Author Topic: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization  (Read 32504 times)

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Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« on: July 19, 2018, 09:47:33 PM »
Using this to hopefully siphon off the derail in the relationships thread so it can get back to being fun anecdotes.

Putting aside the sludge of hurt feelings that underlies this hypothesis, I just don't understand how the math works on this.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2018, 09:54:59 PM »
Tangentially related to Tasty's rose colored glasses helpful add-on and 213372bu's thread, I don't know if we need any more dedicated shitcans.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2018, 09:57:08 PM »
Bumble, i've never been on it, but i've had friends who have. It's a nightmare 100x worse than tinder apparently.

And think of the message it sends.

"here ladies, you deserve better. you're a princess, the greatest thing on this earth, now you have the power to choose amongst allll these mennnnn"

for pushing 'equality' these bitches sure do love the script being flipped.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2018, 09:59:11 PM »
You guys seriously need another trashpile thread? I already hid the disgusting cesspit that was the Other Forum thread. Ya'll niccas hate gurlz so much you need your own thread?


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2018, 10:00:12 PM »
You guys seriously need another trashpile thread? I already hid the disgusting cesspit that was the Other Forum thread. Ya'll niccas hate gurlz so much you need your own thread?
who said anything about hating girls?

this is about the system that is currently in place and what it does to peoples psychology.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2018, 10:05:29 PM »
shut the fuck up already you boring dipshit


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2018, 10:07:23 PM »
shut the fuck up already you boring dipshit
Are you back to your Beaky ways of following people across multiple threads on the Bore?

Didn't Opti put you in your place about doing that?

Shape up Beaky.


  • cultural maoist
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2018, 10:10:29 PM »
there's like three active threads on this forum at a time it's not stalking that leads you to talking to the same people all the time


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2018, 10:12:46 PM »
seriously, you don't notice we're all basically in the same threads :lol


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2018, 10:12:53 PM »
who said anything about hating girls?

this is about the system that is currently in place and what it does to peoples psychology.

Yeah it was much better back in the good old days when women knew their place, or even better, got clubbed and dragged to a cave.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2018, 10:14:43 PM »
Using this to hopefully siphon off the derail in the relationships thread so it can get back to being fun anecdotes.

Putting aside the sludge of hurt feelings that underlies this hypothesis, I just don't understand how the math works on this.

My bad, boo.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2018, 10:15:09 PM »
shut the fuck up already you boring dipshit
Are you back to your Beaky ways of following people across multiple threads on the Bore?

Didn't Opti put you in your place about doing that?

Shape up Beaky.

Lulz you didn't even make this thread, soyboy.

Seems to me you're the one obsessing over 'grams, you even have a cute pet name and everything. 'Sus.  :gurl


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2018, 10:15:20 PM »
Ok, in good faith I'm actually going to sit down and read your fucking article.

First off:

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) This is making me think it's a parody at this point and I'm not even into the first paragraph.

Harry TheBicepsFlexKilla was standing in front of the public library. Raindrops were slowly accumulating on top of his brown desert boots, which he had strategically chosen to match the color of his jacket. His mind and heart were so occupied in decoding the future that the figures of the strangers passing by gradually transformed into obscure streetlight shadows slowly entering and disappearing from Harry’s peripheral vision like muted ghosts.

Pushed by forces that you hear only when you set foot on the battlefield, Harry jumped on the first step of the entrance leading to the large building. The goal was to make himself look longer.

“The first impression is everything,” he thought.

His new height changed the view and gave him an opportunity to see a glowing waterfall formed by the rain and the street lamp. Everything was trivial and yet magical.

“This is it,” said Harry with his facial expression, lifted his chin and crossed his arms seemingly ready for whatever.

The night advanced. The rain intensified and transformed the dark trees around into a percussion orchestra by hitting the dying November leaves as if they were drums. Harry’s sleeves were getting heavier by the minute, but he didn’t want to hide.

“There is time. Traffic and all… I have to stay here for her to see me,” rationalized Harry in an attempt to calm down the reality-induced corrosion loading in him.


The sound of heels hitting the ground reached Harry’s ears, and he quickly turned his head to the left. The movement was subtle and yet it revealed in detail the emotional whirlpool inside of him.

“Back in 1988…I was a soldier…,” said an old homeless man in dirty boots to anyone listening. His words were clothed in a rusty, whiskey timbre. He slowly left Harry’s sight while taking away the sound of heels punching the pavement with him.

“There is still time. Traffic and all,” said Harry.

He remained at the same place and limited his movements because he wasn’t particularly enthusiastic to hear the humidity level report prepared by his skin.

Unknown minutes later, he unzipped his jacket and took out his smartphone to see the time and to acquire the silhouette of a “normal” modern person. His ego was tired of inhabiting a man looking like a loser meditating under the rain.

It was late… so late that Harry wished he didn’t know how to read the time.

“Maybe I should go?”

Harry’s smartphone addiction pushed through. He instinctively went through his screens and saw the gallery app. He pressed on it by habit. The pixels united and formed a digital image of his date before him – she was beautiful and thankfully not fat.

:no1curr ...Wait... *bolds* :neogaf Ok, I see where this is going, let's continue...

“There is still time. Traffic and all,” said Harry and put the phone back in his pocket.

Through a human eye, the rain appeared full of guilt but couldn’t help itself and embraced Harry until every trace of hope drowned.

10 days later, Harry saw her on his way to the gym (deadlift day). “A small world.”

The woman was with another man – taller and more handsome than Harry.

:no1curr Oh, wait... there we go. Now we're getting somewhere!!!

Conversely, she was different from the picture. Pimples missing from the original report were covering her face whereas her clothes appeared strangers to a washing machine and style. Yet she was with someone seemingly extracted from the higher stratosphere. This image stood with Harry throughout the whole workout.

Summary so far:

Underlined: GOOD HEAVENS! Someone that thought she was a "5" to him, is with someone that thought she was a "8-10!" *gasp* What an interesting read so far, Assy McGee! TRULY RIVETING!

“Why,” thought Harry while ripping off the heavy barbell off the floor.


:neogaf Summary: :no1curr out of :no1curr 's And I'm not even into the fucking actual point of your article so far and I'm seeing where this is going.

Feminism and Social Media = A Combination from Hell
I was born before the Internet…before the PC. I remember the early, primitive days. Back then, women were not nearly as interested in technology. Many considered the computing machines a zone reserved for male nerds incapable of obtaining sexual experiences.

The situation didn’t change much when the PC acquired colors other than black, white and green. It didn’t change when the Internet hit the world either.

Yes, women began to use the computer to download entertainment, mainly movies and songs, but this kind of addiction is neither as obvious nor as criticized. After all, the TV had already been injecting the veins of the modern humanoid for quite some time.

The real change took place when MySpace entered the online realm. This was the turning point.

Ok, now I see why you wanted me to read this. Let's go...

I don’t know what MySpace is today, but in the beginning, it was a social network similar to Facebook. The main difference was that the user had more control over the design of his or hers personal page. There were themes and various settings to play with. Every profile was different, unlike Facebook which looks like a database and gives you close to zero customization options.

I had the chance to see the effect of MySpace on women from the first row. A family member of mine became addicted to MySpace. Tuning her profile turned into a part-time job. If she was in front of a computer, she was on MySpace.

This form of MySpace faded, but the new social media and the smartphones sealed the deal by building and maintaining the digital weapons and infrastructure needed to capture the female population.

Today, women are more than addicted to social media and phones. Texting female zombies have become the norm. In most cases, they are on Facebook, Messenger or Instagram. (The younger generations also play with juvenile stuff like SnapChat.) Many women would rather get a divorce or quit their job than delete their social media accounts.

You could say that about men as well. :yeshrug Maybe not as many men, but "smartphone addiction" has been a huge talking point for a few years now because people flip through apps instead of being with the person they're hanging out with. I say that as a disabled person that has seen that first-hand so many fucking times that I have become numb to it and accept it. :yeshrug

Let's move on...

Why are women so addicted to social media?

Social media addiction has four pillars.

1. Welcome to Charlie’s Dopamine Factory

What’s dopamine?

Let me answer your question with questions.

Do you know that feeling when you head-shot someone in CS:GO? That’s dopamine.

Do you know that feeling when you receive the text message or the e-mail that you have been waiting for all day? That’s dopamine.

Do you know that feeling when the courier calls you to give you a parcel? That’s dopamine.

Do you know that feeling when releases a new article or a book? That’s dopamine.

It’s not a secret that the goal of every app, game, website, movie, book…etc. is to generate as much dopamine as possible within you. The more dopamine there is, the harder it becomes to let go and do something else. There are even companies that specialize in strategies designed to render digital products even more addicting by increasing the production of dopamine.

The collaboration between the social media and smartphones results in a highly efficient dopamine factory. Notifications in all their forms (ticks, vibrations, sounds…etc.) are incredibly addictive. I would even say that they are more effective than video games because you link them to real life events and opportunities. Winning a game may be fun, but your subconscious knows that it’s not real. This is not the case when it comes to notifications since they relate directly to sex, love, friendship, money, fame and status.

"Humans are social animals and thereby want to talk to others when they get a beep." No shit, Sherlock. :trumps

2. Ego Satisfaction

What is the ego? One of the definitions would be – others’ perception of you. In other words, an element that dictates almost every action that people make.

Since social media allow you to alter the way other humans see you in a very effective manner, it becomes easy to join the party and never look back.

Ok, this is going outside of relationships. But: Yeah, I agree that social media "distorts" in the sense of yourself advertising your positives more than your negatives. But that's outside of relationships. Let's keep going...

3. Constant validation

Social media platforms are capable of providing constant validation. Hearing how pretty and cool you are never gets tiresome.

Point. Article: 1. No1Currs: 10.

Guess, what? The average woman receives a hundred times more validation than the average man. Just click on the profile picture of a random woman, and you will see at least 50 likes and many comments suggesting that she is magnificent beyond belief.

TMOT are a bigger population than THOT? SAY IT ISN'T SO! No shit, Sherlock. #2.

Ironically, that’s often the case even when the person in question does not fulfill the definition of the complimenting adjectives.

UH-OH... I see where this is going...

One time I saw the profile photo of a girl that was simply ugly. Maybe it was just the photo…maybe not…most likely not, and yet the army of positive comments was there. The same happens to men too, but not nearly to the same degree, for women are less likely to compliment a man. Positive comments from your buddies may be cool, but we all know what we really want – female attention.

In women’s case, the source of that constant validation are usually other females, white knights (sexist males who worship women while remaining blind to their imperfections) and other forms of horny men whose desire to penetrate is making them hallucinate.

Sour Grapes, #2.

4. Power

Dating apps, sites and their unofficial form known as social media gave women an opportunity to hurt an incredible amount of males (and females for the matter) directly and indirectly. Inflicting pain is a source of power in itself and could be very addictive. It is hardly a surprise that women are reluctant to give up the throne. Once you’ve experienced luxury, going back to the kingdom of the poor hurts even more.

Point. Article: 2. :no1curr : 20.

But before I move on, this can apply to men hurting women as well. Don't even start with that "no, that's not true" bullshit, because you know the game is the same for men AND women.

Those four pillars result in social media addiction of the highest order.

The Side Effects
The female power online created dynamics that will be studied by future generations in psychology and history classes. That’s how massive the changes have been.

Which segment do you think has mutated the most?

Of course, it’s the dating world.

Back in the day, people looking for love online were considered freaks, weirdos and cowards. This is no longer the case. You can find all kinds of individuals online – from beggars to princes.

Flirt websites and especially apps such as Tinder have had the highest impact on dating because they created an infrastructure allowing women to easily connect with various categories of potential lovers.

Online dating gave women power of a magnitude so great that even they are scared of it sometimes.

Women dictate things online for the following reasons:


1. There are more men than women online.

No Shit, Sherlock. #3.

More men are willing to make an online dating profile because:

a. Men are rational and put an emphasis on efficiency.

b. It’s seemingly easier to meet someone online, although it rarely turns out to be the case.

c. Men don’t receive as many offline offers as women. If you are a woman that gets hit on 5 times every time you leave the house, the incentive to participate in online dating is smaller.

d. Most men have a higher sex drive than women because testosterone is one hell of a hormone.

You may think that the high percentage of males online means that men dictate the rules of the game, but you are forgetting a few details.

First, the keyword is online.

Second, those men are competing against each other directly.

Third, when a commodity of any kind is available in great quantities, its price usually drops, for there are many options.

If for every woman online there are 20 men, the value of a single proposal decreases significantly. Why would anyone cry over you when there are 20 more just like you ready to take over?

First bold: No Shit, Sherlock. #4.

Second bold: You mean to tell me supply/demand is in effect when it comes to dating online?  :heh This isn't new... Jesus Christ, Assy... why am I reading this?

2. Some Apps and Dating Sites are Sexist

Some dating apps and sites are free or at least cheaper for women whereas men always have to pay for the nice sexy features – kind of like the clubs that allow women to enter without paying anything. If that is not sexist, I do not know what is.

I'm not even going to touch this one.

3. Texting

This one is huge.

Thumb communication a.k.a. texting altered the way people communicate forever. Undoubtedly, there are some benefits to texting, but without discipline, convenience always turns into imbalances and suffering.

Texting, coupled with the online dating dynamics, provided women with great power because of its casual and accidental properties.

In the past, there was no texting. If you wanted to ask out a woman, you had to do it either in person, through friends, in a paper later or on the phone. What will she say? There are three possibilities. Yes, no, some other time (which is a no). Texting does not offer a completely different answer, but it does not require a fast response – a very important characteristic.

Women love that. She can answer whenever she wants, and if you pressure her to text you back faster or with more precise wording, you will receive the label “loser with no life.”

Point. Article: 3. :no1curr : 30.

Females often rely on texting to profile you. The exchanged words and their timing have a double meaning and contain different forms of tests. Silence is also a test. Many women love to leave you hanging in order to see how you will react. Of course, the outcome of those tests depends on how much they actually like you. If they are really into you, you will get away with bad answers or may not even be tested. If they are hesitating about you, the wrong behavior will earn you a rejection.

Another option that only texting provides would be the almighty – no answer/ignore mode (which is a no). This property is a great feature for the modern heart-breaker. She doesn’t even have to say anything whereas women of yesterday had to have the guts to actually reply unless we are talking about a love letter.

Ok, I can agree with this. I don't disagree. But this is a kernel of "ok, I see your point" in a mountain of shit, and I still haven't finished.

Of course, men can technically use the same options, but more often than not, they find themselves on the receiving end. Only the princes (rich and/or pretty boys) are strangers to this treatment.

“Why isn’t she texting me,” said Harry while looking at his phone on the way back.

There are two main reasons why a girl is not answering after a sufficient amount of time has passed.

1. She is dead…or injured.

2. She doesn’t want to.

By the way, she didn’t forget about you. But even if she did, do you really want a girl that “forgets” about you?

Texting = Efficiency?

People say that texting is efficient, but this is rarely the case. The proper word would be informal – two different epithets.

Why would you complicate things? Why would you write a novel on your tiny phone when you can just call and acquire more information in 3 minutes? Sounds inefficient to me. Guess, what? Women don’t care about efficiency as much as men do. Or should I say that they have a different definition of that word? Texting simply suits their natural desire to play mind games and avoid direct confrontations/answers.


(Hint: I don't agree with this, obviously)

Even Ugly Women Get To Ride the Ferrari

Oh, Jesus Christ. :lol ::)

Do I need to continue with this hell, Assy?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2018, 10:15:49 PM »
so when do you estimate this change came about where women elites and white knights and fegs and feminist entitlement really took over the whole social scene?

is it a date that should live in infamy like when GamerGate started?


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2018, 10:15:50 PM »
I read this part which explains a lot and then i was going to blast you on this until you reminded me that you're gay. Why am i even having this discussion with you? You didn't read the second link so you don't know what i'm talking about and plus you're a goddamn queen so you won't relate to any of this.

Because I'm engaging you in an actual fucking discussion instead of clowning you like I just did the first half of your stupid-ass article. :yeshrug Happen to want to dissect your red-pill bullshit, because Rah was deep into that incel koolaid as well and realized that maybe he was the problem?


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2018, 10:18:18 PM »
seriously, you don't notice we're all basically in the same threads :lol
Yeah but have some class. Don't follow someone across different threads foaming at the beak.

Lulz you didn't even make this thread, soyboy.

But Mandark made it for me  :uguu

I read this part which explains a lot and then i was going to blast you on this until you reminded me that you're gay. Why am i even having this discussion with you? You didn't read the second link so you don't know what i'm talking about and plus you're a goddamn queen so you won't relate to any of this.

Because I'm engaging you in an actual fucking discussion instead of clowning you like I just did the first half of your stupid-ass article. :yeshrug Happen to want to dissect your red-pill bullshit, because Rah was deep into that incel koolaid as well and realized that maybe he was the problem?
dude, you do realize (i thought you were going to realize after seeing the titles of those minibooks) that a lot of it is for humor, exaggeration, and kind of pointing out the obvious that most people know (and a younger generation may not know)

i mean, this isn't him doing a full on analysis of the dating scene with numbers and charts. only at the end is there some relevance to the site itself, and actual good advice for many young boys coming into the age of "well, damn, everyone at Uni that pulls ass looks racked up"

you guys talk about etoilet and Opti having no chill but all of you get triggered over the slightest shit.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2018, 10:18:40 PM »
so when do you estimate this change came about where women elites and white knights and fegs and feminist entitlement really took over the whole social scene?

is it a date that should live in infamy like when GamerGate started?

The female power online created dynamics that will be studied by future generations in psychology and history classes. That’s how massive the changes have been.

But of course this won't be taught in our libcuck universities...


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2018, 10:19:59 PM »
Guys I cracked the case


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2018, 10:20:39 PM »
"well, damn, everyone at Uni that pulls ass looks racked up"

Do you live in some Revenge of the Nerds universe? Or any other 80's flick? That would explain everything.  :point


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2018, 10:20:40 PM »
dude, you do realize (i thought you were going to realize after seeing the titles of those minibooks) that a lot of it is for humor, exaggeration, and kind of pointing out the obvious that most people know (and a younger generation may not know)

No shit? *gasp* I already knew. Why do you think I put :no1curr throughout that long post? Because this post literally isn't telling me shit that I don't already know. And spoiler: Young men know this too.

i mean, this isn't him doing a full on analysis of the dating scene with numbers and charts. only at the end is there some relevance to the site itself, and actual good advice for many young boys coming into the age of "well, damn, everyone at Uni that pulls ass looks racked up"

you guys talk about etoilet and Opti having no chill but all of you get triggered over the slightest shit.

Ok, let me continue to read to get to the last bit then. Then I'll discuss instead of copy-pasting the entire article and rolling my eyes through it. Hellreading, here we go...

Edit: Actually, you know what? Fuck it, I'm going to :no1curr the entire post until I get to your point. Let's go...


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2018, 10:22:19 PM »
Do you live in some Revenge of the Nerds universe? Or any other 80's flick? That would explain everything.  :point
That's about when he moved to South America, yeah.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2018, 10:23:22 PM »
The complaint boils down to something like "social media makes straight women believe they are more desirable than they actually are, which makes them feel entitled to date only the best guys."

But if those guys are willing to date them, then those women aren't delusional, and the market is working fine. If they fail to land one of those guys, that's information received via their dating apps correcting their misperception. I don't see an obvious scenario where the presence of social media and online dating will give women sustained delusions about their status.

This is all a problem even when you're conceding the very PUA-ish assumptions implicit in the framing.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2018, 10:23:27 PM »
"well, damn, everyone at Uni that pulls ass looks racked up"

Do you live in some Revenge of the Nerds universe? Or any other 80's flick? That would explain everything.  :point
There's nothing easier than pulling girls away from flimsy boys. Seriously, nothing is easier.

The complaint boils down to something like "social media makes straight women believe they are more desirable than they actually are, which makes them feel entitled to date only the best guys."

But if those guys are willing to date them, then those women aren't delusional, and the market is working fine. If they fail to land one of those guys, that's information received via their dating apps correcting their misperception. I don't see an obvious scenario where the presence of social media and online dating will give women sustained delusions about their status.

This is all a problem even when you're conceding the very PUA-ish assumptions implicit in the framing.

However, the market may adjust itself eventually. More and more women are starting to realize that at the end of this game, they don’t win much either. Sure they drive their Ferrari for a while, but many females are left in a terrible condition once they get older. Their handsome lovers simply go for younger girls .

team filler

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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2018, 10:25:56 PM »
shut the fuck up already you boring dipshit
Are you back to your Beaky ways of following people across multiple threads on the Bore?

Didn't Opti put you in your place about doing that?

Shape up Beaky.
:lol stalker beaks never learns


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2018, 10:30:27 PM »
shut the fuck up already you boring dipshit
Are you back to your Beaky ways of following people across multiple threads on the Bore?

Didn't Opti put you in your place about doing that?

Shape up Beaky.
:lol stalker beaks never learns

I imagine him sitting there in front of his laptop smoking a joint, he sees me or opti post, whips his dick out and just starts whacking it. The more he sees our posts the more he feverishly jerks it.

Don't get me wrong it's flattering but a bit disturbing.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2018, 10:30:57 PM »
like why do you think this is different from how it's been for like...i dunno at least 50 years or so?

in the U.S. probably even longer than that, women always had a subtle unspoken power in relationships and choosing them in the U.S. compared to the Old World

edit: not to say they weren't disadvantaged in other ways or that it was ideal, just that even back to our founding there's been an increased power here for women, we notably allowed women to inherit if allowed to rather than forcing it onto male heirs as European law did at the time... many of our founders wealth is rather famously tied to their wives land/slave/property ownership
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 10:35:48 PM by benjipwns »


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2018, 10:31:20 PM »
I imagine him sitting there in front of his laptop smoking a joint, he sees me or opti post, whips his dick out, and just starts whacking it, and the more he sees our posts the more he feverishly jerks it.

How often do you visualize this?

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #27 on: July 19, 2018, 10:33:19 PM »
why am i not surprised the guy who tracks down my pictures literally fantasizes about me jerking off


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2018, 10:38:13 PM »
like why do you think this is different from how it's been for like...i dunno at least 50 years or so?
It hasn't been like this for 50 years. The difference between the U.S and almost any other country i've been to is night and day. Especially somewhere in say, South America. Dating sites are a thing here but not like it is there. Mainly because the girl/guy ratio favors men. There's many more females than males here. And the big difference isn't exactly the market aspect. It's about the psychological aspect of it all, and the biological differences between males and females and the impact it has.

There's that argument that "oh well the tables have turned" ok, sure, but i don't think the results we're going to get are going to be better, i actually think they'll be significantly worse for both parties. That's my take. Will it correct itself? Sure probably but these next generations i'm curious to see what will happen......

do we end up like Japan?

why am i not surprised the guy who tracks down my pictures literally fantasizes about me jerking off
Well, if your other Beak is as fabulously large as the one on your face then


not sure why TVC and thisismyusername ain't all over dat


  • It was all going to be very admirable and noble and it would show us - philosophically - what it means to be human.
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2018, 10:38:37 PM »
I imagine him sitting there in front of his laptop smoking a joint, he sees me or opti post, whips his dick out, and just starts whacking it, and the more he sees our posts the more he feverishly jerks it.

How often do you visualize this?


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2018, 10:45:59 PM »
One would think that only beautiful female specimens enjoy the mentioned privileges, but this simply isn’t true. Remember what I told you about quantity? The more there is, the less it costs. Well, the opposite is also true. The less there is, the more it costs.

Since the higher echelons of hot girls can connect with males carrying the “rarest blood types” through social media, plenty of average and even far above average men are left on the battlefield where they have to fight for females from the lower leagues.

Unsurprisingly, men’s sexual hunger and desperation force them to lower their standards. As a result, ugly and average women receive a lot of attention from males far prettier and more sophisticated than them.

Thirst for pussy: Sure, I can agree. Underlined is where you lose me: "Ugly women shouldn't be treated like they aren't shit." Jesus Christ, dude. Do you actually listen to yourself when you read this shit?

"I should tell women they are ugly, even if I'm trying to get into their pants!"


Honestly, the only requirement for a girl to receive attention from guys above her level is to not be fat …very fat. This is especially true online.

See above bit.

The competition becomes even harder when the princes realize that their princesses are high maintenance women and start going for the “village girls” who are not as pretty or as sophisticated but far less bitchy… at least in theory.

Oh, christ. I don't even know where to begin with this one...

Would You Buy An Inferior Model When A Better One Is Available For The Same Price?
You are buying a car. There are two options – a Volvo station wagon with no air conditioning and a Ferrari. The price is the same. Take your pick.

Allow me to explain.

Social media gave women a huge pool to choose from.

HarryTheBicepsFlexKilla says hello, but so does Jeff – The Movie Star.

Who do you reply to? Enough said.

I guess you are familiar with the 80/20 rule. It has been in the cheesy posts and books of many positive thinkers. Well, it comes in many forms. One of them says – women want only 20% of the men. The rest 80% are not welcome. Social media and dating apps catalyzed the manifestation of this desire and turned the 80/20 rule into the 95/5 rule – women want only 5% of the males.

 ::) YeahThat'sTotallyWhyIDon'tHaveAGirlfriendFatlus.gif

Feminism Says It’s All Good

Feminism has convinced many women that their gender makes them entitled to everything. When social media and feminism united, they created a monster – an irrational woman without a desire to be self-critical. The modern feminist woman thinks that she is immune to doing wrong and swims in a sea of self-righteousness. When you add the classic female irrationality and men’s desire to enter any woman that is not fat, the societal imbalances become even stronger.

Incel Bullshit. And you know it. Don't even argue this because this shit is dumb and you know it.

"But women are trying to become independent and that's a ba--"

Shut the fuck up. Moving on...

I Will Just Get Bigger
How is this connected to muscle construction?

There’s a strong connection, actually. Men start lifting weights for three reasons – to impress women, to earn applause from other men and to feel better. Fat powerlifters may feed you theories about strength and barbell affection, but they would be lying to you. Yes, your motivation may evolve somehow over the years, and the ego frequency may be lowered somewhat or changed, but this doesn’t change the initial intent.

The average beginner joins the fight against gravity to acquire a body similar to Jeff Seid’s or Simon Panda’s so that horny girls lick his abs in public too.

Sooner or later, the illusion shatters. The lifter learns that his goal is impossible to acquire naturally. The dream body that is all over Instagram is the result of drugs and nothing but drugs. Regardless of the training routine or diet, the lifter fails to get even close to the so-called “penetrate me now physique”.

The muscular celebrities are seemingly enjoying the greatest pleasures that a man can experience while the average looking natural male resides in the dirt. Consequently, the natty male becomes bitter and starts to feel isolated, humiliated and misunderstood.

:no1curr ...Oh wait, "Natty Male." :neogaf That's cute. I like that, he's calling his incel audience "totally not incels!"  :neogaf

This isn’t helped by the fact that women expect you to look like a cover model when you tell them that you lift.

Because of this scenario, many boys start taking steroids. Therefore, women indirectly force men to roid up. Of course, the feminists will deny this because they are always innocent and will gladly state that this is a man’s choice, and yet many of them love the fitness model look and enjoy it in large quantities when it’s available during the right time of the month.

Ironically, many of the same feminists frown when you tell them to lose a few pounds.

What a monster you are…

Or maybe the double-standards apply and both of you are being an asshole? :thinking Hmmm, couldn't be...

Social Media Promote Roid Users

Oh Jesus Christ...

The majority of the muscle constructors who enjoy a great exposure and online fame are not natural. A coincidence? Hardly.

There are two main reasons for this phenomenon:

1 .Big Muscles = More Attention

All content online is fighting for your attention. Every site, app and digital company want to steal some of your time. Obviously, someone looking like a cartoon character would attract more eyes than a nerd doing 20 pull-ups.

2. Promotion

Many muscle superstars are walking advertisements supported financially by the big companies.

All of this results in a muscle cartel muting the naturals while giving a huge microphone to the roid users. Since people spend a ton of time online, their perception of a natural muscular body shifts significantly.

Will this ever change?


Yes, but it won’t be soon. The so-called “hookup culture” will stay here for a while because the elite benefits from it. Besides, the infrastructure is already in place and operating in a stable format. The goal is to make money and spread cultural propaganda by destroying the family unit while hiding behind a democratic shield – “we are just providing more choices.”

Finally we get to a good part... CHRIST.

Ok, let's discuss this: 1. Do you honestly believe this? (Edit: Ok, this is actually discussed in the article. BRAVO! Too bad it's buried in a mountain of shit. Let's discuss this below)
2. Do you think women should stay in the kitchen and pump out babies for your TOTALLY OBVIOUS CHAD-ass? Answer this honestly, please.

However, the market may adjust itself eventually. More and more women are starting to realize that at the end of this game, they don’t win much either. Sure they drive their Ferrari for a while, but many females are left in a terrible condition once they get older. Their handsome lovers simply go for younger girls or settle down with a female that isn’t as promiscuous because as old-fashioned as it may sound – some people want their partners to be faithful.

MRA bullshit. But has kernels of truth in it. I'll give you this one.

As far as the muscle world is concerned, nothing will change unless something better than steroids presents itself.

“What could it be? Maybe steroids without side effects,” says the dreamer.

Sorry but no, bro.

There is an old saying in pharmacology – if a drug has no side effects, it’s probably not working.

You cannot have something for nothing because the world is dualistic. The existence of a “good thing” requires the existence of a “bad thing” by default.

Ultimately, the scheme is serving the system fairly well. It’s been in place since Weider and Hoffman’s time, and nothing has broken so far. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it…right? Well, it isn’t.

Every year a generation of boys turns 17 and types “big muscles” in Google, hoping that 100 push-ups are the key to a physique capable of dragging women into a state where tearing your clothes is a priority of their existence.

The dynamics at place are so strong that even if the big companies publicly tell the truth themselves, the naive millennial boys still wouldn’t believe it.

:no1curr Summary of this bit: "Drugs are bad, m'kay."

FAQ: What do you mean by “a destroyed family unit”?
You are probably familiar with the quote – United We Stand, Divided We Fall. On a micro level, it applies to the family unit. Divided families (constant arguing, mind games, lies and cheating between the family members) are the system’s favorite because it’s much easier to extract resources from someone when he/she doesn’t have a strong back. A simple example would be a kid/young adult taking a loan from a bank instead of his family.

Conversely, strong educated families are the system’s biggest problem, for they are hard to push into a labyrinth full of false heroes and values

...Actually you know what? Back up and go back to my scratched out 1-2. Because this doesn't answer.

But do women really like big muscles?
Big muscles have never been a requirement to get girls. A nice physique helps but the rest of the appearance matters more. A guy may have a great body, but if his other metrics (money, status, looks, character) are unsatisfying, he will not attract a horde of raving females. A young Brad Pitt with a fat gut would get a million time more girls than your average bodybuilder.

However, since many of those metrics are essentially 100% genetic, men focus on the values that can change (the physique) and enter the Game of Muscle where a vicious cycle of lies created by the industry waits for them.

Women appreciate greatly the physiques of fitness models, but the muscle samurais that enjoy the largest amazon attention are doing well on other fronts too – they are relatively handsome and have coins for days. Meanwhile, plenty of muscle heads remain repulsive to women regardless of their big arms and chests. Why? Because they lack social skills, status, money or are simply unattractive in general.

Or maybe people have different ideas of "attractive..."? :idont

The World Has Never Been More Visual

Looks have always been important, but social media increased their importance even further by filtering out everything else. The screen only shows the digital image of a person. Therefore, many feel obligated to enhance their photos artificially. This is how strong the pressure to have a “decent” presence on social media has become among the youth.

Even the older generations are affected by it. I’ve seen mothers and even grandmothers checkout the Instagram profiles of potential candidates for the “hearts” of their daughters and granddaughters.

This, my friends, is one of the many mechanisms that destroy the average natural male. Those are the current dynamics of the social natural selection. For better or worse, they are here to stay for a long time, although the model is simply not sustainable forever, for it is based on urges and decisions that often lead to long-term pain. Nonetheless, I personally don’t expect a change soon.

Ok, this bit we actually discussed without me having to read this fucking article. Jesus Christ, dude. ANYWAY: I agree with you on some bits about the "meat market" of dating apps. It's shitty, I agree. Let's continue...

Why Are You Doing This?
“How should I change to attract more women?” is a question that often finds itself in the head of the male. As always, the truth is on the other side of the bridge…the one requiring you to cross a fire.

The right question is – how should I change to become better and live a more fulfilling life?

Changing for women may start a transformation, but it cannot sustain it. As I told you in Potential, this is quick buck motivation – it starts the fire but doesn’t keep it. Long-term motivation requires a different mindset.

Besides, women come and go. You, on the other hand, never leave yourself. Build a castle for you, not for them. Otherwise, they will control you even more.

In other words, don’t do it for the girls. Do it for you.

Never forget that women often remain blind to the sacrifices you make for them.

When men decide to inject steroids to attract women, they are making a decision that will have a tremendous impact on their whole existence.

Don’t think for a second that some woman turned on by your muscles is capable of appreciating or understanding the work required to sculpt a high-end physique. She thinks you got there by playing on the monkey bars while drinking beer with your buddies.

Is the sacrifice worth it? Will the change be positive?

Who knows? Some may become the equivalent of a modern-day Arnold (unlikely) whereas others will remain fragile drama queens hiding behind a shield of muscle while trying to fix everything by upping the dose (likely).

“My arms are 16 inches now. I need to take them to 18, and the sluts will love me,” says the Dreamer.

Sure thing, bro. Two inches on your arms will fix every problem in your life.

The truth is that men use muscles and steroids to trick their minds into giving them confidence.

“I am big now,” says the Dreamer and walks as if he owns the metro station.

That same confidence could become a reality through other forms of work and validation that may be more beneficial in the end.

The choice, however, is yours.

Once again – don’t make changes for them; do it for you.

:no1curr OH WAIT, the bold bit is a good summary for this section. No Shit, Sherlock. #5.

And what about her? What was she doing while HarryTheBicepsFlexKilla was waiting for her in the hug of the rain?

She was walking on the main street with steps full of hope and body language suggesting a rendezvous with a breathtaking experience.


Her phone vibrated and transmitted its movement to her skin and then into her heart. She reached into her pocket while her six sense was whispering “It’s him.” as if those vibrations contained a different kind of kinetic energy separating them from all other notifications.

She started the app and looked at the screen while filtering out the world around her.

“I’m here ;D,” had written Jeff – a tall, handsome, muscular specimen with magical blue eyes leading to another world – a world where she wanted to go.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” she wrote, and one of those grimaces that people acquire upon receiving the right words on their digital devices took over her face.

She was about to put back her phone when another message with the same content imported itself on her screen.

It was from Harry.

“Oh. I forgot to cancel with him,” she thought while muting his number with a detached expression.

Guilt? None. She was simply doing what was best for her. In her mind, she deserved it. She didn’t know why, but she knew that she did.

And that was all that mattered to her…

:no1curr Story continuation from the above that didn't need to be concluded.

So basically, your link/wanting me to read summarizes down to:

1. Women chase men that are highly attractive.
2. Men can't compete with the "Christian Grays" (as you called them)
3. Men shouldn't improve themselves for women. (#NoShitReally?)
4. Women should be in the kitchen pumping out babies (or something, the destroy family dynamic is a bit lost on me)
5. "THOT be THOT, yo. Men aren't doing anything wrong because they get false-narratives about themselves instead of coming to the realization that their fair maiden is an actual person and their 'nice-guy' ass doesn't revolve the actual world."

So basically, I could've saved time, our derailing of the other thread would've been mostly over and mostly on topic so I wouldn't have wasted time reading this and really, most of this is sour grapes and InCel bullshit. Don't even try to disagree, because you know it's true.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #31 on: July 19, 2018, 10:48:34 PM »
Quote from: one of the articles
The competition becomes even harder when the princes realize that their princesses are high maintenance women and start going for the “village girls” who are not as pretty or as sophisticated but far less bitchy… at least in theory.

See, this is what I'm talking about.

He's saying that as the top guys become disenchanted with the best looking women because of their personalities, those guys will go after other women, giving those women even more choices and leverage. Except there would be a corresponding decrease in the leverage of the best looking women, which he doesn't acknowledge.

This is just bad modelling, where you shift demand from one market to another, only you never subtract it from the first one, so you end up double-counting.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #32 on: July 19, 2018, 10:50:04 PM »
So basically, I could've saved time, our derailing of the other thread would've been mostly over and mostly on topic so I wouldn't have wasted time reading this and really, most of this is sour grapes and InCel bullshit. Don't even try to disagree, because you know it's true.
I mean, you could always just ignore him. This stuff doesn't seem worth your energy.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #33 on: July 19, 2018, 10:50:25 PM »
TIMU doing God's work.

Though at what cost?


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2018, 10:51:41 PM »
Can we talk about how feminism is destroying animation?


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #35 on: July 19, 2018, 10:56:03 PM »
Assimilate should read Pride & Prejudice so we can get a thread where he flips out at Bingley marrying the prettiest Bennet sister, because the system of social media hosting balls gave rural women access to rich bachelors from London.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2018, 10:56:21 PM »
So basically, I could've saved time, our derailing of the other thread would've been mostly over and mostly on topic so I wouldn't have wasted time reading this and really, most of this is sour grapes and InCel bullshit. Don't even try to disagree, because you know it's true.
I mean, you could always just ignore him. This stuff doesn't seem worth your energy.

Hey, He actually discussed shit without me reading this article before hand. I only read it because he whined that I didn't read it. So in good faith and to prove that I can put my money where my mouth is, unlike his stupid ass: I wasted my time. :yeshrug

No big deal, that match I was going to watch didn't happen. Shit sucks, life goes on. Assy is still an idiot and the world continues to turn.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2018, 10:58:15 PM »
ok. I hope you know I was being annoying in the other thread only because I care and thought this was a waste of your time. <3

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #38 on: July 19, 2018, 10:59:17 PM »
Really, what we need is not so much an "hide threads" function but a "hide poster" function since so many of y'all think you have to continue to deal with assy mcshitforbrains in good faith.

Hint: you don't because he's fucking useless. Why debate a turd?

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #39 on: July 19, 2018, 11:00:50 PM »
So basically, I could've saved time, our derailing of the other thread would've been mostly over and mostly on topic so I wouldn't have wasted time reading this and really, most of this is sour grapes and InCel bullshit. Don't even try to disagree, because you know it's true.
I mean, you could always just ignore him. This stuff doesn't seem worth your energy.

Hey, He actually discussed shit without me reading this article before hand. I only read it because he whined that I didn't read it. So in good faith and to prove that I can put my money where my mouth is, unlike his stupid ass: I wasted my time. :yeshrug

No big deal, that match I was going to watch didn't happen. Shit sucks, life goes on. Assy is still an idiot and the world continues to turn.

cmon son you don't get a gold star for engaging this kinda nonsense in earnest.
'a wise man once told me don't argue with fools/cuz from a distance people can't tell who is who'


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2018, 11:01:59 PM »
Because I have the free time. :yeshrug

That said when he actually doesn't link shit and actually is open to discussion, he isn't that bad. He's an idiot, to be sure, but at least he can somewhat articulate his points if he doesn't go "just read the article ffs."


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2018, 11:03:49 PM »

Ok, first calm down. Second, let's go through some things that maybe you don't relate or don't actually know exist to be a problem.

1. Ugly women and men should be respected, no one is saying otherwise. The point was the power dynamic has skewed so heavily on the female side that there is a huge imbalance. Most relationships (and this has been shown to be true multiple times, maybe still not hardcore fact, but there has been results showing) are successful when the female is slightly more attractive than the male. Relationships that fall on the flip side tend to be problematic. Again, don't quote me on this as fact (i don't want Nola popping up in here) but i have read some studies that show this, and i also believe it to be true.

2. Amongst many men the discussion of "marry the average girl" happens. I had a buddy that always proclaimed the virtues of the magical 7s. I know it may sound silly to you, this "locker room bro talk" but yes a lot of guys talk like this amongst themselves.

3. 95/5 rule applies to a lot of cities in the U.S. I'm sure it's brutal for a lot of these guys out there. I know an ex is now a doctor in a big city, and she's a good looking girl. She won't even accept a date from a guy that aren't in the top echelon of bachelors in the city. You may call me salty, but you know what? Guys don't work like that. That's why you see stories of Christain Greys going for goofy attractive cute girls. There's some truth into those silly narratives. Most guys don't care about a woman's status, or where she comes from.

4. Feminism is toxic. Feminism+social media is downright a revolt. I'm sorry but i agree with it 100 percent.

5. "natty" is a term associated with instagram/youtube fitness personalities. Natty means Natural, are they natural or on substances?  And so yes social media, the world of fitness personalities do promote roid abuse especially amongst younger males now. Why? because everything is visual. We already know what happens when you look at a certain form that is promoted constantly, your mind starts to alter. Boys looking at these guys that are shredded think that's attainable with a good diet and working out, and it's not. A ton of these people fake their physiques.

Ok, you can say well 'assy' women dealt with this for decades with the false image of rail thin models and i agree but the psychological nature of men and their constant thirst, and strive for female accolade will drive a higher percentage of them to roids than women did to vomiting in the toilet.

yeah some of this stuff is "no shit sherlock" but the context in which it is placed and how it's written makes the issues of datingapps/social media have a broader connection with some issues today that you may not be aware of.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2018, 11:04:33 PM »
Really, what we need is not so much an "hide threads" function but a "hide poster" function since so many of y'all think you have to continue to deal with assy mcshitforbrains in good faith.

A guillotine for the digital realm.

Nah, that would be my next extension for The Bore: Super Ignore.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2018, 11:05:20 PM »
Feminism is toxic.

Yeah fuck suffrage.

Wait what


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2018, 11:05:55 PM »
This still makes no sense, my dude.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #45 on: July 19, 2018, 11:07:10 PM »
Because I have the free time. :yeshrug

That said when he actually doesn't link shit and actually is open to discussion, he isn't that bad. He's an idiot, to be sure, but at least he can somewhat articulate his points if he doesn't go "just read the article ffs."

i mean you're wrong, he's terrible at anything that requires any critical thought cuz he's incapable of formulating any original ideas, but he has his moments in other areas. hell he'd probably be just fine to enjoyable if he layed off the JP ballwashing and other 4chan lite edgelord shit and just posted baile mixes or talked about TV or whatever, so long as no one brings up the matrix


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #46 on: July 19, 2018, 11:11:16 PM »
Quote from: one of the articles
The competition becomes even harder when the princes realize that their princesses are high maintenance women and start going for the “village girls” who are not as pretty or as sophisticated but far less bitchy… at least in theory.

See, this is what I'm talking about.

He's saying that as the top guys become disenchanted with the best looking women because of their personalities, those guys will go after other women, giving those women even more choices and leverage. Except there would be a corresponding decrease in the leverage of the best looking women, which he doesn't acknowledge.

This is just bad modelling, where you shift demand from one market to another, only you never subtract it from the first one, so you end up double-counting.
He's a little off on that one or at least the way he wrote it. Maybe he meant how there are 'christain grey' scenarios but the reasons he gives aren't accurate.

It's hard to find someone of that level settling for someone that far down the latter.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2018, 11:12:39 PM »
You're not understanding my point.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2018, 11:13:53 PM »
You're not understanding my point.
I get your angle, you're tackling it from an economic perspective. And i already said i agree with you. He's wrong.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2018, 11:14:50 PM »
1. Ugly women and men should be respected, no one is saying otherwise. The point was the power dynamic has skewed so heavily on the female side that there is a huge imbalance. Most relationships (and this has been shown to be true multiple times, maybe still not hardcore fact, but there has been results showing) are successful when the female is slightly more attractive than the male. Relationships that fall on the flip side tend to be problematic. Don't quote me on this as fact, i have read some studies that show this, and i also believe it to be true.

OH NO YOU FUCKING DON'T. You don't get to post bullshit like this and not back it up. [Citation Needed], in other words.

2. Amongst many men the discussion of "marry the average girl" happens. I had a buddy that always proclaimed the virtues of the magical 7s. I know it may sound silly to you, this "locker room bro talk" but yes a lot of guys talk like this amongst themselves.

No shit really?. It's still stupid as hell. But let's ignore this.

3. 95/5 rule applies to a lot of cities in the U.S. I'm sure it's brutal for a lot of these guys out there. I know an ex is now a doctor in a big city, and she's a good looking girl. She won't even accept a date from a guy that aren't in the top echelon of bachelors in the city. You may call me salty, but you know what? Guys don't work like that. That's why you see stories of Christain Greys going for goofy attractive cute girls. There's some truth into those silly narratives. Most guys don't care about a woman's status, or where she comes from.

1. I don't disagree with the 95/5 rule.
2. However I call bullshit on it being "mountains harder" for men. There is no "power dynamic here." A lot of the men that crash and burn have your mindview (see below) or when Rejected become like Rahx (#NoTNoShade) and go "fuck women, they're a bunch of whores!"/sour grapes and can't understand that maybe their attitude and not their looks may be the problem? :idont

4. Feminism is toxic. Feminism+social media is downright a revolt. I'm sorry but i agree with it 100 percent.

Oh christ. Ok, so you are an InCel ("But, I have a girlfriend, bro!" Yeah, because people can't totally fucking lie on the internet). Good to know.

5. "natty" is a term associated with instagram/youtube fitness personalities. Natty means Natural, are they natural or on substances?  And so yes social media, the world of fitness personalities do promote roid abuse especially amongst younger males now. Why? because everything is visual. We already know what happens when you look at a certain form that is promoted constantly, your mind starts to alter. Boys looking at these guys that are shredded think that's attainable with a good diet and working out, and it's not. A ton of these people fake their physiques.

1. I know this.
2.You could say the same about high-standards in women. They are shown razor-thin women and told "be like this. Have pretty teeth." So again: What makes this different for men that isn't the same for women? Oh wait, missed this bit below. Ok, you answer let's continue.

Ok, you can say well 'assy' women dealt with this for decades with the false image of rail thin models and i agree but the psychological nature of men and their constant thirst, and strive for female accolade will drive a higher percentage of them to roids than women did to vomiting in the toilet.

I disagree. And if that's true, that's really fucking sad. If men are chasing "gains" for the sake of pussy, then the whole world is irredeemably fucked and I welcome our future alien overlords to nuke us from orbit. Both sexes in heterosexual relationships (from reading the Relationship thread here and Atra's strike-outs often) need to get the fuck over themselves already.

yeah some of this stuff is "no shit sherlock" but the context in which it is placed and how it's written makes the issues of datingapps/social media have a broader connection with some issues today that you may not be aware of.

1. I'm aware of some of the issues with dating apps.
2. I don't necessarily disagree, but this gets to the point of: What can dating apps do for human psychology? They are 1's and 0's. They are not the actual people that do this "meat market" hook-ups. Those people need to change themselves. So in a way, I agree that social media may be a problem. But I disagree on it being the social media alone.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #50 on: July 19, 2018, 11:22:05 PM »
Assimilate should read Pride & Prejudice so we can get a thread where he flips out at Bingley marrying the prettiest Bennet sister, because the system of social media hosting balls gave rural women access to rich bachelors from London.
I refuse to like this post on long-standing principle regarding that book/miniseries. :hmph

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Although at least with it being a miniseries (multiple actually) we might actually be able to get Assy to maybe pay attention to it. He watched fucking Nanette after all despite what I quoted from that article. :doge


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2018, 11:23:20 PM »
This thread nearly makes me feel embarrassed to be a man.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #52 on: July 19, 2018, 11:25:06 PM »
2. Amongst many men the discussion of "marry the average girl" happens. I had a buddy that always proclaimed the virtues of the magical 7s. 
wow, the gaming review scale has infiltrated the dating scene too


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #53 on: July 19, 2018, 11:26:44 PM »

OH NO YOU FUCKING DON'T. You don't get to post bullshit like this and not back it up. [Citation Needed], in other words.

  Found this on esquire which links to this study here ->

They found that in instances where the man was less attractive he was likely to compensate with acts of kindness like presents, sexual favours or extra housework. They saw a pattern, in that this made women happier and feel more appreciated, therefore strengthening the relationship.

Commenting on the study researcher Tania Reynolds said, "The results reveal that having a physically attractive husband may have negative consequences for wives, especially if those wives are not particularly attractive.


1. I don't disagree with the 95/5 rule.
2. However I call bullshit on it being "mountains harder" for men. There is no "power dynamic here." A lot of the men that crash and burn have your mindview (see below) or when Rejected become like Rahx (#NoTNoShade) and go "fuck women, they're a bunch of whores!"/sour grapes and can't understand that maybe their attitude and not their looks may be the problem? :idont 
I'll have to disagree here with you from the sheer fact that we're seeing movements like 'incels' pop up now.

Oh christ. Ok, so you are an InCel ("But, I have a girlfriend, bro!" Yeah, because people can't totally fucking lie on the internet). Good to know.
  Coming from a gay man with your own cross sectional issues in the LGBTQ community i really don't give a fuck what you think. Feminism, and the entirety of this culture is toxic and you will eat your own tails.

I disagree. And if that's true, that's really fucking sad. If men are chasing "gains" for the sake of pussy, then the whole world is irredeemably fucked and I welcome our future alien overlords to nuke us from orbit. Both sexes in heterosexual relationships (from reading the Relationship thread here and Atra's strike-outs often) need to get the fuck over themselves already.
It's a problem for both females and males, but for the first time in history i think it's a bigger problem for males than females.

So in a way, I agree that social media may be a problem. But I disagree on it being the social media alone.
Of course it's not social media alone.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 11:32:27 PM by Assimilate »


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #54 on: July 19, 2018, 11:29:05 PM »
The guy who wrote those articles is fixated on natural bodybuilding and specifically how it compares against guys who use steroids. Just look at the archive from that site.

So tying steroid use to social media is mostly a result of his own fixations. Also I'd say that site explains a lot of how he views dating.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #55 on: July 19, 2018, 11:29:10 PM »
The guy who wrote those articles is fixated on natural bodybuilding and specifically how it compares against guys who use steroids. Just look at the archive from that site.

So tying steroid use to social media is mostly a result of his own fixations. Also I'd say that site explains a lot of how he views dating.
Yes mandark i pointed that out multiple times

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Although at least with it being a miniseries (multiple actually) we might actually be able to get Assy to maybe pay attention to it. He watched fucking Nanette after all despite what I quoted from that article. :doge
To be fair i put it on for a few min, no laughs, i turned it off. I give everything a shot.

This thread nearly makes me feel embarrassed to be a man.
This is for you and all the White Knights out there


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #56 on: July 19, 2018, 11:30:14 PM »
I refuse to like this post on long-standing principle regarding that book/miniseries. :hmph

Buddy, if you got beef with Pride & Prejudice, that would be your worst opinion.

And I don't say that lightly.


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #57 on: July 19, 2018, 11:34:32 PM »
I'm more of a Belinda Carlisle fan tbh


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Re: Thread of Feminism and Bumble Destroying Civilization
« Reply #58 on: July 19, 2018, 11:34:33 PM »
That reminds me, my muscle cartel membership expires next month, have to steal some 7s from some Natty's to re-up. 

@Assimalate what is your girls number?

I'm a lot bigger than you breh. Try and come at me

What do you lift?  :punch