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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1080 on: January 23, 2008, 04:11:07 PM »
You're not really missing too much, WoW PvP is awful and has been ever since the game came out. The game isn't really built for it, and it's popular despite its terrible design because the alternative choices in the genre are even worse at this point.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1081 on: January 23, 2008, 04:14:56 PM »
Its as good as it gets, tho I think of all the battlegrounds AB is the best. Im interested to see WoW's take on siege equipment with the upcoming expansion.

WSG = Too many resto-druid flag stand offs. Oh fun. A Resto-Druid with high resilience. Yeah im gonna punch into that easily. Not to mention the FC isnt alone. Im pretty sure the Alliance has the same reaction when we have OUR resto druid cap the flag :p A very good argument that resilience is dumb.

AV = HA HA! BROKEN! Blizzard only recently attempted to balance it because almost every Alliance pop on almost every battlegroup ran a boycott making queue times stretch into the HOURS. That being said the switch from oldschool days long AV to newschool 30 minute long AV was never complete. Things like reinforcements from mines, the ice lord quests, and getting other troops going via quests move as slow as they needed to for oldschool AV, but were never adjusted to be useful in newschool AV.

Wonder why everyone is doing a footrace? mebbey thats all they can do, Blizzard.

EotS = Removes the flag standoff from WSG and adds elements from AB. I havent played this one enough to pass judgement but its not extremely well liked since the entire game hinges on whats going on in the middle.

AB = Probably the most balanced map of them all, and probably the one with the fewest weird exploits like that ledge behind the flag in WSG Alliance base where a FC can hide behind the bush out of attack range of pretty much everyone. Most people dont know that one so its not a huge issue, but its a huge issue when someone does, cause no one knows how to get to him. Why is there even a ledge? Goddamnit Blizzard.

Both AB and WSG, and I suspect EotS suffer from the borked queue system which will not hesitate to pit 4 players against 10, on either side. HAW HAW nice one B.

WorldPVP = Blows if youre on the side with the low population.

In any case, I still enjoy it much more than waiting for raids and listening to people ask me for water and food. I will also say this: Nothing makes you learn your character class more than having to fight your character class at the hands of another player. Learning to live with the idea that there is always someone better is another thing.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 04:29:17 PM by Phil Ken Sebben »


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1082 on: January 23, 2008, 04:43:14 PM »
You're not really missing too much, WoW PvP is awful and has been ever since the game came out. The game isn't really built for it, and it's popular despite its terrible design because the alternative choices in the genre are even worse at this point.
Sounds like someone is stuck at 1600.

I will agree that arena's mechanics definitely do need some tweaking. Certain team make-ups are ludicrously imbalanced; the influx of PMR teams in 3s since patch 2.3 is just one example of this. It is definitely difficult to balance such a high amount of classes with so many things to factor. Arena is extremely situational and it would take some serious analysis to completely balance it out.

That's not to say I am not happy with it though. Imbalanced team makeups are just part of the game. If you want to advance you will take advantage of everything you can. There is no way to argue that the only reason people are scraping 2400+ rating is "WARRIOR DRUID IS OP BAWWW" or whatever. The people at the top are there because they're the best. Yes, some group configurations are naturally more powerful on average than others. Arena is so situational though this really isn't as big of a problem as people make it out to be. This becomes apparent when you get really up there and you play the same team 4-6 times in a row. Some groups are more popular than others but if it were impossible to get Gladiator without submitting to the cookie cutter formations then there wouldn't be teams such as Rogue/Rogue in 2s or even a quad healer team in 5s. Less traditional play style? Yes. Impossible to win? No.

Sorry for the rant. Hope at least parts of that made sense.

Oh, and as far as battlegrounds go, I've finally learned to not even waste my time. There are too many casual gamers in there simply to cash in on the welfare epics (like my dad lol) to expect any real high level of competition as seen in arena. After having a meltdown in BGchat in 7 subsequent Arathi Basins where we were 4 based every single time I realized that it isn't worth it for me to invest so much energy into something that is ultimately pointless. I can sit there and make a list detailing why someone is bad for the entire length of the game but I doubt any of it even sinks in. For awhile it felt like I was paying 15 dollars a month for the sole purpose of raising my blood pressure by berating every single player not up to my standards.

Yeah, I'm an elitist. Can't help it. With so many people playing this game now battlegrounds are a shell of what they used to be. I can't remember the last time I had an entire team of genuinely good players. Real pvp is still alive in arena though, even if it is riddled with flaws in class mechanics.

I'm the same way in PVE though. I sincerely loathe those "raiding" guilds that are still stuck in SSC. OMGAWD HYDROSS IS SOOOOOOOOO HARD. I can't believe I can take a game so serious. I shit you not I am getting pissed off just sitting here thinking of all the terrible people who play this game.

Blizzard should have separate servers where players of the same level of skill can play so no one gets in anyone's way. Then the elitists don't bitch and moan about the casuals and the casuals can go level up there 10th 70 decked out in greens.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 04:52:58 PM by Candyflip »


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1083 on: January 23, 2008, 05:00:42 PM »
I'd go Arena but real teams wont take me until I go Ice Spec which is bullshit. I mean yeah, Battlegrounds are rough, but thats cause we have cross realm pugs. Its a gamble. I kinda learn to find the good players in a battleground and we try to make it work. Someone has to represent horde in battlegrounds, and im not gonna let it be a bunch of distinguished mentally-challenged fellows.

Truth be told im a casual and i've got S1 crap, so I dunno..
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 05:02:24 PM by Phil Ken Sebben »


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1084 on: January 23, 2008, 05:19:01 PM »
Pssh, there's no shame in having welfare epics. In reality the only big upgrades on gear from season to season are the weapons. The difference from s1->s2 in stats is otherwise negligible. The same goes for s2->s3 although slightly less due to the increased armor and the ignore armor.

Yeah, unfortunately forcing classes into specs is one way Blizzard tries to keep arena balanced. They are more able to smooth things out if they know which specs are going to be played at the top end of the competition. Frost is infinitely more utilized in arena than POM/Pyro, especially now that everyone is walking around with upwards of 10k HP and 300 resilience with the s1 so easily accessible. Same with SL/SL being extremely advantageous to, say, destruction.

Again though, that's not to say that you can't reach a high rating with those specs. It will just be much harder and you end up depending a lot on your team set up if you are speccing the "weaker" variation for arena.

It seems like Blizzard likes to switch things up every year or so. And not just a few changes here or there. Looking at how PVP now contrasts to pre-BC, or even PVE (in terms of speccing and playstyle) you can see that they purposely shift what is the more favored to keep players supplied with as much of that fresh content feeling as they can. Ambush/backstab rogues are almost nonexistent in arena now, right along with fire mages, destro locks, and so on.

Hell, if anyone had told me when I was doing BWL that the most viable raiding spec for most hunters in BC would be (by a mile) Beast Mastery I would have loled at them and told them to stop trolling and get back to EQ.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1085 on: January 23, 2008, 05:25:11 PM »
And I just got my Blood Elf hunter back that had been scammed from me earlier this month. WOO! I fucking love french canadians.

Van Cruncheon

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1086 on: January 23, 2008, 05:36:37 PM »
ew, raiding. epic gear from raiding is the REAL welfare epics, since most raiders are carebeared through most instances by the 10% of their guilds that are actually good at the game.

raiding is for no-life chumpos. it's for the persistent, not the skilled.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1087 on: January 23, 2008, 05:47:22 PM »
ew, raiding. epic gear from raiding is the REAL welfare epics, since most raiders are carebeared through most instances by the 10% of their guilds that are actually good at the game.

raiding is for no-life chumpos. it's for the persistent, not the skilled.

Raiding is for no-lifers, sure, but raids aren't Molten Core anymore.  One idiot will completely fuck you on a boss like Hydross and the level of organization and skill required to kill a boss like Vashj is substantial.  You can epic someone out on farm content without worry but it's absurdly hard to make progress without the vast majority of your raid being competent or better past a certain point.  And at least the guilds I've been in take measures to make sure that people are participating in progression fights before they're handed epics from anything but the 10 mans (or 20 mans pre-BC).

My guild fell apart on Vashj in June-July.  We lost some people and were on a medium population server so we couldn't replace them easily.  We'd end up with 2-3 players every night who were okay but didn't understand the fight well.  They'd be a little slow on DPS on the elementals, not kill a tainted in time, fuck up a core toss, get feared by a strider, or any number of things and the attempt would fall apart.  We had one night 2 weeks in where everyone there knew the fight and were good players who worked together well.  We consistent got to phase 3 had her down under 30%.  We needed another night with the same group to perfect the execution but just couldn't get it and the minor fuckups added up, people got tired, and that was that.  Up until that point we were neck and neck with the other top guild on the server who has just now completed Black Temple.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 06:48:52 PM by cubicle47b »


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1088 on: January 23, 2008, 06:56:06 PM »
Vashj was a surprisingly complex fight for how simple the rest of SSC was. My old guild was also stuck on her for a solid month and a half, and then Kael for another month or two. That soured me on raiding. Same story as you. Great 15-20 players but there are always those few that drag everyone down. I ended up ebaying a week before they downed Winterchill. They're now on Archimonde.

But yes. PVE has grown in depth as much as PVP, if not more. Some of the BT and Hyjal encounters are brilliantly designed. Pre-BC raiding was very close though; many players still say Naxx > all. It's a shame that only such a small fraction of people that play the game get to even see those.

With that said, I would honestly give my left foot to understand how some people are able to consistently pull Hydross over the line. Every. Single. Week. How can you even dress yourself if you can't keep yourself from hitting any buttons for a period of 3 seconds? Everyone has done it once (me included, although I wasn't entirely sober) but christ.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 06:59:43 PM by Candyflip »


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1089 on: January 23, 2008, 07:33:44 PM »
I never pulled Hydross but I was a healer (not that some of our healers didn't manage to do it).  We had more than one embarrassing night where we pulled Hydross 9 times and some idiot fucked up and left a DoT on too late or one of the healers fell asleep and let their tank die every fucking time.  It felt like a fight made just to piss off people with new members.

I raided pre-BC on my lock and burned out right after we killed Princess Huhuran in AQ40 so I missed out on Naxx.  I'll get to play it when Wrath of the Lich King comes out but it won't be the same.  The 4 Horsemen had the best guilds in the world working on them for 2 months before finally killing them and without difficulty adjustments.  That was the height of skill based WoW.  It's really too bad that MC was the first raid.  I thought Karazhan was a great introductory raid instance.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 07:35:30 PM by cubicle47b »


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1090 on: January 23, 2008, 07:50:39 PM »
My new guild is all PVE and im the only mage, I told them I can only raid on Saturday nights, so maybe ill get the best of both worlds :(

Sides...I need my stupid food tomes


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1091 on: January 23, 2008, 07:53:22 PM »
Pssh, there's no shame in having welfare epics. In reality the only big upgrades on gear from season to season are the weapons. The difference from s1->s2 in stats is otherwise negligible. The same goes for s2->s3 although slightly less due to the increased armor and the ignore armor.

Yeah, unfortunately forcing classes into specs is one way Blizzard tries to keep arena balanced. They are more able to smooth things out if they know which specs are going to be played at the top end of the competition. Frost is infinitely more utilized in arena than POM/Pyro, especially now that everyone is walking around with upwards of 10k HP and 300 resilience with the s1 so easily accessible. Same with SL/SL being extremely advantageous to, say, destruction.

Again though, that's not to say that you can't reach a high rating with those specs. It will just be much harder and you end up depending a lot on your team set up if you are speccing the "weaker" variation for arena.

It seems like Blizzard likes to switch things up every year or so. And not just a few changes here or there. Looking at how PVP now contrasts to pre-BC, or even PVE (in terms of speccing and playstyle) you can see that they purposely shift what is the more favored to keep players supplied with as much of that fresh content feeling as they can. Ambush/backstab rogues are almost nonexistent in arena now, right along with fire mages, destro locks, and so on.

Hell, if anyone had told me when I was doing BWL that the most viable raiding spec for most hunters in BC would be (by a mile) Beast Mastery I would have loled at them and told them to stop trolling and get back to EQ.

I will say I am happy with the mage buffs last patch. While ice block in PVP is generally only used to stall until your friends show up or remove a bunch of negative conditions, the mana gem buff was OMG.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1092 on: January 24, 2008, 03:43:26 AM »
Frag is right about wow pvp. I don't play WoW for pvp, I play it for the whole basket. I PvP, Raid, dungeon, pve, solo, professions and whatever. I normally mix it up, because not one part of it is strong enough to stand on its own. If you want this sort of game with pvp then you play GW. I just think Blizz doesn't get it, or at least the people in charge don't. Other games have more classes and better balance, so it is not the classes issue. It is simply that WoW was designed as a pve game first and that pve style doesn't fit into pvp. Crowd control skills required for pve become cheap in pvp. Stuff like bubbles, fear, stealth and such just wonk up pvp.

And Nagrand rules. Wait till you get the blue quest rewards from Nagrand PD. Best designed part of BC.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1093 on: January 24, 2008, 12:22:25 PM »

Yeah! Got a cloak that looks cool and got my helm. Taking the rest of the week off from PVP to earn some GOLDZ and help some lowbie guild people with oddball jobs. Bubbles are fine in PVP, paladins are the least of my concern these days. Do you realize as a belf mage I have at LEAST 3 ways to shut a paladin up, and thats not counting the 10% chance to shut him up with impact. Do you also realize pets see rogues through stealth if they've been sent on a rogue that just vanished? Did you realize a dot will keep a rogue out of stealth?

There's LOTS of counters to stuff people WAH WAH about but it demands that they become better players. YES the characters arent completely balanced, but you learn to deal with it and work with other players to pull wins out. Its never a one person show and the good games are never easy.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2008, 12:24:20 PM by Phil Ken Sebben »


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1094 on: January 24, 2008, 01:37:49 PM »
I think the best argument to level against PVP is the whole resilience thing. Its a BC addition that really dulled the potential of burst dps classes (rogues/fire mages), and it has done a fairly good job shutting out raid players from high level PVP.

However, most WAH WAH Raiders dont realize that the PVP epics aren't that good for raids, so its not like we're gonna run out and get picked over them in a Raid situation. I honestly dont see a problem with PVP epics, I think Raid types just put a lot of stock into the program management job that they pay 15 dollars a month to do.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2008, 01:42:26 PM by Phil Ken Sebben »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1095 on: January 24, 2008, 01:50:11 PM »
lol do people hit on your character MAF? I did BF last night with this female mage and our DUMBASS hunter wouldn't stop making suspect comments to her.

There's nothing worse than a hunter who - no matter how many times you tell him you're the puller - randomly shoots mobs before the healers/casters have enough mana to do anything. Jeez what a jerk


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1096 on: January 24, 2008, 01:53:53 PM »
First thing I do when I join a guild is tell them im a dude, if someone hits on me I tell em im a dude.

Eric P

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1097 on: January 24, 2008, 01:54:51 PM »
lol do people hit on your character MAF? I did BF last night with this female mage and our DUMBASS hunter wouldn't stop making suspect comments to her.

i just assume that everyone is a guy

There's nothing worse than a hunter who - no matter how many times you tell him you're the puller - randomly shoots mobs before the healers/casters have enough mana to do anything. Jeez what a jerk

bad party members suck.  it's worse then they think that "surviving" equals a good pull as opposed to merely adaquet.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2008, 02:10:17 PM by Eric P »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1098 on: January 24, 2008, 01:58:21 PM »
The only classes I've had problems with in groups are hunters and rogues. Lots of times hunters want their pets to tank, but they'll pull mobs with their gunz - so the mob rushes at them. Usually it's not hard to steal the arrgo but this becomes annoying as the instance gets harder. Just a few hits will kill a hunter. Then you've got the rogues...sigh.

*Fancypants has died*


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1099 on: January 24, 2008, 02:02:30 PM »
Oh god, last night was classic. So im helping a warlock in my guild with Uldamann or whatever, and we pick up a few other players along the way, a Paladin and Rogue belf. I dont recall much of the place so the three pointed in directions and I carried them through it. Anyway...

On the way out the belf paladin got in a scuff with one of the pvp mobs in the instance, and I helped her out and we both had our flags on as we ran out. So we're heading to the surface and I see this 54 dwarf waddle by and im like LOL. But then I think, the flagged Paladin is only 44. The paladin had dropped behind a ways so I had doubled back, and I found them both staring at each other. I rounded the corner and he turned at me, and just stood there. We all just stood there. Then he turned tail and ran haha.

I kinda wish he attacked the Paladin, I knew he wouldnt have had enough time to do anything damaging before I nuked him into oblivion.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1100 on: January 24, 2008, 02:07:35 PM »
lol I love doing that. It's so easy to find lv30-40 horde in Arathi Highlands, harassing low level alliance. I just ride up to the alliance players in trouble, and the horde runs away. And if they're fool enough to play I just beat the shit out of them, but I don't enjoy it! I'm rather peaceful with the horde - hell if I see a horde player in trouble against some PvE mob I always help.



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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1101 on: January 24, 2008, 02:10:33 PM »
Oh i'll help alliance out when theyre knee deep in it, they usually dont appreciate it but oh well. No one picks on the Horde while im around tho, thats bulllshiiit

Most hunters in PVP dont know how to play their character aside from sic pet, fire gun. As a mage all you have to do is blink at them, frost nova, ice lance till nova wears off, fireblast, then hop on top of them in front and behind spamming ice lance till frost nova cools down then pop that again then hop in their face spamming ice lance some more while working in fireblast/DB/BlastWave.

Usually nova/lance/blast is enough, I save DB for when they get frisky or it looks like theyre trying to set an ice trap.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2008, 02:15:27 PM by Phil Ken Sebben »

Eric P

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1102 on: January 24, 2008, 02:11:54 PM »
hell if I see a horde player in trouble against some PvE mob I always help.


but i rarely get the complement returned


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1103 on: January 24, 2008, 02:15:53 PM »
Yeah well most Alliance players are like 12 or something. rite LOL *WoW forums tm*

Eric P

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1104 on: January 24, 2008, 02:57:30 PM »
Yeah well most Alliance players are like 12 or something. rite LOL *WoW forums tm*
it seems that way

but i'd rather have the optimistic friendly 12 year olds instead of the social misfits which seem to hog the horde.

"i am undead because i am METAL!"

but, yeah, the general populace on both sides reminds me why i don't leave the house much



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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1105 on: January 24, 2008, 03:12:47 PM »
yeah I used to respect undead players a lot more than I do now :(


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1106 on: January 24, 2008, 03:19:04 PM »
yeah I used to respect undead players a lot more than I do now :(
:punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch :punch


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1107 on: January 24, 2008, 03:29:33 PM »
ok ok T234 is still cool


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1108 on: January 24, 2008, 03:52:48 PM »
 8) 8)

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1109 on: January 25, 2008, 02:36:50 PM »
Last night I did Underbog again, and failed. The funny thing is it's not THAT hard. The mobs are easy to cc for me, and the bosses are straight forward if people LISTEN. But people don't LISTEN.

"Ok guys when that guy sprouts mushrooms run away from them ok?"
"don't tell me what to do lol"

If I had fucking cloth leather I'd be doing anything and everything to stay out of harm's way. To make matters worse our healer was too busy typing when he was supposed to be healing. And checking the damage meter wtf

"hay goinio how do i move the damage meter i forgot whut to type i want to see my healz"
*Goinio has died*
"omg woops"

I did BF for the last time 30min ago; I've done it enough and can't really get anymore stuff there, unless I pray for miracles lol. Our healer (priest) was lucky because every boss dropped a blue cloth item. Dude got a whole new wardrobe lol. I wish I was that lucky  :'(


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1110 on: January 25, 2008, 02:44:35 PM »
Cloth stuff is lawl worthy to a rogue. Can mages and priests and shit not equip even so much as leather armor? If so, that would explain a lotta things to me.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1111 on: January 25, 2008, 02:46:28 PM »
It's amazing how weak that stuff is. Just a couple mob hits on a mage can take my "damage taken meter" from like 55% to 50% lol. Usually I ask them to stay back so I can cc


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1112 on: January 25, 2008, 02:52:22 PM »
The sad part is, even the gray Mail shit I pick up has almost the same stats as my nice, guildie-made leather stuff :(


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1113 on: January 25, 2008, 03:09:17 PM »
The trouble is people invite fire mages to instances but dont know how to hold aggro. DPS = Aggro. There arent enough talents in the mage tree to mitigate this reality. Im generally tanking Balinda in AV, but she's a caster and I have a few spells to deal with that, but against melee best I can hope is Impact proccing off of Molton Armor and having my Ice Block ready.

Im usually in the top 3 DPS wise in battlegrounds. Used to be mages were on top, but Warlocks n Hunters have taken that spot from even fire mages :p

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1114 on: January 25, 2008, 03:19:38 PM »
I haven't had trouble keeping arrgo from mages in some time; most mages are smart enough not to nuke trash mobs before I get good arrgo. Pallies and hunters cause more problems imo. I don't worry if a pally is taking some damage - usually they have the defense and armor to take damage. But hunters who want to pull mobs are a danger. Today in BF the hunter kept shooting mobs the second after I pulled them with my gun. So the mobs would run right at him, but I'd be able to take the arrgo by throwing down a thunderclap/devastate. We ended the instance with him having taken 9% of the damage, and his pet took around 11% which annoyed me but oh well.

My goal is take 55%+ damage and ensure the healer takes as little as possible


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1115 on: January 25, 2008, 03:22:46 PM »
Well a good fire mage will conserve mana with spell dmg and crit buffed scorch. Scorch crits for like 1100 at 70, and im at the low end of additional spell dmg.

Eric P

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1116 on: January 25, 2008, 05:00:07 PM »
i didn't have much time last night so i dicked around with a human pally just to see how hard it was.  low dps output so pve is just so damn time consuming.  i think it would be better if i paired off with someone to act as tank/healer to their dps, but i'll be damned if i'm going to snag a pug to play with at low levels so i think it'll act as my bank

along with my new storage char Bankula.  Bankenstein was sadly taken


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1117 on: January 25, 2008, 05:06:18 PM »
I know a 70 Paladin that even after 70 levels still hates his dps lol. Im starting a druid AGAIN, hopefully it will stick this time.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1118 on: January 25, 2008, 05:22:53 PM »
Paladin leveling is great until you hit level 40.  I flew through levels until that point thanks to good DPS (good to your low-30s, then pulled me to the early 40s where things got bad) and great survivability.  After that you need a partner or you'll start to hate the character.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2008, 05:24:26 PM by cubicle47b »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1119 on: January 25, 2008, 08:48:32 PM »
I got to lv65 today. I'll be doing Underbog/Slave Pens as much as possible to get some better gear. And omg Nagrand has some pretty rewarding quests. I got 10g for a kill quest lol :bow


Eric P

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1120 on: January 25, 2008, 11:48:18 PM »
Paladin leveling is great until you hit level 40.  I flew through levels until that point thanks to good DPS (good to your low-30s, then pulled me to the early 40s where things got bad) and great survivability.  After that you need a partner or you'll start to hate the character.

that's what happened to me with War right out of beta

that shit was ROUGH back then


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1121 on: January 26, 2008, 04:27:38 AM »
I think most every class hits a wall of suck at 40, except Shaman and Shadow priest which hits pwn city at that point.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1122 on: January 26, 2008, 04:52:03 AM »
I thought lv40 was cool. After the awesome-ness of SM you get to do more challenging stuff like Uldaman, Mara, and ZF. Those were fun times


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1123 on: January 26, 2008, 01:24:09 PM »
Mages rock at 40, thats when dps goes WOOOO.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1124 on: January 26, 2008, 01:24:42 PM »
I think most every class hits a wall of suck at 40, except Shaman and Shadow priest which hits pwn city at that point.

No class hits a wall like paladins do at 40 unless you decide to level as a resto druid / protection warrior.  I was lucky to level with my roommate who was a feral druid since they work really well with ret paladins.    It did make me incredibly envious, though.  At level 35 our DPS was about equal, by 50 he killed more than twice as fast and did it with a spec that allowed him to tank or dps as well or better than any class.

Eric P

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1125 on: January 26, 2008, 10:11:32 PM »
so to tank you should play a druid, essentially?


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1126 on: January 26, 2008, 10:36:23 PM »
I think the warriors prot spec got fixed and druids got all mad again. I BELIEVE prot spec warrior is viable in raids again. For a time druids were oped in terms of threat generation


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1127 on: January 27, 2008, 02:47:04 AM »
If you want to tank while leveling druids do it best.  Otherwise, for endgame raiding, protection warriors win out in almost every situation.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1128 on: January 27, 2008, 03:57:30 PM »
I love farmers. The engrish is so cute.

Talk about free money. If I started renting 3 more (which I will eventually) then I'll be pulling in $280 a week for doing absolutely nothing.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 04:07:26 PM by Candyflip »


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1129 on: January 27, 2008, 03:59:50 PM »
I dunno whats worse, people in town asking me to level them, or people in my guild asking me to level them. I dont mind helping with quests, but im not gonna power level anyone.

Eric P

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1130 on: January 27, 2008, 05:46:41 PM »
i don't mind twinking someone through a dungeon or two but powerleveling? ugh


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1131 on: January 27, 2008, 05:52:41 PM »
All my guildies have done for me is run me through RFC, do a few quests with me, and make the occasional piece of gear. We've got a master everything but Engineer.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1132 on: January 27, 2008, 07:27:21 PM »
so to tank you should play a druid, essentially?

Druids, Blizzard and endgame don't mix well.


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1133 on: January 27, 2008, 08:31:43 PM »
so to tank you should play a druid, essentially?

Druids, Blizzard and endgame don't mix well.
The 4 piece for resto t6 is proof of that. It's like Blizzard is taunting them.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1134 on: January 28, 2008, 04:00:36 PM »
I ran someone through ZF a couple days ago - a lv63 priest on my friends list asked me to help him run some guildies, and considering he's a good healer I figured having him in my debt would be beneficial down the road.

If it's late and I'm bored, I'll help people do dead mines just because I looove that place.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1135 on: January 28, 2008, 04:35:08 PM »

omg etoilet  :o

I need that, but 12,000+ honor? That might take forever


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1136 on: January 28, 2008, 04:38:53 PM »


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1137 on: January 28, 2008, 04:55:57 PM »
12,000? Try 27,000 for the staff I want. Halfway there! Once you start working for the PVP 'welfare epics' youre spending a lot of time PVPing as total honor costs are in the hundreds of thousands. Marks are the least of your concern.

Id have to Arena to get the better versions of this staff. I need to bug my guild for spellpower chants and get some accessories and pvp gems

Phoenix Dark

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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1138 on: January 28, 2008, 05:03:03 PM »
Clearly I don't have the patience or fortitude to get this stuff.  :lol

I suck at PvP but I did WSG for the first time last week. It's fun!


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Re: Adventures of GOINIO: WoW
« Reply #1139 on: January 28, 2008, 05:08:08 PM »
Basically the way earning PVP gear works is like this:

Work for the marks in AB/WSG first. Once you have the marks needed for the gear you want, totally whore out to the GRIND experience that is AV. AV marks flow like water since youre there all the time for honor, and you'll soon have 100 with a bunch in the mail. That's when you buy the 60 mark mount, battle standard, tabard to try and mitigate the feeling of futility and shame.

On weekends you want to scope out what the BG of the weekend is. IF its WSG just pretend there isnt a BG of the weekend, cause games last too long for the extra 82 honor you get per match. AB weekends aren't a bad idea, and a good way to deal with the time between AB matches is to AV until and AB match goes. You get the honor up to that point in the game as you leave the match and go to AB iirc and this maximizes your honor gain on an AB weekend. However if your AV queues a lot, it could be best to just AV no matter what weekend it is. AV weekends are the weekends you wanna be around for tho.

HOWEVER, there are battlegroups where AV is fuk busted for Alliance and you guys are leaving with 0-188 honor per LONG game, at which point you may just wanna queue AB. Once you hit 70 you will want to do EotS over AB as the games move a lot faster win or lose and there is more potential honor gain via tower caps.

So in short:

If AV on your battlegroup has crap queue times OR Alliance is being sent home with 0-188 honor, get yer marks in WSG and AV, then queue AB.

If AV on your battlegroup isn't crap, get your marks from AB/WSG, then focus on AV. On an AB battleground weekend, queue AV until an AB pops and you accept the join. On AV weekend, queue AV!

Resto-Druid stand-offs + resilience has killed WSG in terms of honor gain, avoid it at all costs. Get yer marks and get out.

When you hit 70, get your marks from AB/WSG, then focus on AV. On an EotS or AB battleground weekend, queue AV until an AB pops and you accept the join. On AV weekend, queue AV!

Keep in mind battleground weekends only provide an extra 82 honor, but also keep in mind this is rewarded even if you lose. EotS marks are used for level 70 accessories currently.

There's also World PVP in Outlands but I havent dabbled with that much SINCE horde pop on my server sucks so getting a group together is fuck hard, but the equipment rewards are pretty nice. Also keep in mind that WoW can over-estimate your gained honor per day by a full 1/8th sometimes if you pvp a lot in one day, so if youre cutting it close for gear, play a few more matches to make sure you'll get the honor. Also note that honor roll-over happens at 3am server time.

Edit: Come to think of it, over-estimated honor game may be the result of my theory that you still get earned honor from an AV match if you leave halfway through, ill have to ask around. I've been doing things that way for a while tho.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 05:16:41 PM by Phil Ken Sebben »