Author Topic: Snyder Cut of benji/toku Never Getting Over It Snyder Cut Bless Up Thread  (Read 38217 times)

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The new WB logo and transition to the WAG logo were pretty well done. I'll always favor the gold WB logo from the 90s that Bugs Bunny sometimes introduced (and was also used in The Matrix in a similarly iconic way to the Fox fanfare -> Star Wars logo), but the new blue logo isn't bad. The worst part is its minor connection to parent co and literal spawn of Satan, AT&T.

I did not make it past the WAG logo.


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  • Senior Member
Wet Ass Gussy :jeb

Edit- Attempted to rap while high, it did not work out.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2021, 10:12:40 PM by Tasty »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
It will fall, in HIS name.




  • your bright ideas always burn me
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omega beams :gladbron

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Zack Snyder's Final Crisis when??!?


  • Senior Member
Is this how OG Transformers fans felt when Bayformers came out? :shaq2


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
  • Senior Member
It’s be funny if I died in the next 48 before I get to see this  :lol

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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Rest easy; we'd watch it and refrain from posting about how shit it is in your honor.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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title cards identify six chapters and an epilogue


  • Dumbass Monkey
  • Senior Member
Is this how OG Transformers fans felt when Bayformers came out? :shaq2

Bayformers... 3? has a megatron on his knees begging for mercy and optimus prime executes him gangland style.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Is this how OG Transformers fans felt when Bayformers came out? :shaq2

Bayformers... 3? has a megatron on his knees begging for mercy and optimus prime executes him gangland style.



  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
 :D :D :D :D

Skullfuckers Anonymous

  • Will hunt bullies for fruit baskets. PM for details.
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Welp WB is hiding the screener from one of the best critics in the country.


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
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Should I watch this?

-Didnt watch it the first time
-Havent seen any superman movie ever
-I watched and enjoyed the 3 Nolan Batmans
-I started the Joker, and about 30 minutes in decided it was the worst movie Id ever seen and turned it off
-Ive watched most of the Marvel garbage
-I watched WW84 and thought it was the most mediocre movie of the decade
-I dont really know who Snyder is or why he got cut
-I pay for HBO so its free   
-I like good action movies



  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
  • Senior Member
Should I watch this?

-Didnt watch it the first time
-Havent seen any superman movie ever
-I watched and enjoyed the 3 Nolan Batmans
-I started the Joker, and about 30 minutes in decided it was the worst movie Id ever seen and turned it off
-Ive watched most of the Marvel garbage
-I watched WW84 and thought it was the most mediocre movie of the decade
-I dont really know who Snyder is or why he got cut
-I pay for HBO so its free   
-I like good action movies

Watch Man of Steel and Batman v Superman Ultimate. If you like them you’ll probably like this, otherwise don’t bother.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Should I watch this?
It's four hours long breh, you want to either watch this because you're a DC fan, you're a Snyder fan, you liked Snyder's DC movies, are interested from just a Director's Cut perspective, or some other reason like that. Like BIONIC suggests, you might want to start with the shorter Man of Steel first. Then if you like that there's seven more hours in two movies with Ultimate Cut and this.


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
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I heard Man of Steel was bad?


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
  • Senior Member
MoS’ story feels like a coin flip whether you’ll like it or not. The first time I watched it in 2016 it didn’t really resonate with me, but I rewatched it for the first time a few nights ago and I ended up really enjoying the themes and performances.

One thing most agree on is that the action and cinematography is top fucking notch, and the music is so good too.

Once they start fighting in Kansas until the end it’s just  :lawd  all the way through.

Skullfuckers Anonymous

  • Will hunt bullies for fruit baskets. PM for details.
  • Senior Member
We might be getting the ultimate capekino in a few hours, but randkino isn’t coming for a few years  :fbm

Are you still planning an adaptation of Ayn Rand’s “The Fountainhead”?

“Fountainhead” right now is on the back burner, and I don’t know how that movie gets made, at least not right away. We need a less divided country and a little more liberal government to make that movie, so people don’t react to it in a certain way.


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
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Ok if Man of Steel is streaming for free on HBO or Netflix Ill watch it, and I will hold you all personally responsible if it sucks

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
I heard Man of Steel was bad?

It's alright. Some good special effects and action, but also some really dumb story stuff. Michael Shannon is really good as Zod.


  • Senior Member
Should I watch this?

-Didnt watch it the first time
-Havent seen any superman movie ever
-I watched and enjoyed the 3 Nolan Batmans
-I started the Joker, and about 30 minutes in decided it was the worst movie Id ever seen and turned it off
-Ive watched most of the Marvel garbage
-I watched WW84 and thought it was the most mediocre movie of the decade
-I dont really know who Snyder is or why he got cut
-I pay for internet so its free   
-I like good action movies

this is nearly me except i didn't even start the joker or WW, i just started watching because of the meme status of the snydercut

but i'm around 1.5 hours in and i'm actually enjoying it. WW is alright so far too.


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
  • Senior Member
Who cares. Watch, don’t watch. Do what you want.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Just don't go into them thinking they are quality great movies and you'll have fun, maybe.  Aquaman, Shazam, Wonder Woman 1, and Birds of Prey are the best of the bunch. 


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Despite The Master himself saying his personal cut would be even longer, this could have been three hours easily, he left in seemingly damn near every shot and held them all as well. :lol Didn't feel like four hours though once it starts to pick up, much like BvS seems quicker than three hours in the Ultimate Cut while the original cut seems longer despite being shorter. (Not that this isn't fucking long I should say.) Aside from some overly and hilarious long slow motion shots (it's Snyder after all) along with some scenes involving the Amazons that needed trimming even for a Masters Cut four hour version, I never really wanted it to hurry up and get to anything despite already knowing the basics of the movie, just getting there was there enough this time especially as that's the bulk of the added content.


Much better job of establishing Steppenwolf as a threat, he's not just lame-o crybaby Stephen Wolf here, he gets his hands dirty. (That's not saying much considering Steppenwolf has always been one of the lamest of the Apokolips clan. Even Earth 2 couldn't help him much.) The entire setup of having Darkseid makes everything better though. I've seen some complaining about Steppenwolf now being TOO POWERFUL because they can barely hurt him throughout the film, but I'm fine with that, he's a God after all.

I know he didn't use any of Whedon's footage and this version is supposed to be darker but I did miss a few of the jokes from Bruce when dealing with Arthur.


It's way more fun to have JunkieXL's soundtrack in this, especially Diana's theme.

The first hour could have been totally cut in half or more probably, and without losing any scenes at that, just trimming around the edges, dropping redundancies, slicing down scenes where people walk down halls and point to things. Any scene where someone out loud describes something they're doing or what is happening I would have put on the chopping block in some way. A lot of Silas Stone's footage could be trimmed down especially, guy gets like 20 minutes for his day job. (The Knightmares I would drop entirely as sad as that is.)

The lantern getting killed and his ring pausing as if "searching..." before Darkseid before flying off into space. :delicious

It truly taking Gods to stop him. :klob


Bruce and Diana having their fun! Was some of my favorite stuff from the original teasers under Snyder and was sad to see them gone in the theatrical cut. Glad to have them back. The subtler humor was arguably better in simple scenes like these than the quips and more traditional joke styles that Whedon apparently added after the fact. It also helps to give Bruce and Diana an actual relationship to unify them beyond that time they got Superman killed thanks to Bruce's bumbling.

lol at most of Vic's background being five minutes of slow-motion football and five minutes of creepily watching some waitress while his dad narrates

More scenes with Alfred, wish they were all in :jeb


That Diana theme is still so hot. :lawd

lol at "GET EVERYONE OUT" and then a simple trot off screen (even by the Flash!)

The Anti-Life Equation :jeb :jeb :jeb :jeb

"I have turned one hundred thousand worlds to dust looking for Anti-Life" :klob


The resurrection still sucks, was hoping that had been more Whedon adds. Vic accidentally firing on Clark is preeettty lame still.

lmao at the Bat Gauntlets, maybe the outright dumbest thing in the movie now

Second dumbest thing, the "Unity" is pretty stupid too, should have just called it The MacGuffin!

But what's happening to the cute Russian family that lives in the radiation evacuated zone?!? We'll never know in this version!!! :neogaf

Barry's theme :hmm

Granny Goodness! And Desaad is pretty perfect at the end too, he got redeemed!

Bruce is pretty bumbling in this I have to admit, what happened to the dude that wrecked that warehouse in BvS?


Ultimately, as a big fat DC fan boy, I really liked it. The fan service was totally there, I really felt like I was watching the Justice League in a film starring these actors. As someone with increasing interest in Snyderverse The Trilogy™ and DCEU as this whole thing occured, I quite like it. I don't know how it'd translate into a two hour version. Three hours, like I said, I can totally see. It works in four hours, but I think three would have been ideal. Maybe a two and a half theatrical cut with a three hour plus Ultimate Cut would have been the best way to have done this, though I know Warners hated every version of it. In the end, I think the new gang at Warner AT&T had the right idea thematically to let Snyder take another shot at this because it's way better than the garbage that was the theatrical cut. I'm actually shocked at some of what Whedon completely reshot or added instead of simply edited from this version. Let's just pretend that the original never happened and when Flashpoint wipes this whole part of the DCEU out we get to doubly pretend it didn't happen.

Three stars. (Further I'll call it the best of the DCEU films to date. Maybe it's just because it's fresh in my mind, which is true, but I really did like it more than Wonder Woman. This part is not part of any bit I swear!)


Leto :lol


spoiler (click to show/hide)
:rejoice THE SEVEN ARE UNITED :rejoice

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Did you stay up until 5 in the morning to watch this?


  • 𝕩𝕩𝕩
  • Senior Member
Bless up. May never watch it but I’m glad it lives.


  • Senior Member
Now we can never talk about this again, right?

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
  • Senior Member
I heard Man of Steel was bad?

Superman Returns is the bad one.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Now we can never talk about this again, right?



  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
  • Senior Member
Saw it. Long as all fuck, but well worth it.

I didn’t mind Whedon’s version, but seeing this cut it's obvious just how fucking badly he butchered what was already there, and added some utterly bizarre and unnecessary scenes and/or lines. I’m a simpleton, so I missed a couple of the stupid MCU-type quips and jokes he added, but other than that, this cut is so far superior it’s not even funny.

Compared to MoS and BvS this does actually have a decent amount of levity, so it’s not all dour. It is almost completely devoid of philosophical debates and social commentary though, so that’s a shame. A lot of it was hamfisted sure, but I still thought it added an interesting wrinkle to those movies.

I love how Cyborg isn’t actually worthless in this cut. Lots of good scenes by Ray Fisher.

Unless I’m blind, most of the Joker stuff in the pre-release media isn’t actually in the movie. Including the fucking line  :society  The scene Leto was in was fucking great though, so it balances out  :joker

Lots more to say, but overall I had a good time with it, and I hope our god emperor will have a chance at a proper sequel now. All the teases are just  :preach


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
  • Senior Member
Now we can never talk about this again, right?



  • Senior Member
Supes cumming when Daddy Darkseid touches his body was a nice touch.

Which brings me to my next point: ENOUGH WITH EVIL SUPERMAN.

He's more overused than the Joker at this point.

It was cute when Red Son and Dark Knight Returns put their own spin on it, showing looser morals but still having an empathetic human portrayal.

It was getting a bit stale when DC Universe Online's opening CG cinematic showed a grizzled, but still fundamentally "good" Supes in a nightmare apocalypse all-out scenario. The Justice Lords was neat because it introduced the concept to kids and seeing it applied to known characters was interesting.

Injustice, and its comics specifically, obviously took the Evil Supes idea and ran with it.

And ran with it.

And ran with it.

And ran it straight into the ground.


Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Wait this is actually in 4:3 aspect ratio?  The fuck

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Superman dolphin calling Darkseid.  Get wrecked Aquaman.

G The Resurrected

  • Senior Member
Originally it was supposed to release in IMAX hence the 4:3.

I’m halfway through and I’m enjoying it thus far. It feels like a completely different movie. But that could be because of the 101.3 fever I’ve got going today

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Wolfram Alpha is really a Bayformers Decepticon. 


  • Member
I’m an hour in and this is the most self-indulgent shit I’ve seen in a while.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Cyborgs backstory scene :dead

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Dude looks like an extreme gaming mouse in a bunnyhug


  • Have You Ever
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  • Senior Member
Was the "shocking cameo" really just Leto :doge

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Two hours in and every scene so far has basically been a superhero introduction scene.  This really goes to show how underdeveloped the original was as a team-up movie.  I feel like this is heading to be the original movie with 2 hours of front padding that should have been done in solo movies.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Two hours in and every scene so far has basically been a superhero introduction scene.  This really goes to show how underdeveloped the original was as a team-up movie.  I feel like this is heading to be the original movie with 2 hours of front padding that should have been done in solo movies.


Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
The dialog is so so bad.  Like it literally tells the exact shit that is going to happen all the time.  'An Amazonian. But not like your sisters.  Stronger.  like just let her kick your ass a bit and the audience will pick that up.  'Artimesis arrow.  It will fly to the land of men' ~ stupid poem about magic arrow being a beacon.  Then it just shows the magic arrow being a beacon.  Cyborgs dad narrating how powerful cyborg is then just showing cyborg doing it.  Also the constant references without saying the person's name.  Like batman going 'I promised HIM' or Amazon Queen going 'She will know'.  It's such a lazy way to be dramatic and do world building.   

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
I bet when Steppenwolf was a kid people bullied him for having the eyes of a Pixar character. 

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Wait the Anti-Life Equation is just some ruins on earth, that Darkseid saw and then somehow forgot where the earth was? 

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
I bet when Steppenwolf was a kid people bullied him for having the eyes of a Pixar character. 

They should have given him the butt of a Pixar mom instead.


  • Senior Member
I bet when Steppenwolf was a kid people bullied him for having the eyes of a Pixar character. 

They should have given him the butt of a Pixar mom instead.

That's what Granny Goodness is there for :jeb

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Pixar mom butt instead of eyes.  I agree.  Kids would have called him buttface. 

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Did Amy Adams do reshooting after she put on weight for hillbilly elegy?  I feel like they are Cavill mustaching her with angles and lighting. 

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
The pregnancy test in the nightstand :dead

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
AI voice "The future has taken root in the present"  :dead


  • relapsed dev
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I am worried that someone is going to “that’s_the_joke.gif” me, but is this particularly weird because Whedon has been outed as a misogynist, and Zack Snyder has lost one of his children to suicide? If so, it’s not funny.


  • Senior Member
I think it's unironically blowing Snyder and attempting to shit on Whedon.

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
snyder rules and whedon is trash  8)


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Wait this is actually in 4:3 aspect ratio?  The fuck
Originally it was supposed to release in IMAX hence the 4:3.

I’m halfway through and I’m enjoying it thus far. It feels like a completely different movie. But that could be because of the 101.3 fever I’ve got going today

So this is for all the people with “home IMAX screens”? What a stupid decision.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
The aspect ratio kind of works because the whole movie feels like a Scifi channel Avengers knock-off.  I'm liking it but in the same way I like Tremors 3, which is the one where they introduce the idea that the sandworms can fly using explosive farts.