Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2190029 times)

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  • Member
The sad thing is that the only consistent dude in the whole psy-op was John "Corporate Version of Chomsky" Macintosh . Hated bush then, hated bush now. The fact his former wife is starting to say Bush aint so bad should tell you she in the deep state along with Quinn.
And guess were Sark Was, in the womans march with Jossie Wheldon the leftist pussy grabber...while all her stronk black dudes were waiting to do an orgy over at the post office building that Trump bought because they were so progressive and wanna do what they said Trump did back in russia...


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
Definitely the Switch. Nintendo will never be free of the Dyack taint. An Eternal Darkness on the house of Iwata.

I like that Dyack is somehow worse than the pedophile on the dev team.

Pills Here

  • Junior Member
Stockholm Syndrome alive and well over at GAF


  • Member
Rentacenter will get the hint, they will have to accept the fact that their female heroes are just women trying to get ahead by any means necessary. and if that means Quinn had to cheat on her bf to do it thats fine. And if Sark fucks black cock all over K-street and San Fran so be it, and if Wu got to use the worse fucking antics to get elected to a Democratic Party literally dying on the vine so be it.

The difference between me and these semi-Pua/MGTOW etc folks caught in the Psy-Op is that i never put women on a pedestal or as paragons of virtue. The day the young right wing gets this through there heads, the Nazi shit ends, because all this blood and soil shit is a reaction to the fact that there is a genocide, but its a Opiate genocide apon their communities that need to be deal with by destroying the medical industry full stop.

Rentcenter will wake up and realize they have followers of the old mods of neogaf in their mist. Once that happens if they handle it right - things will get better. If not well.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2017, 05:24:22 PM by Novid »


  • Senior Member
someone should tell them that running off industry figures at random for the slightest drop of wrongthink (or sometimes for no reason at all) is one of the things that made late-stage GAF as irrelevant and hated as it was. ffs, you even had a Microsoft exec gravedancing on GAF when it happened.

ResetERA consist almost entirely of the worse aspects of GAF that made that forum a laughing stock for the past three years. All concentrated in one place. There's little question in how this plays out, which is why I found it strange some of you thought ResetERA will be anything other than GAF 2.0. The fact that Besada was so nuts that even they had to ignore him should not fool you.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Enough with the paranoiac gimmick dude


  • Member
One last thing about what Colin is.
Colin is nothing more then the one right wing guy in a sea of dirty bearded slimeballs and the women that love that pseudo-masculine shit.
The dirty bearded slimeballs do nothing but groom themselves and think they the most woke motherfuckers on the planet.
They the fuckers getting caught grabbing pussy without consent
There the ones still in the Psy-Op
Their the ones still in the industry trying to find any type of way to make the industry look bad
and they are the ones promoting the loot crating, hypertransction bullshit for YEARS.
They are the softbois
The Members of the Dirtbag Left and Helldump
All men
All White
And it stuns me nobody is seeing the projection there placing on others?
Colin is a normal man in a sea of dudes who never saw ECW in there lives and pearl clutch at the sight of trump.
If these are the future of leftwing culture and counter culture, the alt right has nothing to fear and that should scare the shit out of yall.


  • Senior Member
I would be down with an Eternal Darkness without a visible sanity bar.


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
Enough with the paranoiac gimmick dude

He was like that on GAF, except it was conspiracies about anime streaming sites


  • Junior Member
Enough with the paranoiac gimmick dude

He was like that on GAF, except it was conspiracies about anime streaming sites
:hans1 crunchyroll :hans1 saban :hans1 kissanime


  • Member
Enough with the paranoiac gimmick dude

He was like that on GAF, except it was conspiracies about anime streaming sites
All proven true i might add.


  • Senior Member
The sanity bar was far from the biggest problem with that game.

I also thought it was a good game in 2001, but basically all of the mechanics are extremely outdated today and would have to be reworked.

Well it ran off an old engine. You could certainly update more of it than just the sanity bar. Make the glyph system less cumbersome.

He was like that on GAF, except it was conspiracies about anime streaming sites
All proven true i might add.
I had to give this one a like. Sorry everyone else, it was too perfect.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Took a peek at the kiwifarms gaf thread. They brought up the bore like one fucking time, posted a screenshot of some RestMod that was posted on a discord and then that's it? That was why all of this blew up?

Serrriousssssllllyyyy. People like beseda and cindi need to step the fuck outside and talk to people face to face every once in awhile. .  :doge


  • Junior Member

This is interesting. Actively protecting the conservative thread. Gives me hope.


  • Senior Member
The anger at Papa Johns for being a business is pretty hilarious. I keep seeing this meme of Little Ceasar's paying rent for Rosa Parks.

Yes, treat commercial chain pizza as a battleground for civil rights. Change the world, one greasy box at a time. Next stop: why does that thing that holds up the pizza box always gotta be white?   :stop


  • Senior Member
besada wasn't acting in good faith. He just wanted to try to get The Bore members banned from ResetEra because we have criticized his moderation on GAF.

When he was a moderator he actively worked to permanently ban as many members of The Bore that he could (and whoever was more popular than him or just had different points of view) for completely bullshit reasons.

For the record, I deplore personal attacks and doxxing but the moderation policy of someone caught redhanded conspiring to ban people like besada was should be fair game for criticism.

Thankfully, ResetEra was having none of his Littlefinger act - to which he reacted by immediately throwing ResetEra under the bus and accusing them of not caring about member safety.

This is interesting. Actively protecting the conservative thread. Gives me hope.
When the mods are good, they are very very good. Sincerely. I’ve been stunned and extremely impressed with more than a few of their actions.

But when they’re bad, they’re awful.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Like that inquisition they gave to Dyack. :doge


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
The anger at Papa Johns for being a business is pretty hilarious. I keep seeing this meme of Little Ceasar's paying rent for Rosa Parks.

Yes, treat commercial chain pizza as a battleground for civil rights. Change the world, one greasy box at a time. Next stop: why does that thing that holds up the pizza box always gotta be white?   :stop
To be fair Mr Popa himself is the biggest douchebag and i have no sympathy for crappy commercial chain pizza. Pizza should be a local thing, period.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
You buttholes better not have run Cindi off the forum. I wanted her as the cornerstone of my CBT porn empire. She’d make a great dom, when she’s angry.

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
Re: The Other Forum Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #440 on: November 04, 2017, 06:07:38 PM »
Cindi, I think you owe Benji a big apology.

You already sort of apologized to him, but I don't believe you understand the scope of what you've done. And I know that it's hard for some of you to take what I say to heart: I have the self-awareness to know that as far as some people here are concerned, I am barely above etiolate as a poster. Etiolate is more witty than I am, as a matter of fact, despite being wrong just about everything, but that is neither here nor there. I skirt the line between shitposting and careposting a lot, and I am much too invested in inter-forum drama and metaposting, and I have made some people scratch their heads with my posts more than a few times.

I also find it hard to be critical of you, since you are going through a lot of personal shit, like severe depression and hormonal stuff. At the same time, I think it would be disrespectful to treat you with kid gloves, you are a person and deserve honest criticism just like anyone else. Having said that, I find that your posts have been very "bipolar" ever since Reset has come to exist. I put bipolar in scare quotes because I never want to make the impression that I am earnestly diagnosing someone as this very serious condition, as one of my very close family members is medically diagnosed with it, but at the same time I am not an overly sensitive person that would freak out over someone using the word figuratively. Anyway, here is where I think you fucked up.

Even though I don't see eye to eye with a lot of people here, and some of you rub me the wrong way at times, as I am sure I do as well, I have been here for around a year as a registered member (and many more as a lurker). I feel a sort of camaraderie between us all, due to shared experience. I almost feel like I have a sense of loyalty to other posters that have been here as long as I have or longer. When one of us is attacked, I want to stand up for them, especially when they have been attacked completely unfairly. I feel like you so desperately wanted to fit in and belong to the Resetera community that you decided to throw some of us under the bus, but specifically Benji who has, for some reason, been singled out by people offsite.

You legitimized the completely unfounded accusations of Ted Danson, Besada, and random fucks on Reset of Benji aiding other forums in doxxing people. I think that was very wrong, and dangerous. He has never doxxed anyone, or aided anyone in doing that, and this cannot be said enough time. The accusations levied against him from different directions are difficult enough to deal with, and one of us legitimizng them just so we can fit in at the new hugbox forum is gross. At the end of the day, no matter how much of a detached, cynical shitposter he may portray himself to be, he is a real person, with real feelings. And it's not fair to make him some kind of symbol of the Bore hate machine, when all he's ever done was make funny posts.

That's my $0.02 and you can take it with copious amounts of salt, if you will. I am also drunk. Peace.

TLDR; Free Benji

I did apologize to him. I sent him a pm.

I never legititmized shit. I never said Besada was completely right. I said "in a way" he's right. I don't think Benji doxxed anyone, either. You guys completely kept missing my point of escalation. That everything this thread does A-okay, and then HIVE goes and does what he did, proving the accusations towards The Bore and concerns of this thread 100% right. So what the fuck do you want me to say? I didn't say Benji doxxed anyone. I only tried to tell him that his posts could very well make him a person of interest due to how they tend to be made. Take a stroll to Kiwi Farms, then read the HIVE stuff, and tell me we don't have a problem. Besada and Bobby might be wrong, in a way, but they're also technically right. If you have read the past page and think this thread is completely fine and we aren't playing games with peoples actual lives, in some form or another, you're fucking daft. 21337 said this thread was about laughing about gaf. Is this thread really, in your heart of hearts, 100% about that now? Because if you do? You might be a part of the problem and missing brain cells. Keep convincing yourselves that we are absolved, that the content here 100% a-okay. It just sounds to me like it's just trying to escape any sense of responsibility.

As for my "bipolar" stuff since Reset, TBH the past few weeks I've been like a dog chasing cars. Too much fuckery to be had. Too much drama to read (and create). I admit my responsibility as part of this. I can at least admit that.

They're not technically right in any way. Even HIVE posting more chat logs was boring, meaningless shit. I don't even know why he thought they were interesting.

Let me explain this clearly, Besada and Bobby are mentally disturbed people. If you are agreeing or seeing their point of view then there's something cracked in you. They both had meltdowns and at no point in their meltdown did they have a point. They targeted the bore because they felt it was a target they could freely attack, not because it was a relevant target. Thanks to your whining they ended up a bit right. They won't target the people actually going after them because those people fight back. Learn this behavior and watch out for it. You somewhat understood it when Besada targeted Reset, but Reset told him to F off. But then you fell for it in regards to the bore.
This post got 17 likes  :bow

I was #teametiolate from the start, y'all bandwagon headass  :hitler



  • Senior Member
You buttholes better not have run Cindi off the forum. I wanted her as the cornerstone of my CBT porn empire. She’d make a great dom, when she’s angry.


The only ones beefing there were benji and Cindi.

The rest of us just stood by watching like  ???

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
You buttholes better not have run Cindi off the forum. I wanted her as the cornerstone of my CBT porn empire. She’d make a great dom, when she’s angry.
Imagining her calling me an autistic fuccboi  :aah


  • Junior Member
To be fair Mr Popa himself is the biggest douchebag and i have no sympathy for crappy commercial chain pizza. Pizza should be a local thing, period.

Where are you from by chance? Because I have found that most local Pizza in most of the US sucks. We can't all live in Chicago or NYC. I'm sure there are other places with good shit. I've had it, but yeah where I am, most little Pizza joints are mediocre at best.


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
You buttholes better not have run Cindi off the forum. I wanted her as the cornerstone of my CBT porn empire. She’d make a great dom, when she’s angry.


The only ones beefing there were benji and Cindi.

The rest of us just stood by watching like  ???

There are plenty of people criticizing whatever she did or didn’t do (I’m not 100% on whats going on, this drama is lame, but her name keeps coming up).

team filler

  • filler
  • filler


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
The difference between me and these semi-Pua/MGTOW etc folks caught in the Psy-Op is that i never put women on a pedestal or as paragons of virtue.
The difference between me and those people who secretly hate women is that I actively and overtly hate women.


  • Senior Member


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member


  • Member
The difference between me and these semi-Pua/MGTOW etc folks caught in the Psy-Op is that i never put women on a pedestal or as paragons of virtue.
The difference between me and those people who secretly hate women is that I actively and overtly hate women.
its like treat women as people not goddess that transform the weather and life becomes better for everybody, shocking i know

You buttholes better not have run Cindi off the forum. I wanted her as the cornerstone of my CBT porn empire. She’d make a great dom, when she’s angry.


The only ones beefing there were benji and Cindi.

The rest of us just stood by watching like  ???

There are plenty of people criticizing whatever she did or didn’t do (I’m not 100% on whats going on, this drama is lame, but her name keeps coming up).
I don’t think anyone wants to shit on cindi, it’s obvious even to a newcomer like me that she’s a sweetheart and well liked by people who’ve been here a while. And yeah it was all very lame and regrettable. I’m pretty sure most people don’t want to talk about it much as it hurt both her and benji. If you want to read it all from the beginning the old thread is in the Hall of Fame.

My personal TL;DR:

Fuck besada. He kamikaze’d when resetera shrugged off his nonsense and he clipped cindi and benji in his final flyby with cheap potshots. Hopefully they’ll both come back soon. And considering other people here have said he abused his access to paid email addresses to call their employers to try and get them fired, I’m not too upset the New Zealanders took an interest. Maybe if he fucks off of Twitter long enough to stop trying to tear The Bore, resetera or other individuals down they’ll forget about him.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Cindi just took a walk to the park


  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member
I was reading a post and it seemed kinda normal and then I saw psy op and I was wtf what crazy ass nonsense who is this quack ass nicca and realized I was reading a Novid post. fml


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
So my porn concept was to target alt righters, because they seem fiercely loyal, and have Himu perform as an alt right dominatrix that would perform CBT acts on targets the audience would like while saying and screaming humiliating things at the target. I believe, for the first target, I had envisioned a non-binary because I wanted Himu to have a target she did actively dislike as she got accustomed to performing the CBT and humiliating her victim.

As she got more popular, I envisioned expansion opportunities like having her go on tour with Milo, or possibly starring in a spiritual remake of Slaughtered Vomit Dolls.

 Himu wouldn’t be required to change her beliefs or anything. It’d all be an act to fleece idiots. As she gets older and isn’t as visually suited to porn, I think she could maybe shift into being the new Ann Coulter.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
That sounds like a psy-op.


  • Member
Ellie is the new Kratos. My new waifu.
:neogaf :snoop :picard :aweshum :heyman

Okay, which one of you started this?
filler?  :bolo
They have also gone into a full, unironic boycott of Papa John’s.  :doge


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Okay, which one of you started this?
filler?  :bolo
They have also gone into a full, unironic boycott of Papa John’s.  :doge

Good for them. By far the worst of big chain pizza. I’d rather eat a slice of dropped Little Caesars that landed cheese-side-down in a dog park.

Which one of you is Dai101? Actually has them moving towards declaring Playstation the official alt right nazi console  :lol


  • Senior Member
Does H3H3 feel conflicted about this?

I think I can answer this one for him.



  • Senior Member
Alt-right claims ResetERA as their preferred sjw containment forum.

Waypoint forums did not respond when reached for comment on their losing bid.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Which one of you is Dai101? Actually has them moving towards declaring Playstation the official alt right nazi console  :lol

nazis just like ggators are obsessed with everything Japan


  • Senior Member
Playstation is made by Sony, which is a Japanese company. They'd have to go Xbox, but then MS CEO is Indian, so they might just be screwed on gaming consoles.

Somehow forgets that Japan sided with the Nazis in WWII

Which one of you is Dai101? Actually has them moving towards declaring Playstation the official alt right nazi console  :lol

nazis just like ggators are obsessed with everything Japan


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Which one of you is Dai101? Actually has them moving towards declaring Playstation the official alt right nazi console  :lol

nazis just like ggators are obsessed with everything Japan

Ok I am now closing the thread and will do some culling later.


  • just hanging around, being shitty
  • Senior Member
y'all need to watch more will and grace


  • Member
Once again Ignore on Reset is the best thing ever.


  • Senior Member
Once again Ignore on Reset is the best thing ever.

I've not registered on there, but Ignore is something I have never used. I want to know what people are saying. I am actually interested in the views of people I disagree with.


  • oops
  • Member
Once again Ignore on Reset is the best thing ever.

I've not registered on there, but Ignore is something I have never used. I want to know what people are saying. I am actually interested in the views of people I disagree with.

Usually yes, but when it's pigeon shitting on the chess board... I think i will pass.


  • Member
Re: The Other Forum Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #469 on: November 04, 2017, 07:47:56 PM »
Well, the Dyack welcome party didn't last very long  :lol

And you can't speak about Colin Moriarty content either

Resetera follows the pattern of "we are all about love and respecting each other", but if you cross them, they become your lifelong nemesis and quickly descend into hatefulness. Even if they ban threads on Colin Moriarty's content, they will likely still do the 40,000 post threads on his tweets, maybe with the very same top 10 posters the GAF threads had (some of them may even be mods now!).

Once again Ignore on Reset is the best thing ever.

I've not registered on there, but Ignore is something I have never used. I want to know what people are saying. I am actually interested in the views of people I disagree with.

Usually yes, but when it's pigeon shitting on the chess board... I think i will pass.

Maybe they're 4 dimensional pigeon shitting on the chess board


  • Senior Member
I definitely have no sympathy for beef soda getting doxed, because he abused his modship to dox people.

What goes around comes around

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
  • Senior Member
Catching up on the Benji drama: Benji did nothing wrong and I agree with him on the 12-hour flip-flop.

Link to relevant posts or a tldr post. I don't know if anything changed since I scaled back on posting, but Benji was absolutely one of the Bore's highlights. And he was compromised for what exactly?


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
To be fair Mr Popa himself is the biggest douchebag and i have no sympathy for crappy commercial chain pizza. Pizza should be a local thing, period.

Where are you from by chance? Because I have found that most local Pizza in most of the US sucks. We can't all live in Chicago or NYC. I'm sure there are other places with good shit. I've had it, but yeah where I am, most little Pizza joints are mediocre at best.
Dude is trying to doxx me. Not falling for it. Eat your crummy Papa Johns.


Catching up on the Benji drama: Benji did nothing wrong and I agree with him on the 12-hour flip-flop.

Link to relevant posts or a tldr post. I don't know if anything changed since I scaled back on posting, but Benji was absolutely one of the Bore's highlights. And he was compromised for what exactly?
Read the last 10 or so pages of the old thread in the hall of fame. It’s stickied at the top.

TL;DR: besada said he was a doxer/harasser, along with a few other regular posters in this thread, in a discord chat with the resetera mods. They pretty much (politely) dismissed it, and him in general. Then he went on a Twitter meltdown saying the mod team there didn’t care about the resetera users’ safety. Things got heated in the old thread when it was debated whether or not stuff posted here were tidbits collected and curated by KF to dox and harass people.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Everyone in my family knows I eat booty now.

Let me explain the NBA2K badge system before I get to the story. In the NBA2K games, they have a badge system. The higher the badge the greater your ability is. The highest level for a badge is Hall of Fame, so it's My friend, my brother, and I playing 2K. We are losing because my friend whose name is Robert aka "Bob the Builder" because he is a walking brick. I'm talking my shit telling him to get his badges on HoF. I told him "My shot water like my girl because I got all the HoF badges " then he goes yep " You got HoF ass eater and HoF toe sucker". I instantly denied it, but he tells me, my girl told his girl I eat ass. There is nothing wrong with eating ass, but you don't want the world to know. Later today I text my brother about going to see Thor movie tonight and he hits me back saying "Yes ass eater". The asshole didn't realize I put in the chat we share with are Sister and mother. Then my mother posts the nickyoungwhat picture. I don't even want to go home today.

It definitely is a new era at ResetERA. 9 pages already


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Catching up on the Benji drama: Benji did nothing wrong and I agree with him on the 12-hour flip-flop.

Link to relevant posts or a tldr post. I don't know if anything changed since I scaled back on posting, but Benji was absolutely one of the Bore's highlights. And he was compromised for what exactly?

The TL;DR: is that Cindi sided with Beefsoda on thinking Benji doxx'ed despite being here YEARS and knowing better. She done damn lost her mind, and Benji said so.

Relevant non-TL;DR posts:
:drudge SUPER HOT FIRE POST HERE :drudge <---Ted Damn Son = He Who Shall Not Be Named By Dis--IT'S LUCASARTS, KIDDO!

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
  • Senior Member
Catching up on the Benji drama: Benji did nothing wrong and I agree with him on the 12-hour flip-flop.

Link to relevant posts or a tldr post. I don't know if anything changed since I scaled back on posting, but Benji was absolutely one of the Bore's highlights. And he was compromised for what exactly?

The TL;DR: is that Cindi sided with Beefsoda on thinking Benji doxx'ed despite being here YEARS and knowing better. She done damn lost her mind, and Benji said so.

Relevant non-TL;DR posts:
:drudge SUPER HOT FIRE POST HERE :drudge <---Ted Damn Son = He Who Shall Not Be Named By Dis--IT'S LUCASARTS, KIDDO!

Damn. The fuck did you do, himu. :(


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
I guess the bore needs a reset, too.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Benji still posts, just not in this thread. And frankly, I don't blame him at this point if Beefsoda is going to continue to paint a target on his back that shouldn't be there in the first place because MidLife Crisis Movie Boy and Beef both think he's a serial stalker or whatever the fuck shadow they think is gonna jump out and get them. :doge

My personal TL;DR:

Fuck besada. He kamikaze’d when resetera shrugged off his nonsense and he clipped cindi and benji in his final flyby with cheap potshots. Hopefully they’ll both come back soon. And considering other people here have said he abused his access to paid email addresses to call their employers to try and get them fired, I’m not too upset the New Zealanders took an interest. Maybe if he fucks off of Twitter long enough to stop trying to tear The Bore, resetera or other individuals down they’ll forget about him.

This is accurate. If anyone is to be blamed, it's him and Rob the Disney.