Author Topic: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.  (Read 225983 times)

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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #960 on: September 21, 2019, 10:31:12 PM »
I skipped the philosophical part of anti-Duhring, yolo. I think it's better to just read Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, because all the important stuff in the former came from the latter, but it's short enough to read in a night and it gets the important ideas across.


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #962 on: September 21, 2019, 11:46:20 PM »
Jake, but I can't find the post :maf

As John Holloway phrased it the objective reality is the support for the subjective struggle of socialists. Asking "so what if there is exploitation, why ought I become a socialist?" is like asking "so what if it's poisonous, why shouldn't I eat it?"
there’s an ought in both these arguments. You might think the one in the second is so obvious it’s trivial but it’s not. It needs to be there if you wanna say “you shouldn’t eat something poisonous”.

The task of Marxist analysis is to lay out a picture of political economy so stark (and yet true in all its claims), and a future so plainly better, that participation is the only rational choice.
this is the rub. The kind of scientific marxism I tried to draw up as an ideal type closes itself off from making normative claims dependent on ‘justice’, ‘right’, sometimes even ‘morality’ because it thinks those terms are shot through with capital’s (or something else specific to a certain temporal/material setting) influence/interest. So it’s not terribly clear in what sense communism would constitute a ‘better’ state of affairs than capitalism. To reply: “it’s better because there isn’t exploitation or alienation” doesn’t work, because under this account (viz. scientific marxism) these terms are purely descriptive. To claim they aren’t would be to equivocate.

My purpose in quoting this is to show that the people who were the most committed to the scientific aspects socialism when it was seriously under debate were in fact the ones who were the most vociferous in advocating for class struggle, who were the most involved in the actual political movements that swept through Europe in the 20th century, people who literally died for it.

If "no one like this ever existed"... who were you talking about?
its exactly those people who were so committed to the cause that they were willing to sacrifice, even die, for it that I find so hard to believe also wouldntve said communism was desirable. It might* be expedient, in purely means-ends terms, for people within a cause to believe they have iron-clad necessity on their side. But that’s different than thinking it actually is and that (some) people should be committed to that cause. It’s that pair of claims that I think is incoherent.

*this is modest, it definitely is

re: the objective reality being the support of the subjective struggle. I mean, I’d hope it would be. Having the best descriptive account is exactly what every other political program claims, and itd also be entirely consistent with a ‘prescriptive’ marxism.


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #963 on: September 21, 2019, 11:53:27 PM »
Analytic philosophers :rage


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #964 on: September 22, 2019, 03:20:13 AM »
Marx Marx Marx Marx, meanwhile Rousseau had the way better origin story:
Rousseau wrote Discourse in response to an advertisement that appeared in a 1749 issue of Mercure de France, in which the Academy of Dijon set a prize for an essay responding to the question: "Has the restoration of the sciences and arts contributed to the purification of morals?" According to Rousseau, "Within an instant of reading this [advertisement], I saw another universe and became another man."
Rousseau [said he] was totally blinded by a sudden inspiration ... in which ... [he had] seen in a single glimpse his entire philosophical system.
He claimed multiple times thereafter to have these visions of the entire philosophy displayed to him.


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #965 on: September 22, 2019, 05:32:58 AM »
The kind of scientific marxism I tried to draw up as an ideal type closes itself off from making normative claims dependent on ‘justice’, ‘right’, sometimes even ‘morality’ because it thinks those terms are shot through with capital’s (or something else specific to a certain temporal/material setting) influence/interest.
You can't criticize an "ideal type" of scientific marxism if, as you have already pointed out, it has never existed and never been argued for. You're obligated to address concrete arguments.

its exactly those people who were so committed to the cause that they were willing to sacrifice, even die, for it that I find so hard to believe also wouldntve said communism was desirable. It might* be expedient, in purely means-ends terms, for people within a cause to believe they have iron-clad necessity on their side. But that’s different than thinking it actually is and that (some) people should be committed to that cause. It’s that pair of claims that I think is incoherent.
My whole point is that they do say it's desirable and they've said it a million times over in the clearest possible terms, buttressed by facts they claim to be objective. Your attitude toward the history of marxist polemic is so sterile here it's incredulous.

I know that the previous discussion was in the context of Stefan Molyneux's staggering genius but you make it quite clear that you genuinely think scientific marxism is "intellectually bankrupt" and "irrelevant for political discussion over the right and the good". I don't know how this can be true when so much of the political discussion is dedicated to arguments of fact over the state of affairs. In that context descriptive analysis is indispensable.

You're way, way more familiar with this stuff than I am, and I know that, so I just have to ask you outright: when you say "a strain of marxist thought that’s committed to historical materialism as a nomothetic science", who are you talking about? Does Luxemburg fall under this umbrella? Kautsky? Lenin? And whoever you point out specifically, do they not have prescriptive claims about socialism? Who is it that you think should have dropped their nomothetic attachments?

re: the objective reality being the support of the subjective struggle. I mean, I’d hope it would be. Having the best descriptive account is exactly what every other political program claims, and itd also be entirely consistent with a ‘prescriptive’ marxism.
Not only is this an irritating hand-wave but it's also wrong. Most political stalemates are arbitrary struggles between ideas. "People have the right to self defense". "Everyone deserves to go to college". "We shouldn't let certain species go extinct". Descriptive accounts by comparison are so powerful they can change the terms of the entire discussion. How much has environmentalism benefited from the science of climate change?

I just don't understand what you mean by prescriptive vs descriptive marxism. Do you mean the decision of English social democrats that humanism is a better foundation for socialism than dialectical materialism? Or do you mean Bernstein vs Luxemburg?
« Last Edit: September 22, 2019, 05:37:31 AM by shosta »


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #966 on: September 22, 2019, 05:40:54 AM »
To reply: “it’s better because there isn’t exploitation or alienation” doesn’t work, because under this account (viz. scientific marxism) these terms are purely descriptive. To claim they aren’t would be to equivocate.
What sick son of a bitch did this to you?  :'(


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #968 on: September 22, 2019, 11:12:56 AM »
The difference between ww1 and ww2 is unbelievable. During the 20 years the whole meaning of warfare changed. WW1 was already a modern war yet a sense of... honour still remained. No longer was it a battle between the kings but as Churchill said it was a battle between nations but human values were the same. WW2 on the other hand was brutish and so murderous that it's hard to believe that they were sperated only by a generation.
People would play catch with the enemy trenches and throw cigarettes to each other. WWi seems like a fever dream compared to modern warfare


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #969 on: September 22, 2019, 03:08:21 PM »

The whole honour thing was dead pretty much from the first charge on the Western front.

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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #971 on: September 22, 2019, 11:35:59 PM »


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #974 on: September 23, 2019, 12:54:15 PM »
She's not good enough for him

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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #975 on: September 23, 2019, 12:58:27 PM »
it had me until the "he keeps a pic of hegel by the bed"


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #976 on: September 23, 2019, 07:05:26 PM »
Ok, I think I figured out the source of our dispute and I’m pretty sure it has to do more with a miscommunication than anything. A miscommunication that I’ll accept blame for misleading anyone. When I say ‘scientific marxism’ I mean the view that the achievement of communism or the communizing process is inevitable. (And there are weaker claims like merely the collapse of capitalism is inevitable, not the construction of ‘socialism’, or ‘communism’, or whatever on top of its ruins.) The nomothetic explanations or universal covering laws that i was expressing skepticism about, and think are inconsistent with normativity*, are the ones that apply to history, specifically. The claims that only deal with poli econ -viz. the LTV, the tendency for the rate of profit to fall, etc.-were not my target here (but I acknowledge that running together the distinction between history + poli econ is one of the big features of marxism) and I think that’s relatively clear from how I’ve implicitly treated them as entirely consistent with a ‘prescriptive’ marxism. I think my scope of intended targets here is a lot narrower here than you thought. It’s the historical inevitability strain in marxism that I take to be “intellectually bankrupt”; it’s also my impression that there aren’t too many people around anymore that subscribe to it, or at least not as many as there used to be.

*i still think that those pair of claims I outlined in my last post are indeed “incoherent”, but for two different reasons. If you just thought that communism was inevitable, there’d be no need for a normative account to explain why it’s a good thing. So 1) viewing communism as a good thing is superfluous. If you also thought that most ways of making normative statements were horseshit (and/or, particular to certain historical conditions), then 2) it’s not clear whether it’d even be possible to argue that communism is a good thing. When I say that this strain of ‘scientific’ marxism (that accepts 1. and 2.) is ‘irrelevant to political discussions over the right and the good’ I mean it in a non-pejorative sense. It’s irrelevant because this kind of ‘scientific’ marxism and, e.g. liberalism, are just categorically different kinds of claims (bundles of claims, really). Thats what I mean by them being incommensurable with each other.

My whole point is that they do say it's desirable and they've said it a million times over in the clearest possible terms, buttressed by facts they claim to be objective. Your attitude toward the history of marxist polemic is so sterile here it's incredulous.
i perfectly well acknowledge that some have said it’s desirable, and also emphasize its inevitability and also that justice, right, and morality are shibboleths. I’m saying this bundle of claims is untenable. The marxists who thought otherwise were being inconsistent. The marxists who thought that communism wasn’t desirable but still effectively advocated for its inevitability are the ones I’m saying never really existed, because either not honest about or not aware of the actual contents of their minds. If that sounds too woolly for you, I’d ask whether it’s really that much more woolly than thinking that moral and ethical claims are all cynical illusions designed to help siphon resources up a social hierarchy.

You're way, way more familiar with this stuff than I am
im really not though. The regulars in this thread have read way more of the canonical socialist/communist authors than I have (excepting the Frankfurt schoolers). I can’t pull quotes with the same facility you guys can. And I don’t want to shit up this thread, because you guys are better at conducting it. I can really only ask: is it not the case that socialism/communism as an historical inevitability is an actual line of thought in Marxist discourse, more prominent maybe ~100 years ago? And is it not also the case that it exists alongside another trend that urges commitment to revolutionary causes? Both strains existing in the same thinker, sometimes within the same text?

Not only is this an irritating hand-wave but it's also wrong. Most political stalemates are arbitrary struggles between ideas.
i think Rawls and Nozick have substantive disagreements over the best method of distributive justice, and over which political values should be prioritized the most, and over a handful of other stuff too. I think people who argue for markets bring to bear certain facts about how markets work that are designed to “buttress” their case in pretty much exactly the same way you seem to be claiming marxists do. We can think that all of these people are wrong, but i fail to see how these are merely arbitrary struggles between ideas, or how they’re not informed by descriptive accounts of states of affairs.

"People have the right to self defense". "Everyone deserves to go to college". "We shouldn't let certain species go extinct". they? Don’t they? Shouldn’t we? If you’re taking issue with the state of popular political discourse, then I’m right there with you in viewing it as vapid, ineffectual, and unhealthy. But I don’t see how you can make these (legitimate) problems just disappear by taking away the vocabulary to talk about them. In fact, that sounds like it’d make the problems worse. I feel like I might be misunderstanding you here, though.

Descriptive accounts by comparison are so powerful they can change the terms of the entire discussion.
Are you saying that we should be attracted to purely descriptive accounts because they cut to the chaff? And because they’re more expedient means to realize desired ends? This is just old normative wine in new descriptive bottles. We care about people’s lives, livelihoods, etc. for normative reasons. You haven’t stepped outside the sphere of moral discussion.

How much has environmentalism benefited from the science of climate change?
im deliberately remaining agnostic about how theory links up to practice. I have no idea, but I imagine that the solution is a lot hairier than most of us realize.

To reply: “it’s better because there isn’t exploitation or alienation” doesn’t work, because under this account (viz. scientific marxism) these terms are purely descriptive. To claim they aren’t would be to equivocate.
What sick son of a bitch did this to you?  :'(
idk what else to tell you here. For ‘exploitation’, we could equally read “the capitalist’s taking wealth generated by the laborer”. If we accept this, then we still also need a separate normative account that says exploitation = a bad thing before we can commit to a political program that tries to eliminate exploitation. Because by itself, the theory explaining how the capitalist takes wealth from the laborer doesn’t tell us that that shouldn’t happen anymore than Newton’s third law tells us that objects shouldn’t exert an equal and opposite force on objects that hit them. Again, to reply: “whatcha mean, ‘its not a bad thing?’ It’s right there in the term: to exploit”; this is why I cautioned against equivocation. This sneaks in the colloquial sense of a word at the end of an argument after we’ve already decided that talk of right, justice, and/or morality is horseshit.

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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #977 on: September 23, 2019, 07:23:42 PM »
didn't read lol


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #978 on: September 23, 2019, 07:31:06 PM »
working my way through, but

The marxists who thought that communism wasn’t desirable but still effectively advocated for its inevitability are the ones I’m saying never really existed, because either not honest about or not aware of the actual contents of their minds.

you mean like... Schumpeter?



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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #980 on: September 23, 2019, 07:39:45 PM »
You're way, way more familiar with this stuff than I am
im really not though. The regulars in this thread have read way more of the canonical socialist/communist authors than I have (excepting the Frankfurt schoolers). I can’t pull quotes with the same facility you guys can.
Kara is the one who radicalized me, but you were the one who gave me my homework! :lol

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Graeber sucked
« Last Edit: September 23, 2019, 07:46:01 PM by shosta »


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #981 on: September 23, 2019, 08:24:46 PM »
#latestagecapitalism #garbagethread crosspost
Abigail Disney Has a Plan to Fix Capitalism
The heiress has become a warrior for income inequality, but she's no socialist. If you like capitalism, she says, you "better fix it."
Sitting in her newly renovated Manhattan apartment, Disney tells me, “I don’t think the problem is capitalism; I think it’s fundamentalist capitalism that we’re practicing right now. And every fundamentalism does a violence to the text that supports it, right? Because the letter killeth, and the spirit giveth life. We need to bring a social and emotional intelligence back into the way we understand the practice of business.”
Disney has said she is worth “around $120 million” and estimates that she has given away $70 million over the past 30 years to such causes as the Global Fund for Women and Peace Is Loud.

In the course of “do-gooding around New York City,” she got invited to join a group of women on a trip to Liberia in 2006, which had just come out of a civil war and a period of brutal military dictatorship. There she met the peace activist (and future Nobel laureate) Leymah Gbowee, who became the subject of the documentary Pray the Devil Back to Hell, which Disney herself produced. Up to that point she had been a stay-at-home mom to her four children. “It was really a lucky break,” she says. “If I’d been left to my own devices, I don’t know if I ever would have figured out my life.”

She has since produced dozens of documentaries and directed one, 2015’s ­Emmy-winning The Armor of Light, about the evangelical minister Robert Schenck’s change of heart on gun control. “We couldn’t be more opposite in so many ways, religiously, politically, culturally—certainly in terms of our economic status,” Schenck says. “But through this project, which I reluctantly took on, we forged a friendship. And that friendship took me on an odyssey that precipitated a huge shift in my opinions on a whole range of things.”

In 2017, Disney was approached by ­Killer Content co-founder Adrienne ­­Becker with a plan to buy the Weinstein Company library and channel the profits from reselling it to victims of sexual assault. “I just thought that was genius,” Disney says. But the women grew disillusioned with the process, which they came to feel favored a rival bidder, so they decided to transition what they had taken to calling Project Level Forward into ­Level Forward Inc.

They backed Broadway’s recent revisionist staging of Oklahoma!, which won a Tony for best revival, as well as the one-­woman show What the Constitution Means to Me, which was nominated for best play. Their next show, the Alanis Morissette musical Jagged Little Pill, comes to Broadway in November.
Disney’s next documentary as director, as yet untitled, will be an in-depth look at income inequality. “I’m trying to get it out really quickly before the next election,” she says, “because I think this issue is going to be very prominent.” When asked about 2020, she expresses admiration for Elizabeth Warren but says she isn’t ready just yet to commit to a single candidate. “I’m waiting for the field to break out,” she says, adding that she knows who she won’t support.

“I’m not a socialist. I think capitalism works very well when it’s done with a human angle. We have a class of people who are living so far above everyone else, it’s corrosive to democracy.”

When I start to say, “So your position is that if you like capitalism—” Disney is quick to finish the sentence.

“You better fix it.”
let there be Disney Revolutionary Justice™ :jeb


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #982 on: September 23, 2019, 09:07:11 PM »
"Finally, in times when the class struggle nears the decisive hour, the progress of dissolution going on within the ruling class, in fact within the whole range of old society, assumes such a violent, glaring character, that a small section of the ruling class cuts itself adrift, and joins the revolutionary class, the class that holds the future in its hands. Just as, therefore, at an earlier period, a section of the nobility went over to the bourgeoisie, so now a portion of the bourgeoisie goes over to the proletariat, and in particular, a portion of the bourgeois ideologists, who have raised themselves to the level of comprehending theoretically the historical movement as a whole."—Forums Poster curly

Abigail Disney... welcome to the resistance 8)


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #985 on: September 24, 2019, 11:23:13 AM »
The good kind of chemtrails.


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #988 on: September 24, 2019, 01:15:08 PM »
I like my auto I stink fan fic:

we are capable of automating tons of jobs, but due to the erosion of labor rights, it never pays out to automate menial jobs like fast food workers or warehouse pickers. So instead, it’s only our bosses that get automated and we all just move into menial labor jobs that pay minimum wage.

If you’ve ever been to a Walmart distribution center, this is kind of how it works. There is like this Alexa like computer that speaks out of a headset that all of the warehouse “pickers” wear. It tells them where to go next and how many to grab. It’s basically the dispatcher and it’s just a computer. But all of the actual picking is done by humans. That’s our future. We just pull all the levers that the machine tells us to.


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #989 on: September 24, 2019, 03:47:20 PM »
I like my auto I stink fan fic:

we are capable of automating tons of jobs, but due to the erosion of labor rights, it never pays out to automate menial jobs like fast food workers or warehouse pickers. So instead, it’s only our bosses that get automated and we all just move into menial labor jobs that pay minimum wage.

If you’ve ever been to a Walmart distribution center, this is kind of how it works. There is like this Alexa like computer that speaks out of a headset that all of the warehouse “pickers” wear. It tells them where to go next and how many to grab. It’s basically the dispatcher and it’s just a computer. But all of the actual picking is done by humans. That’s our future. We just pull all the levers that the machine tells us to.


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1001 on: September 26, 2019, 12:33:10 PM »
retire bitch


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1002 on: September 26, 2019, 01:13:07 PM »


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1003 on: September 26, 2019, 02:13:10 PM »
That J Beep bit at 7:44  :lol :lol :lol


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1004 on: September 26, 2019, 05:39:56 PM »
Social democracy is BACK baby! Your masters have decreed thusly :lawd
Bismarck's State Socialism
the Taft-Hartley Act
the 1947 Crises
the Bernie Sanders campaign linking up with Ben and Jerry's

It's different this time! Class collaboration can work!


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1005 on: September 26, 2019, 06:17:19 PM »
Esch, did you just get a FT sub or something?

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like Amber :doge

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Chomsky says he only reads stuff like cnbc because, ironically, the ruling class needs the most accurate information compared to the pablum they let us read :lol


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1006 on: September 26, 2019, 11:30:55 PM »
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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1007 on: September 27, 2019, 01:10:42 AM »


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1008 on: September 27, 2019, 01:15:46 AM »
He looks like a dinosaur getting sucked off.


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1011 on: September 27, 2019, 07:48:16 PM »

These getfiscal retweets are inscrutable sometimes


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1012 on: September 28, 2019, 03:01:42 AM »
Cosmo Asks Bernie Sanders the Questions Young Women Want Answered

In new series The Candidates Come to Cosmo, presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders sits down with Editor-in-Chief Jessica Pels to talk reproductive rights, climate change, gun control, and why he could really, really use a vacation.
the looping image at the top of the article is the greatest thing since he scared that dude with SOCALISM!

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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1013 on: September 28, 2019, 09:27:51 AM »
new moldbug doing the rounds on twitter even anyone cares about nrx shit


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1014 on: September 28, 2019, 11:29:26 AM »
If he gets a new lease on life because the intellectual atmosphere is so much more sympathetic to his craziness now than it was ten years ago that's going to really suck

Crash Dummy

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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1015 on: September 28, 2019, 12:15:56 PM »
If he gets a new lease on life because the intellectual atmosphere is so much more sympathetic to his craziness now than it was ten years ago that's going to really suck
agreed. i'll read the article at work tomorrow though but i imagine i'll come out thinking if only his mum took the morning-after pill


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1016 on: September 28, 2019, 01:29:01 PM »
Please don't, life is too short. There's no way he's gotten any better at writing since then. I mean "Part 1 of 5", lol, he really hasn't changed. I had the displeasure of talking to him for a whole week a couple of years ago. I was working on some documentation for his software project urbit (I was unemployed and bored, and was kind of feeling sorry that he kept being disinvited from events as cancel culture started ramping up), and after some frustration just gave up on it because his ideas were so confused, so needlessly overcomplicated, and the whole thing was just a waste of time. (I think there's still some value still in a cryptocurrency based identity system but the rest of the stack was completely onanistic.) That's exactly how his essays are. They're needlessly long and you can see "the point" coming a mile a way as he tortures you with his autodidactic worldbuilding. Better to just not bother at all.

Unfortunately I think, like, maybe the world is ready for a new Julius Evola, but there's a good chance he just bores people to death. Or he capitalizes on saying he was the birth of the alt right (kind of is?). If that does happen you're going to have a bunch of people running around advocating to bring back monarchy and slavery and it's going to be crazy.


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1017 on: September 28, 2019, 02:01:20 PM »
Here is one way to check out any idea you don’t want to believe: assume it’s true, then build a new reality around that axiom. Once you fail, you get to say: I can’t see how this could be true. I don’t want to believe the CIA did 9/11. I try to build a reality in which it did. I fail spectacularly. I go back to believing it was an al-Qaeda conspiracy. I don’t want to believe OJ is guilty. I assume he’s innocent, then look for the real killers. But I can’t even imagine them.
can't help but make it racial even when it's irrelevant :dead

My own kids accuse me of owning “way too many old books about Hitler.”

The House has not dipped below an 80% incumbency rate since 1938, the Senate below 60% since 1980; the usual figures are 90+ and 80+; seniority and other rules easily clog this institutional gap. Yet in theory the voters could trivially replace the House and easily the Senate—rules and all. They do not; so in theory, they must be satisfied. Yet Congress’s normal popularity rating is under 20%.
just the kind of :brain shit I would expect from the right
« Last Edit: September 28, 2019, 02:21:43 PM by shosta »


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Re: Laissez-faire Politics Thread - Praxis? I didn't play Deus Ex, sorry.
« Reply #1018 on: September 28, 2019, 02:21:00 PM »
Ok, I'm done. It was a good explanation of the distribution of power in constitutional democracies. But the next essays are about democracy, constitutionalism, and fascism. And the fifth contains instructions for your "blank slate". I expect aristocracy.

Crash Dummy, we're going to hate read all of these  :vr