Author Topic: Yakuza/Like A Dragon/Judgement Thread Of There's A New Game Couple Of Months  (Read 93842 times)

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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #420 on: August 23, 2018, 07:39:21 PM »
Oh, you're just tired of the franchise. Yeah, I fully understand. I dropped Phoenix Wright around game 3 and even changing protagonists doesn't make a difference since it's the same formula.

I actually don't mind Kiryu being the lead. If they made 100 games with good improving gameplay and entertaining stories in varied locals I'd be fine with Kiryu in every one of them like Link is in every Zelda. The stuff that burns me out on Yakuza (and I was there too, I mean I dropped the series at Y3 because of burn out after 1->2->Kenzan -> 3 and only came back once for Isshin in the last 9 years) is the combat/gameplay being repetitive and the same old same old location with Kamurocho. Kiryu being the MC for each game doesn't bother me at all, but maybe I'll feel different after playing 4/5 with new leads.

Kiryu reminds me a lot of Luffy from One Piece. He's just the most likeable heart of gold, saves kittens out of trees and gives the smack down to anyone that deserves it, character ever so I'm fine with him.

Ideally I'd like to see them continue to do more games like Kenzan and Isshin where it's a different setting/characters but they're played by the digital actors of Kiryu and other mainstay RGG members. It was a brilliant idea, and I'd like to see them do other settings than just samurai samurai samurai. Obviously the RGG/Yakuza engine fucking sucks at non-melee combat so that's the only limiting factor. They could probably do a sci-fi setting on a space colony where guns were prohibited because of danger of blasting holes in the colony.

Fwiw, I remember Kenzan, where you play the story of Musashi, being really good story-wise and Isshin I don't remember anything about it because the story is just ok and bloated (was during that Y4/Y5 era).

I'm hoping that after they port 3/4/5 to PS4 and release them in the west (they've already stated the only reason they are porting 3/4/5 PS3 -> PS4 is for the western audience, so they are coming for sure), that they'll port Kenzan from PS3->PS4 next and localize and release it. I think it'd sell pretty well since Yakuza has a strong western audience now and people would be excited for something different like a samurai epic where you play as Miyamoto Musashi.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #421 on: August 23, 2018, 08:34:41 PM »
I think it'd sell pretty well since Yakuza has a strong western audience now and people would be excited for something different like a samurai epic where you play as Miyamoto Musashi.

Or Kenshiro.   ;)


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #422 on: August 25, 2018, 01:26:32 PM »
Still working on the sidequests and hitman missions. It turns out 2 of the sidequests I was stuck on that weren't activating are because they were cut from the PS4 port. One is the Answer x Answer mini-game in Club Sega which is a Japanese history trivia mini-game was cut probably due to upcoming localization (wasn't in the US PS3 version) and the sidequest associated with it was cut. Also apparently there was a whole quest chain about "oh no run from the trans person!" which they felt ashamed of and so they cut it which makes sense.

Btw, the chase/running from stuff is SO BAD. I hear it's really only a thing in Y3 & Y4 so I'll be glad when I'm past those games and never have to run from people again. Chasing people isn't as bad, but running from people where you have no idea what the path the game wants you to take and have to keep dying over and over figuring it out is super fucking annoying. There's a sidequest where you have to run from super runner man and I don't know if I'm even gonna bother finishing that one and learning the route.

I'm still torn between whether Yakuza games are a better experience:

A) Doing all the sidequests 100%, constantly stopping the main story and grabbing a wiki and finding all of them between each chapter's events


B) Just naturally playing through the story and exploring and doing mini-games at your own pace and taking care of any sidequests you happen to run into along the way

I think B is more fun and enjoyable pacing, but man when I do it that way I miss like 75% of the sidequests in the game, and as I mentioned some of the sidequests are really great little stories, so it sucks to miss the bulk of them. I think I'd actually be fine with a more standard AAA thing where every chapter all the sidequests appear on the map with a little "!" icon so you don't have to wiki and can just go around and do them as you progress the story.

Also I started doing the YF10 simulator thing where you replay bosses in Virtual Fighter mode to unlock their weapons and I still have no idea how you're supposed to fight the big dude Kanda you fight in the Sauna room. I only beat him in the main story using a ton of health items because everytime you attack him he just fucking counters you hard in the middle of your combo even if you're coming in from an opening. Also his moves all have yellow/red glow to them so I don't think you can do standard counters? So I'm not sure how to even hit him without getting hit back and taking a lot of damage.

Hmmm, that gives me some ideas. Looks like you can counter all his stuff, but I don't think you can have so much heat in the simulator one. Gotta try that again.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 01:30:57 PM by Bebpo »


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #423 on: August 25, 2018, 01:36:41 PM »
Oh, you're just tired of the franchise. Yeah, I fully understand. I dropped Phoenix Wright around game 3 and even changing protagonists doesn't make a difference since it's the same formula.

I actually don't mind Kiryu being the lead. If they made 100 games with good improving gameplay and entertaining stories in varied locals I'd be fine with Kiryu in every one of them like Link is in every Zelda. The stuff that burns me out on Yakuza (and I was there too, I mean I dropped the series at Y3 because of burn out after 1->2->Kenzan -> 3 and only came back once for Isshin in the last 9 years) is the combat/gameplay being repetitive and the same old same old location with Kamurocho. Kiryu being the MC for each game doesn't bother me at all, but maybe I'll feel different after playing 4/5 with new leads.

Kiryu reminds me a lot of Luffy from One Piece. He's just the most likeable heart of gold, saves kittens out of trees and gives the smack down to anyone that deserves it, character ever so I'm fine with him.

Ideally I'd like to see them continue to do more games like Kenzan and Isshin where it's a different setting/characters but they're played by the digital actors of Kiryu and other mainstay RGG members. It was a brilliant idea, and I'd like to see them do other settings than just samurai samurai samurai. Obviously the RGG/Yakuza engine fucking sucks at non-melee combat so that's the only limiting factor. They could probably do a sci-fi setting on a space colony where guns were prohibited because of danger of blasting holes in the colony.

Fwiw, I remember Kenzan, where you play the story of Musashi, being really good story-wise and Isshin I don't remember anything about it because the story is just ok and bloated (was during that Y4/Y5 era).

I'm hoping that after they port 3/4/5 to PS4 and release them in the west (they've already stated the only reason they are porting 3/4/5 PS3 -> PS4 is for the western audience, so they are coming for sure), that they'll port Kenzan from PS3->PS4 next and localize and release it. I think it'd sell pretty well since Yakuza has a strong western audience now and people would be excited for something different like a samurai epic where you play as Miyamoto Musashi.

Playing the same character who has no character development in the same locations with the same gameplay gets tiring after 3-4 entries. I consider yakuza games story based games so I place them on a different set of expectations than I would with Musou or even a Mega Man game.

Imo they should have followed the Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest rule of old. Or better yet, GTA. Every new entry should star a new character. In a new city or even a small town. With a new different timeline. Kenzan for example should have just been RGG3 rather than a spin off. This allows them to tackle different concepts and ideas. Like say, playing as a lady yakuza. Or going back to the time when the first yakuza were made. Or have a 1970’s one. By having Kiryu and Kamurocho as center pieces the games are limited in what they can do and what they can be. And let’s be honest: Kiryu’s story should have ended after 1. It’s the perfect ending: everyone he cared for is dead. The woman he loves is dead, his best friend, his surrogate father. But he has Haruka, the daughter of the woman he loved, and raises her as his own. It’s a bitter sweet ending. Everything after that is filler. Then you could have a new character and then they’ll run into Kiryu like you ran in GTAIII’s protagonist in San Andreas and you get an update on Kiryu and see he owns an orphanage now and everything then he continues living his life. Instead we get the same shit for 15 years.

It’s just limited. In both scope and creativity.

It’s a complaint I have with other games like assassin’s creed games. Here you have a series where you can go back in time but for some reason they mostly stuck with European locations and middle age timelines when you could do anything you wanted. Eventually they drop the Isaac timeline in general. And the game series is just running on fumes with no vision, no creativity. Just hash that shit out every fucking year when there’s so many possibilities at your finger tips. Eventually they wisened up with Origins.

Meanwhile, game series with expansive worlds like Suikoden are dead. It makes me want to gag. Games are shit.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 01:47:55 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #424 on: August 25, 2018, 03:17:35 PM »
AC Origins is arguably still an European history game since the Ptolemys ruled Egypt under Greece's control. Even the first game, even though it takes place in the Levant, takes most of it's historic data from the Third Crusade.

The only time they tried were those 2.5D games nobody played. AC Chronicles India, China and Russia I think.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #425 on: August 25, 2018, 03:47:28 PM »
AC is the only thing doing what it does thematically outside of rts on PC. The range of its settings is also huge. In fact, it's a shame no one else does anything remotely similar and all these backdrops are wasted on its shit gameplay.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #426 on: August 25, 2018, 05:00:53 PM »
Wow, next you're gonna call out her middle ages timeline thing.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #427 on: August 25, 2018, 05:07:25 PM »
It's in a centralized location. Assassin's Creed is mostly western settings. What diversity? Maybe I'm wrong.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #428 on: August 25, 2018, 06:33:37 PM »
1789 France is a completely different from Ancient Greece, completely different than whatever they did with colonies and pirates and the things in the early series. It doesn't need to have the millionth game in eastern Asia to easily have some of the most varied locales, which also no one else tackles (and I don't even play that shit). Especially compared to your example GTA, which was Miami and a bunch of times New York and Los Angeles.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 06:39:39 PM by Spieler1 »


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #429 on: August 25, 2018, 06:38:36 PM »
GTA has Miami, Vegas, San Francisco, New York, and LA and each other those times they re-use cities they're done in a completely different manner. But I see your point.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #430 on: August 26, 2018, 04:12:11 AM »
AC's settings are: Third Crusade, Renaissance, Ottoman empire, American Revolution, Golden age of piracy,  French revolution, Victorian England, Ptolemy Egypt and now Ancient Greece.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #431 on: August 31, 2018, 03:42:54 AM »
Finally caught up on all the Kamurocho sidequests in Y3 and back to the main story. Now I'm in the daytime Kamurocho in ch.7 and you know, for being an early PS3-era sub-720p game, Y3 still looks pretty nice. Especially at 1080p with perfect AA in this PS4 remaster. The store signs and textures are all really sharp. The only weak spots is there's no real lighting engine and the NPCs look kinda PS2.5-ish complete with low-res textures. But the main characters and city look good enough.

Also Rikiya is like the best non-Kiryu character in RGG1-3 so far.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #432 on: August 31, 2018, 07:59:36 AM »
That Dragon Engine :lawd Been going through Sotenbori just making photos.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #433 on: August 31, 2018, 10:24:52 AM »
You start up with Kiwami 2? I have it, but put it aside for a bit. I know Destiny 2 forsaken and spider man will keep me busy for a few weeks, so don’t want to start something long before it drops. Will probably play through that and fist of the North Star in pretty quick succession


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #434 on: August 31, 2018, 03:56:22 PM »
:wag Making sidequest-location-revealer the first skill to get is a no-no. That shit needs to be out in any future iteration or way late-game like in 0.

Also the new combat seemed refreshing at first, but it's clearly still far away from the level of 0 in Kiwami 2 still.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #435 on: August 31, 2018, 07:35:10 PM »
They have a sidequest location revealer in later games??????????? :o

I’m literally playing Y3 with an iPad on my lap and constantly switching between looking at the tv and looking at the iPad for the next sidequest location.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #436 on: September 01, 2018, 02:12:02 AM »
I don't understand how 6 and Kiwami 2 can have worse combat than 0? Isn't 0 just the same combat as 4/5 except giving the moves of the other 3 MCs as "styles" for Kiryu? Also I feel like they keep adding more to the combat each game, so it'd be weird for the combat to go backwards for 6 and Kiwami 2.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #437 on: September 01, 2018, 02:40:39 AM »
ah, so kiwami 2 didn't add much to the combat from 6?

That kind of sucks. definitely the weakest part of dragon engine.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #438 on: September 01, 2018, 09:32:38 AM »
They have a sidequest location revealer in later games??????????? :o

I’m literally playing Y3 with an iPad on my lap and constantly switching between looking at the tv and looking at the iPad for the next sidequest location.

It was an item at the end of 0, which is okay for completionists. But if you put it straight into the beginning, the game stops feeling like walking the earth as Japanese Jesus like it should and instead like another ubisoft checklist.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #439 on: September 02, 2018, 03:26:29 PM »
Here I am enjoying fighting Hitman battles in Y3 with the very simplified combat  :lol
Although the O/triangle counters are really hard to pull off in this compared to other action games. I feel like the punches from enemies come out so fast I just don't have the physical reflexes to counter in time usually.

I think I'll be happy with all the combat from Y4 onwards. I have a low bar.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #440 on: September 02, 2018, 07:00:55 PM »
Nice to hear about them adding a little bit more to 6.

I feel like the foundation of 6 was pretty good, but it was just lacking compared to 0. This must be a pretty big remaster the more in think about it, since the Dragon engine works a lot differently than the old engine, I'm sure a lot of encountering to be completely reworked.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #441 on: September 02, 2018, 07:44:17 PM »
Liking Kiwami 2 a lot. I was a lil worried that I was possibly getting burnt out on the series after I disliked 6.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #443 on: September 04, 2018, 06:23:04 PM »
damn, don't waste any time doing these optional bosses in the Majima chapter of Kiwami 2. Boring and then there's no useful reward.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #444 on: September 05, 2018, 09:59:05 PM »
Can we talk about how hilariously short the main story chapters are in these games sometimes? So I got to ch.7 in Yakuza 3 and it's like "GO SEE MAJIMA", so I spent 90 mins doing all the new Ch.7 sidequests that appeared, the new revelation moves, the new hitman missions. Then I get amped to do the main story and go see Majima and it's like a short cutscene -> 1 fight -> short cutscene -> Ch.8! The entire chapter main story was probably 10 mins long.

I feel like I can kinda judge how long a chapter will be buy the amount of sidequests in it since that's the bulk of the time. Like ch.8 has no sidequests so it'll be quick, ch.9 has only a few so it'll be quick, then ch.10/11 is endgame a million sidequests so that'll take hours and then ch.12 is just the finale. I have 3 free nights of gaming left before I go on vacation, including tonight. Gonna try to do ch.8-12 and finish Y3 before I leave because I'm enjoying it a lot and once I get back Cold Steel 4 is gonna be out in Japan and I'm not gonna want to finish Y3.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #445 on: September 06, 2018, 03:57:59 AM »
Ok, got back to Okinawa in Y3. Government dude explained all the plot points in Tokyo before leaving. Story is kinda dumb but solid and fun in this one. Feels like an 80’s political thriller.

Have almost all the moves and combat is definitely more fun, some of the counters like gun counters -> pick up dropped gun and shoot everyone, or sword catching counters are fun.

Messed around with the fight club. Nice presentation. And the casino games play pretty decent.
The hitman side story that runs along throughout the 2nd half of the plot giving lots of boss fights and a story that is moving towards something is great.

One thing I really don’t like in Y3 is the weapon customization system. It’s needlessly convoluted and if you want to make super weapons you have to run through lots of hoops for the parts. It’s all totally unnecessary too. Kinda hope they ditch that at some point.

Dunno if I’ll have time to finish it. I didn’t explore Okinawa much in the early chapters so I have like 20 sidequests from the beginning to do + all the new chapter 10 sidequests, so I’ll be spending a lot of time in Okinawa now. But that’s good, now that I’m more into the game I think I’ll dig getting to know the area more.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #446 on: September 10, 2018, 04:21:17 AM »
Yakuza 3/RGG3 - Ok, finished just about everything 100% and got to the final boss stage trigger in the last chapter.

Only missing a few quests that require clearing mini-games with high scores and the Cabaret Girl No.1 quest which requires 30 mini-game runs because fuck those grinds (although I did the Golf one where you need to finish with a +0 to trigger the quest). Also missing the Lau fight on the IF7 sim because it's the most bullshit fight in existence (this engine already sucks tracking more than one person for doing counters) and a few fighting tournaments left. Otherwise did 100+ sidequests all the Hitman arc fights and got all the moves woohoo. Around 41 hours now.

So, overall, though the plot is a bit fan-fiction-y with how it all connects to Y1 & Y2, Y3 is a real good game and reminds me why I like this franchise. Lots of great sidequests (even had a phoenix wright quest at the end where you have to solve the mystery by putting together evidence pieces), enjoyable story and characters, some good boss fights (overall the combat is the most satisfying on bosses as long as they're not bullshit), nice graphics, Okinawa is cool and different. Tons and tons of content. Also very pleased with how the game looks all cleaned up in this remaster. Looks like an early era PS4 game a lot of the time. I also like when they put $$ effort into some of the bigger sidequests with full cutscenes and voice. Hoping to see more of that in future games.

My main criticism is that the combat outside of boss fights 1 on 1 is zzz and the encounter rate on the streets is pretty high and mindless. Also the orphanage quests never fit in the main narrative. Like before the final 2 chapters it goes back to running around doing kid quests and it just feels tedious again like the first 6-8 hours. I think all the orphanage stuff should've just been sidequests because that's what they all feel like, sidequests to develop the kids more. Okinawa is kinda small and definitely doesn't get the attention Tokyo does and some fight bits are fucking bullshit with bosses towards the end that basically will counter any attack you throw out so the fights turn into just trying to lure them to attack and counter over and over which is a bit tedious.

One strange criticism I have of Y3 is that they are REALLY STRINGY on XP. Here I am having done 102 sidequests, 20+ hitman missions, all these IF7 fights outside Lau, Fighting Tournaments, tons of random battles, etc.... and my 4 power levels are at 8/9/8/9 out of 10 levels each. In the final stage I'll probably get enough xp to end the game at 9/9/9/9 but considering going from 9->10 requires 175 levels, that's 700 levels still needed to max out and that makes zero sense because even if I did the few remaining sidequests and fighting tournaments and beat Lau for a whopping 2000 xp (aka 2 levels), there's no way I would max out my character even with a 100% playthrough, which strikes me as insane? Feels like you need to play the game new game+ to max out otherwise you end up missing the final moves which sucks. I know in the later games if you're doing all the sidestuff you tend to max out well in advance of the final chapter, so this was really weird. On the other hand I have an absolutely insane amount of money here at the end of the game. Mostly because the Hitman missions would pay like 20,000, 25,000 yen each towards the end...but only give like 10 levels of xp -.- Anyhow not being able to max out my character annoys me, just saying.

Still, enjoyed the game very much and despite the slow start and maybe a bit too many sidequests at 110-ish (they removed some in the remaster), there's a lot of great stuff with great characters in there. Game gets me excited for playing Yakuza 4/RGG4 later this year when the PS4 remaster comes out in Japan.

Will finish it tomorrow, looking forward to

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Beating Mine down :rock

This fight is fucking bullshit, just sayin'
Without the timer maybe it'd be more doable, but yeah I tried a bunch of times and bailed. Only fight I'm leaving undone.

Oh and while I played every mini-game in this and beat them at least once each. I still NEVER CAUGHT A SINGLE FISH. I'm very glad there was not a quest that required you to catch a fish because this is the hardest/stupidest fishing mini-game I've ever played in a Japanese videogame.


  • Senior Member
Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #447 on: September 10, 2018, 06:57:59 AM »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #449 on: September 10, 2018, 07:56:13 AM »
 :lol Of course it has to take place in Kamurocho.

A playable demo is supposed to be up today.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #450 on: September 10, 2018, 07:58:41 AM »
:lol Of course it has to take place in Kamurocho.

 :beli :shaq2 :fbm


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #451 on: September 10, 2018, 10:00:28 AM »
Looks pretty fun.

I’m sure it takes place in Kamurucho because it’s cheaper not to make a new map (this is a Sega game, right?)


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #452 on: September 10, 2018, 10:29:25 AM »
If this "new IP" really had to be Yakuza 6.5, I at least would have wanted to either get 1) no combat at all, or 2) a different locale, even if it's another locale from Yakuza.

Looks pretty fun.

I’m sure it takes place in Kamurucho because it’s cheaper not to make a new map (this is a Sega game, right?)

Most Yakuza games still had at least one new smaller locale and there were also were a couple of completely original Samurai maps inbetween. So this might actually be a stilistic choice, which I think is even lamer.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #453 on: September 10, 2018, 10:46:04 AM »
The combat looks pretty improved from the trailers. I think he could beat down Majima or Kiryu.

Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #454 on: September 10, 2018, 11:28:08 AM »
If this "new IP" really had to be Yakuza 6.5, I at least would have wanted to either get 1) no combat at all, or 2) a different locale, even if it's another locale from Yakuza.

Looks pretty fun.

I’m sure it takes place in Kamurucho because it’s cheaper not to make a new map (this is a Sega game, right?)

Most Yakuza games still had at least one new smaller locale and there were also were a couple of completely original Samurai maps inbetween. So this might actually be a stilistic choice, which I think is even lamer.

And it looks like the Tojo clan is still in the game, too.


  • Senior Member
Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #455 on: September 11, 2018, 02:38:16 AM »
Finished Y3, outside some tropey stuff the end was good. Like the plot of Y3 definitely wasn't as good as Y1/Y2, but if you aren't comparing it, it's pretty solid and the final boss was pretty ok even if he's no Ryuji. The EVIL WHITE MAN in the end probably has the best english VA I've heard in a Japanese videogame lol.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I liked the part where Daigo comes out of a coma, dives off his hospital bed, rolls around on the ground grabbing a gun and shoots all the evil CIA guys. Was ridiculous but badass.

Mine fight was kinda ridiculously easy though, but probably because I've been coming from the endgame optional fights like the Hitman ones that are tough.

The post-game stuff with all the battle scenario challenges like with cool weapons, or 1 on 1, or tag team, etc.. is pretty neat and premium adventure mode afterwards is nice although I'm good at this point. I kinda wish they don't hold off on so many moves until the endgame because I never even got a chance to use a couple. The instant gun steal heat action was super helpful. Run up to a guy and do it, grab his gun and then shoot shoot shoot everyone -> repeat. Guns are pretty fun to use in this one, I don't remember that being a thing so much in Y1/Y2. Too bad that zombie shooter Of the End one sucked. Might try it someday for kicks.

Welp, only took me 9 years, but finally beat Y3. Good game, look forward to Y4.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #456 on: September 11, 2018, 07:27:55 AM »
Damn, Sega moves fast- Judge Eyes releases on 12/13 and has already been announced for localization, to be released early next year.  The working title is "Project Judge."

They really crank these games out.  It feels like they've dethroned Omega Force's musou releases at this point, but that's probably more due to the larger frequency of localized releases over the past year, lol.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 07:35:05 AM by bork »


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #458 on: September 11, 2018, 12:32:46 PM »
Damn, Sega moves fast- Judge Eyes releases on 12/13 and has already been announced for localization, to be released early next year.  The working title is "Project Judge."

They really crank these games out.  It feels like they've dethroned Omega Force's musou releases at this point, but that's probably more due to the larger frequency of localized releases over the past year, lol.

I am never catching up  :'(

Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #459 on: September 11, 2018, 12:53:31 PM »
Damn, Sega moves fast- Judge Eyes releases on 12/13 and has already been announced for localization, to be released early next year.  The working title is "Project Judge."

They really crank these games out.  It feels like they've dethroned Omega Force's musou releases at this point, but that's probably more due to the larger frequency of localized releases over the past year, lol.

Sounds like the game has been in development for three years so that's more than likely part of it.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #460 on: September 12, 2018, 08:57:19 AM »
Damn, Sega moves fast- Judge Eyes releases on 12/13 and has already been announced for localization, to be released early next year.  The working title is "Project Judge."

They really crank these games out.  It feels like they've dethroned Omega Force's musou releases at this point, but that's probably more due to the larger frequency of localized releases over the past year, lol.

I am never catching up  :'(

Hey, I have yet to play through even one of these games, so it's much worse for me.   :lol  I just want to get through Yakuza 0 at least...but I'm more interested in Fist Of The North Star.  Enjoyed the import but shelved it as soon as the localization announcement came up.

Sho Nuff

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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #461 on: September 17, 2018, 09:07:11 PM »
I'm in Japan for the month and last night I took a long, hard look at how much it would cost for a day trip to Onomichi


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #462 on: September 17, 2018, 09:47:35 PM »
Worth it for a pic with Onomichi-kun


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #463 on: October 02, 2018, 11:12:45 AM »
Any of my Yakky anal pigs grabbing that Fist of the North Star game that came out today? I’d like to know how it compares to Yakuza, and if it’s worth buying.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #464 on: October 02, 2018, 11:47:22 AM »
I have it supposed to be delivered today...

I played a bit of the Japanese version at a friends and it felt somewhat lower budget to me but that was really only from like 30 minutes of play so maybe it won’t feel that way when you  get an English dub.

It’s probably worth it if you are a fan of Hokuto no Ken.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #465 on: October 02, 2018, 01:16:51 PM »
From what I played of the Japanese version (stopped after the 'Murican announcement), it's very similar to Yakuza in structure, but in addition to walking around the city and fighting, there's segments outside the city where you get in a vehicle and drive around (and fight more!).  You can also participate in races.

The American version has more gore added too. 


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #466 on: October 02, 2018, 01:32:27 PM »
I'd definitely get it over Judge Eyes, but it still seems way too similar to go straight into currently. Hostess clubbing and UFO catchers again even for this, really?


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #467 on: October 04, 2018, 08:57:52 AM »
I put about 2 hours into fist last night and it’s good for fans of the property, definitely the best FOTNS game ever made by a huge margin.

But I’m not 100% sure it’s as good as msinline yakuza. The fighting system to me is kind of weird, at least before I’ve unlocked much.

Like the equivalent of Heat actions are the pressure point strikes, and you can open up enemies to them by kicking the shit out of them. The problem is they are all very involved, long animations, and you will see them over and over again, and they destroy that enemy but not really any of the other enemies.

It feels like it drags out the fights more than necessary.


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« Last Edit: October 05, 2018, 03:24:03 PM by Spieler1 »


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #469 on: October 04, 2018, 01:37:00 PM »
If true. That’s a damn sight better than October. Kiwami is a great game.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #470 on: October 05, 2018, 02:07:05 PM »
Played a few more hours of Fist of the North Star, and it’s pretty dope if you are a fan of the anime or manga.

It looks like it’s going to twist the story from the manga around a bit to include a lot of the major elements, and kind of reorient it around a single city.

Like you fight devil rebirth, and shin, and go to Cassandra to rescue Toki and are trying to find Yuria, but it’s not all exactly in the way you have seen it before.

Still think the combat is sort of weird. The enemies except for bosses and heavies are all very weak. In general every fight has a ton of dudes, but they explode after like 3 punches.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #471 on: October 09, 2018, 11:00:11 AM »
More Fist of the North Star thoughts.

This game is pretty funny if you are a fan of the series, but I think some of it will fall flat otherwise.

There is some funny dialogue in side stories riffing on stuff from the series like (minor spoilers about size stories)
spoiler (click to show/hide)
asking Ken if there’s a channeling point to give a chick bigger boobs of offering to teach a hostess hokuto shinken to make her less nervous with customers

In Japan FOTNS is popular enough to spawn a chibi version that came out in like 2013 where the apocalypse never happens and all three brothers work in a convenience store and one of the running jokes is that Toki falls deathly ill every episode... but I don’t think most Americans have the familiarity with the property to get those types of jokes.

Overall, I like the game but you can tell it was rushed.

- The sub-stories seem to be resolved very quickly compared to a Yakuza and are lower quality in general (so far).
- the wasteland is pointless. It’s basically just a big empty map whose only purpose is to pick up crafting materials and to pad out the game by making you drive to places. I get the feeling it was supposed to have more to
It, but it just didn’t happen.
- you visit major landmarks from the series but in the most anti climactic way possible. Like you go to Cassandra but can’t actually go inside.
- you do get to relive some major points from the series which is cool, but some of the details are changed around to fit the changed plot
- the music is really cheesy in a good way, especially when you drive around in the wasteland and in some of the mini-games. There is a mini game that is sort of the equivalent of the dance game from Yakuza but it has really wild music. Like there is a hip hop version of symphony no. 9 with a really wack verse. It’s really funny in the context of the game.
- the mini-games are basically remixed Yakuza mini-games. They are both more unique than I expected but also more disappointing. I don’t think any of them are a straight 100% reskin of a Yakuza mini-game but the reworkings don’t always feel like improvements. The hostess game seems abbreviated and actually a good bit harder than what was in Yakuza 0. I never even came close to losing a round in yak 0 but have here... but it’s also simplified. There’s no customization on the hostesses and only 4 tables instead of six. The big twist is that there are skills the hostesses and ken have that can be deployed in a similar fashion to the party mode in Yak 0. The interviews exist sort of, but there’s way less of them.
- the main story is the highlight but rumors are that it’s short, like 8-12 hours if you just go straight through. I’m kind of ok with this though.
- the combat is a pleasant surprise. I think it’s harder than Yakuza and has more depth to it.its not DMC by any means but owning noobs with perfect channeling is pretty fun. Also there’s a lot more big fights which makes sense because many of the enemies Ken can kill in three punches.
- Toki plays the role of Komechi but his fights are actually hard. He breaks out in fits of coughing after attack though, lol. Fucking Toki.

I would like to see a fleshed out sequel where you can play both Kenshiro and Rei or something like that.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #472 on: October 15, 2018, 06:10:59 PM »

I don't know what this means, 0 must have surely sold more than 200k  ???


  • cooler than willco
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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #473 on: October 15, 2018, 07:55:59 PM »
I picked up Yak 6 off gamefly (had coupons)

Just need Kiwami 2 and I'm caught up

... and play them eventually

... starting from the first game


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #474 on: December 06, 2018, 11:21:42 PM »
Mahjong is the one thing I wish they would localize into something else.

I have no idea how to play that shit either.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #475 on: December 07, 2018, 10:19:46 AM »
Mahjong is the one thing I wish they would localize into something else.

I have no idea how to play that shit either.

Surely there are simple guides around?

I learned poker so I could complete some bullshit Achievements in GUN, and now I really like playing poker. Maybe give it a shot?


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #476 on: December 07, 2018, 12:04:19 PM »
What sucks is that for every other game you get way more cheat items than Mahjong.


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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #477 on: January 04, 2019, 06:22:03 PM »
Yakuza 0's $12 as early unlock for Humble Bundle Sub for Feb. Also get The Division and some other games free. I have the import on PS4, but double dipped and will play the PC version when I get to it for $12.

Sho Nuff

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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #478 on: January 04, 2019, 07:03:59 PM »
I'm currently lying on my couch listening to my dad, who is 70, play Yakuza 0 and yell at the screen (he does this for every game he plays, it's best when he's playing one with a silent protagonist because he fills in all the dialogue himself).

"Oh no, that man has a sword!"
"Why can't I grab anything? Oh there we go."
"I took you DOWN, motherfucker!"
"Oh no, sold to the Korean mafia!?"

Sho Nuff

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Re: Yakuza thread of there's a game every couple of months
« Reply #479 on: January 04, 2019, 07:54:16 PM »
Dad is ALL IN on cabaret management.