Author Topic: Dragon Quest XI  (Read 49883 times)

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Joe Molotov

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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #300 on: September 27, 2018, 04:22:41 PM »
Yeah, you can still get a lot out of DQ11 just playing an hour or so at a time. I’m not in any rush to get through it.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #301 on: September 27, 2018, 04:25:13 PM »
I'm about 50 hours in, taking my time.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Just got done with the monk mountain and got Rab back in my party


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #302 on: September 27, 2018, 06:20:10 PM »
How long is it? Does it get less boring after you get the entire party?

Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #303 on: September 27, 2018, 06:26:41 PM »
How long is it? Does it get less boring after you get the entire party?

Dude, this game is not for you. That's fine. Play games you like.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #304 on: September 27, 2018, 08:52:44 PM »
I want to like it.

Either way it’s on the back burner until I’m done with Tomb Raider and Spider-man. I’m only 15 hours in.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #305 on: September 27, 2018, 09:04:47 PM »
I'm about 50 hours in, taking my time.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Just got done with the monk mountain and got Rab back in my party

When I saw you playing last night, I compared our trophies and we’re basically at the same part..


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #306 on: September 27, 2018, 09:20:04 PM »


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #307 on: September 27, 2018, 09:30:19 PM »
Holy shit these graphics in a DQ?! IM CUMMING


« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 09:41:16 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #308 on: September 27, 2018, 10:15:55 PM »
It’s DQ, so I love it. Only problems so far is that the battle system is on the slow side for DQ. It doesn’t seem as slow as DQVIII ps2 but slower than DQVII 3ds, DQIX, and DQVIII 3ds, so a big step back there. Lack of confirm with circle is a nitpick for me but I’m used to playing DQ in that format and I can get used to it. First dungeon was balls but it’s ok. What’s this handholding tutorial dog shit doing in my game? It’s just the tutorial though so it’s fine.


Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #309 on: September 27, 2018, 10:18:16 PM »
Betting pool for Cindi's inevitable "this is not my DQ" post of disappointment is OPEN, lads.

I have 5 days.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #310 on: September 27, 2018, 10:40:34 PM »
Cobblestone is massive. Wow! Nothing tickles the exploration bug like DQ and jumping really adds a new dimension to exploring. I’m surprised how big Cobblestone is. I thought it’d be the same size as DQ8’s first town or even Alexandria but nope. It’s probably the size of Pickham. Pleasant surprise!


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #311 on: September 27, 2018, 11:01:09 PM »
At least as far as 40ish hours in, jumping is rarely utilized. I consider this a good thing because it feels like a floaty, imprecise jump.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #312 on: September 27, 2018, 11:12:16 PM »
Is the luminary Erdrick? Has to be because of the logo on XI being the same DQI’s! :hyper


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #313 on: September 27, 2018, 11:29:33 PM »
How do you psyche?

I just got something called a pep up? Where’s the strategic value in that if you can’t control it? So it’s like FFIX’s trances? Are psyches unlocked later?

Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #314 on: September 27, 2018, 11:32:33 PM »
How do you psyche?

I just got something called a pep up? Where’s the strategic value in that if you can’t control it? So it’s like FFIX’s trances? Are psyches unlocked later?

You can't control when you get pepped up, it's... random is the wrong word but it's a purely background system that you have no visible control over.

Psyche up isn't in the game, pep is.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #315 on: September 27, 2018, 11:46:01 PM »
That’s objectively inferior.

Ok so a mole got me and it took a save file? Rather than just take me to the spot I last saved instantly? So I think it autosaved when I chose to pick my last save spot? I lose half my gold of course so I choose to reset. I’d rather not lose my gold and will continue from my last save. But I load up my save and it’s been saved over and losing my gold is permanent? :confused
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 11:55:05 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #316 on: September 28, 2018, 12:34:35 AM »
Erik :rejoice


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #317 on: September 28, 2018, 01:13:42 AM »
Why did they change it so that you no longer pick your commands in a rollout and then confirm in battle?

Also when do the tutorials end? Do characters stop pointing out where I’m supposed to do and where I’m supposed to go? I play and love Dragon Quest specifically because it’s not one of those games. The game is also incredibly linear and on rails for a DQ. I was surprised when Erik comes with the boomerang. I like making decisions on what equipment to get and making choices but Erik comes loaded with weapons on him already.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #318 on: September 28, 2018, 01:59:36 AM »
Betting pool for Cindi's inevitable "this is not my DQ" post of disappointment is OPEN, lads.

I have 5 days.

I might not say that but if I don’t like this it will be my final jrpg. I relied upon DQ because it was something I could expect to enjoy. If I can’t enjoy DQ then it’s time for me to hang it up. But I promise you that if I don’t like it I’ll just state it and be on my way. I won’t argue for pages like usual.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #319 on: September 28, 2018, 02:03:18 AM »
That's some weird complaints... game gives you plenty of choices when it comes to character building.

How are you finding the difficulty so far?

Shit tier babby food.

I’m following people and being told where to go and watching endless cutscenes. In a Dragon Quest. :goty I talked to Segata about it he thought the beginning was fucking balls too so I’m not too worried.

And it’s not a weird complaint. DQ is an rpg series that respects your decision making. If you get a weapon for free before it’s even available in a shop then you aren’t making a choice, you have had that choice handed to you.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #320 on: September 28, 2018, 02:15:51 AM »
Betting pool for Cindi's inevitable "this is not my DQ" post of disappointment is OPEN, lads.

I have 5 days.

I might not say that but if I don’t like this it will be my final jrpg. I relied upon DQ because it was something I could expect to enjoy. If I can’t enjoy DQ then it’s time for me to hang it up. But I promise you that if I don’t like it I’ll just state it and be on my way. I won’t argue for pages like usual.

IMO DQ11 is supremely conservative, archaic and a carbon-copy of the DQ formula which is now 30 years old. You cannot find a more DQ game post DQ8 than DQ11 (DQ9 was pretty whack). If suddenly you will find it... not fitting you that means more or less that you have outgrown the whole DQ formula, not only DQ11. DQ11 does not betray any single DQ hallmark. It follow them up to a tee.


I learned Japanese specifically to play DQ7 remake. That’s how much I love DQ. I played it on mobile in Japanese and later again in English on 3ds. I replayed VIII on my phone and later on 3ds. I have replayed and beaten 1-VI on my phone. I love the DQ formula and what I’m playing now is not the DQ formula.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #321 on: September 28, 2018, 07:42:33 AM »
At least the first half is linear, with provided directions for everything. The second half at least so far gives the impression of opening up a bit.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #322 on: September 28, 2018, 10:14:56 AM »
At least the first half is linear, with provided directions for everything. The second half at least so far gives the impression of opening up a bit.


“Best Dragon Quest?” Borys? Really? :lol


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #323 on: September 28, 2018, 10:47:32 AM »
I should have bet a day.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #324 on: September 28, 2018, 11:58:53 AM »
If you want wide open world games with lots of choice, play wrpgs. I think what you want is that weeaboo shit AND wide open worlds. This is the darkest timeline. You don't get your cake and the option to eat it, ever.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #325 on: September 28, 2018, 12:24:56 PM »
Yea, we know how true endings work. Unlike you bud

Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #326 on: September 28, 2018, 02:18:14 PM »
Cindi: I want jrpgs to have mainstream western success

Also Cindi: But not if they're going to do things that will appeal to mainstream western audiences, hur hur hur


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #327 on: September 28, 2018, 03:48:58 PM »
Not sure what is really discussed here but the game being more open world would surely help with western sales.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #328 on: September 28, 2018, 03:50:33 PM »
Not sure what is really discussed here but the game being more open world would surely help with western sales.

So would it being less kiddeh but Cindi don't want that.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #329 on: September 28, 2018, 05:01:33 PM »
If you want wide open world games with lots of choice, play wrpgs. I think what you want is that weeaboo shit AND wide open worlds. This is the darkest timeline. You don't get your cake and the option to eat it, ever.

Wrong. I don’t really care about open worlds. I never said “lots of choice”, and have no idea what you’re talking about. But Dragon Quest has never been rail roaded or linear like this. It isn’t just the linearity. It’s the lack of respect for the player. Save points out in the middle of the world. Color coded talk icons which tell you who to talk to. Points on the map to tell you where to continue the story next. DQ is an rpg series with an emphasis on adventure. DQVIII at release was heralded for its large world. DQ has a “hey, what’s that? I wanna go there” ethos.

Let’s take the beginning of DQ1.

Where do I go?

You aren’t told where the princess is. You know that the dark lords castle is to the south because of all the poison. You are given a single map and 120 gold. Of that map, we see where we can walk. But where do you go? The game sure as shit doesn’t tell you.

If you’ve played DQ1, you'd know you go from town to town collecting little pieces of information. Oh there’s a cave there, I’ll follow it. You meet an old man who talks about a harp. The people in the town to the west hale from a town with a hero that was a bard so maybe they have it? But we can’t open any doors. People are talking about a town where people sell magic keys that open doors. Let’s investigate this rumor. So you travel deep into a dungeon with nothing but a little gear and a torch, hoping you can survive as the monsters get harder and harder. And then at the end of it, you find the rumored town, buy some  keys, use a chimera wing and buck out of there. Then travel to get the harp and get one of your ancestors fabled weapons.

Or take a shop. At the start you only have 120 gold which is enough for weapons and armor.

You have a few options here:

1. Buy the weakest and cheapest crap.
2. Get the oaken club and a few herbs and focus on offense.
3. Get leather armor, a bamboo spear, a few herbs and focus on defense.
4. Grind and buy the best shit. The scrub option.

But wait. That doesn’t account the next town. The next time is going to have even more expensive stuff.

So maybe I should I just withhold buying anything here except herbs and travel to the next town? I’ll have more gold by then to buy something good without grinding like a shitty western player. Oh but wait, what if you buy equips here but when you get to the town what if the weapons and armor give just 1-2 stat boosts but cost like 200 gold? Do you grind like a scrub?  Or do you hack it and go with the handicap and just continue to the next town without buying anything? Do you sell your stuff to maybe afford it?

Puzzle solving.

Going off the beaten path to get answers.

Finding and using key information.

Decision making. Key point.

Going on an adventure.
Dragon Quest has quest in its name for a reason.

Every DQ is like this. Even the more linear ones like V. Even when DQ is more linear it tends to be brisk. Get in, get out type shit. You’re certainly not going to have endless cutscenes and handholding.

In VIII, in the starting area you are again, given nothing but gold and a map. Some hint where to go but the gloves are off besides that border checkpoint. As you explore you’ll see a tree that’s colored differently than the rest. What’s that? You run to it. You see a house with smoke coming out of it at the top of a nearby mountain. What’s that? You go to it. You go on the opposite door of town and fight monsters much, much stronger than you and you are allowed to do this. Then you finally head to the dungeon, strapped to kick ass. On an adventure and a quest.

So please tell me why in DQXI I’m told I can’t go places because the monsters are stronger? How come when I want to do something out the beaten path like do something in a different order someone stops and tells me NO? How come I’m constantly following people? Why does the game explicitly tell me who to talk to without allowing me to find them myself?  Why am I getting weapons for free without one shred of decision making and I’m not talking about loot found in chests? Why are there camp site save points which entirely rid the basic idea of resource management when you’re given multiple chances to save on the way instead of just once - at the priest? Why is there always someone telling me what to do in a bloody Dragon Quest game? You can chalk it up to it being the beginning of the game but even DQVIII and IX take the gloves off and let you do what you wish pretty much immediately. DQXI’s intro is maybe five hours while lacking the world building of VII which made its long intro charming and worth it.

Here’s recent pics of the game telling me what to do both in game and in story.

There another recent point where they did it again,”let’s do this first.” Fuck you game. It’s time to go to bed. It’s time to go to bed. It’s time to go to bed. Oh. How familiar. It’s a modern jrpg.

Once upon a time Japanese RPGs were a genre about decision making. Not in the long term story way like wrpgs were about, but through the gameplay. I loved Dragon Quest because it still had that spirit and ethos and did so without one shred of shame.

And so far I’m not seeing that in DQXI.

Thinking this is about open worlds and wrpgs makes me think you either might be a tad unfamiliar with DQ or you don’t understand what I’m saying at all.

Maybe it gets better. But the first five hours are unacceptable for a Dragon Quest.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 05:08:31 PM by Cindi Mayweather »

Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #330 on: September 28, 2018, 05:06:36 PM »

(other than enough to say your disappointment is the most predictable thing ever, you want everything to be 100% what you want and are incapable of taking 70-80% and calling it a win. also, I played DQ 1-3 [let's not forget how old I am] and also VII and VIII, so no, I'm not a n00b, and yes while the choices made aren't ideal or anything, nothing in life is, and demanding it to be so is a recipe for a disappointing life)
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 05:11:35 PM by Human Snorenado »


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #331 on: September 28, 2018, 05:11:49 PM »
You didn’t read because I’m right and I have taste.

I play Dragon Quest because it’s like coming home after a long day at work.

This game I came home to find the dog shat on the floor and someone robbed me.

Since DQ of all games has decided to ditch what made jrpgs great, this is my final jrpg. I’ll beat it to see the end but this genre is dead to me unless it’s old.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #332 on: September 28, 2018, 05:16:04 PM »
You didn’t read because I’m right and I have taste.

I didn't read because you CARE too much. I just don't. "One of my favorite video game series has an installment not to my liking" is apparently an earth shaking event for you (view the Persona 5 freakout) whereas I just keep up with previews and make a judgment- does it look like I'm gonna like it? If yes, I buy it and enjoy it as much as I can. If no (the last two RE games, for instance) I say "huh bummer" and don't buy at launch/full price. If enough people whose taste I trust enjoy it, I'll pick it up down the road and give it a play.

But I'll never write that much about even my favorite game series (Diablo) in one sitting cause I just don't give as much of a shit as you do. I'm not saying one way is more right or wrong, as I don't like judging things on a "good/bad" binary. I will say I'm pretty sure my way is healthier, tho.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #333 on: September 28, 2018, 05:31:18 PM »
At the end of the day a modern rpg is probably going to have some degree of hand holding. Be it auto save, frequent save points, and/or guide posts. I’m not into the series so I don’t know how it’s handled, but at least DQ doesn’t have a glowing point or something.

And honestly I don’t know what people mean when they say open world. Do they mean a large open environment or something that allows you to tackle objectives how you chose to. I don’t know, but even Elder Scrolls with its huge vistas is hand holdy. Not like you don’t know where to go when doing the missions in any order. Same is true for all open world games.

All I ask form my rpgs is for the world to feel well realized. Have some nice scale and environments that don’t feel too small and corridorish. FFXII was amazing despite it just being kind of small zones. Still felt like a world brought to scale. So far the environments of DQ to me do a good job of feeling like a well realized world so I’m cool with that. And honestly I like my linear jrpgs because usually I’m a critical path kind of person and that path leads to the actual handcrafted material.

But I’m someone who likes critical pathing shit so I’m not looking for anything that Himu wants. I guess I’m not into puzzle boxes. .
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 05:46:40 PM by Rahxephon91 »


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #334 on: September 28, 2018, 06:51:11 PM »
For the record, when I say “I’m right” I only mean in the sense that the game is objectively more cutscene heavy and handhold heavy than previous DQ’s which I can’t see as even remotely debatable. Everything else comes comes down to subjectivity. For example, many hate DQVII’s intro. I love it for the world building, characters, and charm. Likewise, the handholding and lack of respect for the player might not bother the rest of you but for me it's torture in video game form.

I think the rest of you can just tolerate it. Or even in some cases come to embrace it.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #335 on: September 28, 2018, 06:54:56 PM »
If you want wide open world games with lots of choice, play wrpgs. I think what you want is that weeaboo shit AND wide open worlds. This is the darkest timeline. You don't get your cake and the option to eat it, ever.

Breath of the Wild :rejoice


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #336 on: September 28, 2018, 09:16:08 PM »
No offense.

It's just the way you word it or word choice sometimes.


"Embrace it"

"Not bother"

It just dosen't come off as you really respecting other's opinions or perspectives. Like we all like jrpgs here you know.  It's just sometimes it comes off as you talking down.

Or maybe thats just how I feel. I don't know.

Either way I like jrpgs like Final Fantasy XIII and X. I like being told what to do. I went to get into a game, figure out it's mechanics and execute them with as little downtime as possible. The sense of adventure I get is through the crafted experince the developers laid out.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #337 on: September 28, 2018, 10:33:43 PM »
If you want wide open world games with lots of choice, play wrpgs. I think what you want is that weeaboo shit AND wide open worlds. This is the darkest timeline. You don't get your cake and the option to eat it, ever.

Yeah you do, but it's bitter, acrid, Kawazu-flavored cake.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #338 on: September 29, 2018, 12:38:24 AM »
Got to the desert town.

The game actually becomes...a game once you reach Hotto. Now that the pace has slowed down and you’re not constantly being pushed forward, the game is lots more enjoyable.

It helps that it’s utterly beautiful and lived in. Seeing that Toriyama art in HD makes me smile.

I’m surprised by the lack of vignettes. They seem to be not emphasizing stories of the towns but more on the plot, which is very DQV-ish but so far without as good a hook. For that reason, I’m not enjoying the story because chosen one stories are boring. At least in VIII when you follow Dhoulmagus’ trail they tie vignettes with the plot. Jessica getting over her brothers death is directly tied to finding out Dhoulmagus killed him. But here we have a high priestess whose son was killed and I was expecting to get a good, riveting classic DQ story out and...instead I get “please save my sister.” It’s not really interesting.

But it still has lots of charm up the ass in classic DQ fashion. The people of Hotto speaking on Haiku is fucking incredible. Even better when you hear it voice acted.

But the game continues to be DQ-lite in the gameplay even as it “opens up”.

Take when you teleport to Hotto area. There’s a priest and a merchant there.

Talk to them and they have zero story reason for being there. They even comment on how no one comes out of that teleport room. So they have no plot reason for being there so it’s obvious they’re there as convenient supply and save spots so people don’t get mad about losing progress even if it makes no sense a priest would be next to a port. But that’s DQXI for you.

I’m playing on normal difficulty with no exp for weaker enemies and it’s been fine but I always am underleveled in DQ and tend to skimp on equipment. What lowers the difficulty isn’t battles but the number of save points.

You’ll find save points on the world map.

Even save points in dungeons which is frankly unthinkable for DQ. I’m pretty sure that thing heals you too.

I skipped them because, adventure. But like, fuck you. Grit your teeth and deal with it. One save, one shot, fuck breath. If you can’t save at a priest in town, prepare for the coming adventure and risk going to a dungeon where you may be slaughtered and forced to go back to town then...

Fuck you. Play a different RPG. Play an FF where you can save anywhere on the map then. But nope. Obviously, this changes the gameplay dynamic of DQ entirely. Why conserve resources if you can just get free heals? Resource management as a thing doesn’t even exist under those constraints.

Another observation is how damn small the world is compared to previous games. Like most maps are just a straight line. There’s nothing to interact with or explore. There’s no “what’s that?” besides the rare sparkly item.

Comparing it to DQVIII and VII3ds makes it look even more pathetic. What is this, FFXIII?

In VIII you can go everywhere in that pic and you might find something worthwhile.
XI is getting better. I like it a bit more now that it has decided to be an actual rpg and not an on an VN. But it’s not Dragon Quest. I’m starting to make peace with that. If I’m going to quit playing new jrpgs I might as well enjoy it for the ride even if it is mediocre and sold out.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #339 on: September 29, 2018, 07:11:50 AM »
spoiler (click to show/hide)

While you guys were arguing, I was playing the game and loved (nearly) every moment of it.  :patel

Best RPG I've played in lord knows how long and the best game I've played since Breath of the Wild.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #340 on: September 29, 2018, 07:52:36 AM »
Between 75 and 80.  Even then he was a hard motherfucker and I am scared to see how difficult he would be on Draconian. 

There is a gimmick you can do to force spawn metal slimes (check the Google Docs link for this GameFAQs post) that will get you 3-4 levels per battle, but it takes a bit to set up (save your Pep Pips and Pep Pops).


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #341 on: September 29, 2018, 11:08:43 AM »
I bought a game to play DQ.

I bought a chicken sandwich and got a hamburger.

This game breaks several DQ rules that have been in place for decades. Sorry they trigger you but nothing I’ve said is wrong. You just don’t care. What you like about DQ is obviously different than what I like about it. That’s fine. But don’t tell me I bought something just to find flaws. That’s distinguished mentally-challenged.

Mr. Nobody

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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #342 on: September 29, 2018, 11:19:38 AM »
9 hours in and I'm in love

Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #343 on: September 29, 2018, 01:12:25 PM »
I bought a game to play DQ.

I bought a chicken sandwich and got a hamburger.

This game breaks several DQ rules that have been in place for decades. Sorry they trigger you but nothing I’ve said is wrong. You just don’t care. What you like about DQ is obviously different than what I like about it. That’s fine. But don’t tell me I bought something just to find flaws. That’s distinguished mentally-challenged.


you want everything to be 100% what you want and are incapable of taking 70-80% and calling it a win



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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #344 on: September 29, 2018, 01:53:10 PM »
Gallopolis is great and lgbt inclusive. Getting puff puffs from daddy, meeting Sylvando who is DQ’s first gay character I think, and a crossbow man who knows something in his life is missing - a crossbow boy. Thumbs up for being inclusive. :heartbeat


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #345 on: September 29, 2018, 03:13:11 PM »
Cindy, which mobile DQ would you recommend? I've beaten VIII twice on PS2 so that s out of the question. I'm thinking DQ V...


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #346 on: September 29, 2018, 03:42:37 PM »
Cindy, which mobile DQ would you recommend? I've beaten VIII twice on PS2 so that s out of the question. I'm thinking DQ V...

Depends on what you want.

Want old school awesome with the gloves off that you can beat in a day? DQ1.

Want an epic story of how multiple individuals from faraway lands all meet up to find the hero to destroy the big bad? IV.

Want a plot focused romp about a boy that becomes a man, a husband, a father, and a king? V.

Want vignettes and class based stuff? VI.
II and III are great but I don’t recommend them for beginners. If you are going to play III do I-III as it’s a tightly connected trilogy.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #347 on: September 29, 2018, 07:54:53 PM »
Glopolis done. Pretty good vignette. Always a big fan of the coward vignettes and think they’ve managed to top DQVI’s here. Good shit. The world is still a tube and there were two save points on the way to the boss but it’s finally starting to feel like a Dragon Quest. Sylvando owns.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #348 on: October 01, 2018, 12:13:48 AM »
Ship gotten. 17 hours. Level 17.

That was a good session of Dragon Questin’.

The drag race reference from Sylvando and his pink gimp partner gave me life.

The dungeon of Gondolia had a nice balance. Trekking through the swamps and then through the cave, it was long and an adventure. When I got to the save point, it felt earned, for the first time in the game. It felt very SMT3/DDS-esque for me.

The story remains weak, but the characters (or at least, Veronica and Sylvando) carry it. Need more vignettes, less cliche plot. Plot was never DQ’s strength anyways besides IV and V. Plot is an FF thing.

The recycled music is disappointing. Both the happy town theme from VIII and IV’s Sea Breeze for the ship theme. This is the second game in the row (well, discounting X but I haven’t played it) to reuse Sea Breeze. First in IX and now in XI. It’s a classic theme but it’s so sad Sugiyama doesn’t have it in him anymore at his age to make a full soundtrack without recycling music. I was kind of looking forward to a new ship song with this being likely Sugiyama’s last DQ. But hearing Sea Breeze in HD isn’t too bad either...

Now that I’ve got the ship, the game begins. Time to check every location and collect mini medals and go on an adventure. Fuck yes.

Good shit.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 12:51:36 AM by Cindi Mayweather »


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Re: Dragon Quest XI Officially OUT for US (Sept 4, 2018 - PS4/PC)
« Reply #349 on: October 01, 2018, 08:46:59 AM »
Cindy, which mobile DQ would you recommend? I've beaten VIII twice on PS2 so that s out of the question. I'm thinking DQ V...

Depends on what you want.

Want old school awesome with the gloves off that you can beat in a day? DQ1.

Want an epic story of how multiple individuals from faraway lands all meet up to find the hero to destroy the big bad? IV.

Want a plot focused romp about a boy that becomes a man, a husband, a father, and a king? V.

Want vignettes and class based stuff? VI.
II and III are great but I don’t recommend them for beginners. If you are going to play III do I-III as it’s a tightly connected trilogy.

I've actually played and beaten I also.

Went with V.

Was ready to return it after the controls annoyed me but couldn't because... I already bought it 1 year ago and also returned it back then  :lol. Or it was becuase I already tried the cloud saving option.
Anyway I gave the game a better chance after that and actually started to really enjoy it. 3 hours in now and actually the controls work pretty well now.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI
« Reply #350 on: October 01, 2018, 10:11:15 AM »
Psst, hey Borys...

...Tatsunaga is much less hard to beat if you spend character points on Dragon Slash like a sane person

(also rolling with Hero/Sylvando both duel wielding +3 dragonsbanes helps)


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Re: Dragon Quest XI
« Reply #351 on: October 01, 2018, 10:34:41 AM »
Idk what to do with my party skill wise.

I like having nice balance, so I’m not big on characters sharing similar skills. Right now I’m making each character distinct with their own strengths. For instance I’m miffed Sylvando is good with the sword in-story because I’ve been teaching my hero swords. Now I can’t because Sylvando has a story reason for swords.

Right now I’m leaning on:

Hero - greatswords, luminary
Erik - knives, boomerangs, thievery
Veronica - whips, heavy staves, might magic
Serena - staves, Lances, whatever her unique skill pool is...most boring character so far
Sylvando - swords, sword master, jester skills

I think too many characters share too many skills. It’s a nit pick but I love how in VIII, only Jessica can use staves and wands. Only Yangus can use clubs and axes.

So my skill sheet isn’t set in stone because for instance it looks like green clothed waifu uses lances maybe? And I’ve got Serena using lances. So when I get the full party I’m going to respec. Thank fuck that’s an option. It wasn’t in VIII so XInhas that going for it.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI
« Reply #352 on: October 01, 2018, 11:37:19 AM »
re: skills/weapons

Yes Serena can use lances but they don't give her a modifier on magical mending which tbh is like 75% of why you'd have her in your party. Maybe flavor wise you'd prefer lances but from a simple min/max perspective it makes zero sense to use those over wands for her, same with using whips with Veronica instead of heavy wands, anything but heavy wands with Rab, etc.

With the other characters you have less of a funneled choice, so you can figure out who's gonna use swords, whips, daggers, etc between Hero, Sylvando, and Erik as you prefer. You can also spec into dual wielding vs. one hand and shield with a lot of those guys. Although...

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Hero's ultimate story weapon is a one handed sword, so speccing into greatswords will end up counter productive. But, you can always just refund the points and respec later into the story once that becomes an issue.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI
« Reply #353 on: October 01, 2018, 12:13:23 PM »
Can Sylvando use two handed swords?

Human Snorenado

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Re: Dragon Quest XI
« Reply #354 on: October 01, 2018, 12:25:11 PM »
Can Sylvando use two handed swords?

No, only Hero and someone that you get about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way through the game. Sylvando can use 1h swords, daggers, and whips.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 12:30:36 PM by Human Snorenado »


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Re: Dragon Quest XI
« Reply #355 on: October 01, 2018, 12:53:16 PM »
Ah the green clothed waifu I expect.


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Re: Dragon Quest XI
« Reply #356 on: October 01, 2018, 03:05:36 PM »
Yall spoiling team members now Borys :(


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Re: Dragon Quest XI
« Reply #357 on: October 01, 2018, 03:06:24 PM »
Ohh no a bunny suit, how fucking sexualized!! THIS GAME IS FUCKING GROSS NOW BAH


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Re: Dragon Quest XI
« Reply #358 on: October 01, 2018, 09:41:01 PM »
I just watched my gf play through the bunny girl side quest and not only was she a.) super chuffed that jade can wear a bunny suit b.) the sidequest such a fucking non event it seems insane to even get tilted over it due to it being gross exploitation of women or whatever, to begin with


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Re: Dragon Quest XI
« Reply #359 on: October 04, 2018, 09:58:57 AM »
Will play in 2050 when lazy SquareEnix get of their ass and release the switch version  :-*.