Author Topic: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: I don't know what I just saw  (Read 952673 times)

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« Reply #660 on: January 14, 2014, 12:59:27 PM »
:lol Got the Yes fever, eh?


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Why are they inducting Warrior when he shat on the biz, fans, and his peers? I'm surprised Jake didn't get the first nom. Him, DDP, and, Scott Hall fucking deserve to all go in this year.


  • Senior Member
Well watch Rumble. Rumor is that Warrior is a surprise entrant.


:yeshrug :sabu
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 09:37:45 PM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


  • Senior Member is fucking hilarious

so many marks :sabu


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That Roman Reigns. He's so best.


  • Senior Member
yes he is awesome, i really hope they give him and ambrose and legitimate feud once reigns leaves the shield.

reigns is the only big guy in recent memory who actually feels threatening. I love his fist to the ground set up to his punch. shit gets me wet.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Turn Batista heel!


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Turn Batista heel, have Dbry win EC, have Reigns and Big E wrestle butt naked, rub me in baby oil and suck my breasts.


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where did mick foley say fuck?


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starts here:

then here:


A lot of people think it's a huge work but I don't think so. With his contract up, I think Mick, along with JR, is just packing his bags. With him in the hof, having a documentary out, he has no more reason to stick around. He probably doesn't give a fuck anymore and unlike other former wrestlers, Mick is self-sufficient and isn't spending half his money on alimony.


  • Senior Member
Also a dude posted dibs on pwi info from the ppv post results:

Yes, Vince McMahon, HHH are aware and acknowledged it happened.

Was not given the impression it will change WM lineup.

Batista didn't come cheap and they have to get their money out of him so he's staying a face and headlining WM.

Jamie Noble was the agent for the RR match, and they didn't have the guys in the ring putting it together until 6PM last night so he is getting blamed.

Kenta is also trying out for wwe.


  • Senior Member

I want to fuck Roman Reigns.



  • Senior Member
Reigns just gets it. He gets what makes the theatrics work. He can do the power up schtick and it looks legit and I'm not rolling my eyes.

It's weird about the ending of the RR. It sucks that Bryan wasn't in. But as I said, it was clear the RR match wasn't about Bryan or even Batista. It was to elevate Reigns. That isn't really possible if it ends with Reigns vs. Bryan. You need someone like Batista. Maybe not necessarily Batista himself but you know what I mean.

In retrospect, I think the ending was the right call. Getting Reigns over is better for the company because now they have:

-Batista, a draw, going to WM
-Bryan, crowd favorite, still there and still getting reactions
-Reigns, up and comer, getting a massive boost.



  • Senior Member

Batista isn't a draw like you think he is, Metal.

Still a draw.

Also, forgot they boosted Bray up as well.


  • Senior Member
Let's just consider this RR a Roman Reigns (RR lol) win because he topped Kane's record and was beasting on Batista.

Roman Reigns is the first big man, aside from Big E, I've seen come along in a long time that interests me and not just because he's sexy as hell. He won Wrestling Observer's most improved wrestler award for 2013 and it was fully deserved.

I still think D Bry should have been in the Rumble. Maybe not WIN Rumble, but the fact the most popular dude on the roster didn't get in the Rumble was fucking shame worthy and disgusting. Dbry not being in the rumble was matches biggest flaw.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 07:51:08 PM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


  • Senior Member
Don't count tonights Raw ratings because post RR raw always does good.

I think the entire Shield has been booked perfectly.

Batista isn't a draw like you think he is, Metal.

Still a draw.

Also, forgot they boosted Bray up as well.

Bray looked like a star last night.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 07:54:44 PM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


  • Senior Member
Dean Ambrose v Roman Reigns v Seth Rollins


please. BOOK IT.

I love all three. Probably top 5 best stable. They've been perfectly booked since inception aside from the lack of belt defenses by Ambrose.

I'd love Seth and Ambrose to really come out and shine. I find Ambrose equally as charismatic as Reigns.


  • Senior Member
They are trolling on raw right now :dead :rofl


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  • Ebola Carrier
i love me some stephanie


  • Senior Member
:rofl Bryan buried HHH and Orton

This crowd :rofl


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  • Ebola Carrier
Wrestling fans are disgusting i'm loving all of this


  • Senior Member
Disgusting how?


  • Senior Member

smooth, rollins. fuckin' smooth


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  • Ebola Carrier
Disgusting how?

actually caring what goes on in childrens enteratinment. brony level


  • Senior Member
Barrett has managed to turn a shit gimmick into gold.


  • Senior Member
Barrett :rofl


  • Senior Member
Disgusting how?

actually caring what goes on in childrens enteratinment. brony level

Wrestlers work 320+ days a year and put their bodies in a lot of harm. Fuck you.


  • I love you just the way I am
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No one has worked 320 days a year since the 80s. They top out at around 140-150 right now

Smooth Groove

  • Both teams played hard, my man
  • Senior Member
Why's Randy Orton still the champ? 

I thought everybody hated him, not even in a heel way, but get off the TV kinda hate cuz he's so boring, like X-pac.   


  • Senior Member
Why's Randy Orton still the champ? 

I thought everybody hated him, not even in a heel way, but get off the TV kinda hate cuz he's so boring, like X-pac.

He's really improved in past few months but yeah.

And I don't know.

Smooth Groove

  • Both teams played hard, my man
  • Senior Member
I mean, HHH already won since he's now the boss.  I don't get why he has to continue keeping down the popular youngsters while pushing his Kliq cronies.  Shouldn't making money for the WWE be his top priority now?


  • Senior Member
They think money will come from it. For example, because Batista is starring in that new Marvel movie from a comic book I've never fucking heard of, WWE set him up with a part timer deal and they paid GOOD money for him. They think he's a draw. He's not. They think Randy's a draw. He's not.

Trent Dole

  • the sharpest tool in the shed
  • Senior Member
Non-wrestling fans don't give a fuck about Batista or even know who he is. Don't get why they threw a bunch of money around for him. I absolutely loved the heel run that he went out on a few years back with the demanding a spotlight and dressing all stylin', but I know most people don't give nearly as much of a shit about him as they do The Rock (please never come back) or Brock Lesnar (do some sit ups, goddamn).
And what makes Daniel Bryan a draw?
Have you been watching the fucking product at all? Holy shit.


  • Senior Member
WWE typically, historically, only changes things when they NEED to. They didn't start the Attitude Era until their butts were being kicked by WCW. They had Hulk fucking Hogan and those other guys like Ultimate Warrior and Savage in the title picture very, very often for almost a decade but when they started to leave for WCW, or retried due to the steroid stuff, Vince and co were forced to make his roster full of smaller, more technical guys like GOAT Hart and HBK. People forget this. Another big change, that forced WWE into the PG era? Chris Benoit. The next change I predict that will force WWE to stop fucking around is when Cena is down and out and too old which could be anywhere between five to ten years from now.

But of course, it could be too late by then, because WWE buyrates and ratings are sinking lower and lower for a multitude of reasons and I wouldn't be surprised if the same people wrestling over and over was a big reason. It sure as fuck was why I stopped watching WCW in 2000.


  • Senior Member

Have you been watching the fucking product at all? Holy shit.

No, he doesn't. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

Daniel Bryan, for a two year period, has consistently been the most over performer on the roster in EVERY CITY AND REGION. And he still hasn't had a long term title defense with the WWE belt.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 01:16:16 AM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


  • Senior Member
People are pissed about Royal Rumble, because this is like Steve Austin not participating in the Rumble Royal when he was over as fuck in 97. It is asinine.

In any case, tonight's Raw sealed the deal and it looks like the dirt sheets were completely right in their WMXXX card predictions. I said on the coli that WWE has two months to fix last nights Rumble, and they are ignoring it. I also have said on fb that if that WMXXX card is true, I'm going to stop watching WWE programming aside from NXT. I fully plan on doing that. WWE has two months to prove to me that they aren't butt fucking distinguished mentally-challenged. If they are, I'm not watching their shit anymore and will dedicate that new free time to catching up on football (soccer). For pro wrestling, I'll only be watching NXT and New Japan Pro Wrestling.

Tonight's Raw didn't pan out well for the future for me at all. Shame because they have so much goddamn talent and yet rely on fucking 50 year olds whose time has passed.


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The yes chant caught on at a college game, I doubt any of them watch or care about wrestling. One kid probably liked the chant on tv and started it off at the game and everyone joined in. It's just a chant. Buyrates and ratings didn't suddenly increase when he was in the running for the championship and featured in the main event. Just sounds like the new internet hero to me :yeshrug

WWE will be dead in 10 years anyway.

Naw. Daniel Bryan is great. Kids love him. Smarks love him. Casuals (most people ARE smarks now because of the internet now) love him. Marks love him.

City to city, region to region, Daniel Bryan turns practically dead crowds into puddy with the palm of his hand. He is easily the most over performer I have seen in WWE since Austin/Rock. Not to say he's on the same level, but holy shit, when you have an entire arena going along to one single phrase, that's nothing to scoff at, and the way he interacts with the audience while wrestling is great too. I honestly think he needs a better look though. Shave the beard, wear a short goatee. Keep the long hair. Switch to long pants like HBK used to wear

And damn, he'd be looking good.

Then again, I'm biased to long haired white dudes with long wrestling pants/tunics (BRET HART :bow). I don't think that trunks look good with long haired wrestlers. Symmetrically, it feels off.


  • Senior Member
WWE proved they'rw buttfuck distinguished mentally-challenged in like 2005, and that's being generous. You're going to keep watching, and you'll always act like it's getting better.

Wrestling in general is never going to be as popular as both boom periods, and the heads won't change anytime soon. It's done, give up now or stop giving that much of a crap and watch anyway.

People keep saying I'm going to keep watching. But I stopped watching in 2001, and  didn't start watching again - regularly - until 2011/2012. Something to remember: I"m a lapsed fan, not one of those people who kept watching late in the 2000's. It is very easy for me to stop watching. I even stopped watching for like two months in 2013 due to a bad storyline.

Also, you speak of it's never going to be as big as it was, as if that matters. In Japan, New Japan Pro Wrestling is cleaning up shop and they have GOOD wrestling. There's no reason at all to stop watching wrestling. There is, however, a reason to stop watching WWE.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 01:40:11 AM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


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« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 01:39:26 AM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


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Well, that's a big problem. I admit it. I blame lack of competition. Hogan was top dog for almost a decade in WWF. But Hogan didn't wrestle every week on a full timer schedule. The death of WCW and ECW were the worst things to happen to happen American pro wrestling. It took WWF 50-60 years to get good. I wish someone would create a legit competitor but it won't happen. It also doesn't explain your averseness to other means of wreasslin like NJPW, you know, the wrestling organization voted unanimously as best wrestling promotion in Wrestling Observer.


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« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 10:32:01 AM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


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I'll co-sign on both the main points (Vince's hand was forced with Austin, and Attitude era WWF was pretty jank).

WWF/E got a reputation for building up talent while WCW catered to the older stars, but a big part of that was just necessity.  With Michaels retiring, it was either let some new guys carry the company or what, bring back Yokozuna and Bob Backlund?  Competition from WCW was important, not cause it made the WWF try harder, but that it literally took away the other options.  By 1998 WWF had one former title holder active (Undertaker) vs. at least five former WWF champs in WCW (Hogan, Flair, Savage, Nash, and Hart).

As for WWE TV in 1998, it was mostly awful.  It got super popular, but he's right: go skim a few CRZ recaps.  It's not pretty.

One thing I haven't seen people talk about (though I basically just read the threads here and the articles at Grantland) is the preference for WWE guys.  That is, wrestlers who only got exposure in WWE, and were maybe even trained by the company.  Around 2002 you started seeing guys who came through the WWE development system: Cena, Orton, Batista, Lesnar, etc.  I haven't followed the last decade, so I don't know how long Tough Enough went on for or how those kids fared.  But the WWE brass certainly seemed to be more dedicated to homegrown talent (or company men if you prefer) over guys who made it big on the indy scene, or WCW transplants.

It's understandable that they'd prefer to deal with people whose wrestling careers are basically symbiotic with the company rather than someone who's created their own brand, either outside the company or as an undercard performer with a groundswell of support.  Especially after going through the talent exodus to WCW.  But it's another thing that could work against Bryan.


  • Senior Member
All the legendary  wrestlers were Indie darlings so I never understood WWE's thing about that. Also, WWE did snatch up a bunch of indie talent over the years. Probably because it was the last resource to mine for talent.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 03:13:32 PM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Benoit had nothing to do with the shift to PG, himuro.  They found that they could get more sponsors by doing that, catering to a younger market.  Linda was also running for senate at the time and they wanted a clean image, which is LOL.

Mandark, Tough Enough was a bust as far as new talent was concerned.  Literally everyone is gone, except Josh Matthews, who is an announcer/interviewer.

Arguably the most successful TE alum is Matt Morgan, who was only in the WWE for a short time and ended up in TNA.  He's gone from there too now.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 05:07:19 PM by bork laser »


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It definitely contributed. A big part of the reason WWE now limits certain moves or move sets is because of Chris Benoit. To say that the only Linda running and them wanting a cleaner product is the reason for pg is silly. In fact, you could argue that Linda's willingness to make it look cleaner is a direct response to the Chris Benoit murders. Chris Benoit changed WWE dude, there is no debate about this. A big reason it can be so sterile to watch now is because a lot of those older high flying wrestlers like Benoit, really put their bodies on the line, and WWE is now looking out for their performers, which, funnily enough, results in a far more sterile product to watch. That said, that's why I appreciate the guys who can really make a great match without relying on the crazy jump from a 12 foot ladder or be pushed from the top of a steel cage antics of yesteryear, especially because I hate seeing these guys get hurt.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 05:51:47 PM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Oh sure, I'm not arguing that they switched to the mat-based style because of Benoit, I'm saying that the PG part is separate.  That tragedy is not why they did it.


  • Senior Member
Good point.


  • I love you just the way I am
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- saves his money, doesn't give a shit
- saw what the "PPV" payoffs will be on the network


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Never trust the dirt sheets. Wait for legit information.


  • I love you just the way I am
  • Senior Member
Never trust the dirt sheets. Wait for legit information.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 06:53:58 AM by pilonv1 »


  • Senior Member
They may very well be accurate, but I'd never blindly just accept it as truth until there's some corroboration. Dirt sheets tends to take one piece of information and then elaborate from there. So it's entirely possible Punk walked out, but then they'll make assumptions to fill in the blanks.


  • Senior Member
It makes sense. Punks contract is running out soon.. He wanted Bryan and himself to be main event at mania before his retirement. He has been played second fiddle on the card for the past three Manias including this one because of boring part timers. He could also be legit hurt. Word is, his body is taking a huge toll and he needs rest.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 08:59:07 AM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


  • Senior Member
Never trust the dirt sheets. Wait for legit information.

The sheets were totally right about the RR card though.. And they've been right about the WM card too. Sheets have been on the money this year.

In any case, the Meltzer is saying a big part is money.. He will get a smaller check due to the network and doesn't think it is worth it. He was originally quitting in July but guess not.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 09:04:33 AM by Formerly Known As Himuro »


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread - Punk quit?!
« Reply #716 on: January 29, 2014, 09:45:21 AM »
Nobody has said Punk has broken his contract. He may have come to an agreement and gone home to wait it out, who knows. He needs a rest though.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread - Punk quit?!
« Reply #717 on: January 29, 2014, 10:08:32 AM »
Batista has ruined everything. Can we rename Xpac heat to Batista heat please?


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread - Punk quit?!
« Reply #718 on: January 29, 2014, 04:50:25 PM »
Punk is shit anyways and helped kill ECW fuck him


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread - Punk quit?!
« Reply #719 on: January 29, 2014, 06:19:05 PM »
This story isn't over yet and I probably wouldn't worry too much. Vince knows how valuable Punk is. He's been a consistent merchandise cash-cow since 2011 so allowing him to simply walk away is not in the cards. They'll do whatever they need to do to get him back on TV.
