Author Topic: International Politics Thread - Disease and Disaster  (Read 1333643 times)

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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3300 on: June 21, 2017, 04:07:48 AM »
Well it didn't take long. The two other MoDem ministers, François Bayrou and Marielle de Sarnez, have stepped down as well. François Bayrou will hold a press conference at 17h... one hour before the new Cabinet is announced.
 :lol  :ego

François Bayrou is not yet "implicated as an individual" but the press inquiries have turned up that his PR manager and even the receptionist ( :lol :lol :lol ) were also hired part time as aides to Europarliament Modem's MPs, a system dating back at least as far back as 2009 and maybe much longer (back when it was called the UDF in the late nineties).

There's some sweet sweet schadenfreude of seeing Bayrou, the quietly obnoxious / sermon dispenser Christian-Democrat with a messiah complex, imploding in just a month after finally reaching the kind of responsibilities he begged for years. Flip-flopping, nakedly pressuring press with unsanctioned tantrums, being exposed as an hypocrite...
 :delicious :aah

Meanwhile Valls is reportedly calling everyone to know which group he'll join in the National Assembly. If no one is interested in such a great man, he does not exclude joining the Socialists he's trying so hard to cuck at every turn.

And holy Virgin Mary, the France Insoumise figureheads (Mélenchon but the others too) are really gratting as fuck with their hyperbole. I say that as someone who voted for them. No wonder Mélenchon is always killing his very own coalitions.


Raffarin, former Prime Minister of Chirac, is now said to be in line for a job in the Cabinet.


"Missing me yet ?"
« Last Edit: June 21, 2017, 04:27:43 AM by VomKriege »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3301 on: June 21, 2017, 06:42:41 AM »
On the plus side I suppose, they got kicked out immediately.

And Mélenchon is a nutter.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3304 on: June 22, 2017, 07:38:52 PM »


For added context, most of the DUP members are young earth creationists.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3306 on: June 25, 2017, 04:11:35 AM »
"More blood but no victory as Philippine drug war marks its first year"

"There are thousands of people who are being killed, yes," said Oscar Albayalde, Metro Manila's police chief told Reuters. "But there are millions who live, see?"



"Oil truck explosion kills 132 people in Pakistan"

Terrible. Didn't something similar happened in West Africa a few years ago ? Though maybe intoxication with fumes...
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 05:04:16 AM by VomKriege »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3307 on: June 25, 2017, 08:26:46 AM »
Also slippery slope to autocracy news :

Also Maduro claims a US backed imperialist and oligarchy coup and that an undisclosed number of suspects will be tried maybe by military courts. Meanwhile protests are still going on.

The Turkish Gay Pride in Istanbul will try to go forward despite not receiving a public authorization.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3308 on: June 26, 2017, 06:44:00 PM »
French Politics : The Aftermath part ?

The 11 Communists MPs passed a deal with four ultramarine representatives to create their own group in the Assembly, autonomous from the France Insoumise one. It was expected as the relations between the two parties have been strained hard (again).

There's also a collection of left wing independents / without labels wishing to create a "constructive" (towards the government) group. If they manage to do so, former Socialist Prime Minister Manuel Valls would affiliate with them. If this group really do get created, it would be the eighth one in this National Assembly, the most numerous they've been under the Vth Republic.

The speaker will be chosen very soon too and 2 women are running (alongside a man, all members of the majority group). A women being elected to this position would be a first. To note however that all the party groups are headed by men...


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3309 on: June 27, 2017, 12:26:12 AM »

Pretty cute.



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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3310 on: June 27, 2017, 04:20:17 PM »
I've seen stuff at times that Trudeau has his own share of problems with his politics, but dude is amazing at PR. Comes off as a really good guy (hopefully he really is).

Madrun Badrun

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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3311 on: June 27, 2017, 05:13:24 PM »
meh his problems are pretty minor.  The only major one is election reform.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3312 on: June 28, 2017, 03:39:59 PM »
"Venezuela movie actor behind helicopter attack on government buildings"


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3313 on: June 29, 2017, 06:24:28 AM »
French Oppo Rifto : Implosion 2017

So in the end, it's the male candidate who was elected as the National Assembly president. De Rugy, who ran in the socialist primary, got bodied there and promptly left the Socialists to carry water for Macron. Principles ! (though LREM has decided this office will be vacated at mid-mandate).

Anyway there was some ruckus yesterday at the Assembly, when it was time to elect the Assembly Vice Presidents (6) and Quaestors (3) (the later are in charge of the finances). Day started slowly -though it is rather ironic in hindsight- with the debate over the France Insoumise MP not wearing "proper attire" (unwritten usage is for men to wear ties and women to wear dresses). Things got heated afterwards.

The norm since the seventies is to give two Vice-Presidencies and one Quaestor to the opposition, and it used to be that all candidates were neatly settled by the different parties before the vote... but not this time.

Right-wing Les Républicains (LR) party being the biggest opposition group, they expected to get Eric Ciotti into the Quaestor job. But the other dissident Les Républicains group I mentioned earlier, those "willing to be constructive with the majority" (but still registered as "opposition"), also ran their group president Thierry Solère as a candidate and he was elected thanks to the votes of the Macronist majority.

The LR group was pretty lit up by the whole thing (Ciotti went on TV since then to ask for the excommunication of the "constructives" from the party...) and despite adjourning twice, no solution was found and the LR group decided to boycott the election of the Vice Presidents. Yet the vote carried on and against tradition, all of the vice-presidents are from the majority (5 LREM + 1 MoDem), which elicited some fiery reactions from the far-left Communists and Insoumis. The majority is saying they'll "give back" those posts once "LR stops sulking".

Meanwhile Macron decided he would adress the Congress (Assembly + Senate) in Versailles directly... a day before the Prime Minister goes to the Assembly for the traditional presentation of his General Policy. Calling the Congress is a new thing in French politics (we can again thank former President Sarkozy for this brilliant idea), before that, adresses from the President were written and read by the National Assembly president. It's OK because the President is the brains and the Prime Minister is carrying the execution, or so the official line goes.

The spokesperson for the government also had the bright idea to say that "the press should refrain from weakening the Ministry of Labor" (which as I told earlier may be implicated in not respecting open bids rule for an event in CES with Macron).

Lastly, as to why the President would not give the customary 14th of July TV interview, some inside source justified that Macron's thought was too complex for that.

Macron really is buying in his own "I am Jupiter" stuff, isn't he ?
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 06:33:48 AM by VomKriege »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3314 on: June 29, 2017, 08:20:52 AM »
Beyond the politics theatre, some heavy stuff is going down.

3 associations are suing French bank BNP Paribas for complicity in the Rwanda genocide, for possibly financing arms shipment to Hutu troops, shipments that were illegal under an UN ban.
And a French press outlet (XXI) has a new investigation regarding the implication of the then French presidency, thanks in part to the testimony of a former French officer Guillaume Ancel. Ancel is not exactly a conspiracy kook, he went through the officer school, was part of the GHQ and since leaving service has had high ranking posts in the national railways and a large pension fund.

Ancel was in Rwanda as part of Opération Turquoise (the French humanitarian intervention in Rwanda concomitant to the UN efforts) and says he was explicitly ordered, as his group was back from a mission, to "distract journalists" because "an arms shipment convoy is about to leave" for nearby Zaïre, where the Hutu groups that carried the killings nested inside refugee camps. This was in late July 1994, at the very tail end of the massacres (and long after the UN embargo was decided) and at that point no one could argue confusion about the events or the identity of the men ordering the slaughter.

XXI also claim to have interviewed a high public servant who saw some of the classified archives including a note from the Elysée : apparently some officers objected to those orders to rearm Hutu killers and it went up to the President's desk. A note from someone (reportedly "H.V", maybe Hubert Védrine, one of the foremost French diplomats who worked at that point for François Mitterrand's office) on the document just says : "Follow directives" which imply a policy defined at the very top. Védrine admitted before the National Assembly Defence Committee that shipments indeed continued as per previous policy (France supported the regime before the "FPR uprising" turned into the most nightmarish massacre in living memory) but is reported to have been excessively defensive when confronted on the subject otherwise.

Ancel also told a "funny" anecdote : a researcher asking for access to the archives related to Rwanda was told that the "archives were open but could not be consulted". It reminded him of when he was posted in Sarajevo and was ordered to "ripost but without opening fire".

France fucking up Africa is what we do, but this instance is especially egregious, troubling and sickening.

Speaking of : It's once more killing time in the basket case known as Centrafrique...


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3315 on: June 29, 2017, 07:25:03 PM »
Also the Cour des Comptes (the French public audit, in short) has released a report very critical of the last budget of President Hollande mandate. Long story short : there's 8 billions euros more into the deficit than planned.

The government has already said that they wouldn't hike taxes but do more savings to absolutely comply with the European guideline of a sub-3% deficit. This was already in the air before, with the new Minister of Economy saying hard choices were imminent. With maybe more cuts than originally promised, conveniently enough.

Macron used his twitter to reveal his official portrait :

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Notice the smartphone(s) in the bottom left corner because OMG so hip, I guess ? Also books (De Gaulle, Gide and Stendhal, I'm told), a clock, some rooster shit, he's both inside and outside... Way too busy and artificial. If you want to compare to those of the other French Presidents see the link below...


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3316 on: June 30, 2017, 05:36:29 AM »
Germany voted today to legalize sex-same marriage. Merkel of course, after virtue signalling about it, voting against it.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3317 on: June 30, 2017, 05:51:31 AM »
Completely neutered a topic her opponents championed and placated the socially conservative parts of her base.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3318 on: June 30, 2017, 06:30:22 AM »
Learned about the neat card voting system the Bundestag uses because of this, hadn't know about that. Though I have to say that shelf with all the cards looks like you could totally grab anybody's card and be a total dummkoff. Though with the party-whip style voting it's probably not a big deal if one dude for say the SPD has to gather them all up and do it by himself since they know how they'll vote anyway a lot of the time.

And the whole idea of that reminds me of this:

spoiler (click to show/hide)
My favorite part is the dude who gets annihilated not only on going to vote for another dude but then gets annihilated before going back to his own desk. WASTED.

Oh, forgot it's common:


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3319 on: June 30, 2017, 06:50:05 AM »
Germany voted today to legalize sex-same marriage. Merkel of course, after virtue signalling about it, voting against it.

I can't stand her and think she's probably the worst chancellor we had in many decades, but I can't fault her for that. "I'm personally against it for religious reasons, but I'm not going to actively prevent it" has always been her line.

That said, our current government totally sucks at writing laws, and this is no exception. It's unconstitutional, just like the asinine social media censorship laws that also passed today. A ton of recent laws have been. But unlike the censorship laws, this law could have worked if they changed the constitution, which would have been possible and would have had enough support. So basically, this is a whole lot of nothing, the constitutional court will probably overturn it, and we're back at square one. And a lot of people will bitch and whine, not realizing that that's literally the only thing the court can do, because their only job is to uphold the constitution. Ignoring the issue would set a dangerous precedent.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3320 on: June 30, 2017, 09:28:19 AM »
I'd argue that voting against it is trying to "actively prevent it".


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3321 on: June 30, 2017, 09:48:31 AM »
I don't think Merkel ever cited religion as the reason for being against the marriage for all.

She talked about her bad gut feelings in the past and now declared it as a question of conscience.

In general it's an exercise in frustration to try and judge her personal feelings and thoughts. In this case, I doubt she is really against the new law. Like rufus said, she purely voted against it not to scare the conservative base of her party away (fwiw, the majority of people that vote cdu are actually in favor of the marriage for all).


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3322 on: June 30, 2017, 11:28:20 AM »
yeah but that critical CSU swing vote :doge


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3323 on: June 30, 2017, 05:37:03 PM »
That said, our current government totally sucks at writing laws, and this is no exception. It's unconstitutional, just like the asinine social media censorship laws that also passed today. A ton of recent laws have been. But unlike the censorship laws, this law could have worked if they changed the constitution, which would have been possible and would have had enough support. So basically, this is a whole lot of nothing, the constitutional court will probably overturn it, and we're back at square one. And a lot of people will bitch and whine, not realizing that that's literally the only thing the court can do, because their only job is to uphold the constitution. Ignoring the issue would set a dangerous precedent.

Could you elaborate on that ? Is there a provision in the German constitution about marriage ? More importantly : Why are the supporters of the bill going forward with it if this has no chance to fly ?


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3324 on: June 30, 2017, 06:39:27 PM »
AFAIK marriage has some special protection and its own article in the german constitution but it doesn't explicitly mention the spouses' sexes. The arguments against applying it to same-sex couples are really weak, at best.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3325 on: June 30, 2017, 07:15:04 PM »
I don't think Merkel ever cited religion as the reason for being against the marriage for all.

Pretty sure she did, in a townhall organized by the ZDF a couple years back.

Could you elaborate on that ? Is there a provision in the German constitution about marriage ? More importantly : Why are the supporters of the bill going forward with it if this has no chance to fly ?

Yeah, article 6 GG. It doesn't outright state that marriage has to be between man and woman, but the way it's worded, our constitutional court decided a few years ago that opposing genders were implied, because it specifically talks about families with kids and mothers and stuff. And while adoptions are obviously a thing, they're an edge case, and surrogacy is illegal in Germany, which means marriages as a protected institution are implied to be partnerships at least theoretically capable of procreation.

But I talked to my dad a few hours ago (he's a legal expert and former government official who used to write laws), and while he agrees that the government should have changed the wording of article 6 to remove the implications (something many constitutional lawyers stated in recent years as well), he also explained that this law probably isn't going to get overturned after all, because it's a special case in which only a select few parties could file a complaint, and not one of them is all that likely to do so. And our constitutional court can't do anything unless somebody complains. So the law is (probably) unconstitutional, but we're going to keep it anyway.

As for why they did it this way regardless, instead of going the proper route? Because, as I wrote, our government doesn't know what the fuck they're even doing, and our lawmakers are by and large not lawyers and even more clueless. The ridiculous "Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz", which also passed in the same sitting, is a prime example of shoddy and unconstitutional lawmaking, and that one people can and will (successfully) complain about. That's another badly designed new German law, which fines social media for not removing "hate speech" and "fake news" within 24 hours. What folks don't realize is that there's no proper definition of "hate speech", so "I hate muslims", "I hate nazis" and "I hate pancakes" are essentially all the same, and fact-checking every single news article is completely unreasonable. It's up to companies on the other side of the globe to figure out what the powers-that-be might or might not find objectionable, and if their guess is off, they could get fined €5 million. If this sounds ridiculous and fucking stupid, that's because it is.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 05:37:33 AM by wsippel »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3326 on: July 03, 2017, 07:22:38 PM »
Got some Sarkozy vibes from Macron in that press conference in Mali (when adressing the people holding hostage a 70+ years old French nutritionist down there).  :doge Tone was spot on, all that was missig was the shoulder swinging.
Macron was there for the "G5 Sahel" summit (with the heads of state of Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Tchad) that aims to create a multinational task force to deal with djihadists in the Sahel (notably AQIM) that would add itself to the already in place UN force and Mali and the French Opération Barkhane. I can't help but note the absence of Algeria which is the biggest military actor bordering Mali... Anyway, France will be there "for as long as it takes". Considering we've been "there" non stop since the 19th century, the more things change, the more...

Adressing the Parliament in Versailles was kinda meh too apparently, the council room was super heated much to the discomfort of everyone. Macron confirmed he wanted to reduce by a third the number of Deputies (577 currently) and Senators (348) for a more "effective legislative work" (less representatives with bigger and better staff). Also he believes that simpler laws could be voted by some of the National Assembly committees without a vote (:what) ? He wants to wrap up all that stuff within a year.

Otherwise mostly a balancing act between giving dues to the French social safety net while saying making poors dependant on handouts was immoral.
It was all a tad vague, probably because he has to leave some actual details for the Prime Minister general policy speech Tuesday.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3327 on: July 04, 2017, 06:41:12 PM »
 It must be nice having a leader that can form complete sentences and spell.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3328 on: July 05, 2017, 12:30:17 PM »
It continues to begin : the French government is pushing back its promise to cut the tax paid by tenants for 80% of the concerned taxpayers because of the "unexpected" 8 billions euros to compensate in last year budget.
The 20 cigarettes pack will gradually be rised to 10 euros (from 7 today). Taxes on gas will be used to stop giving incentives to buy diesel cars. Several important vaccines (for a total of 11 probably) will be made mandatory for kids.

Meanwhile Simone Veil died a few days ago, best known in France for having carried the bill legalizing abortion in 1975, will rest in the Pantheon along with the other "Great Men" (and a handful of women, she is only the fifth one to be honored like this) and her husband's remains after receiving national honors today. She survived Nazi extermination camps and was a tiresome defender of the now European Union.

Lastly, French and Belgian police conducted a coordinated operation : One men was arrested in the Lille suburb of Wattignies (peak north of France) on suspicion of planning an attack. The Belgian police found weapons and arrested 4 men suspected of being linked to the Kamikaze Riders (?), a biker gang of radical islamists (??) who were apparently pegged by authorities as planning an attack in Brussels late 2015 (as you may remember, the city was put on lockdown shortky after the Bataclan attack in Paris).


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3329 on: July 06, 2017, 01:30:46 PM »



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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3330 on: July 06, 2017, 06:17:14 PM »
UK business leaders to call for indefinite delay in leaving single market.

Actual reply from the EU:

spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3331 on: July 07, 2017, 05:07:08 PM »
Apparently german antifa are beating journalists up at g20.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3332 on: July 07, 2017, 06:14:00 PM »
Apparently german antifa are beating journalists up at g20.

Why would they do that?


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3333 on: July 07, 2017, 06:16:17 PM »
The Cyprus talks for a path to reunification fell through :


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3334 on: July 07, 2017, 06:27:58 PM »
Apparently german antifa are beating journalists up at g20.

Why would they do that?

Story so far: A German journalist took a picture of one journalist, with other journalists around that journalist and called it a picture of Identitarians and Fascists. They sent this pic to ANTIFA and ANTIFA hunted them down.

Obviously they weren't fascists but that's not important to ANTIFA.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3335 on: July 07, 2017, 06:48:07 PM »
Also Israël is having a :neogaf meltdown over Hebron being classified by UNESCO as a world heritage site. It's not clear if they're more pissed by the fact a Palestinian State is treated as the legimitate entity to file such a demand or by the delusion it somehow negates the Jewish significance (go read the UNESCO blurb about it here). I guess the Cordoba Mosque is now a Christian site since Spain was in charge of the demand, by the same logic.

In the immediate aftermath of the vote, [Israeli representative] Shama Hacohen took out his mobile phone and scornfully informed the committee: “It’s my plumber in my apartment in Paris. There is a huge problem in my toilet and it is much more important than the decision you just adopted.”

Netanyahu called it “another delusional Unesco decision” and said Israel would “continue to guard the Cave of the Patriarchs, to ensure religious freedom for everybody and ... guard the truth”.

(With all the expected typos you could imagine for the Grauniad).

Danny Danon, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nation, stated: “This attempt to sever the ties between Israel and Hebron is shameful and offensive, and eliminates UNESCO’s last remaining shred of credibility. To disassociate Israel from the burial grounds of the patriarchs and matriarchs of our nation is an ugly display of discrimination, and an act of aggression against the Jewish people.”

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin tweeted : UNESCO seems intent on sprouting anti-Jewish lies, while it remains silent as the region's heritage is destroyed by brutal extremists.

In a statement sent to Breitbart Jerusalem and other media outlets, Education Minister Naftali Bennett slammed the UNESCO decision as “disappointing and disgraceful,” and said UNESCO “denies history and distorts reality, knowingly serving those attempting to erase the Jewish state.”

Emmanuel Nahshon, spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Ministry, tweeted : The @UNESCO decision on Hebron & Tomb of Patriarchs is a moral blot. This irrelevant organization promotes FAKE HISTORY. Shame on @UNESCO 👎 The #Jewish people's glorious history in #israel started in #Hebron.No @UNESCO lies and FAKE HISTORY can change that. Truth is eternal🇮🇱🇮🇱

Nashnon also apparently named the organization, in French, "UNESCROC" (UNESCROOK), according to Le Monde newspaper.

Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli defense minister of the nationalist Yisrael Beiteinu Party, described Unesco, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, as “a politically biased, disgraceful and anti-Semitic organization.”

This Israeli government sound like a bunch of theocrats, to be honest.

Madrun Badrun

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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3336 on: July 07, 2017, 07:01:20 PM »
 Breitbart Jerusalem?


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3337 on: July 08, 2017, 05:33:03 AM »
Breitbart Jerusalem?

A bunch of past/present staff are jewish. Yiannopolous and Shapiro for example. Not that surprising.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3338 on: July 09, 2017, 06:13:03 PM »
Apparently german antifa are beating journalists up at g20.

Why would they do that?

Story so far: A German journalist took a picture of one journalist, with other journalists around that journalist and called it a picture of Identitarians and Fascists. They sent this pic to ANTIFA and ANTIFA hunted them down.

Obviously they weren't fascists but that's not important to ANTIFA.

That "German journalist", Sören Kohlhuber, is a well known far-left nutjob. That clown actually blogged about the incident, not only doubling down but blaming the other side to have outed him. Which is kinda ironic considering he put his name on the pics himself, because extreme leftists obviously think copyright is only bad if somebody else owns it. Went as expected, with his followers promising to "deal with the situation if he wants".

That said, the journalists who were attacked certainly are questionable. But that doesn't excuse a manhunt or that asshat lying about him starting said manhunt.

EDIT: The newspaper he used to write for just fired him because of this incident.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 02:57:07 AM by wsippel »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3339 on: July 12, 2017, 03:50:38 AM »
Dude how many times are you going to edit your post :lol

I always think there's some sweet update on crazy french politics or Brexit or something :stahp


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3340 on: July 13, 2017, 08:05:12 AM »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3341 on: July 14, 2017, 05:59:46 AM »
14th of July : Trumpo Droppo in Paris

The PR spin is charm offensive ! with Macron being incredibly agreeable -even on the Paris accord, Macron is, to paraphrase, saying Trump is entitled to respect his campaign promises even if he disagrees- to Trump and the US President latchening on to liberalism as the bonding feature with Macron (Something along the lines of "Like me, Macron is a champion for deregulation and less bureaucracy") and being in a good enough mood to drop cryptic useless hints about "something possibly happening on the Paris accords" and making a positive tweet.

The most consequential bit is probably that Macron confirmed that France is no longer against Bachar el-Assad having a seat at the table of any negociation. Otherwise on counterterrorism, he's in lock with the US administration on Irak and Syria (where some French forces are engaged, 4 artillery pieces nearby Mossoul among other), maybe to get the US to write a couple checks for the Sahel task force.

All in all, Macron is a true French president : trying to ingratiate himself with the Twitter in Chief while Merkel is giving cold shoulder to the US on principled ground. He's ready to invite African potentates or El-Assad !  :doge

They're now watching the traditional parade with much theater of familiarity yet again. If I am to believe the radio, Trump is only the second US President to attend the parade and the first one as an exclusive guest (H.W. Bush was there alongside numerous other heads of state for the 1789 parade celebrating the 200 years of the Revolution). The Some French infantry regiments has the HK416 rifle, which is the new standard weapon for Armed Forces. Another sign that interoperability with NATO forces is deepening (the French made 40 years old design FAMAS was famously particular with its ammo). Oh and the Army bands will play a Daft Punk track : Very Cool !

However there's some controversy within the military : as I told earlier, we "discovered" that there was 8 billions unaccounted for in the last budget and so all ministers have been asked to find cuts as it is paramount for Macron to respect the European rule of 3% of max deficit. Defence has been told they must cut 850m which apparently sent the Chief of Staff Général Pierre de Villiers into rage "I'm not going to get fucked by Bercy [Minister of Economy]" (Pierre de Villiers was supposed to step down because of age limit, but accepted to stay if he could oversee the budget rise). President Macron admonished him yesterday in a reception in the Minister of Defence "I am your chief, I do not need anyone of any commentary to keep the engagements I took before the citizens and the armies.". To sweeten the deal, Macron promise next year will see a rise and his overall goal is to hit the 2% of GDP objective. It's fairly difficult to comment on those issues, the public budget is insanely complex, the military one moreso.

We're sending back the Human Cheeto this afternoon while Macron goes to Nice to assist to a vigil for the victims of last year attack then the local military parade, alongside former Presidents Sarkozy and Hollande.
Regarding the Nice truck attack, the french magazine Paris-Match (basically a combination of the photojournalism of Life but with more gossip of the rich and powerful) was at the center of a controversy for publishing captures from the CCTV security feeds (which are supposedly in evidence lockers...). Associations of victims deposited an urgent request to have the issue called back. It is fairly rare judges rule favorably on those (last occurence was in 2009 when a rag magazine had on its cover a picture of a young man of Jewish faith tied up and at gunpoint (he was kidnapped then tortured and executed). The court rejected the demand but ordered on no further reprint / digital exploitation of the captures that were obtained illegally.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3342 on: July 14, 2017, 07:50:11 PM »
 :rejoice :rejoice :rejoice

Macron is the True God Emperor

The French head of state has retreated into the Élysée Palace, ordered his aides and ministers into media silence, and tightened presidential communication to the few calibrated messages he thinks opportune. Power, he thinks, is best exercised when wrapped in a cloud of mystery.

This is the “Jupiterian” concept his team developed in the last few months of the presidential campaign to illustrate his vision of the presidency. Jupiter, of course, is the supreme god of Roman mythology, god of the sky, thunder and lightning.

Applied to Macron’s actual presidency, this means former friends and crucial campaign aides have been shunted aside, direct access to the president is restricted to a handful of young advisers, and Macron’s mobile phone seems to have gone silent.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3343 on: July 15, 2017, 06:26:16 AM »
Oh and the Army bands will play a Daft Punk track : Very Cool !

I mean, that was kinda badass.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3344 on: July 15, 2017, 11:54:34 PM »
Been a while since I checked in on the global election scene, what with us having actual posters from the areas posting about it and all, thought my offhand inquiries (occasionally even through people I know to get some hot local hubbub) would be silly but it looks like we're going to finally be coming down the stretch of the crazy year we've had of global elections.

Kenya may delay its Presidential election from August to December because they're apparently looking for funds to be able to pull off a nationwide presidential and legislative election and that would move them into the next fiscal year, so there may still be time for Obama to enter after missing the earlier primary dates. Otherwise he'll have to wait until 2022, which he might be doing anyway to avoid running against an incumbent and to give him time to renounce his fraudulent U.S. citizenship.

Congo (the smaller one), Bermuda and East Timor all hold Parliamentary elections this week. I've not heard the usual negatives for Congo which will be their first under the new constitutional which hopefully means decent things. Last I read the opposition is not uniformally boycotting but instead suggesting individual candidates and parties decide. These will be the first East Timor elections without UN Troops monitoring due to their successful ones in 2012.

September has three "big ones" among the West with Norway, New Zealand and Germany back-to-back-to-back. And then right after Germany, Iraqi Kurdistan holds its independence straw poll. (Russia also has all its "state" and region elections for the U.S. to not interfere with that month.)

Then that's kinda it for what's been a pretty exciting year of electoral politics globally. Austria and the Czechs do theirs in mid-October and Chile will elect a President in November but for some reason I'm assuming those and the Argentine legislative elections will look similar to Germany for whatever reason.

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« Last Edit: July 15, 2017, 11:59:41 PM by benjipwns »


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3345 on: July 16, 2017, 12:32:42 AM »
 :o :o :o

PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said his defense chief has no choice but to agree with what he says, a weekly newspaper reported on Sunday, after his top general criticized spending cuts to this year's budget.

"If something opposes the military chief of staff and the president, the military chief of staff goes," Macron, who as president is also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, told Le Journal du Dimanche (JDD).

Macron said on Thursday that he would not tolerate public dissent from the military after General Pierre de Villiers reportedly told a parliament committee he would not let the government "fuck with" him on spending cuts.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3346 on: July 17, 2017, 02:38:50 AM »
"India's Modi urges states to curb violence by cow protection groups"

The decree was a huge problem for cattle owners, as selling cows to non Hindus is the only acceptable way to dispose of them when they grow too old to produce milk. People were stuck in taking care of them until they die of old age.

Plus, as mentioned in the article, dangerous to the meat industry which is one of the economic staples for on-board.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3347 on: July 17, 2017, 05:11:45 AM »
Oh and the Army bands will play a Daft Punk track : Very Cool !

I mean, that was kinda badass.

Yeah it was good, all in all. I'm a vinegar pisser at heart.

Was listening to some radio show yesterday and must say I'm in tune with the guy that said that Macron already look like a bit of a clusterfuck in the actual implementation of his agenda : Prime Minister saying tax cuts would wait next year, then a few days later the whole thing being walked back to be done soon (also the fact that there was little thought put into compensating local authorities for the loss revenue). Macron promising on the campaign trail that the Defence budget will be protected, then asking 850m of cuts for next year.

Speaking of, according to a La Croix reporter (IIRC), lots of high officers didn't like at all Macron going out of his way to humble the Chief of Staff. Apparently the comments that displeased the President were stated in a closed session before the National Assembly, a place where a General should be allowed to speak his mind on the matter of budget allocation. Macron is really making an unnecessary show of reminding everyone who's boss.

It really feels like a watered down monarchy. We'll see if his majority grow some spine of its own during the mandate but I'm not too hopeful.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3348 on: July 17, 2017, 05:19:59 AM »
I think Macron is a bit like an excited puppy at the moment. He went from literally no name to president in a year. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Admittedly it doesn't really matter all that much to me, I left France years ago with no real intention to go back.

One thing that makes me go :kobeyuck though is the constant use of "motivational" posters. Close-up pictures with self-quotes. I'm like, really breh? Although this might just be his PR staff going full idol.

The defense thing is a clusterfuck, but to be fair that massive deficit thing popped up after he was elected, so he's in a bit of a pickle now. I understand where he's coming from with his line on De Villiers, but yeah, that could have certainly done with a bit more diplomacy.


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3349 on: July 17, 2017, 05:35:43 AM »
I think Macron is a bit like an excited puppy.

That's an excellent image  :lol and I agree he is high on himself. Hollande's mandate was a bit of a mess but I miss not having a blowhard as President.
His supporters are a bit scary as well. Then again it's France, I'm sure they'll turn sour & mellow soon enough.

I sound super bitter on him, but really the liberal & patriot part in me is hopeful he'll shake some things up a bit and that we'll be in a better place in 5 years. But the fawning is obnoxious and not conclusive to good work.

Should also point that Macron went on the record for Le Journal du Dimanche that he was hopeful he convinced Trump on the necessity of the Paris accord (notably by explaining the link between climate change and terorrism).  :doge


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Re: International Politics Thread - Go! Macron V
« Reply #3350 on: July 17, 2017, 06:13:01 AM »

Should also point that Macron went on the record for Le Journal du Dimanche that he was hopeful he convinced Trump on the necessity of the Paris accord (notably by explaining the link between climate change and terorrism).  :doge

That sounds really dumb. But also genius, in the context of talking to Trump.


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Re: International Politics Thread - God Emperor Macron
« Reply #3351 on: July 18, 2017, 06:28:03 AM »

People in the UK will have to prove they are 18 before being allowed to access pornography websites from next year, the government is to announce.

Websites will be legally required to install age verification controls by April 2018 as part of a move to make the internet safer for children.

Users may be asked to provide credit card details, as gambling websites do.

Companies breaking the rules set out in the Digital Economy Act face being blocked by their internet provider.

Like, providing CC details is going to result in anything other than increased theft :lol


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Re: International Politics Thread - God Emperor Macron
« Reply #3352 on: July 18, 2017, 10:17:31 AM »


At least 547 boys at a German Catholic choir school suffered sexual or physical abuse in what victims have likened to "prison, hell or a concentration camp", said an investigator releasing a final report Tuesday on one of the country's worst such scandals. (...) He placed part of the blame for the situation on the school's former choir master Georg Ratzinger, the elder brother of former pope Benedict XVI.

As head of the choir from 1964 to 1994, Georg Ratzinger could be "blamed for looking the other way and failing to intervene" on the physical violence, said Weber, who added there was no evidence Ratzinger knew of the sexual violence.


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Re: International Politics Thread - God Emperor Macron
« Reply #3353 on: July 18, 2017, 11:14:31 AM »
He said that 49 alleged perpetrators had been identified, but that they were not expected to face criminal charges as the alleged crimes took place too long ago.

The known victims are now expected to receive 20,000 euros ($23,000) each in compensation.

The diocese apologised in a statement and said that "we all made mistakes and we have learnt a lot".
I'm sure they have.


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Re: International Politics Thread - God Emperor Macron
« Reply #3354 on: July 18, 2017, 12:03:22 PM »
He said that 49 alleged perpetrators had been identified, but that they were not expected to face criminal charges as the alleged crimes took place too long ago.

The known victims are now expected to receive 20,000 euros ($23,000) each in compensation.

The diocese apologised in a statement and said that "we all made mistakes and we have learnt a lot".
I'm sure they have.

I don't think they have. Centuries of practicing dogma centered around protecting the church from scandals and they still manage to fuck it up. Never mind not fucking kids, they can't even cover it up.

Re: International Politics Thread - God Emperor Macron
« Reply #3355 on: July 19, 2017, 08:37:07 AM »
PARIS (Reuters) - France's armed forces chief resigned on Wednesday in a dispute with Emmanuel Macron over defense budget cuts, an early test of the newly elected president's mettle and the tough presidential style he is cultivating.


Macron quickly went public with a rebuke, saying: "I have made commitments. I am your boss."

Nothing says leadership like reminding people you are their boss. So much for 2% by 2022.


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Re: International Politics Thread - God Emperor Macron
« Reply #3356 on: July 19, 2017, 09:58:15 AM »
PARIS (Reuters) - France's armed forces chief resigned on Wednesday in a dispute with Emmanuel Macron over defense budget cuts, an early test of the newly elected president's mettle and the tough presidential style he is cultivating.


Macron quickly went public with a rebuke, saying: "I have made commitments. I am your boss."

Nothing says leadership like reminding people you are their boss. So much for 2% by 2022.

Macron already pushed back the commitment, IIRC ? 2024 or so.
Yes, most of the opposition people in the media noted that we were already off track anyway. It's the first time since 1958 that the Chief of Staff resigns. Honestly Macron went apeshit in public for little reason here for what was, originally, a crude remark in front of the Defence Committee of the Assembly (not a public session) that was understandable : Ministry of Defence is apparently out of the blue asked to shoulder 20% of the effort when barely a few weeks earlier it was all about increasing it.

To be accurate : the Ministry is expected to pay operational costs this year when those were taken from another source before, which means that much less credit for renewing equipment. French Armed Forces are already doing much more than planned (in part because of the Sentinelle operation, the army patrols in France instituted after the 2015 attacks. It was supposed to last a month, it's been 18...) and procurement has been an issue for a couple of decades now.

That was the last camel straw for De Villiers, who was part of many a reform to keep costs down over the years.
The mood among brass is pretty somber, with a lot of officers not understanding what the President is here.



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Re: International Politics Thread - God Emperor Macron
« Reply #3357 on: July 20, 2017, 12:30:32 PM »
President Macron was in Istres air base today (near Marseilles), to perform some more cuddling-therapy to French Armed Forces. He basically was on repeat but on a slighty more diplomatic note. He promised yet again that the Defence budget will increase next year to get on track of 2% of the GDP by 2025... in fact he said it would be the only one to raise in 2018, which was by far the most momentous bit of info (get fucked schools !) :doge .

Platitudes are nice but they will not probably mend the weariness. The French Armed Forces are waiting for those budget promises to come true to ease off. So we'll see next year...


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Re: International Politics Thread - God Emperor Macron
« Reply #3358 on: July 22, 2017, 05:10:48 PM »
To note, the investigation on the abuse of "Europarliament assistants" as party employees have also extended to Mélenchon.


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Re: International Politics Thread - God Emperor Macron
« Reply #3359 on: July 23, 2017, 12:46:38 PM »
The plebs going at the god emperor king will learn

France's youngest-ever president, who has sought to project an image of authority since taking office in May, made clear during the row with the military boss that he would brook no insubordination as commander-in-chief.

The leftist Liberation newspaper said Macron's "little authoritarian fit" could be a sign he was drunk on power and said it was time for him "to grow up a bit".