Author Topic: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: I don't know what I just saw  (Read 953325 times)

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seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3060 on: December 04, 2016, 06:50:34 PM »
I can't remember any of the scheduled matches for the life of me, but I'll probably throw it on in the background. And yeah, I completely forgot about it til I saw something online about it earlier lol


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3061 on: December 04, 2016, 09:10:16 PM »
Miz vs. Ziggler was a really good match.   :obama


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3062 on: December 04, 2016, 10:32:48 PM »
AJ's exposed butt.  :drool

Take My Breh Away

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3063 on: December 05, 2016, 05:06:23 AM »
I can't believe how weird the dudes on GAF are to think that a heel can't be happy to win a title. There was nothing about Alexa being emotional over winning the title in front of her parents that breaks kayfabe or character. Shit man, even the fucking Undertaker had parents that he loved. The only kayfabe breaking on Talking Smack is Bryan, but they love it when he does it so they can say SHOOOOOOOOOT for 15 posts in a row.

I remember a time when they called people like myself, Sunflower, Heel, Dream, etc "gimmick posters" for not being in line with whatever the internet hivemind on wrestling was that week, yet now the thread is literally 20,000 posts of people cutting promos on each other in character as if they're really wrestlers. There was for real a time when daring to suggest that Dean Ambrose was kind of shitty would get people trying to get you banned for gimmick posting.


I remember with Miz at some point, he picked up or defended a title on a heel run with his family in the crowd and got legitimately emotional, and then immediately got on the mic to tell the crowd they sucked because how dare they get in the way of his family moment

Can't wait for the smark brown nosing after Miz is gone how he was "Underrated" when he's the perfect midcard to upper midcard heel now. He can't wrestle a broomstick like Flair and Perfect could but my god he's the best goddamn heel the industry at the minute in getting crowds lit up and actually selling worth a damn on babyface comebacks like he's getting his ass kicked around the ring instead of the current trend of "Better act tough like this is MMA and no sell till I'm supposed to go down".


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3064 on: December 05, 2016, 05:41:45 AM »
AJ is like 10 years older than Dean, and he gave 10 times as much effort last night.  Getting kinda tired of Deano phoning it in fam.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3065 on: December 05, 2016, 07:18:10 AM »
PPV was OK.  Felt like Sunday Night Smackdown and not a special event, but still good.

Ellsworth switching sides to AJ made zero sense.  Not even for wrasslin'.

I can't believe how weird the dudes on GAF are to think that a heel can't be happy to win a title. There was nothing about Alexa being emotional over winning the title in front of her parents that breaks kayfabe or character. Shit man, even the fucking Undertaker had parents that he loved. The only kayfabe breaking on Talking Smack is Bryan, but they love it when he does it so they can say SHOOOOOOOOOT for 15 posts in a row.

Alexa was clearly out of character at the beginning of that interview-- She was overly-happy and sweet.  Might as well have been a different person.  Then it was like she remembered she was a heel and shifted back into Bliss-bitch mode when she started talking about Becky Lynch.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3066 on: December 05, 2016, 09:44:03 AM »
As for Ellsworth, he explained his actions on Talking Smack: AJ Styles has been unable to beat him. AJ retaining the title means that James gets a title shot against the man who can't beat him, ergo, he'll be the next WWE Champion.
now that is some wrasslin logic :lol

overall a good show. miz continues to kill it, corbin and kalisto continue to improve, and aj's continued to do work but this time with his ass out. i'm glad alexa won the title and i hope they continue whatever she is doing with becky. they work really well together imo. also really glad that wyatt has a title now, dude is great
« Last Edit: December 05, 2016, 10:12:21 AM by nachobro »

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3067 on: December 05, 2016, 12:32:21 PM »
I can't believe how weird the dudes on GAF are to think that a heel can't be happy to win a title. There was nothing about Alexa being emotional over winning the title in front of her parents that breaks kayfabe or character. Shit man, even the fucking Undertaker had parents that he loved. The only kayfabe breaking on Talking Smack is Bryan, but they love it when he does it so they can say SHOOOOOOOOOT for 15 posts in a row.

I remember a time when they called people like myself, Sunflower, Heel, Dream, etc "gimmick posters" for not being in line with whatever the internet hivemind on wrestling was that week, yet now the thread is literally 20,000 posts of people cutting promos on each other in character as if they're really wrestlers. There was for real a time when daring to suggest that Dean Ambrose was kind of shitty would get people trying to get you banned for gimmick posting.


To be fair wreddit had the exact same reaction to Alexa for the most part, though they're not as obnoxious as wrasslegaf. I'm not as 'into' wrestling as a lot of the internet, but it seemed like her being excited was genuine but calculated considering how seamlessly she slipped out of 'human being' and back into 'conniving slimeball'. I thought that was very clearly intentional. And like you said, there's nothing that she said that really breaks her character other than her not being a total asshole for once, albeit for a total of 45 seconds


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3068 on: December 05, 2016, 02:03:43 PM »
I remember a time when they called people like myself, Sunflower, Heel, Dream, etc "gimmick posters" for not being in line with whatever the internet hivemind on wrestling was that week, yet now the thread is literally 20,000 posts of people cutting promos on each other in character as if they're really wrestlers. There was for real a time when daring to suggest that Dean Ambrose was kind of shitty would get people trying to get you banned for gimmick posting.

People got so angry, too. SO ANGRY. How dare you think differently! It's pretty rough reading in that wrassle thread now. Just today someone said:
Who's the most famous professional wrestler who's actually really shit in ring; Kevin Nash or HHH?

My answer is HHH

Secret Ultimate Answer - neither were shit in the ring, Nash understood his limitations and worked within them and HHH busts his ass all the time. When I see a post like that, I'm always conflicted - are they marks getting worked by hating HHH and Nash, who are heels, so they just pull this shit outta their bootyhole? Or do they just not...get wrestling?

It feels like most people (even myself) need to spend more and more time watching older wrestling to appreciate it more. There's always prospective wrasslers being told "watch more tape" on and on and on and wrasslin nerds expect they watch about the same amount. No chance. There's so much that should be mandatory viewing that puts a heck of a lot of perspective back in what we watch, and we can all gain all sorts of new appreciation for what's out there if we just watch a hell of a lot more.

That said, jesus fuck I didn't even have time to watch TLC yet but I'm looking forward to a few matches.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3069 on: December 05, 2016, 08:30:52 PM »
I dunno, I really enjoy a lot stuff that's come out of NXT and I don't really give a shit about the motivation behind it. I don't really get why posing with the talent of his company qualifies as pathetic.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3070 on: December 05, 2016, 08:52:35 PM »
Rusev deserves better. 


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3071 on: December 05, 2016, 09:24:16 PM »
Rusev deserves better.
The reaction he and Lana got at the house show I went to last week was fantastic. The boos for them shitting on New Mexico and the USA chants were deafening. The only people who got louder reactions were Roman and Big Show. Show easily got the biggest pop of the night, same thing as the last house show I went to here. Kids love that big fucker!

Trent Dole

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3072 on: December 06, 2016, 03:00:13 AM »
Literally kill Kid Rock.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3073 on: December 06, 2016, 11:24:58 AM »
I made a fun poll for WrassleGAF that Boreans can enjoy as well.

Some very targeted questions, the responses aren't letting me down yet. I'll share them once we get a big enough sample size.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3074 on: December 06, 2016, 09:39:51 PM »
Alexa Bliss is my favorite. My favorite everything.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3075 on: December 06, 2016, 09:47:08 PM »
The crowd chanting "You deserve it!" for Ambrose winning a participation award from Miz :lol :lol :lol

Human Snorenado

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3076 on: December 06, 2016, 11:52:39 PM »
Alexa Bliss is my favorite. My favorite everything.



seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3077 on: December 07, 2016, 12:23:42 AM »
Personally, I think HHH's death reign is actually full of tons of good TV matches and angles and holds up a lot better than his McMahon-Helmsley era run that people say was his best time. I also think it is genuinely a bit pathetic at how much he, as a man in his mid 40s who has been at the top of his industry for closing in on 20 years and is the heir apparent to take over WWE (and is a multi-millionaire), shamelessly panders to the smark crowd with NXT and his proud dad social media pics. Shit is sad. You're begging for approval of people like this, Hunter:

I think it's less him pandering to smarks and more so him being a smark himself. Didn't he grow up idolizing Flair, Rhodes and Harley Race?

So did pretty much everyone else who got into the business at that time. You really think HHH watches Dragon Gate and is like HMMM WE NEED TO SIGN THIS UHAA NATION GUY? Of course not. He sends Regal around to scout people the internet buzzes about, then he takes pictures with them and takes credit for signing them. HHH thinks EVOLVE is the hottest indie company, breh.
Yeah but who gives a shit? Why is sharking talent pathetic?


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3078 on: December 07, 2016, 11:21:30 AM »
30 minute iron man matches are lame. If it isn't gonna be 60 minutes then what the fuck is the point?


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3079 on: December 07, 2016, 02:17:15 PM »
PPV was OK.  Felt like Sunday Night Smackdown and not a special event, but still good.

Ellsworth switching sides to AJ made zero sense.  Not even for wrasslin'.

I can't believe how weird the dudes on GAF are to think that a heel can't be happy to win a title. There was nothing about Alexa being emotional over winning the title in front of her parents that breaks kayfabe or character. Shit man, even the fucking Undertaker had parents that he loved. The only kayfabe breaking on Talking Smack is Bryan, but they love it when he does it so they can say SHOOOOOOOOOT for 15 posts in a row.

Alexa was clearly out of character at the beginning of that interview-- She was overly-happy and sweet.  Might as well have been a different person.  Then it was like she remembered she was a heel and shifted back into Bliss-bitch mode when she started talking about Becky Lynch.

Just because she's a raging cunt when doing her job doesn't mean she's one 100% of the time. I see absolutely no reason why being happy and emotional over winning the title is somehow character/kayfabe breaking. It wasn't character breaking when KO cried after winning the title. A heel being caught up in emotion is not character breaking.

It was completely out of character.  Like, this was not Alexa Bliss.  This was Alexis Kaufman and-

:phil :phil :phil

What was I saying again?  Doesn't matter.  She can do whatever she wants.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3080 on: December 10, 2016, 09:53:24 AM »
I started listening to the Bruce Pritchard podcast recently and I really hate the idea that people don't know why they hate Roman Reigns. "He gets a reaction! If he was really that bad no one would care!" Get the fuck outta here with that shit.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3081 on: December 10, 2016, 10:49:11 AM »
I hate Roman's booking.  His average match consists of taking a billion finishers and turning it around with one spear.  Just look at this past Monday's match vs Jericho.

Put in the Walls of Jericho
Kevin Owens superkicks him
Takes a Codebreaker

And he still wins.

The fans knows he's still the golden boy and will be the face of the company for the next 10 years, even if better wrestlers and talkers come along.

Basically he's Samoan Super Cena.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3082 on: December 10, 2016, 03:08:26 PM »
It's true though. Everyone is engaged with him during his matches, just like they are with Cena matches. That match with KO had no chants for KO. Everyone was chanting for or against Roman. Which is a lot lot better than no reaction like Carmella gets. Fucking Philly, the smarkiest cunt town in the country, popped for Roman and chanted you deserve it for his title win at the end of last year because they liked how he was booked for that show (as a total bad ass). In fact, crowds are clearly dying for a reason to cheer for Roman based on how having him go on a rampage works EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's not Roman's fault they book him like Hogan instead of Goldberg.
That's exactly why it isn't true though! No one is chanting "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE" at roman. Smarks don't hate him because they think he's bad at wrestling. Everyone hates him because of the fucking booking! Like, yeah, duh, it isn't his fault, but he still gets booked like motherfucking Superman! Are people supposed to be like "Oh, well he's gone over for three years even though everyone has booed the fuck out of him, but that's okay because he doesn't actually get to dictate his own schedule"? No! He constantly goes over in situations where everyone wants him to lose, no one gives a fuck about that shit! And everyone wants to cheer him because his shit would work so much better as a fucking heel! None of this means the audience 'doesn't understand' why they actually like Roman Reigns! EVERYONE IS FUCKING SICK OF THEM TRYING TO MAKE ROMAN HAPPEN FOR LIKE FOUR YEARS!

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3083 on: December 10, 2016, 03:42:18 PM »
I dunno I stick to reddit and twitter and most of the stuff I see there is less actual "BOOO FUCK ROMAN" and more "Well, I guess we're getting this again." With a few exceptions the concensus seems to be 'good wrestler, mediocre to weak personality' I like him in ring but I definitely want him to turn heel. After his most recent 'sarcastic dbag' mode in the fued with Rusev he showed he almost certainly has the chops for it. I mean maybe I'm wrong but I see this everywhere I look on the innanets and the few and very very casual wrestling fans I know IRL seem to echo the same sentiments about wanting him to turn
Sidenote; A while back I worked with a dude who was legitimately shocked when Roman lost at WM31. I was a little surprised, and after he explained why I was very tempted to ask if he knew that what happened in wrestling wasn't actually completely spontaneous. Dude was 25 maybe? So what the fuck do I know I guess

That's a weird/awful list. The only people on the roster I'd like to see gone completely are pretty much relegated to that already, mercifully. I wouldn't complain if I never saw Titus again I guess though


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3084 on: December 10, 2016, 04:40:15 PM »
That's exactly why it isn't true though! No one is chanting "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE" at roman. Smarks don't hate him because they think he's bad at wrestling. Everyone hates him because of the fucking booking! Like, yeah, duh, it isn't his fault, but he still gets booked like motherfucking Superman! Are people supposed to be like "Oh, well he's gone over for three years even though everyone has booed the fuck out of him, but that's okay because he doesn't actually get to dictate his own schedule"? No! He constantly goes over in situations where everyone wants him to lose, no one gives a fuck about that shit! And everyone wants to cheer him because his shit would work so much better as a fucking heel! None of this means the audience 'doesn't understand' why they actually like Roman Reigns! EVERYONE IS FUCKING SICK OF THEM TRYING TO MAKE ROMAN HAPPEN FOR LIKE FOUR YEARS!

Yup.  100% this. 

I would also add that his appearance and entrance add to the probem, too- the Shield have been broken up for what...two years now?  And Roman still comes out like he's in the group.  Change that shit up already.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3085 on: December 12, 2016, 09:15:59 AM »
Look at the adjective: beat.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3086 on: December 12, 2016, 11:38:51 AM »
It's true though. Everyone is engaged with him during his matches, just like they are with Cena matches. That match with KO had no chants for KO. Everyone was chanting for or against Roman. Which is a lot lot better than no reaction like Carmella gets. Fucking Philly, the smarkiest cunt town in the country, popped for Roman and chanted you deserve it for his title win at the end of last year because they liked how he was booked for that show (as a total bad ass). In fact, crowds are clearly dying for a reason to cheer for Roman based on how having him go on a rampage works EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's not Roman's fault they book him like Hogan instead of Goldberg.
That's exactly why it isn't true though! No one is chanting "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE" at roman. Smarks don't hate him because they think he's bad at wrestling. Everyone hates him because of the fucking booking! Like, yeah, duh, it isn't his fault, but he still gets booked like motherfucking Superman! Are people supposed to be like "Oh, well he's gone over for three years even though everyone has booed the fuck out of him, but that's okay because he doesn't actually get to dictate his own schedule"? No! He constantly goes over in situations where everyone wants him to lose, no one gives a fuck about that shit! And everyone wants to cheer him because his shit would work so much better as a fucking heel! None of this means the audience 'doesn't understand' why they actually like Roman Reigns! EVERYONE IS FUCKING SICK OF THEM TRYING TO MAKE ROMAN HAPPEN FOR LIKE FOUR YEARS!

Why has he been hated in, say, year one though? Sure, I get it - people are tired of whatever happening for four years, but that doesn't excuse the Year One hate. Roman Year One. Like it's a damn Batmang.

It can all be tracked down to the fragility and small stature of Little Danny Bryan and his following. And this is coming from someone who legitimately enjoyed Bryan. You can almost get a 1:1 balance of people who hate Roman but want Bryan to wrestle again and die in the ring. For their entertainment!


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3087 on: December 12, 2016, 12:57:02 PM »

Wrestle Kingdom 11 full card announced.  I'm not gonna pretend I am a big Japanese wrestling fan, but I'm hyped as fuck for Okada vs. Omega.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3088 on: December 12, 2016, 01:33:12 PM »
CJ Parker making a WK show. Crazy world. I love the guy but he should stay off. Maybe if he was on a 12 on 12 tag scramble bullshit match with some oldsters.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3089 on: December 13, 2016, 06:38:43 AM »
What little of Raw I saw last night wasn't too bad.  They actually did a good job creating suspense with the New Day chasing the record storyline.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3090 on: December 13, 2016, 11:30:23 AM »
Dory Funk is one of those dudes that literally took YEARS for me to sit down and give an honest chance to, and I regret it took so long. He's on a short list of folks I'd never want to get stretched by, because jesus.

Sami being traded for Eva Marie "equal value" is one of the best ribs on Sami's fans I've heard in some time.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3091 on: December 13, 2016, 11:47:31 AM »
The cheers for Sami being traded to Smackdown were probably not what they intended :lol Should be fun seeing Strowman manhandle Sami for 10 minutes on Sunday though


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3092 on: December 13, 2016, 11:48:09 AM »
It's true though. Everyone is engaged with him during his matches, just like they are with Cena matches. That match with KO had no chants for KO. Everyone was chanting for or against Roman. Which is a lot lot better than no reaction like Carmella gets. Fucking Philly, the smarkiest cunt town in the country, popped for Roman and chanted you deserve it for his title win at the end of last year because they liked how he was booked for that show (as a total bad ass). In fact, crowds are clearly dying for a reason to cheer for Roman based on how having him go on a rampage works EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's not Roman's fault they book him like Hogan instead of Goldberg.
That's exactly why it isn't true though! No one is chanting "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE" at roman. Smarks don't hate him because they think he's bad at wrestling. Everyone hates him because of the fucking booking! Like, yeah, duh, it isn't his fault, but he still gets booked like motherfucking Superman! Are people supposed to be like "Oh, well he's gone over for three years even though everyone has booed the fuck out of him, but that's okay because he doesn't actually get to dictate his own schedule"? No! He constantly goes over in situations where everyone wants him to lose, no one gives a fuck about that shit! And everyone wants to cheer him because his shit would work so much better as a fucking heel! None of this means the audience 'doesn't understand' why they actually like Roman Reigns! EVERYONE IS FUCKING SICK OF THEM TRYING TO MAKE ROMAN HAPPEN FOR LIKE FOUR YEARS!

Why has he been hated in, say, year one though? Sure, I get it - people are tired of whatever happening for four years, but that doesn't excuse the Year One hate. Roman Year One. Like it's a damn Batmang.

It can all be tracked down to the fragility and small stature of Little Danny Bryan and his following. And this is coming from someone who legitimately enjoyed Bryan. You can almost get a 1:1 balance of people who hate Roman but want Bryan to wrestle again and die in the ring. For their entertainment!

It can all be 'tracked down' to the WWE audience being tired of having people they don't want to cheer for being shoved down their throats.  After years of Cena...they push another guy in the same way to the moon, but at least Cena could get mixed reactions and cut a promo, whereas Roman was pretty much universally-booed to the point that they were piping in cheers.  :lol  He was also shit on the mic.  Not even the Rock coming out to give him some cred could save him.

Dude needs an appearance/gimmick change and a re-packaging.  He was good in his role as the 'big man' in the Shield and should be doing something like that.  In fact, I think he's doing better right now playing sidekick to Seth again.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3093 on: December 13, 2016, 11:51:44 AM »
Rusev relegated to preshow.  :fbm

When will Vince drop his beef?  :fbm


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3094 on: December 13, 2016, 11:53:57 AM »
Poor Rusev. Every angle he's been in for like a year has been about people wanting to bang his wife or fuck up his home life. First Dolph, then Roman, now Enzo. :( I'd be saying "Fuck the USA" if I was him too.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3095 on: December 13, 2016, 11:54:33 AM »


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3096 on: December 13, 2016, 12:09:42 PM »
Rusev's been quoting Real American all morning on Twitter. Rusev dabes


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3097 on: December 13, 2016, 04:05:55 PM »
Yeah, what killed WCW is multiple things. TONS of things. No one thing was responsible. Lots of folks who adhere to the "it was X event that's when you knew it was impossible to come back" are usually just picking their least favorite thing, be it the fingerpoke of doom or that Goldberg lost a match, etc.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3098 on: December 13, 2016, 04:24:44 PM »
So losing my man Perry Saturn was the "one moment" that put WCW down for you? I understand, I hated it too. It's a goddamn shame what's happened to Saturn.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3099 on: December 13, 2016, 10:57:19 PM »
Hype Bros won a match to become #1 contender's to the Wyatt's tag title...and Ryder got injured in that match :( Kneecap popping off sounds goddamn horrendous.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3100 on: December 14, 2016, 03:11:07 AM »
It's true though. Everyone is engaged with him during his matches, just like they are with Cena matches. That match with KO had no chants for KO. Everyone was chanting for or against Roman. Which is a lot lot better than no reaction like Carmella gets. Fucking Philly, the smarkiest cunt town in the country, popped for Roman and chanted you deserve it for his title win at the end of last year because they liked how he was booked for that show (as a total bad ass). In fact, crowds are clearly dying for a reason to cheer for Roman based on how having him go on a rampage works EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's not Roman's fault they book him like Hogan instead of Goldberg.
That's exactly why it isn't true though! No one is chanting "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE" at roman. Smarks don't hate him because they think he's bad at wrestling. Everyone hates him because of the fucking booking! Like, yeah, duh, it isn't his fault, but he still gets booked like motherfucking Superman! Are people supposed to be like "Oh, well he's gone over for three years even though everyone has booed the fuck out of him, but that's okay because he doesn't actually get to dictate his own schedule"? No! He constantly goes over in situations where everyone wants him to lose, no one gives a fuck about that shit! And everyone wants to cheer him because his shit would work so much better as a fucking heel! None of this means the audience 'doesn't understand' why they actually like Roman Reigns! EVERYONE IS FUCKING SICK OF THEM TRYING TO MAKE ROMAN HAPPEN FOR LIKE FOUR YEARS!

Why has he been hated in, say, year one though? Sure, I get it - people are tired of whatever happening for four years, but that doesn't excuse the Year One hate. Roman Year One. Like it's a damn Batmang.

It can all be tracked down to the fragility and small stature of Little Danny Bryan and his following. And this is coming from someone who legitimately enjoyed Bryan. You can almost get a 1:1 balance of people who hate Roman but want Bryan to wrestle again and die in the ring. For their entertainment!

It can all be 'tracked down' to the WWE audience being tired of having people they don't want to cheer for being shoved down their throats.  After years of Cena...they push another guy in the same way to the moon, but at least Cena could get mixed reactions and cut a promo, whereas Roman was pretty much universally-booed to the point that they were piping in cheers.  :lol  He was also shit on the mic.  Not even the Rock coming out to give him some cred could save him.

Dude needs an appearance/gimmick change and a re-packaging.  He was good in his role as the 'big man' in the Shield and should be doing something like that.  In fact, I think he's doing better right now playing sidekick to Seth again.
This pretty much covers it, but I will add that I wasn't nearly as in tune with what's happening with wresting a few years ago as I am now and for the most part I missed Bryan's ascension and entirely missed the Shield storyline/breakup between manias (30 and 31 I think). I can't speak to why other people feel some way about reigns, but personally my issues with his presence have nothing to do with that.

I don't even think he's that bad - hell, I think he's at his best (or maybe least worst) right now, but I take issue with the "the audience don't know they actually like him, it's just a bunch of loud jerkoff smarks saying he sucks" line and I still would love an explanation as to why he isn't turning heel. I assumed it was because of house show draws or merch sales, but apparently the dirtsheets say he's not a leader in either of those, right? I just don't get it


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3101 on: December 14, 2016, 09:26:10 AM »
I just realized Becky was Irish, yet I'm still surprised by just how Irish she is.

Oh man, you must have missed her NXT debut because, well

Hype Bros won a match to become #1 contender's to the Wyatt's tag title...and Ryder got injured in that match :( Kneecap popping off sounds goddamn horrendous.

the most Ryder-ass shit to happen to Ryder  :heh

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3102 on: December 14, 2016, 03:51:23 PM »
Is this split audience just a house show thing? cuz it seems like he gets the fuck booed out of him on TV, to the point where they've very obviously muted the audience on a few PPVs during his entrance


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3103 on: December 14, 2016, 03:55:52 PM »
at house shows its far from a split reaction. roman gets a huge positive reaction at house shows, at least here.


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3104 on: December 14, 2016, 04:45:24 PM »
only time Roman gets booed is on a big show with a smark-heavy audience. He's Mr. Positivity everywhere else, everyone loves him and deservedly so, he's fun.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3105 on: December 14, 2016, 07:46:29 PM »
I remember one of the PPVs earlier this year having a drop in crowd noise during Romans entrance, but I guess that could have been the compression. Weren't there people at live shows saying there were piped in cheers for him earlier this year though? Or was that just internet bullshit too


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3106 on: December 14, 2016, 08:23:11 PM »
I believe it was WM32 people pointed to as having the boos turned down. Having been there, the actual boos were deafening. Out of that main event, Steph got the best reaction of the three :lol


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3107 on: December 15, 2016, 08:04:14 AM »
I believe it was WM32 people pointed to as having the boos turned down. Having been there, the actual boos were deafening. Out of that main event, Steph got the best reaction of the three :lol

They definitely have turned down the crowd and 'muted' the boos before.  Too many people heard it for it to have just been some smark bullshit.  And there's too many people who have been to live events who have noted that there was cheering on TV that wasn't there live.

What is with the Roman defense force stuff, Stro?  :doge


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3108 on: December 15, 2016, 10:28:09 AM »



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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3109 on: December 15, 2016, 10:29:36 AM »
Dying laughing at 205 Live - Noam Dar speaking to Alicia Fox and the size difference



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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3110 on: December 15, 2016, 10:34:44 AM »
lmao even better they both have the same billed height

Trent Dole

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3111 on: December 15, 2016, 01:36:49 PM »
Ramen Regs? Ramen Regs.

So based.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3112 on: December 15, 2016, 02:21:16 PM »
That theme kills me everytime :lol


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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3113 on: December 15, 2016, 06:14:20 PM »

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3114 on: December 15, 2016, 08:30:17 PM »
That video is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. I watched it again after Ali passed and it's just so surreal seeing him going in, thinking it's gonna be fixed, then trying to figure out what the fuck to do for the next ten minutes. Bizzare

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3115 on: December 15, 2016, 08:49:53 PM »
Technically one of the very first MMA fights too, right?

Human Snorenado

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3116 on: December 16, 2016, 11:51:33 AM »
I only really have two problems with Roman: 1) The superman punch is People's Elbow levels of awful, probably even moreso and 2) he works better as a badass face with shades of tweener than he does as your prototypical white hot babyface, but that's not how they want to book him. Neither of which are really his fault. Morons like the superman punch and there are lots of morons in wrestling audiences, and he isn't in charge of his own booking. He's for sure one of the top 5 guys in the company.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3117 on: December 16, 2016, 02:05:16 PM »
Punching someone in the face is more awful than a theatrical elbow drop?  :mindblown



Human Snorenado

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3118 on: December 16, 2016, 05:08:04 PM »
Idk what the point you're trying to make is. He's flying through the air and punching a dude in the face.


Human Snorenado

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Re: Pro Wrasslin' Thread: When It Reigns, It Bores
« Reply #3119 on: December 16, 2016, 06:43:59 PM »
I think it's the ground punch that infuriates me. Stalk them and wind up and then hit them, fine. Ground punch, tho? GTFO.