Author Topic: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011  (Read 1449447 times)

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  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15300 on: September 21, 2023, 08:16:33 PM »
This article on girlschase might be the best piece of writing I've seen on this subject.
Why do people choose to write without clarity and full of jargon and unnecessary words? I'm not saying this is Judith Butler bad but still...


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15301 on: September 22, 2023, 10:29:43 AM »
I've gotten into the habit of telling ALL women, even my own mother, what to do. Deciding for them makes things so much easier. They hate making decisions and even struggle with what to eat. Decide for them at all times and they end up much more happy and me less annoyed. Even with my own mom, when I hang out with her if I don't say,"we are doing this, this, and this" it becomes a war of what are going to do. So tiring.

The next time your lady is having trouble figuring out what to wear just tell her,"wear the brown one that matches your lovely eyes, baby" and it's over. Sick of this shit. Things with women are so much easier after that and the ones that see you romantically will see you as THAT DUDE because every other guy grovels and asks for her direction. Fuck it. Women deserve an easy life. Less thinking, more smiles.

My mother’s idea of a “perfect vacation” is one where she plans and decides absolutely nothing, and gets to enjoy it passively like a child in a little red wagon, tugged along and fed snack packs at regular intervals. I know this, so I just decide. If I didn’t, she’d just go ask Rick Steves what she should want to do. So I save us both time by just deciding.

Yup. Treat ladies like overgrown kids. Sexist? Absolutely. It can be good to be sexist. Embrace it. Less problems, less headache.


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15302 on: September 22, 2023, 10:21:57 PM »
That's how I treat you and it dfidn't fix anything


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15303 on: September 23, 2023, 09:04:12 PM »
All of this wah wah but you all support and believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. All of this talk of wah wah sexism, wah wah. Yet you don't consider the fact that the reason the old ways work and the brand new feminist male stuff doesn't is because the old stuff worked to our ancestors advantage. Humans are not truly "evolved". We will never have Star Trek. We will always be Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel. Therefore, we will always be cavemen. Tap into the caveman brain and you get nothing but oonga boonga. Why be sexist? Is this a moral failing? Nope, because it works!

Reading these comments I now understand why a feminist like Devo gets with black men. Do your thing girlfriend.


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15304 on: September 23, 2023, 10:14:59 PM »

Evolutionary psychologist Robert Wright said:

"Understanding the often unconscious nature of genetic control is the first step towards understanding that — in many realms, not just sex — we’re all puppets, and our best hope for even partial liberation is to try to decipher the logic of the puppeteer.”

Evolution might determine a woman’s subconscious bias toward sexually dominant men, but evolution doesn’t obey principles of morality. It operates regardless of what is right or wrong or good for us.


Oonga boonga. Me like Jane. Tonight we are going to eat sabertooth tiger. Jane wear nice dress.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2023, 10:26:29 PM by Himu »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15305 on: September 25, 2023, 12:44:26 AM »
Actually, how do you square Islam with the idea that one should eschew morals for base pleasures?
« Last Edit: September 25, 2023, 01:21:41 AM by benjipwns »

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15306 on: September 27, 2023, 04:09:27 PM »
has himu been talking about online dating this whole time?


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15307 on: September 27, 2023, 05:50:57 PM »
has himu been talking about online dating this whole time?
Hes been active on a discord e-girl dating channel


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15308 on: September 28, 2023, 01:10:14 PM »
has himu been talking about online dating this whole time?

Some sort of website hosted in Romania.


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15309 on: October 16, 2023, 02:19:05 PM »
You've seen the Cheesecake Factory lady.

You've seen the I'm going to eat 48 oysters lady.

This is why every woman must earn her way. You simp fathers and porn addicted simps have raised a generation of spoiled brat children. A 5 thinks she's a 9. It's even worse among black women. So you must never give an inch until she's earned it. Women WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE IF YOU LET THEM.

All this talk about the woman on how she's ungrateful. Zero talk about the man. I'm going to be fair. Why did he allow her to order 48 oysters? People are getting on the woman, and that's fair, but why doesn't he have the boundaries to say no? If he was just there for drinks why didn't he check her as soon as she ordered oysters? Always check a woman. Checking doesn't have to be complicated or mean. Just say,"no, we're not doing that." You have to say no to a woman or it ain't gonna work out. She will step all over you and why shouldn't she? Yeah, she was greedy but she was allowed to be.

This is why you make a woman earn it every step of the way. I've learned a valuable lesson in doing too much too soon. Take a woman to get coffee for a first meet is the appropriate action. Just being in my presence should be reward enough, just as much as being in your feminine presence is enough for me. Then second date take her to the park, third date get tacos or a burger. The fourth date do something wild and take her on a trip or jet skiing. Make her earn the luxury. Make her earn your time.

Every time I betray the above and I do too much I end up fucking up the situation. Hopefully he learns. Even the hardest men catch feelings so it's only human and the more mistakes you make the more you learn from them. More than likely he will spend the time bitching about it on the internet about women. The same is true about Jada Pinkett and Amber Heard. Johnny Depp allowed her to hit him. Will Smith has allowed Jada to emasculate him yet for some reason people get on Jada despite the fact Will is an utter bitch. It begins and ends with the man, point blank. If Will Smith had any balls he would charge Jada to the game but he won't because money.

Remember. Sexism, in gulps, is good. And no woman should ever feel she's better than a man.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2023, 02:29:50 PM by Himu »


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15310 on: October 18, 2023, 04:44:06 AM »
:rejoice The perfect video for The Bore.

STAY HARD. ON. THESE. HOES! I got so many women in my back pocket right now just begging for a morsel of my attention. One is a legit 10/10. A former Project Runaway model. I've put her on ice for four days without a text because she wanted to act like she was the shit and all high and mighty just because she's legit beautiful. Watch out or you might trip over your ego and your beauty doesn't mean anything to me in the face of your character. You think you're special because you're beautiful? Pssh. I'm going to break your ego by withdrawing my attention.

The great part is all of this ties into your life outside of women. If you can say no to women you can say no to your boss. If you can look past a woman's character you can look the character of any person you know and size down the people that truly value you, which makes the quality women leap into your sphere in abundance.

:rejoice My game is getting air tight. The quality of women I attract now? Yo. I've made some mistakes these past few months but mistakes are life's greatest teacher. Right now my top woman is feasting after me. She knows she needs to earn a man. Everything is good.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 04:52:24 AM by Himu »


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15311 on: October 18, 2023, 08:56:49 AM »
Lmfao a bitch that rejects a coffee date is a bitch worth curving. Excellent filter. Hoe that's all you deserve until you prove otherwise.




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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15312 on: November 20, 2023, 08:50:39 PM »
Wali for the woman I talked about a few months back reached out. He's seen me make progress and wants us to get talking again because she personally wants to pursue things further. Nice.

Shame because I was just talking to a woman, and I really felt it guys. She was my top option. Smart, educated, funny, pretty. We'd tease each other and had insane chemistry but she's divorced and wasn't ready to do it again. She's who I really want.

I've noticed some holes still in my game but at this point, nothing stops me. Right now it's at a point of refinement and not falling for female bullshit. I'm busy so my top pick would beg for more of my time. "Text me everyday, no one is that busy!" Didn't fall for it. "I'll contact you when I can and I refuse to make any promises that I'll text you daily in the off chance I can't fulfill it." I can spit that shit and women just notice. It's in the aura. At this rate, and the quality of women I have access to, if God wills it, I should be engaged or married by 2025. That's a personal goal if I find the right fit and right woman. No rush.

Message exchange between a woman and I:

Me: Assalamu alaikum, [name]. You caught my attention. Your commitment to awareness, your strong fighters spirit, embracement of the Deen and its beauty, your intelligence. All this and more are displayed on your Facebook page and yet from what I've seen you haven't let this go to your head. I'm captivated by a woman of your quality. I could use such a lady by my side, in my thoughts, in my bed, in my arms as my wife. How are you doing?

Wa Alaykum As Salaam Brother [name].  That is certainly a confident and bold intro.  I’m doing alright Alhmdlillah.  At work on a long shift, so the toil continues. While I do realize we Muslims are quite behind the times when it comes to interpersonal options for meeting potential mates, I’m caught someplace between admiration for your assertiveness and complete shyness for the degree of it.

I love being a man. Be bold. Reap rewards. It's so easy to get women. So little effort is actually needed. Being a man owns.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2023, 08:55:30 PM by Himu »


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Re: RELATIONSHIPS: helping wizards deplete their mana since 2011
« Reply #15313 on: May 24, 2024, 12:40:19 AM »
So I’m in a relationship with a pretty good woman.

Things are going real smoothly. She tells me she loves me multiple times a day. Feels good.

I learned a few things. I was being too hard, for one. Too macho. One of the cool parts about women is they can teach you to be more open and sensitive and caring, with moderation. Contrary to how people say online you can’t be this hard guy all the time and a woman gives you the space to be yourself. One thing I realized is how much women need men to be strong for them so they can filter their emotions in a healthy way. Like she has really, really strong emotions and it’s your job as a man to be a safe place for her to express them without judgement. To a woman that is strong - being able to handle not ridicule, get defensive, or not listen to her express herself which gives her the room and space to lean on you. I also learned to treat your woman nicely nearly all the time and just be cool. But if she does something you don’t like that’s when to have the backbone.  She will respect you all the more and from that comes love.

I really underestimated how women can make you a better man.

Doing good out here. She gave me a necklace that you can break in half so the two of you share one half of the same piece. Cute.

She’s quite beautiful but more importantly she’s got a nice heart, appreciates me, and a good soul. She’s frisky though. :dead