Author Topic: The Official Psychoanalysis GAF Thread  (Read 5108688 times)

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Anyone here know this guy? I recognize the avatar but I can't say I really remember his posts much. A search seems to show he's been active for quite a few years on GAF.


  • Senior Member
I was reading some older thread with a post from him in it the other day. It may have been the PA thread? I am not sure.

He didn't post a lot but I recognize his name and avatar. Did he have some wacky thread once?

editL here
« Last Edit: February 12, 2011, 08:27:15 PM by etiolate »

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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That sucks - I know depression-GAF probably seems like a pity-party whinefest to outsiders but I bet it helps a few just a little bit. Too bad he went past the point of being able to reach out.

That is one genuine drunk thread - fuck these "I just had some Kahlua and not I just don't know :teehee"
« Last Edit: February 12, 2011, 08:32:18 PM by Mamacint »


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  • Ebola Carrier
I guess he couldnt handle the strong current that depression brings. RIP.


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Wow.  I don't mind depression GAF honestly.  Make fun of them sometimes on here, sure.  But if you have problems, there's nothing wrong with trying to reach out.


  • Senior Member
I recognize the name and avatar of Snaildog. Damn, that's horrible. Depression sucks. Get help. :(


  • Casted Flamebait lvl. 3
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The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
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I recognize the name and avatar of Snaildog. Damn, that's horrible. Depression sucks. Get help. :(

Yep depression does suck. I've been feeling on top of the world lately, thankfully.


  • I love you just the way I am
  • Senior Member
someone help drohne out. send him some cock pics or something


  • Senior Member
someone help drohne out. send him some cock pics or something

Way ahead of you.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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RIP Snaildog, even though I don't remember who he is.

I don't have a problem with depression age.  Not everyone can afford therapy and sometimes it does feel good to unload yourself onto the internet.  I think the only time people turn on depression age people are if they make no attempt to change their situation.  I think that is why people give CrushDance so much shit: he's been whining about the same problems for years but makes no attempt to change things.

It also helps that my job is literally BEING ON A COMPUTER.

So EB is always a alt + tab or multi-touch finger gesture away.

I'm just kidding around.


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
Don't remember him but RIP.


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  • Ebola Carrier
lmao how is that guy not banned


  • Senior Member
yes that's evilore chinner


  • Member
yes that's evilore chinner

Although obviously a bit shopped. You can tell that the author of the gif shrank his ear size down a bit for the image.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member
^ :rofl Grade A zinger


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
That guy Snaildog was cool, it's a shame.  :'(


  • 8 diagram pole rider
  • Senior Member
God damn it. Why doesn't gaf have a function that tells me if someone is banned for a week, or forever? Before I could search and try to deduce how hard the hammer fell, but now that's all fucked. Especially if they kicked upwards in Evilore's G4 thread or something and had all their oversteps deleted. >:(

/serious gaf drama for serious internet whining

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
GAF's Google search thing is completely useless.


  • QUIT
  • Ebola Carrier
it's entirely there to make evilore money are u dat surprised

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Where did I say I was surprised? The only thing it's good for [aside from lining Evilore's pocket] is finding threads that are 3-4 years old.


  • Member
Where did I say I was surprised? The only thing it's good for [aside from lining Evilore's pocket] is finding threads that are 3-4 years old.

One of the more bizarre things about the GAF Google search I've found is that it actually misses threads that a "" search on Google will pick up. Like you can look up the exact same search term and get different results between the two. No idea why that happens.

Don Flamenco

  • FootDiFootDiFootDive
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I wonder if new people have been getting approved at neogaf.  I've had an account waiting for a few months now. 

i'm totally perma-banned from cag.  I'm locked out of an account that's supposed to be my "real" account and maybe one of the mods has it out for me, because I keep making new accounts and having them banned quickly for being duplicates.  Can mods see IP addresses of posters?  I'm not even a trouble poster there (usually)  :'( 


  • Icon
They approved a bunch of juniors at GAF about a month ago.  Evilore did one of those "welcome new members" threads.  I had been pending approval for like a month before that and didn't get in.  Still waiting.

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
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PM me your usernames, I can get you approved.


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don't toy with my emotions.  I really want to post in like 2 threads dammit and troll the rest


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i want to troll the fuck out of this thread.  Sensitive fucking hippies.  Jesus.


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Yeah, i'm sorry.  I'll be respectful, not make fun but if you've got a dick and look like a dude, I'm going to call you sir by instinct.  Get over it.


  • Senior Member
[redacted] I refuse to make a Susan Boyle joke.


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  • Ebola Carrier

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
  • Senior Member
I commend their dedication, but that is a perfect example of running what was once a good joke into the ground. It stopped being interesting a long, long time ago and they should have stopped at the mock-up art stage. I hope they find a crowd big and courteous enough to support them. :-\


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i want to troll the fuck out of this thread.  Sensitive fucking hippies.  Jesus.

Someone, just find me a photo of Gaborn (Jaydubya and Solidsnake would be nice too) and I'd gladly troll them in doodle form, Koshiba-style.

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
  • Senior Member
Haha, that would be epic, but I don't recall the three of them posting pics.


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Yeah, I doubt someone as self loathing as Gaborn would ever post a picture of himself.


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one of the few actually scary moments described in that thread.


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25% of that thread is people drowning, 20% is people being raped at a young age and 50% is homeboys getting shot at.  The other 5% is made up of sleep paralysis, wild animals and health issues.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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ITT, GAF members reveal their continued stupidity and misogynistic tendencies.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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If you don't want to get blown up by a terrorist, then you shouldn't dress like a pampered, middle-class American! It's just COMMON SENSE!


  • Senior Member

There is an issue with rape prevention and the way its headed, and the "rape culture" PA stuff goes into this. So much has gone  into making it feel safe for a women to come forward that the many important parts of the greater issue are being overlooked. The issue with the cop is his phrasing, but his inclusion of the idea probably offends people as well and that being offending is a big problem.

The definition of rape has been played with to the point that they've included gray areas into legal boundaries. There are ethical problems there. They are teaching a fear of male sexuality that is harmful to the issue. When you are extending rape to the point that includes a girl who decides to get drunk at a party and then a guy ends up sleeping with her without her specifically saying "yes I want this", then how that girl is dressed does comes into play. To think we are not sending messages by how we appear and that people do not receive these messages is silly.

I would say that overall the problem with rape prevention is that its extended itself into dating, and gender and sexual interaction. These are places that involve many more issues. You can't step into that realm of life and avoid the complexity, but rape prevention is trying to do that and it's not a good idea, even if its reasoning is noble.


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
"My position is right and true.  Common sense agrees with me."  Mind = blown.  :usacry


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon

The definition of rape has been played with to the point that they've included gray areas into legal boundaries. There are ethical problems there. They are teaching a fear of male sexuality that is harmful to the issue. When you are extending rape to the point that includes a girl who decides to get drunk at a party and then a guy ends up sleeping with her without her specifically saying "yes I want this", then how that girl is dressed does comes into play. To think we are not sending messages by how we appear and that people do not receive these messages is silly.

Of course "we send messages by how we appear."

But that is a far cry from saying "to protect yourself from sexual assault, dress less slutty" as valid advice to protect women.


  • Senior Member
Nobody is saying that and only that will protect you. The only real protection is the ability to disable a sexual attacker. People are saying that dress can influence the situation.


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
People are saying that dress can influence the situation.

Well, so far in 11 pages, the only study that says so is from 1996 and also says that "Investigators have suggested that a woman may be at
increased risk for sexual victimization in a dating situation if she initiates the date, allows her
partner to pay dating expenses, goes to his apartment, and wears revealing clothing."

So I guess we should tell women not to ask out men, in order to protect themselves from sexual assault too, huh?

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Nobody is saying that and only that will protect you. The only real protection is the ability to disable a sexual attacker. People are saying that dress can influence the situation.

You have to be rape-proof, which means you are willing and able to stop anybody from raping you.


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
Nobody is saying that and only that will protect you. The only real protection is the ability to disable a sexual attacker. People are saying that dress can influence the situation.

You have to be rape-proof, which means you are willing and able to stop anybody from raping you.

damn.  You win.

 :bow :bow2

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
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"I used to think rape was funny, until I got raped!"


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon

I would say that overall the problem with rape prevention is that its extended itself into dating, and gender and sexual interaction. These are places that involve many more issues. You can't step into that realm of life and avoid the complexity, but rape prevention is trying to do that and it's not a good idea, even if its reasoning is noble.
What are you trying to say here?

The sexual equivalent of "white guilt shithole"


  • Senior Member

I would say that overall the problem with rape prevention is that its extended itself into dating, and gender and sexual interaction. These are places that involve many more issues. You can't step into that realm of life and avoid the complexity, but rape prevention is trying to do that and it's not a good idea, even if its reasoning is noble.
What are you trying to say here?

What it says.


  • Senior Member

this looks so bad

Shit, they actually went ahead and made it? Definitely gotta give em credit for that much.


  • Senior Member
what about sega fans?

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Anyhow that whole thread reads like a thesis on the sad, confused state of internet masculinity.  All that repressed rage towards female sexuality and "oh god I just want a submissive wife who will cook for me and love me why did feminists have to ruin it for me why I can't I get laid" is coming off of the whole thing.  I bet the lot of them are Nintendo fans.

Actually, doing a quick scan of a few pages, most of the people defending the cop's statement are Sony fans, some of them highly notable Sonytards.  Nintards tend more toward white knighting and treating women like incompetent delicate flowers.  MS fans sigh and honk their wife's boobs. 

Makes sense.  Most Sfags think of themselves as gangstas and ballas.  Chad Wardenn encapsulated Sfaggotry very well.

The Sceneman

  • Did my wife send you?
  • Senior Member

this makes me laugh every time  :lol

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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this looks so bad

Shit, they actually went ahead and made it? Definitely gotta give em credit for that much.

Whole thing seems like a joke that's been taken too far and isn't funny anymore and was barely funny originally. But good luck to them I guess.


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
Is the game gonna be free?

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
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I would say that overall the problem with rape prevention is that its extended itself into dating, and gender and sexual interaction. These are places that involve many more issues. You can't step into that realm of life and avoid the complexity, but rape prevention is trying to do that and it's not a good idea, even if its reasoning is noble.
What are you trying to say here?

What it says.

that it's not a good idea to discuss date rape or gender roles effects on sexual violence because we should instead focus only on violent, "random" rapes?

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member

this looks so bad

Shit, they actually went ahead and made it? Definitely gotta give em credit for that much.

Whole thing seems like a joke that's been taken too far and isn't funny anymore and was barely funny originally. But good luck to them I guess.

I don't think it was ever funny and was always a passive aggressive stance towards COD and games that aren't Mario and Zelda and <insert whimsical nostalgia laden game here> that are selling these days.  It allowed people who play games only for their whimsical factor (and character-icon factor) to make a flaccid poke at games that sell these days.

I wouldn't mind playing it though if turns out to be pretty decent.

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
  • Senior Member
How many people are working on this project anyways?

Smooth Groove

  • Both teams played hard, my man
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How much do people get paid for a project like this?