Author Topic: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...  (Read 2243596 times)

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  • Senior Member
That boyfriend sounds like the real shitlord.
She couldn't even talk to him about her ordeals because she thought he might question why she checked into a hotel with another man in New Orleans. How dare he?

And i'm pretty sure that the breakdown in their relationship isn't just on evilore, and that the ex boyfriend is also at fault.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I'm assuming you guys are going to tweet that out to gaming sites or some shit, right?
Why would gaming sites care about


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
its a false flag
Clearly this is a covert strike by the dwarves to harm team elf.


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  • If my bones are breaking would you tell me that I'm weak?
  • Senior Member
Yeah, if this is fake, it's fairly elaborate.  :thinking


  • Senior Member

Also, how is David Bautista such a good actor(just watched blade runner 2)?

Yeah he's fantastic.


  • Senior Member
Hunt down a video game company.


These people need to chill. And play more fighting games. :jawalrus

If the average GAFFER got into fighting games they'd be demanding 1 button special moves, 2 button max combos, the ability to skip fights in arcade mode,  and call everyone they lost to a fucking nazi



  • Member

You are either a part of the #Resistance or you are the Resisted.

Here, Kirblar smugly posts some article by a Clintonite which poorly tries to take down Gleenwald because he has some minor agreement with libertarians.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member

You are either a part of the #Resistance or you are the Resisted.

Here, Kirblar smugly posts some article by a Clintonite which poorly tries to take down Gleenwald because he has some minor agreement with libertarians.
I'm five replies in and its exactly what I expected. Because I've known about Greenwald for more than a year.
Considering he has done nothing but slag democrats who fight to defend progressive ideals that this administration threatens, constantly defend Russia, and shit on the media as of late, he does not deserve to be considered a progressive.

He isn't the only supposed leftist that goes on Fox News. TYT's Nomiki Konst has appeared to bash democrats.
Greenwald is not a "progressive" in any social or cultural sense.
Who was supposing Greenwald is a progressive?

The dude is always attacking the Democrats for not being "left" or "progressive" enough. He's written off the Republicans long ago, he's trying to make the Democrats better from his point of view. He only has eight years worth of trashing the Bush administration in his ledger, and he's done the same with Trump.

But he doesn't adhere to the brand, the Democratic Party.

AND, his special crime, at least in this thread, is that he will go on any outlet that will let him get his message out. Yes, of course Fox News or RT or whoever is bringing him on for their reasons, he knows this, he's said it, hell, he's said it on those channels. They're using each other.

And it harms the brand. Which is all you should care about. When you do any kind of reporting or punditry you should only ask one question, how does this help the Democratic Party?

Progressivism is whatever the Party dictates it be. Not what someone ideologically identifies as. Greenwald thinks the military industrial spy state is a problem, end of. BUT he harms the Democratic Party when he talks about this. REPUBLICANS ARE WORSE, SO SHUT UP.

The New Republic piece is arguably the height of the brand delusion. Snowden should be considered a traitor by all good progressives, because he didn't do it for reasons that would help the Democratic Party, he did it because he's a libertarian. Julian Assange should be condemned by progressives because he doesn't care about the fate of the Democratic Party for a country he's not a citizen of, he only cares about his fetishes. Greenwald participates because he believed certain members of the Democratic Party when it warned that Bush was a fascist bringing a dark security state upon us against our liberties and even more so against our law, then Obama declared that all in the past, so all good progressives should have moved on instead of dredging it up when things got worse.

And of course, excelsiorlef and the usual suspects are in their immediately labeling him a Putin shill because he's called out nonsense like the non-retracted claim by GOOD SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO SAVE DEMOCRACY outlets like the Washington Post that Russia had hacked into a nuclear power plant which they ran without contacting the power plant or anyone else. Or how he's pointed out that the massively retweeted MSNBC intelligence star actually has no basis to anything he ever "reports" on twitter.

And he's not the only mainstream progressive to attack the Russia story, and the Democratic Party, for not being progressive enough. Matt Taibbi is far more of a Democratic Party supporter, has wrote books worth attacking Trump and his people, yet he's also attacked the Russia story, and spent eight years blasting the Obama administrations refusal to prosecute anyone criminally for Wall Street's crimes, instead using it as an opportunity to boost the party's standing within Wall Street.

The guy who made the claim about Greenwald not being a progressive in any sense, defended it this way:
How is Greenwald not a progressive? He was a vocal supporter of Bernie during the election.
Many of Bernie's supporters were not socially progressive either, which might be why a number of them voted for Trump.
Noam Chomsky has said the exact same things Greenwald is saying. Is he not a progressive either?
Maybe he isn't anymore.

The thing about being a "progressive" is you need to actually update your views as time goes by or else you become "the status quo." Somebody who was considered socially progressive thirty years ago doesn't get to automatically retain that title for life. You have to work for it.
When it comes to people like Chomsky and Bernie Sanders, I don't personally dislike them or anything, but I feel strongly that the term "progressive" should refer to more than just economics but also the axes of identity that are used to oppress people by race, gender, sexuality, etc. This was the big complaint so many people had about Bernie during the race.
The dirty secret is that neither Clinton nor Bernie are "progressive," but this is too nuanced a view for most people to comprehend, apparently.
Notice, he doesn't defend the claim, instead he shifts it to make "progressive" something literally unobtainable by anyone ever. So Greenwald and Sanders and Chomsky and even Hillary can never be attacking Democrats as progressives or as commonly said "from the left" as he's argued the term into nothingness.

No one held his feet to the fire and made him explain how an open socialist who is not only personally gay, but gay married and has fought all kinds of countries over getting his partner through their borders, including his partner being detained as a terrorist due to Greenwald's reporting, has documented endless cases in other countries of racial discrimination with stringent disapproval, and who is down the line basically in agreement with Jacobin and The Nation on every conceivable issue except whether or not Russia matters in the 2016 election is NOT A PROGRESSIVE IN ANY SENSE because he thinks there's holes in the Russia story, a story with nothing that relates to progressivism involved in it UNLESS progressivism = blind support for the Democratic Party = blind support for Hillary Clinton.

Which means there's only one progressive on the entire planet: Peter Daou


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
spoiler (click to show/hide)

You are either a part of the #Resistance or you are the Resisted.

Here, Kirblar smugly posts some article by a Clintonite which poorly tries to take down Gleenwald because he has some minor agreement with libertarians.
I'm five replies in and its exactly what I expected. Because I've known about Greenwald for more than a year.
Considering he has done nothing but slag democrats who fight to defend progressive ideals that this administration threatens, constantly defend Russia, and shit on the media as of late, he does not deserve to be considered a progressive.

He isn't the only supposed leftist that goes on Fox News. TYT's Nomiki Konst has appeared to bash democrats.
Greenwald is not a "progressive" in any social or cultural sense.
Who was supposing Greenwald is a progressive?

The dude is always attacking the Democrats for not being "left" or "progressive" enough. He's written off the Republicans long ago, he's trying to make the Democrats better from his point of view. He only has eight years worth of trashing the Bush administration in his ledger, and he's done the same with Trump.

But he doesn't adhere to the brand, the Democratic Party.

AND, his special crime, at least in this thread, is that he will go on any outlet that will let him get his message out. Yes, of course Fox News or RT or whoever is bringing him on for their reasons, he knows this, he's said it, hell, he's said it on those channels. They're using each other.

And it harms the brand. Which is all you should care about. When you do any kind of reporting or punditry you should only ask one question, how does this help the Democratic Party?

Progressivism is whatever the Party dictates it be. Not what someone ideologically identifies as. Greenwald thinks the military industrial spy state is a problem, end of. BUT he harms the Democratic Party when he talks about this. REPUBLICANS ARE WORSE, SO SHUT UP.

The New Republic piece is arguably the height of the brand delusion. Snowden should be considered a traitor by all good progressives, because he didn't do it for reasons that would help the Democratic Party, he did it because he's a libertarian. Julian Assange should be condemned by progressives because he doesn't care about the fate of the Democratic Party for a country he's not a citizen of, he only cares about his fetishes. Greenwald participates because he believed certain members of the Democratic Party when it warned that Bush was a fascist bringing a dark security state upon us against our liberties and even more so against our law, then Obama declared that all in the past, so all good progressives should have moved on instead of dredging it up when things got worse.

And of course, excelsiorlef and the usual suspects are in their immediately labeling him a Putin shill because he's called out nonsense like the non-retracted claim by GOOD SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO SAVE DEMOCRACY outlets like the Washington Post that Russia had hacked into a nuclear power plant which they ran without contacting the power plant or anyone else. Or how he's pointed out that the massively retweeted MSNBC intelligence star actually has no basis to anything he ever "reports" on twitter.

And he's not the only mainstream progressive to attack the Russia story, and the Democratic Party, for not being progressive enough. Matt Taibbi is far more of a Democratic Party supporter, has wrote books worth attacking Trump and his people, yet he's also attacked the Russia story, and spent eight years blasting the Obama administrations refusal to prosecute anyone criminally for Wall Street's crimes, instead using it as an opportunity to boost the party's standing within Wall Street.

The guy who made the claim about Greenwald not being a progressive in any sense, defended it this way:
How is Greenwald not a progressive? He was a vocal supporter of Bernie during the election.
Many of Bernie's supporters were not socially progressive either, which might be why a number of them voted for Trump.
Noam Chomsky has said the exact same things Greenwald is saying. Is he not a progressive either?
Maybe he isn't anymore.

The thing about being a "progressive" is you need to actually update your views as time goes by or else you become "the status quo." Somebody who was considered socially progressive thirty years ago doesn't get to automatically retain that title for life. You have to work for it.
When it comes to people like Chomsky and Bernie Sanders, I don't personally dislike them or anything, but I feel strongly that the term "progressive" should refer to more than just economics but also the axes of identity that are used to oppress people by race, gender, sexuality, etc. This was the big complaint so many people had about Bernie during the race.
The dirty secret is that neither Clinton nor Bernie are "progressive," but this is too nuanced a view for most people to comprehend, apparently.
Notice, he doesn't defend the claim, instead he shifts it to make "progressive" something literally unobtainable by anyone ever. So Greenwald and Sanders and Chomsky and even Hillary can never be attacking Democrats as progressives or as commonly said "from the left" as he's argued the term into nothingness.

No one held his feet to the fire and made him explain how an open socialist who is not only personally gay, but gay married and has fought all kinds of countries over getting his partner through their borders, including his partner being detained as a terrorist due to Greenwald's reporting, has documented endless cases in other countries of racial discrimination with stringent disapproval, and who is down the line basically in agreement with Jacobin and The Nation on every conceivable issue except whether or not Russia matters in the 2016 election is NOT A PROGRESSIVE IN ANY SENSE because he thinks there's holes in the Russia story, a story with nothing that relates to progressivism involved in it UNLESS progressivism = blind support for the Democratic Party = blind support for Hillary Clinton.

Which means there's only one progressive on the entire planet: Peter Daou
This kind of post is why you were permabanned from for your long game of trolling.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Seeing these kind of posts from Democrats make me giggle:
Glenn Greenwald is a massive piece of shit and has been ever since Snowden fled to Russia

Until about 2014 the only people I saw post with that kind of personal invective against Glenn Greenwald were people who still justified everything about the Iraq War after a decade.

I've seen posts that I could with one or two subject changes get equivalents for a conservative who used to post on reason about how Glenn Greenwald and "his type" lost the war in Iraq by reporting on it...the guy took glee at the fact that Glenn and his partner were constantly being harassed by other governments saying things like "maybe he shouldn't be such a piece of shit" when his partner was locked up for trying to immigrate back to his home country.

But I'm fair, without Glenn, we wouldn't know what truly great yet blatantly obvious sockpuppeting looked like until Verrit otherwise.

I'll leave the Snowden thing alone other than to note, the fun thing about Trump is we don't have to do hypotheticals anymore like "what if it's a President Jeb or Romney" to try and scare Democrats into rethinking their latest bipartisan civil liberties trashing.

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lol jk they'll never learn, that's why they're brand loyalists
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 03:54:16 AM by benjipwns »


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Mass Effect : Galaxy of Salt

EA killed the franchise long before MEA. As soon as they greenlit that "ending".

OMG!!! Are these greedy fucking bastards for real!? For fucking what? What for?! Unfuckingbeliavable.

You know what guys, i think it's about goddamn time to start a boycott and so i'm doing just that (all my friends will join me for sure). I'm no longer be buying any EA games, let them fucking rot and die like so many others publishers which no longer with us. They've literally killed one of the best studio in the industry by their own fucking hands! AGAIN!

Uh, fucking die EA, just die already.

Can we sue EA for false advertising and force them to change their name? Because nothing about what they do could ever be considered art.

Never giving EA another cent. Fuck this. If Respawn is next I swear to God...


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
note for anyone here on that last quote, Respawn isn't owned by EA, they got the old EA Partners treatment even though that had been shut down because EA would do anything to both get those guys and stick a shiv in Activision's side

the rumor was that their non-Titanfall project was offered use of the Star Wars license when EA was turning everything into Star Wars and they decided to use it and put the IP in development aside for later


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Give it to Sony and just use ND's engine.
here goes our possible last hope of any AAA linear story centric games more.

I don't think even Naughty Dog does it fully again in the future. God of War ps4 may be the last one for a long time.

EA really is one of the shittiest things to ever happen to the gaming industry


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
It's times like these where I really wish Disney hadn't signed an exclusive 10-year deal with EA for the Star Wars license. What I would give for a Star Wars game made by literally anyone else.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Felt sick after browsing gaf and finding people happy that 14 year old kids are getting doxxed and maybe thrown out of their prestigious academic program.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member users could do a lot worse to the young and fertile gamergater trash out there


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member users could do a lot worse to the young and fertile gamergater trash out there
Benji, I was rereading Molloy, and I found a quote that perfectly described you.

Quote from: Samuel Beckett
Not to want to say, not to know what you want to say, not to be able to say what you think you want to say, and never to stop saying, or hardly ever, that is the thing to keep in mind, even in the heat of composition.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

Instead of buying some pointless, wasteful luxury like coffee, next time spend the money on making the world that little bit better.


spoiler (click to show/hide)
I find it's a decent thread.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Gaffer find iphone near his door. Immediately construct paranoid scenarios. Keep convoluting the matter when told he can drop it in an Apple store or call the police.

There are some message notifications (some in English and some in Chinese) and calendar notifications, should I post them here so they can be translated?


  • brutal deluxe
  • Senior Member

do mods spend their free time sifting through the piss, shit and rags of GAF for less compensation than a 12 year old chinese gold farmer just so they can anonymously get the last word in?


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

do mods spend their free time sifting through the piss, shit and rags of GAF for less compensation than a 12 year old chinese gold farmer just so they can anonymously get the last word in?



  • Junior Member

do mods spend their free time sifting through the piss, shit and rags of GAF for less compensation than a 12 year old chinese gold farmer just so they can anonymously get the last word in?

CowardBot at it again. Wonder which one of those fuckwits was it this time. Hunt hard to get that last word in, but too much of a pussy to do it with their name. If I were ever a mod there, I would definitely give a 30day ban and junior the two OP of these threads for low as fuck effort. Maybe consider tagging the second one as fucktard and extend their ban to 60days.

I would post to let others know I fucking did it and the reasons why too.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 06:30:13 AM by cityhunter »


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
TheBore as training grounds for Neogaf mods is a novel idea.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Hetero men think that on a subconscious level. If you've disconnected the base purpose of the act from the act itself then that's a problem with you. We're human but we're also still just a creature.

Lmao you come up with new ways of demonstrating what a massive fucking idiot you are on a daily basis.

Also didn't you pull some "I WILL TAKE MY LEAVE OF THIS WRETCHED HIVE OF SCUM AND VILLAINY" shit like a month ago you little bitch?

Calling me a little bitch because I explained common knowledge means you need professional help.

I'm calling you a little bitch cuz you're a little bitch who ran away like a little bitch and then came back and continue to get shit on, like a little bitch, not because of 'muh biotruths' you ninny


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Quote from: EchoChamber
Only got banned after posting the nice meme In one of those threads about a female teacher having sex with a student, I learned my lesson after that.

Username checks out


  • Junior Member
Greenwald is a fucking piece of shit who should die of gonnorhea.

I had to put my thoughts into words but couldn't find the right STD.


  • Senior Member
All this over a Star Wars game? What's so unique about this Star Wars game?


  • Junior Member
All this over a Star Wars game? What's so unique about this Star Wars game?

What's assumed to have been lost is a full experience, probably single player. Since it didn't tick any boxes known to rake in money it's being rebuilt into more of EAs image.

What isn't being said is how potentially shit the game was if it meant shuttering a whole studio. But no one knows anything honestly


  • Senior Member
So it's a pupg clone?

Someone please make a one piece pupg clone lol.

I gotta be honest. As a mostly multiplayer game fan these days I find the hate for those modes to be often overly dramatic.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
I don't get this fixation with AAA gaming "diversity". We live in an age where offer and access to catalogue titles is more plentiful than ever. Some genres wax and wane but getting through droughts of content is now fairly rare even for narrow interests. Plenty of genres barely get any "AAA" treatment... Yeah it's cool and enjoyable to have that whole package of graphical polish but :yeshrug

That said microtransactions getting ubiquitous is annoying.


  • Senior Member
Because they haven't properly thought out what AAA means or the ramifications it can have on a game.


  • brutal deluxe
  • Senior Member
the problem with big single player games to my mind is that they usually boil down to scripted busywork. churning through cannon fodder like dominoes set up to fall.

i remember the first time i played dark souls and had to have something about me just to get past every single grunt, it was a proper revelation. that tapered off a bit after the first couple of hours and while still being challenging reverted to the same slow crescendo of difficulty (usually just by throwing more numbers at you) until a boss fight. i'd have loved it to have that same reduced moment to moment challenge of its first encounters for the whole game.

it's like the difference between driving a modern car with all its creature comforts on a long motorway trip and taking your mates to the go kart track.


  • Member

It sucks that Visceral got shut down but this dude went full CHOW CHOW.

Audioboxer is a known psycho

It's not a fun read, just puts him in perspective. Quad posts by him a month apart, etc.


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
And this is why I'm NEVER going to be a huge fan of EA at the end of the day. And that's why I love Sony's approach to allowing and funding "artist like" games that may not make millions in profits back.

Yep, that's Sony. The artist's friend. They'd never shut down a studio due to low sales. Anyway, when's the next Wipeout game?


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
All this over a Star Wars game? What's so unique about this Star Wars game?

Uncharted: A Star Wars Story, on PC.

That's all I wanted. :(


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member

The YUM! Brands Official Forum has a problem with calorie counts.

The idiots crying over this “but eating disorders!” never post any complaints in the junk food marketing threads.


  • Junior Member
TheBore as training grounds for Neogaf mods is a novel idea.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Keeping an eye on this :

OK first remark : apparently some gaffers don't get the nuance between unreliable narrator and liar. Which was to be expected I guess.

Hashtags in an apology (if we can call it that) are laughably sad tho.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 12:33:56 PM by VomKriege »


  • Senior Member
more like david iron cross


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
From looking at her wiki, Charlyne Yi is deeply untalented, almost at Kirsten Dunst levels, and probably shouldn’t be paid attention to.


  • Senior Member
I didn't want to make a racist assumption, but after checking, she is the girl that was screaming on the floor at the Roadhouse in TP:R


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Also, she is shitty for using the wave of women coming out to speak on their abuse to label someone as... racist? They aren’t the same thing! She’s a shitty opportunist.

I didn't want to make a racist assumption, but after checking, she is the girl that was screaming on the floor at the Roadhouse in TP:R

Lynch has always used non-professional actors along with talented performers to produce a weird contrast.


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
Who dafuq is Charlyne Yi?


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Paper Heart is a 2009 American romantic comedy film starring Charlyne Yi and Michael Cera as fictionalized versions of themselves based on their rumored relationship, though Yi has said they never dated.

THIS is what she’s famous for? She is objectively a bad person. If the wave of victims of sexual harassment/assault truly has turned into an excuse to out non-predator assholes (thus stealing attention from what really matters) as Charlyne (what a stupid fucking spelling of this name) thinks it is, she’s the biggest asshole of all.

Skullfuckers Anonymous

  • Will hunt bullies for fruit baskets. PM for details.
  • Senior Member
Gaf reacts to a sexist and fat shaming feature added to Google Maps

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  • Senior Member
Paper Heart is a 2009 American romantic comedy film starring Charlyne Yi and Michael Cera as fictionalized versions of themselves based on their rumored relationship, though Yi has said they never dated.

THIS is what she’s famous for? She is objectively a bad person. If the wave of victims of sexual harassment/assault truly has turned into an excuse to out non-predator assholes (thus stealing attention from what really matters) as Charlyne (what a stupid fucking spelling of this name) thinks it is, she’s the biggest asshole of all.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Charlyne is how a drunk Southerner would misspell it on a birth certificate.


  • Senior Member

Nice username lol


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Paper Heart is a 2009 American romantic comedy film starring Charlyne Yi and Michael Cera as fictionalized versions of themselves based on their rumored relationship, though Yi has said they never dated.

THIS is what she’s famous for? She is objectively a bad person. If the wave of victims of sexual harassment/assault truly has turned into an excuse to out non-predator assholes (thus stealing attention from what really matters) as Charlyne (what a stupid fucking spelling of this name) thinks it is, she’s the biggest asshole of all.

Look, I know that Alvin and The Chimpmonks: Chipwrecked if your favorite movie, but that seems like a pretty strong reaction to someone saying someone was a demeaning, racist asshole to them for no reason.

I will not stand to have the man who gave us “If Baseballs Had AIDS on Them” slandered like he works for Naughty Dog.


  • brutal deluxe
  • Senior Member
it was a shit joke at a party a decade ago. who cares?


  • Senior Member
David “when I suck the teet of sellout entertainment it’s ok” Cross sucks so I am willing to let my preconceived notions drive my bias and believe he is a racist.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
He was probably on a mountain of coke at the time and legit doesn’t remember.


  • Senior Member
In kilo veritas :wag

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
A comedian got married in my town a couple years back and the afterparty was at my local dive bar. They closed off to the public but talking to one of the bartenders the next day he mentioned Cross as one of the guests who got particularly shithoused. Between the boozing and the fact that he's a total jerkoff anyway, I can't say I'm shocked.

Remember when he got all butthurt at Patton Oswalt over Alvin and the Chipmunks? For a guy who dabbles in 'edgy' humor dude has hilariously thin skin


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Yeah, to be clear, I totally buy that David Cross would do this. I just think he contributes more to society than this girl with the misspelled name and will likely continue to do so in the future.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
Gaf reacts to a sexist and fat shaming feature added to Google Maps

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God this pisses me off so much. No, being morbidly overweight is NOT OK, it's NOT beautiful, it's NOT fine. It's a fucking matter of health, dimwits.