Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2194168 times)

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  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member

I am perfectly capable; it is you who doesn't seem capable of understanding that despite all that "beliefs" still matter.  It's basic fucking psychology;  one man saying he believes being gay is a sin is still contributing to the general idea which is used as an excuse for bigotry even if he doesn't act as a bigot.  Immagine if dude has a closeted gay child for instance;  all of the policies he voted for aren't going to stop his "belief" from fucking with his child's head.  And loads of people who share that "belief" are outright bigots; it's the main excuse they use to support bigoted laws.

Let some people believe it's a sin. Why do people give a fuck so much about what other people think? Just like that whole baking a cake thing for a gay couple... they didn't wanna bake you a cake, get over it, find someone else to bake you a fucking cake.

As long as people don't verbally and physically attack you in the streets enough already with the compelled speech and thought policing. Let the market decide.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Just like that whole baking a cake thing for a gay couple... they didn't wanna bake you a cake, get over it, find someone else to bake you a fucking cake.
No! I want food made by people who despise me and think I threaten their blissful spiritual eternity GOD DAMMIT!


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
we should bring back denial of service to negros while we're at it


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
we should bring back denial of service to negros while we're at it
never! those laws were even more despicable!


  • Senior Member
Damn chill the fuck out everyone  :bolo


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
i prefer a sensible common sense pragmatic reasonable unobjectionable middle ground where i can know who the bigots are rather than their hiding behind the law in order to steal my precious slave wages while still providing bad service

something that wouldn't be a problem if every company was run like those in Glorious Nippon like Nintendo


  • Senior Member

You got it.

I'm really shocked someone actually got it.

I "get it" too, do I get a cookie?

What you guys are saying is.. no offense (kidding), derpy simpleton shit to be frank.  There's a deeper level at play when you talk about people professing their beliefs. 

And in the end; if he's Christian?  He believes the gay person must admit to their gay sex being a sin in order to not burn in hell; that shit is TWISTED.  Real hunky dory happy "beliefs" there that aren't hurtful; let's raise gay children to believe their sex is worthy of eternal damnation, no biggie as long as we don't vote for anti-gay rights laws.

OBVIOUSLY that belief coupled with wanting bigoted laws is worse;  there's levels to this shit.

You're making a lot of assumptions. It depends on the person. You're throwing out a blanket statement. There are some Christians who apply a "I don't know" stance to it. They might think it's a sin, but like I said earlier think that doesn't mean jack shit and that shouldn't stop you from treating lgbt people with love and compassion. Whether they think it's a sin or not, they might not think someone necessarily has to repent for it. I don't think Farron said lgbt people NEED to absolutely admit that we're sinners and need to repent for it? I'll have to re-read it. There's a lot of categories with this thing. There's Christians who think it's a sin but believe they have no right to judge and let people be and treat them like brothers and sisters. There's Christians who don't know if it's a sin or not, and treat people compassionately. There's Christians who are all fire and brimstone. Not all Christians who believe it to be a sin are alike.

That said, I don't think of it as a sin. I think the homosexuality Paul describes in Romans to be a hedonistic homosexuality. Not one grounded in love between two individuals. But that's my opinion. I am in the process of becoming a Catholic so I'm surrounded by people who think homosexuality or being trans is a sin, but they treat me with love especially since I don't go around talking about it. But I think they are wrong, and a lot of Catholics think they are wrong too. I will fight them for it but that doesn't stop me from understanding their point of view.

I've talked to some Christians who aren't affirming but aren't "IT'S A SIN AND YOU'RE GOING TO HELL" either. They're straight down the middle and don't know what to think and understand both viewpoints but that doesn't stop them from being loving and helpful to people and becoming friends.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
then there's the kind of service you can pay for in cambodia that i've been hearing great things about on video game industry insider forums


  • Senior Member
If loving the cawk is a sin, the bore is a bus on the express way to hell


  • Senior Member
If loving the cawk is a sin, the bore is a bus on the express way to hell

I love the cock. I'm definitely tempted. :brazilcry

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
love the cock hate the sin


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
i prefer a sensible common sense pragmatic reasonable unobjectionable middle ground where i can know who the bigots are rather than their hiding behind the law in order to steal my precious slave wages while still providing bad service

something that wouldn't be a problem if every company was run like those in Glorious Nippon like Nintendo
reminded me of this amazing article

In many Japanese offices, you're required to scream "Good morning!" at the top of your lungs, clapping your hands to your thighs, as soon as you enter the office area every morning. Everyone in the office then shouts "Good morning!" back to you. At my orientation for one company, the Human Resources Girl — whose face (figuratively) literally screamed "Hall Monitor" — was going over the "Good Morning!" protocol. Her explanation weird despite its terseness: "This is how adults interact in Japan." Most of the people at the orientation, like me, were under twenty-five. "Before we move onto the next item, does anyone have any questions?" I seriously and portentously asked a question, then, which I thought was hilarious: "If we're the first one in the office in the morning, do we still have to scream 'Good Morning' and clap our hands to the sides of our legs?" Her answer was immediate, and humorless: "Yes." "Well, I mean, there's no one else around to hear it, right?" "You still have to do it. It's the rule. Every employee must do this. That's why we call it 'protocol.'" This instant was actually the very first time I begin to ponder the logistics of actually going ahead and being homeless. You know, cardboard, up against concrete, is not only not uncomfortable — it's pretty good for your spine!

I pushed further: "What if I am the second person in the office, and the first person is someone with whom I have, previously, managed to successfully cultivate a congenial personal relationship? What if it's a person whose first and last name I know, with whom I share interests and hobbies, and we've previously agreed that we think this 'Good morning' shit is some serious bullshit, and we just agree to be like, 'Hey, what's up' to one another in the morning and we've also agreed that hey, if anyone else asks, we'll just go ahead and say 'Oh yeah, that dude totally screamed "Good morning" to me this morning'?"

The HR girl didn't even blink: "You still have to carry out the customary 'Good Morning.'"

there's a happy ending, though
It's worth noting that I got friendly with a guy in the office — and one day, he happened to be first in the office, and I was second. I didn't say good morning to him. He came over to my desk about two minutes after I'd settled in. "You forgot to say good morning."

"Yeah, I know, dude. How are you doing today?"

". . . You know, I don't really mind, myself, though you really do have to say good morning. If there were more people in the office, and not just me, they would think you were not part of the team. Even if it's just me in the office when you get in, you should try getting into the habit of saying good morning in my presence. This is just how we do things in Japan, Tim."

"Well, [Name-removed]-san, you can try putting 'san' on the end of my fucking name from now on, then, you know, as practice."

Really — all these customs and politeness and whatever, and they go and throw out the customary name suffix and just call me "Tim". Why not "Tim-san"? I'm required to put "san" on the end of their names. It's a little . . . suspicious. I knew from the beginning that I would never "fit in" whether I wanted to or not; well, this was probably around when the rest of the world got the memo.

I never talked to that guy again! From that day on, when I arrived in the office and he was the only other person there, I wold snap my fingers, point directly at him, and then, when I had gotten his attention, I'd give him a sharp military salute, letting some huge "HOOH" sound escape the back of my throat.


  • Senior Member
love the cock hate the sin



  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
we should bring back denial of service to negros while we're at it

When people are becoming physically harmed over something authority should step in to give a nudge to society. If people were being lynched over wedding cakes then yeah we need some guidance.

My point is that there's other more efficient ways to push for cultural change.  Compelling people to do things all the time isn't exactly the best way. You end up with backlashes that can last for decades.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
i prefer a sensible common sense pragmatic reasonable unobjectionable middle ground where i can know who the bigots are rather than their hiding behind the law in order to steal my precious slave wages while still providing bad service

something that wouldn't be a problem if every company was run like those in Glorious Nippon like Nintendo
reminded me of this amazing article
Once, another foreign employee at another company suggested to the management that they try doing things like ordering pizza — or the Japanese equivalent — for the employees, every once in a while. You know, because these guys put in soul-crushing work hours and could probably use the encouragement from the company. He was immediately greeted with an automaton-like voice: "QUANTIFY: 'ENCOURAGEMENT'". His explanation was that employees who are actually happy, or content, or who feel appreciated, generally do better work. The guys in this company were the type to sit at their desks with bowls of terrible convenience-store ramen through the night. Why not treat them to, you know, one higher class of a food? The human resources department passed the idea around, and figured it couldn't hurt. So, one day, we got an email: "THIS FRIDAY AT SIX PM, EVERY EMPLOYEE IS REQUIRED TO REPORT TO THE CONFERENCE ROOM TO EAT PIZZA"

Please understand.


  • Senior Member
I'm well aware not every Christian is some pure believer of the concept of needing to repent to go to heaven; meaning, they don't believe in their.. religion.. so.. aren't.. really.. Christian.

Depends on the type of Christianity. For a Catholic? Sure. But the guy I'm talking about is a Canadian Baptist.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Cant turn my back for a second, I hate every single one of you :goldberg


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
When I first came to Japan, and learned that "irasshaimase" meant "come [into the store]!" I expressed a certain amount of confusion to the dude who was playing the part of my tour guide. We were in a Jeansmate — a Japanese jeans store that is inexplicably open twenty-four hours a day, even in towns where (as in ours) the only god damn supermarket closes at eight in the PM. I was looking at jeans, and an employee, standing nearby, was repeatedly yelling "Irrashaimase" at my roommate and I. "That's just how they do things." He must have yelled it maybe a hundred times. We were the only customers in the store. "Why is he telling us to come into the store if we're already in the store?" "Beats me, man," was my roommate's response.
I need a freenudemacusers report on Jeansmate stat.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
When people are becoming physically harmed over something authority should step in to give a nudge to society. If people were being lynched over wedding cakes then yeah we need some guidance.

My point is that there's other more efficient ways to push for cultural change.  Compelling people to do things all the time isn't exactly the best way.

Or, you can compell them.  Because what you are required to do with a business license doesn't have to equate to your personal freedoms; nothing stoping an individual from not baking a gay person a cake. 

Hell, it's not really compelling them really. No one forced them to get a business license; no one forcing them to stay in buiness.  Read the laws in the city you get a license in if you are so concerned, int hat case, apparentl they didn't or didn't care.
But we're treading on religious freedoms in this situation. Part of the reason the United States has been so successful in reforming so many crazy ass religions is because of religious freedoms afforded to these groups. Let them have their space, let the market decide if their views are going to be acceptable in society. If not baking Mr Jim and Mr Joe a cake is frowned upon then the bakery will fail to do business and therefore fail to exist. When you start attacking these people and compelling them to do certain things you'll get a backlash. History shows this.


  • Senior Member
Okay, that's fair Riotous. My problem is distilling the argument I've made to "librul sjws lol lul" when I'm Side A. :p


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
oh god they aren't literally open 24 hours but like 9am-2am

their "look books" (a sort of catalog/style guide i think but i don't read japanese as i am unworthy gajin) all have the same smiling dude on the cover; many with fee-males having extremely varying levels of enjoyment


  • Senior Member
American Baptists like...a lot of American forms of Christianity are...unique. Canadian Baptists from my exposure are far more neutral and/or left leaning. It's like a completely different sect. Allegorical interpretations of Genesis and everything. It's crazy how different American Christianity is from the rest of the world.


  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Pick Up (( Collaboration ))


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
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Bore Expert

  • Member
Star Wars is a hell of a drug.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
i finally have to say something...

I'm just some dude who notices connections between things, as evidenced by my pun skills.
most of those fast joke replies you were GAF famous for weren't actually puns but referential humor, Count

the best way to tell if you're actually making a pun is if there's a German word for it


  • Ass
  • Member
Plump labias. The kind that, when the legs are pressed together and raised up, would be the inspiration for the gates of heaven.  :drool


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
I thought this thread was for making fun of other forums, not for early aughts like arguments about LGBT rights and christianity.

Instead of combing the legitimately stupid and embarrassing 600 page thread where nintards are hyping themselves up over fucking nothing for quality shitposts, or literally any stupid fucking thing that goes on over there, we got riotous and Cindi arguing for pages because they're the only two dumb enough to fall for Assimilate's grade school bigotry.

Ya, enough of that shit.

It’s sentencing day, kids!  :rejoice


  • Senior Member


Edit: I didn't actually read the OP. It makes sense now. It is Beefy post I should be looking at I think, lol
"Even though he didn't vote with his believes, him just thinking that it is a sin is enough to hurt people." - Community Resettler

Holy shit. What happened here?

And yeah. So originally I thought it was the post above it. I read like the first line of the post above it and thought it was about LGBT issues being of most concern for the country. Of course for the majority of people there are bigger issues when it concerns what is best for the country. So it seemed initially ridiculous. I then read the post in full and thought, "hold on a minute... what is the OP about exactly?". That's when I realised it was actually Beefy's post he was bringing attention to.

That said, I am going to chime in on this because I have now read the exchange between Beefy and the other people and actually disagree with Beefy's stance.

So take this post here by Beefy:
Soon as his opinion starts to effect some one then he doesn't

He is actually saying here that he doesn't have the right to his own personal opinion. That was what the exchange was about. beefy doesn't believe he should have the right to an opinion because it may affect someone who is gay.

Absolutely no, when you start denying people the right to their own opinion, we are really walking down dangerous territory, don't you think?

Now if what Beefy was really saying is that it is hurtful and can be criticised. Now that is a different thing. He wasn't saying that though.

Another post from Beefy
Thought policing of bigotry isn't a bad thing. Lol at saying me not wanting people to be bigots is worse then being Farron a actual bigot

Something I have mentioned before. The Oxford English dictionary defines 'bigotry' as:

noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries

    intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.

You are a bigot Beefy by definition. Again not necessarily because you criticise, but because you believe he does not have the right to that opinion.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 08:19:46 AM by Leadbelly »


  • Have You Ever
  • Senior Member

Sure. Statements made by the accuser that show that she likes to make false accusations is completely irrelevant to her current accusation.

Wait what the fuck this is in the exact same thread

The tweet is enough evidence.


User has been warned: attempts to discredit potential victim by digging out old tweets of her.


  • OG Cracker
  • Member
The bore:

Gay Cake Makers!
LGBTI for beginners!
And some nintendard bashing*

*thread closed..

**edit: new nintendard thread appeared! As you were
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 08:27:29 AM by Tektonic »

Kurt Russell

  • Senior Member
Wait what the fuck this is in the exact same thread

The tweet is enough evidence.


User has been warned: attempts to discredit potential victim by digging out old tweets of her.

That's because one of the tweets doesn't support the righteous narrative, you GG Nazi.



  • Senior Member
lol the nintendo thing was real


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member

Sure. Statements made by the accuser that show that she likes to make false accusations is completely irrelevant to her current accusation.

Wait what the fuck this is in the exact same thread

The tweet is enough evidence.


User has been warned: attempts to discredit potential victim by digging out old tweets of her.

What's funny is that those tweets are also just a few months old. I'd get if she had posted that in 2011 or so, but the one about ruining someone's life is from September, lol


  • Senior Member
lol the nintendo thing was real

Wasn't worth half the hype it got, though. The real story here is the utter insanity that is Nintendo fandom. A lot less people would be harsh on Nintendo if they didn't have such cum hungry weirdos wailing for new announcements every hour.

But what about ports of ancient games?! Surely the hype is justified!

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
  • Senior Member
lol the nintendo thing was real

Wasn't worth half the hype it got, though. The real story here is the utter insanity that is Nintendo fandom. A lot less people would be harsh on Nintendo if they didn't have such cum hungry weirdos wailing for new announcements every hour.

But what about ports of ancient games?! Surely the hype is justified!



  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
30k posts for a bunch of free DLC and ports :lol

Never change, Nintards.

Edit: here we go

Secondly, people have to remember many of the current and prospective Switch owners have never owned a Wii U. All of these ports are essentially brand new games for them, thus adding even more value to the platform. And even if you owned a Wii U, chances are you don't have every single major release. I'm sure there are people who never got the chance to check out Hyrule Warriors or Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. Plus, these ports are "definitive" editions, which include all post release content, DLC and perhaps a few additional features as well.

Yaaaas Miyamoto-San :uguu
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 10:12:23 AM by Raist »


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
30k posts for a bunch of free DLC and ports :lol

Never change, Nintards.
Not even like Nintendo hyped it up. That's all thanks to the lovely insiders who need this validation so bad.

Skullfuckers Anonymous

  • Will hunt bullies for fruit baskets. PM for details.
  • Senior Member
Update to the H&M Monkey sweatshirt thread. The mother of the model has told people upset to, "Get Over it".

First response on Reset is a white guy saying that the mom is just exploiting her child.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
these kids are distinguished mentally-challenged, they need help.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member
lol the nintendo thing was real

Wasn't worth half the hype it got, though. The real story here is the utter insanity that is Nintendo fandom. A lot less people would be harsh on Nintendo if they didn't have such cum hungry weirdos wailing for new announcements every hour.

But what about ports of ancient games?! Surely the hype is justified!

It's still much more than what MS is getting...

Also I think that SE showing they haven't forgotten about TWEWY is a good thing. And a Falcom game coming to Switch may very well mean they'll continue to support the platform (Kiseki series next?)


  • Senior Member
Update to the H&M Monkey sweatshirt thread. The mother of the model has told people upset to, "Get Over it".

First response on Reset is a white guy saying that the mom is just exploiting her child.

I hope to read a "User was banned for telling black people how to think/feel about racism" post in there somehwere

I'm starting to wonder if the mods have chilled out a bit. It may just be there aren't many on at the moment.


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
It's still much more than what MS is getting...

I mean, any less than MS and Nintendo would withdraw titles.


  • Senior Member
I don't give a shit about Xbox this gen  :yeshrug

Bailed on them for Sony cuz I wasn't gonna pay more money for weaker hardware


  • Senior Member
Going back to the thread those Beefy comments were in.
His homophobia is incompatible

I notice this disconnect with the term 'liberal'. In the UK it still maintains an element of its original meaning. And that is the case with the Liberal Deomcrats party. In America on the other hand it has lost all meaning.

The person she is responding to is trying to make the argument that his views are compatible with the liberals, but I know she doesn't quite get that (lol). Obviously the word 'liberal' is derived from the word 'liber' which means free (man). Liberalism was and is a philosphy that emphasises the freedom of the individual. This is where we get concepts like free speech, the right to free assembly, the freedom of religion, and so on. It is not 'liberal' in the original sense to deny people the right to their own opinion. What would be 'illiberal' on the other hand is to deny LGBT people their rights which clearly Farron did not do.

This complete loss of meaning of the word 'liberal' in America is why the term 'illiberal liberal' actually makes sense. It would do liberals some good to actually look back at the roots of liberalism once in a while.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 11:46:14 AM by Leadbelly »


  • Senior Member
30k posts for a bunch of free DLC and ports :lol

Never change, Nintards.

Edit: here we go

Secondly, people have to remember many of the current and prospective Switch owners have never owned a Wii U. All of these ports are essentially brand new games for them, thus adding even more value to the platform. And even if you owned a Wii U, chances are you don't have every single major release. I'm sure there are people who never got the chance to check out Hyrule Warriors or Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. Plus, these ports are "definitive" editions, which include all post release content, DLC and perhaps a few additional features as well.

Yaaaas Miyamoto-San :uguu

im supposed to believe that these hardcore wii u owners dont have all the major games released for it? some people are reallt down with the sauce


  • Senior Member

Pills Here

  • Junior Member
The Bore needs a Post Your Penis thread.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
Update to the H&M Monkey sweatshirt thread. The mother of the model has told people upset to, "Get Over it".

First response on Reset is a white guy saying that the mom is just exploiting her child.

Enzom working overtime in that thread. I wonder if loaded questions are his only form of communication


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
The Bore needs a Post Your Penis thread.

It’s called the PM system

Pills Here

  • Junior Member
PM your cocks


  • Senior Member
FBI'a Stephen Flatley Calls Apple "Jerks"/Evil Geniuses" For iOS Encryption

Quote from: WaffleTaco
This is something I actually side with the US government on.

What kind of idiot supp-

Community Resettler

Yeah, that's about right.


  • Senior Member
The Bore needs a Post Your Penis thread.

It should be called ITT we rate your penis.

Alsoooooooooooo, it's sentencing day!


I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
The Bore needs a Post Your Penis thread.
Every bore thread is the post your penis thread...if you're man enough.


  • Live Mαs
  • Senior Member
Amirox docket was updated, he was sentenced. Doesn't say what it was on there but according to neofeg

He was sentenced to 12 to 24 months incarceration, so it's a state prison sentence. That's to be followed by 2 years of probation after his release. He'll have to register as a sex offender for 15 years.

He has 6 months or so of time credit, so technically he could be paroled as early as the end of June.

Doesn't seem like much but when you consider that Amirox has little to no self control, he'll probably be back in the slammer not too long after he gets out.


  • Senior Member
Amirox docket was updated, he was sentenced. Doesn't say what it was on there but according to neofeg

He was sentenced to 12 to 24 months incarceration, so it's a state prison sentence. That's to be followed by 2 years of probation after his release. He'll have to register as a sex offender for 15 years.

He has 6 months or so of time credit, so technically he could be paroled as early as the end of June.

Doesn't seem like much but when you consider that Amirox has little to no self control, he'll probably be back in the slammer not too long after he gets out.

Seems really lenient for the US where sentences always seem a lot harsher compared to Europe.