Author Topic: DOJ |OT| SUMMIT NOW SUMMIT NOW  (Read 911658 times)

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Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
  • Senior Member
looks like they locked the fuck acephobes thread because someone realized it was a play on words mockery, but I guess everyone doesn't seem to get it.



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I know what they're talking about. There's a subset of asexual people who claim they only feel romantic attraction to people but not sexual attraction. If you're homoromantic and asexual then that makes you gay and ace.

I don't know why I know this.


  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
Uhhh some people should probably do a little research and learn that asexual people can also be gay and trans so maybe you don’t put your foot in your mouth.

 :dayum :goty :iface :sheik

so that's what alphabet people meant, how many letters can you stack?

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
  • Senior Member
Are priests technically supposed to be asexuals then?

aside from the diddling of course.

That's just celibacy.

also, :lol at them celebrating this particular case of doxx sleuthing


  • Senior Member
I know what they're talking about. There's a subset of asexual people who claim they only feel romantic attraction to people but not sexual attraction. If you're homoromantic and asexual then that makes you gay and ace.

I don't know why I know this.



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Ok NOW I'm leaving.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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they can't even come up with fake examples of asexuals being discriminated against like how transgender people are murdered every second of every day due to misgendering rapists


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Oh come on.
So mods here are:
a) dangerously stupid
b)petty and vindictive
Either is a shitty situation.


  • Member
Makes ya wonder how many people get clipped for weird reasons and don't know the proper shadow cabal discord clique to clarify anything.

Like that self requested ban would not have been reversed without knowing someone to post here.
Suddenly everyone is super concerned about moderation practices despite it being this way since day one, applauded and abused by these exact same people.

Someone even suggested they have a MODERATION LOG, the absolute humanity.


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  • Senior Member
Quote from: yukiko
Also literally? You clearly are looking to silence people if you read that as me legit asking to be banned and not a fuck you to the staff.
Quote from: yukiko, a short while ago
I don't care if you ban me
...I guess you do care?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Seriously this? How are mods chosen here? All this could have been avoided by showing humility from the jump and apologizing while removing the offending moderator. I liked it better when Finale Fireworker Was a mod.


  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
this definitely wasn't the ace combat I planned on planning soon ( AC7 DLC missions)

top of page waifu

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  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
ERA has a long history of talking over trans members, especially if they "get out of line"


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
How are mods chosen here?
I'd sure like to see mods that actually seem to come from this community, rather than seeing a new name pop up with a Moderator tag and wondering "who the *fuck* is that?"
no no no, you don't want to head down this path friend, or else we'll start talking about the renamed admin/mods


  • Member
I can’t imagine how dumb one would have to be to interpret that as a self-ban request.
What kind of fucking distinguished mentally-challenged moron would think "I don't care if I get banned" is justification for ban on resetera dot fucking com I mean what an absolute imbecile these mods are ridiculous.

who is ted danson?

  • ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✋💎✋🤬
  • Senior Member
The virgin acecel community vs the chad era mod team


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You even attended a borecon orgy, an honor that many bore legends don't have the privilege of having
I watched Tasty's sister get an ass tat 👀


  • Senior Member

Seriously this? How are mods chosen here? All this could have been avoided by showing humility from the jump and apologizing while removing the offending moderator.

I don’t remember RE being this concerned about problematic mods when Professor Beef was celebrating Etika suicide.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
entire threads can be filled with transphobia and other pokes at LGBTQ+ people without incident or consequence
good thing nobody can link to the banbot :doge


  • Member
ERA has a long history of talking over trans members, especially if they "get out of line"
I'd be so happy if someone brought up Cream, and got her unbanned, and then immediately Cream returns because she never stopped watching from the shadows.

I'm not even joking.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
" Certain individuals have been persistently trying to hijack this thread to fight a ban. Despite the pain it has caused our volunteers, we have been more than patient with the animosity in some of those posts. The decision is now final and it's time to move on. Not everyone is going to be happy with that, and that's okay. Excessive vitriol, however, will be moderated. "

Go fuck yourselves.

Royalan you especially

fucking done



  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
entire threads can be filled with transphobia and other pokes at LGBTQ+ people without incident or consequence
good thing nobody can link to the banbot :doge

so what exactly are these offenses, they've been banning people over disagreeing with feminine penii


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Quote from: PlanetSmasher
Less a timeline and an all-hands (ie not just the mod team) thread to talk about changes and reforms and try to build a consensus.
The question then becomes, how do you control a discussion like that? Do you put a moratorium on new members posting in the thread to prevent bad faith actors from creating accounts just to vent personal vendettas in public? How do you guide a discussion like that without it immediately descending into chaos?
maybe fearing this says something more important than whatever those bad faith actors might post?


  • Senior Member
These people are why you tell your kids no to that new toy from time to time when they are young. Otherwise, you get this once they are older. Sweet baby Jebus.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Having so many folx here not even know what an aceophobe is is really disheartening. Era as a whole always says it's so progressive and is an ally but it seems like they turn a blind eye to anything outside the norm. Disgusting and not much better than the old place tbh.
moblin tried to warn em


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I can't imagine what asexual people go through especially here in the South with marriage, sex, and children and whatnot.
yes, whatnot


  • Junior Member
I'm confused about this ace attorney shit. I thought ReeeeetardEra hated incels?  Aren't they like auto-ace attorney-phobes since they're all virgins?


  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
I'm confused about this ace attorney shit. I thought ReeeeetardEra hated incels?  Aren't they like auto-ace attorney-phobes since they're all virgins?

are they not just volcels and entirely cool with it and that's about it? cause that's what I thought they were


  • Junior Member
I'm confused about this ace attorney shit. I thought ReeeeetardEra hated incels?  Aren't they like auto-ace attorney-phobes since they're all virgins?

are they not just volcels and entirely cool with it and that's about it? cause that's what I thought they were

volcels? Isn't that a rendering method?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
tbf dismissing decades of well-documented oppression from copmala is a pretty good indicator of character. maybe even worse than that acephobic post
So are you basically weaponising your political disagreement to attack a mod? Not that what he posted was at all acceptable, but you sure seem eager to pounce based on that.
Real talk, we should have all been shitting on Royalan with this intensity when he was modding the Jussie Smollett thread.
The mod team needs to be made bigger and more diverse
So are you basically weaponising your political disagreement to attack a mod? Not that what he posted was at all acceptable, but you sure seem eager to pounce based on that.
the primary issue at hand is poor moderation as everyone has already elaborated on

but acephobia is still inherently political and a lot of people are treating the post with a lot of benefit of the doubt which is weird to me when this poster has a history of making posts that dismiss oppressed groups
I don’t really have energy to sign up for a new forum. Will probably focus on real life if that happens
Calm down, folks. I don't think another refugee crisis is on the cards. Just give the mods time to clean their act up. The difference between them and Evilore is they can be separated from Era.
I’m probably done with forums after this personally...


  • Member
That's like saying gays are voluntarily homosexual. Being acegender is not a choice, they're incels.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Agreed. I'm not saying every mod needs thousands of posts, but there seems to be an increasing number of mods who barely interact with the community at all. Both before and after they were a mod.
This happened when it launched too, I was a user on gaf since 07 and I still don't know who the hell half the founders are.
Yes I do wonder how many people have been hit for saying something that rubbed a staff member the wrong way, it is hard to see why someone got banned
If mods don't agree with your views, you're definitely in trouble.
This happens often, that’s why a lot of people act like they are walking on eggshells. On top of that all the secrecy and heavy handed moderation has not worked this time, but this isn’t the first instance of this behaviour. There is no transparency, the language is very clearly “us vs them”, when the “staff” talk about the community. The foundations in the guidelines and when this forum started are not followed at all and it just feels like the “in” or “prominent” members get to have their little power trip. It’s a terrible way to manage and grow a community and it’s terrible to see what’s unfolded over the past few days.
they'd rather you handle everything in PMs so no one else can see and they can shut you up with platitudes.
Or ignore you completely.


  • Member
Hey mods

Try to lock deez nuts
based and red-pilled.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I too would like to see actual evidence. In order to facilitate this, I would also agree that an independent member or group of members decided upon by both moderation staff and community both, would be best.

Afterwards, it might be wise to set up a type of internal affairs sort of thing.

The moderators seemed to circle the wagons and I know some of these mods wouldn't normally do so without a good reason, but we need answers that go beyond 'vagueness.'

I know the reason it's vague is that it's to protect minority members of the moderation team, which is why that independent group should at least consist of a number of minority members, as well. Under strict penalties, of course, should that information leave that.

So, I have three requests that will make me feel better:

-Either unban KetKat or provide access to an independent group that can confirm the moderator team's reasoning behind the ban. This group should be held to high esteem, with minority members, as well as strict penalties for breaking that trust.

-Actively remove from the moderation team people who have been verified within a certain time frame to hold ideas that may color their judgement on some issues to the detriment of your minority forum members -- LGBT here, but of course the same would be try of racial minority members, too.

-Provide a way to either recall or report moderator actions specifically, which would require verification from at least two other mods, or in conjunction with the aforementioned independent group.

I believe that Resetera was made to be a place where we could feel we belong and, regrettably, a good amount of bigotry still sneaks in. But that means the moderation team needs to take special care in those regards, not a business as usual, check the boxes off, sort of way. What may be banter to some can be bigotry for vulnerable members, and the general lack of attention thereof is one of my biggest issues right now.
but who will moderate the internal affairs moderators?!?

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The Mod Admiral of course.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
(although to be fair I don't think the rest of the forum is ignoring this)
I only just found out about it because of Twitter


  • Member
>Cerium throws Royalan under the bus for being a bigot
>Ana Valens writes an article about Royalan being a bigot
>ResetEra makes a thread about Royalan being a bigot
>Royalan gets fired from his job for being a bigot
>Royalan is actually a gay black man

btw Royalan said nothing wrong


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Sexuality and attraction are weird, really hard to figure out.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Not just a Harris Stan, but so much of a Harris Stan that if you say anything negative about her, you get called a racist. The mod in question should have been demodded (and banned) a long time ago.
yikes, we are setting up some really impossible standards here



  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Nice, this is what I wanted. They’re making all sorts of crazy demands. Cerium is either going to have to make concessions or lay down the law and say it’s his joint and his rules. Or he could do nothing and hope the fire burns out in a day or two. Which it probably will :( and then there won’t be excitement anymore :(


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I'm going to get all tinfoily and muse about how one of the moderators in question was one of the most combative, pertinacious Hillary supporters back at the old place. To draw it back to the earlier discussion of how this forum is seen as "left," it's largely by design of the higher ups. They welcome being seen as the place for oppressed and exploited folks to gather and sing their praises, but the minute someone starts agitating a little too much for the liberal ownership, all bets are off. In other words, this place is the Democratic Party.
where moblin at

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
  • Senior Member
The ai bot is just running the same algorithm they ran for gaf


You'd think they'd update it.


  • Member
Actually, a _real_ progressive forum has never been truly attempted.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Someone dug up Royalan's post from NeoGAF and discovered that sabrina had cropped out the part where he says he doesn't want to diminish the real struggles asexual people face. She just wanted to create a bunch of drama. :lol


  • Member
sabrina is the true hero


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Time for some game theory (1/543)

Ketkat stays banned, they basically stick to the story and say they don't want to harm anyone further. Nobody really cares because it means an opening for a new transwarlord.

Royalan apologizes says he's learned since then and agrees to step down, they also state he only has one strike before a permaban. Then he probably gets an alt.

ColdSun issues the admin statement, pointing out that the entire admin team has changed and that this is a new beginning for the forum and how they're going to be even more active in actioning evil dooers. Also will point out that unlike the prior admin team none of the current admins have ugly racist children.

Everything goes back to normal.

Nobody ever updates ScribbleD's "duration pending" because he's forgotten.



  • Senior Member
"Who banned Yukiko" is the new "Who shot JR"

Chie > Yukiko :expert


  • Senior Member
Time for some game theory (1/543)

Ketkat stays banned, they basically stick to the story and say they don't want to harm anyone further. Nobody really cares because it means an opening for a new transwarlord.

Royalan apologizes says he's learned since then and agrees to step down, they also state he only has one strike before a permaban. Then he probably gets an alt.

ColdSun issues the admin statement, pointing out that the entire admin team has changed and that this is a new beginning for the forum and how they're going to be even more active in actioning evil dooers. Also will point out that unlike the prior admin team none of the current admins have ugly racist children.

Everything goes back to normal.

Nobody ever updates ScribbleD's "duration pending" because he's forgotten.



  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
So when did they throw Kamala Harris into the Sarlaac Pit? She was going to be their savior not that long ago but now she's getting called copmala and shit.


  • <<SALVATION!>>
  • Senior Member
Nice, this is what I wanted. They’re making all sorts of crazy demands. Cerium is either going to have to make concessions or lay down the law and say it’s his joint and his rules. Or he could do nothing and hope the fire burns out in a day or two. Which it probably will :( and then there won’t be excitement anymore :(

clearly someone needs to stoke the fire a bit and dig up an ableist jab from 2007
fizzle out would be boring


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
So when did they throw Kamala Harris into the Sarlaac Pit? She was going to be their savior not that long ago but now she's getting called copmala and shit.
her poll numbers vaporized


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Let's be honest, perma-banning Ketkat is like the worst possible moderation decision. She's done more good for this community than any single individual poster I can think of


  • Senior Member
Waking up to this drama will get me through a slow day at work. :rejoice


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Quote from: Nepenthe
I know this is frustrating as shit. I've been frustrated. I've been stressed, mad, I've cried.
It's like a real life Need For Speed: Heat happening, corrupt cops and all.


  • Senior Member
I'm going to get all tinfoily and muse about how one of the moderators in question was one of the most combative, pertinacious Hillary supporters back at the old place. To draw it back to the earlier discussion of how this forum is seen as "left," it's largely by design of the higher ups. They welcome being seen as the place for oppressed and exploited folks to gather and sing their praises, but the minute someone starts agitating a little too much for the liberal ownership, all bets are off. In other words, this place is the Democratic Party.
where moblin at



  • Senior Member
Cerium isn't perfect but he also didn't expose himself to a vulnerable drunk woman

*Edit: that I know of


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  • Senior Member
Quote from: Hobbes
Tag me when they say something productive regarding this incident.


  • Senior Member
Quote from: Nepenthe
I know this is frustrating as shit. I've been frustrated. I've been stressed, mad, I've cried.
It's like a real life Need For Speed: Heat happening, corrupt cops and all.

Nepenthe should repay her proverbial debt to the trans community over the next 7 years.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
I'm pretty sad that we didn't get a FinaleFireworker post tonight.