Author Topic: International Politics Thread - Disease and Disaster  (Read 1336998 times)

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Kick all those "Gibraltarians" back to Spain and Morocco. Treasonous subjects are as good as dead ones. Have the royal mouser clean up the stragglers.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari has denied claims that he had died and was replaced by a Sudanese impostor, breaking his silence on a rumour that has circulated on social media for months.
“It’s the real me, I assure you. I will soon celebrate my 76th birthday and I will still go strong,” Buhari told Nigerians in a town hall session in Poland on Sunday, where he was attending a conference, when asked about Jubril.

“A lot of people hoped that I died during my ill health. Some even reached out to the Vice President to consider them to be his deputy because they assumed I was dead. That embarrassed him a lot and of course, he visited me when I was in London convalescing,’’ he said, adding that those who spread the rumour were “ignorant and irreligious”.

The Nigerian leader said he was looking forward to celebrating his 76th birthday on December 17 and jocularly added: ‘‘If I am getting harassed by anyone, it is my grandchildren, who are getting too many.’’

The presidency circulated Buhari’s comments in an emailed statement entitled “It’s Real Me, President Buhari Responds to Cloning Allegation”.

A video of the president answering the question, which shows his colleagues laughing as the question is read out, has been posted to the president’s Twitter account, which is followed by 1.76m people, where it is pinned as his top tweet.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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  • Do the moron
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Didn't he quit UKIP once already in the wake of the Brexit vote (or was it just stepping down from leadership offices) ?


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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He stepped down from being party leader back then. He's now quitting the party.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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He probably got pushed out by Head Waiter Sargon in a masterful Machiavellian power play.


  • boo
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Europe is about to fall apart at the feet whilst each protesting country chants for Trump!


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
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  • your bright ideas always burn me
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This is how the French protest, this is how the French have always protested. I'd be skeptical it's a harbinger of much of anything, especially in the rest of Yurop. Let alone The Trump Ascendancy.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
Ah yes, France and its well known police force which includes members of the UK's Met, and the "yellow jackets" are waving english flags because reasons :rofl

GTFO :lol
« Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 03:44:17 AM by Raist »


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
France is sort of a geopolitical melting pot atm. The looters spoke Russian. Yesterday a frenchy doing a Soros/rothschild rant went viral :doge


  • boo
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  • Do the moron
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This is how the French protest, this is how the French have always protested. I'd be skeptical it's a harbinger of much of anything, especially in the rest of Yurop. Let alone The Trump Ascendancy.

It's not invalid to see some continuation of European trends regarding populism but I'd say France is trailing behind other countries more than setting an example (like how Nuit Debout was an Occupy/Podemos style protest a few years later). For some time now effective protest here has moved towards those sort of events (whether the Red Beanies which is the most similar to the current Yellow Vests or the ZADist occupation to stop an airport project in the west) and to some extent vandalism and violence has always been part and parcel in some protests.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
France is sort of a geopolitical melting pot atm. The looters spoke Russian. Yesterday a frenchy doing a Soros/rothschild rant went viral :doge

That video is shot in London, not France you muppet.

Joe Molotov

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Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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I always knew France was a mistake. 


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
France is sort of a geopolitical melting pot atm. The looters spoke Russian. Yesterday a frenchy doing a Soros/rothschild rant went viral :doge

That video is shot in London, not France you muppet.
I was talking about my examples.

Russian looters


But really it was Facebook

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
Just read that the Yellow Vests are still protesting saturday and the police unions have also called for a strike on the same day.

Macron is fuuuuuckkeeddd  :doge

If Germany ever wanted to beat the allies the time is now.  :thinking


  • boo
  • Member
I always knew France was a mistake.

Belgium, UK, Germany, the dutch and swedes also feel the same.

Iran has again begun protesting.

Huawei tried to roll out 5g tech, ignored sanctions re: iran.

Why was France trying to move car manufacturing to Iran prior to Trump leaving the Iran deal?

Biggest crime of the Mays brexit plan is it forces UK to only make trade deals with Europe, noone else on global stage. Esp not USA. USA is biggest market with Trump > Not EU.

EU/UN migrant pact to make anyone a criminal who opposes open borders, hopes and dreams. How do you destabalise a country? Remove its borders, dilute its populations. Wait wasnt it us who caused the migrant crisis with war?

Systematic destruction of western civ. THE PEOPLE are fighting back. We havent even hit delcas of info yet.

The world is about to change.

Good bye Socialism/Nazis/muslim brotherhood. AND GLOBALISM. Why did George Bush (Mr NWO) suddenly die? DECLAS INBOUND.

« Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 10:00:40 PM by hungrynoob »

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Why did George Bush (Mr NWO) suddenly die?

Dude was 94. He didn't "suddenly" die.


  • boo
  • Member
Why did George Bush (Mr NWO) suddenly die?

Dude was 94. He didn't "suddenly" die.

What are the odds that his funeral was on the day Q pretended delcass was going to be on Dec 5th?

He gives you a clue.

Odds of a State Funeral on D5?
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
68–95–99.7 rule


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Didn't we have this exact discussion when Kennedy retired


  • boo
  • Member
Didn't we have this exact discussion when Kennedy retired

Sorry I cant quite remember, are you speaking about "The Intervention"?


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
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bitch ute .com


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I'm in a bar, I'm not going to watch that


  • boo
  • Member
I'm in a bar, I'm not going to watch that



  • Icon
Didn't we have this exact discussion when Kennedy retired

Sorry I cant quite remember, are you speaking about "The Intervention"?

He's talking about Anthony Kennedy, not John Kennedy.


  • boo
  • Member
Didn't we have this exact discussion when Kennedy retired

Sorry I cant quite remember, are you speaking about "The Intervention"?

He's talking about Anthony Kennedy, not John Kennedy.

> Posts clip of Senator With Pres 45 calling JFK assassination an Intervention.
"Thats not what he was talking about"



  • Icon
Not McCain. shosta was talking about Anthony Kennedy.


  • boo
  • Member
Not McCain. shosta was talking about Anthony Kennedy.

You're obviously missing the point on purpose. Observers aren't that silly, sorry.


  • Icon
Didn't we have this exact discussion when Kennedy retired

shosta here is referring to Anthony Kennedy, since you and he had basically the same conversation about timing and "coincidences" when he announced his retirement from the Supreme Court ahead of the midterm elections.

If you do not remember those posts I can link them for you.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
It really beggars belief that you could forget about what was supposedly one of the biggest successes in Q's clandestine campaign, namely the purging of a lifetime appointee on a very small committee whose replacements are decided by the (patriots') president.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
If you do not remember those posts I can link them for you.
Please don't. I know you obtain some kind of otherwordly pleasure from "receipts" but personally I don't want to relieve that conversation.


  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member
Imagine being part of a millenarian pseudo-religious internet cult where your messiah is a pathologically-lying elderly failed businessman with personality disorder and a prion disease :mueller


  • Icon
If you do not remember those posts I can link them for you.
Please don't. I know you obtain some kind of otherwordly pleasure from "receipts" but personally I don't want to relieve that conversation.


  • boo
  • Member
I always knew France was a mistake.

Belgium, UK, Germany, the dutch and swedes also feel the same.

Iran has again begun protesting.

Huawei tried to roll out 5g tech, ignored sanctions re: iran.

Why was France trying to move car manufacturing to Iran prior to Trump leaving the Iran deal?

Biggest crime of the Mays brexit plan is it forces UK to only make trade deals with Europe, noone else on global stage. Esp not USA. USA is biggest market with Trump > Not EU.

EU/UN migrant pact to make anyone a criminal who opposes open borders, hopes and dreams. How do you destabalise a country? Remove its borders, dilute its populations. Wait wasnt it us who caused the migrant crisis with war?

Systematic destruction of western civ. THE PEOPLE are fighting back. We havent even hit delcas of info yet.

The world is about to change.

Good bye Socialism/Nazis/muslim brotherhood. AND GLOBALISM. Why did George Bush (Mr NWO) suddenly die? DECLAS INBOUND.

Why did George Bush (Mr NWO) suddenly die?

Dude was 94. He didn't "suddenly" die.

What are the odds that his funeral was on the day Q pretended delcass was going to be on Dec 5th?

He gives you a clue.

Odds of a State Funeral on D5?
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
68–95–99.7 rule

bitch ute .com


It is you who has missed the intention of my post, not the other way around, although I have not missed the intention of yours.

The game has changed. Let's not discuss dates, lets discuss what has and is currently happened.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
lets discuss currently happened

Hillary and Obama still roam free, so clearly nothing has happened.


  • boo
  • Member
Imagine being part of a millenarian pseudo-religious internet cult where your messiah is a pathologically-lying elderly failed businessman with personality disorder and a prion disease :mueller

Theres no cult, only thinking for yourself.


  • boo
  • Member
lets discuss currently happened

Hillary and Obama still roam free, so clearly nothing has happened.

Did you watch the Funeral today?  :D

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
lets discuss currently happened

Hillary and Obama still roam free, so clearly nothing has happened.

Did you watch the Funeral today?  :D

Yeah, they were in the same room with Trump and he didn't even arrest them or anything.


  • boo
  • Member
lets discuss currently happened

Hillary and Obama still roam free, so clearly nothing has happened.

Did you watch the Funeral today?  :D

Yeah, they were in the same room with Trump and he didn't even arrest them or anything.

The mind of an absolutist is blind to so much.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
so googling "declas" just returns a hotel IN BRAZIL (:thinking) but from the context (i know, dangerous in this line of work) i'm going to assume it means declassification

as in, with H.W. dead there will be a bunch of things finally declassified

that's unfortunately not how declassification works, it's typically so many decades after their death and that's assuming the government and the private paper owners choose to unseal them, which they generally do not unless the National Security Archive or someone goes after them

the federal government claims essential and pertinent national security information is contained in records from World War II still for example


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
that's not considering the items that HW made classified with ritual magic. those items will be declassified as soon as the black magic dissipates from HW's corpse. You can see the effects of that mystic radiation wrinkling the flag over his coffin.

I learned this from Neil Degrasse Tyson.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Um, nothing Black Science Man said counts anymore now that he's been revealed as Bill Cosmos. Standard rules of peer review.


  • Icon
declas = The declassification by Trump of the FISA application for Papadopoulos, which will show the Obama admin and its deep state allies were illegally using false pretenses to spy on Trump.

It's one of the overlaps between Qanon and more standard GOP stuff, and something a lot of Q followers anticipate as a sort of dam-breaking moment when everything becomes concrete and public.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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The "Yellow Jackets" Riots In France Are What Happens When Facebook Gets Involved With Local News

The Yellow Jackets movement is what happens when you point Facebook's traffic hose at France's small towns. The question now is: How do you turn it off?
But what’s happening right now in France isn’t happening in a vacuum. The Yellow Jackets movement — named for the protesters’ brightly colored safety vests — is a beast born almost entirely from Facebook. And it’s only getting more popular. Recent polls indicate the majority of France now supports the protesters. The Yellow Jackets communicate almost entirely on small, decentralized Facebook pages. They coordinate via memes and viral videos. Whatever gets shared the most becomes part of their platform.

Due to the way algorithm changes made earlier this year interacted with the fierce devotion in France to local and regional identity, the country is now facing some of the worst riots in many years — and in Paris, the worst in half a century.
So, Facebook tweaked its algorithm and local Anger Groups spread across French Facebook at a shocking speed. The groups were able to organize a dozen or so decent-sized protests last winter. French départements are numbered, so between January and February, demonstrations with names like “Anger 24” or “Anger 87” would pop up, shut down roads, and protest things like labor law reforms, reducing the speed limits on busy roads, or proposed local vaccination plans. France’s anti-vax movement is particularly nasty at the moment and Anger Groups were, and still are, a hotbed of anti-vax misinformation.

Département numbers are displayed on car license plates — they play a significant role in the identity of most French people, as well as how they use Facebook. When French Facebook users, especially older ones, want to share something to their local community, they will often write “ptg,” which is short for “sharing,” followed by the two- or three-digit number of their département.

By the spring, the protest movement had more or less died down. But on May 29, a 32-year-old woman from the Paris suburb of Seine-et-Marne named Priscillia Ludosky went on and created a petition titled “Pour une Baisse des Prix du Carburant ŕ la Pompe!” or “For a drop in the fuel prices at the pump!” BuzzFeed News has reached out to Ludosky for comment.

Ludosky, an entrepreneur who currently sells organic cosmetics and aromatherapy advice online, told Le Parisien that she started the petition after she googled fuel taxes and was scandalized at how high they are. Her petition didn’t immediately go viral, though. She received only a few hundred signatures at first.
The radio segment was then written up by a small local news page for Seine-et-Marne and shared to a Seine-et-Marne Facebook page with about 50,000 subscribers. That appears to be when all hell broke loose. The article got about 500 shares off the local Facebook page and a lot of local engagement.

The same day that Ludosky went on the radio, a second petition against fuel taxes was posted to the French-language crowdsourcing site MesOpinions, titled “Pour un prix du carburant plafonné ŕ 1€ le litre” or “For a fuel price capped at 1 euro per liter.” The MesOpinions petition went viral fast. According to an analysis by social media intelligence tool BuzzSumo, this one received 160,000 engagements off the MesOpinions Facebook page alone.

From the Facebook Comments on the article:
Courtney Greco

Facebook needs moderators to deal with this. I love social media but Facebook and Twitter are toxic.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
"popular YouTube content creator Jean-Paul Marat"


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
"Oh no Facebook  :omg " really is a popular theme on all languages when talking about yellow vests huh.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
It's the one common denominator in the forces attacking democracy: GamerGate, Korean Air Lines Flight 007, Jonestown, the Russian ads that convinced Hillary voters to not vote or vote for Trump, Brexit, The Thirty Years War, etc.

Facebook delenda est


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
And to comment on Nintex remarks, yes there is some conspitard types in the movement ("UN is the NWO and wants to enforce mandatory immigration") but it comes with the territory for an amorphous movement like this.

Students have started actions on their own and some are considering joint actions.

The will to protest took a two year hiatus but wasn't as broken as thought.


  • Senior Member
"Oh no Facebook  :omg " really is a popular theme on all languages when talking about yellow vests huh.

Facebook used to be heroes when the protests were organized in countries we don't care much about, like Egypt.


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
"Oh no Facebook  :omg " really is a popular theme on all languages when talking about yellow vests huh.

Facebook used to be heroes when the protests were organized in countries we don't care much about, like Egypt.
The arab spring was 90% bread and fuel protests. Plus groups like the Muslim brotherhood.

The press mixed up the methods to organize with the cause.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
"Oh no Facebook  :omg " really is a popular theme on all languages when talking about yellow vests huh.

Facebook used to be heroes when the protests were organized in countries we don't care much about, like Egypt.
The arab spring was 90% bread and fuel protests. Plus groups like the Muslim brotherhood.

The press mixed up the methods to organize with the cause.

Yellow vests were largely triggered by fuel taxes and worries about the cost of living, so...


  • Senior Member
"Oh no Facebook  :omg " really is a popular theme on all languages when talking about yellow vests huh.

Facebook used to be heroes when the protests were organized in countries we don't care much about, like Egypt.
The arab spring was 90% bread and fuel protests. Plus groups like the Muslim brotherhood.

The press mixed up the methods to organize with the cause.
And only Mubarak thought that "facebook needs moderators to deal with this" at the time.

and are you suggesting that the yellow wests are fighting for the nobel cause of facebooking? i don't really get your objection


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
I'm saying that the western media focused too much on Facebook during the uprising because that is what they could see.
They didn't write about what had really happened in Egypt (a Muslim brotherhood coup) until much later. The Google guys organizing protests were just the tip of a much bigger iceberg.

Facebook was merely used to organize but if there was no Facebook they would've found other means to do so.
Just look at how easy the military disposed of Mursi without Facebook and still with popular support once he had told them to prepare to fight in Syria.

The media again writes that all these French protests were started because of Facebook. But this fire has been smoldering all over Europe for a while.
The yellow vest is more important as the symbol (these are mostly 'regular' working/middle class people).