, because heal weapons drop way more than feral staves.  I just got this from Auch: which is nice, but a toss up between it and the mace + offhand.  Staff is less +healing, but so much more in other stats. I have too much useful gear that eats up my inv.  Having to always carry two sets sucks as well.  I get a nice off-hand from a shitty escort quest in bone wastes which might make me switch back to the mace.  I kind of like having a staff though, instead of running around with a big nasty pally mace in one hand and a flower or whatever in my off-hand.

I still can't find shoulders worth a damn for resto.  Still using my Living Shoulders at level 67. I finally replaced my lvl 45 Wildfeather Leggings, but the sockets for them only make them slightly better for healing.  They're really oomkin leggings. I might just get the pvp shoulders, but doing high level arathi kind of sucks. Halaa has leggings that I could use, but alliance never wants to take halaa.

All i've learned is Blizzard doesn't really bother to design feral gear and if feral worthy gear is available, take it no matter what.  Otherwise you have to go with rogue gear and fight angry rogues for it.

Oh and the guild that ganked me and stole our rare boss spawn kill, and subsequently my idol of the moon, the guild that got pissed that I said they stole it and I told themt hat I would never help them, and they said they don't need help because they're so awesome.... just tried recruiting me because they need a raid healer. So I told them to fuck off in polite terms. Not only did they screw the pooch earlier, but fuck if I want to do long giant raids.  All I hear about raiding is horror stories.  I personally like how short the Outland dungeons are.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #762 on: March 25, 2007, 02:12:00 AM »
Did SM tonight. Wow we got through pretty easily and took out a couple bosses. I'll have the recap later. But right now it's bragging time:



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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #763 on: March 27, 2007, 08:26:38 AM »
Yeah your warrior is starting to get geared out.  SM is good for that.  I have the Scarlet Belt if you want it. You know if you want a good one hander, you should just do the hurrivane quest for warriors.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #764 on: March 27, 2007, 08:41:57 AM »
Some screenies:

First, flightform:

Second, why it's easier to raid Southshore than it is to raid Tarren Mill:


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #765 on: March 27, 2007, 10:17:03 AM »
I can't believe you rolled on the healing mace off Whitemane in SM, PD.  You really need to learn itemization.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #766 on: March 27, 2007, 12:06:09 PM »
I can't believe you rolled on the healing mace off Whitemane in SM, PD.  You really need to learn itemization.

It looked so strong to me lol.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #767 on: March 27, 2007, 07:45:34 PM »
Yeah this is the unofficial WoW thread.  Me and Phoenix are on Ravenholdt, cubicle is on another server, as is redwood and MAF.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #768 on: March 28, 2007, 01:55:31 AM »
Our server is pretty slow, economy wise. But I guess this can be a benefit because it's always easy to find the mats you need, whether it's ores or something else - without having other people take them.

Once again I journeyed into SM today/tonight, and it was good. I've found a lv45 hunter who really loves doing the instance for her quests, so we've gone together two days in a row; we plan on going again tomorrow. The first time we went through the Cathedral with a really great priest and a mage. I will say that the only thing that irks me about this hunter is that she doesn't listen, AT ALL. For instance when we got to the final boss the priest and I started telling everyone what to expect. But before we could finish she charged the boss. This of course triggered the elite monks from the left and right of the room, and we all died. We were able to beat him on the next try though, so I didn't say anything.

After that we decided to do the armory, which is pretty tough due to the sheer amount of mobs you have to go through; you can skip many mobs in the Cathedrel. Our badass priest left so we had to find new members. We replaced that lv42 awesome priest with a lv35 priestess, as well as her lv35 warrior boyfriend (ugghghgh).

She was very good at healing, but I was amazed at how dumb she played at times. For instance she's stand in the middle of a battle and heal us instead of standing way back. The lv35 must have had some nice armor because he could withstand lots of damage from the elites; of course in part because I was keeping lots of the threat.

So we finally get to the boss, and the freaking hunter shoots at him before anyone is ready. Once again we get mobbed by a bunch of minions, and everyone dies. THAT annoyed me. But since we were so close I figured what the hell, who cares. But then when we got back into the instance...everything had repopped. DAMN. We once again fought through everything and got to the boss, where I said fuck it I'm in charge now.

I had the lv35s stay in the hallway while I entered the circular boss chamber and got his attention. I then led him out into the hallway, where we began taking him on; he's probably the easiest SM boss for me to keep the threat on. When he did he Blade of Light whirlwind move I made sure to tell everyone GET THE FUCK BACK. We beat him pretty easily, and then killed the mobs that come out of nowhere after he dies.



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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #769 on: March 28, 2007, 02:49:35 AM »
Once you find a good group of players, keep up with them. I get good groups because 1. I can heal, 2. I've kept up with the same list of players for 30 levels.


  • The Panty-Peeler
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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #770 on: March 28, 2007, 02:52:38 AM »
Once you find a good group of players, keep up with them. I get good groups because 1. I can heal, 2. I've kept up with the same list of players for 30 levels.

you aren't half the druid i am!!!!

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #771 on: March 28, 2007, 03:48:18 AM »
Once you find a good group of players, keep up with them. I get good groups because 1. I can heal, 2. I've kept up with the same list of players for 30 levels.

That's what I wanted to do. I remember doing the Deadmines with a couple people and had a great time, even put them in my friends list. Now they don't come on, or they're so high (or low) a level that I can't really group with them.

This hunter is pretty cool though. She's 6 levels ahead of me, but it'll be 5 by tomorrow; I'm almost lv40.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #772 on: March 28, 2007, 09:52:45 AM »
Yeah, I'm on Khaz Modan where I rerolled after the expansion.  About 3 weeks ago my small group (of 5) splintered off from the guild we were in to start our own as the GM was a douche and we wanted to raid under our own rules.  5 full days and we killed Shade of Aran which I'm pretty happy about (and we're 2nd in horde-side progression on our server which is pretty laughable).

I'm the blood elf.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #773 on: March 28, 2007, 10:18:07 AM »
Is your character already 70?

Mine is still stuck at 52, I haven't had the time to play much.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #774 on: March 28, 2007, 12:15:33 PM »
Yeah.  Before the expansion came out I put together a small cache of good weapons including a Fiery War Axe.  And when I hit 40 one of my roommates started playing again (the druid in the picture).  A feral druid / retribution paladin combo is really great for leveling.  We're both melee with frontloaded damage who can heal, tank, and have great buffs.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #775 on: March 29, 2007, 03:49:40 AM »
Scarlet Monastery is my favorite dungeon since the Deadmines; I've done it 3-5 times this week and each time has been successful. Everytime I go in something good happens. I either get a really good item or I gain a level like today when I finally hit 40.

Now that I'm lv40 I can get a mount, but it's not that simple. I have 86g but I don't have a high enough reputation to even buy a mount. I'm honored in Ironforge and almost exhalted. Tomorrow I plan on heading to some of the early areas to horde linen cloth, and I need to get silk cloth from SM. I'll trade it in for the commendation points and then exchange that for rep.


  • The Panty-Peeler
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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #776 on: March 29, 2007, 04:27:25 AM »
PD.. umm.. being honored is enough to get your mount. you just need 90g total. Reputation means nothing with getting your regular mount (except for the 10% cost reduction for being honored).

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #777 on: March 30, 2007, 12:12:33 AM »
PD.. umm.. being honored is enough to get your mount. you just need 90g total. Reputation means nothing with getting your regular mount (except for the 10% cost reduction for being honored).

Found that out today. I just found the dwarve trainer and got the skill. After that I had like 6g so I started grinding on ogres. I'm about to get on again; last time I have 8g, and I'm sure the stuff I put on AH has sold by now

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #778 on: March 30, 2007, 12:18:19 PM »

Bring me that horizon!


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #779 on: April 01, 2007, 09:42:37 PM »
Im about to pay for my mount with Bronze bar's on Auction :D, stack of 20 could go for at most 8-10g :lol I didnt even need to mine much either...I simply got copper,tin ore or bars on auction for cheap then made the bronze myself, ive got about 150 gold at lvl 34, Im thinking I might buy a set of plate armor for when I hit 40.